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Re: Learning Sections

Post by ShadowZeroHeart »

Krikit wrote:I think you're quite nice ^)^


Anybody help me out here?

Something about Inko-chan pooping while sitting, and flikering blue lights, and yeah.....^_^?

In the Japanese version, it's the last paragraph before the page with the picture on it. like, the very last one. It's after Taiga says:

“Ah----ah----ah, you seem very relaxed. Hey, Parakeet! Hohoho!”

So for the Chinese version, try to find where Taiga talks, and mentions the bird for the first time in a while. The paragraph after that is where I'm stuck on ^_^

Thanks for any help!


While squatting she was holding the pooping Inko-chan in both hands, from the back a blue spark flashed violently, stopping the release of the bloodlust. Whatever it was, all the anger Taiga was about to spit out had disappeared.

That's the best I can figure out.
Taiga is squatting on the floor like someone pooping[since you like the phrase so much ^^] both her hands grabbing Inko-chan's cage. Her back seems filled with murderous intent, as it "pi chik pi chik" [sound of sparks?] shines [or give off?] with blue sparks, in her mouth spitting "Whatever!" it seems that Taiga has went berserk.

No one is pooping, just that not everyone uses modern flush toilet. The author is referring to the old squat toilet, thus the metaphor, i believe that is the reason for the misunderstanding. Other than that, most of the things are quite similar to my text, except that Taiga is still angry ^^"

Of course, i cannot confirm it against your japanese text, since our texts may be different
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Re: Learning Sections

Post by elkin »

The Chinese is quite accurate, though the punctuation's a little different :)

Just a suggestion-- translate "その背中からはバチバチ閃く青い火花にも似た殺気を放ちまくっているではないか" as "murderous intent poured from her back like blue sparks spitting in the air-- 'pachi pachi'"? Up to you ^^
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Re: Learning Sections

Post by ShadowZeroHeart »

elkin wrote:The Chinese is quite accurate, though the punctuation's a little different :)

Just a suggestion-- translate "その背中からはバチバチ閃く青い火花にも似た殺気を放ちまくっているではないか" as "murderous intent poured from her back like blue sparks spitting in the air-- 'pachi pachi'"? Up to you ^^
The Chinese is a translation to the Japanese text and Japanese is quite similar to Chinese in some ways, it is not that strange that the translation is quite accurate, since they ARE paid to give us good quality work
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Re: Learning Sections

Post by elkin »

ShadowZeroHeart wrote:
elkin wrote:The Chinese is quite accurate, though the punctuation's a little different :)

Just a suggestion-- translate "その背中からはバチバチ閃く青い火花にも似た殺気を放ちまくっているではないか" as "murderous intent poured from her back like blue sparks spitting in the air-- 'pachi pachi'"? Up to you ^^
The Chinese is a translation to the Japanese text and Japanese is quite similar to Chinese in some ways, it is not that strange that the translation is quite accurate, since they ARE paid to give us good quality work
Haha true, you take your Chinese translations from Taiwan publishers, who really do hire better translators. I on the other hand am forced to use online translations or er, 'unofficial' translations-- can't be helped, given the difference in popularity between SnS and Baccano! XD
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Re: Learning Sections

Post by ShadowZeroHeart »

Is it that bad? if so, why not get Japanese=>English translators to do the translations? LOLz
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Re: Learning Sections

Post by elkin »

Originally I translated Baccano! from Chinese, but I hit a point where it just didn't make sense. I just so happened to have the Japanese raws at hand, so I attempted reading the Japanese. Then, even with my near non-existent knowledge of Japanese, I realised that section was completely mis-translated... so I figured I might as well pick up Japanese. Most of the time it's okay-- punctuation changes and slight changes in the tone/flow, but sometimes you get bits that just don't make sense/won't translate.

To give you an example-- Baccano! v4:

As Firo spoke matter-of-factly, he cajoled Berga into going inside.

As Firo spoke matter-of-factly, he led the cheater he had spotted out the back way. His conversation with Berga continued only when he was free again.

I mean... what happened?
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Re: Learning Sections

Post by ShadowZeroHeart »

Translator not good at Japanese making an attempt to translate it? @@
How would i know? LOLz, at least i try to do my best to retain the meaning when i translate... so if anyone spots mistakes on my part, i would hope they tell me
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Re: Learning Sections

Post by elkin »

Haha yeah, I think they just make up something to bridge the gap sometimes. Can't really tell them they've made a mistake, seeing as they're the unofficial Mainland publishers and I dunno how to contact them ^^;;
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Re: Learning Sections

Post by ShadowZeroHeart »

My translation: The way she leaves a good impression on others unknowingly, made Yuji feel happy from within his heart.
Edit: or should i use "the way she impresses others unknowingly"?

Previous sentence about Kazumi panting as she says she is fine.

Is this translation correct?

Edit 2:
甘於接受人家的示好,有些自我意識的半調子煩惱......即使自己也很清楚這一點,但內心的一隅卻有不同的想法: 煩惱有什么不好!
My translation:
Happy to accept other’s feelings, slightly overly self-conscious half-witted troubles……
Even though he knows this very well, but somewhere in his heart there is another thought: What is wrong with these troubles!
[perhaps somewhere in his heart can change to a part of his heart? but that is not the main issue >"<]

Is this correct? because 煩惱 can be both in the process of being troubled, and the troubles themselves... Before this line, Yuji is comparing Shana and Yoshida.

*Sorry, no place to turn to, the thread "supposedly" meant for SnS translations became a legal talk... So... take me in please?*
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Re: Learning Sections

Post by elkin »

ShadowZeroHeart wrote:這種不自覺流露好感的模樣,讓悠二由衷覺得開心不己.
My translation: The way she leaves a good impression on others unknowingly, made Yuji feel happy from within his heart.
Edit: or should i use "the way she impresses others unknowingly"?
I don't quite think that's what it means. It's more like, the way she [unconsciously/unknowingly] lets her feelings show. What her feelings are I'm not sure-- interest in a person, or happy feelings.
ShadowZeroHeart wrote: Edit 2:
甘於接受人家的示好,有些自我意識的半調子煩惱......即使自己也很清楚這一點,但內心的一隅卻有不同的想法: 煩惱有什么不好!
My translation:
Happy to accept other’s feelings, slightly overly self-conscious half-witted troubles……
Even though he knows this very well, but somewhere in his heart there is another thought: What is wrong with these troubles!
[perhaps somewhere in his heart can change to a part of his heart? but that is not the main issue >"<]

Is this correct? because 煩惱 can be both in the process of being troubled, and the troubles themselves... Before this line, Yuji is comparing Shana and Yoshida.

*Sorry, no place to turn to, the thread "supposedly" meant for SnS translations became a legal talk... So... take me in please?*
Haha no problems :D I did notice the whole barrage of posts about legality >.>

"He was aware of the vague irritation he felt at [accepting other's nicities/being treated nicely by others]... but even though he was well-aware of this, some part of him still thought differently: "There's nothing wrong with [being irritated/this kind of irritation]!""

So Yuuji is irritated at being treated nicely, but part of him doesn't mind.
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Re: Learning Sections

Post by ShadowZeroHeart »

elkin wrote:
ShadowZeroHeart wrote:這種不自覺流露好感的模樣,讓悠二由衷覺得開心不己.
My translation: The way she leaves a good impression on others unknowingly, made Yuji feel happy from within his heart.
Edit: or should i use "the way she impresses others unknowingly"?
I don't quite think that's what it means. It's more like, the way she [unconsciously/unknowingly] lets her feelings show. What her feelings are I'm not sure-- interest in a person, or happy feelings.

"He was aware of the vague irritation he felt at [accepting other's nicities/being treated nicely by others]... but even though he was well-aware of this, some part of him still thought differently: "There's nothing wrong with [being irritated/this kind of irritation]!""

So Yuuji is irritated at being treated nicely, but part of him doesn't mind.
Change to:
The way she reveals her feelings for him subconsciously, made Yuji feel happy from within his heart.
Is this better?

He is happy being treated nicely, but he is afraid to accept peoples' feelings, as he knows that he is different (being an eternal Mystes). I think that is what it means really?
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Re: Learning Sections

Post by elkin »

Yes and yes :) Haha all this is making me kind of want to read the SnS novels now~
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Re: Learning Sections

Post by Xorius »

elkin wrote:
ShadowZeroHeart wrote:這種不自覺流露好感的模樣,讓悠二由衷覺得開心不己.
My translation: The way she leaves a good impression on others unknowingly, made Yuji feel happy from within his heart.
Edit: or should i use "the way she impresses others unknowingly"?
Hmm, just spotted this thread (I'm so going to abuse it from now onwards for help :P) and well, figured I should throw in my two cents.

I intepreted it as how she unknowingly made other feels good. Like you know, contagious happiness so-to-speak?
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Re: Learning Sections

Post by Krikit »

誰《だれ》かが、呟《つぶや》いたのだ。119……渋谷? あ、それは109か……ていうか、今のは誰の声? もしかして、インコちゃん? 涙ぐましい現実逃避《とうひ》で、竜児は手にしていたインコちゃんのかごをそっと覗《のぞ》き込んだ。そして、

So we're having a bit of trouble. The main part is the end, something about reality and escaping. Any help out there? In the Jap version, it's on page 36, and in the Chinese version it's on page 33-34.

Thanks again guys ^_^ (toradora! Volume 3)
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Re: Learning Sections

Post by ShadowZeroHeart »

Krikit wrote:誰《だれ》かが、呟《つぶや》いたのだ。119……渋谷? あ、それは109か……ていうか、今のは誰の声? もしかして、インコちゃん? 涙ぐましい現実逃避《とうひ》で、竜児は手にしていたインコちゃんのかごをそっと覗《のぞ》き込んだ。そして、

So we're having a bit of trouble. The main part is the end, something about reality and escaping. Any help out there? In the Jap version, it's on page 36, and in the Chinese version it's on page 33-34.

Thanks again guys ^_^ (toradora! Volume 3)
No help it seems, just a little black area... that seems to be spelling...

Who is talking? 119......渋谷[location name]? No, that is 109...... By the way, whose voice is this? It can't be Inko-chan can it? What a way to escape from reality, so much so it brings tears to one's eyes! Ryuuji hurriedly looks at the birdcage in his hand:

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