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Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 6:57 am
by elkin
Krikit wrote:誰かが、呟いたのだ。119……渋谷? あ、それは109か……ていうか、今のは誰の声? もしかして、インコちゃん? 涙ぐましい現実逃避で、竜児は手にしていたインコちゃんのかごをそっと覗き込んだ。そして、

So we're having a bit of trouble. The main part is the end, something about reality and escaping. Any help out there? In the Jap version, it's on page 36, and in the Chinese version it's on page 33-34.

Thanks again guys ^_^ (toradora! Volume 3)
"Who's that muttering. 119... Shibutani? Ah, it's 109... Say, whose voice was that just now? Perhaps, it's Inko-chan? What a tear-jerking escape from reality, Ryuuji peers into Inko-chan's cage. And,..."

Haha not sure if I romanised the names correctly.

Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 2:32 pm
by Trabius
Krikit wrote:誰《だれ》かが、呟《つぶや》いたのだ。119……渋谷? あ、それは109か……ていうか、今のは誰の声? もしかして、インコちゃん? 涙ぐましい現実逃避《とうひ》で、竜児は手にしていたインコちゃんのかごをそっと覗《のぞ》き込んだ。そして、

So we're having a bit of trouble. The main part is the end, something about reality and escaping. Any help out there? In the Jap version, it's on page 36, and in the Chinese version it's on page 33-34.

Thanks again guys ^_^ (toradora! Volume 3)
Someone had muttered. 119...Shibuya? No wait, that would be 109, wouldn't it...Rather, who had spoken just now? Could it have been Inko-chan? Pathetically out of touch with reality, Ryuuji peered discreetly into Inko-chan's cage, which he was holding in his hands. And then,

Hope that helps.

[edit] I thought it didn't really sound right, so I changed the last line

Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 8:23 pm
by Krikit
I know right, the reality part? That was giving us some trouble, but I think what you wrote works. Thanks elkin too, and sorry for the delay in my thanks ^_^. I'll be taking your sentence start, and trabius's end ^_^. haha.

Thanks so much guys.

Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 3:09 pm
by Krikit

Anybody know what this means? (Japanese text). I'm getting it from PuiPui, but I'm not sure how to translate it...

The sentence context is this:


Next to Sierra a _____ school girl sat with a tensed facial expression.

______ : I tend to get like "Second grade (quality) Club" type translation, and it's not making too much sense...anybody have any better help out there?

Also, if there is a Chinese translation, it's should probably be at the end of the 4th paragraph, first page of Chapter 1, of PuiPui Volume 1. The last paragraph before dialogue ^_^.

Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 4:21 pm
by Trabius
Krikit wrote:中等部

Anybody know what this means? (Japanese text). I'm getting it from PuiPui, but I'm not sure how to translate it...

The sentence context is this:


Next to Sierra a _____ school girl sat with a tensed facial expression.

______ : I tend to get like "Second grade (quality) Club" type translation, and it's not making too much sense...anybody have any better help out there?

Also, if there is a Chinese translation, it's should probably be at the end of the 4th paragraph, first page of Chapter 1, of PuiPui Volume 1. The last paragraph before dialogue ^_^.
I'm not entirely sure, but I think 中等部 is something like middle school division. So the blank would be 'middle' I guess.

Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 5:09 pm
by elkin
Yup, 中等部 = secondary/middle school :)

Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:18 pm
by Krikit
sweet, thanks guys. And continuing on....:)

Just about done with Page 1. I think I'll petition for this project and put up the page as a teaser....actually, I'm going to need more than this...nothing interesting really happens here yet...just some character introductions. :)

Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 11:21 pm
by Krikit
Haha, yay for 2 posts by me in a row ^_^. Here's another question I have. I'm getting stuck because we have Sierra in her car, and there's also a younger girl. Apparently the younger girl hurt her knee, and it seems Sierra took her into her car. (maybe to bring her home? don't know, haven't read too far yet.) Anyway, Sierra asks if her knee injury is okay yet, and the younger girl says something like:


"Yeah.....or rather, there's a bit of moss...."

First off...does the Katakana here mean "moss?" it seems kind of strange...but the next sentence they seem to call it an adhesive plaster, haha....If not, what does it mean?

Next, and this is where I get confused a bit ^_^.

"B-but, for Sierra-sama to receive apology mail, everyone in class is bad."

Okay, Why is Sierra getting apology mail if it's the younger girl who got injured? Or are people in class the ones receiving Sierra's apology?? I haven't figured this out yet, because I can't quite grip this sentence. :) Next is some context.


Everyone in Class?

"Because, Sierra-sama is admired by everyone...."

"Okay, please. I think all the upper classmen are selfish, but would you please mail them?"

Wait, now we have Sierra telling the little girl to mail her upper classmen? I really don't understand the line of thought here....any help or enlightenment that can be provided will make me very very happy ^_^.

Lol, I really enjoy the help guys :). I'm thinking I'm going to stop after this page, and skip to page 24-25, which is the part of the Manga Shadow has translated already, when Sierra pops up in the guys room, I'm going to translate about 2 pages and turn it into an excerpt, and then put this project up in "Request Future Project Suggestion" section, and see what we get in terms of popularity :)

Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 11:49 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
"Ah, erm...... Actually, it really is just a fall......"

"Bu, but, it is embarassing to let Sierra-sama send me back, and I feel sorry towards everyone in class too."

"Every one in class?"

"Because, Sierra-sama is everyone's idol......"

"Okay, please. Take it as my stubbornness, please let me send you back?"

Is my chinese to english translation =X
Does it help?

Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:06 am
by Krikit just mopped the floor with me ^_^. Yeah that helps. I'm going to put that in in that context, and see what I get. Thanks ^_^

EDIT: I have it all worked out now and I like it ^_^.

Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 6:53 am
by Krikit

Okay, I'm a bit lost here....This is what I get out of it, but it's just kind of strange...

decisive strong glance, 80% sunburn draw back skin is, gave the impression of hot and dry wind of the sand man.

woah.....O_o So I have no idea what this is what it sounds like when I edit it for proper English :)

Under strong eye power, a sunburnt skin was seen giving off the appearance of a sandy, hot and dry wind.

That's not even great...Sigh, missing stuff :(

Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 10:09 am
by Trabius
Krikit wrote:くっきりと強い目力と、よく日焼けして引きしまった肌は、砂漢の風のように熱く乾いた印象を与えている。

Okay, I'm a bit lost here....This is what I get out of it, but it's just kind of strange...

decisive strong glance, 80% sunburn draw back skin is, gave the impression of hot and dry wind of the sand man.

woah.....O_o So I have no idea what this is what it sounds like when I edit it for proper English :)

Under strong eye power, a sunburnt skin was seen giving off the appearance of a sandy, hot and dry wind.

That's not even great...Sigh, missing stuff :(
Ok, wait. First I want to preemptively apologize since this is probably going to be horrible. I'm not fluent in Japanese and the explanation is very likely redundant. Also, I'm not entirely sure my translation is 100% accurate, but I'll try to help with some of the grammar issues from a groundwork standpoint.

To start with, you want to know what the subject is. That's indicated by the particle は normally unless it's understood in context. The noun right before the は is definitely part of the subject like you've got here, but I think the particle と is acting as a subject linker so there's a compound subject of 目力 and 肌.
くっきりと=Decisive (Usually descriptors with a と are adverbs, I think)
目力=Gaze or something, might also sometimes refer to eyesight?

日焼け して=suntanned (Could also mean sunburnt but doesn't seem to fit the context)
引きしまった=Possibly 'taut'?

If you put it together, kukkirito describes tsuyoi which describes mechikara (sp?) so the first subject is : "(His/Her) clearly intense gaze and"
Yoku describes suntanned and the whole thing acts on 'skin' so the second part would be 'taut well-tanned skin'.

As for the latter half, when you read a sentence, you can usually tell what the adjectives/adverbs are describing by proximity. You can break things up first to make it easier.
砂漢(desert)の風(wind)のように(grammar point used to make parallels)=Like a desert wind ('no you ni' is a phrase using a noun to describe a verb, usually the main verb of the sentence.)
与えている=-te form/stative form of ataeru which means to give, is giving
'Like a desert wind', 'hot', and 'dry' are all modifying the same thing pretty much, so the ending part is "(subject) gave off the impression of being hot and dry like a desert wind.

Since this isn't a compound sentence or anything, you just put the subject and predicate together, adjusting it if you want:
(His/Her) clearly intense gaze and taut well-tanned skin gave off a sort of hot and dry impression, like that of a desert wind.

Or something like that, yeah. Breaking a sentence down takes more time and sounds clunkier than translating a sentence for nuance, but it's useful when you have no clue what it's supposed to mean.

Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:26 pm
by elkin
(His/Her) clearly intense gaze and taut well-tanned skin gave off a sort of hot and dry impression, like that of a desert wind.
That translation looks good to me =9

Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:39 pm
by Krikit

wow, so I definitely will have to remember that. I never really broke a sentence down before...I would find all the general words, and use what limited knowledge of tenses and conjugations I had to figure out how to write them, then I would rearrange that based on what seems most accurate. WRONG. haha, I'm definitely going to be trying for this a little harder, that is looking at the participles and trying to break a sentence down like this.

Thanks trabius :)

Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 6:24 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
@@ nice translation!
the only difference from my chinese text would be rather than "intense eyes", it gives the meaning more of "firm eyes", or "determined eyes"? someone who is determined to do as he intends? ... E%9A/18925
translation of the term used for the eyes in the chinese text

Chinese text translation:
Firm eyes, a robust body of muscles that has been constantly tanned under the sun, giving others a hot and dry impression like a "wind of the desert"/"desert wind".