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Song Translation

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:59 pm
by feRfe
project for japanese class
Everything's good, however..... I am confused at what this line means
My best guess -

いつの日も 言葉を選べず途方に暮れる僕
No matter the day, there exist the I who hides why I don’t choose my words
And the you who doesn’t rely on words and embraces me.

the reason why im confused is first, i have no idea what
to reach the destination?.. doesn't seem like it would make sense in the song, and also whether
選べず is actually functioning as an adj describing 途方 thus making the main verb 暮れる 言葉を--選べず途方に--暮れる so 選べず途方に functions as an adverb

help from jp pros will be appreciated..

the full song and translation if you're wondering
A Small Palm

My body understands my heart better than I do.
緊張すれば 掌に汗が滲む
If I panic, my palm sweats.
いつだったかなぁ 奥歯を噛み 立ち止まらせたはずの涙に
When was it that I began to gnaw my teeth at the tears that should have stopped?
The one who taught me sadness and what it means is you.
I crammed the words of hope into a bag and left on a journey.
引き返す度に 君は受け止めてくれた
You accepted it the second time I brought it.
いつの日も 言葉を選べず途方に暮れる僕
No matter the day, there exist the I who hides why I don’t choose my words
And the you who doesn’t rely on words and embraces me.
I thought that you are much lonelier than me. Yet…

しゃがみこむ背中をさすってくれる いつもそばにある小さな掌
The little palm always by my side pats my crouching back.
どんなに綺麗に飾られた言葉よりも その温もりに助けられてきた
I was saved within the warmth more valuable than words adorned however beautifully.
何もかもうまくいく時ではなく 何もかもうまくいかぬ時にこそ
Not when everything goes well, but rather when everything goes wrong
人は大切な存在に気付くのでしょう どんな僕も愛してくれる君へ
One realizes people are important beings (right?). To you who loves me unconditionally,
「ありがとう いつもそばにいてくれて」
“Thanks for always being by my side.”

草むらに横たわって 流れる雲を眺めると
Lying on the bushes and gazing at the flowing clouds
I was able to regain calmness in my heart.
少しだけ 昨日よりも優しくなれる気がするその場所で
At the place where I felt I could be just a little kinder than I was yesterday.
一人では生きていけぬこと かみしめてた
I perceived that one cannot live alone.
それでも遥か彼方 ゆれる奇跡の花に魅せられて
Even so, I was charmed by the miraculous flower swaying faraway.
I let the days which must be protected wilt.
もっと昔 青春を青春とも知らず 駆け抜けてから気付いたように
In the past, I knew neither youth nor its meaning; I realized only after I passed it.
I overlooked the importance of my dear ones.
美しい想いだけじゃ生きられず 約束の空も汚してしまえた
One can’t live with just beautiful thoughts. Even the promised sky was stained.
あんなに綺麗に透き通る空の下で その青に「必ず…」と誓ったのに
Under a transparent sky so beautiful, I swore to the blue of the sky “definitely…” Yet…
ひび割れた理想を手離せぬまま 生きてきた日々を思い返すけど
As I let go of the ideals that tore my daily life apart, I think back upon the days I have lived. But…
後ろばかり見てたら明日が哀しむから 人は前に進むしかないんだよ
If I only look backwards, tomorrow will be sad. People have no choice but to move on
For the sake of the one before me whom I love dearly as well.

目に見えぬ傷跡をさすってくれる 優しい掌があるということ
My invisible scar receives a stroke. That is to say, there is a kind palm stroking me.
世界中に拍手をもらうことよりずっと 大切なものがそばにあった
Ever more precious than receiving applause in this world, my dearest was by my side.
忙しく暮らす日々に迷い込み 思いやりが無意味に思えても
I got lost in the days of my busy life, Even if I tell myself that sympathy is meaningless...
There was nothing to realize besides not to make the same mistake twice.
こんな僕を愛してくれる君に 「ありがとう」の詩をつくりました
To you who loves such a (person as) me, I made a song of gratitude.
言葉じゃ足りない きっと追いつけないよ
Words aren’t enough… There’s no way I can catch up to you…
Words aren’t enough, but thank you…

TGM - Moved to the Music & Culture section.

Re: Song Translation

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 3:11 pm
by ainsoph9
途方に暮れる means "to be at a loss; to be puzzled." So, the line could mean "No matter the day, I am at a loss, but I do not choose my words." The next line could be translated as "You embrace me closely, but you do not trust me." Also, the "ず" at the end of a verb like in those sentences is a substitute for the "ないで" ending, meaning "without doing something." I hope this helps. If anyone feels that my translation is incorrect, please feel free to correct me.

Re: Song Translation

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 4:17 pm
by feRfe

いつの日も 言葉を選べず途方に暮れる僕
No matter the day, I, at a loss, don’t choose my words
You, not relying upon my words, embrace me.

how's this? seems to make some sense now

Re: Song Translation

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 6:42 pm
by ainsoph9
Hey. Whatever suits you. No problem. 8)