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Fate/stay night polish translation project - HELP

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 1:45 pm
by Blackiris
Hi, I'm from Poland and I'm about to start polish translation project of f/sn (or rather I've already started it).
I've no idea if you know ( I guess you don't ) but polish have some special characters - like, "ą" "ę" "ł"

Here's the problem:
I've translated few lines of scenario to see how (or rather - if) it's working. I repacked xp3 files and ran the game, here's what I saw: (dots in places where polish chars should be placed)
then, I ran the game via AppLocale (japanese):
and that's the problem - polish characters are placed between blank spaces (it's like pressing spaceboard twice - one time before, second time after typing polish char)
The strangest part of whole problem is that when I'm scrolling text up, it looks like that: - and that's how it should look!

I'm totally puzzled with this problem - I guess that it's the last problem I have on my way to begin translation, but I just cannot handle it - so that's why I'm asking for your help.

Thanks in advance.
In Translation Community I trust. :3

Re: Fate/stay night polish translation project - HELP

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 4:20 pm
by onizuka-gto
While I have no real experience concerning the gaming side coding of visual novels we have, the funny thing is, that I've seen this happen before when operating Japanese programs on my English windows and applocale in general.

I solved this problem by installing the Japanese language packs for my operating system, its a unicode/udtf thingy.

i'm not sure how to explain it, but i thinks that it's something to do with this. perhaps you should save the text files in a different code setting that you use for the program? i.e. ANSI?

And that's probably the best I suggest for you.

for a more detailed help, my best advice is for you to contact the staff at who are the programming team behind the Clannad project.

They would have a better knowledge in how to handle patches and such, Baka-Tsuki is only responsible for the Translation. :)

Good luck!

Re: Fate/stay night polish translation project - HELP

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:04 am
by Blackiris
Thanks for your answer.

I managed to handle this problem.
Code settings weren't changing anything (since .ks files were saved as UCS2(little endian) which supports polish chars).

I figured it out quite in quite simple way - I just took f/sn font and edited it, replacing symbols like "#" "$" or "%" with polish chars.

Then, after translation of text all I had to do was using 'replace all' option in Notepad++ and replace polish chars with symbols I replaced before.

And... it's working great now. :)

Re: Fate/stay night polish translation project - HELP

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 11:23 pm
by Bejarid
Oh, you don't have to make these replaces...

With FontCreator you can add your characters in your font, and link them to their right definition in the "ascii" (or UTF...) polish table (for french, it was the Latin Table).
Use the "Mapping..." option in "Format" menu, and look for the polish characters.

Then the game will found your polish characters like any other character :)

Re: Fate/stay night polish translation project - HELP

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 1:06 am
by Blackiris
Well - I guess that's even easier way to do this - but... since I already replaced them, it's better to leave them as they are. Final result will be the same, and replacing is not big deal, but thanks for your answer :)