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Need translation help, pleeeeze T__T

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 1:37 pm
by toshichan
I'm a baka italian newbie of this community, I hope to post in the right place ^^;
So, I'm in trouble with some senteces. I'll report all the conversation between two charas to understand better the situation:

Chara A:
I wonder why after every time I stay with you I'm always so hungry.

Chara B:
Is because you stole all my life energy.

Chara A:
Like Dracula...or something similar (I'm not too sure about the translation of this なんだそれ)
物書きの言うこた よくわからねえェや
Strange...I don't know well that tale.

Chara B:
俺のは? うまいかよ先生
(んじゃ俺のは: I don't know well how to translate O__o )

Chara A:
?? I suppose it's "Wonderful, after all is a thing for kid" or something like, but I'm quite insecure.

Then, there are some small things in the bottom margin (some author's notes):
Name of Chara B: 小説家 (writer)
Name of Chara A: 高伎王...な設定 (I really don't get the meaning of the first three kanji. Also, I'm not sure that are write in this way, 'cause the calligraphy of the author is quite a messy O__o)

Last two things:
What does it means?
And the expression いよっと? :?

Please can you help me? I'm going mad >_<
Thank you very very much in advance U__U

Re: Need translation help, pleeeeze T__T

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 5:11 pm
by Zyzzyva165
toshichan wrote: Chara A:
I wonder why after every time I stay with you I'm always so hungry.
But why huh...
after I do it (not sure, maybe referring to sex here) with you I'll surely become hungry.
Chara B:
Is because you stole all my life energy.
That's because I'm receiving your energy.
Chara A:
Like Dracula...or something similar (I'm not too sure about the translation of this なんだそれ)
Like dracula...what's that? (I'm not sure also, since I believe nandasoreya may carry little meaning only.)
物書きの言うこた よくわからねえェや
Strange...I don't know well that tale.
Don't say weird things!
I don't know what the writer's saying!
Chara B:
俺のは? うまいかよ先生
(んじゃ俺のは: I don't know well how to translate O__o )
what about mine? Is it nice/tasty teacher!?
Chara A:
?? I suppose it's "Wonderful, after all is a thing for kid" or something like, but I'm quite insecure.
Then, there are some small things in the bottom margin (some author's notes):
Name of Chara B: 小説家 (writer)
Name of Chara A: 高伎王...な設定
Chara B: Novel/fiction writer
Chara A: (I think you have to interpret it word by word.) A setting/config of the King of High Techniques/Arts... (Just a rough translation, I didn't get what the author's trying to say too...)
Last two things:
What does it means?
Cuz I didn't like (him/her) because of (his/her) pose.
Don't make fun of me, damn it![/quote]
And the expression いよっと? :?
If I'm not wrong it's a colloquial form meaning "finally"

Good luck. :D

Re: Need translation help, pleeeeze T__T

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:27 am
by toshichan
Oh, many many thanks *__*
So, mine version of sentence もー絶品...何たってお子様のだからイキがいいのって is correct ("Wonderful, after all is a thing for kid").
However, what a silly mistake. 君のエナギー...I translated as "my energy"...OMG. I mustn't translate anything so late in the night xDDD
Concerning いよっと, I've write it as "uff", 'cause in context I think it's could be more appropriately (the chara is getting up hungry from the bed and say this thing).
Thanks a lot again^^