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Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:31 am
by toshichan
I've found these sentences:
1) 裂けて愛してると太陽みたいな彼奴が言う (This is an enigma for me)
2) カッコつけんな
3) シンプルって何だよ
4) 大人ぶりやがって!
I think the last one is something like "act like an adult, damn it!" But about the first and second I don't have any idea. In particularly, that シンプルって meaning "simple" + present continuos (って)? And in which way I could translate it? O__o
Thank you so much in advance...forgive me U__U

Re: シンプルって何だよ?

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:47 am
by Kinny Riddle
Without knowing the context of where you're quoting these from:

1. That fellow, with his love bursting out like the (rays of the) sun, said: ... (I think. I won't know what the hell this is unless you quote more of the paragraph. )

2. Stop acting so cool!

3. What do you mean by simple!?

4. (I/he/she?) Hate/dislike behaving like a grown-up/adult!

Re: シンプルって何だよ?

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 11:42 am
by toshichan
Wow, I think you have pinpoint the questions, thank you very much. Your interpretation sounds very good to me :-)
May I ask something more?


There are two chara who talking about the question of to know well someone or not. The chara A says that he don't know so well the chara B, even if they are a couple. The chara B tells that it's a good situation in any way, even if there are some aspects of his personality that the other don't know much.
Then, he says the sentence above. I suppose the first part is "The world is too much full of useless things", but I can't find a correct translation in the context...
I'm sorry if I'm bothering you again T__T

Re: シンプルって何だよ?

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:54 pm
by Kinny Riddle
toshichan wrote: 世の中余計な事が多すぎる...せめて俺達位はシンプルにいこうじゃない.
This world is filled with too many irrelevant stuff... at least our situation wasn't simple to begin with. (i.e. not irrelevant)

Re: シンプルって何だよ?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 9:14 am
by toshichan
Thanks again :)
The sentence 裂けて愛してると太陽みたいな彼奴が言う could be write in this way too? 太陽みたいな彼奴が「裂けて愛してる」と言う
And in this way it could be meaning "He, who is like the sun, says that he loves (me, I think) in a explosive/devastating way?" (i.e. too much, a lot, etc?)
Is still a bit confused to me ^^;

Re: シンプルって何だよ?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 9:22 am
by EusthEnoptEron
Isn't 世の中余計な事が多すぎる...せめて俺達位はシンプルにいこうじゃない. more something like:
"This world is filled with too much irrelevant stuff... so at least we should go simple!"?

Re: シンプルって何だよ?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 9:31 am
by toshichan
Thanks to you too, EusthEnoptEron.
All my doubts are solved, except one. At now, the sentence that leave me more in trouble is 裂けて愛してると太陽みたいな彼奴が言う :?

Re: シンプルって何だよ?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:32 am
by Kinny Riddle
EusthEnoptEron wrote:Isn't 世の中余計な事が多すぎる...せめて俺達位はシンプルにいこうじゃない. more something like:
"This world is filled with too much irrelevant stuff... so at least we should go simple!"?
Yes, you're most certainly right. Cheers for the correction, I'm not perfect, you know? 8)

Re: シンプルって何だよ?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:34 am
by Vaelis
Can I ask what series you are translating toshichan?

Re: シンプルって何だよ?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 11:53 am
by toshichan
Sure, I'm translating a doujinshi of Mamiya Oki^^
Thanks to all, I've fixed my problems now :wink: