SAO Anime Discussion Thread

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Re: SAO Anime Discussion Thread

Post by mythu »

M.A.D is this sufficient?
MAD wrote: Erm... I think when he said "huge details", he meant plot points, as in, the kind of details that would change the flow of a story.
Cait Sith is a Scottish-originated word for "fairy cat", so the spelling is already correct
Allright, I C now, IMAO I don't use a lowly word form as "detail" when it significally changes the flow of the story.
So there is no plural as for "fairy cats"
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BTW you know what a low scale sonic boom can be?
A classic example is shooting a bullet. I hope you won't tell me there is no shock if you pull the trigger.
Now check the pressure from a riffle bullet.
Now what pressure you think there will be if you use a human size bullet?
What do you think happens if the sonic boom is close to the ground or even hits the ground?
"The pressure from sonic booms caused by aircraft often are a few pounds per square foot. A vehicle flying at greater altitude will generate lower pressures on the ground, because the shock wave reduces in intensity as it spreads out away from the vehicle, but the sonic booms are less affected by vehicle speed."
Of course, sonic booms are less affected to vehicle speed if you don't take in account an impact.
If you may, imagine the effect of a meteor hitting the ground with an impossible fast speed. If you can't, please compare it to an aerial version of tsunami.
This is open to debate, especially because I made it in a hurry(~10 minutes, I apologise I can't even make the time to read the whole article
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Re: SAO Anime Discussion Thread

Post by Destoryer12 »

So from the latest preview it looks like the Jotunheimr parts are being cut out. Not sure how that's going to work
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Re: SAO Anime Discussion Thread

Post by Skeptic »

MAD wrote:So there is no plural as for "fairy cats"
Actually, looking up the term on wikipedia and then comparing to their scottish grammar entry... it looks like "cat sith" is singular and "cait sith" is plural. (direct cat reference). If you see "cats sith" or "cat siths", that would be some goofy gaelic/english hybrid (gaelgrish? heh).
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Re: SAO Anime Discussion Thread

Post by mythu »

You are correct.
It's the same wrong to saying "humans race" I guess, It's "human race", "human" or "humans"
If an outsider says "the human" it might refer to either an individual or a group, but firstly as a group
(From a human view: since humans are ussually racist or ussually won't accept not even what is offcially known and understood, but we can take for granted all popular known stuff most of which being incomplete, useless or with many errors.
From an outsider view: the human unknown must be firstly observed too, but I guess they won't deny the unknown as bad as we do.
Even if the subject is a guineea pig I guess a researcher would refer to it firstly as a group)
We can refer with "human" too but we prefer using "humans" over it, as a group value.
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Re: SAO Anime Discussion Thread

Post by M.A.D »

mythu wrote:M.A.D is this sufficient?
Erm... I was just trying to be funny. You didn't really have to look it up.... O.o
mythu wrote: BTW you know what a low scale sonic boom can be?
Spoiler! :
A classic example is shooting a bullet. I hope you won't tell me there is no shock if you pull the trigger.
Now check the pressure from a riffle bullet.
Now what pressure you think there will be if you use a human size bullet?
What do you think happens if the sonic boom is close to the ground or even hits the ground?
"The pressure from sonic booms caused by aircraft often are a few pounds per square foot. A vehicle flying at greater altitude will generate lower pressures on the ground, because the shock wave reduces in intensity as it spreads out away from the vehicle, but the sonic booms are less affected by vehicle speed."
Of course, sonic booms are less affected to vehicle speed if you don't take in account an impact.
If you may, imagine the effect of a meteor hitting the ground with an impossible fast speed. If you can't, please compare it to an aerial version of tsunami.
This is open to debate, especially because I made it in a hurry(~10 minutes, I apologise I can't even make the time to read the whole article
Yes, I do. The name speaks for itself. Just because the detail in the book isn't scientifically correct doesn't mean it's not there. But anyway, you're right. They should have tremble, but again, this isn't a huge detail that would change the story.
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Re: SAO Anime Discussion Thread

Post by mythu »

Then what about the other detail we haven't commented on.
The small speed of flying while the fast development of reaching the destination.
It's like Kirito can fly in a flash to the King gates(if Leafa grabs their attention in the middle way) and still have 2 seconds to check out the doors before the fairy knights kick him out.
Or a second "detail" I add now: the new development that Sigurd follows while he's looking through the moon mirror. It's not like Kirito and Leafa were fond of and missing Sigurd's face to move from their position and look in the mirror like they didn't (in the novel).
And this shows that Sigurd would later take a big revenge on Kirito and Leafa.
Maybe it's a spoil from the anime of how some things will turn out but I do not know it the autor will even put a consideration to it, unless Sigurd or a relative of his is already a proeminent figure with power in Japan(in the game he was very rich meaning he invested a lot in it).
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Re: SAO Anime Discussion Thread

Post by Skeptic »

mythu wrote:It's like Kirito can fly in a flash to the King gates(if Leafa grabs their attention in the middle way) and still have 2 seconds to check out the doors before the fairy knights kick him out.
Is that a reference to the quest starting at the base of Yggdrasil? If so, the reason is a spoiler; anime won't get there for a few more episodes:
Spoiler! :
The faster he flies, the closer he gets to the door. The closer you get to the door, the faster the enemy knights spawn. And they spawn in front of you, so you can't just fly straight. And they have homing magic, so all the ones you outpace start shooting at you. And the door is unopenable without admin access anyway because the entire quest (and really the entire core goal of the game) was a scam and the game's owner never intended to actually finish it.

So it was outright impossible to beat that encounter without having the skill boost of two years of nonstop grinding in a one year old game, the best personal reflexes out of tens of thousands of players, the use of an outside system skill, the elites of two races backing you, an admin account access card, and a unique AI.
mythu wrote:Sigurd would later take a big revenge on Kirito and Leafa
How? He doesn't know who they are or where they live or even what they really look like. He can't even hurt them in game; they're both more skilled than him. They also both have many strong allies, whereas Sigurd has none at all; he was exiled, and the anime shows him as even more of a jerk than the book did, so we can probably assume that when he was exiled he lost all his racial friends. His only other allies were the Salamanders, but, really, he was just a pawn of theirs, and one who failed at his mission - they're under no obligation to help him, and some might even blame him for the war plan's failure.

Given his overly control-freak personality type, and the fact that he just lost everything forever, he's likely going to throw a tantrum and then ragequit, rather than try to carry on as a rogue player or start a new one. Especially if he's just a teenager in real life.

(Also, I'd like to see the look on his face years later when the in-universe SAO book comes out and he finds out just who it was that ruined his game :lol: )
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Re: SAO Anime Discussion Thread

Post by mythu »

Skeptic wrote:..anime won't get there for a few more episodes
And they spawn in front of you, so you can't just fly straight.
the fact that he just lost everything forever
How about 1 episode
Where does it say? It just cuts your way
Sigurd did mention he can have his way around with the GM's at that time by using a complaint issue. But to lose everything one put his(her) life time and so much effort into, one normally wouldn't let that slip by. He enjoyed being in the front positions and an active player. He is so used to be active that he won't stay quiet for nothing. He was an avid politician and had his own good skills and many resources, "how" would not be an issue to him.
He is a precious asset(rich guy, btw don't forget his party members) that any race would take him in, it doesn't matter where, he just wants to rule.
But I did mention the autor isn't to likely lose his time with a new Sigurd development especially because it should have passed much time between Asuna's eliberation and Alicization. And there are plenty more other interesting things to write.
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Re: SAO Anime Discussion Thread

Post by Skeptic »

There are things in my spoiler text that won't be revealed until after Kirito gets through, which will not happen in this next episode unless it's extremely rushed.
mythu wrote:He is a precious asset(rich guy, btw don't forget his party members) that any race would take him in, it doesn't matter where, he just wants to rule.
He's a known traitor, not a precious asset. His party members? Those are people he was backstabbing, and now they know he was backstabbing him.
mythu wrote:Sigurd did mention he can have his way around with the GM's at that time by using a complaint issue.
That's a standard empty threat in MMOs. There is zero chance that a GM would do anything; Sigurd knows this, and Sakuya knows this. The entire game is based around all the races competing with each other, and the banishment feature is built right in to the racial leader powers. There's no game bug or cheating exploit going on here, so the admins won't care.
mythu wrote:He enjoyed being in the front positions and an active player. He is so used to be active that he won't stay quiet for nothing. He was an avid politician and had his own good skills and many resources, "how" would not be an issue to him.
That's actually my basis for saying he'll quit. Power over other players is the part that he enjoyed. He's now in a position where he cannot get that power. He also doesn't seem to have much patience - remember how quick he was to snap at Leafa earlier? That factors into my thinking he wouldn't want to start over.
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Re: SAO Anime Discussion Thread

Post by mythu »

It's very good there can be so many variable opinions on one issue.
Well, Idkbu but no politician can afford to make empty threats, if he did then yeah, he may aswell give up. It's a most basic rule for a politician.
He wasn't a Sylph general for no reason, he did have some battle skill at least I'd say, putting aside planning, strategy skills, subterfuge and plotting skills, making fortune skills..erm..he wasn't the only one of his "traitor" kind, so do not think he ended up alone
Skeptik, are you fond to playing MMO's?
Anyone else might have read if a name change is available in "Alfheim"?
But I do remember you are allowed a name change when transferring your character in VRMMO's.(this would explain his absence too till now)
Even without a name change, if he can be reborn in a new race where it's race ruler will approve, there are still territories where he can freely move to his likeness, even where his bad name isn't known, why start over when you put a lot of sweat and fortune into building a fine game character.
And don't forget Asuna has 2 Alfheim characters.
Even now there are still many factors not taken into consideration, but I am certain that if I were him, I would return. Because I find more reasons to return than to give up. And those guys doing the anime are with me on this thanks to this new Sigurd development "detail".
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Re: SAO Anime Discussion Thread

Post by Skeptic »

mythu wrote:no politician can afford to make empty threats, if he did then yeah, he may aswell give up. It's a most basic rule for a politician.
Yeah. He's not really as good at this as a real life politician; he's pretending to be one in a game. He couldn't make threats like that back when he was still trying to be an elected leader, but once he knew he was about to be banished, he lost his self control. Even some real life politicians will do that after they're already losing. We just had elections recently where I am, and some of the losers were polite and statesman-like in their concession speeches, and others were extremely poor losers who went down shouting insults to the last.
mythu wrote:Skeptik, are you fond to playing MMO's?
Anyone else might have read if a name change is available in "Alfheim"?
I've played some. Actually, Star Wars: The Old Republic just went free-to-play recently, so I've been wandering around in there just to see.
I don't remember seeing a name change option in ALO in the books, but I would not be surprised to see them have one. In the books, your appearance is randomly generated and you can pay extra to change it. A name change option would fit thematically with that. He'd also still be in other peoples' contact lists, and as the sender in saved in-game mail, so other people would still see his new name. His banishment as a Sylph would still stick, too, and there's no race change option other than the rumors that one will be added in a later patch. I don't think any of the racial leaders would be very willing to accept a stranger's request to change race, either. (In the book, there is more detail about how little they trust each other; they're all very suspicious of players they don't know, or suspiciously low-powered players, asking for things. It's a standard spying tactic even in present-day games to make another character as part of the other side.)
mythu wrote:And don't forget Asuna has 2 Alfheim characters.
Yes, but her Asuna character is her main character. The other one is really only for experimenting with other skills and playing styles; she's not powerful enough to actually use for serious questing with the others. It's part of the same problem Sigurd would have: starting over in that kind of game is hard because of the time investment. It's doubly hard for Sigurd's kind of gameplay style, because it's not just the months of time spent on character skills and wealth, it's also the months of time spent building social connections.
mythu wrote:And those guys doing the anime are with me on this thanks to this new Sigurd development "detail".
I apologize for what I'm about to say: you're actually completely mistaken. I didn't catch it originally because I hadn't checked the novel text, but the scene in the novel is actually the same as the scene in the anime. (volume 3, chapter 4)
This time, Sigurd seemed to have undergone great surprise. His fine face turned pale, and his eyes shifted restlessly as he searched for words. His eyes locked on Lyfa and Kirito behind Sakuya.


Suddenly, his eyes opened wide, and he finally seemed to grasp the situation.
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Re: SAO Anime Discussion Thread

Post by mythu »

You are right, I didn't "catch" the last novel part.
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(Edit) But I remember, at least 1 player has been succesfully through rebirth, Asuna, as an Undine.
Last edited by mythu on Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SAO Anime Discussion Thread

Post by Destoryer12 »

mythu wrote:You are right, I didn't "catch" the last novel part.
But I remember, at least 1 player has been succesfully through rebirth, Asuna, as an Undine.
I don't think that's the case,
Spoiler! :
actually Asuna being an Undine could be a bit of a spoiler since it hasn't happened in the anime yet btw. I think when Asuna first logs back into ALO* as a character she probably selected Undine as her class, as I don't remember the rebirth system ever being mentioned again aside from the Sigurd stuff. Also just watched the episode 21 raw and it ends with Kirito starting to fly up the world tree after Yui tells him Asuna is at the top : D

EDIT: My bad, said ALF for some reason instead of ALO >_< Maybe it's because I was thinking of the episode and Lyfa (I still prefer that :P) was saying about reaching the top
Last edited by Destoryer12 on Sat Nov 24, 2012 11:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SAO Anime Discussion Thread

Post by mythu »

Thank U for your trio hard work.
And that is true..So we must add all different-content-official information in a spoiler tag
Spoiler! :
This guy obviously made a little mystake when quotating:
"These Siths or Fairies they call Sleagh Maith or the Good People..."
The quotation reference is:
Kirk, Robert; Lang, Andrew (28 December 2007). "1. Of the subterranean inhabitants". The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies. Easy Reading Series. Aberfoyle, Scotland: Forgotten Books. p. 39. ISBN 1-60506-185-9. Retrieved 30 April 2010.
I assume Siths can't be accepted as a modern form, tough it's not wrong to say cat fairies, cat-like fairies or human races
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Re: SAO Anime Discussion Thread

Post by Skeptic »

I'm not sure if the rebirth system ever got added in...
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The company does have a major change in management before the next patch. I don't remember seeing race changes as an option in any of the later books, either. That doesn't mean we know for sure that it never got added in - but since none of the main characters are interested in it, it could be there and they just never mention it. And since the primary conflict between races is also resolved, there may not really be any demand for the feature.
The physical appearance of the main characters later on isn't a use of the rebirth system. They should explain why in the final episode of the anime. But if not:
Spoiler! :
SAO veterans are allowed to have their old character data translated to ALO. They pick their race as part of this process, and their character appearances are edited to match. So basically their old real-life face and height and weight from SAO, now with pointy ears and maybe a tail :).
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