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Re: Accel World

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 3:48 pm
by Xplorer30
Just trying to put out a few chapters before then anime comes out. I might make more mistakes than usual, but someone can correct them later.

One thing I am thinking of is, maybe changing then Black Legion name from the current direct translation of "Negative Nebulous" to more the reading of "Nega Nebulas".

Oh I forgot to mention an interesting fact to SAO fans. You know that Kirito can dual wield right? Well, his rumored daughter Kuroyukihime's avatar Black Lotus can quad wield!

Re: Accel World

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:57 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
Xplorer30 wrote:Just trying to put out a few chapters before then anime comes out. I might make more mistakes than usual, but someone can correct them later.

One thing I am thinking of is, maybe changing then Black Legion name from the current direct translation of "Negative Nebulous" to more the reading of "Nega Nebulas".

Oh I forgot to mention an interesting fact to SAO fans. You know that Kirito can dual wield right? Well, his rumored daughter Kuroyukihime's avatar Black Lotus can quad wield!
Not exactly quad wield, but more of her limps are all blades, and she hovers. On a side note, you might wanna mention that Kirito is a really bad father, same to his wife as a really bad mother.
Spoiler! :
Accel world only accepts people who has a bad childhood, thus a mental trauma in a sense. The greater the trauma, the stronger the player. To be one of the strongest in Accel World takes more than just skills, but also a great trauma from her family, which implies that Kirito and his wife did not take care of their daughter well. Who knows, the couple may be too busy playing to take care of their child. Now are you still as impressed by Kirito and his wife?

Re: Accel World

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 9:07 pm
by Xplorer30
Don't remember if I read about that part with how an avatar strength is based on, maybe in a later volume.

Anyway, I hope Kirito and his wife (Asuna?) are just bad parents and not dead. They might be trapped in another game, and she is taken care of by her grandparents on Asuna's side? Because I don't think Kazuto's parents would not even visit her when she is about to die. And she is supposed to be rich.

Also, I am currently translating a little bit about Kuroyukihime's Burst Linker "parent", that is the person who gave her the program, and they seem to be very close, but having problems. Wonder who that person is, and ShadowZeroHeart, no need to spoil it for me, I am just one chapter ahead of everyone else, haha.

Re: Accel World

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 11:13 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
Xplorer30 wrote:Don't remember if I read about that part with how an avatar strength is based on, maybe in a later volume.

Anyway, I hope Kirito and his wife (Asuna?) are just bad parents and not dead. They might be trapped in another game, and she is taken care of by her grandparents on Asuna's side? Because I don't think Kazuto's parents would not even visit her when she is about to die. And she is supposed to be rich.

Also, I am currently translating a little bit about Kuroyukihime's Burst Linker "parent", that is the person who gave her the program, and they seem to be very close, but having problems. Wonder who that person is, and ShadowZeroHeart, no need to spoil it for me, I am just one chapter ahead of everyone else, haha.
Avatar Strength is mainly all the same, though their appearance explains their outer appearance. I am not sure if it really affects their strength, but I think it does in some ways...?
Spoiler! :
Later on, it was mentioned how "metalic colors" are for people who's negative side is greater than a certain threshold, which has yet to be talked in detail. Snow Black's avatar consists of blades as her four limps, while her ultimate attack "Embrace of Death" as the name implies... These can let readers believe that she is afraid to either get close to, or that people might get close to her. She might believe that she is the cause of misery to others?

Later on, they use a mind system, where the mind runs at a speed so fast the game itself cannot handle, thus allowing them to "overwrite" the system, the most flawed idea of all. This, is a system where one's will would change the game itself.

In this system, one's abilities is usually shaped by their own interior. This would affect the outcome of their "overwrite" abilities. In one incident, Snow Black showed Haruyuki her experimental "overwrite", where she tried her best to generate a hand to try to touch Haruyuki. Such powers are usually generated from their negative side, and their will to try to overcome this side, so I think that is how their traumas do in some way affect their strength.

Re: Accel World

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:01 am
by larethian
Actually I'm more inclined to agree with Xplorer's speculation. I don't think the author will intentionally make Kirito and Asuna bad parents. If they are, then there probably will be a good reason. Otherwise, that will destroy all the effort gone in that has made them number 1 and number 2 male and female characters in konorano polls. Not really on topic to the discussion, but I just want to comment that I'll also be quite forgiving towards any possible plot holes in game mechanics since it's really not easy to create those things. Unless they are extremely glaring that they make me want to pull my hair out. :lol:

Re: Accel World

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:08 am
by ShadowZeroHeart
larethian wrote:Actually I'm more inclined to agree with Xplorer's speculation. I don't think the author will intentionally make Kirito and Asuna bad parents. If they are, then there probably will be a good reason. Otherwise, that will destroy all the effort gone in that has made them number 1 and number 2 male and female characters in konorano polls. Not really on topic to the discussion, but I just want to comment that I'll also be quite forgiving towards any possible plot holes in game mechanics since it's really not easy to create those things. Unless they are extremely glaring that they make me want to pull my hair out. :lol:
Well, we are not even sure that Snow Black's parents are Kirito and whoever his wife may be, but it was mentioned that some of the criteria for someone to even be able to play Accel World indicates family problems. On a sidenote, it may be possible for other reasons for Snow Black's ability to play the game, as we do not know for sure.

As for plot holes...
Spoiler! :
I believe I mentioned that time is one thing, as each second is too long, but that is not the worst...

The worst plot hole is from what I mentioned in the previous spoiler... "Overwrite"! "Overwrite" implies the use of the brain/command, so fast that the game itself cannot handle. This allows the player to "overwrite" into the game, making changes in appearance, abilities, so much so they can negate all rules in Accel World. This would include the evolution of an equipment, change of appearance(like mentioned earlier), destruction of a vast area, doing insane damage, extension of melee attacks to longer distances etc etc.

While that is a rather cool idea at first, it was later shown that such "overwrite" capabilities CANNOT beat the AI monsters in many cases. If "Overwrite" is as it implies, I don't see the reason why it can fail. My guess being that he made "overwrite" overpowered, then realize that the story is hard to proceed then, so he decided to make it not-so-powerful, overthrowing his own plot/idea so he can continue his story.

Re: Accel World

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:26 pm
by Xplorer30
You are way ahead of me so I can't even begin to argue, haha.

Anyway, now I remember in volume 1, Kuroyukihime said that each duel avatar's total starting potential is the same. It's just how that total amount is spent that is different.

In volume 2 they will be going into the Unlimited Neutral Field in the chapter after my current translating chapter, so I will see how they handle time. That place is an unlimited dive length huge game area. Kuroyukihime also mention that it's hard to encounter someone you want to unless you know exactly. A little bit of plot hole on that might be ok.

It would be really weird if all this Accel World thing turn out to be a children therapy program.

Re: Accel World

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:37 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
Xplorer30 wrote:You are way ahead of me so I can't even begin to argue, haha.

Anyway, now I remember in volume 1, Kuroyukihime said that each duel avatar's total potential is the same. It's just how that total amount is spent that is different.

In volume 2 they will be going into the Unlimited Neutral Field in the chapter after my current translating chapter, so I will see how they handle time. That place is an unlimited dive length huge game area. Kuroyukihime also mention that it's hard to encounter someone you want to unless you know exactly. A little bit of plot hole on that might be ok.

It would be really weird if all this Accel World thing turn out to be a children therapy program.
I won't be surprised if it really is a children therapy program...

Unlimited Neutral Field will be a major part of this entire story though... While it is not revealed so soon, but quite a few of Snow Black's members are dwelling somewhere in there.
Spoiler! :
Haruyuki's teacher, living up there on a tower. Don't ask me how the hell someone lives up there, especially since time runs so differently!!

The old Nebula guild was annihilated in Unlimited Neutral Field, trapped for all eternity, unless someone saves them like a prince in shining armor, which we all know who. Up to where I read, he saved one member, while the others are still trapped.

"Chrome Disaster" was created there. It was a divine(overpowered) equipment, that was distorted due to the death of a loved one. This is only possible in Unlimited Neutral Field. This is done by luring someone into a strong AI's territory, causing it to always aggro someone(victim). After losing once, they will respawn at the exact same location in an hour. However, this implies that the victim will still be in the territory, causing a loop until the person is completely out of the game. Upon seeing how people trapped and tormented his beloved, had fun watching him and his beloved get killed over and over, he and the divine equipment, together with a new piece of equipment, all distorted into "Chrome Disaster".

Re: Accel World

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:08 am
by Itwao
does anybody know if theres any other place to find this translated? manga only has 8 chapters translated, and here only has 8 chapters out of 100+. i also know theyre planning an anime later this year, but i wanna read it. so does anybody know if theres some other website i can find it? or if the book is being published in english? (couldnt find anything in amazon, nor Barnes N Nobles)

Re: Accel World

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:12 am
by larethian
manga has 100+ chapters? that's news to me......

Re: Accel World

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:40 am
by ShadowZeroHeart
Thats news to me too... 100+ chapters would probably go beyond the novels? There really isnt so much content yet I think...?

Re: Accel World

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:32 am
by Itwao
larethian wrote:
Itwao wrote:does anybody know if theres any other place to find this translated? manga only has 8 chapters translated, and here only has 8 chapters out of 100+. i also know theyre planning an anime later this year, but i give the middle finger to the anime.. i wanna read it. so does anybody know if theres some other website i can find it? or if the book is being published in english? (couldnt find anything in amazon, nor Barnes N Nobles)
manga has 100+ chapters? that's news to me......
here. as in here on baka tsuki. as in theres 10 novel volumes, all with between 9 and 13 novel chapters (except 10 only has 3) and last i checked, this isnt a manga website?
the only novel chapters here TLed are 1-4 in volumes 1 and 2. thus 8 novel chapters out of 100+.
didnt think id have to spell it out >.<

Re: Accel World

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:52 am
by ShadowZeroHeart
Itwao wrote:does anybody know if theres any other place to find this translated? manga only has 8 chapters translated, and here only has 8 chapters out of 100+.
Manga only has 8 translated, and here only has 8 out of 100+... Anyone would believe you meant 8 out of 100+ manga chapters...

On a side-note, if we do know of someone else working on this, we would be asking for permission to host it on B-T. So I would say no, I don't think we know anyone else working on this.

Re: Accel World

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:30 am
by larethian
Itwao wrote:here. as in here on baka tsuki. as in theres 10 novel volumes, all with between 9 and 13 novel chapters (except 10 only has 3) and last i checked, this isnt a manga website?
the only novel chapters here TLed are 1-4 in volumes 1 and 2. thus 8 novel chapters out of 100+.
didnt think id have to spell it out >.<
I don't even understand your English. And we don't count novels by chapters. Chapter numbers restart either for a new volume or a new arc (depending on series but usually the latter). Manga chapters accumulate over volumes. The way you phrased it is totally non-intuitive and unnatural for a novel series, so anyone experienced in light novels and manga would think that you are talking about 100 chapters of manga.

Re: Accel World

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:22 pm
by Xplorer30
Itwao wrote:here. as in here on baka tsuki. as in theres 10 novel volumes, all with between 9 and 13 novel chapters (except 10 only has 3) and last i checked, this isnt a manga website?
the only novel chapters here TLed are 1-4 in volumes 1 and 2. thus 8 novel chapters out of 100+.
didnt think id have to spell it out >.<
This is a Light Novel site forum, and Baka-Tsuki is a Light Novel site. We count things here by volumes usually.

The reason volume 1 is left at chapter 4 is I thought Sharramon would help me translate it. But if he is still busy after I finish volume 2 then I will go back to volume 1.