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AW vs. SAO Anime Adaptation

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 3:23 am
by Darklor
Is my feeling right that they adapted Accel World better than SAO?

Thats at least my assumtion after seeing the first 2 episodes of both series...

or changes that later?

Re: AW vs. SAO Anime Adaption

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 7:53 am
by Tap
I'm personally of the opinion that AW had a better adaption.
But you would have to consider how the second SAO novel was filled with short stories with huge gaps of time in between, which makes it harder to adapt when compared to AW that only had a short story volume at 10.

Re: AW vs. SAO Anime Adaption

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 9:38 am
by Rohan123
Yes, I agree that SAO should have been harder to adapt since the earlier volumes(especially volume 2) were in anachronic order, while the anime tried hard to proceed in a chronological order.

Re: AW vs. SAO Anime Adaption

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 1:46 am
by Ushwood
Yeah, I also find AW adaptation better than SAO. I guess the main reason is that Sunrise is Sunrise and A1 is A1 ;). And the second reason is that SAO is in anachronic order.
But actually, The second reason comes down to the first one ;). Because it's the studio's fault that they didn't manage to glue the side stories together well.

Re: AW vs. SAO Anime Adaption

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:58 am
by Misogi
Animation quality is better on AW than SAO. Partially translated quote from a famous French forum, full of insane people:
(Typos conserved, SAO's sentence was written in this Engrish.)

Some strong moments from the LN ended as flat as Scilica's breasts.


AW - "What if we invited the guys from Studio 1 for some scenes, they must be bored as hell when they're working day and night on Gundam. Ah, while we're on it, let's invite the guy from fripSide to compose the ED. Also, remember to read the LN, so that we can make at least something similar.

Re: AW vs. SAO Anime Adaption

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 1:49 pm
by Blueblade11
I feel as though SAO and AW were both faithful to the first 4 LN. In the case of SAO, too faithful; I could watch it with subs on my desktop while reading the LN simultaneously on my laptop. IMO, the first few episodes were OK, until they started with all the side stories and such. The only thing they modified was Aria in a Starless Night, and THAT I feel was well done. I still enjoyed the series, but that was with my brain turned off. T_T

AW I felt like the adaption was better simply because the LN was better structured for use as an anime. Maybe if they had modified the rest of the story of SAO for the anime, I feel it could've been adapted better. I still enjoyed both series though, especially all the flashy animation in SAO. But maybe that's just me. >_<

Re: AW vs. SAO Anime Adaptation

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 12:23 pm
by ckyuu fact that might because the production company chosen AW instead of SAO at their 20th anniversary celebrity work..