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Re: Who should Tatsuya end up with?

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 7:00 am
by nr42
And brings back Mayumi as a slave as part of the spoils of war.

Re: Who should Tatsuya end up with?

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 7:12 am
by Zuruumi
Well that would end up being his death :). Miyuki would free Mayumi and together they would tear Tatsuya to shreds.

Re: Who should Tatsuya end up with?

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 10:38 am
by nr42
Or like a true Roman emperor she demands Mayumi be given to her as a gift, ensuring that she'll never be close to Tatsuya again. And eliminating the competition.

Re: Who should Tatsuya end up with?

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 11:49 am
by Zuruumi
Well, anyway that would be quite depressing situation. Mayumi isn´t the type that would be interesting to read about when forced into servitude. In the first place, if this happend there is high possibility she would just snap.

Re: Who should Tatsuya end up with?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 2:09 pm
by nr42
Zuruumi wrote:Well, anyway that would be quite depressing situation. Mayumi isn´t the type that would be interesting to read about when forced into servitude. In the first place, if this happend there is high possibility she would just snap.
And after she has snapped she's completely out of the picture and can't take tatsuya away from her.

Re: Who should Tatsuya end up with?

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 4:01 am
by Zuruumi
Hey don´t be mean to Mayumi :). Her character is quite interesting in itself, I won´t hand her over even to Miyki, as long as there is the possibility of Mayumi + Tatsuya (though small) it is still interesting.

Re: Who should Tatsuya end up with?

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 2:46 pm
by nr42
Well yeah, it's good there's some actual competition. But still, even if Mayumi and Tatsuya end up together, she'd still always mean less to him than Miyuki. And I would find that a bit sad for her.

Re: Who should Tatsuya end up with?

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 2:59 am
by Zuruumi
Yeah, but I think the thing about him being unable to feel any strong feelings except of love for his sister was a lie. Firstly, it was said, that the strong feelings are most likely to be born in that area of brain, not that they can be born only there. Secodnly, because it is too strange for him to be able to feel love only for his sister, especially since the love between siblings ultimately has the same base as love between man and woman. There are differences in perception, but in the end their source is the same.
Of course, as long as we take this in the context of fantassy genre it might still pass, but as this writer´s style is more sci-fi like it is quite possible we will see some changes on this part later :). For example him being able to feel love, but as he loved only his sister he hasn´t felt this feeling to anybody else (and he wouldn´t admit even to himself that he seriously loves her) and so he concluded he can´t feel real love, which therefore caused a mental block, or something along this lines.

Re: Who should Tatsuya end up with?

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 7:15 am
by nr42
Could be but emotional development isn't the author's forte(or at least he doesn't bother).

But it has been seen that after brain damage different parts of the brain take over functions of the damaged parts. So the part that makes him care for Miyuki could "grow" and add others.
But the part about it being a lie. There's plenty of empirical evidence that he doesn't have strong emotions or basic ones like love for his family. And also the difference between sibling- and physical love is a liiiiiitle bigger than "perception". Unless of course I misunderstood and you were talking about platonic love.

Re: Who should Tatsuya end up with?

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 8:17 am
by Zuruumi
No, from purely scientific view there as little to no difference.
Anyway, his not having any love for his family... would you love your mother if she not only experimented on your body but also acted, like you were even worse than the cockroach that she crushed underfoot yesterda? And if your father (who you became familiar with quite late in your life, as he didn´t take care of you) clearly feared and thus hated and abused you, would you have any reason to develop feelings to them?
By the way, it is possible to quite effectively suppress your feelings (especially to the extent of only not exploding out of anger etc.) and as long as you add some smaller mental trauma from childhood and strong mental block of "I can´t feel anything" it should be capable of causing his state too.

Re: Who should Tatsuya end up with?

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 11:14 pm
by Shawne03
for the most part i just dont want him to end up with Miyuki romantically since he didn't have a choice in the matter, no problem with a close sibling relationship. After that though I pick Honaka or Mayumi. Honaka because she actually cares for him and at this point I dont think she would leave him, I mean she like him so much Pixie came into being and you know she won't leave him. Mayumi since she appear to care for him has figured out some of his secrets and she keeps him on his toes, as an added bonus this would help with calm the clan conflict

Re: Who should Tatsuya end up with?

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 8:16 am
by Viole1369
Mayumi :lol: 8) :D <3

Re: Who should Tatsuya end up with?

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 11:32 am
by Tridic
Eh, I thought it was pretty obvious that he was going to eventually end up with Mayumi. There's a crazy amount of foreshadowing in the novel to suggest it. From Tatsuya's perspective he is constantly unable to figure to understand her thinking and some of her actions are a direct counter to her personality type. The fact that her emotional range goes all over the place probably helps her keep him unbalanced and guessing what she's thinking/planning. At the end of the first 9 School Competition they dance and the author goes out of the way to point out that he is "mechanical" in his dancing and that Mayumi is the only one that "challenges" him as a couple as her beats and movements run counter to his intuition.

Mayumi has a similar perspective. She has been a public figure and dealt with all kinds situations and people (and seems to see through them easily), however, during the 9 School Competition while she's competing in her second event, she mentions (mentally) her frustration (and undercurrent of fear) while interacting with him. From the same viewpoint he is the only one she's met that's "challenging" for her and she clearly thinks of him as someone on another level of magician. She is also aware he is a Yotsuba and is content to keep his secret and maintain her relationship with him. I am of the opinion that the best relationships are one's where the partners are fairly equal and challenge each other for mutual growth. In terms of power and ability, there are only 3 possible candidates (and I don't think Lina is a serious contender) that come close to matching his level: Lina, Miyuki, and Mayumi. Miyuki mentioned in one of the earliest books that according to DNA tests they are siblings, which should rule out possibility of Miyuki becoming a lover.

My theory:

I'm of the opinion that at some point in the future (probably during their 3rd year or just after leaving school) Tatsuya will solve all the "Mysteries of Magic" and defeat his Aunt either personally or orchestrating her downfall - or at least not stopping another clan from beating her (and either Miyuki or himself taking over the Yotsuba). Regardless if he ends up the head or Miyuki my guess is he will then be Tatsuya Yotsuba and his secret of being Taurus Silver will be released. There will be a large battle at the end of the series either as a Clan Civil War in Japan, unifying the Clans to fight off a foreign threat, or both. I think Juumonji and Tatsuya will fight at some point, as there seems to be a little foreshadowing of it. I think that there's a possibility that Miyuki's "love" for Tatsuya might manifest in her sacrificing herself for him. She also may "unlock" him with her death, or "fix" him - losing her life in the process. Otherwise I think he may sacrifice his own magic to "fix" himself. He will eventually be known as Strategic class with Material Burst. He is too OP to live and maintain such power. So he'll either die, or lose the power somehow. I doubt he could just stay "normal". Mayumi x Tatsuya may offer a route to mend 10 Master clan relations after a war, Miyuki x Ichijou (?spelling? 3rd High guy) offers a similar end. I just can't see him maintaining some sort of husband/family role while still having access to Material Burst lol.

Re: Who should Tatsuya end up with?

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 4:15 pm
by Zuruumi
I don´t think the author will try to give a deffinnite end to this, as it would be quite illogical, which isn´t in the style of this series
If Miyuki were to die Tatsuya would... well completely emotionally burn out, so this is also quite unlikely if nothing really big changes. As for Mayumi,, yeah, well at the current stage she is the only possible candidate (with the exception of Miyuki of course), but as I said, as this series ends with their third year (at least it is stated so) it will end with an engagement at most, much more propably with a girlfriend (or rather without) on Tatsuya´s side, him getting married during his school years is quite unlikely. As for the other ends you mentioned, I won´t comment on them, they are too dark and I wish nothing of this happens (don´t need another Lelouche).

Re: Who should Tatsuya end up with?

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 5:07 pm
by Mahesvara
I never would have thought a forum pole would make me think so much. Miyuki is my favorite girl but I see how Tatsuya ending up with Mayumi makes better sense in regards to the plot. I'm torn between the satisfaction of my favorite girl winning or having a better a story. Seeing as Mayumi is my #2 I'm leaning to her side.