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Re: Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 10:14 pm
by magykalman
Hm. Maybe it's kinda true. But it just sounds a little depressing to us translators. Well wdv. Maybe we can have NanoDesu translate them after all. Just that I would personally want to finish at least the first volume of the series. Maybe so that I make myself feel better? XD

@Darklor: Yeah. We do. Just that it kinda motivates me to do my best, although I know I suck. >.<

Re: Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 12:25 am
by magykalman
Triskelion wrote:I've been watching the anime recently and found out that there was a light novel for it!

I've really enjoyed it so far, and I'm hoping that you continue to translate this!

I would love to help if I knew Japanese, but that is not the case. :(

If you need help with editing though, I can lend a hand if you're interested!

Er do you know Chinese? Cause apparently I'm translating the LN from the Chinese and not the Jp version. XD
And yes! I'm glad that you would want to help! :)
And this is also one of the reasons I prefer it to be translated on BT, cause anyone can help edit and translate, so maybe when it becomes a hot project (Hopefully), more translators will want to help out, and thus increase the translation rate by a lot. (Might be faster than NanoDesu). That's the way I see it though. XP

Re: Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 3:41 am
by NanoDesu
magykalman wrote:pls join me and Pudding and help us finish Vol. 1 At least so that it does not get taken over by NanoDesu...At least. .___.
Hmm... given that BT and my group have coexisted in peace and harmony up until this point, this wording does not make me too happy...

I will say though that it's a bit of a moot issue at this point. Given that my poll is so skewed in the direction of Sakurasou at the moment and given that I was told that the person who started the BT Sakurasou teaser had left the project for greener pastures, I already purchased the LNs last week (10 volumes) and they're on the way here. So it's gotten beyond a question of "dibs" for me, since I've spent over $100 of my own money to get these novels with the intention of eventually translating them (and money don't grow on trees when you're a student). I don't think this is a good reason for you to stop translating if you really want to translate the series (in which case you really should go ahead), but I just wanted to you to know that if you're trying to speed through these with the intention of changing my mind about translating them, I've sort of gone past the point of no return so it might work less well than you envisioned. At the moment, the only thing that will change what my next project will be is a drastic change in my poll, which I don't see happening given the current voter distribution.


Re: Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 5:55 am
by Kinny Riddle
I wasn't even aware B-T was doing this. Why is this not showing in the navigation bar on the left side of the main B-T index wiki page?

Would love to do this as there's not many series out there that would get me to buy the novels on a whim, but my hands are tied with Hyouka ATM. And with RL stuff tying me down, progress for Hyouka is slow unless someone is willing to help.

Re: Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 7:54 am
by Triskelion
Kinny Riddle wrote:Why is this not showing in the navigation bar on the left side of the main B-T index wiki page?
Yeah, I was wondering about that too. I had to google to find the page that it is on.

@magy: Unfortunately, I don't know Chinese either. :(

Re: Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 3:13 pm
by arczyx
Kinny Riddle wrote:Why is this not showing in the navigation bar on the left side of the main B-T index wiki page?
Triskelion wrote:Yeah, I was wondering about that too. I had to google to find the page that it is on.
Because it's still a teaser project.

Re: Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:08 am
by magykalman
NanoDesu wrote:
magykalman wrote:pls join me and Pudding and help us finish Vol. 1 At least so that it does not get taken over by NanoDesu...At least. .___.
Hmm... given that BT and my group have coexisted in peace and harmony up until this point, this wording does not make me too happy...

I will say though that it's a bit of a moot issue at this point. Given that my poll is so skewed in the direction of Sakurasou at the moment and given that I was told that the person who started the BT Sakurasou teaser had left the project for greener pastures, I already purchased the LNs last week (10 volumes) and they're on the way here. So it's gotten beyond a question of "dibs" for me, since I've spent over $100 of my own money to get these novels with the intention of eventually translating them (and money don't grow on trees when you're a student). I don't think this is a good reason for you to stop translating if you really want to translate the series (in which case you really should go ahead), but I just wanted to you to know that if you're trying to speed through these with the intention of changing my mind about translating them, I've sort of gone past the point of no return so it might work less well than you envisioned. At the moment, the only thing that will change what my next project will be is a drastic change in my poll, which I don't see happening given the current voter distribution.


Oh you're a student too? XD HIGH-FI!

Neh actually I just use that as a form of motivation for me to continue to translating at a (hopefully) faster rate. I think I can understand where you're coming from, cause if it was me, I wouldn't want to waste money too. But just wondering, can you not overwrite our translations and instead just continue on the other chapters? I will be happy enough. XD
Like maybe you just put your name there and tell us in advance before you translate? :)

No offense intended, like srsly. Can we just work towards a common goal? I think I'll be better that way. Cause as you can see we are kinda short of Ppl. Would be really glad if you help out. Especially since my region only sold till vol. 3 and I REALLY would like to know what happens next. XDDDD

but please don't o rewrite. Thx. XP

Re: Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:13 am
by magykalman
And of course, I'm not trying to change your mind or anything. Just I hope that (or rather I'd actually received information that you were going to overwrite the translated volumes) you don't overwrite them. Thx. XD
In fact I would actually be happy to welcome another helping hand. XDDDD

Since I'm only in Middle school. XPPPP

Re: Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:44 am
by magykalman
Btw. Sry for being random. But I just had to ask. WTH!? HOW DID I BECOME A "KYONIST" FROM "VOID UNDEAD SPECTATOR"? 0.o What's this?
Though I find it quite cool. But what's this? 0.o
I'm a Haruhist! >.<

Re: Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:54 am
by Veruz
NanoDesu - I wouldn't take the words of one (obviously) new member all too seriously or representative for the whole of BT. I for one would love to see you pick up the project, it would let me rest in peace known that someone with dedication and quality would handle the series.

magykalman - There's no need to be so aggressive and possessive of that project. In the end you both attempt to do the same thing, rather if NanoDesu is alright with it (since it seems he's going for a one-hit translation, having bought all the volumes) you could go by volumes or something.

Just my little input in here, as someone who's interested in the series.

Re: Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:38 am
by NanoDesu
@Veruz - Nah, don't worry, I'm not angry or anything - I'm just pointing out that it's not very useful to be possessive of a series like this. All my translations end up hosted on BT anyways, so the only difference between my translations and a BT translation is whether or not the translation is locked for edits.

@magykalman - While I understand where you're coming from, I don't start projects unless it's from Volume 1. Consistency matters, and it's rather jolting for someone to read two different translators for the same series, who will have obviously different styles. Also, absolutely no offense to CE translators (you guys are awesome too), but I would prefer having a JE translation out for as many series as possible since it's an indisputable fact that there's just more lost in translation when you go through two languages. I speak Chinese too, and I know all too well that Japanese and Chinese are totally different languages.

I'm not trying to discourage you from translating the project. I'm just saying that if you do, you should just not think about what I'm doing too much and just do it. But if you really wanted to translate something that I won't be translating, I'd suggest Denpa Onna instead (which I saw on your profile page that you're also interested in).


Re: Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:59 pm
by magykalman
I get it. I'll just continue on it then. I'll take that in.
But however I think we need to agree on the work distribution first.
Frankly speaking, no one likes to see their hard work get "destroyed",or in this case overwritten, but it's more or less getting indirectly destroyed. Obviously most of the Ppl would flock to ND instead of BT, so I think you should get what I mean.
So if you don't mind, can we follow versuz's idea and share by the volume?

Because, the TL speed I have currently is almost reaching the max. (its school holiday now). And once school reopens somewhere in January, I think most likely the speed will decrease to the slowest, as I too need to cope with school work. Thus I think that it is better if there was another translator helping and continuing the project and not let it stop.

And honestly speaking, I don't really understand why you want to overwrite the chapters. If you really want to make it consistent, why no (like I just said), work on different volumes? I understand that if halfway reading a volume the style changes, it will be quite weird(if it changes too much). But if it's on a different volume altogether, I don't see the major distraction. On top of that, if you are looking for translation speed, this is also not a good way. I do acknowledge that you have far superior translation quality than me, so why not spend the time on new volumes that are untranslated? Wouldn't that be better? And if you really think that we do not have enough English, I think it would also be easier to edit instead of overwriting the whole thing, same goes when if you think that the transaction is flawed. I'm very open to edits, especially those by a senior translator. So I think you get my point now.

@versuz: Yeah I know I'm possessive, but I think you do have to understand that once school reopens, it will be a no-more. So I'm trying my hardest to push to finish at least a chapter before that happens. In fact I'm actually willing to pass the rest to ND, but I think I really am against the idea of overwriting, as it destroys all the hard work by the translator. Put yourself in my shoes, would you like to see your hard work destroyed?._____.

And yeah. Thx for letting me post this. I really do support NanoDesu, except the part of overwriting. I hope ND will kindly take this into consideration. :)

Re: Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 7:05 pm
by NanoDesu
I mean, I'm not sure how this situation is too surprising. I started my Oreimo translation from Volume 1 even though there was a V1 translation up already just due to quality concerns, so I don't think there was any reason for you to believe that I'd be very flexible here. I've had my poll up for around a month now, and it was pretty obvious after literally two days that Sakurasou would win, so it's actually rather surprising to me all things considered that you would be rushing into the translation now of all times. Not that there's any such thing as "dibs" in fan translation (we're not in grade school), but I'm just saying that there's no reason to be surprised here that I would be pretty set on translating this.

Let me just be clear here. My first loyalty in this business is not to other translators. Hell, it's not even to the readers. It's to the work itself. This isn't about your hard work or my hard work, but rather about giving these works the best damn translation they can get. And I feel it's actually doing the work quite a disservice and missing the point entirely for you to argue about this in the context of your own work "being destroyed," because as far as I'm concerned, the only work that matters is the one written in Japanese sitting on my bookshelf. Not yours. Not mine. And not anyone else's. If you think that you can do the work justice, then that's great, and you should show that to me and I'd be happy to discuss that with you on that level. But otherwise, I'm going to be pretty hard to move from this position.

You did suggest that I could just edit your work, but that idea comes with its own bag of issues. Most notably, good editing would require me to read the source material anyways, since most of the worst wording errors lead to translations that change (albeit often unintentionally) the intended meaning of the source, not issues directly with the English. There's no way for me to edit that without doing a thorough comparison with the source. And there's the issues with the source itself, since it's already been translated into Chinese. So editing to a degree that would satisfy me might honestly take longer than it would for me to translate it myself.

So look, and I might sound like a broken record at this point, I have no qualms about your translating this. In fact, in terms of improving English proficiency and stuff, there's probably no better way than this. But if you're really all that concerned about my "overwriting" your work, then I don't know what to tell you other than to translate something else (like Denpa, as I had suggested previously). I honestly still don't see why you should care about "overwriting" unless you're turning this into a possession battle and thereby having your priorities misplaced in the first place (It's not about us. It never has been, and it never will be). But ultimately, it's your call either way.

Re: Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:14 pm
by Veruz
magykalman - I don't want to speak for another person but: So far you are the only one that talks about overwriting. ND merely stated that he wants consistency throughout the whole series (Which is - depending on your raw's language and proficiency in said language - probably going to be quite different), as well as that he doesn't really mind that you translate it if it matters that much to you. I think the last call is with the community or admins about which will be the final hosted version (except if there is the possibility of co-hosting two versions - which seems like a waste of time for the involved translators).

Re: Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:47 pm
by magykalman
Ok I get it. I've totally lost.

I think the work shows everything. So I'll do my best and see what happens afterwords. :)

And honestly speaking, this is the best SOL (Slice of Life) LN I've ever read, so I think I would personally be more willing to TL this one. It's not about the people out there, at least for me. It's a personal thing. :P

Enough talk. Again, I think the work shows all.

I'll be looking forward to your translations. :)

And can you just tell me what happens in Chapter 5 after you read it? PM me maybe? XPPPP