Infinite Stratos

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Re: Infinite Stratos (IS〈インフィニット・ストラトス〉)

Post by Javiersansano »

kuroi_shinigami wrote:I'll do it after finishing baka to test vol 6(before continuing a volume of IS, either vol 5 or 6). Of course, if someone else want to do it I'll be happy to let him/her do it :lol:
thanks a lot man. With you translating BtT, I'm starting to think about reading it
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Re: Infinite Stratos (IS〈インフィニット・ストラトス〉)

Post by jinsun »

Just curious if you guys would want any more help in translating this series because I know you two are wanting to work on one volume of other projects.
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Re: Infinite Stratos (IS〈インフィニット・ストラトス〉)

Post by Mystes »

jinsun wrote:Just curious if you guys would want any more help in translating this series because I know you two are wanting to work on one volume of other projects.
Help is always welcomed in BT. Unlike the Chinese community, there aren't 5 translators per volume.

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Re: Infinite Stratos (IS〈インフィニット・ストラトス〉)

Post by jinsun »

Okay cool, I'm thinking that I might want to start working on Volume 3, let me know if someone else is planning on doing it though and I can change it.
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Re: Infinite Stratos (IS〈インフィニット・ストラトス〉)

Post by Mystes »

jinsun wrote:Okay cool, I'm thinking that I might want to start working on Volume 3, let me know if someone else is planning on doing it though and I can change it.
How about 4 or 5? I think that Teh_Ping planned to do the third, but you can ask him. No one is taking 4 and 5 (well, I want to complete Campione first) so you can take care of any chapter that has not been finished there.

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Re: Infinite Stratos (IS〈インフィニット・ストラトス〉)

Post by kuroi_shinigami »

Hmm.... I'll take either 5 or 7 if it's not finished yet by the time I'm finished with baka to test's volume :lol: so, feel free to choose either of them when you want to translate it, or maybe even both of them :P . Just try to finish a volume when you start to translate not leave in the middle of the volume(or even worse, in the middle of chapter), because continuing someone else's translation is pretty hard due to inconsistency between translating style(like my crappy English translating style for example :lol: )
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Re: Infinite Stratos (IS〈インフィニット・ストラトス〉)

Post by Mystes »

When will the 8th be out, I wonder.

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Re: Infinite Stratos (IS〈インフィニット・ストラトス〉)

Post by Teh_ping »

kira0802 wrote:
jinsun wrote:Okay cool, I'm thinking that I might want to start working on Volume 3, let me know if someone else is planning on doing it though and I can change it.
How about 4 or 5? I think that Teh_Ping planned to do the third, but you can ask him. No one is taking 4 and 5 (well, I want to complete Campione first) so you can take care of any chapter that has not been finished there.
I will be doing volume 3 in September, at the speed that volume 2 will be done.
kira0802 wrote:When will the 8th be out, I wonder.
For me, the slower the better, so that this project can catch up.
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Astral Realm

Re: Infinite Stratos (IS〈インフィニット・ストラトス〉)

Post by jinsun »

I think I'll start on volume 7 then, if I completed volume 4 it probably wouldn't be consistent with the previous translation because it is mostly done already anyways, hmm I wonder about that as well, my guess is maybe four months after the release of the OVA? Who knows, too bad there's nothing about any future release on the official website for the light novels.
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Re: Infinite Stratos (IS〈インフィニット・ストラトス〉)

Post by Teh_ping »

Spoiler! :
Time passed, and it's now 7.30pm. We're having our dinner in the large banquet hall that's formed by 3 halls linked together.

"Un, it's great! The sashimi provided for lunch and dinner here is fantastic!"

"That's right. IS Academy's really too powerful."

Sitting beside me, Charl said as she nodded away.

Right now, she's dressed in a yukuta like everyone here. I'm not really sure, but the rule within this resort seems to be that 'one has to wear yukatas while eating'. Normally speaking, aren't they not allowed...?

The 1st years that are sitting neatly in rows are sitting on cushions. So of course, we're all sitting down in the seiza position. Everyone has a catering table in front of them.

The dishes are sashimi and a small hotpot. There's a salad of 2 mountain herbs, red miso soup and pickled vegetables.

That's good enough, but the sashimi's actually made from a Thread-sail filefish (TN: This is hard to explain. There's no English wikipedia, so I found it on Japanese. Anyway, the scientific name for this fish is Stephanolepis cirrhifer, and it's said to be a pretty pricey fish), and there's even fish liver to go with it. Really unbelievable.

I bite the fish. The feeling's really unique, and there's no fishiness to it. It's really delicious, yet so hard to describe. There's no stench or bitterness in the fish liver, and the taste is thick. I can understand now why it recently became a high class fish on the market.

"Ahh, it's so delicious! And this wasabi is real! Amazing! Oi, this isn't something a high school student can eat!"

"A real wasabi?"

"Hm? Charl, you don't know? The wasabi sauce that's grounded direcly through a wasabi root is a real wasabi."

"Eh? Then the ones given with the sashimi at the school cafeteria is..."

"That's manufactured. Well, the main ingredients are the wasabi root and horseradish. After coloring and mixing them, it will look and tastes like wasabi."

"Oh~so this is a real one?"

"Yup. But there's a lot of nice manufactured wasabi. Based on the way the manfacturer does it, some shops would even mix real wasabi with manufactured wasabi sauc."

"I see. Uu..."

Eh? Did Charl just swallow the entire pile of wasabi in...?


As I expected, Charl pressed her nose as tears swell up in her eyes. What the heck...

"Are you alright?"

"U, Um allbite..."

Charl forced her words out with her nose as she tried to force a smile. However, the smile wasn't too successful because of the tears in her ears.

"It, it's flavorful. Not"

That's forcing it too much, isn't it?


On a side note, ever since the beginning, Cecilia, who's sitting on my left has been moaning like this. She doesn't seem to be used to sitting in a seize position, and she hasn't eaten much.

"Are you alright, Cecilia? You don't look so good."


Nope, seems like she's not. Speaking of which, she's really not used to sitting in a seiza position...

Cecilia, who's trembling non-stop, seem to be forcing all her strength as a show of pride as she acts like nothing's wrong while picking up her chopsticks.


It seems like she's even having trouble drinking the miso soup.

Speaking of which, the students from IS Academy are from all over the world. Thus, there are students and teachers from all countries.

The scenery in front of me is as such; blonds in yukata, silver-haired girls, brown-skinned students, blue-eyed students...all sorts of race. It seems that this is the only place where one can feel that I just went around the whole world. Of course, that's impossible.

"Ni, nice..."

She, she's smiling...

Mn, seems like she's really forcing it...

"Cecilia, if you can't sit down, shouldn't you move over to the dinner tables over there? A lot of our classmates are there. You don't have to be embarrassed about it, you know?"

On a side note, having considered the many nationalities, race and religions of the students, the school provided an eating area for the students who can't eat in a seiza position.

As the meal trays are sorted according to the type of cuisine, so those who want their own food just need to take their own and consume it.

"I'm, I'm alright...rather than having to spend so much effort just to get this seat, this trivial thing..."

Hm? Get a seat? What did she mean? I thought the dinner seating was just according to first-come-first-serve, isn't that the case?

"Ichika, girls consider about a lot of things."



That seems to be the case.

(Speaking of which, where did Houki go?)

Ah, she saw me. She's just sitting at the rear behind the rows opposite me. As expected of a girl from the kendo dojo, as Houki's back is straight and proper as she eats her meal.

She seem to be talking about something interesting with the student beside her as she doesn't notice the look I gave her.

Should I say that it's to be expected of Houki? Even the way she's dressed in a yukata is stunning. Is the typical 'Yamato Nadeshiko' referring to someone like her?

"Ah, Orimura-kun. kya~"

The girl who's beside Houki suddenly noticed me and waved her hand at me. Such an action made Houki, who looked like she was chatting away happily, glare at me unhappily.

That expression most likely means 'why are you showing such an indecent smile to a girl? You rude guy'.

I casually just waved my hand back at them in response and again focus on eating my dinner. Maybe they can't eat on if I continue to stare at them?

(Speaking of which, where did Tabane-san go...)

She just suddenly disappeared after that daring and unruly entrance. I really don't understand her.

"U, ugh...erm..."

And also, Cecilia still can't sit properly in the seiza position. She already couldn't pick up the sashimi twice.


"I'm not going there."

Uu, I got refuted back.

"But you can't eat anything like this, right? Do I need to feed you like what I did to Cha--"

"I, Ichika!"


I nearly slipped it out. To Charl, it should be embarrassing that she couldn't use chopsticks and needed someone to feed her, right?

I covered my mouth and apologized to her.

"I, Ichika-san, was what you said true!?"

WA--I got noticed! No wait, got to give an excuse somewhat.

"Eh--at that time, Charl wasn't feeling..."


"Uu, well? Okay? Your dinner will go go once your legs aren't that numb now. And the fish is a thread-sail filefish. Wouldn't it be a waste not to finish?"

"Th, that's right! Mn, mnn! It'll be rude to the chefs if we waste such a delicious thing!"

Mn, that's right. We can't just treat the food the chefs prepared for us as nothing. Anyone who doesn't know how to be gracious for that will be dead.

"I, I'll leave it to you then."

Cecilia said as she passed me the chopsticks. Once I received the chopsticks, I immediately picked up a piece of sashimi.

"Do you dare to eat wasabi, Cecilia?"

"Wa, wasabi, well, well, just a later..."

Seems like she doesn't. Wasabi's nice.


"Ok, okay. Ah--"

The moment she was about to eat it down, trouble happened.




Uwah, the other girls found out. But isn't that nonsense? Everyone's lined up while eating, so obvious any ordinary person would find out.

"That, that's not crafty! That's the privilege of sitting beside him!"



Is this an honor? A group of girls wanting me to feed them started rushing over. Oi! Hold on! You people all look like you can eat normally!



A group of girls open their mouths at the same time. Ehh, are you all nestlings!!?

"Why can't all of you eat your meals quietly?"

On hearing the voice, everyone froze.

"O, Orimura-sensei..."

"Seems like all of you are rather energetic, right? Very good...well, 50km should be alright, so go run a round on the beach and come back, is that alright?"


After indicating that, everyone immediately returned to their seats. Upon seeing this, Chifuyu-nee stares at me and says,

"Orimura, stop creating commotions. It'll be troublesome to control them,?"

"I, I got it."

It''s my fault? Really?

"That's how it is, Cecilia. Sorry, please..."


Uu, she really looks unhappy. If there's a special effect sound to describe it, it should be like 'hmm~', right?

"I say. Eh..."

"I got it, okay? I got it! Ichika-san values his sister the most."

Hm...seems like I really made her angry--oh, that's right.

"As compensation, Cecilia, come over to my room."

After I said that softly, Cecilia blinked.

"Later to the room...? That means--"

Pa! She suddenly grabbed my head and answers softly yet enthusiatically,

"Okay, I got it! I, I need to prepare, so you may need to wait a while, but I'll definitely go over!"

Prepare? Prepare what? While I'm still thinking about this, Cecilia already changed her mood as she wolfs down her meal. Seems like she got used to the numbness. That's good.

"Ahh, it's nice no matter what I eat!"

She's, she's really enthusiastic! But she's right. Each meal is delicious, so I can understand her feelings.

(What's the base used for this small hotpot? Ginger, wasabi...un.)

Even though the soup base is refreshing and not oily, there's quite the flavor in it. As it's really good, I really like it. It seems that my preference is towards those home-styled type.

After that, I continued to analyze the individual ingredients. By the time I realized it, I was really full.
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Re: Infinite Stratos (IS〈インフィニット・ストラトス〉)

Post by Dauntes »

Thanks to everyone working on this project, I watched the anime because there wasn't really anything better on and decided to read the LN out of boredom but I'm actually enjoying them quite a bit. Thanks again for all the work you guys are putting in.
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Re: Infinite Stratos (IS〈インフィニット・ストラトス〉)

Post by Teh_ping »

IS volume 3 is completed.
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Re: Infinite Stratos (IS〈インフィニット・ストラトス〉)

Post by carj »

yay =D ty

n then again im kinda busy bla bla bla, i cant make the pdf yet bla bla bla, will be done in like 2 weeks bla bla bla =P

i really want some free time v.v
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Re: Infinite Stratos (IS〈インフィニット・ストラトス〉)

Post by Teh_ping »

carj wrote:yay =D ty

n then again im kinda busy bla bla bla, i cant make the pdf yet bla bla bla, will be done in like 2 weeks bla bla bla =P

i really want some free time v.v
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Re: Infinite Stratos (IS〈インフィニット・ストラトス〉)

Post by carj »

Teh_ping wrote:
carj wrote:yay =D ty

n then again im kinda busy bla bla bla, i cant make the pdf yet bla bla bla, will be done in like 2 weeks bla bla bla =P

i really want some free time v.v
D= me not understand.....and google translator sucks =O, and and im late for classes =D, and and and its hot and and and and......meh gtg c ya

again google translator SUCKS >=O

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