i have an idea

Do you have a fully fleshed idea that you think Baka-Tsuki should adopt? Post it here.

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i have an idea

Post by Dasneaky »

i have an idea for a light novel but i don't know of any japnesse company that will accept English work, i think i might have one book that written out could you guys point me in the direction of an understanding japense company
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Re: i have an idea

Post by Dasneaky »

this is a sample of what i have right now

When Xion was riding through the village alone since Cecelia went to go buy supply for the long journey ahead of them. Xion saw a group of elves surrounding Eleywn they were saying “get out of here half-breed your not welcome in our village. Why you save those outsider huh, well huh why you do it?” said the leader of the group. When Eleywn said nothing the leader slapped her across the face hard enough to draw blood. Having seeing a enough Xion said “STOP RIGHT THERE if you need someone to fight, fight me instead of taking your anger out on me instead of the person who saved my life.” The group of elves turned and looked at Xion mounted on the untamable horse know as Spirit. Next they saw his sword arm was on the hilt of his long sword not wanting to see if he could use it or not the group of elves left Eleywn alone. Xion dismounted and walked over to Eleywn and simply asked “are you all right Eleywn?” Eleywn had tears in her eyes and ask with a shaking voice “why’d you protect me no one ever done that for me before. Why help me I m just a half-breed no one wants me around them?” Because when I look at you I don’t see a half-breed, I see the woman who not only save me but also save the life of someone who is now very important to me and keep watch over me as I slept, I see a woman who was dealt an unfair hand of cards in life, I see a beautiful woman who keep me alive when no else would have, and I also see a woman who needs someone to watch over her as she once did for me only this time it won’t be until you feel better oh no, I’m going to watch over you until people accept that you’re a half-breed. Xion said while holding Eleywn against his chest while she cried. “Did you really mean it Xion do you really mean what you said” she replied with tears running down her beautiful face. “Every word Eleywn, I meant every word, but it your choice if you want to come with me I won’t force you to come if you don’t want to” replied Xion while carrying her over to Spirit and putting her in the front of the saddle while Xion got in the back. “Now I want you to sleep and remember that I m watching over you now” said Xion. Eleywn snuggle deeply into Xion chest and said “thank you” “what for?” Xion asked. “thank you for showing me they are people out there who don’t see a half-breed but a lonely woman who needed someone to watch over her” said Eleywn, “oh that, then you’re welcome, now I want you to rest now” said Xion and Eleywn did just that know she had a guardian angel watching over her.
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Re: i have an idea

Post by Dasneaky »

i realized that that wasn't enough to give you an idea of whats going on so here another 4 page there like mabye 4 more pages before this so tell me what u think oh yeah i did all of this in maybe 2 days

When Xion was riding through the village alone since Cecelia went to go buy supply for the long journey ahead of them. Xion saw a group of elves surrounding Eleywn they were saying “get out of here half-breed your not welcome in our village. Why you save those outsider huh, well huh why you do it?” said the leader of the group. When Eleywn said nothing the leader slapped her across the face hard enough to draw blood. Having seeing a enough Xion said “STOP RIGHT THERE if you need someone to fight, fight me instead of taking your anger out on me instead of the person who saved my life.” The group of elves turned and looked at Xion mounted on the untamable horse know as Spirit. Next they saw his sword arm was on the hilt of his long sword not wanting to see if he could use it or not the group of elves left Eleywn alone. Xion dismounted and walked over to Eleywn and simply asked “are you all right Eleywn?” Eleywn had tears in her eyes and ask with a shaking voice “why’d you protect me no one ever done that for me before. Why help me I m just a half-breed no one wants me around them?” Because when I look at you I don’t see a half-breed, I see the woman who not only save me but also save the life of someone who is now very important to me and keep watch over me as I slept, I see a woman who was dealt an unfair hand of cards in life, I see a beautiful woman who keep me alive when no else would have, and I also see a woman who needs someone to watch over her as she once did for me only this time it won’t be until you feel better oh no, I’m going to watch over you until people accept that you’re a half-breed. Xion said while holding Eleywn against his chest while she cried. “Did you really mean it Xion do you really mean what you said” she replied with tears running down her beautiful face. “Every word Eleywn, I meant every word, but it your choice if you want to come with me I won’t force you to come if you don’t want to” replied Xion while carrying her over to Spirit and putting her in the front of the saddle while Xion got in the back. “Now I want you to sleep and remember that I m watching over you now” said Xion. Eleywn snuggle deeply into Xion chest and said “thank you” “what for?” Xion asked. “thank you for showing me they are people out there who don’t see a half-breed but a lonely woman who needed someone to watch over her” said Eleywn, “oh that, then you’re welcome, now I want you to rest now” said Xion and Eleywn did just that know she had a guardian angel watching over her.

It was a great morning the weather was clear the sun was shining and the party of three could see the capital city of the elves called the “city of Spirits” in the distance when they were near the gatehouse they could see a group rider riding out to meet them at the head of the group was the person he wanted to see the most his twin sister. “Mao!!” Xion yelled urging Spirit into a gallop. They stopped when they were riding next to each other both grinning like a dire wolf that sees an easy prey. “Xion we all thought you were dead. Xion, mother falling gravely ill she was distraught over losing her last son but she will be glad to see you safe and sounds, by the way how did you survive against 30 fully armed knights?” Mao asked. “It wasn’t easy I tell you but I did it somehow.” Xion replied. Mao finally notice the other two beautiful women, Mao asked Xion “and who are these to beautiful lady you have accompanying you here” “ah let me introduce them this here is Eleywn the healer she keep me alive when no else would’ve she is also a half-breed but I don’t see a half-breed. I see a woman who save my life so treat her as you would treat me” Xion declared hearing the grunts of approve Xion continue on “this here is Cecelia le Quickfeet she once was my enemy but has swore fealty to me and is acting as my bodyguard, but enough talk let us enter your city” said Xion. “Mao I also I need to talk to 3 of the twelve mageknights” Xion whispered. “What for Xion?” Mao whispered back “I need to talk to the knight of courage, the knight compassion, and the knight of loyalty.” Said Xion

Later that night……

There was a knock at Xion door and a deep voice rang out from the other side of the door “you call for me my lord” said sir Seth standing about at 5’11 with a solid body that has seen many battles. His eyes a deep dark brown that with matching brown hair and hands the size of a giant. “Yes I want you to tell me about the rings, there weapon, and how there made.” Xion replied “that’s a tall order my lord but I’ll do my best” replied Sir Seth the knight of courage. “This was back during the beginning of the world where sick, vile, and evil creature roamed the land towns and city fell one by one, man, dwarf, and elf kind where almost hunted to extinction but the gods of the old give mankind thirteen rings of power and thirteen matching weapon to the rings of power the thirteen the thirteen rings and weapon where given to 13 different heroes……. ”. “Wait hold on if mankind was given thirteen rings of power and there matching weapon how come we only have twelve now” Xion asked interrupting sir Seth. Sir Seth replied “Because after the heroes drove back the darkness and evil creature, sealing them away in a different world. The leader of the heroes mysteriously vanished without a word to his fellow heroes. It was rumored that his ring was powerful enough to take on all twelve rings at once. My thoughts are if it was that powerful the hero went to hide it away so mankind wouldn’t be tempted to miss use it power bestowed on to us by the gods. It is said that one day the evil creatures would break free of their prison and 13 heroes would rise to the task” said Sir Seth finishing his tale. “Sir Seth can teach me how to wield magic and use the rings power” Xion asked. “Well that is the sole reason why we twelve mageknights exists, isn’t my young lord, meet me in the training grounds in the morning we will see how well you handle that longsword.

Sometime in the middle of the night
Xion heard someone crying outside his door went to open the door to see Eleywn crying her heart out. She was wearing a traditionally elven nightgown that was all white and that seemed to shimmer in the moonlight of the red moon, Eleywn merely giving Xion a look of loneliness and said “can you watch over me tonight?” she pleaded. Xion simply pick up Eleywn bridal style and carried her into his room and gentled laid her down in his bed. Putting an arm around her pulling her into his chest feeling her sobs rack her small but beautiful body, all the while wiping her tears away until her sobs gradually lessen to sniffle. Feeling a need to know what cause her to cry like that Xion asked “What were you dreaming about that made you this sad” “I was dreaming that I was a kid again and I was all alone in the “Forest of Beginning” I kept calling out for my mother or anyone but no one answered my calls for help I felt so alone I thought the dream would never end” said Eleywn break into tears all over again. “I won’t pry into your childhood but remember this I will always protect and take care of you and you will never truly be alone as long as you have me. Now I want you to sleep knowing I m right here beside you tonight if you ever feel lonely wake me up and I will stay up with you until you can go back to sleep” Xion said drawing Eleywn into a hug around her waist drawing her tightly into his chest and laying his head next to hers. Xion having something important to say while the mood was right “Eleywn” he said “yes” she answer “I won’t love you for being a half-man, I won’t love you for being half-elf, but I will love you just for you Eleywn because I see a woman who want no! Needs to be love right now, until the day comes when you don’t need my love anymore I will love with all my heart until I die” Xion stated. Eleywn turned her body towards Xion and said “thank you, Xion you’re more then I deserve.” And gentle kiss him on the lips and nuzzled into the nook of Xion neck.
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Re: i have an idea

Post by Dasneaky »

ugh sorry last post this isn't even 5% done i got this all maped out in my head there proabbly a bunch of grammer mistake buts that cuz i have dyslexia and disgraphia
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Re: i have an idea

Post by ShadowZeroHeart »

Dasneaky wrote:i have an idea for a light novel but i don't know of any japnesse company that will accept English work, i think i might have one book that written out could you guys point me in the direction of an understanding japense company
I saw your post earlier on, but figured it might be better to let someone else answer your question... But now, I think I better answer you...

This is a fan-translation group, and has no ties with any publishing companies. Furthermore, while you say this is a light novel, it is more likely for you to get attention in an English company than a Japanese company. Think of it in the other way, how many English companies would want to publish a Japanese work(untranslated). Be it costs, profits, how hard it is to advertise or to get readers, it is best to look for an English company instead of a Japanese one.

If you really want to and intend to go for a Japanese company, you might have to find someone or some way to translate it into Japanese, before you can even send it in, which is time consuming and may even cost money. It is ultimately up to you in the end, but this is what I believe is the answer to your question.
You need not forgive me.
For those I love,
The violence brought about by sinful men
Shall now be used once more.
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If there is a single shred of hope left for the future of mankind,
I am very sorry, but, please begone!
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Re: i have an idea

Post by KuroiHikari »

I'm not too sure why you're looking for a Japanese company. Is the script going to be redone in Japanese? Are your target audience Japanese? Are you familiar enough with the Japanese culture to target Japanese?
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Re: i have an idea

Post by Dasneaky »

well i ll be honest i m complety new to this line of work i don't know if i should ask a japness company or english company to look over my work so i thought i would ask her for a recommadtion
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Re: i have an idea

Post by ShadowZeroHeart »

Dasneaky wrote:well i ll be honest i m complety new to this line of work i don't know if i should ask a japness company or english company to look over my work so i thought i would ask her for a recommadtion
Since your work is in English, ask an English company. They can understand it better, and the readers are mainly English as well. But if you do have the script in Japanese, then you can consider a Japanese company provided your idea is good and is comparable to the many novels in Japan. Meaning it depends on your target audience then.
You need not forgive me.
For those I love,
The violence brought about by sinful men
Shall now be used once more.
If you were created to save this world,
If there is a single shred of hope left for the future of mankind,
I am very sorry, but, please begone!
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Re: i have an idea

Post by Dasneaky »

lol thats the problem i wrote it with the idea in mind for both English and japaness readers and like i said before i m completely new to this line of work and don't know of any good English or japsenss company that will look at my work all i need is a few names of English and japness company will understand my current situation and snice i m new i don't know of any light novel company english or japness
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Re: i have an idea

Post by arczyx »

Dasneaky wrote:lol thats the problem i wrote it with the idea in mind for both English and japaness readers and like i said before i m completely new to this line of work and don't know of any good English or japsenss company that will look at my work all i need is a few names of English and japness company will understand my current situation and snice i m new i don't know of any light novel company english or japness
That's why google exist. Just take a look at their website and contact them through email or something. Wish you luck :mrgreen:
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Re: i have an idea

Post by Dasneaky »

k if it get publish you guys will be the first to know since you guys helped me out a lot thanks
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