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Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 6:05 am
by Hu_nk
Misogi wrote:Crap, I forgot to look at his profile (only looked at TLG). Thanks.

Edit : Mail sent.
For TLG, there are some contact informations in his BT's profile.

Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 6:20 am
by Misogi
... I should really take some days off, but I just can't. Thanks a lot, Hunk, it was so easy to find them...

Edit : Done.

Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 4:02 am
by onizuka-gto

Please give me a list of languages that require a sub-forum and Baka-Tsuki staff please put your name down if you can read/write the language.

oh and send me a email with the link to that specific post here, my forum inbox is kinda full (im too busy to sort it out :( )
so email is the best way to grab my attention.

Best regards.

Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 4:33 am
by Lery
Cool, it was faster than we feared.

I will let Misogi see the details with you, but we don't have an exact list, we guessed it may be useful for these languages :
  • French
  • German
  • Indonesian
  • Spanish
But since there wasn't so much people from the other projects who came here, we don't really know for the other languages... (Even for these, some didn't answer yet.)

About the staff : who is considered as "BT-staff" ? Are Editors/Translators included ?

Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 8:22 am
by Misogi
Since I'm quite busy with exams, I'll take the time to see what languages need a section, and who can take care of them.

Until then (this week-end), suggestions are welcome.

Edit : For now, I'll put langauges with more than 5 active projects and/or an important total of projects (10-20 at least, it depends on the activity).

Edit 2 : And if I can find at least one potential supervisor, which is not the case for Brazilian Portuguese.

Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 3:58 am
by KuroiHikari
The rest of the forums also kind of need a real moderator, or someone who can at least move or delete improper threads placed in the the forum sections other than the aux brig. and the future project suggestion sections(TLs and Editors have some powers in these two sections).

Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 4:23 am
by Misogi
KuroiHikari wrote:The rest of the forums also kind of need a real moderator, or someone who can at least move or delete improper threads placed in the the forum sections other than the aux brig. and the future project suggestion sections(TLs and Editors have some powers in these two sections).
I should say that the forum needs a huge clean-up, along with a reorganization.

Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 5:16 am
by arczyx
KuroiHikari wrote:The rest of the forums also kind of need a real moderator, or someone who can at least move or delete improper threads placed in the the forum sections other than the aux brig. and the future project suggestion sections(TLs and Editors have some powers in these two sections).
Misogi wrote:I should say that the forum needs a huge clean-up, along with a reorganization.
Agree. Now we just have to convince a certain admin to prioritize this over giving special rank to someone who have more than 15,532 posts.....

Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 8:31 am
by Misogi
Back to the topic, I finally managed to made a list.

I only put languages with enough projects and available supervisors, so there are only 4 for now.

If you have suggestions or remarks about this list, please post a message before tomorrow. I'll also need a German and an Indonesian translation of the section's description.

Note : This list may contain errors, since some projects don't have the categories tags.

Alternative Language Forum - Sections


You can speak in English or in French. / Vous pouvez écrire en Anglais ou en Français.

Available Supervisors (by order of priority):
Spoiler! :
- Vaelis (Already Supervisor)
- Kira0802
- Misogi
- Lery (French + German)
- Hu_nk (Managing his own projects)
- Aska
- Drakyo
- Ness (Managing his own project)

You can speak in English or in Spanish. / Podéis hablar en Inglés o en Español.

Available Supervisors:
Spoiler! :
- FNX (Already Supervisor)
- rpapo

You can speak in English or in German. / Ihr könnt euch auf Deutsch oder English unterhalten.

Available Supervisors:
Spoiler! :
- Darklor (Already Supervisor)
- Lery (French + German)
- EusthEnoptEron (?)

You can speak in English or in Indonesian. / Anda dapat menggunakan bahasa Inggris maupun Indonesia.

Available Supervisors:
Spoiler! :
- arczyx
- SoulTranslator
- Xehannos
- User753
- LiTTleDRAgo

Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 4:37 am
by Misogi
I think that I'll postpone the list's sending to Wednesday or Thursday, considering the lack of answers.

Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 4:56 am
by Misogi
It seems that he doesn't have a forum account. I'm not against it, but well, his recent changes are quite old.

I think that I won't put him for now, but it can be reconsidered if he comes back.

Anyway, seems like I have 2 different sentences:

Anda dapat menggunakan bahasa Inggris maupun Indonesia.
Anda dapat berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris atau dengan bahasa Indonesia.

Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:58 am
by FNX
Misogi wrote:I think that I'll postpone the list's sending to Wednesday or Thursday, considering the lack of answers.
Well the list of spanish projects is a little off since we at least have a few other finished projects but in the end it's quite accurate, so I don't mind

Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:59 am
by Azyrion
here a little help with the German translation. I've formulated it a bit differently 'cause it sounds a bit stiff when translated literally IMO:

You can speak in English or in German/ Ihr könnt euch auf Deutsch oder English unterhalten.

And even so I normally read/watch the LN/manga/anime in english I can still support the idea. Just went to the alternate language section for the first I was quite shocked to see hoe unorganized it was.

Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 7:41 am
by Misogi
FNX wrote:Well the list of spanish projects is a little off since we at least have a few other finished projects but in the end it's quite accurate, so I don't mind
I know, that's probably because some projects didn't have the "Spanish" category tag on the wiki...

Still, the number of active projects is enough to deserve the section. I think that I will not send the list of projects, that's just for public information.
Azyrion wrote:here a little help with the German translation. I've formulated it a bit differently 'cause it sounds a bit stiff when translated literally IMO:

You can speak in English or in German/ Ihr könnt euch auf Deutsch oder English unterhalten.

And even so I normally read/watch the LN/manga/anime in english I can still support the idea. Just went to the alternate language section for the first I was quite shocked to see hoe unorganized it was.
Thanks, I'll also wait Lery's translation, so that no mistakes will be present.

You aren't the only one who's surprised by the mess in the ALF.

Aside the mess there (with the mixed languages), another problem is that new members aren't well informed (even worse, they struggle to register here). I did some tutorials, but even so, they aren't perfectly clear and easy to find.

But once you're accustomed to BT, you encounter less problems than before.

Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 9:09 am
by Azyrion
Misogi wrote:
FNX wrote:Well the list of spanish projects is a little off since we at least have a few other finished projects but in the end it's quite accurate, so I don't mind
I know, that's probably because some projects didn't have the "Spanish" category tag on the wiki...

Still, the number of active projects is enough to deserve the section. I think that I will not send the list of projects, that's just for public information.
Azyrion wrote:here a little help with the German translation. I've formulated it a bit differently 'cause it sounds a bit stiff when translated literally IMO:

You can speak in English or in German/ Ihr könnt euch auf Deutsch oder English unterhalten.

And even so I normally read/watch the LN/manga/anime in english I can still support the idea. Just went to the alternate language section for the first I was quite shocked to see hoe unorganized it was.
Thanks, I'll also wait Lery's translation, so that no mistakes will be present.

You aren't the only one who's surprised by the mess in the ALF.

Aside the mess there (with the mixed languages), another problem is that new members aren't well informed (even worse, they struggle to register here). I did some tutorials, but even so, they aren't perfectly clear and easy to find.

But once you're accustomed to BT, you encounter less problems than before.
well there shouldn't be any translation errors as I grew up and still live in Germany. The thing I changed is like changing "speak" to "talk" so yeah no errors on that one :lol:

and about registration:

I had a hard time passing the captcha as the question were surprisingly difficult or more like took me quite aback?