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wiki PDF export

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 12:09 pm
by quantaxe
As i understand baka-tsuki wiki is based on mediawiki, so is it very hard to add HTML2FPDF extension,
so that whoever wants, can export wiki pages to pdf file.

I believe it would help many to have easy PDF export possibility.

Re: wiki PDF export

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 2:21 pm
by thelastguardian
BT had a similar extension installed, at one point; I have since disabled it for the following reasons-

1. PDF conversion is very cpu intensive. When web crawlers (search engines and individuals attempting to mirror the wiki) traverse through the wiki, they would often ignore robots.txt and ordered multiple conversions at the same time. The fact that BT's wiki pages are much longer than the usual wiki pages only serve to amplified this problem.
This overload the server and brings it down to its knee. Until outside agents stop this behavior, I have no choice but to disable it.
2. Having a pdf output sort of defeats the purpose of wiki, which is to allow anyone to make edition to the pages in question.
3. I don't want to make it seems that we are competing against books.

Re: wiki PDF export

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 11:23 pm
by Anon
I wonder if this is a good time to mention that lately someone has been posting torrents of PDFs (plus novel illustrations) of Baka-Tsuki projects on BakaBT.