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Original Light Novel - Procedure

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:08 pm
by Mystes
Seems like many people want their own LNs hosted. Anyone wants to discuss for a procedure?

Re: Original Light Novel - Procedure

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:40 pm
by jonathanasdf
Speaking from what I would like if I ever were to write my own LN (well, maybe a normal novel for next year's NaNoWriMo? Dunno), I agree that it'd be nice to have it accessible on the wiki and not just in the forums. That said, I expect there to be quite a few of these once people start knowing that they can submit them, so it might not be a good idea to have it in the sidebar.

Btw, what exactly is the definition of a light novel? That it's short? But Horizon's still a LN. That it has illustrations? But many novels have illustrations too. :\

And a completely unrelated question, why do they call it ラノ instead of ライノ? Actually I take that back, the second one sounds too much like Rhino and sounds stupid.

Re: Original Light Novel - Procedure

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:49 pm
by Mystes

Well, I guess the definition of LN is a 'Serializtion' of novels for teens and young adults. However, sometimes, there's only a single-LN...damn, WTH is a LN?

Re: Original Light Novel - Procedure

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:28 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
If I recall, they are called light novels because of their compact sizes in which the original Japanese volumes are in. If so, our current end products are not 'light'.

Considering how we focus on Japanese light novels, and how the people tend to just use our site to test their own writing and creativity, with no reference nor link to light novels(they are publishing compositions/stories), I am not sure whether to really support this...

Its like, "I have a story, and I have nowhere else to throw, so here!! tell me what you think!!". It kinda boosts popularity in a sense, but it would make B-T lose its focus. Which is why I think allocating another section(forums, or creation of a new area on wiki) for such works rather than on the sidebar is better.

Re: Original Light Novel - Procedure

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:37 am
by Doraneko
jonathanasdf wrote:And a completely unrelated question, why do they call it ラノ instead of ライノ? Actually I take that back, the second one sounds too much like Rhino and sounds stupid.
They are called ライトノベル, or simply ラノベ. I have never head of ラノ or ライノ as a standalone term. :lol:

As for the definition of light novels, debates are endless. There is simply no way a proper consensus may be reached, as it is too easy to suggest a counter example whenever someone brings up a suggested catch-all definition.

Currently the most objective and commonly accepted method is to refer to the novel labels they are published in. Novels published under the following labels may eligible to be classified as light novels. Novels that are not published under them may never be light novels, regardless of their content, size, or whether there is any illustration. This is the method accepted by all the major light novel rankings in Japan.

(Automatically regarded as light novels)

(May be regarded as light novels depend on the availability of illustration, cover design and community consensus)

Re: Original Light Novel - Procedure

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:12 am
by jonathanasdf
so このラノ is a contraction of a contraction? lol But I guess that's fine.

Ok, then, a slight mistake on my part, but my original question still stands. why is it ラノベ not ライノベ :|

Re: Original Light Novel - Procedure

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 3:56 am
by Darklor
Hm, and I thought the light means a lighter Japanese, for a younger reading audience.