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Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 12:35 pm
by Misogi

I'd like to request some important changes, regarding the "Alternative Language Forum".


Moderator Rights

That was asked before, but the moderator rights in that sub-forum aren't all present.

Impossible to remove posts, to merge them... so it'd be great if they were available.

Another idea was the creation of a new group for that sub-forum, but I'm not fond of it.


Creation of sections for each language

That's my main request. I'm supporting the idea of putting sections for each language.

I'll be using the example of the French section, but there are other ones that deserve their section (Spanish, German and Indonesian, for sure).

Since March 2012, we've started 11 projects, one was restarted and there are future ones that are planned (or not).

Among the 21 French projects that exist on BT, 12 are ongoing, two are finished. One more is already planned.

SAO is the most popular one, but its success has highlighted some problems :
- Aside SAO, new members who join or create a project aren't well-informed, even if two help pages were created...
- SAO's topic is a subject for both the project's discussion and general announcements. That's unpratical, and for now, I've created a temporary topic that is used for general announcements.
- Integration of new members is a bit problematic: answers to PMs are done anywhere it's possible, and it'd be better with a section where they can speak their language.

However, I don't intend to make OT-subjects, just to be clear on that.


Anyway, if you support this idea, have suggestions or corrections to give, please post a comment. I can't create a poll here, so that's ithe only thing to do here.

Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:55 pm
by Lery
I'm totally supporting this idea, that's pretty messy right now and it would be easier with our own sub-forum, for sure. :D

Some users with real mods' rights would be great too. We are lacking those basic abilities which are crucial to the wealth of a forum... (Luckily, we don't have too much new threads or problems, so it's fine at the moment.) This is but logical since the mods of the rest of the board aren't all multilingual or whatever. So aside of Darklor, I don't think I know a mod who is coming to the alternative language forum. :cry:
I think, unlike Misogi, that the creation of an "alternative language security bureau" group would be the best way to manage these new rights attribution.[If there were to become reality] (It doesn't make sense to give full moderator rights over the asked subforums of the Alternative Language Forum to all translators/editors, does it?)

The fact is also that if we had our own sub-forum, we could manage our own stickies to lead our french/german/indonesian speaking hordes and give them the most important information within their reach (id est : without having to browse the 80 pages of the SAO french thread to find the said essential information for example :lol: ).
If every language community was to create its own stickies currently, it would overcrowd the first page of the Alt-lang Forum ^^'

Well, I hope some admin will come along and spot that thread, or we may wait pretty long before anything moves in any direction, I guess... :wink:

Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 5:50 pm
by arczyx
Don't forget that in ALF, guests can post without being moderated (which is not good at all, since some disrespectful comments can appear, and they can't be deleted at least by project translator/editor).

Have you send PM and/or email to TLG/Oni? (since the chance of they actually appear over here is low and all...)

Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 7:30 pm
by FNX
I support this too, right now we have a few projects in Spanish and it´s own forum could help to attract even more people since they would be able to discuss them without searching too far on the list. The organization is another good point, right now if I need to check a project first I need to see if a post about it exists in the few pages we already have and then check the history of that post to see the recent activity.

Also it could be good to make a few different posts, maybe feedback threads or popularity threads or even next project suggestion threads for every language

Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:46 am
by Misogi
@Lery : The problem is more about the rights set in the sub-forum, rather than a lack of admins for this section.

There are enough people to look at the sub-forum (except admins, but that's another subject), it's just that they can't control it efficiently.

And I'm not sure that the creation of a new group benefits to that section and its community... that would isolate it a bit more from the general community.

@arczyx : Being unable to delete such posts is indeed a problem.

I'll try to send a PM, thanks for the suggestion.

@FNX : I've got the same idea, I have an idea of the section's organisation, be it in general or for every project.

As Lery said, if every language had its own sticky threads, it won't work.

Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 1:34 pm
by Lery
Misogi wrote:@Lery : The problem is more about the rights set in the sub-forum, rather than a lack of admins for this section.

There are enough people to look at the sub-forum (except admins, but that's another subject), it's just that they can't control it efficiently.
That was actually what I was meaning... The language barrier is a problem for the moderator, at the moment, IMHO.
Misogi wrote:And I'm not sure that the creation of a new group benefits to that section and its community... that would isolate it a bit more from the general community.
Well, actually creating a new group doesn't mean it will be visible or whatsoever. Did you already manage a PhpBB forum ? Groups are the best for rights management.

It doesn't mean you will get a new rank or so, it does just mean that all the member of the said group will be granted more rights, which will allow them to moderate the sub-forums without giving the rights to do so to too much people...

Actually it would be totally transparent to you if you were -for example- to be added to that group (which I would recommend given your work here in the french community). If it were to be the case, you would just discover once that you are now able to moderate with all the mods'powers the ALF's sub-forums... It wouldn't be really displayed anywhere. But that doesn't mean that everybody is now able to do so, just that you were granted more rights. How ? By adding you to the said group. (Which may be invisible ^^')
Do you get my point ? I wasn't meaning a group like the one of the translators or the editors... I was meaning it from an admin point of view : that's the best way to do it.
Way better than to give manually the rights to moderate the said sub-forums to some members.

Actually I shouldn't even need to say it, if it were to be done, any admin would have do it that way I guess ;) I may withdraw that saying and just watch what would happen. I'm pretty confident if it comes to that that they would create a ALF-mods group.

Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 1:48 pm
by Misogi
Well, some translators and editors work on English and Alternative projects, or help fellow members in their projects. Giving the lacking rights to the existing groups is more logical than creating another group (see France's current situation).

I don't care about the rank or whatever colour it has. It's just about moderation, although I'm not against a hidden group, it could be a decent compromise.

Still, there's no absolute need to create another group, when we already have existing ones.

Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 1:51 pm
by Lery
Well, it's of no use to argue about it since it's anyway up to the admin ;)

I guess they will do it the way they prefer and I don't think it will be a bad way. (In Admins we trust... :mrgreen: )

Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 1:18 am
by Hu_nk
I'm not here for quite long, but it's true that at first, I was a little lost. I think that having a whole section per language could be really helpful for newcomers, or even just for regular foreign members who're not working on projects.

As previous comments highlighted it, organization will be much easier for each community, without giving much more work to mod/admin, since every community could handle it themselves.
Lery wrote:Well, actually creating a new group doesn't mean it will be visible or whatsoever. Did you already manage a PhpBB forum ? Groups are the best for rights management.
I second that, even if setting groups at first can be a little tedious depending on how precise you want to set rights. But upgrading current rights would also do the job I guess.

Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:39 am
by Aska
I m totally supporting this request. I see so many times the same question "I don't know if/how... so/but..."
This could be helped a lot new members, and by the the way, the olders too. Searching would be easier and faster.

And I think you can add the new projects started in french this week.

Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:44 am
by Misogi
I have some bad news, related to the forum itself but not to this topic's requests.

Darklor is absent for 3 months, so the approval of new projects will take even more time (around one or two months usually).

If you have projects that are still pending, even if they fulfill the conditions, please post a message here.

Approval needed for:
Campione! - French Done
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - French Done
Sword Art Online - Lithuanian Done
To Aru Majutsu no Index - Brazilian Protuguese
Hyouka - Polish Done

Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 11:30 am
by Misogi
Still nothing new... well I guess that I'll contact TLG and Oni directly.

Can someone give me their email addresses, so that I could contact them?

Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 11:01 pm
by Hu_nk
Misogi wrote:Still nothing new... well I guess that I'll contact TLG and Oni directly.

Can someone give me their email addresses, so that I could contact them?
Have you tried the mail address that is in Onizuka's profile?

Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 11:56 pm
by Aska
Hu_nk wrote:Have you tried the mail address that is in Onizuka's profile?
I think that he is spam for nothing, so he couldn't read all message. (I m not sure.) Nevertheless, it could be worth it to try.

Re: Organization of the Alternative Language Forum

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:56 am
by Misogi
Hu_nk wrote:
Misogi wrote:Still nothing new... well I guess that I'll contact TLG and Oni directly.

Can someone give me their email addresses, so that I could contact them?
Have you tried the mail address that is in Onizuka's profile?
Crap, I forgot to look at his profile (only looked at TLG). Thanks.

Edit : Mail sent.