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Re: Maria-sama ga Miteru

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 8:30 pm
by enn_are
I'm away on vacation for the next two weeks, so my next update won't be until after Feb 22.

Re: Maria-sama ga Miteru

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 7:21 pm
by rydenius
Finally got Vol. 12, ch. 2 finished and posted. That takes care of all the content with the hidden translations that we couldn't get permission for. I performed some editing on the previously posted work for parts 1-3 done by Harunako, and also went back to the raw text to revise a few paragraphs that looked problematic. I've added hidden page #s in places in the script for easier translation checking. I did a bunch of grammar fixes and consistency changes.

I changed "hiking" (遠足) to "outing" where I found it, and hopefully got them all. Though I suppose "trip" might be better since an "outing" is usually a one-day affair, but that just seems so colorless... If anyone has opinions on that let me know.

I'm also not really liking the personal sounding uses of "Mom" and "Dad" in the earlier parts of the chapter since my feel for the writing style in the book is a bit more distant 3rd person (though Yumi probably is the narrator, and sometimes Yumi's thoughts are written in first person), but it's too much of a pain to rework it, so unless it bothers someone, I'm going to leave it as is.

I didn't have time to thoroughly check through all the previous work, and with my own work I'm trying to keep the translation as literal as possible while still maintaining the style and feel of the author, so If anyone sees any problem areas with the translation for vol 12 so far (or in the future), let me know and I'll look it over to see if I can make improvements. (Likewise for the chapters I did in v23 and v34, I saw some places that need revision in those so I'll revisit them again when I get a chance.)

Moving on to v12 Chapter 3, it turns out that Chapter 3 really doesn't have 2 parts done, but rather only 4 *pages*... :cry: ... so that 7 part chapter is looking to be a beast. But, since I've come this far, I'm going to give it a go. Wish me luck! 8)

Re: Maria-sama ga Miteru

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 8:11 am
by OnionSoup

Thanks for all the hard work that both of you have been putting in. It's been really appreciated. One day when I manage to learn more moonrunes I will assist in the translations but until now I will continue to rely on your work.

Also now that v13 is translated, time to go back and re-read it all.

Re: Maria-sama ga Miteru

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 10:43 pm
by rydenius
Thanks OnionSoup, 2 pages to go to get the next part of v12 ch3 up. I made a workflow change that's speeding things up a bit from the previous chapter. (I'm still super slow though, sorry guys! :oops: ) I'd pick up a lot more time if I could type radicals into Denshi Jisho (instead of clicking radicals) and look up the kanji that way, it takes soooooo long pulling them up one at a time when I don't know the readings. I couldn't even imagine doing it with a physical character dictionary... :shock:

Enn Are, amazing (and fast!) job on v13! It brightens up my day every time I get the sound on my phone indicating a new section/chapter to read. And I wonder if it's just me, but I had the feeling that Oyuki Konno was enjoying trolling us throughout that entire volume! :lol: hahaha

Re: Maria-sama ga Miteru

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 8:25 am
Many thanks for the ongoing translation of this series :D
Hope for more to come :)

Re: Maria-sama ga Miteru

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 9:34 pm
by enn_are
Thanks for the support everyone, I'll probably just move on to Volume 14 next - although the first section of that is pretty long so it'll probably be a week or so until the first update.

Re: Maria-sama ga Miteru

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 5:08 pm
by ontomatter
I'm glad for all of the translators work and I very glad that the project is still active. Good job translators. :)

Re: Maria-sama ga Miteru

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 7:24 am
by MovingMan
Thank you so, so much to the hard-working translators working on this project! I started reading this series back in 2008 but because the translations kinda dropped off then I stopped. I've since "rediscovered" the series and I'm already through 13 books in a week- and looking for more! :) Can't be more grateful for ongoing translations for such an old series.

Re: Maria-sama ga Miteru

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 1:01 am
by rydenius
I've been focusing on prepping for the JLPT N4 coming up in December so that's been taking up most of my spare time, but looks like I'm making good progress on v12 chapter 3 at the moment, even though it's taken me the better part of a year :shock: , it'll feel good to finally get that completed soon.

Lately, I've been curious on how the translation and the novel compared with the anime, so I watched Episode 1 from Season 3 (covers volume 12) and while thankfully my translation seems match up well, I was amazed at how much of the novel was cut out of the anime. Guess that's normally the case, but it felt like almost every scene had half the content cut out. Makes sense that they would cut the parts where Sachiko tries to get Yumi to take motion-sickness pills and the later references to that, considering that it would be problematic to show on TV, but in other cases the cut material caused a lot of the context to be lost for the respective scenes. It was also interesting to note that the squirrel scene and the scene where Yumi asks to help Kiyo-san got moved to "Tuesday" in the anime (the squirrel scene was also moved outside), even though in the case of the scene with Kiyo-san, it had an impact on both why Kiyo-san tasked Yumi with waking up Sachiko and why Yumi was so excited to be able to do it.

It reminds me again of why it's really great that Baka-Tsuki provides such an amazing resource for us to be able to read and share translations of the various light novel series. There's just so much that is missed from these stories without access to the content of the original light novels.

Re: Maria-sama ga Miteru

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 4:54 am
by MovingMan
Haha that's exactly why I enjoy light novels too. Being able to observe Yumi's internal struggles is also great too! Although I've not exactly seen the whole three seasons of the anime- I remember it being pretty hard to find, maybe I'd look into it now that you've reminded me.

Good to know the translations are coming along well! Thanks a lot for your hard work! :))

Re: Maria-sama ga Miteru

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 12:44 am
by rydenius
You guys are definitely welcome (just wish I could do it faster!). The illustration for Vol 12's Insert #5, has me wondering if that is Yuuki pulling Yumi by the wrist, or is there some scene we don't know about where Kashiwagi is rescuing Yumi from something...?

Though I have to admit that my favorite characters thus far are Touko and Nana. And as amusing as Yumi's internal struggles have been, if the section of volume 34 that I worked on a while back is any indication, Nana's internal dialogs are going to be quite something as well (in a different way :lol: ), so I'm really looking forward to see what happens in the later books.

BTW, I noticed the other day that Hulu Plus had all four seasons of the anime. I'm not sure if it's dubbed or subbed though... It's disappointing that a 5th season wasn't done, since there's still so many more volumes to cover.

Re: Maria-sama ga Miteru

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 6:06 pm
by ontomatter
Don't think the dub is available in North America. In any case I'm very very happy that the translation is proceeding along. I pretty much read the entirety of the translations on about six months and it brought me much enjoyment during the downtime that's omnipresent at my current job.

Re: Maria-sama ga Miteru

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 4:47 am
by nisepanda
I'm here just want to say my thanks to the translators :D thank you for translating this series!
really, thank you! :) and good luck!

Re: Maria-sama ga Miteru

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 5:42 am
by MovingMan
Out of curiosity, I noticed that the latest volume of Marimite came out in 2012, it appears that the author has been focusing on the spinoff series- anyone knows if new volumes are going to be coming out?

Re: Maria-sama ga Miteru

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 5:06 am
by [-]
Hello. I came here to thank all the translators - current and past - for doing a great job on this project and suggest some slight changes to improve the wording a little bit. I'm not questioning the quality of the translations of course; if my Japanese was good enough to do so I wouldn't be here reading the translations. But maybe some of my suggestions will make the translations read a wee bit better.
I read Volumes 1-7 last year but at that time this thread wasn't linked on the Marimite page so regrettably I simply ignored all the typos and unnatural sounding parts. But after enn_are finished translating Vol 9 I read through Vols 8-11 and this time around I marked the parts which sounded awkward.

Speaking of which, why did you remove the link to this thread from the Marimite page enn_are? It's not a bad thing to have.
Also, this isn't directed at translators but at admin(s) who might not even read this but... I know registration wasn't required to browse/post on this part of the forum a short while ago. I think that was actually a good idea and it's an unneccessary change. If I came here simply to say 'thanks' I'm not sure I would've bothered with the registration process. Yes, even if it takes two minutes.

Well, time for the actual editing suggestions:

:: Volume 8 - Beloved Times (Part 2)

Farewell Gift
Part 1: 'Regardless of what the thirty other girls in the class thought, it had all been settled in one instant by one word from one person.'

Normally I wouldn't have marked this but since the person who translated this line - enn_are - can share her thoughts on this matter I might as well ask about it. Even though I don't have the original at hand so that I could consult it I'm pretty sure the 'one word from one person' is 'arigatou'. The thing is the English 'thank you' is not a single word, even if you write it as 'thank-you'. Personally I'm actually fine with this translation either way as 'one word from one person' puts the emphasis on how little it took and how much it meant. 'Two words from one person' would be 'more correct' but it doesn't sound as good I guess.

Farewell Gift
Part 2: 'Which meant that the person beside Yumi was none other than the self-styled "Photography club ace."'

Maybe it's just me but I think 'self styled "ace of photography club".' would sound much better.

Spring Breeze
Part 2: 'On the day of the entrance ceremony, I'd heard the gossip from my classmates that her exquisite foreign features and melancholy expression made her look totally sexy.'

'Totally sexy' sounds weird from the mouth of a Lillian student. Even if 'セクシ' is actually used in the original - which is possible I guess but doesn't sound very likely - English 'sexy' carries a slightly different connotation. It's hard to suggest an alternative to 'sexy' given I don't know what word was actually used in the original. 'Alluring' would be a blind guess.

::Volume 9 - Cherry Blossom (Sakura)

Maria and Maitreya
Part 2: '"No, it can't have been."'

Might be just me again. I certainly don't plan to point out everything that doesn't sound 'おじょっぽい' so I'm not particularly concerned with stuff like 'I'd heard' from the previous example. But in this case 'it can't have been' makes Noriko sound kinda country bumpkin-ish. It just doesn't feel right even though Noriko is a bit of a country bumpkin compared to your average Lillian student.

The Maria Ceremony Inquisition
Part 4: 'The strength drained from Noriko's body, and she fell on her ass.'

Now now, we can't have that, can we? Surely she fell on her bottom or something of the sort, right?

When the Cherry Blossoms Fall
Part 2: '"True story. Whenever she has free time, Shimako-san goes to the back of the school building alone to look at cherry blossoms. Katsura-san from wisteria class told me today."'

'True story' sounds plain weird. Unfortunately I don't have any suggestions as to what it should be replaced with. 'It's true' is plain but it does it's job. 'I heard that, too' isn't any better but at least it makes sense considering 'Katsura-san from wisteria class told me today' comes right after it.

When the Cherry Blossoms Fall
Part 4: 'Perhaps this was how generational change happened. Yumi's heart was filled with a phrase she'd never had cause to use before, "Kids these days"'

Same problem with 'kids these days'. In this case it's probably fine to leave it as it is since 'kids these days' is a commonly used phrase and the most straight-forward translation of '最近の若者' (if that's what was used in the original that is). Personally I'd rather have some like 'today's youth' but maybe it's just me.

8-3 = Right
Part 1: 'So sit down.'

This is a big question mark for me. Is this meant to be something Shimako says? That doesn't seem to be the case but if I'm wrong then it should be denoted as such using quotation marks. Is it something Yumi just thinks to herself? Or is it simply a constative sentence?

::Volume 10 - Rainy Blue

Suspicious Clouds
Part 3: '"Huh? That's awful! What the hell was Sachiko-sama thinking!?"'

Even if most of those girls think nothing of Christianity 'what the hell' sounds out of place.

::Volume 11 - Holding a Parasol

'She hadn't thought she be so simply handed off to someone else, with a "Sorry for troubling you with her."'

Simply change 'she be' to 'she'd be' and it works fine.

White Parasol
Part 3: '"Why that's absurd. Yumi-sama is an adored onee-sama to all the first-years."'

This is probably not the only place with punctation issues but I simply didn't pay attention to those. As to why this one in particular bothers me I don't know myself. Either way a comma after 'why' seems to be needed here.


Well, that's it. I might do something similar for Vols 12-22 in the future if those unimportant edits are welcome and not just a waste of the translators' time. I didn't even check whether all you need to do to edit the translations is simply to register an account but even if that is the case I'd rather ask the translators for an opinion rather than change their translations as I please.

Last but certainly not least, thanks again for translating Marimite!