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Re: Golden Time: General

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 1:17 am
by amrul
l.kostas wrote:Official game site:
The episode adapted the rest of chapter 2 and chapter 3, but not all of it, they avoided the cliffhanger at the end of the chapter.

Miss Monochrome appears again:
Episode 1:
Episode 11:
Wow, I didn't realize that the party or whatsoever part time job that banri and mitsuo took is that extreme. My understanding is that they were asked to crossdress.

Since I haven't watched it for various reasons, I would like to ask, until which part does it run? Or there is a cliffhanger where Kouko went to the party and went berserk after sipping some alcohol?

Re: Golden Time: General

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 2:08 am
by l.kostas
amrul wrote: Wow, I didn't realize that the party or whatsoever part time job that banri and mitsuo took is that extreme. My understanding is that they were asked to crossdress.

Since I haven't watched it for various reasons, I would like to ask, until which part does it run? Or there is a cliffhanger where Kouko went to the party and went berserk after sipping some alcohol?
It stops before Banri and Linda get too close during the party. Before the end of the episode we see Kouko calling Banri.

Differences from the novel:
Spoiler! :
At the scene where Banri returned the money to NANA-senpai, she closed the door with a bang at his face without even saying "Bye" at the novel. The rest is the same.
There wasn't the scene with Sao-chan and Shii-chan at the novel. When NANA-senpai asks Banri to bring Mitsuo to the job, chapter 2 ends and we go directly at the scene where it is 8:00 and Banri and Mitsuo get ready to go to the party/job. Maybe they added it so that they would remove time from the end and don't adapt the cliffhanger scene at the end of chapter 3.
Banri and Mitsuo go to the job together with NANA-senpai and Linda from Banri's appartment.
As mentioned above, chapter 3 ends after a while from where the episode ended. It includes the last scene from the next episode preview which is witnessed by Kouko. It will happen at the beginning of the next episode. Those two are Banri and Linda.

Re: Golden Time: General

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 1:50 pm
by l.kostas
Episode 12 brings the story to the end of volume 4. It looks similar to the novel, just
Spoiler! :
That flashback where Linda says "It's the opposite", after she tears the photo was longer at the novel. Volume 4 prologue, that has the flashback scene where Banri was ignoring Linda for a few days, after she said to some classmate girls she doesn't like him was cut at the point Banri saw her out in the rain without an umbrella and continues here. Also at the novel as Banri leaves the house with Kouko in the end, it is mentioned there are shoes scattered, among them fluorescent yellow Nikes, like the ones Linda has.
Next episode preview has scenes from the first chapter of volume 5, the Awa Odori dance and the second chapter, where she cooks for him.

From the next episode there might be a new OP and ED

Re: Golden Time: General

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 9:38 pm
by amrul
l.kostas wrote:Episode 12 brings the story to the end of volume 4. It looks similar to the novel, just
Spoiler! :
That flashback where Linda says "It's the opposite", after she tears the photo was longer at the novel. Volume 4 prologue, that has the flashback scene where Banri was ignoring Linda for a few days, after she said to some classmate girls she doesn't like him was cut at the point Banri saw her out in the rain without an umbrella and continues here. Also at the novel as Banri leaves the house with Kouko in the end, it is mentioned there are shoes scattered, among them fluorescent yellow Nikes, like the ones Linda has.
Next episode preview has scenes from the first chapter of volume 5, the Awa Odori dance and the second chapter, where she cooks for him.

From the next episode there might be a new OP and ED
regarding flashbacks:
Spoiler! :
Originally, the explanation about linda being the opposite is supposed to come at the end of volume 4, after she tore the photo. When I came across that part in the novel, I get a feeling things are not okay, at least not in a big way.

So when the anime decided to show her confession of being opposite earlier, it confused me a little bit. Why are they showing it earlier? But when they show it again in eps 12, I don't bother about it anymore :lol:
So next will be 2 chapters in one episode. I wonder if they are going to finish the whole volume in 2 eps, to provide more space for the longer chapters ahead. Going to chinami's house shouldn't take a whole episode, but the beach part is possible to take up more time. But it can be shortened anyway, by concentrating on the beach and the return trip, where the cliffhanger is the same as the novel :lol:

Re: Golden Time: General

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 2:57 am
by rpapo
Anime Episode 12: So Banri has finally come clean with Kouko about Linda, though Banri's Ghost hasn't entirely given up, and gave quite a fight there. It sets things up to get better for a while before they get worse again. Like any good lover's quarrel, they've made up and things have ratcheted up a little bit: those two are finally on a first name basis.

And Kouko, like many insecure young ladies, keeps on (unnecessarily) trying to set out some bait to keep Banri interested. Banri is clearly interested by the bait, but has kept himself from biting the hook so far . . . whether from fear, caution, respect, or lingering, concealed feelings for Linda cannot be said at this point.

Re: Golden Time: General

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 10:41 pm
by zensunni
rpapo wrote:Anime Episode 12: So Banri has finally come clean with Kouko about Linda, though Banri's Ghost hasn't entirely given up, and gave quite a fight there. It sets things up to get better for a while before they get worse again. Like any good lover's quarrel, they've made up and things have ratcheted up a little bit: those two are finally on a first name basis.

And Kouko, like many insecure young ladies, keeps on (unnecessarily) trying to set out some bait to keep Banri interested. Banri is clearly interested by the bait, but has kept himself from biting the hook so far . . . whether from fear, caution, respect, or lingering, concealed feelings for Linda cannot be said at this point.
That is some mighty enticing bait!
Spoiler! :
Not really a spoiler, but ... It reminded me of a time when I was in college and my girlfriend, who had a single room in her dorm, told me she wasn't going to make me go home. I stayed and we just held each other. We got teased pretty badly by the guy who introduced us when we went to breakfast together the next morning, since I was NEVER at breakfast, he made the correct assumption that I was there because I was with her... The scene from the anime/manga Suzuka where they have sex the first time was scarily similar to that time period as well, right down to getting a phone call from one of her parents and people knocking on the door to interrupt the mood... Art imitates life...

Re: Golden Time: General

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 8:41 am
by l.kostas

Re: Golden Time: General

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 8:46 am
by rpapo
Interesting. The second isn't really part of the ongoing manga series, but contains other stuff.

Re: Golden Time: General

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 1:55 am
by l.kostas
Now there is a release date for the game, March 27 when the anime will end they added a section at the official anime site:
In a few days we will know if volume 8 will also be released next March as we expect:

There is a new PV of the game: ... t-streamed

"a side-story character named VJ that does not appear in the anime will make an appearance in the game. Voiced by Rie Kugimiya (Toradora! (Taiga), The Familiar of Zero), Kōko describes the character as “Nijigen-kun's wife."

Re: Golden Time: General

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 6:28 am
by amrul
it's been quite a while 'till the 13th episode airs. So in the mean time I continued reading the novel. Here is what I got from my understanding

End of vol 6 to first 2 chapters of vol 7... (it's quite long and don't open if you don't want to get spoiled)
Spoiler! :
So in the class reunion nothing particular happened, or at least nothing piqued my interest. Banri's classmate seemed to treat him well, unlike what he feared at the beginning. Long story short, at the end of the reunion he and Linda went to bridge where Banri met the accident. There he saw what can be seen as a flashback of that fateful night, where a motorbike (or a scooter, as what shown in the anime's first episode) speed across the bridge and knocked him over the bridge. Banri, witnessing the accident, tried to help and save the person, and got hold of his hand. Then he got surprised seeing that the person is none other than himself. However he couldn't save him and he fell into the river. When he came to, there was nothing and Linda's brother, who is picking them up from the party, arrived. Vol 6 ends here.

Vol 7 chapter 1-2
Chapter 1 takes place on his way to the station, before going to Tokyo. Generally tells about his conversation with his mother (the one who took him to the station). The topic varied from the super delicious bread his mother bought from his former classmate, to his mother's favorite singer. Here also, Banri looked back on his holiday activities in his hometown, from hospital visit (check up and counseling) to his flashback on the bridge. Apparently he seemed to be healthy, but his memory doesn't seem to return. He thought that what he saw at the bridge was his former self (or 'Old Banri' if you like), who was knocked over the bridge by the speeding bike. He tried to save him, but failed. So he concluded that his past self has now rest peacefully in the depths of the Oi River (the river that the Hourai Bridge crosses over).

The last part of the chapter is his mother entrusted him with a ring she used to wear during her old days. She wanted him to give it to his lover and introduce her to the family. The chapter ended with Banri arriving at his apartment and welcomed by the rest of the gang.

Chapter 2 started immediately after Banri's arrival at his apartment. There is a new yakiniku restaurant opening at his neighborhood. So everyone went there as soon as Banri left his baggage at his room. Here in the restaurant, most of the scenes take place, from Chinami's transformation of hairstyle (she claimed she wanted to transform into a new self, aside from having her sewerage clogged by her hair :lol: ) to things about Mitsuo's relationship with Linda (I think). At first, Banri, 2D, and Chinami wanted to remain silent about it, but Kouko, unable to read the air around them, blurted it out. Mitsuo, getting a bit offended by it, went with Banri to talk about it with him. Mitsuo seems interested to know why Banri and Linda seems to be closer than that of Senpai-Kouhai relationship. As we know, he only knew that Linda is Banri's senpai at the Omaken, but getting interested to know why the relationship seems closer that it should be, especially when she was nursing Banri (even I would feel something's fishy :p ). Banri, wanted to be honest with his friends, is determined to tell everything about it. However, he couldn't say it (probably like when he tried to tear his picture with Linda). So the cat remains in the bag.

After the yakiniku feast (it's a buffet :p ), everyone went home except Kouko. She went with Banri back to his apartment, carrying a paper bag. At his apartment, Banri actually planned to give her the ring entrusted by his mother, but he couldn't figure out a way to give it properly. His knowledge about giving a ring to a lover means that he is proposing to Kouko, which he thinks it's too early. So, in the end, he didn't give it (for now). When he got back to Kouko, she gave him the paper bag, saying it's a present that she had made, which turned out to be the Eiffel Tower replica (at least it's shaped like one, Banri initial thought is that it's a missile :lol: ). Kouko meant to said that "it's Paris time!" by giving him that object. I think most of you already know what it means by the "Paris time" thing :lol: . So Kouko impatiently went active, while Banri tried to grasp the situation. I don't really get all explanations and the dialogues here but eventually it didn't went well and they have to stop due to the effects of eating too much at the yakiniku buffet :lol: . So the romantic first night or whatever has to be postponed. The chapter ended with both thinking how things are going on between them, where things aren't romantic as it should be, and turned out as more of a コント後の楽屋ムード (I don't know how to translate this properly).
So far, no clues have been obtained to why the situation went like what happened at the end of volume 7.

on a side note, 2 days ago I went to Comiket 85 to check out if there is any new information regarding the new volumes, but no new information was obtained. The Dengeki booth only contains merchandise and promotion regarding the game and volume 7 :roll:

Re: Golden Time: General

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 6:34 pm
by l.kostas
Second OP sample. “The world’s end” by Horie Yui: ... -time-op2/

Re: Golden Time: General

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:43 pm
by zensunni
Sounds good! I wonder if the new ED will hold a candle to Sweet & Sweet Cherry? I really love that song!

Re: Golden Time: General

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 5:58 am
by l.kostas

Post number 980:

著/竹宮ゆゆこ イラスト/駒都えーじ
万里と香子がまさかの別離!? そして万里の記憶にも変化が起こりつつあり――。香子の
真の想いは? みんなの関係の行方は? 青春ラブコメ、クライマックス!

Re: Golden Time: General

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 6:11 am
by rpapo
And that summary confirmed that volume 8 will be the last one.

Re: Golden Time: General

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 7:30 am
by amrul
So, like what most of us here expected, the next one will conclude the story (looking at the 'climax' word mentioned). Hopefully it concluded everything, from Banri's confrontation with his pass (which I think still remain 'hanging' so far), Linda's being honest (if she's willing to, she better be) and Kouko's final resolve. It would also be great if the continuation of Mitsuo's romance pursuit also concluded properly, also Chinami's too.

So for the time being it's only the anime and manga then...