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Re: Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 10:35 pm
by cloud04
pretty sure pro did it for maria XD

Re: Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 10:42 pm
by Darklor
Who is PROzess? One of our shy translators?

Re: Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 10:43 pm
by PROzess
cloud04 wrote:pretty sure pro did it for maria XD
I did it for you!
/me blushes

And a bit for Maria.

To keep coneistent here, I'll post the two pages from yesterday again:
Chapter 01: The way to conquer your little stepsister


---Again a dream about that time.
With just his consciousness floating in the scenery of the past, Basara realized that he was dreaming. Deep crimson. The crazy eyes with that colour had looked down on Basara in the past.
The angry voices of a large crowd. The crying voice of a precious friend in the background.
Amidst that, a black silhouette slowly came closer.
Oblivious of all around. He had to do something--- that was all he thought.
But Basara’s mind neared it’s limit on this tragedy happening before his eyes.
And in the next moment--- Basara’s vision was coloured white.
His consciousness slowly faded away. He didn’t know if he was saved or not.
Just--- Basara had heard someone’s shout at the end.
Toujou Basara hadn’t forgotten these words even now. The crying shout of a female repeated endlessly. Just like a curse--- It said, please give back that child.


“---! Hah…. Hah….---”
Basara opened his eyes and at the same time made a rough breathing. In a situation, where he looked up to the ceiling, he realized that he had woken up. Taking a deep breath, he calmed down his chaotic heartbeat.
…No matter how often I see that dream, I just can’t get used to it…
Laying on his bed face up, Basara stared at his own right hand that he had brought up to his face.
“…Huh? Somehow, it’s still hard to breathe…”
Even though he woke up from his dream, he still couldn’t breath properly. There,
“Ah---You’re finally awake.”
And a new page for today:
A sudden voice. When he lowered his gaze, on top of his summer blanket that he used instead of the normal bedspread--- a girl was mounting Basara around his hips with pinching him between her thighs. She had placed both her hands on his chest and showed an impish expression. That girl--- Naruse Mio looked down on Basara.
“Morning.” “….Morning.”
Basara returned the morning greeting on reflex. Either Mio was just too light or it was because of the blanket, but he couldn’t really feel that much of a weight. Still, this realistic feeling made Basara remember his current situation.
--- That he and she had started living together from yesterday on.
The movers had been requested to do everything from packing and sending the things over, for some extra pay.
And their work was good and speedy. It has been one week since they first met at the family restaurant.
The Toujou and Naruse Families safely started their living together after renting a single house. But,
“Ehm…What are you doing?”
“What you ask, waking you up of course. I thought boys would be happy about that.”
On Basara’s unmeant question, Mio smiled with “It’s a service”.
Most likely, Mio herself had intended for it, but--- this certainly was a service.
Usually in such cases, one would get on top of the stomach. But maybe she couldn’t tell his posture due to the blanket, as Mio was sitting on Basara’s hips. This was just like the cow-girl position.
Here comes the picture
Maybe more later.

Re: Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:56 pm
by Darklor
Darklor wrote:Who is PROzess? One of our shy translators?
Ah, found the thread - now I understand it - a guest translator as it seems...
All the translation was made on fotum by PROzess
...and I was wondering where this fotum is....

Re: Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:53 am
by Nurin
Darklor wrote:
All the translation was made on fotum by PROzess
...and I was wondering where this fotum is....
:roll: :roll: ... on=history

Shit :roll: :roll:

Re: Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 9:29 am
by PROzess
Well, for every 20 pages of TsukiTsuki, 1 page of Shinmai :P
Furthermore, the current season was midsummer. The season where a girl’s clothes were at the highest exposure rate of the year. In short, lightly dressed. Mio’s attire this morning was a camisole-type brassiere top and hot pants. Her exposed thighs were dazzling his eyes and the feeling of her mounting him was the best as well.
But more importantly--- Basara’s eyes were inadvertently attracted to some other spot.
….They sure are huge.
It had been on his mind ever since he saw her in the family restaurant. Mio’s breasts were rather voluminous. Her corpulent swellings stretched out the highly elastic brassiere top all the way. The cleavage, where multiple fingers would fit in, wasn’t to be ignored either, but a sideline of her too big breasts--- a skin-coloured curve completely showed out from the side of the brassiere top.
“Hey, stop with the dumb face and get up already.”
“Y- Yeah…”
What to do. She herself didn’t seem to have noticed, but every time Mio’s hands pressed on Basara’s chest, her breasts shook and gave an all too superb sight. Inadvertently, Basara didn’t move, whereupon
“Hey, get up already or…Eh?”
As she suddenly noticed something, her expression changed into a doubtful one. And then, while confirming a sensation with her hand,
“…H- Hey, somehow… I feel something hard?”
Hardcore ecchi right off the bat :o

Re: Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 10:36 am
by deathmailrock
If an entire chapter is posted on to the teaser, will it become an actual page?

Re: Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 10:50 am
by Rohan123
deathmailrock wrote:If an entire chapter is posted on to the teaser, will it become an actual page?
I assume you mean an actual project(as in full project, which is added to mediawiki sidebar)? If yes, then although the project has met the requirements to become a full project, it can only become a full project if the active translator/supervisor want it to become a full project, and I hardly think that PROzess wants full-project status for this yet.

Re: Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 12:59 am
by Irina Akashira
Thanks for begin to translate this novel

For curious, when have you finish to translate Tsuki Tsuki (thanks for this novel too) or the published novels, have you any intention to become "Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha" your main project?

Re: Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 5:34 am
by PROzess
Irina Akashira wrote:Thanks for begin to translate this novel

For curious, when have you finish to translate Tsuki Tsuki (thanks for this novel too) or the published novels, have you any intention to become "Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha" your main project?
Well, I still have about 6 volumes left to translate with TsukiTsuki atm. But I would certainly interested in picking it up then.
Either way, currently I'm more worried about my exam. So at this point of time, I have no intention to make this an "official" project of mine. Though once my exam is over and I have more time, I might consider it.

Meanwhile I finished my TsukiTsuki chapter now, so here's another page:
Oh my? Basara tilted his head. Could it be, the effect of having her sit on his hips backfired?
“Ehm…is this the physiology phenomena unique to boys?”
“N- No! I wonder what it is… Maybe my cell?”
Yeah, Basara remembered. Last night he couldn’t fall asleep, so he played on portable game console. At some point he had then had fallen asleep, but that had to be it. Actually,
“I’m grateful that you came to wake me up, but you’re not sitting on my stomach, but my hips. When a girls sits there and a real physiology phenomena happens, I can’t be held responsible.”
On Basara’s words, Mio instantly turned bright red. She must have finally noticed her own defenceless. He thought for sure that she would jump off and step on him in a panic.
“Y- Yeah…I can’t deny that. Y- You’re a boy after all.”
Surprisingly enough, she withstood it. Most likely she wanted to stay emotional superior to Basara. But it was quite obvious that she was agitated. Apparently she was fine when things went the way she wanted, but weak on unexpected situations. So to test it, Basara decided to tease her a bit.
“…Now then, guess I’ll get up.”
“Fueh!? Y- You’re getting up?”
Basara said a “Yeah” to Mio, who immediately started to be restless.
^I made a change to the page atop.

And since I'm watching soccer, here's another page:
“I can’t really lazy around here forever, can I. And you took the trouble of coming to wake me up.”
“R- Right…. B- But”
Basara gave a wry smile to the flustered Mio. While looking up to Mio from below,
“If it’s that’s troubling for you, wake me up normally next time. Not sitting on my hips.”
It was meant as a gentle warning. But, Mio made a frustrated, red face.
“I, I’m not really troubled….It, it’s just a simple physiology phenomena.”
She was obstinate on a strange orientation. Basara had no time to stop her.
“C- C’mon, get up already!”
She grabbed Basara’s blanket and pulled it off.
Upon that, something instantly shot up from under the blanket into the air--- into Mio’s direction.
Inadvertently letting go of the blanket, Mio caught it. It was neither a cell phone nor a gaming console. Of course, it wasn’t a physiology phenomena either. It was a remarkable something that came from between his groin and shot up into the air. Then what was it? Basara’s eyes fell onto a plastic case. It was something often used for games or an image editor software---or rather, a kind of software itself. The back of the package was facing his way, so Basara could read it’s title.
The soccer game I wanted to watch actually starts later than I thought, so here another page to kill some time:
The name of the product with a cute girl on the cover was:
“Youth Special Edition of my real little sister and I”
It was a game about a little sister.
Mio threw the software onto Basara’s stomach and fell from the bed, as she lost her balance in that very moment.
“H- Hey, are you oka---Mh?”
Upon that, the package had turned upside down. Now Mio was looking at the backside with the summary written on it. The game screenshots of the cute girl were full of naked skin and mosaics.
---In short, it was an erotic game. Moreover, it was a training style game, betraying the light title.
The supposedly fresh morning atmosphere turned into the most awkward scene in the world for a moment.
“Wh- Why is such a thing in my bed…?”
Basara was fifteen years old. He didn’t remember buying such a thing. However, while Mio was shivering in the floor,
“Y- Yo- You…You were playing such a game on the night where we started to live together? I knew it… you want to do the stuff from the game to us as well, right?”
“What you mean you knew it! Actually, there’s no way I have--- Oh?”
“Yah, hey….Kyaa!?”

Re: Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 1:08 pm
by Mytsy
Eh either I'm completely and deliriously delusional for getting a miserable feeling or I'm really doing something that shouldn't be done,at any case if my hunch is correct I apologize in advance.Also PROzess would you mind if I edit your translations?

Re: Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 1:51 am
by Rohan123
Mytsy wrote:Eh either I'm completely and deliriously delusional for getting a miserable feeling or I'm really doing something that shouldn't be done,at any case if my hunch is correct I apologize in advance.Also PROzess would you mind if I edit your translations?
Since he's posting this on B-T, I don't think he minds people editing his translations.

Re: Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 3:24 pm
by The First
@PROzess When you say 20 pages of Tsukitsuki for 1 page of Shinmai are you reading Tsukitsuki or translating it?

Re: Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 6:35 pm
by Oblivion 0117
Wow don't come here for a while and what do I see when I get back? Tons of awesome projects!!! :) thanks for starting this PROzess!!!

Re: Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 11:16 pm
by Rohan123
The First wrote:@PROzess When you say 20 pages of Tsukitsuki for 1 page of Shinmai are you reading Tsukitsuki or translating it?
As far as I know, he is translating TsukiTsuki.