Suzumiya Haruhi no Nazo Futatsu (II)

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Suzumiya Haruhi no Nazo Futatsu (II)

Post by Cyan »


Suzumiya Haruhi no Nazo
Chapter 2 - Haruhi
Chapter 4 - Kyon


Yuki danced with her foe, gracefully dodging blows left and right, ignoring the blade jutting out of her back. Avoiding a powerful punch projected towards her midsection, she flipped over the mysterious shadow, landing with a ten-grade.

She once again wrenched a brick out of the holey wall, transforming it into a sword. This action, however, gave a massive opening to her opponent, as she felt herself being launched back, straight into a lamp post.

Being the invincible alien she was, she ignored the feeling of pain, per usual, and instead chanted a second incantation. Fists plowed into her body, attempting to stop the words, but it did no good. As the pseudo-spell finished, a wave of light penetrated the being in front of the purple-haired schoolgirl, giving her the opening she needed.

Taking every second as if it would be her last chance, she rushed over the smoking body of the dark being, and thrusted the blades in her hands into the ground. Using usually-hidden reflexes, she jumped over a lunging attack, and ran down the figure’s arms, leaping over its head.

As fast as any human or animal could see, the book-addicted alien swiveled in mid-jump, aiming her back towards the gravel. She was grabbed before she made her landing however, and was thrown to the side, into the brick wall she had so far used to her advantage.

Yuki attempted to get free, but noticed the sword penetrating her body had gotten lodged in the bricks behind her. She prepared to wrench herself off the weapon, but a fist smacked into her body, and shattered the wall behind her.

Again, she found herself lodged, this time in the dirt of a construction site. Kids were playing around in the tubes around the place, the schoolgirl noticed. She felt her opponent grab the sword she was trapped on, and pick it off the ground. Seconds later, and her opponent had a weapon, while she had a severed arm, and a cut-open chest.

Had it not been against her nature, Yuki might’ve gasped, as the darkened figure suddenly began an incantation; the same sort as her own. Of course, this just affirmed the purple-haired girl’s beliefs.

The sword collapsed into light particles and became a beam of energy. Seeing it would otherwise hit the playing kids, who were now heading over to where the fight was taking place, out of amazement, the feminine alien took the blast full on. Reacting quickly, she sent her own, albeit weaker, due to the length of her speech, back at the offender.

The blast caused Yuki throttled back and down, onto the dirt, whilst causing severe burns and giving her very-achy muscles. Her opponent was thrown a far bit away, although completely undamaged - it had just been a stall tactic on her part, so she could recover. The schoolgirl picked herself up with her one arm; then proceeded to pick up her dying limb.

The kids surrounded her; some scared; some amazed. The purple-haired girl took her disconnected arm and placed it against the parts that still remained attached to her shoulder. After a quick pseudo-spell, the arm was reattached successfully; she flexed it slightly to get the blood moving through it again.

“Cool! Are you some sort of superhero?” One of the boys asked, amazing by the sudden limb connection. Most of the kids were scared by it though, and started to back off.

“Run.” Came the voice of Yuki, not answering the question.

The kids, not doubting the danger for a second, unlike adults who would think it was some sort of movie; or joke, ran off as soon as they were told.

Yuki was forced back, as the other figure plowed into her midsection, causing her wounds to bleed freely. The purple-haired girl reacted swiftly, and twisted her opponent into the earth. Then, she jumped back and rearranged the supports holding up the building, and took one that was now free, thanks to her superior calculations. With brute strength and a brief chant, she bent the middle of the support, and one of the ends, making a sharp curve in its structure, and deftly ran back to the original battle site.

Her enemy was right behind her, it seemed, as Yuki felt her weapon yet again penetrate her; this time through her stomach. She reacted quickly, though, and with quick yank, and careful positioning, the bookworm pulled her enemy onto the same pipe, smoothly passed the curved end, to a position just behind her, right on the bend. Blood splattered everywhere, from both figures, as the dark figure vigorously made attacks against the silent girl. However, it was too no avail, the same as the fight before. And with the support being lodged through Yuki, it couldn’t use an incantation to change its data.

With superhuman strength, the intelligent girl shifted the weight in the support, causing her offender to be lifted off of the ground. She then ran backwards, into a spot opposite to one of her other previously-placed swords; the last corner. Then, she leapt up into the air, forcing the back of the support down, and with relative ease, slid off of the metal object. A gaping hole was left in her stomach, but she didn’t even flinch, like normal. For her final move against her foe, she threw the pole deep into the ground.

A sharp sound echoed throughout the place, once the support met the ground. Yuki leapt out of the radius of the invisible square, the four swords in the corners of it, just in time to dodge the high volts of electricity, caused by the spell she had set days before the fight had begun (very good at telling the future, that girl), that would surely kill anything within. Electricity danced across the sky, any birds unlucky enough to be flying across at that point of time wouldn’t live to tell the tale. Not even with a miracle.

The figure slid down the bar, moaning in pain. Despite this, it made every attempt to gain control of its body, despite however difficult it was. Small bolts of electricity still jumped around its body, occasionally shocking random parts of the being’s torso.

“Grah...” It moaned, in an attempt to gain control of its vocal chords.

Yuki leapt over to the figure, shook the hood of it. Revealed, was an average-looking teenaged girl, with braided brown hair (very frizzy due to the high voltage electricity that had just surged through her body), and cute freckles spotted over her cheeks.

The purple-haired girl seemed to glare at the target, however, her facial expression did not change, like usual.


Yuki stated, before sending the data to be authorized to delete the other humanoid interface. The other girl looked up, and with a choky voice, corrected the statement.


And with that, the body faded away, before the purple-haired girl received her authorization. For once in her three-year lifespan, she was confused. Were she to believe the girl’s command of ‘order’, that would mean that her master was trying to kill her? But, why in such a crude way?

A buxom figure put her hand on the young girl’s back, and said all but three words. “Come with me.”


I felt the hard, cold floor beneath me, feeling my cheek lay still against it. My nose twinged at the scent of dust on the floor. It threatened to sneeze at this point, thus I decided to get off the old floor, and get up onto my own two feet.

I attempted to do so, but struggled, as I apparently had no movement in my arms or legs. It felt useless to struggle, almost like a turtle on its back. But, I continued to attempt to move my body. Inch by inch, I pushed out my fingers; getting the feeling back in them.

By sweeping my arms around, and feeling the many cracks in the old floor in the progress, I managed to get full feeling back in them. Once again, I attempted to get up, but I quite obviously failed, doing a rather crude push-up instead, due to the lack of feeling in my legs.

I got to work on revitalizing my legs. A few minutes more of basic stretches and generally trying to restore them to their average caliber, and I succeeded in standing up; albeit, shakily. It’s like trying to learn how to walk again, I thought, as I took a few toddler steps.

I stopped my actions for a moment, finding my weak shuffle to be a bit useless movement-wise. Instead, I studied my surroundings. It was a mainly black room, but I could see the outlines of numerous figures. I gasped as I recognized the setup.

A poster of the estimation of an alien: green skin; bubble head; black, lifeless eyes. What I would call one, before meeting Nagato. A toy flying saucer being hung up to the ceiling by a strong piece of string, and a box full of American comic books all about supernatural events.

It was an exact replica of my old room, from back when I was just a kid.

I groped the walls, leaning on them for balance, as I headed towards where I remembered the light switch to be. I evidently remembered correctly, as a lucky feel lit up the room; it was as bright as the sun to me, due to it being almost pitch-black before.

As my eyes slowly adjusted, I found my guess to be completely right; it was a replica of my old room. But, why was it here? On that point, where is here?

I lay down on ‘my’ bed sideways and looked up at the dirty-white ceiling. Had I been abducted? Or have I gone back in time? After all I’ve been through, it doesn’t seem totally unbelievable. Heck that last one’s happened to me before. Then, it suddenly hit me. A dream?

I tried pinching myself, my arm steadily shaking from side to side. I screwed up my face when I felt the mild sting of it against my skin. Well, it was worth a try, I guess. But since when has anything as weird as this ever been a dream?

So, going back to my previous ideas, I decided that I could not figure anything out. Instead, I took to relaxing on my bed, closing my eyes, and getting a good feel of my surroundings, rather than fuss about it. It was nostalgic here at very least, even if it was a bit of a weird experience.

I remembered back to the days of my childhood. I had actually been fairly like Haruhi at that point... I just grew out of it faster than her. Not that I ever think the forever-weird girl is ever going to change.

The light flickered, on and off, very suddenly. I zoned back into reality, having completely closed myself from this world in my daydream, and felt my head in what seemed to be a purple-haired angel’s lap.

The softness of it made me forget my troubles almost instantly, instead almost partaking in one of my less child-suitable fantasies. I avoided it though, anxious to find out whose lap I was exactly in, and whether or not I was still daydreaming. Looking upwards, I saw the regular emotionless face of Nagato look down at me. Many thoughts rushed through my heads at once.

One. Why am I in Nagato’s lap?

Well, to be quite honest. It was that one thought thrust into a speeded loop. I yet again pinched myself, to no avail, as I still felt pain.

Okay, so why the heck am I in Nagato’s lap?


I mumbled. She turned her head to face me (she had been previously looking away), and opened her lips.


Okay. What the heck is that supposed to mean? Did her normal emotionless face contort a questioning ‘yes’ (as in, ‘yes, how can I help?’) into a non-questioning form? Or was she simply acknowledging the fact that, yes, she was indeed the one that is commonly addressed by me as ‘Nagato-san’?

Putting it down to usual Nagato emotionlessness (as she was still looking at me, as if to receive an answer), I decided to ask a question.

“Where are we?”

Her eyes looked straight into mine. I felt utterly disturbed at the orbs of nothingness that appeared to sweep through my soul. But, this was soon disrupted by the sharp answer of the girl I was resting on.

“We are in your dormant control domain during a NREM-state reality, created by one, Suzumiya Haruhi.”

I attempted to translate it to be understandable; the best I could get was pretty much ‘we are in a sealed reality of your brain.’ I decided to go with it, and pitched it to her.


“So, where are the giants?” I asked, peering out of the corners of my eyes, as if to see more of this world.

“There are none. This is your reality. You dictate it.”

For a Yuki-brand sentence, that was fairly understandable. But, like always, I wanted confirmation.

“So, anything I wish for can happen here, like the way Haruhi has reign over Earth?”

Yuki stared at me some more, before again stating,


I thought about this briefly, before formulating another question. Why pain?

“This is what you call a ‘sealed reality’. You are not dreaming.”

My head began to hurt from the what-seemed-to-be flawed logic, so, rather than question the soft computer, I instead decided to abuse my abilities. Cue what must have been the most fun I’ve ever had in my life.

“If I were to imagine Asahina-san dropping from the sky, would she?”

Nagato didn’t answer with words, instead pointing to the blank ceiling. I looked up, expecting something to happen. When nothing did, I grew slightly annoyed. Come on, you stupid dimension, I want Asahina to fall from the sky!

Again, nothing happened, leaving me even more irritated. Are you sure? I asked Nagato. Again, she didn’t reply, instead opening the window to the room. Thanks to that action, I found out that the room was actually attached to a real world.

Well, the world I recognize, at least. I highly doubt a Mexico or America would exist, since I’ve never been to those places. That’s the logic I understood anyway. If you’ve seen it, then it’s tucked away in your brain somewhere. And since this place was apparently an alter ego to my mind...

I did find myself doubting Nagato’s words though. My wish hadn’t come true, had it? And why was she anxiously (I would say so, even though I couldn’t tell) pointed up towards the roof. I sighed and went along with the charade.

Now, I would never go on the roof if I were in my real house, in the real world. But since this was some sort of pseudo-dream, I decided that nothing really bad could happen, so why shouldn’t I go along with it?

I climbed through the window, and began to scale the building quickly, attempting to find a good area to climb. This was inside my mind, right? So I couldn’t die. I was halfway around my ‘house’ before I remembered that I could at least still feel pain.

Suddenly, I felt nervous. My hands ran with sweat, and I seemed to lose my grip. Near-terrified, I wildly scrambled up the side of the building, and managed to clip the tiles of the roof with my hand. Scrounging up all the muscle I could, I hoisted myself up with that single hand. Well, the wish to ‘not fall’ had certainly come true, and I didn’t think I would’ve normally been able to shift my entire body weight with my right hand, so, maybe the dream Nagato was correct.

When I saw Asahina, dressed up as a maid, lying on the roof, crying and in pain, I knew she was correct. I scrambled over, and flipped the upperclassman over. I suddenly blushed at my indecisive actions, as I now lay on top of the busy girl, our body parts mashing against each other. I was in heaven. Haruhi bless this world for the power of feeling!


Came the voice of Asahina. “Kyon-kun! What are you doing?”

My blush got redder. Apparently, this version of Asahina was a carbon copy of the normal Asahina. But, I decided to take some liberties, being that this is a dream world.

“Sorry Mikuru.”

Her previously moaning face changed into one of a red, blushing factor. “K-Kyon-kun! D-don’t be so direct!”

I chuckled, this was most amusing. “What’s the matter? I can call you Mikuru-chan, if you’d like. But,” I felt a sudden urge to be ‘romantic’ flow throughout my body, “I’d think our relationship has progressed far enough to skip the honorisms.”

She went still, blushing wildly, and began to roll over. I shouted, “Don’t be so stupid! You’ll roll off the building!” Despite not being the real deal, I would still feel guilty if someone, or something got hurt because of me. So, I swiftly shot out my arm, and grabbed the corner of her maid’s costume.

Feeling the amusement pass, I decided it would be best to warp back into the building. I didn’t want this Asahina damaging herself; not at all. So, I concentrated really hard on wishing to be back inside. I closed my eyes and strained, not really knowing what I was supposed to do. When I opened them, I found a now-fine, worried looking carrot-topped schoolgirl staring at me, and the purple-haired Nagato occasionally glance. Okay, these powers were pretty cool.

“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”

I heard the gentle tones of the maid’s voice ask. I shook my head in response.

“No, I’m fine.”

The carrot-top gave a sigh of relief; almost made me believe that the being was the real thing. “That’s good.”

Despite how much fun it would be to play around with her for a bit, once I saw Nagato, sitting quietly in the corner reading, like usual, a book (where she got it from is beyond me). This was going to be fun.

Thinking I was getting a hang of it, I simple thought the command, “I wish Nagato would string together an average human sentence.”

When she didn’t, I wouldn’t if she was protected from going out of character, even in dreams. Is that the extent of an alien’s character? When she saw me looking at her, she looked back. Her dark eyes glowed into my orbs of sight. Then, she stated.

“I am your host. I must be commanded directly.”

I gave her a lazy look. A host? What it that? Even worse, I had to say those embarrassing things out loud? Hold on, couldn’t I just wish to be able to give her commands indirectly? I did so. But, it didn’t quite work out as I thought it would.

A brick wall suddenly built itself in front of me. Pre-concrete-coated bricks floated into place, sticking to each other in a frantic motion, gradually hiding the schoolgirl. When it was fully finished, it had hidden the book-wielding girl from my sight.

“Oh, very funny!” I said out loud.

I felt a hand pat me on the shoulder. I whirled around to see Asahina, looking rather confused. She begun to question me about ‘what does she mean by commands?’ and ‘where did that brick wall come from?’

I didn’t particularly want to answer, since I barely understood the theory myself (I only actually had grips with a dumbed down version. Were Nagato to explain the whole thing in her average dictionary-based sentence, I’d be lost before it begun), so, I instead whirled back round.

Smacking into the wall, and falling backwards. I resisted tears, but that really freaking hurt. More than the general muscle exhaustion I had been under earlier... today? I guess it must be today, since it’s not exactly pitch black outside, but I doubt that sealed realities actually have a night and day. More like a constant dreariness.

But, back to the pain. Asahina, like normal, became worried and attempted to move away my hands, that were clutching my head (I feel like there’s a dent in my skull, of course I want to protect it). I didn’t let her, instead shifting backwards more.

She got the idea that I didn’t want her to look at my wounds, and sat down on my bed, looking rather depressed. I’m so sorry! But I suddenly had a great idea, I can’t ignore it! I’ll make it up to you later, dream Mikuru-chan!


I asked. I couldn’t bring myself to call her ‘Yuki’; it just felt far too disrespectful towards her, even though ‘Yuki-chan’ would sound so cute.

Of course, being that she was Nagato Yuki, the alien humanoid interface, I would obviously not get a response, so instead I continued stating my wish, being as literal as possible.

“Would you look at the damage on my head for me?”

I got a reply to that one. The shuffling of a chair, and the familiar, dainty, purple-haired figure corner around the wall. She moved over to me, and bent her legs, in order to be straight with my head. Then, she stared.

Oh boy, did she stare. Second by second I felt more nervous. This was supposed to be fun! Why didn’t I state for her to show some care and emotion while doing it?

“Abnormality detected in brain sector no. one-two-eight-six-two.”

She said, with her usual expressionless face (of course, anything else when saying such a thing would look silly). Suddenly, well, to me, anyway, white light flashed out of her heads, taking a hold on my head. Everything felt tight, until it faded.

“What the heck?!” I shouted (still not eliciting a response from the silent girl).

Then I felt it. Or rather, I didn’t. The pain was no longer there - I felt as normal as ever. I looked at Nagato thoughtfully, and gave her my thanks.

“It is not required.” She replied.

As she walked back to her chair (behind the wall, which I instantly wished to go away; the annoying thing), I turned my attention back to Asahina, who was bawling her eyes out. It made me feel special, really. Was she jealous that I had asked Nagato to look instead of her? (As fun as it would’ve been having Asahina look over me, that chance was too good to pass up, even if it didn’t work out entirely right. At least my head doesn’t hurt anymore.)

“Hey, I’m sorry, Mikuru-chan.” I said softly.

Then, it happened.

A pair of soft lips on mine.

She was kissing me. I repeat, she was kissing me. The sensations proved too much to resist, and I began to kiss back. I don’t know if I had secretly wished for this or not. I wouldn’t put it past myself, not with what I dream about in my spare time.

Then I heard it. In the middle of the sweet kiss, I heard that sound: A stampede of Rhinos; a sound of a bomb exploding; a tree falling with no one around.

Nagato, the purple-haired cutie-alien, with a book snapped in half in her hands.

Hold on, wait. What the heck? What the heck, what the heck, what the heck? She was showing some sort of emotion! But, why so angry? I can’t see Nagato being angry, not with the amount of power that alien has. Well, with any luck, I was just being paranoid, and she had just exerted to much pressure on turning the page (but Nagato doesn’t make mistakes, so that didn’t really seem all that likely). Her face was still as normal as usual, but, still. My thoughts cascaded together, at a mile a minute. The last one that popped up in my head was: She broke her book?

At this point, the redheaded maid had halted her pleasant lip-lock, allowing us to breath. It’s a good thing she did, as Nagato got out of her chair, and walked over to where I was sitting on the bed. Life flashed by my eyes. What would an emotional Nagato do? In fact, why was she showing emotion in the first place? Go back to your normal self Nagato! Emotion is scary coming from you!

Then it happened. Her lips embraced mine. I ignored Asahina’s squeak, and concentrated on the current pair of lips. It was really surprising; I would half-expect Nagato to kiss like a dead fish (not that I’ve ever imagined it, of course I haven’t...) - just sitting there on the receiving end. Never would I expect her to take the chance in the first place. Of course, this was my dream (technically not, but if it’s comparable to regular dreams, it was the best one I had ever had).

Is this a contest between them or something? I suddenly thought. That could be quite erotic; I had probably had a fantasy about such a thing before. In fact, I think I can remember it quite crisply. Ending in passionate, lustful le...

I felt a sudden tongue make its way into my mouth. My skin positively crawled at the sensation - it felt so perfect! Absolutely perfect! Not that the cute girl kissing me could be any less than that.

The kiss then came to an end (right before I would run out of breath - she really knows what to look out for), and I was positively fluttering. Zoning back into reality, I heard Asahina breathing unevenly behind me. What was with this place? Did it make every girl jealous of each other?

I didn’t really have much time to think it through, as the world contorted, and I found myself somewhere completely different than the homely habitat of my room.


The espers weren’t doing so well. They had been lucky, and only be mildly injured at this point (broken limbs mostly), and had avoided any more deaths, but, it was quite obvious they were fighting a losing battle. The only one who appeared to any sort of damage was the boss, and he was too worn out of psychic energy at this point to do much.

Itsuki had managed to do a far bit of damage with a risky charge attack; using his mind power to thrust himself at raging speeds towards the fused giant. But, it hadn’t been enough, and he got blown back by a devastating blow. If it had hit him dead on, well, he would be dead, lucky for him, it didn’t, and the espers gave him a soft landing. He was the few remaining of the relatively uninjured, ignoring some minor flesh wounds.

The boss, finally giving up the battle, and deciding to attempt another option opened up a portal with his little bit of remaining energy, for the espers who couldn’t manage the transfer trick at the time. It swirled brightly; a white hole in otherwise empty space.

Many of the espers passed through it. Everything was fine, and it was far too small for the giant to pass through so easily. However, when Itsuki went through...

He didn’t come out at the correct end.


Ugh, this situation is becoming too common.

I lay flat on the ground, yet again, although, face up this time. I saw a blue sky above me, with clouds and chattering birds; the normal stuff. Deciding that I wanted to see more of this place (of what I could see out of the corners of my eyes, it wasn’t a place I had ever been before), I decided to pull myself up.

Upon doing so, I released the completely weird clothes I was wearing.

“What’s with the get up?”

I asked myself. I had some sort of blue pants on - they were really puffy, and an itchy cuff around my neck. I couldn’t see most of my shirt because of that, but it looked fairly normal to me; boring and white, very unlike the rest of my apparel.

Feeling my head, I felt a stabbing piece of metal jut into my hand. I grasped the offending object - taking it off my head and putting it into plain view. In my hands was a golden crown, with six spires jutting out evenly around the sides. A ruby lay on the front of it, while there was a shining emerald at the back.

So, I’m some sort of prince now? I noticed that I still had the sense of feel flowing throughout my body, and decided against pinching myself again to double check. That would not be necessary, I thought.

I saw no Asahina around, ah; she must’ve disappeared with the world I just left. Either that; or she was around this weird place, somewhere. I presumed the first one, given the logic Nagato had given me. That’s a shame, although, that situation was getting a bit too heated (Nagato vs Asahina Round One! Nagato wins!) for my liking, it was practically a reenactment of my favorite fantasies (not that I have those sort of fantasies...). I was surprised that my nose didn’t start bleeding when Asahina had kissed me. Oh those lips, so warm!

What was more surprising is the kiss Nagato gave me. I hadn’t ordered it in my head or out loud. It was as if she did it under her own intentions. But, how could a dream figure have some a personality? Free will? Is it even possible to have such a thing in a dream?

Sure, it might’ve been named a ‘sealed reality’ (by Nagato herself none-the-less), but it still felt like a dream. Especially since I dictated it and changed it at my whim.

At any rate, I had time later to be confused by the kiss (it wasn’t even with the real Nagato, however real she may feel). I had to concentrate on where I had been... what’s a word I can use? Transported? Warped. Let’s say ‘warped to’.

After some brief looking around, I saw the weirdest things. The birds I had previously saw were not normal, most of them having no feathers on the top part of their body, and perhaps an added wing. Trees seemed to have all of their bark wiped off, as their color was a lot brighter than a regular tree color would be.

And of course, seeing the still legs of a humanoid figure sticking out of the ground was entirely odd. Thinking it might be one of my previous companions, I started to worry; especially at the lack of movement, so, I walked over to it and yanked softly; so I wouldn’t hurt her.

My surprise when no one other than Nagato (with her regular expressionless face) popped out of the ground and landed on top of me - what is with girls being in so close-contact to me today? It’s happened with all the female members of the SOS Brigade already! I noticed that she also had different clothing on: a witch’s hat; and a long, black robe. It did nothing to excite my imagination, but it still looked cute on her (why am I thinking such things? Is this perverse-world or something?)

The purple-haired alien pulled herself off of me fairly quickly though, unlike the previous Haruhi. Quite a feat, considering how awkward that clothing she’s in must be to move around in. Although, I can’t say I’m surprised; not with Nagato.

“Where are we?” I said, asking the obvious question.

“The realms of your consciousness.”

“Wah?” I sounded, confused.

“You have entered REM sleep, causing the scene to change.”

Understood! Relieved that she hadn’t done the standard Nagato thing, and overcomplicate things badly (well, for me), I filled in the blanks by myself instead. I was now in a dream, and because I’m still in a sealed reality of my brain, I can still feel the things around me. A pretty good deduction, if I do say so myself. One thing I didn’t understand though.

“Why did our clothes change?”

She stayed silent for a moment, looking totally cute with her hat covering her eyes. Then, in a blink of a second, she uttered.

“To go with your dream.”


I muttered back. So, as far as I understand, this is just a dream. One that I get to take control of. Well, with the current surroundings, this could be sort of fun. Like, I could be the Prince out the save the beautiful Princess from an ogre! I looked around. Nagato as the princess, I guess? I could imagine her emotionless voice. ‘Help me’ she would state. No, that wouldn’t do at all.

I found myself staring at the purple-haired alien, dressed in a dull, purple dress, being carried off in an ogre’s arm.

“Help me.”

She stated, in that emotionless voice, like I predicted. Help you? You could no doubt save yourself much better than I could ever do. But, regardless, I sighed and went on my jolly way, to save the ‘princess’.

Oh, how joyous this would be.


Tsuruya had walked home quietly, wondering at the sudden absence of Mikuru. She barely remembered the event, as if something was blocking her memory. A relative of some sort? She didn’t remember anything, except that ever-so-addictive voice.

Even with her lifestyle, she hadn’t never encountered something that had creeper her out this much before. Having her mind so relaxed in a presence of a possible threat - something could be happening to Mikuru right now, all because of her sudden space out.

She arrived at the doorstep of her mansion-esque house. Well, multiple houses really, each one almost acting as a separate room. It would have been a full-fledged mansion, but Tsuruya herself had demanded this. She was so abnormal; she needed something relatively normal in life. At bare minimum, a Japanese-style house, rather than a Western-ish palace (she didn’t specify about the number of houses, or the size, she realized later on), and having a good, public school she could go to; again, instead of the upper-class version.

And how she never regret begging her parents of such. She actually had friends, flesh and blood friends! Even if some of them were as strange as her in some aspects. But, around them, she could feel like a normal schoolgirl – rather than the heiress of a massive firm.

She put down her schoolbag for a moment, as it was terribly tiring out her shoulders. She stretched and yawned, allowing the fatigue to set in slightly. She hadn’t got a wink of sleep the previous night, due to that damnable project. But, necessities are necessities.

The green-haired girl placed her hand on an odd-looking brick on the wall. Seconds later a ‘fingerprint confirmed’ quietly chimed through her ears, and a small, camouflaged patch of metal disappeared into a thin slip of brick above it. Behind it lay a keypad; the same sort of thing you’d see on an ATM machine, ready for the entry of a password.

Using her free hand to cover the area around it, Tsuruya typed in the password, thus allowing entry through her door. She pulled out her key, and smoothly popped it in the lock. A welcoming sound came, as the strong, wooden door allowed entry.

She picked up her bag, then swiftly walked in, and immediately slung it into the corner of the room, and strolled into the kitchen, to prepare herself something to eat. Seconds after she was ready to chomp into her rice balls, she heard a loud beep coming from what could only be the living room.

She groaned, but begrudgingly got up, and went into that room, leaving her snack on the plate in her kitchen. Inside the room was several giant television screens, all attached to each other, exactly what you’d see in millionaire’s homes; or maybe in common folk’s homes, after they’ve splashed out on such a thing. The green-haired girl grabbed a remote, and pressed the power button on it.

The screen flashed, as a message started to appear throughout the many screens, as if someone was typing a message. They weren’t though - it was just an effect used for showing off. A message from her father, it seemed, given the signature.

She speed-read through it, more or less knowing what it would be about already. She was correct in her prediction.

It was about that girl - Suzumiya Haruhi, and the effects her dictations have over the world.


“Kyon-kun! Kyon-kun!” Came the joyful cheers of his sister, as she burst into his room. “Guess what I learnt in sc-” She broke off her words when she didn’t see her brother in his usual spot on his bed.

“That’s odd.” She frowned. She thought about it, before changing her mood. “He must be with Suzumiya-san!

She belted down the stairs, discarding her schoolbag towards the doorway; it ended up landing on one of Kyon’s coats and pulling it off the rail it was previously on.

The little girl ran into the kitchen and grabbed a chair. Using all of her strength, she yanked it over to where the phone was, and proceeded to stand on top of it, so she could use the aforementioned phone.

“Okay, let’s see.” She said to herself, attempting to remember the number she had seen on Kyon’s mobile. She came across it in her memory, and with a smile, pressed the correct numbers and waited for the call to the connect.

When it responded to a dreary dial tone, rather than the ringtone she expected, or even Suzumiya’s voicemail message, the girl became slightly frustrated. Mildly so, mind you.

“Okay! That guy’s then!”

She tried the digits for Koizumi’s mobile number. She was relieved at the sound of a ring tone, but slightly peeved as it went onto his voicemail service.

A group of espers elsewhere were very confused on why this mobile phone was suddenly ringing, and after a frantic debate with each other, they decided it would be ideal to ring back, after the call timed out.

Kyon’s sister was surprised at the sudden chime off the phone, and almost fell backwards off of the chair. However, the phone’s cord saved her, and she managed to pick herself up again. She pressed the button on the phone, and pressed it to her ear.


The other voice of the boss seemed startled at such a young-sounding girl answering the phone, but, regardless, said the most appropriate thing.

“Hi, I do believe you just rang this phone? We believe it belongs to ‘Koizumi Itsuki’. We’re acquaintances of his.”

“That guy, yeah!” Replied Kyon’s sister cheerfully.

The boss twinged. How disrespectful. He didn’t bring it up however. “Why did you want to make contact with him?”

“I don’t know where Kyon-kun is; I hoped that guy would know. Do you know?” Asked the girl, rapidly.

What’s with the sudden inquisition? “Kyon?”

Two of the espers twinged at that, specifically: Mori Sonou and Tamaru Keiichi, both whom had previously met Kyon - the one who had already saved the world from the wrath of Haruhi. Of course, he was well known around the office, but by not his ‘nickname’.

“That’s him, boss.” Announced Keiichi, knowing that the leader would understand exactly who he meant.


He said the ‘legendary’ name, and asked if that’s who she meant. He got a positive comment, and decided to hand it to one of his subordinates that had actually met the boy in person before.

Sonou took the phone, and held it up to her face. “Hi, this is Mori Sonou speaking. I’ve met Kyon-san before.”

A rambling message came from the phone, made up from ‘Sonou-san, you sound pretty!’ and ‘Kyon-kun’s my big brother!’ With some gentle tones from Sonou, the little girl calmed herself, and listened intently to the acclaimed pretty’s lady voice.

“Now, what’s wrong?” Sonou asked.

She got a quick and somewhat frantic reply. “Kyon-kun’s not here! He’s normally home by now... I’ve tried Suzumiya-san too, but she’s not answering.”

Sonou quickly explained the situation to her boss, worriedly.

“It could be nothing.” The boss replied. “But I feel something is being foreshadowed, with everything that’s being going wrong lately. We’d better look into it.”

Many of the espers decided to start to head back to their headquarters to investigate. However, one of the male ones hung back, in case Koizumi suddenly appeared.

Finishing off the call, Sonou received the details of her destination. Namely, the address.

“Is that alright?” Asked Kyon’s sister.

“Yes. I’ve got it noted down. I’ll be there in an hour or so. I’ll see you then.”

“Bye bye, Mori-san!”

And with that, they simultaneously shut off the phones, as Sonou headed towards the girl’s home.


Well, it hadn’t been easy, but I had done it; the ogre had been slain and Princess Nagato was safe. Now we could ride off into the sunset and have a wondrously happy life together. I took her into my arms and started walking.

Hold on, hold on! When did this adventure get so fairy tale-ish? With that thought, I tripped over my own feet, collapsing to my feet. Within the first stumbling, Nagato leapt from my arms, and then landed on my arms when I had fallen. What amazing instincts, although, it was hardly surprising; coming from Nagato.

I didn’t quite appreciate her standing on my head though. That was rather painful, after all. A loud ‘get off!’ from me prompted her to move, allowing me my freedom of shifting into an upright position.

It was then, I decided to ask. “Are you alright?”

Her single monosyllabic reply came. “Yes.”

“Y’know, it’d be cuter if you said something different than ‘yes’ or ‘no’.” I said, spontaneously. This is my dream, and being in control of it, I will get Yuki to say something different. “Like ‘Honey Bear-san’ for yes, and ‘Drumming Raccoon-san’ for no. Wouldn’t that be fun?”

“Drumming Raccoon-san.”

That wasn’t cute at all. I shouldn’t of expected it to be though, not from the ever-serious Nagato. I must admit, the idea was pretty stupid. I wonder where in my brain it had come from?

I was thinking of more ideas to increase Nagato’s cuteness (it was something to do while I waited for the next shift or... adventure), when the world shifted yet again, leaving me in a crumpled heap on the ground. It seemed a lot smoother this time, as I found myself still ‘conscious’. Well, as much as you could be in a dream world.

The surroundings twisted and contorted themselves to their new self - a classroom, rather, my classroom. Small amounts of moonlight were set on the cold, brown desks. The blackboard was clean; chalk pieces captured in a small plastic slip beneath it.

I could’ve sworn I recognized this scene from somewhere; I had definitely been here before. I don’t mean ‘here’ as in ‘here in the classroom’ either. More like the entire situation was giving me déjà vu, right up to me being on the floor, to the amount of moon-shine flowing into the place.

A person doesn’t have many life-threatening encounters in his or her life. A person who ever has more than one is simply unlucky. Either that, or he or she goes out, looking for that kind of trouble. However, being that I was Haruhi’s manservant, this didn’t apply to me. Unless I was specifically unlucky at finding trouble, then it was the general zaniness of Haruhi’s mind that caused me to end up in situations that could end my life.

It’s happened enough. Indirect danger, when that guy first showed me Haruhi’s evil giant. It could’ve easily attacked me when he was explaining the details to me! Even if it was busy with the espers at that time! Then the more direct stuff. When both Haruhi and I almost got squished by her creation in that dream-like plane of reality. If it wasn’t for my sharp thinking to kiss her, we wouldn’t be alive today! Well, maybe the clues helped just a little bit.

This isn’t some harem world, where I can fully enjoy my life with, say, five or so cute, sexy girls that all adore me. This is the real world. Despite how messed up it might be, you’ve just got to grin and bear it.

But, this was almost not bearable. It was the voice that would echo in my nightmares forever since that time; one that would be depicted as normal, except for the evil that resided within the voice’s host. That cheery tone...

“You think I’m joking?”


(Scenes flash by: The glint of a knife, an evil smile, Nagato getting stabbed.)
Kyon: Next time on Haruhi Suzumiya no Nazo, it’s Chapter 3!
Haruhi: Incorrect! Next time on Haruhi Suzumiya no Nazo! Chapter 3!
Kyon: What do you mean?! I was right!


Kyon was right, oh no! Next chapter may be late; I need more inspiration and time to right it... a week late at latest, eh.


PS: Anyone who can name me the 3 Kanon references wins the prize!

The prize? Uh... Give me three individual words or one phrase for a character to say, and I will attempt to fit it in the next chapter.
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Post by TheGiftedMonkey »

Another beautiful piece to the story. 8) I commend you for your work.

As for the Kanon references, only one I noticed was the "Yes" and "No" thing. I might read it through again to look for them. Hopefully none spoil it for the people who haven't watched the 2002 version.
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Post by HolyCow »

The 3 Kanon References I spotted are:
Spoiler! :
1- Not even with a miracle (Shiori and Makoto Reference)
2- “Ugyuu!” (Ayu Reference)
3- Drumming Raccoon-san (Mai Reference)
4- more ideas to increase Nagato’s cuteness (More Mai Reference)
Am I right? xD
/me claws out throat and dies
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Astral Realm

Post by Cyan »

You win at life! You even got the one that I forgot I inserted. Pick your phrase/words greatly, and I shall attempt to use them, my holiness.

In other news, I'm being slow this week, so, the next chapter will be delayed (I've currently written... 1 page, oh dear). I will probably have some more CA3YT though, since it's nice and short.
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Post by HolyCow »

Hmm... I'll have to think about it first lol. I'll try posting here later.

P/S: How bout some Higurashi reference next chapter? ;P
/me claws out throat and dies
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Post by HolyCow »

Erm, let's see... I have two things in mind:

1- "USODA!!!" and "kana, kana?".

2- Hidden Higurashi references next chapter for me to spot again ;P

Your call~ xD
/me claws out throat and dies
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Post by Garstansinilliam »


We need closure! This is possibly th emost accurate fanfic representation of anything that I've ever read.
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Post by onizuka-gto »

Cyan hasn't been active for some time, however it doesn't stop you from finishing this fan-fiction yourself :)
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Post by TheGiftedMonkey »

I'd prefer to have Cyan finish it himself, I'm fine with it being unfinished. It just wouldn't be the same without him writing it. :P
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Post by HolyCow »

I want my Higurashi lines... :(
/me claws out throat and dies
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