Goshuushou-sama Ninomiya-kun

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Post by onizuka-gto »

Jumpyshoes wrote:Not really. We already have the Japanese raws. We need CHINESE raws.

We need English raws!

oh wait...... :roll:
"Please note, we have added a consequence for failure.Any contact with the chamber floor will result in an unsatisfactory mark on your official test record, followed by death. Good luck."

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Post by sterling01 »

I do have the Japanese Raws for Ninomiya-kun so if there's any translator interested PM me and I'll send them
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Post by onizuka-gto »

sterling01 wrote:I do have the Japanese Raws for Ninomiya-kun so if there's any translator interested PM me and I'll send them

You do?

"Please note, we have added a consequence for failure.Any contact with the chamber floor will result in an unsatisfactory mark on your official test record, followed by death. Good luck."

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Post by sterling01 »

They were easy to find
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Post by Kev015 »

After 2 weeks of googling, I came up with NOTHING....

Where'd you find the raws sterling?
Thanks in advance.
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Post by sterling01 »

I bought the eight books myself and then scanned them...
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Post by the_naming_game »

I figured it must be a pretty good series if someone would go so far as to order the books and scan them. (Note, haven't watched the anime, did skim an ep1 review.) It seems decent so far, but I've gotten like 25 pages in, and it's still pretty much setting the scene. The moe has some similarities to Takasu Ayako's in Mamoru-kun though. The humor is kind of similar too, from what I've seen so far. And the pacing is VERY similar to the Mamoru-kun novel ... e.g. lots of description and mood-setting, meaning a low page-to-plot ratio. Not meaning that that's bad (it does help fill in your imagination better.), but when one doesn't read very fast, it gets kind of labor intensive to get to the punchline.

I wouldn't mind doing a chapter 1, but I don't think I'll be able to do any major work on it until next year. And I don't really want to start any novel projects until I can get down below 5 minutes a page average translation speed. (especially since I haven't been able to find a txt version to speed kanji lookups and kanji compound lookups.)


  The location doesn't matter, don't question why.
  Just try imagining this setting.
  We have two characters.
  A girl at that age where her body has developed well.
  And a boy of the same age, sound of both mind and body.
  The girl feebly closing her eyelids, collapsing limply on the floor.
  The boy, on the other hand, with shining bloodshot eyes, crawling on all fours, looming over the girl.
  So. Upon seeing such a spectacle, what kind of scene would you judge this as?


  I've pushed down a girl.
  Somehow it looks like the situation has turned out like this ― Ninomiya Shungo thinks to himself calmly.
  A troubling situation.


  But. He remains completely calm.
  Because this was an accident, after all.
  Through the piling up of unlucky coincidences, this unexpected situation has occurred. Simple as that.
  Just back away, that should resolve it. Remove my hands from the floor, get up, make an act of wiping the dust off my clothes, scratch my head, go hahaha with an ironic smile. That should be fine.
  Simple as that.
  As simple as that, everything should be settled calmly.
  Let's do it.
  ― Somehow, I can't get up?
  He tries again.
  Come on! Remove my hands from the floor, get up, make an act of wiping the dust off my clothes, scratch my head, go hahaha with an ironic smile.


  And yet the same pushed-over position.
  He tries once more.
  Remove my hands from the floor, get up, make an act of wiping the dust off my clothes ―
  Finally, Jungo notices.
  The calm thinking that he has enveloped himself in thus far, can now only occupy itself in some corner of his consciousness.
  To see, in the greater part of his consciousness, a fierce battle unfolding between reason and passion.
  To see the course of the battle shift due to the overwhelming superiority of the passion faction, and the reason faction very close to putting up the white flag.
  Oh no.
  Finally impatience sets in.
  Oh no. Oh-no-oh-no-oh-no-oh-no. Impatience grows stronger.
  Aaaaaaah, if this keeps going, I'll be some abominable, rude beast, aaaaaaaaah!
  Calm down. Calm down-calm-down.
  Let's do this in order.
  Okay? First, to think.


  Why, just *why* did this happen in the first place ― !? (note how this is on its own page; it really gets emphasized. This is exactly the same thing that happens in Kyon's introductory preface monologue in SHnY volume 1... "― and met Suzumiya Haruhi." is on its own page.)


The first: This is serious, Ninomiya-kun! (e.g chapter 1)


  The incident happened a few hours before. We will rewind to the time when Ninomiya Jungo's life was as of yet, peaceful.


  Ding dong.
  The incident happened along with the sounding of that doorbell.
  The first Sunday of the rainy season. Early afternoon, a few cicada calls still remaining.
  From down the stairs, through the long hall, from the entrance, he has picked up a far-off sound in his ears, and has switched off the vacuum cleaner, and raised his head.
  (A guest?)
  Ding ... dong. Once again from down the hall, that insistent sound.
  "Okay, okay, I'm coming."
  He heads down the hall, responding in a loud voice, breaking into a slight run down the sun-filled hallway, and flies down the second-floor stairs.
  Past the old-fashioned black telephone, through the chandelier-hung hall...


  "May I ask who this is?"
  While he asks this, the front door is pushed open.
  At the same time as the light streaming in, the face of a young man, filled to the brim with smiling, comes into view ―
  That's right, it all started from that cheerful fast talk.
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Post by sterling01 »

So since you're interested do want me to send you the raws I have?
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Re: Goshuushou-sama Ninomiya-kun

Post by Matt122004 »

Since "7 NIGHTS" is now also being translated. I nominate that along with 7 NIGHTS, this book series also be given a project page since their is a translation now for the beginning of it.

I am very interested in this and I hope some other people are too. :)

Oni, do your magic. :)

-Matt :)
Currently Reading: Dantalian no Shoka 1 Image
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Goshūshō-sama Ninomiya-kun

Post by j0wjow »

a humble suggestion for a future project.
i believe its not licensed.
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Astral Realm

Re: Goshūshō-sama Ninomiya-kun

Post by fiendmaw »

Scroll down,this project has already been suggested.
Mods lock/delete this.
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Re: Goshūshō-sama Ninomiya-kun

Post by Dan »

lol fiend

At least provide a link in these cases: http://www.baka-tsuki.net/forums/viewto ... =15&t=1621
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Re: Goshūshō-sama Ninomiya-kun

Post by j0wjow »

sorry sorry. my bad. =3
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Re: Goshūshō-sama Ninomiya-kun

Post by TheGiftedMonkey »

Locked. :P
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Re: Goshuushou-sama Ninomiya-kun

Post by Matt122004 »

Anyone willing to translate the rest of ch. 1 and make this project officially apart of the wiki?

Currently Reading: Dantalian no Shoka 1 Image
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