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Game predictions

Post by Umiman »

Let's show off our awesome game prediction skills so we can go "told you!" when the games come out.

The rules are simple, just state a game you saw, then state how well you think it'll do. You can give a lengthy description, or you can just say, "it will suck". Also, no arguing with other people on how they think the game will do, if you want, put up your own prediction, then give your reasons why, but no hostile reactions. Capiche?

I'll start:

Red Alert 3: It'll be mediocre. Just like C&C3. Console RTS will never, ever be successful until they implement mental projection controls or a mouse and keyboard. Besides, just like C&C3, I can't even tell what the heck is going on. The graphics are too confusing. Predicted review score is: 70-80, mostly praising single player campaign and the cheesy movies. Sales will be slightly higher than C&C3, due to higher popularity of the Red alert franchise, which isn't saying much.

World of Warhammer: Above average. It'll lose to Age of Conan and to WOW but won't spark any revolutions in gaming or anything.

Halo Wars: Mediocre. I think it'll be mediocre -1. It looks horrible and there's absolutely nothing interesting about it as of now.

Haze: Above average sales numbers and reviews, but nothing special. The single-player experience will be short and the multiplayer will be like any other standard FPS fare. All the nectar talk will be just gimmicky at best when implemented in-game and it'll boil down to a Halo-clone.

Dragonball Z: Burst Limit: Exactly the same performance as any of the Budokai series.
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Re: Game predictions

Post by Dyn0m1te »

MGS4: Gameplay will be fun; Story will be amazing. Online will be awesome given that the beta was fun.

Cry-On: Not a lot of info, but I think it'll be good, but I like all mistwalker games.

DBZ: Burst Limit: Fun

Soul Calibur 4: Really Fun.

White Knight Story: Good, Level 5 hasn't failed me yet.

Star Craft 2: As good if not better than SC
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Re: Game predictions

Post by Umiman »

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Re: Game predictions

Post by Rectifier »

Spore - Going to own.

Fallout 3 - Going to pwn.
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Re: Game predictions

Post by Umiman »

It might be premature, considering all we have to go with are screenshots like these:
Spoiler! :
But I'm going to go out on a line and say...

Infinite Line: It's going to rule your world. Heck, an RPG in space? Scheweet. An RPG in space with over 200 characters? Megas scheweets. An RPG in space with over 200 characters and the ability to customize, outfit, built, and control over 150 ships? Awezome scheweeets. An RPG in space with over 200 characters and the ability to customize, outfit, built, and control over 150 ships while maintaining the ability to control multiple spaceships at a time? Oryeaz scheweeeets!

If this game doesn't have giant orbital cannons I'll shoot myself.

More fanboyish hype:
First, players will be able to customize their ship. There are over 150 design models, and another 150 possible crewmembers. The innards of your vessel are modular and can be rearranged at will.
Umi's reaction: I'm so totally going to put the captain's quarters right next to the ladies' shower rooms.
the "graphics will blow you away. You will not believe this is being done on the DS." Characters will be in 2D, but ships, exploration, and battles will all be in 3D.
There will be Wi-Fi two-player battles with your friends and their spaceships.
Umi's reaction: My dream of naming a ship Konigs Tiger and kicking ass will be made true!
"There are two main [story] threads," Platinum Games told us. "One is a poor young boy who pulls himself up by his bootstraps, has no money. He gathers the money, the parts, and equipment he needs to become a space captain. Another thread gets into very high-level, philosophical science fiction stuff. [We are] fans of science fiction writers Arthur C. Clarke and Greg Egan. Humanity is made to observe and they are defining the physical laws of the universe through their observation. We want to explore the idea in the game and storyline that 'what if there are not alien species but different types of humanoid species who observe each other?' So that's where the themes of Childhood's End come into play. What is the real role of humanity? Why is humanity there to observe the universe?"
Umi's Reaction: In other words, "we have one storyline for dumbass Naruto fans with no brains, and we have one storyline for actual people." Nice!
"A spaceship battle will pretty much occur in real time. There will be various parameters for your ship. According to these parameters you'll have what's called a 'command gauge.' This command gauge builds up and you can spend it to perform specific attacks during battle. For example, if you get some really great personnel on your ship, great pilots or whatever, they may be able to improve your command structure and your ship may react faster."
Umi's reaction: Realtime giant orbital cannons?! *drool*
"We're probably talking 50-60 hours just to get through once. But if you want to do everything it will probably take you 100 hours."
Umi's reaction: Oblivion?

A game like this hasn't even been done on the PC, and that's something to be said about it. Here's to hoping it goes well, but I have little to doubt that it won't.
...Tg...g.g........... And Kol Ravensabbey cried,
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Re: Game predictions

Post by ben1234 »

the "graphics will blow you away. You will not believe this is being done on the DS." Characters will be in 2D, but ships, exploration, and battles will all be in 3D.
Man, I knew I should have gotten that DS instead of that PSP...
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Re: Game predictions

Post by Umiman »

Prince of Persia: It's going to suck. Even if only because their catchphrase is "restore the light". Geez, why does everyone instantly associate light with good and dark with bad? You know how much life would suck if there was no dark? Why doesn't anyone make a game where to goal is to kill the one who is spreading all that goddamned light and let us enjoy our Frank Miller-esque lives? That, and that annoying mascot girl character will be a pain in the ass to control and work with.
...Tg...g.g........... And Kol Ravensabbey cried,
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Re: Game predictions

Post by Dyn0m1te »

Umiman wrote:It might be premature, considering all we have to go with are screenshots like these:
Spoiler! :
But I'm going to go out on a line and say...

Infinite Line: It's going to rule your world. Heck, an RPG in space? Scheweet. An RPG in space with over 200 characters? Megas scheweets. An RPG in space with over 200 characters and the ability to customize, outfit, built, and control over 150 ships? Awezome scheweeets. An RPG in space with over 200 characters and the ability to customize, outfit, built, and control over 150 ships while maintaining the ability to control multiple spaceships at a time? Oryeaz scheweeeets!

If this game doesn't have giant orbital cannons I'll shoot myself.

More fanboyish hype:
First, players will be able to customize their ship. There are over 150 design models, and another 150 possible crewmembers. The innards of your vessel are modular and can be rearranged at will.
Umi's reaction: I'm so totally going to put the captain's quarters right next to the ladies' shower rooms.
the "graphics will blow you away. You will not believe this is being done on the DS." Characters will be in 2D, but ships, exploration, and battles will all be in 3D.
There will be Wi-Fi two-player battles with your friends and their spaceships.
Umi's reaction: My dream of naming a ship Konigs Tiger and kicking ass will be made true!
"There are two main [story] threads," Platinum Games told us. "One is a poor young boy who pulls himself up by his bootstraps, has no money. He gathers the money, the parts, and equipment he needs to become a space captain. Another thread gets into very high-level, philosophical science fiction stuff. [We are] fans of science fiction writers Arthur C. Clarke and Greg Egan. Humanity is made to observe and they are defining the physical laws of the universe through their observation. We want to explore the idea in the game and storyline that 'what if there are not alien species but different types of humanoid species who observe each other?' So that's where the themes of Childhood's End come into play. What is the real role of humanity? Why is humanity there to observe the universe?"
Umi's Reaction: In other words, "we have one storyline for dumbass Naruto fans with no brains, and we have one storyline for actual people." Nice!
"A spaceship battle will pretty much occur in real time. There will be various parameters for your ship. According to these parameters you'll have what's called a 'command gauge.' This command gauge builds up and you can spend it to perform specific attacks during battle. For example, if you get some really great personnel on your ship, great pilots or whatever, they may be able to improve your command structure and your ship may react faster."
Umi's reaction: Realtime giant orbital cannons?! *drool*
"We're probably talking 50-60 hours just to get through once. But if you want to do everything it will probably take you 100 hours."
Umi's reaction: Oblivion?

A game like this hasn't even been done on the PC, and that's something to be said about it. Here's to hoping it goes well, but I have little to doubt that it won't.
And the fact that Platinum Games = Seeds = Clover Studio's...

Clover Studio's = Greatness

Just started replaying Okami again.
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Re: Game predictions

Post by Hiiragi Kagami »

KHIII: will rule.
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Re: Game predictions

Post by Umiman »

I was quite skeptical about RA3 when I first saw it. I mean, the graphics in that game are too colourful and you can't tell what's going on half the time (just like C&C3).

Then I saw this video, which, just like the Starcraft demonstration videos of Blizzcon '07... enlightened me to the glory that is Red Alert. ... ert-3-demo

Hell, the voices are the same!!! This is definitely not a game for this spoiled rotten generation who consider Company of Heroes to be t3h b3zt RTS EVAR LOL and those who like to talk smack about Starcraft and Warcraft because they want to look cool and elitist, pretending to have some idea of what taste is by hating everything that is popular or good. Well, screw them, glad I don't have to play with them when this game comes out. I mean... geez... aquatic bases! Man launchers! Waterborne tesla coins!

"Unit promoted"

"Low power"


I still have my doubts over the new Japanese mecha faction thing though. They should also really tone down the water effects...

EDIT: On a side note, I think I should look for a new gaming news site other than Kotaku now. Their prime seems to have passed and they are moving more onto the road of decadence and self-implied humour rather than reporting stuff. Also, their commentors, as people are often warranted to do when they notice something popular and flock to it like sheep, seem to be filing up with the more common Youtube demographic. I also saw a Fuchikoma commenting... hmmm... Maybe I was hallucinating.
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Re: Game predictions

Post by TheGiftedMonkey »

Umiman wrote:Hell, the voices are the same!!! This is definitely not a game for this spoiled rotten generation who consider Company of Heroes to be t3h b3zt RTS EVAR LOL and those who like to talk smack about Starcraft and Warcraft because they want to look cool and elitist, pretending to have some idea of what taste is by hating everything that is popular or good.

EDIT: On a side note, I think I should look for a new gaming news site other than Kotaku now. Their prime seems to have passed and they are moving more onto the road of decadence and self-implied humour rather than reporting stuff. Also, their commentors, as people are often warranted to do when they notice something popular and flock to it like sheep, seem to be filing up with the more common Youtube demographic. I also saw a Fuchikoma commenting... hmmm... Maybe I was hallucinating.
Yeah, people don't know what true balance in a game is all about.

I don't like to stick to Kotaku either. I like to browse Digg, SlashDot, IGN, and a few others for my gaming updates.

And I think Soul Calibur 4 is going to let me down just like 3 did. :?

EDIT: RA3 looks good, except I think the resource system is going to be fail. :( 1 gatherer per node? Not enough economic variety there.
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Re: Game predictions

Post by Umiman »

If you liked Generals (and I did), you'll like this system. Most likely there will be ways to get more resources.

Also, I frigging called it that SC4 isn't going to work out. Nyar har har, lick my boots!
...Tg...g.g........... And Kol Ravensabbey cried,
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Re: Game predictions

Post by Dyn0m1te »

Well, For SC4 it IS still too early to tell, though the whole Fighting Vipers clothes destruction stuff IS a little lame. At least it looks like a new male character though, I'm glad about that. How 'bout a new Power Stone?

Red Alert: not excited about it at all, sadly.

KH3: Played the first 2, didn't find them to be masterpieces, but I'll play the third.

FFXIII: Well, of course I'll play it, and probably love it, but despite what was said by the director a while ago, it is obviously not return to the traditional style.

Bayonetta: Gonna buy this, and play the shit out of it. DMC and VJ is so fun, this is bound to be just as good. Action = Happy Me.

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