Poll: Illustration Gallery -FINAL VOTE-

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What is the best option considering the use of the illustration gallery?

Poll ended at Tue Sep 09, 2008 3:40 am

"I agree, Place images on one page altogether, like in ZnT and Toradora"
"I agree, Use single page, but colour/covers and B&W inlines should be clearly segregated"
"I disagree, Make two pages: one for covers and another for B&W inlines"
"I disagree, Use gallery for covers and chapters for inlines only, like in SHnY"
Total votes: 49

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Re: Poll: Illustration Gallery -FINAL VOTE-

Post by Smidge204 »

He said he was going to do this since the end of the last poll. You had over a month to complain.

Darknemo is just angry that he didn't get enough friends from AS forums to vote.
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Re: Poll: Illustration Gallery -FINAL VOTE-

Post by Darknemo2000 »

Smidge, he didn't explained it. Heck no one didn't even understood if they can vote or not.

So smidge you are saying that I, Krikit or you yourself are not part of community so our votes do not count?

Or are you saying that those who voted in a bad poll cannot vote at all again? But then you have to take away all votes from the last poll not the ones that told about their voting...And there you get a problem - basically you cannot tell how they voted in this poll, IF they voted at all....

Or are you saying that those who stated their votes are less of a members thus they votes cannot count than those who haven't stated their opinion?

I know you want your 4th option to win, but come on, this is ridiculous. Stating that the 4th option won while the clear majority (of two votes) are for the first option? Inst that too much?

The only explanation I can see is that those who post in forums are not community members thats why they should be taken away their right to vote... But even this sounds like a nonsense to me.

PS. Smidge, did you get the KnS fifth ignition volume link that I sent to you or not? I never got your answer back...
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Re: Poll: Illustration Gallery -FINAL VOTE-

Post by Krikit »

First post, this is what I said:
Sorry, I already voted without asking this question as it didn't hit me until just now. Because my vote is already accounted for, am I not supposed to vote in this poll? Or for that matter anyone who's name has appeared on Oni's list?
This was under the assumption that my vote was already accounted for. by deducting my vote from this poll, not only was it not accounted for, it was erased.

Then from Smidge, wow he understood this long before I did....haha
Because you already voted, you SHOULD vote in this poll. Oni plans to subtract 13 votes from the results of this poll for some retarded reason he has been unable to explain. He also hasn't been able to explain how he plans to subtract the votes.
So why does Oni want to subtract the votes?

Then Vaelis helped our confusion with:
Err no he shouldn't vote in this poll and Oni plans to add the 13 votes of the previous poll.
Then my Assumtion: (guess I was wrong?)
Actually, this is what I think it meant. I believe it meant we could vote in this poll, just that we didn't have to post our reasons WHY, as we've already had that discussion. So anyone on that list just doesn't have to post why they voted the way they did.
Then Oni officially said:
well the thing is, that there is nothing stopping the "13" from voting in the new poll, so it's best to assume that they WILL VOTE.
so to answer you're question, yes. just vote.
So we voted.

I don't get this though:
I will state the modifying votes, which will be deducted from the above (Numbered for convenience):

(01.) = -6

(02.) = -2

(03.) = -3

(04.) = -1
....and I finally just realized what Oni was planning on doing with the Modifying Votes. But I also just realized...

WHY?? It doesn't make any sense to subtract our votes...let's say this poll was "Brand New" and whoever wanted to vote could. So we did. New Votes, New Poll, but we still had our votes deducted...

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Re: Poll: Illustration Gallery -FINAL VOTE-

Post by Nerevarine »

I always just assumed that this was a new poll...

there really is no reason to make this a counterpart of the pervious poll, it just adds unnecesary confusion
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Re: Poll: Illustration Gallery -FINAL VOTE-

Post by Krikit »

yeah, that's what I finally understand. So taking this poll as a new poll, each vote should be counted. None should be disregarded. I think we all kind of confused each other with the poll transition, and Oni got the short end of our confusion ^_^
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Re: Poll: Illustration Gallery -FINAL VOTE-

Post by onizuka-gto »

To answer your quiries please refer to the PREVIOUS THREAD as linked in the FIRST POST.

Just so I will not have to repeat myself, I will publish the reply I gave to Darknemo over this result.

Dear Darknemo,

Please read the first post of the voting thread.

I clearly stated the rules of this vote.

I previewed the terms on the previous discussion thread,

You objected once, I took it into consideration, and reworded it again.

You did not protest to the new terms nor may I add, did anyone else.

After the new vote was instigated, I allowed the thread to be open to discussion and I monitored it closely.

Once again, you had the chance to state your opinion, on the vote, and on the terms.

You did not.

Now that the voting is over, the results were calculated as was stated in the terms.

The result stand as they will and will be enforced to limit of my power.

They will not be up for dispute, or further alteration.

If you unhappy with the result,s you have the chance to submit a revised proposal after two weeks of this vote, that will be up for one month of voting.

That is your right under B-T policy, (which I will be codifying it pretty soon)

If you do decided to take this path, I wish you all the luck.
best regard,


(your friendly undemocratic socialist wiki-communist party dictator)
Basically, if you did not understand the terms of this vote, this just means you did not read the first post, nor did anyone ask for further clarification, which i was very very very very happy to answer.

however, since no one did. I assumed you all understood the terms.

Everything is available for you to read, just follow the link to the previous thread, that is on the first post, which will CLEARLY explain the voting rules.

Understand, I gave all concerned parties the time challenge me.

To do so after the results have been counted, is ultimately futile.

But thank you for your post-voting interest and if you are unhappy with this result, i look forward to mediating this issue again in two weeks time.

P.S: For evil to prevail, only good men have to stay silent.

you reap what you sow, comrades!

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Re: Poll: Illustration Gallery -FINAL VOTE-

Post by Darknemo2000 »

GTO explain it now...Do we dont have a right to vote or something?

EXPLAIN IT now. So what that we didn't asked you, thats simply because we have not understood you...

However, you have to explain why our votes are not counted.

No one really understood what was the matter , but since it was taken as a new voting no one really questioned it as it seemed clear that it will be counted as a first, new poll.

So explain why members do not have the right to vote? So according to you we are not members of the community?

If so just band me, as I am not a member of this community seemingly.

Eplain it..No one will tear your tongue off...Why did you disregard members votes? Based on what? That they voted? Then why havent you disregarded other voters that have voted but haven't said how they voted?

Just explain it now, why do you take away the votes.
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Re: Poll: Illustration Gallery -FINAL VOTE-

Post by Vaelis »

I'm resisting posting that someone is a [edit: auto-moderation]... Oops I've posted it.
Really pitiful.


I'm usually calm but you're going too far with this mess.
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Re: Poll: Illustration Gallery -FINAL VOTE-

Post by Darknemo2000 »

GTO you really need to cut down that stuff you have been smoking... Seriously...No one even understood you, but no one question because it seemed like self clear that it is a new voting...

I understood that you simply wanted to differ those who voted in previous poll and those who didn't, but I still thought that all votes will be counted. How can you ask people to understand when you yourself are not clear with what you are speaking. And no one asked for clearance because it still seemed to be logical decision to count all votes and not take away the voting right from the active members.
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Re: Poll: Illustration Gallery -FINAL VOTE-

Post by Krikit »

Sigh. Oni thought he explained it right, and it was our fault for not reading enough or asking enough questions at the beginning. It takes two for there to be evil. ^_^. (one to commit, and one to say that's evil :))

GOSH! As much as I really want Oni to say he'll disregard disregarding our votes, it seems WORST CASE SCENARIO, is we wait 2 weeks, post this Crip up again, and wait another month for a revote....hahaha...I wonder how many people will vote THEN....:). Maybe more, we can solicit on Wikipedia, other forum sites, etc. Let's go for 100 votes this next time ^_^.

But seriously....Oni, is there any possibility, or anyway to count the disregarded votes?

If not, that's okay too, we'll wait 1 month and 2 weeks for the next result. (haha, we need something to do here besides read novels...O_o), but if at all possible, could you please explain why it was decided to disregard our votes entirely?

Even if you don't change it. I know the community has rules. But so we and others don't make the same mistake of ignorance, for clarifications sake, could you tell us what the reasoning behind disregarding those 13 votes was?
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Re: Poll: Illustration Gallery -FINAL VOTE-

Post by Darknemo2000 »

GTO you cannot wiggle your tail away from this just because we misunderstood what you have meant. In either case it will not effect the voting as we all regarded it as a new voting. By the way, did Vaelis, Matt and others voted in it? Since there was a confusion about I cannot tell (I wonder how GTO can).

The main point is still - why the heck our votes have been ignored and not taken into account? Do you not consider us member of community or is that just because the majority of those votes were against your own position?

Did anyone else noted a strange convenience that right before the voting ended one voter from the I agree but want to keep them separate but on the same page and one I don't agree - there should be separate pages, went to the 4th option to give it a needed to 2 votes margin? Well it might be coincidence, but the latest GTO's position and not explaining why he did that, makes me think that this whole voting was set up to begin with.
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Re: Poll: Illustration Gallery -FINAL VOTE-

Post by Darknemo2000 »

onizuka-gto wrote:
The 13 existing votes that will be accounted for are:


Modifying votes
Below is the current tally from the above list:

(6) "I agree, Place images on one page altogether, like in ZnT and Toradora"

(2) "I agree, Use single page, but colour/covers and B&W inlines should be clearly segregated"

(3) "I disagree, Make two pages: one for covers and another for B&W inlines"

(1) "I disagree, Use gallery for covers and chapters for inlines only, like in SHnY"

(1) "No Vote or Not counted "
Do we see anywhere told that those votes will not be taken into account? No. We only see "accounted for". But "Accounted for" doesnt mean that they will be ignored. Thus GTO blaming for us not reading the first post is unrightful because he simply didn't pose this problem in his first post.

The names are just listed. But no one said that they will be disregarded. How can you expect us to question this if you don't mention it in your first post, GTO? We are not mind readers and we do not know how your brain works.

The main thing is - you listed the votes but haven't said anything about them being discarded. So how anyone could question that if you haven't explained it in your first post? Naturally everyone came to logical conclusion that the votes will be counted anyway. Though no one understood what those modifying votes are no one questioned it simply because you havent placed the main problem - that you will ignore those votes completely for some unknown reason.
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Re: Poll: Illustration Gallery -FINAL VOTE-

Post by TheGiftedMonkey »

Alright everyone slow down, a lot of the same questions are being repeated. I'm going to lock this topic for the time being so Oni can take the time to read through the questions and thoroughly answer them. Things will be explained in due time so just sit back for now. 8)
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Re: Poll: Illustration Gallery -FINAL VOTE-

Post by Smidge204 »

He explained it over a month ago here. In short, this is a result of you, Const2K, Krikit and Vaelis (mostly Const2K) trying to divine the impact of the proposed alternates from the last poll. Read his post again. The numbers you guys cooked up were used as the basis for what gets removed from where.

If you want to talk voting irregularities, I have already requested the raw polling data from TLG. Let's see if it turns up anything interesting (provided he comes through on the request).

Edit: Sorry, didn't mean to reply to a locked topic... wasn't locked when I started writing it, I swear. >.>
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Re: Poll: Illustration Gallery -FINAL VOTE-

Post by onizuka-gto »

Thank you for the moderation and comments TGM & Smidge.

After reading the replies here from the concerned members,
I understand that a number of people were confused about my first post, hence it had prompted me to examine it thoroughly.

After some time, I have concluded that I have definitely located the source of the confusion.

In the wording of the first line of the voting rule, I stated:
The above votes will be counted in the new poll and at the end will be subtracted from the total for each given option unless notified
The word "above" was used incorrectly, when it was clear to see that there was no indication of "votes" in the previous segment of the post.

The correct wording of the voting rule should be:
The below votes will be counted in the new poll and at the end will be subtracted from the total for each given option unless notified
Hence I have to apologise to affected members who were thrown into disarray over my mistake.

I hope this clarify the exact wording of the voting rules.

I will leave this thread open for discussion and any further inquires that was not clear to any of you in the private messages I have replied to, which i will be happy to explain again.
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