Men of War: The Ultimate RTS

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Men of War: The Ultimate RTS

Post by Umiman »

I'm sure you guys know I'm a major strategy grognard. I love RTS with a passion and am very, very good at them. I've played them all, from Dune to Company of Heroes to Red Alert 3 to Supreme Commander and so on and so foth. Why am I telling you this? It's to put weight behind my words when I say Men of War is the best damn RTS I've ever played. Period.


Men of War is a WWII RTS along the lines of Company of Heroes. It's made by a Russian company. You've probably never heard of it because no one advertised it, but it's in English, and it's available at a budget price. (Yes, I actually BOUGHT the game). However, this game completely blows Company of Heroes out of the water. I'm going to list down why, starting with the negatives:

1. Voice acting is worse than shit. It's so horribly bad. Germans sound Vietnamese and Russians sound British.
2. It's super poking hard. Easy mode should be renamed "get your ass kicked relatively lightly".

1. Americans are treated like a secondary player in the war. Thank god. Main stars are the Russians, British, and Germans. You get to play all three. All three are unique. Yes, there's an American faction as well. Japanese faction is coming soon too in a patch. That's 3 individual campaigns, and the time it takes to beat them can last you up to a week. Also, none of the campaigns take place in Europe. (But there are plenty of European maps)

2. This game has over 200 different, unique, non-cloned tanks for each individual faction. It's amazing. They all have their own stats, weapons, control styles, etc. This hasn't even touched the amazing number of infantry, planes, ships, submarines, cars, tractors, etc.

3. Even better, with just a press of a button, at any time you want, you can manually control ANYTHING you own. Want to go commando with that one infantry unit and sneak around the base while your main forces charge through, go right ahead. Using your mouse and keyboard, this RTS can turn into an RPG at any time. Heck, you can even "drive" the planes if you can commandeer them. Don't like the way the AI drives your best tank, do it yourself. Want to drive your jeep off a waterfall, go ahead. Want to lob that 150mm shell yourself, do as you please.

4. EVEN BETTER, every single bloody unit has an inventory screen just like Diablo. This is compounded by the fact that each individual unit doesn't have unlimited ammo, but rather a stock amount in his inventory. You can switch guns, helmets, bullets, grenades, etc. It's insane because there are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many different types of things to pick up that you'll go crazy.


5. Tank duels are so intense it's crazy. Every tank has parts which you can target (either yourself or letting the AI do it), ranging from the turret to the tracks and most importantly, the engine. Knock out the tracks and the tank can't move. Knock out the turret and it can't rotate the turret. Knock out the turret barrel and it can't shoot. Take out the engine and it shuts down. Set the engine on fire and it explodes. I've been playing this game for over 80 hours now and I still haven't full grasped all the mechanics behind it. Realizing that your ultra expensive, super high tech tank can't aim low enough to hit a jeep which drives right next to you, gets out, and throws a grenade down your face, is something you will remember always.


6. Everything can be destroyed. Literally. With real physics and not some pre-programmed fall down cow-poop. The same building will never break down the same way twice. That said, every single projectile and object in the game has physics behind it. An armor piercing shell won't blow a building to pieces, but it will punch a nice hole through it, into the tank hiding behind it. But a high explosive round could shatter the entire building onto the tank, which blows it up. A machinegun might not be able to break through stone walls, but it can punch through wooden barrels with ease. Dead bodies can easily block small bullets, but it won't do jack shit against flak. Enemies hiding in a forest? Drive a fuel truck right into it and blow it up, setting the whole thing ablaze. Heck, I used to think that mountains in the game couldn't be destroyed. But then one of my allies took a 150mm howitzer and shot through it, bringing down the entire cliff (onto himself). Yeah, you think Red Faction is awesome because you can destroy anything? You haven't seen this.

7. Multiplayer is awesome. There's plenty of players (because it's quite popular outside the West) though they might not necessarily speak English. However, every single mode you could possibly think of for an RTS multiplayer is here with full 100% customizability. Also a huge number of maps, all really well detailed, make this incredibly fun to play online. Games can last for quite awhile though, depending on the mode. P.s: You can play every single campaign mission co-op with up to 4 players while regular battles can go up to 16 players.


8. The feel of the game is just incredible. The animations are crisp, fluid, and dynamic. Soldiers who are currently repairing a tank look like they're repairing a tank. Soldiers crouching and hugging the ground in fear as artillery blows shit up around them definitely look the part, soldiers climbing up the body of a comandeered Tiger tank definitely look like they're doing so (and they still look great when their body is shot to pieces as they try to do so). There's no cow-poop here. You can even see each individual weapon and piece of armor on each individual unit. If your crazy one man army is carrying a bazooka, a panzershrek, an AT rifle, a regular rifle, a sniper rifle, and a submachinegun at the same time, you will see him carrying all that shit and looking like a moron. If you steal the massive, gigantic heavy machinegun off a heavy tank, you will see the poor sap lug the huge thing around (it being the size of him). If your engineer guy is carrying around a huge tank of gasoline, you will see him wobble about the battlefield with it and similarly, see him blow up when someone shoots it in his hands.

9. Lastly, the scale of the game is incredible. Depending on how you like to play, you can go anywhere from controlling one guy, to a squad of five, to an army of 200 infantry with 40 tanks and 30 artillery, or even more. It's all up to you. The very first mission in the game has you control a squad of infantry and one super heavy tank to defend a pass against a German convoy (which they forget to tell you includes around 10 tanks and 100 infantry). Right after that, you're thrown into a hugeass battle for the defence of a train station where you control a huge number of troops defending a massive area. It's pretty intense, but it rarely feels overwhelming. In fact, you will probably never lose thinking it was impossible to win or the AI was cheating, but you will lose. Often. Especially in the singleplayer missions.

So, get this game. Unless you don't like strategy games, then I say steer clear away because this one will blow your brains. For the rest of us, we can go tractor racing in cornfields as bullets whiz by our faces and the cornfield is on fire.

Awesome gameplay videos:
...Tg...g.g........... And Kol Ravensabbey cried,
..g...B...g........@.. "In Armok's name!!!!"
T...T..B..g........... And there was bloodshed.
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Re: Men of War: The Ultimate RTS

Post by onizuka-gto » >_<
"Please note, we have added a consequence for failure.Any contact with the chamber floor will result in an unsatisfactory mark on your official test record, followed by death. Good luck."

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Kaisos Erranon
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Re: Men of War: The Ultimate RTS

Post by Kaisos Erranon »

Holy shit.

I have some friends who are going to cream their pants over this.
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Re: Men of War: The Ultimate RTS

Post by Umiman »

I forgot to mention, there's a full stealth element to the entire game just like commandos. So all units have their own sight radius (which you can see by clicking on them) and visibility issues. Also, you can hide in bushes, trees, or basically anything that you can possibly think will hide you (since it's all physics based). That said, this is very useful for snipers or scouts who will creep all around the place in their ghilly suits (leaf-covered) suits. You can also carry bodies around to dump somewhere else, use silenced weapons which won't reveal your position, etc. This isn't limited to infantry, as tanks can hide too and more importantly, so can all your artillery and guns and such.

Also, using an anti-tank rifle to shoot humans is damn funny. It's like playing bowling because the poor guys get flung about a hundred or so meters.
...Tg...g.g........... And Kol Ravensabbey cried,
..g...B...g........@.. "In Armok's name!!!!"
T...T..B..g........... And there was bloodshed.
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Re: Men of War: The Ultimate RTS

Post by TheGiftedMonkey »

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Re: Men of War: The Ultimate RTS

Post by Okenido »

Why more RTS games don't do this is beyond me...
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Re: Men of War: The Ultimate RTS

Post by Rectifier »

Because most people can't handle that amount of complexity in an RTS and love to attack move to the enemy base.
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Re: Men of War: The Ultimate RTS

Post by Umiman »

Let's talk more about more complex issues when it comes to game strategy, because it takes many many games to learn these things.

Deception and illusion are a huge part of this game. Sometimes, you might not need that super king tiger with 200mm of armor and an acceleration speed of crap to destroy your enemy. Sometimes, you can prevent your enemy from every daring to advance simply because he's afraid of what lurks behind the fog of war. For example, by placing SMG infantry with anti-tank grenades to hide inside bushes and houses, forming an infantry screen and taking out a few advancing scout tanks, the enemy would be too afraid to advance.

Mines play a large part to this too. Reinforcing your position with anti-tank mines or anti-infantry mines can seriously demoralize your enemy, turning him into a turtle which is extremely good for you. If you can predict the enemy movements, you can silence him completely and attack him at the heart. There's no point in him getting awesome vehicles if he won't dare to attack.

A lot of this game comes down to you as a player yourself. Rushing things, being too aggresive, extending yourself too far will get you annihilated. You must control the flow of battle and control the emotions of your enemy. Keep him nervous and agitated and victory is yours when he screws up. This is no joke. All it takes is liberal use of artillery shells raining on his position and I guarantee you he will do something stupid.
...Tg...g.g........... And Kol Ravensabbey cried,
..g...B...g........@.. "In Armok's name!!!!"
T...T..B..g........... And there was bloodshed.
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Re: Men of War: The Ultimate RTS

Post by Assassin »

So with all of the above infocandies for the game, does this mean StarCraft-like micromanagement skillz will be like, deployable for this game?
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Re: Men of War: The Ultimate RTS

Post by Umiman »

Assassin wrote:So with all of the above infocandies for the game, does this mean StarCraft-like micromanagement skillz will be like, deployable for this game?
Actually, the game is quite micro heavy if you play online. Most games tend to be very micro heavy when played online anyway. It's pretty different from Starcraft since in SC, units have life bars... so micro makes a huge difference. Here it's more like... if you poke up your tank driving skills, you are soooo soooo soooo screwed. So it's micro, but you better make sure your strategy and tactics are brilliant before you do anything micro related.

You will pick it up pretty easily if you give it a shot.

Ah, but don't worry, single player is nothing like that.
...Tg...g.g........... And Kol Ravensabbey cried,
..g...B...g........@.. "In Armok's name!!!!"
T...T..B..g........... And there was bloodshed.
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teh visit0r
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Re: Men of War: The Ultimate RTS

Post by teh visit0r »

I'm frightened to ask.. What are the system requirements?
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Astral Realm

Re: Men of War: The Ultimate RTS

Post by Rectifier »

Minimum / Recommended System Requirements for Men of War are:

Publishers Minimum System
Processor: AMD Athlon64 3000+ / Intel Pentium 4 2.6Ghz
Display Card: ATI Radeon 9600 Series 128MB / NVIDIA GeForce 6200 128MB
Memory: 1024MB
Free Disk Space: 6.5GB
Operating System: Windows XP / Vista
Other: Your Soul
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Re: Men of War: The Ultimate RTS

Post by Umiman »

I made a video showcasing the Churchill tank from Men of War. It was played online with a couple of friends.
...Tg...g.g........... And Kol Ravensabbey cried,
..g...B...g........@.. "In Armok's name!!!!"
T...T..B..g........... And there was bloodshed.

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