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==Chapter 2 – The Beautiful Woman of Country of Ruin==
== Bab 2 - Wanita Cantik dari Negara Kehancuran ==
=== Bagian 1 ===
===Part 1===
“Well then, I’ll explain the outline of the operation.”
"Baiklah, aku akan menjelaskan garis besar operasinya."
Hida Reiri melihat-lihat anggota Amaterasu yang berkumpul di Lab Nayuta.
Hida Reiri looked over the Amaterasu members who were gathering in Nayuta Lab.
It was an emergency summon.
Itu adalah panggilan darurat.
Kizuna, Aine, dan Himekawa mendengarkan cerita Reiri dengan wajah patuh.
Kizuna, Aine, and Himekawa lent their ears to Reiri’s story with obedient faces.
In contrast, it was only Yurishia who looked around at the surroundings with a face that looked as if she would break out humming anytime.
Sebaliknya, hanya Yurishia yang melihat sekeliling dengan wajah yang terlihat akan bersenandung kapan saja.
Reiri was not even much concerned with Yurishia’s behavior, she turned to the console in the center of the room and called out.
Reiri bahkan tidak terlalu peduli dengan perilaku Yurishia, dia menoleh ke konsol di tengah ruangan dan memanggil.
“Kei, biar aku yang menjelaskan.”
“Kei, I’ll let you explain.”
In front of the console that looked like a cockpit, a petite girl was sitting.
Di depan konsol yang terlihat seperti kokpit, seorang gadis mungil sedang duduk.
Dia adalah peneliti yang bertanggung jawab atas Lab Nayuta ini, orang yang bertanggung jawab atas departemen penelitian Ataraxia, Shikina Kei.
She was the researcher in charge of this Nayuta Lab, the person in charge of Ataraxia’s research department, Shikina Kei.
Her hair was held back with several pins, her eyes settled behind the glasses didn’t show anything of what she was thinking about.
Rambutnya diikat ke belakang dengan beberapa penjepit, matanya yang tertuju di belakang kacamata tidak menunjukkan apa pun yang dia pikirkan.
Kei didn’t reply back and only moved her fingers with amazing speed. Thereupon, in the middle of the research room, several floating windows appeared.
Kei tidak membalas dan hanya menggerakkan jarinya dengan kecepatan luar biasa. Kemudian, di tengah ruang penelitian, beberapa jendela mengambang muncul.
Sebuah jendela muncul di depan Kizuna dan yang lainnya, menampilkan teks yang Kei masukkan.
A window each appeared in front of Kizuna and the others, displaying the text that Kei inputted.
{Kemarin, pukul 2.10 pagi waktu standar Megafloat Jepang, kami menangkap gelombang radio yang lemah.}
{Yesterday, at 2.10 AM of Megafloat Japan’s standard time, we caught a weak radio wave.}
Di permukaan lantai terpampang peta Samudra Pasifik dengan Megafloat Jepang sebagai pusatnya. Saat ini, Megafloat sedang berlayar antara Papua Nugini dan Filipina. Garis berkedip merah membentang dari Megafloat Jepang di peta.
On the floor surface, a map of the Pacific Ocean with Megafloat Japan as the center was displayed. Currently, the Megafloat was cruising between Papua New Guinea and Philippines. A red blinking line was stretching from Megafloat Japan on the map.
{When the radio wave was analyzed, we understood that it was undoubtedly something used by mankind for transmission. That dotted line is displaying the direction from where the radio wave was sent.}
{Ketika gelombang radio dianalisis, kami memahami bahwa tidak diragukan lagi itu adalah sesuatu yang digunakan oleh manusia untuk transmisi. Garis putus-putus itu menunjukkan arah dari mana gelombang radio itu dikirim.}
The map was scrolled following the stretched dotted line.
Peta digulir mengikuti garis putus-putus yang membentang.
Before long the scrolling of the screen was stopped at the end point of the line which was an island.
Tak lama kemudian, pengguliran layar dihentikan di titik akhir garis yang merupakan pulau.
“…… Guam?”
Yurishia mengangkat suara bertanya-tanya.
Yurishia raised a questioning voice.
"Benar. Gelombang transmisi dikirim dari sekitar Guam. Yurishia, apakah Anda pernah ke pangkalan militer Amerika di Guam?
“Correct. The transmission wave was delivered from around Guam. Yurishia, have you ever been to the American military base in Guam?”
“Only to the degree of stopping by there. It was before the 2nd Another Universe Conflict, so I didn’t have any impression of it other than a normal resort area…… but, naturally that place also has an Entrance right?”
“Hanya sebatas mampir di sana. Itu sebelum Konflik Semesta Lain Kedua, jadi aku tidak memiliki kesan apapun selain area resor normal …… tapi, tentu saja tempat itu juga memiliki Pintu Masuk kan? ”
The origin was unclear, but Entrances that occurred due to the collision of world space existed only above land. In addition, it only appeared on land with a certain degree of size, it wouldn’t appear in a place like a small island.
Asal tidak jelas, tetapi Pintu masuk yang terjadi karena tabrakan ruang dunia hanya ada di atas daratan. Selain itu, ia hanya muncul di darat dengan ukuran tertentu, tidak akan muncul di tempat seperti pulau kecil.
But, Guam’s land size was more than 500 square kilometers, it was a large island. There was a high chance that an Entrance with AU existed there.
Tapi, luas daratan Guam lebih dari 500 kilometer persegi, itu adalah pulau besar. Ada kemungkinan besar bahwa Pintu Masuk dengan AU ada di sana.
{There is a record that an Entrance appeared there in the 2nd Alternate Universe Conflict and it turned into a battle. However, after that no one knows how it turned out there.}
{Ada catatan bahwa Entrance muncul di sana dalam Konflik Alam Semesta Alternatif ke-2 dan berubah menjadi pertempuran. Namun, setelah itu tidak ada yang tahu bagaimana hasilnya di sana.}
Kei’s words were not generated as sound, but conveyed to them as text on the window. It was not like she had a disability that made her unable to speak. She was just extremely poor in communicating with people.
Kata-kata Kei tidak dihasilkan sebagai suara, tetapi disampaikan kepada mereka sebagai teks di jendela. Bukannya dia memiliki kecacatan yang membuatnya tidak dapat berbicara. Dia sangat buruk dalam berkomunikasi dengan orang lain.
“We don’t know if there is anyone in Guam, or if it was the people of AU using human facility. However, in any case there was supposedly someone there sending us a transmission. The mission this time is to infiltrate an area under the control of AU, and to make clear of the source of the transmission. All of you are to land at Guam Island.”
“Kami tidak tahu apakah ada orang di Guam, atau apakah itu adalah orang-orang AU yang menggunakan fasilitas manusia. Namun, bagaimanapun, ada seseorang di sana yang mengirimi kami transmisi. Misi kali ini adalah menyusup ke area di bawah kendali AU, dan memperjelas sumber penularan. Kalian semua harus mendarat di Pulau Guam. "
Kizuna secara refleks mengangkat suaranya.
Kizuna reflexively raised his voice.
“There is an Entrance there right? That’s too dangerous!”
“Ada Pintu Masuk di sana kan? Itu terlalu berbahaya! "
“The situation won’t change for the better if we keep getting scared of the enemy’s shadow forever and only run around.”
Situasi tidak akan berubah menjadi lebih baik jika kita terus takut pada bayangan musuh selamanya dan hanya berlarian.
Reiri berkata datar.
Reiri said flatly.
“Then, we are going to march into the enemy’s controlled land……and start a full-blown war?”
“Lalu, kita akan berbaris ke tanah yang dikuasai musuh …… dan memulai perang besar-besaran?”
Even until now they were using the phrase of war with AU, but in reality there was no battle or anything. Mankind was only one-sidedly exterminated, their countries stolen, and they escaped above the sea where the hand of the enemy couldn’t reach.
Bahkan sampai sekarang mereka menggunakan frase perang dengan AU, tapi kenyataannya tidak ada pertempuran atau apapun. Umat manusia hanya dimusnahkan sepihak, negara mereka dicuri, dan mereka melarikan diri di atas laut di mana tangan musuh tidak dapat menjangkau.
And then even now, they were cowering from that shadow, running from place to place above the sea.
Dan bahkan sekarang, mereka meringkuk dari bayangan itu, berlari dari satu tempat ke tempat lain di atas laut.
Certainly, they defeated the enemy’s battleship with Zeros’ Corruption Armament, but saying it in reverse, they were merely sinking one battleship after all this time.
Tentu saja, mereka mengalahkan kapal perang musuh dengan Persenjataan Korupsi Zero, tetapi mengatakannya secara terbalik, mereka hanya menenggelamkan satu kapal perang setelah sekian lama.
“Before the war happens, we first need to know about the enemy. Our knowledge about the AU, is nonexistent.”
“Sebelum perang terjadi, kita perlu tahu dulu tentang musuh. Pengetahuan kami tentang AU, tidak ada. "
The map projected under their feet began to move once more.
Peta yang diproyeksikan di bawah kaki mereka mulai bergerak sekali lagi.
Kei memanipulasi konsol dan mengetuk keyboard.
Kei manipulated the console and tapped the keyboard.
{The main objective of this mission is to collect information of the area that fell under the control of the enemy. Originally, we want to perform investigation of mainland Japan and the neighboring islands, but in the current situation the danger is great. From our experience until now, when we entered the range of two hundred until three hundred kilometers from the land, the possibility of the enemy detecting us is high. In other words, the more we are approaching a large land, the danger is also increasing. In that meaning, the land of Guam which doesn’t have any other Entrance in it’s vicinity is suitable as the first test.}
{Tujuan utama dari misi ini adalah untuk mengumpulkan informasi dari area yang berada di bawah kendali musuh. Awalnya, kami ingin melakukan investigasi di daratan Jepang dan pulau-pulau tetangga, tetapi dalam situasi saat ini bahayanya sangat besar. Dari pengalaman kami hingga sekarang, ketika kami memasuki jarak dua ratus hingga tiga ratus kilometer dari darat, kemungkinan musuh mendeteksi kami tinggi. Dengan kata lain, semakin kita mendekati daratan yang luas, bahayanya juga semakin meningkat. Artinya, tanah Guam yang tidak memiliki Pintu Masuk lain di sekitarnya cocok sebagai ujian pertama.}
“Megafloat Jepang pertama akan mendekati Guam hingga 300 kilometer darinya. Amaterasu semua akan lepas landas dari sana. Pisahkan menjadi dua kelompok, kemudian selidiki kawasan pusat perkotaan Hagania dan Tamon, serta pangkalan udara Andersen di sisi utara. Untuk pembagian kelompok dan instruksi di tempat sebenarnya …… Kizuna, kau yang mengambil kendali.
“First Megafloat Japan will approach Guam until 300 kilometers from it. Amaterasu will all take off from there. Separate into two groups, then investigate the center urban area Hagania and Tamon, and Andersen airbase at the north side. For the dividing of the group and the instruction on the actual scene……Kizuna, you take control.
“Eh! Saya?"
“Eh! Me?
Kizuna terkejut karena janji yang tiba-tiba itu.
Kizuna was shocked from the sudden appointment.
“N, no, it’s impossible even if you suddenly told me to do it……”
“T, tidak, itu tidak mungkin bahkan jika kamu tiba-tiba menyuruhku melakukannya ……”
The shoulder of the panicked Kizuna was lightly tapped.
Pundak Kizuna yang panik ditepuk dengan ringan.
“Fufufu, jaga kami. Kapten pemula-san
“Fufufu, take care of us. Novice captain-san★”
Yurishia menunjukkan kedipan mata dari jarak dekat.
Yurishia showed a wink from a close distance.
“No, really, there is no way me as a captain…”
"Tidak, sungguh, tidak mungkin aku sebagai kapten ..."
“It’s not impossible or anything, perhaps this can be said as the right man in the right place.”
“Bukan tidak mungkin atau apapun, mungkin ini bisa dikatakan sebagai orang yang tepat di tempat yang tepat.”
Aine tiba-tiba berbicara seolah-olah mendukung Kizuna.
Aine unexpectedly talked as if in endorsement of Kizuna.
“Aine……no, I never thought that you will say that about me. Now I feel a little shy.”
“Aine …… tidak, aku tidak pernah mengira kamu akan mengatakan itu tentang aku. Sekarang saya merasa sedikit malu. ”
“Because, Kizuna usually doesn’t have any combat ability, you are just being useless. That’s why, I think it’s fine for you to be the captain in a place far from the front line. So that you won’t be a hindrance to us.”
“Karena, Kizuna biasanya tidak memiliki kemampuan tempur apapun, kamu hanya menjadi tidak berguna. Itu sebabnya, saya pikir tidak apa-apa bagi Anda menjadi kapten di tempat yang jauh dari garis depan. Sehingga Anda tidak akan menjadi halangan bagi kami. "
“So you are just getting rid of a nuisance!”
"Jadi, Anda baru saja menyingkirkan gangguan!"
Karena itu, apa yang Aine katakan juga masuk akal. Eros Kizuna hampir tidak memiliki kemampuan tempur apapun, ia tidak memiliki fitur penebusan selain Life Saver-nya.
Having said that, what Aine said also made sense. Kizuna’s Eros almost didn’t have any combat ability, it had no redeeming feature other than its Life Saver.
However, even such Eros had a method to obtain a wonderful combat ability.
Namun, bahkan Eros seperti itu memiliki metode untuk mendapatkan kemampuan tempur yang luar biasa.
―― [Climax Hybrid]
――[Climax Hybrid]
Dengan fenomena yang bahkan lebih unggul dari Heart Hybrid, itu akan membawa hasil yang benar-benar ajaib. Itu bisa memberi tenaga pada Heart Hybrid Gear partner, dan menambahkan senjata khusus yang disebut [Corruption Armament]. Dan kemudian pada saat yang sama, Eros akan menyalin kemampuan partner Heart Hybrid Gear, sehingga memungkinkan Eros untuk menunjukkan kemampuan tempur yang serupa.
With that phenomenon which was even more superior than Heart Hybrid, it would bring result that was truly miraculous. It could power up the partner’s Heart Hybrid Gear, and added a special weapon called the [Corruption Armament]. And then at the same time, Eros would copy the ability of the partner Heart Hybrid Gear, making it possible for Eros to exhibit similar combat ability.
“However, just by getting near, the enemy will quickly find us isn’t it? Besides, if there is an amazing number of army stationed there, we are going to fall into a really bad situation……”
“Namun, hanya dengan mendekat, musuh akan segera menemukan kita bukan? Selain itu, jika ada pasukan dalam jumlah luar biasa yang ditempatkan di sana, kita akan jatuh ke dalam situasi yang sangat buruk …… ”
As if to flaunt off, Aine brushed off her silver hair that was shining from the lighting.
Seolah akan memamerkannya, Aine menepis rambut peraknya yang bersinar dari pencahayaan.
“Nah, pada saat itu saya akan menunjukkan kepada Anda bagaimana saya membasmi musuh dengan Persenjataan Korupsi [Pulverizer] saya.”
“Well, at that time I will show you how I exterminate the enemy with my Corruption Armament [Pulverizer].”
She was truly smug. Her face looked like it couldn’t be more triumphant than that.
Dia benar-benar sombong. Wajahnya tampak seperti tidak bisa lebih penuh kemenangan dari itu.
Yurishia tertawa mengejek 'fufun' itu.
Yurishia chuckled mockingly ‘fufun’ to that.
“Myy, bukankah kamu tidak dapat menggunakan Pulverizer lagi?”
“Myy, aren’t you unable to use Pulverizer anymoree?”
“…… kamu”
Aine’s mouth was shut tightly.
Mulut Aine tertutup rapat.
“It disappeared when time passed correct? That prided Corruption Armament♪”
“Itu menghilang saat waktu berlalu kan? Persenjataan Korupsi yang membanggakan itu ♪ ”
Setelah pertempuran itu, Zero diuji di Nayuta Lab. Namun, ketika Aine mencoba melengkapi Zero, Zero telah kembali ke keadaan default dan Pulverizer juga hilang.
After that battle, Zeros was tested in Nayuta Lab. However, when Aine tried equipping Zeros, Zeros had returned to its default state and Pulverizer was also gone.
Kizuna’s Eros was also the same, it was reversed back to the usual useless gear.
Eros Kizuna juga sama, itu dibalik ke gigi tak berguna yang biasa.
“Lalu, aku hanya perlu melakukannya sekali lagi, Climax Hybrid.”
“The, then, I just need to do it one more time, the Climax Hybrid.”
“My, this time I should be the one testing it though. Hey? How about around tonight? Let’s go on a date, and together to a hotel――”
“Wah, kali ini aku yang harus mengujinya. Hei? Bagaimana kalau malam ini? Ayo pergi kencan, dan bersama ke hotel―― ”
“Please stop! That’s really shameless!”
"Tolong hentikan! Itu benar-benar tidak tahu malu! "
Himekawa berteriak dengan wajah merah cerah.
Himekawa yelled with a bright red face.
“You all, stop playing around.”
“Kalian semua, berhentilah bermain-main.”
With a single sentence from Reiri, the place returned to dead silence.
Dengan satu kalimat dari Reiri, tempat itu kembali menjadi sunyi senyap.
“Well then, breakup. The operation will begin tomorrow night. Until then, study the necessary information like the local map.”
“Baiklah, putus. Operasi akan dimulai besok malam. Sampai saat itu, pelajari informasi yang diperlukan seperti peta lokal. ”
Reiri mengatakan itu dan keluar dari kamar.
Reiri said that and exited from the room.
Her head hurt from watching the three continuing to quarrel.
Kepalanya sakit karena melihat ketiganya terus bertengkar.
Sebuah jendela muncul di depan Kizuna yang menghela nafas panjang.
A window appeared in front of Kizuna who heaved a deep sigh.
{If you find yourself in need of a love hotel, say it anytime. I’ll prepare it.}
{Jika Anda membutuhkan hotel cinta, katakan kapan saja. Saya akan mempersiapkannya.}
…… Shikina-san.
From the other side of the console, he could see Kei making a reserved thumbs up.
Dari sisi lain konsol, dia bisa melihat Kei mengacungkan jempolnya.
=== Bagian 2 ===
===Part 2===
The sunset of southern country was really beautiful, one wouldn’t get tired of seeing it no matter how many times.
Matahari terbenam di negara selatan benar-benar indah, orang tidak akan bosan melihatnya tidak peduli berapa kali.
Berdiri di tepi Ataraxia, Kizuna menatap cakrawala yang diwarnai oleh matahari terbenam.
Standing at the edge of Ataraxia, Kizuna was gazing at the horizon that was dyed by the sunset.
The large sun was sinking on the sea, the curtain of night was gradually lowered down above the head. That state which kept changing moment by moment was exactly the showtime of mother nature.
Matahari besar terbenam di laut, tirai malam secara bertahap diturunkan di atas kepala. Keadaan yang terus berubah dari waktu ke waktu adalah waktu pertunjukan alam ibu.
Tempat ini adalah tempat pengujian yang berdekatan dengan Nayuta Lab. Lebarnya mendekati lintasan lari 400 ratus meter. Sejak dulu, ini adalah fasilitas yang digunakan untuk eksperimen aktivasi Heart Hybrid Gear dan sejenisnya. Kizuna juga memiliki penerbangan pertamanya di tempat ini ketika dia masih kecil.
This spot was the testing ground that was adjacent to Nayuta Lab. The width was close to a 400 hundred meters track-and-field running track. Since the past, this was the facility used for Heart Hybrid Gear activation experiments and the like. Kizuna too had his first flight in this place when he was a child.
Saat ini dia sudah selesai memakai Eros. Di saat yang sama, Aine, Himekawa, dan Yurishia juga mengenakan Heart Hybrid Gears masing-masing.
At this time he had already finished wearing Eros. At the same time, Aine, Himekawa, and Yurishia too were also wearing their respective Heart Hybrid Gears.
Di depan Kizuna, jendela mengambang Kei muncul.
In front of Kizuna, Kei’s floating window appeared.
{The check of all gears is finished. There is no problem, you can go anytime.}
{Pemeriksaan semua gigi selesai. Tidak ada masalah, Anda bisa pergi kapan saja.}
Kizuna mengangkat tangannya ke Shikina Kei yang berada di tempat yang agak terpisah untuk menunjukkan pikirannya yang mengakui.
Kizuna raised his hand to Shikina Kei who was in a slightly separated place to show his acknowledging thought.
“Kalau begitu, ayo segera berangkat. Kami akan memisahkan menjadi dua kelompok, saya dan Himekawa, Aine dan Yurishia. Kita akan pergi ke daerah perkotaan di tengah, Hagania dan Tamon, Aine dan Yurishia akan menyelidiki pangkalan angkatan udara Andersen di utara.
“Then, let’s depart soon. We will separate into two groups, me and Himekawa, Aine and Yurishia. We are going to the urban area in the center, Hagania and Tamon, Aine and Yurishia are to investigate Andersen air force base in the north.
Yurishia mengangguk.
Yurishia nodded.
“Roger. Saya kurang lebih tahu tentang pangkalan itu. "
“Roger. I more or less know about that base.”
“After separating on-site, start the investigation. Two hours after that, we are going to meet at the airport site in the center of the island. The enemy might be intercepting, so we basically won’t use our communication. However, emergency situation doesn’t count. That’s all, any questions?”
“Setelah berpisah di tempat, mulailah penyelidikan. Dua jam setelah itu, kami akan bertemu di lokasi bandara di tengah pulau. Musuh mungkin mencegat, jadi pada dasarnya kami tidak akan menggunakan komunikasi kami. Namun, situasi darurat tidak dihitung. Itu saja, ada pertanyaan? ”
Aine mengangkat tangannya.
Aine raised her hand.
“Mengapa Kizuna dan Hayuru bersama?”
“Why are Kizuna and Hayuru together?”
“Eh? Tidak, lebih baik bagi Yurishia yang sudah terbiasa pergi ke pangkalan kan? Jika Yurishia dan Himekawa berkumpul bersama, itu berarti aku dan Aine akan berkumpul bersama. "
“Eh? No, it’s better for Yurishia who has familiarity to go to the base right? If Yurishia and Himekawa are grouping together, then that means me and Aine will group together.
“Is there any problem I wonder? Though depending on your answer, your neck might break.”
“Apakah ada masalah yang saya ingin tahu? Meskipun tergantung pada jawaban Anda, leher Anda mungkin patah. "
“Don’t say anything scary! A group with me who doesn’t have offensive power and you who is a specialist of super close range, the balance is just bad.”
“Jangan mengatakan sesuatu yang menakutkan! Sebuah kelompok dengan saya yang tidak memiliki kekuatan ofensif dan Anda yang merupakan spesialis jarak sangat dekat, keseimbangannya buruk. "
“Jika, jika itu masalahnya, maka tidak apa-apa jika kita melakukan Climax Hybrid bukan?”
“If, if that’s the problem, then it’s fine if we just do Climax Hybrid isn’t it?”
“Certainly Pulverizer has an amazing power, but it’s big, just shooting it once will make a large commotion. It cannot be used in an infiltration investigation right? Even I will only get the ability of Zeros, so it will only become two people with the same ability.”
“Pastinya Pulverizer punya kekuatan yang luar biasa, tapi besar, hanya menembak sekali saja akan membuat keributan besar. Itu tidak bisa digunakan dalam investigasi infiltrasi kan? Bahkan saya hanya akan mendapatkan kemampuan Zero, jadi itu hanya akan menjadi dua orang dengan kemampuan yang sama. ”
“……What a useless man.”
“…… Sungguh pria yang tidak berguna.”
“Next, there is also a choice where I go to the base but……”
“Selanjutnya, ada juga pilihan kemana aku pergi ke markas tapi ……”
Aine membandingkan wajah Yurishia dan Himekawa.
Aine compared the face of Yurishia and Himekawa.
“It can’t be helped then……”
“Mau bagaimana lagi ……”
Aine faced away with an irritated face.
Aine dihadapkan dengan wajah kesal.
She looked dissatisfied, but for the time being it seems she understood the situation that Kizuna could be relieved inside his heart.
Dia terlihat tidak puas, tapi untuk saat ini sepertinya dia mengerti situasi dimana Kizuna bisa lega di dalam hatinya.
“Yosh, all gears take off!”
"Yosh, semua persneling lepas landas!"
Bersama dengan perintah Kizuna, keempat Heart Hybrid Gear terbang ke langit.
Together with Kizuna’s command, the four Heart Hybrid Gears flew to the sky.
Light was ignited from the thrusters, four colors of light drew lines in the madder red sky. Before long those lights separated into two, becoming two streaks of blue-golden light and red-pink light.
Cahaya dinyalakan dari pendorong, empat warna cahaya menarik garis di langit merah yang lebih gelap. Tak lama kemudian, cahaya itu terpisah menjadi dua, menjadi dua seberkas cahaya biru-keemasan dan cahaya merah-merah muda.
Setelah Amaterasu berangkat, Reiri dan Kei sedang mengawasi perkembangan operasi di Nayuta Lab.
Meskipun demikian, mereka tidak dapat memahami detail situasi dari Ataraxia. Pada akhirnya, mereka hanya menunggu untuk dihubungi. Reiri dan Kei berpisah dari staf lain dan mengasingkan diri di ruang kendali tengah.
“Re-ri, mau minum? Ada juga bir lokal lho? ”
“Aah, benda itu dibuat di Ataraxia. Di mana, mari kita coba meminumnya. ”
Karena keduanya sudah bersahabat sejak menjadi mahasiswa, suasana di antara mereka sangat akrab. Mereka seharusnya sedang bertugas, tapi suasananya sebenarnya santai.
Reiri mengeluarkan botol bir dengan label Ataraxia di atasnya dari lemari es dan membuka gabus dengan pembuka tutup botol yang diberikan Kei padanya.
Kei membuka botol cola dan mengulurkannya ke arah Reiri.
Untuk keberhasilan operasi.
Botol-botol itu menimbulkan suara dentingan.
Keduanya meletakkan mulut mereka tepat di atas botol. Asam karbonat dingin merangsang lidah, menyirami tenggorokan.
“Fuh, ternyata bagus.”
Setelah meminum botol hingga kering dalam sekejap mata, Reiri membuka botol kedua.
“Re-ri. Gelombang radio itu, bagaimana menurutmu? ”
“Sembilan dari sepuluh, itu hanya kebetulan. Sesuatu seperti fasilitas komunikasi lama yang tidak berfungsi …… atau semacamnya. ”
“Kupikir itu penilaian yang masuk akal …… tapi, secara kebetulan, itu mungkin manusia.”
“Apakah kamu tahu sesuatu?”
“Gelombang radio itu mengirimkan data. Semacam teori dan… ..file grafik seperti peta. ”
Reiri mengangkat alisnya.
"Isi detailnya?"
“Itu masih belum diketahui. Tapi, mungkin itu terkait dengan Pintu Masuk. ”
“Begitu ...... namun, pengirimnya mungkin orang AU.”
Kei mengangguk sebentar.
“Re-ri …… kamu tidak berpikir, bahwa itu mungkin Profesor Nayuta?”
Tangan Reiri yang membawa botol ke mulutnya berhenti.
After Amaterasu departed, Reiri and Kei were watching over the progress of the operation in Nayuta Lab.
Nonetheless, they couldn’t understand the situation detail from Ataraxia. In the end, they were just waiting for contact. Reiri and Kei separated from the other staff and secluded themselves in the center control room.
“Re-ri, want a drink? There is also local beer you know?”
“Aah, that thing created in Ataraxia. Where, let’s try drinking it.”
Because both of them were best friends since their time as students, the atmosphere between them was amiable. They were supposedly in the middle of duty, but the atmosphere was actually relaxed.
Reiri took out a beer bottle with Ataraxia label on it from the refrigerator and opened the cork with the corkscrew that Kei handed to her.
Kei opened a bottle of cola and held it out towards Reiri.
“For the success of the operation.”
The bottles raised clanking sound.
The two put their mouth directly on the bottle. The cold carbonic acid stimulated the tongue, watering the throat.
“Fuh, it’s unexpectedly good.”
After drinking the bottle dry in the blink of an eye, Reiri opened a second bottle.
“Re-ri. That radio wave, what do you think of it?”
“Nine out of ten, it’s just a coincidence. Something like an old communication facility malfunctioning……or something.”
“I think that’s a sensible judgment……but, by some chance, it might be human.”
“Do you know something?”
“That radio wave is sending data. Some kind of theory and…..graphic file like a map.”
Reiri raised her eyebrows.
“The detailed content?”
“That’s still unknown. But, perhaps it’s related to the Entrance.”
“I see……however, the sender might be an AU person.”
Kei nodded briefly.
“Re-ri……you don’t think, that it might be Professor Nayuta?”
Reiri’s hand that was carrying the bottle to her mouth stopped.
She put the bottle on the table and dropped her body heavily on the sofa.
“――I see.”
Silence flowed between the two.
“Kei, you want to meet that person?”
Kei’s lips looked slightly smiling.
“I don’t know. But, perhaps that’s so. That person is……a genius after all. She is something like a target of worship.”
“Even you are a genius you know?”
Kei shook her head with a wry smile.
“The dimension is too different. In front of Professor Nayuta, someone like me is a mere ordinary person.”
Reiri once again gulped her beer.
“……Re-ri yourself, Professor Nayuta……your mother, what do you think about her?”
Reiri put the bottle she finished drinking on the floor.
And then, she spoke while looking at something far away.
“――My ultimate enemy.”
===Part 3===
Yurishia and Aine were standing in front of the US military base at the northern part of Guam Island.
The sun had sunk into the sea already. There was not a single artificial light, only the moonlight was creating silhouettes of the building where the headquarters and office were in, and the hangar of the aircraft jets.
“When there is no human presence here, it feels like a different place.
Yurishia boldly entered inside the grounds from the entrance that was left ajar.
Aine too continued after her.
“Has nothing changed since the last time you came?”
“Hmmm, it was only two, three days for me, so honestly I don’t remember thoughh……but, I think nothing really changed. That’s what makes it eerie instead.”
“Because, there is no sign of battle see?”
Aine once again looked around at the entrance they came through and the fence, then the buildings inside the grounds.
Certainly there was nothing destroyed here. On the contrary there was not even a single bullet mark. People were only gone from here, leaving only large containers without anything inside. That was her impression.
“Did they escape……or else, they surrendered without resistance I wonder……”
Yurishia pondered with a difficult face.
Aine manifested several windows around her face and searched the surroundings with all sorts of sensors.
“There is nothing really standing out. Just completely abandoned buildings, I wonder if it’s fine to call them so?”
“What happened here, it’s great if we could just find some clue thoughh.”
Yurishia whispered with a carefree tone, but her eyes were vigilantly observing the surroundings.
Aine too responded while staring at the sensor.
“And, we also want information regarding the AU. We are the first ones infiltrating a place that had come under enemy control right?”
“Perhaps. At the very least, I have never heard of any story about information brought from this kind of place.”
After walking ahead, they found a large steel tower. Yurishia stopped walking in front of the building without lighting in front of that tower.
“There should be a communication facility here. First, let’s confirm this place.”
After they entered through the door left ajar, there was a pitch dark corridor continuing to the inside.
Yurishia drew out the gun on her waist. It was a [particle gun] that fired particles produced by the Heart Hybrid Gear as bullets.
“I’ll go first. Aine, please take care of my back.”
The dark corridor was dimly illuminated by the luminescence of the Heart Hybrid Gear.
The two of them were advancing forward while paying meticulous attention.
“Everything……is really spotless.”
“…….Rather, there is nothing here.”
Rather than calling the place clean, there was nothing.
Not to mention traps, even equipment and machine was not left behind sufficiently. The isolated bookshelves left didn’t have a single book in it. The drawer of the desks were empty. And then, not a single electronic device like PC or anything could be found.
Although this was a military base, the operation here was similar to a government office. There should be a mountain of books and paperwork here, without PC or monitor here there would be no work that could be done.
“Hey, Yurishia. Is the US army destitute? I wonder if they sold their furniture to the pawnshop.”
“There is no way that’s true……”
The dark corridor continued straight. A few meters ahead was only darkness. That darkness felt like it was continuing towards a different world.
Ahead of the corridor, a dim light was visible.
Yurishia erected her index finger in front of Aine’s eyes. Don’t talk――looking at such sign, Aine nodded silently.
Both of them killed the sound of their footsteps and advanced.
Little by little the light became bigger.
‘――A door.’
Light was leaking out from the door.
Yurishia’s heart beat became faster.
‘――Is there, someone?’
Yurishia prepared her particle gun.
She clung beside the door without raising a single sound, with a hand sign she called for Aine.
Aine and Yurishia nodded at each other, then Aine opened the door slowly. Yurishia separated herself slightly from the door, matching herself with the angle of the opening door, she confirmed the inside of the room.
“Clear, there is nothing.”
When Yurishia entered the room, she lowered her gun.
Aine who entered from behind asked Yurishia.
“This is?”
“……Who knows?”
In front of the eyes of the two, there was a communication device that still had electricity.
From the large console, a low noise could be heard slightly.
The light emitted by the communication device’s monitor was illuminating the wondering face of Aine.
“I wonder if it was only this thing that had been connected to electricity all this time? Or else……”
Yurishia put the headphone connected to the device on her ear.
“Someone, was coming here recently……I think?”
“There is still time until we meet up. Let’s try investigating a little bit more.”
Yurishia nodded to Aine’s words and put back the headphone on the console.
Jarring noise was continuing to flow out from the headphone.
===Part 4===
Kizuna and Himekawa were standing in Guam’s city that was illuminated by moonlight.
Once it was the main street intended for tourists.
However, right now not a trace of it could be seen.
“How cruel……”
Himekawa stared at that scenery with blank amazement.
What spread in front of the two was a complete ruin.
Not a single one of the buildings lining up the two sides of the street was safe. From the information before the 2nd Another Universe Conflict that they studied yesterday, there should be shops selling high class brand products lining this place. But right now, it had been turned into a mountain of rubble.
There were also buildings that were still standing, but whichever it was, all of them were tilting and many holes were opened in them. Those might be the traces of bombardment. Surely there was also a large fire that happened here. Any buildings had the burned black traces remaining.
Even buildings that had comparatively little damage had all the doors of the shops broken, any kind of glass was scattered about everywhere. When they peeked inside the store, there were shelves collapsed without any merchandise remaining.
The shells of burned cars were scattered about all over the place on the street.
So this was……a world trampled about by magic weapons.
“What a terrible state……damn it all.”
Kizuna’s back teeth were clenched so hard that they made a sound.
“Hida-kun. Let’s try searching. Perhaps there will be something, a clue to know about the AU.”
He was about to say that there might be survivors, but he stopped.
There shouldn’t be anyone surviving here.
The condition of this place was enough to make him think that.
Kizuna and Himekawa walked through the streets that had become ruins.
Broken glass and trash, wreckage was scattered on the ground, sound was created each time they stepped forward. The sounds echoed through this ghost city.
The pavement was broken and made it hard to walk. He guessed that it was the trace of the magic weapons’ advance. The street had caved in all over the place.
After progressing forward, there was a collapsed building blocking half the street. Circling the wreckage of the building, they stared ahead of the street.
There was no presence of living things.
“The residents and travelers in this place, where did they all go……”
Himekawa answered while paying attention to the surroundings.
“That’s so isn’t it……besides, not to mention the figures of AU people, there aren't even any traces of magic weapons here……but, looking from the state of the city, it seems to be a certainty that this place was occupied once……”
It was once occupied, but then it was immediately abandoned?
Just what in the world was going on?
After advancing for a while, there was a wall of concrete and steel frame standing tall as if growing from the ground like a giant tree. Looks like it was the result of a collapsing building.
They cut across through that obstruction with bad visibility by using the gaps between.
And then, their field of vision suddenly opened.
Dia meletakkan botol di atas meja dan menjatuhkan tubuhnya ke sofa.
In the middle of the scenery where there were only rubble all over the eyes could see, there was a beautiful woman sitting elegantly on a Victorian-style chair.
In front of the beautiful woman, there was an elaborately decorated round table and afternoon tea set placed on it. Alone by herself, she was bathed in moonlight while enjoying tea.
Her age was probably around twenty years old.
With long green hair and slender body, she was a really pretty woman.
She was wearing clothes that fitted tightly on her body line, releasing attractive sex appeal.
The clothes that were decorated with deep blue and golden lines had an atmosphere like a military uniform from somewhere. However, it had a different quality where the valley of her breasts and her thighs were exposed defenselessly.
That beauty was idly staring at the sky, perhaps from not noticing Kizuna and Himekawa yet.
The purple pupils inside her narrowed eyes were shining. Just what in the world those joyful eyes were seeing? Her glossy lips were gently smiling, she looked like she was going to hum a song anytime.
She was waiting expectantly for someone to arrive. That was how her atmosphere looked like.
“Is that a survivor!?”
Himekawa called out to that woman.
Kizuna that was watching completely in fascination also returned to his senses suddenly.
Himekawa approached closer for two, three steps, then she opened her hands with a smile for reassuring the woman.
“You are safe already, so please be reassured. We have come from Megafloat Japan.”
The woman slowly faced toward Himekawa. The purple eyes were reflecting the red Heart Hybrid Gear.
“We came to investigate this place. Excuse me……are you someone who lives in this place? Or else are you a traveler?”
The glossy lips of the woman opened.
“My……my, my, my my my myy”
Wha, what?
Her state was strange for someone who was happy that help came.
The woman stood up from the chair.
She was tall, and her legs were long. She was like a foreign model that ran around barefooted, her figure was perfect. It was a miraculous molded beauty. The clothes that he thought was a skirt were terrifyingly short when she was standing up. The body suit on her nether region worn under that skirt was in plain sight.
However that woman didn’t show any shyness about her own clothing. She joined her hands and smiled in great happiness.
“You are not the one I’m waiting for……but, to be able to meet with Neros of all things. I’m really happy.”
Why, did she know Neros’ name?
Come to think of it, her clothes.
――It looked like, a pilot suit.
Himekawa spoke after realizing that.
“By any chance, are you someone from America’s Heart Hybrid Gear team? If that’s the case, then are you carrying out some kind of operation here?”
Green hair.
That suit.
Something was tugged inside Kizuna’s memory.
Inside his heart, something big raising tremor was approaching near.
The woman raised her voice happily.
“But this is a good omen. Like this, perhaps I can soon meet her.”
No way.
This woman was?
This woman was!?
From the amorous lips, a cheerful voice resounded.
"--Saya melihat."
Keheningan mengalir di antara keduanya.
“Kei, kamu ingin bertemu orang itu?”
Bibir Kei tampak sedikit tersenyum.
“Saya tidak tahu. Tapi, mungkin memang begitu. Orang itu ...... bagaimanapun juga jenius. Dia seperti target penyembahan. "
“Bahkan kamu jenius, tahu?”
Kei menggelengkan kepalanya dengan senyum masam.
“Dimensinya terlalu berbeda. Di depan Profesor Nayuta, seseorang seperti saya adalah orang biasa. "
Reiri sekali lagi meneguk birnya.
“…… Re-ri dirimu sendiri, Profesor Nayuta …… ibumu, apa pendapatmu tentang dia?”
Reiri meletakkan botol yang dia minum di lantai.
Dan kemudian, dia berbicara sambil melihat sesuatu yang jauh.
“――Musuh terakhirku.”
=== Bagian 3 ===
Yurishia dan Aine berdiri di depan pangkalan militer AS di bagian utara Pulau Guam.
Matahari sudah tenggelam ke laut. Tidak ada satu pun cahaya buatan, hanya cahaya bulan yang menciptakan siluet bangunan tempat markas besar dan kantor berada, serta hanggar pesawat jet.
“Ketika tidak ada kehadiran manusia di sini, rasanya seperti tempat yang berbeda.
Yurishia dengan berani masuk ke dalam halaman dari pintu masuk yang dibiarkan terbuka.
Aine juga terus mengejarnya.
“Apakah tidak ada yang berubah sejak terakhir kali Anda datang?”
“Hmmm, itu hanya dua, tiga hari bagiku, jadi sejujurnya aku tidak ingat ... tapi, kupikir tidak ada yang benar-benar berubah. Justru itulah yang membuatnya menakutkan. ”
“Karena, tidak ada tanda-tanda pertempuran, kan?”
Aine sekali lagi melihat sekeliling ke pintu masuk yang mereka lewati dan pagar, lalu bangunan di dalam halaman.
Pastinya tidak ada yang hancur di sini. Sebaliknya bahkan tidak ada satu pun tanda peluru. Orang-orang hanya pergi dari sini, hanya menyisakan wadah besar tanpa apapun di dalamnya. Itu kesannya.
“Apakah mereka melarikan diri …… atau yang lainnya, mereka menyerah tanpa perlawanan ……”
Yurishia merenung dengan wajah yang sulit.
Aine memanifestasikan beberapa jendela di sekitar wajahnya dan mencari sekeliling dengan segala macam sensor.
“Tidak ada yang benar-benar menonjol. Hanya bangunan yang benar-benar terbengkalai, saya ingin tahu apakah tidak apa-apa menyebutnya begitu?
"Apa yang terjadi di sini, sangat bagus jika kita bisa menemukan beberapa petunjuk saja."
Yurishia berbisik dengan nada riang, tapi matanya dengan waspada mengamati sekeliling.
Aine terlalu menanggapi sambil menatap sensor.
“Dan, kami juga menginginkan informasi tentang AU. Kami adalah orang pertama yang menyusup ke tempat yang berada di bawah kendali musuh kan? "
"Mungkin. Setidaknya, saya belum pernah mendengar cerita tentang informasi yang dibawa dari tempat semacam ini. "
Setelah berjalan ke depan, mereka menemukan menara baja besar. Yurishia berhenti berjalan di depan gedung tanpa penerangan di depan menara itu.
“Harus ada fasilitas komunikasi di sini. Pertama, mari kita konfirmasi tempat ini. ”
Setelah mereka masuk melalui pintu yang dibiarkan terbuka, ada koridor gelap gulita yang berlanjut ke dalam.
Yurishia mengeluarkan pistol di pinggangnya. Itu adalah [pistol partikel] yang menembakkan partikel yang dihasilkan oleh Heart Hybrid Gear sebagai peluru.
“Aku akan pergi dulu. Aine, tolong jaga punggungku. "
Koridor gelap itu samar-samar diterangi oleh pendaran Heart Hybrid Gear.
Keduanya maju ke depan sambil memperhatikan dengan cermat.
“Semuanya …… benar-benar bersih.”
“...... Sebaliknya, tidak ada apa-apa di sini.”
Daripada menyebut tempat itu bersih, tidak ada apa-apa.
Belum lagi jebakan, bahkan peralatan dan mesin pun tidak tertinggal secukupnya. Rak buku terisolasi yang tersisa tidak memiliki satu buku pun di dalamnya. Laci mejanya kosong. Dan kemudian, tidak ada satupun perangkat elektronik seperti PC atau apapun yang dapat ditemukan.
Meski ini pangkalan militer, operasi di sini mirip dengan kantor pemerintah. Seharusnya ada tumpukan buku dan dokumen di sini, tanpa PC atau monitor di sini tidak akan ada pekerjaan yang bisa dilakukan.
“Hei, Yurishia. Apakah tentara AS melarat? Saya ingin tahu apakah mereka menjual furnitur mereka ke pegadaian. "
“Tidak mungkin itu benar ……”
Koridor gelap terus lurus. Beberapa meter di depan hanya kegelapan. Kegelapan itu terasa seperti berlanjut menuju dunia yang berbeda.
Di depan koridor, cahaya redup terlihat.
Yurishia memasang jari telunjuknya di depan mata Aine. Jangan bicara ―― melihat tanda seperti itu, Aine mengangguk dalam diam.
Keduanya membunuh suara langkah kaki mereka dan maju.
Sedikit demi sedikit cahayanya menjadi lebih besar.
'--Sebuah pintu.'
Cahaya bocor keluar dari pintu.
Detak jantung Yurishia menjadi lebih cepat.
'――Apakah di sana, seseorang? '
Yurishia menyiapkan pistol partikelnya.
Dia menempel di samping pintu tanpa mengeluarkan satu suara pun, dengan isyarat tangan dia memanggil Aine.
Aine dan Yurishia saling mengangguk, lalu Aine membuka pintu perlahan. Yurishia memisahkan diri sedikit dari pintu, menyesuaikan dirinya dengan sudut pintu yang terbuka, dia memastikan bagian dalam ruangan.
Jelas, tidak ada apa-apa.
Ketika Yurishia memasuki ruangan, dia menurunkan senjatanya.
Aine yang masuk dari belakang bertanya pada Yurishia.
"Ini adalah?"
"……Siapa tahu?"
Di depan mata keduanya, ada alat komunikasi yang masih beraliran listrik.
Dari konsol besar, suara rendah bisa terdengar sedikit.
Cahaya yang dipancarkan monitor perangkat komunikasi menyinari wajah Aine yang bertanya-tanya.
“Saya bertanya-tanya apakah hanya benda inilah yang selama ini terhubung ke listrik? Atau……"
Yurishia meletakkan headphone yang terhubung ke perangkat di telinganya.
“Seseorang, baru-baru ini datang ke sini …… Kurasa?”
“Masih ada waktu sampai kita bertemu. Mari coba selidiki lebih lanjut. "
Yurishia mengangguk pada kata-kata Aine dan memasang kembali headphone di konsol.
Suara jarring terus mengalir keluar dari headphone.
=== Bagian 4 ===
Kizuna dan Himekawa sedang berdiri di kota Guam yang diterangi oleh sinar bulan.
Dulunya itu adalah jalan utama yang diperuntukkan bagi wisatawan.
Namun, saat ini tidak ada jejak yang bisa dilihat.
“Betapa kejamnya ……”
Himekawa menatap pemandangan itu dengan keheranan kosong.
Apa yang tersebar di depan keduanya adalah kehancuran total.
Tidak satu pun bangunan yang berbaris di kedua sisi jalan itu aman. Dari informasi sebelum 2nd Another Universe Conflict yang mereka pelajari kemarin, seharusnya ada toko yang menjual produk bermerek kelas atas yang berjejer di tempat ini. Tapi sekarang, itu telah berubah menjadi tumpukan puing.
Ada juga bangunan yang masih berdiri, tapi yang manapun itu, semuanya miring dan banyak lubang dibuka di dalamnya. Itu mungkin jejak pemboman. Pasti ada juga kebakaran besar yang terjadi disini. Setiap bangunan memiliki sisa jejak hitam yang terbakar.
Bahkan gedung-gedung yang memiliki kerusakan relatif kecil mengalami semua pintu toko rusak, semua jenis kaca berserakan di mana-mana. Ketika mereka mengintip ke dalam toko, ada rak-rak yang roboh tanpa ada barang dagangan yang tersisa.
Kerang mobil yang terbakar berserakan di mana-mana di jalan.
Jadi ini adalah …… dunia yang diinjak-injak oleh senjata sihir.
“Benar-benar keadaan yang mengerikan …… sialan semuanya.”
Gigi belakang Kizuna terkatup begitu keras hingga mengeluarkan suara.
“Hida-kun. Ayo coba cari. Mungkin akan ada sesuatu, petunjuk untuk diketahui tentang AU. "
Dia hendak mengatakan bahwa mungkin ada yang selamat, tapi dia berhenti.
Seharusnya tidak ada yang selamat di sini.
Kondisi tempat ini cukup membuatnya berpikir begitu.
Kizuna dan Himekawa berjalan melewati jalanan yang telah menjadi reruntuhan.
Kaca pecah dan sampah, puing-puing berserakan di tanah, suara tercipta setiap kali mereka melangkah maju. Suara bergema di kota hantu ini.
Trotoar rusak dan sulit berjalan. Dia menebak bahwa itu adalah jejak kemajuan senjata ajaib. Jalanan runtuh di semua tempat.
Setelah maju ke depan, ada bangunan runtuh yang menutupi setengah jalan. Mengitari reruntuhan bangunan, mereka menatap ke depan jalan.
Tidak ada kehadiran makhluk hidup.
“Penduduk dan pelancong di tempat ini, kemana mereka semua pergi ……”
Himekawa menjawab sambil memperhatikan sekeliling.
“Begitukah …… selain itu, belum lagi sosok orang AU, bahkan tidak ada jejak senjata sihir di sini …… tapi, melihat dari keadaan kota, sepertinya ada kepastian bahwa tempat ini pernah ditempati …… ”
Itu pernah ditempati, tapi kemudian segera ditinggalkan?
Apa sebenarnya yang sedang terjadi?
Setelah maju beberapa saat, ada dinding beton dan rangka baja yang berdiri tegak seolah tumbuh dari tanah seperti pohon raksasa. Sepertinya itu akibat dari bangunan yang runtuh.
Mereka memotong penghalang itu dengan jarak pandang yang buruk dengan menggunakan celah di antaranya.
Dan kemudian, bidang penglihatan mereka tiba-tiba terbuka.
Di tengah pemandangan di mana hanya ada puing-puing yang bisa dilihat seluruh mata, ada seorang wanita cantik yang duduk dengan anggun di kursi bergaya Victoria.
“…… .- !!”
Di depan wanita cantik itu, ada meja bundar yang dihias dengan rumit dan set teh sore diletakkan di atasnya. Sendirian, dia bermandikan cahaya bulan sambil menikmati teh.
Usianya mungkin sekitar dua puluh tahun.
Dengan rambut hijau panjang dan tubuh langsing, dia adalah wanita yang sangat cantik.
Dia mengenakan pakaian yang pas di garis tubuhnya, melepaskan daya tarik seks yang menarik.
Pakaian yang dihiasi dengan garis biru dan emas tua memiliki suasana seperti seragam militer entah dari mana. Namun, itu memiliki kualitas yang berbeda dimana lembah dari payudaranya dan pahanya terlihat tanpa pertahanan.
Keindahan itu hanya menatap ke langit, mungkin karena belum menyadari Kizuna dan Himekawa.
Pupil ungu di dalam matanya yang menyipit bersinar. Apa sebenarnya yang dilihat mata gembira itu? Bibirnya yang mengilap tersenyum lembut, dia tampak seperti akan menyenandungkan lagu kapan saja.
Dia menunggu dengan penuh harap sampai seseorang datang. Seperti itulah atmosfernya.
“Apakah itu yang selamat !?”
Himekawa memanggil wanita itu.
Kizuna yang menonton dengan penuh kekaguman juga tiba-tiba kembali ke akal sehatnya.
Himekawa mendekat untuk dua, tiga langkah, lalu dia membuka tangannya dengan senyuman untuk meyakinkan wanita itu.
“Kamu sudah aman, jadi tolong diyakinkan. Kami datang dari Megafloat Jepang. ”
Wanita itu perlahan menghadap ke arah Himekawa. Mata ungu itu memantulkan Heart Hybrid Gear merah.
“Kami datang untuk menyelidiki tempat ini. Permisi …… apakah kamu seseorang yang tinggal di tempat ini? Atau apakah Anda seorang musafir? ”
Bibir mengkilap wanita itu terbuka.
"Ya ampun, ya ampun, saya saya saya myy"
Apa apa?
Keadaannya aneh bagi seseorang yang senang bantuan datang.
Wanita itu berdiri dari kursi.
Dia tinggi, dan kakinya panjang. Dia seperti model asing yang berlari tanpa alas kaki, sosoknya sempurna. Itu adalah keindahan yang dibentuk secara ajaib. Pakaian yang dia pikir sebagai rok ternyata sangat pendek saat dia berdiri. Setelan tubuh di bagian bawahnya yang dikenakan di bawah rok itu terlihat jelas.
Namun wanita itu tidak menunjukkan rasa malu tentang pakaiannya sendiri. Dia bergabung dengan tangannya dan tersenyum sangat bahagia.
“Bukan kamu yang aku tunggu …… tapi, untuk bisa bertemu dengan Neros dalam segala hal. Saya sangat senang. ”
Kenapa, apakah dia tahu nama Neros?
Kalau dipikir-pikir, pakaiannya.
――Tampak seperti, setelan pilot.
Himekawa berbicara setelah menyadari itu.
“Kebetulan, apakah Anda seseorang dari tim Heart Hybrid Gear Amerika? Jika demikian, apakah Anda melakukan semacam operasi di sini? "
Rambut hijau.
Jas itu.
Sesuatu ditarik ke dalam ingatan Kizuna.
Di dalam hatinya, sesuatu yang meningkatkan getaran mendekat.
Wanita itu mengangkat suaranya dengan gembira.
“Tapi ini pertanda bagus. Seperti ini, mungkin aku bisa segera bertemu dengannya. ”
Tidak mungkin.
Wanita ini?
Wanita ini !?
Dari bibir asmara, suara ceria terdengar.
Dari tubuhnya, partikel hijau meluap.
“Ini, ini- !?”
Himekawa mengangkat suara bingung.
Lampu hijau mulai mengeras. Partikel cahaya menjadi baju besi yang menutupi tubuh itu.
Bersama dengan pancaran cahaya yang mencolok, pancaran hijau menghilang.
Melihat penampilan itu, Kizuna tanpa sadar bergumam.
“Heart Hybrid Gear ……”
Baju besi yang keras dibuat seolah-olah untuk melindungi tubuh langsing si cantik. Beberapa perisai melindunginya, memberikan kesan seperti benteng kokoh pribadi, tidak diragukan lagi itu adalah Heart Hybrid Gear. Namun, suasananya berbeda di suatu tempat dibandingkan dengan Kizuna dan roda gigi yang lain.
Dan kemudian dia mengenali siluet itu.
“Yang sebelumnya ……”
Heart Hybrid Gear misterius yang membelokkan Pulverizer.
“Yo …… kamu! Siapa kamu!?"
Wanita itu dengan tenang tersenyum masih sama seperti sebelumnya.
“Saya Aldea. Mohon jaga aku. "
“…… !!”
Dia dengan mudah memperkenalkan dirinya.
Tidak, tapi pasti itu nama palsu. Hanya negara mana yang menghasut ini――
“Kamu berasal dari negara mana-? Dan Heart Hybrid Gear itu !? ”
Himekawa mewakili keraguan Kizuna.
“Saya adalah bagian dari Kerajaan Vatlantis.”
Va …… Vatlan …… tis, Empire?
Di manakah negara seperti itu ada?
Kemungkinan besar dia hanya membodohi mereka.
Aldea menekankan jarinya ke bibir dan memiringkan kepalanya seolah-olah sedang bermasalah.
“Jadi, itu ....... yang kamu sebut perlengkapan, apa kamu berbicara tentang baju besi ajaib? Jika begitu, saya pikir saya telah mengatakannya sebelumnya, tapi ini [Zeel]. Mohon amati sesuai keinginan Anda. "
'---- Sialan, betapa beraninya kamu bisa!'
Kepala Kizuna berada dalam kekacauan.
Seberapa besar dia bisa mempercayai apa yang dia katakan?
T, tidak, jika dia memikirkannya dengan tenang, maka pasti dia tidak bisa mempercayai satu hal pun tentang itu.
Tapi… ..yang pasti dia memanggil nama Inti untuk memakai perlengkapan itu.
Selain di pertarungan sebelumnya, Heart Hybrid Gear ini …… tidak, armor ajaib ini menangkis Corruption Armament [Pulverizer] Aine, itu adalah fakta yang tidak salah lagi.
Kizuna terdiam dengan wajah muram. Keringat dingin mengalir dari sekujur tubuhnya.
Himekawa juga tegang seperti dia. Mulutnya yang terbuka benar-benar menganga.
Aldea tersenyum lembut, seolah mengatakan 'Apakah kamu baik-baik saja?'
Ada apa dengan wanita ini?
Meskipun dia menjawab semua pertanyaan mereka, mereka sama sekali tidak dapat memahami identitas aslinya.
Di dalam Kizuna, perasaan cemas muncul.
“…… Lalu, itu, Kerajaan Vatlantis yang kamu katakan …… ada apa dengan itu? Saya tidak pernah mendengarnya. "
“Itu adalah kerajaan besar, menguasai lebih dari separuh dunia, tahu? Betapa malangnya bagi Anda untuk tidak mengetahuinya. "
“Tidak mungkin hal seperti itu ada! Di mana sih kerajaan besar itu bisa ada! "
Aldea tersenyum ceria dan menunjuk ke belakangnya dengan gerakan elegan.
Pemandangan di belakangnya seperti pemandangan yang mengapung di permukaan air, bergetar dengan lembut.
――Sebuah Pintu Masuk.
Titik kontak yang menghubungkan dunia sisi ini dengan alam semesta lain. Itu adalah dinding yang membingungkan dengan bentuk persegi panjang. Ukurannya bermacam-macam, yang besar tingginya beberapa ratus meter. Panjangnya bahkan bisa mencapai beberapa kilometer. Itu tidak memiliki ketebalan, itu transparan, jadi keberadaannya sulit diperhatikan. Namun ketika dilihat dengan hati-hati, pemandangan di sisi lain dari Pintu Masuk itu bergoyang seperti melihat melalui cermin atau air yang terdistorsi. Saat ini, hal seperti itu pasti ada di belakang Aldea.
“Ada di sisi lain lho. Bukankah sudah jelas. Ya ampun, tolong jangan mengejekku. ”
Dia mengirim dua pandangan yang indah dan mencela.
Wanita ini, apakah dia mengatakan bahwa dia adalah orang AU?
Kizuna tidak tahu yang mana lagi.
Apakah ini lelucon,
Apakah ini kebenarannya,
Apakah dia waras,
Apakah dia salah,
Jika itu Nee-chan, apa yang akan dia lakukan di saat seperti ini? '
“Apakah pertanyaan Anda sudah selesai?”
“Ap …… n, tidak! Tunggu saja. Saya tidak percaya apa yang Anda katakan, tidak lebih dari itu, saya tidak bisa mengerti! "
“Ya ampun, itu sangat disayangkan. Lalu, saya bertanya-tanya apakah saya sudah bisa bertanya? Apa nama baju besi ajaibmu? "
“――Sh, diam! Saya tidak akan mengatakannya! "
'Kotoran-! Aku tidak ingin ditanyai itu, bahkan oleh orang yang memproklamirkan diri sebagai AU! '
“Ya ampun, betapa tidak ramahnya …… yah, itu hanya sesuatu tanpa tanda tangan sih.”
Dengan tatapan ragu, Himekawa menghadapi Aldea.
“Apakah Anda memiliki bukti tentang klaim Anda sebagai orang AU? Sebenarnya apa yang kamu lakukan di sini? Apa tujuan Anda? ”
“Ya, ya, tentang itu. Untuk memulai dengan tujuan pertama saya adalah… ”
Mata Aldea bersinar menyihir.
"Untuk mengeluarkan inti dari dalam tubuh Anda."
--Dia datang!?
Himekawa, hati-hati!
Kizuna memasang pertahanannya.
Himekawa mencabut pedangnya dan mengarahkan ujungnya ke Aldea.
“Fufu- ♪ ”
Tiba-tiba bagian-bagian di sekitar Aldea terlepas darinya.
'Apa- !?'
Wanita ini, dia membersihkan (melepaskan) Heart Hybrid Gearnya !?
Biasanya saat Heart Hybrid Gear dihapus, itu kembali menjadi partikel cahaya. Tapi, bagian Zeel yang terlepas dari Aldea tidak lenyap dan tetap di udara, membentuk garis di depan Aldea. Bagian yang terlepas memiliki bentuk seperti perisai segi lima terbalik yang panjang dan ramping. Bagian bundar dipasang di atasnya, itu seperti perisai bundar Roma kuno yang dipadukan dengan perisai segi lima terbalik dari ksatria paruh baya. Total ada enam, semuanya berbaris melindungi Aldea.
“Anda berniat melindungi diri sendiri? Sesuatu seperti itu--"
Cahaya mengalir melalui Pedang yang mengapung di punggung Himekawa. Mereka mengangkat suara gemuruh rendah dan terbang meluncur.
"Blades ini akan menembusnya!"
Seperti panah yang ditembakkan, Blades terbang menuju ke Aldea.
Dan kemudian, mereka menabrak perisai yang berbaris di depan Aldea.
“Eh !?”
The Blades memantul kembali. Itu bukanlah sesuatu yang sederhana seperti itu hanya dibelokkan oleh perisai.
Begitu mereka mengenai perisai, Blades itu terdistorsi. Mereka melengkung secara fleksibel seperti karet, pada saat berikutnya mereka terbang seolah-olah ditarik ke arah yang berbeda. Kontrolnya benar-benar hilang dan Blades menusuk tanah dan tumpukan puing sambil berputar.
“Apa ……”
Ekspresi Himekawa menegang karena terkejut.
"Ya ampun, aku ingin tahu apakah Neros yang dirumorkan terkenal itu ternyata bukan masalah besar?"
Aldea tersenyum dan mengulurkan tangannya ke salah satu perisai.
Perisai itu bersinar terang dan berubah menjadi bentuk tombak.
[[Gambar: Masou Gakuen HxH V02 099.jpg | jempol]]
Aldea memegang tombak di tangannya dan tersenyum bahagia.
Sesuatu yang menggigil mengalir melalui punggung Kizuna.
“Himekawa, lari- !!”
Menyalakan pendorong mereka, Kizuna dan Himekawa mundur dalam satu tarikan nafas.
Mengejar mereka, Aldea menendang tanah.
Dia menyerang mereka dengan tombak yang disiapkan.
Kizuna dan Himekawa menyelinap melalui kerangka baja yang seperti hutan. Mereka meluncur di ketinggian super rendah dan berputar-putar di belakang bangunan besar yang miring.
Kizuna menggunakan Life Saver sambil berbalik. Himekawa menyiapkan Pedangnya dan waspada ke sisi yang berlawanan.
――Dari mana dia berasal?
Himekawa. Jika wanita itu datang, aku akan memblokir serangannya dengan Life Saver. Saat pembukaan itu―― ”
Dinding gedung yang menyembunyikan mereka melengkung.
“…… - !?”
Seolah-olah membentuk pusaran, sebuah lubang besar terbuka di dinding gedung. Dindingnya tidak pernah dihancurkan, betonnya tidak pernah dihancurkan. Itu bukan tontonan yang realistis, itu seperti gambar yang diproses secara digital. Tepi lubang terdistorsi, seolah-olah lubang itu diperlebar secara paksa dan tampak beriak.
Dan kemudian Aldea yang memegang tombaknya berjalan dengan anggun di dalam lubang besar itu.
Itu adalah pemandangan yang mustahil.
Fenomena yang akal sehat Kizuna tidak bisa mengerti membuatnya tidak bisa menggerakkan tubuhnya.
“Hai …… Hida-kun. Ini adalah?"
Himekawa juga sama seperti dia.
“Ufufu. Ini tidak bagus. Lagipula tidak ada yang bisa menghalangi jalanku. "
Aldea berbicara dengan sangat gembira, lalu dia melambaikan tombak di tangannya secara horizontal. Tombak itu menyentuh dinding terowongan.
Saat itu juga, bangunan itu hancur.
“Apa-! Apa !? ”
Seolah-olah bangunan itu hancur secara horizontal, bangunan itu runtuh ke arah Kizuna dan Himekawa.
From her body, green particles overflowed.
“This, this is-!?”
Himekawa raised a flustered voice.
The green light began to solidify. The particles of lights became armor covering that body.
Together with a conspicuously radiant light, the green radiance was dispelled.
Looking at that appearance, Kizuna unconsciously murmured.
“Heart Hybrid Gear……”
An austere armor was created as if in protection of the beauty’s slender body. Several shields were protecting her, giving the impression like a personal solid fortress, it was undoubtedly a Heart Hybrid Gear. However, its atmosphere was different somewhere compared to Kizuna and the others’ gears.
And then he recognized that silhouette.
“The one before……”
The mysterious Heart Hybrid Gear that deflected Pulverizer.
“Yo……you! Who the hell are you!?”
That woman calmly smiled still the same like before.
“I am Aldea. Kindly take care of me.”
She easily introduced herself.
No, but surely that was a fake name. Just which country’s instigation this――
“Which country do you belong to-? And that Heart Hybrid Gear!?”
Himekawa represented Kizuna’s doubt.
“I belong to the Vatlantis Empire.”
Va……Vatlan……tis, Empire?
Just where did such a country exist?
Most likely she was only making fools of them.
Aldea pressed her finger on her lips and tilted her head as though being troubled.
“And so, that……what you called gear, are you talking about magic armor I wonder? If that’s so, I think I had spoken it before, but this is [Zeel]. Kindly observe as you see fit.”
‘――Damn it, just how brazen can you be!’
Kizuna’s head was in chaos.
Just how much could he trust what she said?
N, no, if he thought about it calmly, then surely he couldn’t trust even a single thing about it.
But……certainly she called out the name of the Core to put on that gear.
Besides in the previous battle, this Heart Hybrid Gear……no, this magic armor repelled Aine’s Corruption Armament [Pulverizer], that was an unmistakable fact.
Kizuna fell quiet with a grim face. Cold sweat was flowing from his whole body.
Himekawa also tensed similarly like him. Her opened mouth was literally gaping open.
Aldea was wearing a gentle smile, as if to say ‘Are you okay?’
Just what was with this woman?
Even though she answered all their questions, they couldn’t understand her true identity at all.
Inside Kizuna, a feeling of anxiety was welling up.
‘――Damn it-!’
“……Then, that, Vatlantis Empire you said……just what’s with that? I never heard of it.”
“It’s a great empire, ruling over half of the world you know? How unfortunate for you to not know of it.”
“There is no way something like that exists! Just where the heck can that large empire exist!”
Aldea cheerfully smiled and pointed behind her with an elegant gesture.
The scenery behind her was like a scenery that floated on a water surface, it was shaking gently.
――An Entrance.
The point of contact that connected the world of this side with another universe. It was a puzzling wall with rectangle shape. The size was varied, the big one had height of several hundred meters. The length could even reach several kilometers. It had no thickness, it was transparent, so its existence was hard to notice. However when it was looked carefully, the scenery on the other side of the Entrance was swaying like looking through a distorted mirror or water. Right now, such thing was certainly existing behind Aldea.
“It’s on the other side you know. Isn’t that obvious. Geez, please don’t make fun of me.”
She sent the two a lovely, reproaching gaze.
This woman, was she saying that she was an AU person?
Kizuna didn’t know which was which anymore.
Was this a joke,
Was this the truth,
Was she sane,
Was she mistaken,
If it was Nee-chan, what would she do in this kind of time?’
“Are your questions over already?”
“Wha……n, no! Just wait. I cannot believe what you are saying, no rather than that, I cannot understand!”
“My my, that’s unfortunate. Then, I wonder if I can ask already? What is the name of your magic armor?”
“――Sh, shut up! I won’t say!”
‘Shit-! I don’t want to be asked that, even by a self-proclaimed AU person!’
“My, how unfriendlyy……well, it’s only something without signature anyway though.”
With a dubious gaze, Himekawa faced Aldea.
“Do you have proof about your claim as an AU person? Just what in the world are you doing here? What is your objective?”
“Yes, yes, about that. To start with my first objective is…”
Aldea’s eyes shone bewitchingly.
“to take out the core from inside your body.”
――She came!?
“Himekawa, be careful!”
Kizuna put up his guard.
Himekawa withdrew her Sword and pointed its tip at Aldea.
All of a sudden the parts surrounding Aldea detached from her.
This woman, she purged(released) her Heart Hybrid Gear!?
Normally when Heart Hybrid Gear was purged, it went back into light particles. But, Zeel’s parts that detached from Aldea didn’t vanish and stayed in the air, forming a line in front of Aldea. The detached parts had a shape like a long and slender shield of reverse pentagon. Round part was installed on top of it, it was like the circular shield of ancient Rome was combined with the reverse pentagon shield of middle age knights. There were six in total, all were lining up protecting Aldea.
“You intend to shield yourself? Something like that――”
Light ran through the Blades floating at Himekawa’s back. They raised a low rumbling and flew out in a glide.
“These Blades will pierce them!”
Like a shot arrow, the Blades flew heading to Aldea.
And then, they impacted the shields lined up before Aldea.
The Blades bounced back. It was not something simple like it was merely deflected by the shield.
The instant they hit the shields, the Blades distorted. They warped flexibly like rubber, in the next instant they flew away as if being pulled to a different direction. The control was completely lost and the Blades stabbed the ground and the mountain of rubble while rotating.
Himekawa’s expression tensed from being taken aback by surprise.
“My my, I wonder if the famously rumored Neros is unexpectedly not a big deal?”
Aldea smiled and reached her hand to one of the shields.
The shield shined radiantly and transformed into the shape of a spear.
[[Image:Masou Gakuen HxH V02 099.jpg|thumb]]
Aldea held that spear in her hand and smiled happily.
Something shuddering ran through Kizuna’s back.
“Himekawa, run away-!!”
Igniting their thrusters, Kizuna and Himekawa fell back behind in one breath.
Pursuing after them, Aldea kicked the ground.
She was charging at them with her spear prepared.
Kizuna and Himekawa slipped through the steel frames that were like a forest. They glided at super low altitude and circled behind the tilting big building.
Kizuna deployed Life Saver while turning back. Himekawa readied her Sword and was alert toward the opposite side.
――Where would she come from?
“Himekawa. If that woman comes, I’ll block her attack with the Life Saver. At that opening――”
The wall of the building concealing them warped.
As if forming a vortex, a huge hole was opened in the building’s wall. The wall was by no means crushed, the concrete was by no means smashed. It was not a realistic spectacle, it was like an image that was digitally processed. The edge of the hole distorted, it was like the hole was forcibly widened and it was visibly rippling.
And then Aldea holding her spear was walking gracefully inside that large hole.
It was an impossible sight.
That phenomenon that Kizuna’s common sense couldn’t understand made him unable to move his body.
“Hi……Hida-kun. This is?”
Himekawa was also the same like him.
“Ufufu. It’s no good. After all nothing exists that can obstruct my path.”
Aldea spoke so happily, then she waved the spear in her hand horizontally. The spear touched the wall of the tunnel.
At that instant, the building was destroyed.
“Wha-! Whaatt!?”
It was as though the building was blown away directly horizontally, the building was collapsing in Kizuna and Himekawa’s direction.
Kizuna mengaktifkan Life Saver-nya di tengah hujan reruntuhan dan kabur. Namun, tubuh Kizuna dan Himekawa dikirim terbang, mereka berguling-guling di tanah.
Kizuna activated his Life Saver amidst the raining down rubble and escaped. However, Kizuna and Himekawa’s bodies were sent flying, they tumbled around on the ground.
“Kuh……Himekawa! Are you okay!?”
“Kuh …… Himekawa! Apakah kamu baik-baik saja!?"
He faced the densely enshrouding dusts and yelled.
Dia menghadapi debu yang menyelimuti padat dan berteriak.
“Ye, yes. I’m alri――”
“Ya, ya. Saya alri―― ”
Aldea dengan tombak di tangan terbang keluar dari dalam awan debu.
Aldea with spear in hand flew out from inside the cloud of dust.
Himekawa segera menggunakan Life Saver-nya.
Himekawa immediately deployed her Life Saver.
――Eh !?
Saat ujung tombak menyentuh Life Saver, perisai cahaya Life Saver terdistorsi.
The moment the tip of the spear touched the Life Saver, the Life Saver’s light shield distorted.
Dari celah distorsi Life Sphere, tombak menyentuh telapak tangan Himekawa.
From the gap of the Life Sphere’s distortion, the spear touched the palm of Himekawa.
The hand jumped.
Tangannya melompat.
As if it was pulled by an unseen power.
Seolah ditarik oleh kekuatan yang tak terlihat.
“I, ini !?”
“Thi, this is!?”
Aldea pulled her arm and pushed out her spear once more.
Aldea menarik lengannya dan mengeluarkan tombaknya sekali lagi.
This time the spear touched Himekawa’s stomach.
Kali ini tombak itu menyentuh perut Himekawa.
An impact that she had never experienced until now pierced Himekawa’s body.
Dampak yang belum pernah dia alami hingga saat ini menembus tubuh Himekawa.
It was as if the inside of her stomach broke through to her back, a strange sensation. And then, with that point as the center the whole body was pulled. As if the direction of gravity was changed, Himekawa was blown away horizontally.
Seolah-olah bagian dalam perutnya menembus ke punggungnya, sensasi yang aneh. Dan kemudian, dengan titik itu sebagai pusat, seluruh tubuh ditarik. Seolah-olah arah gravitasi diubah, Himekawa terlempar secara horizontal.
“Guh, HAAaAAA-!”
“Guh, HAAaAAA-!”
Himekawa’s body was rotating strangely while plunging into a mountain of rubble.
‘――Wha, what was that, just now.
A spear attack?
The spear itself almost had no offensive power at all.
However, this is?’
“Himekawa, are you safe!?”
Kizuna’s figure was visible at the other side of the cloud of dust.
“Ye, yes! But, please be careful. Life Sphere doesn’t work against that spear!”
“What did you say!?”
When Kizuna stood up with tottering legs, he glared at Aldea who appeared from inside the dust smoke.
Aldea smiled cheerfully and thrust her spear on the ground. And then, she moved her spear to the side like that, drawing a line below her.
‘――What is she planning to do?’
The rubble under Aldea’s feet swelled up.
The ground shook.
‘――Earthquake? No……this is.’
He got a bad feeling.
The rubble under Aldea’s legs undulated. Its height was gradually increasing while advancing here.
“That looks bad……Himekawa!”
Himekawa was collapsed several tens of meters from him.
He rushed to the location of Himekawa that was still unable to stand up, then he dragged her body along and ran away.
“We are escaping Himekawa!”
Himekawa’s eyes were opened wide in shock.
When Kizuna looked back, a gigantic wall made tremors in the land while approaching them.
That was a tsunami made from rubble.
Concrete and steel frame, fragments of building and car wreckage, all those became one mass approaching at them.
That sight was like the whole city was vertically towering over them.
Deploying Life Saver would leave them completely swallowed.
The gigantic tsunami of rubble covered the tops of their heads, the night sky was being encroached by the darkness of the rubble.
‘――Damn it all, we cannot escape!’
Kizuna and Himekawa were enveloped in the darkness and the sound of destruction raised by the rubble.
That darkness was pierced by a single golden light.
That light gouged out the darkness, from there the face of the starry sky and moon came out.
The next moment, dazzling lights and explosions spread, then shockwaves struck their face.
“Wha, what the!?”
The golden light evaporated the rubble, blowing away the tsunami.
This was――a golden large caliber particle cannon.
Differential Frame!
He could see golden light hovering in the sky bathed in moonlight. Golden light was leaking out from the Differential Frame on her back.
“I thought it was strange that you two didn’t come no matter how long we waited! What is all this commotion!?”
And then one more light, a blue light rushed through the night sky and landed besides Kizuna.
Lightly brushing the shining silver hair with her hand, she gazed at Aldea with her red eyes.
“I want to ask in detail about this situation and who that person is, but……well, it’s all the same if we just capture that person and make her confess.”
Aine’s boastful talk felt reassuring for some reason right now.
“My my, further two more are coming. This saves me the hassle of searching……my?”
Aldea stopped her movement. For some reason, she was staring fixedly at Aine.
“White magic armor……you, you are the child firing that absurdly destructive large cannon aren’t you?”
Aldea’s eyes shined.
“As expected, it’s a magic armor I have never seen before. Silver hair……red eyes.”
‘――Aldea’s state is strange.’
She was oddly excited looking at Aine.
“Hey, what is your name?”
“I don’t have any name to introduce to someone like you, but I’ll teach you specially. It’s Chidorigafuchi.”
Aldea touched her finger on her cheek, making a thinking gesture.
“I wonder where is your birthplace?”
“…….It’s Tokyo in Japan. The place you all stole.”
Aldea hummed. And then――
Tubuh Himekawa berputar dengan aneh saat terjun ke tumpukan puing.
{The goddess dance. Nothingness, and death, and emperor. And then to eternity.}
'――Wha, apa itu tadi.
Serangan tombak?
Tombak itu sendiri hampir tidak memiliki kekuatan serangan sama sekali.
Namun, apakah ini? '
“Himekawa, apa kamu aman !?”
Sosok Kizuna terlihat di sisi lain dari awan debu.
“Ya, ya! Tapi, harap berhati-hati. Life Sphere tidak bekerja melawan tombak itu! "
"Apa katamu!?"
Saat Kizuna berdiri dengan kaki terhuyung-huyung, dia memelototi Aldea yang muncul dari dalam asap debu.
Aldea tersenyum riang dan menusukkan tombaknya ke tanah. Dan kemudian, dia memindahkan tombaknya ke samping seperti itu, menggambar garis di bawahnya.
'――Apa yang dia rencanakan?'
Puing-puing di bawah kaki Aldea membengkak.
“Apa ……”
Tanah bergetar.
'--Gempa bumi? Tidak …… ini. '
Dia punya firasat buruk.
Puing-puing di bawah kaki Aldea bergelombang. Tingginya secara bertahap meningkat saat maju ke sini.
“Kelihatannya buruk …… Himekawa!”
Himekawa roboh beberapa puluh meter darinya.
“Hida …… kun.”
Dia bergegas ke lokasi Himekawa yang masih belum bisa berdiri, lalu dia menyeret tubuhnya dan kabur.
Kami melarikan diri dari Himekawa!
“Bu …… tapi”
Mata Himekawa terbuka lebar karena terkejut.
Saat Kizuna melihat ke belakang, dinding raksasa membuat getaran di tanah saat mendekati mereka.
Itu adalah tsunami yang terbuat dari puing-puing.
Beton dan rangka baja, pecahan bangunan dan puing-puing mobil, semuanya menjadi satu massa yang mendekatinya.
Pemandangan itu seperti seluruh kota menjulang tinggi di atas mereka.
Menerapkan Life Saver akan membuat mereka benar-benar tertelan.
Tsunami puing-puing raksasa menutupi puncak kepala mereka, langit malam dirambah kegelapan puing-puing.
'---- Sialan semuanya, kita tidak bisa melarikan diri!'
Kizuna dan Himekawa diselimuti dalam kegelapan dan suara kehancuran muncul dari puing-puing.
Kegelapan itu ditembus oleh satu cahaya keemasan.
Cahaya itu mencungkil kegelapan, dari sana wajah langit berbintang dan bulan muncul.
Saat berikutnya, cahaya dan ledakan yang menyilaukan menyebar, lalu gelombang kejut menghantam wajah mereka.
“Apa, apa !?”
Cahaya keemasan menguapkan puing-puing, menerbangkan tsunami.
Ini adalah ―― meriam partikel kaliber besar emas.
Bingkai Diferensial!
Dia bisa melihat cahaya keemasan melayang di langit bermandikan sinar bulan. Cahaya keemasan bocor dari Bingkai Diferensial di punggungnya.
“Kupikir aneh kalau kalian berdua tidak datang tidak peduli berapa lama kita menunggu! Keributan apa ini !? ”
Dan kemudian satu cahaya lagi, cahaya biru menerobos langit malam dan mendarat di samping Kizuna.
Dengan ringan menyisir rambut perak yang bersinar dengan tangannya, dia menatap Aldea dengan mata merahnya.
“Aku ingin bertanya secara detail tentang situasi ini dan siapa orang itu, tapi …… yah, itu semua sama saja jika kita menangkap orang itu dan membuatnya mengaku.”
Pembicaraan sombong Aine terasa meyakinkan untuk beberapa alasan saat ini.
“Ya ampun, dua lagi akan datang. Ini membuat saya tidak perlu repot mencari …… my? ”
Aldea menghentikan gerakannya. Untuk beberapa alasan, dia menatap lekat-lekat pada Aine.
“Armor sihir putih …… kamu, kamu adalah anak yang menembakkan meriam besar yang sangat merusak, bukan?”
Mata Aldea berbinar.
“Seperti yang diharapkan, ini adalah baju besi ajaib yang belum pernah saya lihat sebelumnya. Rambut perak …… mata merah. ”
'---- Keadaan Aldea aneh.'
Anehnya, dia sangat bersemangat melihat Aine.
“Hei, siapa namamu?”
“Aku tidak punya nama untuk diperkenalkan pada orang sepertimu, tapi aku akan mengajarimu secara khusus. Ini Chidorigafuchi. ”
Aldea menyentuh jarinya di pipinya, membuat gerakan berpikir.
“Aku ingin tahu dimana tempat lahirmu?”
“…… .Ini Tokyo di Jepang. Tempat yang kalian curi. ”
Aldea bersenandung. Lalu--
{Tarian dewi. Ketiadaan, dan kematian, dan kaisar. Dan kemudian untuk selamanya.}
Aldea menyanyikan sesuatu seperti sebuah lagu.
Kizuna secara refleks terkejut.
Himekawa dan Aine juga sama seperti dia.
Hanya Aldea yang menatap Aine dengan mata berbinar sebagai antisipasi.
Mantra apa itu barusan?
Atau, apakah itu puisi atau sesuatu?
Kebetulan, apakah Aine mengerti artinya?
Namun Aine merengut di wajahnya dengan segenap hatinya.
――Apa artinya itu?
Ekspresinya mengatakan demikian.
Aine melangkah maju dan menginjak.
“Aku tidak mengerti apa yang kau bicarakan, tapi dengan tenang biarkan kami membawamu pergi. Itu benar …… kami akan menyiapkan pesta untuk Anda. Pesta perkelahian. "
Pundak Aldea jatuh karena kecewa.
“Wah, undangan yang indah. Tapi, saya akan menahan diri untuk saat ini. "
Dia tersenyum dengan elegan sambil menghela nafas berlebihan.
“Aa- aa, sangat disayangkan. Entah kenapa, tiba-tiba saya kehilangan motivasi. "
Aldea dengan anggun mengangkat tangannya dan menjentikkan jari-jarinya yang ramping dan kurus dengan suara.
Setelah itu, seolah-olah dipengaruhi oleh suara itu, Pintu Masuk di belakangnya bergoyang secara nyata.
“Apa …… itu?”
Sesuatu, akan datang?
Apakah wanita itu, sedang memesan sesuatu untuk keluar dari Pintu Masuk?
Sesuatu keluar, tubuh.
Di dalam lanskap yang seperti permukaan air, ada sesuatu yang berangsur-angsur menjadi jernih.
Sebuah objek yang kelihatannya bersinar sedang mendekat dari sisi lain dari Gerbang.
Seolah muncul ke permukaan, benda itu keluar.
Bola cahaya raksasa dengan diameter sekitar sepuluh meter.
Pola spiral terus bergerak di permukaan seperti pusaran, samar-samar menyerupai Jupiter.
Bola itu mengambang di udara, perlahan datang ke sini.
“Anak itu akan menjadi lawanmu. Inti bisa diambil bahkan setelah kematian, jadi yakinlah dan mati, oke? "
Dia mengatakan anak itu …… apakah itu makhluk hidup?
Bahkan ketika dia sedang memikirkan tentang wujud asli benda itu, bola misterius itu dengan cepat mendekat.
“Tha …… itu ……”
Mata Himekawa terbuka lebar karena terkejut.
“Himekawa, kamu mengerti apa itu?”
“…… Dra…”
Tubuh Himekawa bergetar, giginya bergemerincing.
Bola itu berhenti diam.
Mereka menghadapi bola dengan panjang seratus meter di antara kedua sisi.
Sebuah retakan memasuki bola.
Cahaya yang intens keluar dari celah itu.
“Apa yang ada di dalam dunia ini――”
Bola itu meledak.
Aldea sang something like a song.
Kizuna was reflexively taken aback.
Himekawa and Aine were also the same like him.
Only Aldea was staring at Aine with eyes shining in anticipation.
What was that spell just now?
Or else, was that a poem or something?
By any chance, did Aine understand its meaning?
However Aine was scowling her face with all her heart.
――What’s the meaning of that?
Her expression was telling so.
Aine stepped forward and stomped.
“I don’t understand what you are running your mouth about, but calmly let us take you away. That’s right……we will prepare a party for your sake. A brawling party though.”
Aldea’s shoulders dropped in disappointment.
“My, what a lovely invitation. But, I’ll refrain myself for now.”
She smiled elegantly while heaving an exaggerated sigh.
“Aa― aa, how unfortunate. For some reason, I suddenly lost my motivation.”
Aldea gracefully raised her hand and snapped her slender and willowy fingers audibly.
Thereupon, as if affected by that sound, the Entrance at her back swayed noticeably.
Something, was coming?
Was that woman, ordering something to come out from the Entrance?
Something was coming out, a body.
Inside the landscape that was like a water surface, something was gradually becoming clear.
An object that seemed to be glowing was approaching from the other side of the Entrance.
As if emerging to the surface, that thing came out.
A gigantic sphere of light with diameter around ten meters.
A spiraling pattern was continuing to move on the surface like a whirl, it vaguely resembled Jupiter.
That sphere was floating in the air, it was slowly coming here.
“That child will become your opponent. The Core can be taken even after death after all, so rest assured and die, okay?”
She said that child……was that a living thing?
Even while he was wracking his brain about the thing’s true form, the mysterious sphere was rapidly approaching near.
Himekawa’s eyes were opened wide in shock.
“Himekawa, you understand what that thing is?”
Himekawa’s body was shaking, her teeth were clattering audibly.
The sphere stopped still.
They were confronting the sphere with a length of a hundred meters between the two sides.
A crack entered the sphere.
Intense light was gushing out from the crack.
“Just what in the world is inside――”
The sphere burst.
A shockwave that was like an explosion crushed the street’s pavement. And then, the cars around were blown away like paper. The walls of the buildings distorted, they were being pushed down by the pressure.
Gelombang kejut yang seperti ledakan menghancurkan trotoar jalan. Dan kemudian, mobil-mobil di sekitarnya terlempar seperti kertas. Dinding bangunan terdistorsi, mereka didorong ke bawah oleh tekanan.
Kizuna berdiri di depan Himekawa dan Aine dan memasang Life Saver yang besar. Gelombang kejut yang hebat menyerangnya seolah-olah mencoba menghancurkan tangannya.
Kizuna stood in front of Himekawa and Aine and deployed a large Life Saver. The terrific shockwave was assaulting him as if trying to crush his hands.
'Shi, sial-! Apa ini? Sebuah bom!?'
‘Shi, shit-! What is this? A bomb!?
Mysteriously, the fragments of the cracked sphere were floating still in the air as if time was stopped.
Secara misterius, pecahan bola yang retak masih mengambang di udara seolah-olah waktu telah dihentikan.
However, a few seconds later it was like time began to resume once more, the fragments suddenly flew.
Namun, beberapa detik kemudian waktu mulai berjalan kembali, potongan-potongan itu tiba-tiba terbang.
“―― !?”
The radiant clumps that was like crystal rained down on the surrounding surface.
Gumpalan bercahaya yang seperti kristal menghujani permukaan sekitarnya.
Those fragments caused large explosions the instant they touched buildings and the ground. The main street was enveloped in crimson flame in a flash.
Fragmen itu menyebabkan ledakan besar begitu mereka menyentuh bangunan dan tanah. Jalan utama diselimuti oleh api merah dalam sekejap.
“A, kekuatan macam apa ini!”
“Wh, what kind of power this is!”
Kizuna menaruh kekuatan di tangannya dan mendukung Life Saver yang dia gunakan di depan.
Kizuna put strength inside his hands and supported the Life Saver that he deployed in the front.
“Himekawa, Aine, kalian berdua baik-baik saja !?”
“Himekawa, Aine, you two okay!?”
“Ya, ya. Kizuna sendiri, kamu baik-baik saja?
“Ye, yes. Kizuna yourself, you okay?”
He could hear Aine’s worried voice from behind.
Dia bisa mendengar suara khawatir Aine dari belakang.
"Ya! Kamu tidak perlu mengkhawatirkanku ...... tunggu, Himekawa ayolah, berikan balasanmu juga!
“Yeah! You don’t need to worry about me……wait, Himekawa come on, give your reply too!
However, there was no reply.
Namun, tidak ada jawaban.
“Oi! Kamu baik-baik saja kan !? Hime―― ”
“Oi! You’re okay right!? Hime――”
At that time, the explosion of fragments stopped.
Saat itu, ledakan pecahan berhenti.
And then from inside the sphere, a figure of an object wrapped in a flame that looked like magma appeared.
Dan kemudian dari dalam bola, sesosok benda yang terbungkus api yang tampak seperti magma muncul.
“Wha……what’s, that?”
“Ap …… apa, itu?”
While dripping with flame that was like magma, a round mechanical neck elongated, and a folded up pair of shining wings opened.
Sambil meneteskan api yang seperti magma, leher mekanis bundar memanjang, dan sepasang sayap bersinar yang terlipat terbuka.
“Dragre? ……Tidak."
“Dragre? ……No.
Kizuna recalled a category-A magic weapon, Dragre. However, this thing was obviously different with that. No matter how he saw it, it had the appearance like a legendary dragon, however――,
Kizuna mengingat senjata sihir kategori-A, Dragre. Namun, hal ini jelas berbeda dengan itu. Tidak peduli bagaimana dia melihatnya, itu memiliki penampilan seperti naga legendaris, bagaimanapun――,
It had three necks.
Itu memiliki tiga leher.
Under its feet, there was Aldea who was protected by her shields.
Di bawah kakinya, ada Aldea yang dilindungi oleh perisainya.
When the shields opened, she displayed a wide smile.
Saat perisai terbuka, dia menunjukkan senyum lebar.
”How is it? I wonder if you all are pleased?”
"Bagaimana itu? Saya ingin tahu apakah Anda semua senang? "
{Kizuna! Benda itu terlihat berbahaya. Lebih baik mundur dari sini!}
{Kizuna! That thing looks dangerous. It’s better to withdraw from here!}
Yurishia’s warning came from the floating window.
Peringatan Yurishia datang dari jendela apung.
“I totally agree. We are retreating for the moment. Withdraw.”
"Saya sangat setuju. Kami mundur untuk saat ini. Menarik."
“As I thought……the one from that time……”
“Sudah kuduga …… yang dari waktu itu ……”
Himekawa bergumam dengan mengigau.
Himekawa murmured deliriously.
"Ada apa, Hayuru?"
“What’s wrong, Hayuru?
However, the voices, whether it was Kizuna’s or Aine’s didn’t enter her ears.
Namun, suara itu, apakah itu milik Kizuna atau Aine tidak masuk ke telinganya.
“……The three headed, magic weapon!”
“…… Senjata ajaib berkepala tiga!”
Berteriak seperti itu, Himekawa terbang keluar.
Yelling such, Himekawa flew out.
“Hime …… !?”
Readying her Sword with both her hands, she rushed forward with all her speed.
Mempersiapkan Pedangnya dengan kedua tangannya, dia bergegas maju dengan semua kecepatannya.
Looking at her appearance, Aldea clapped her hands cheerfully.
Melihat penampilannya, Aldea bertepuk tangan dengan riang.
“That’s the spirit. Now, kill each other cordially okayy~”
"Itulah semangat. Sekarang, bunuhlah satu sama lain dengan hormat ya ~ ”
“Himekawa! Come back-!”
Himekawa! Kembali-!"
Blades flew out with incredible speed, attacking straightforwardly at the three headed dragon. And then, they pierced the head and the neck of the magic weapon.
Bilah terbang dengan kecepatan luar biasa, menyerang langsung ke naga berkepala tiga. Dan kemudian, mereka menusuk kepala dan leher senjata ajaib itu.
She did it!?
Dia melakukannya!?
However, the three headed dragon didn’t even twitch. The Blades ignited light particle trying to cut apart the magic weapon, but their blade couldn’t break through the armor.
Namun, naga berkepala tiga itu bahkan tidak bergerak. Blades menyalakan partikel cahaya yang mencoba memotong senjata sihir, tapi pedang mereka tidak bisa menembus armor.
Kizuna was watching over that situation with held breath.
Kizuna mengawasi situasi itu dengan menahan nafas.
‘――That’s impossible.’
'--Itu tidak mungkin.'
No matter what kind of enemy it faced, the Blades would defeat it in an instant.
Tidak peduli musuh macam apa yang dihadapinya, Blades akan mengalahkannya dalam sekejap.
In the opening while the Blades were attacking, Himekawa was sliding in below the three headed dragon. She thrust the Sword that she gripped with both hands to the stomach of the magic weapon. Sword’s light particles scattered sparks against the armor of the magic weapon.
Di celah saat Blades menyerang, Himekawa meluncur di bawah naga berkepala tiga. Dia menusukkan Pedang yang dia genggam dengan kedua tangannya ke perut senjata ajaib itu. Partikel cahaya pedang menyebarkan percikan api ke armor senjata ajaib.
‘――Himekawa’s sword, doesn’t work?’
'---- Pedang Himekawa, tidak bekerja?'
The armor of the three headed dragon repelled all of Himekawa’s swords.
Armor naga berkepala tiga menangkis semua pedang Himekawa.
Itu adalah kebenaran yang mengejutkan bagi Kizuna.
That was a shocking truth for Kizuna.
Until now, those swords had carved apart magic weapons really easily. That was an obvious truth, he had never even thought that a magic weapon that Himekawa’s sword couldn’t cut existed.
Sampai sekarang, pedang itu telah mengukir senjata sihir dengan sangat mudah. Itu adalah kebenaran yang jelas, dia bahkan tidak pernah berpikir bahwa senjata ajaib yang tidak dapat dipotong oleh pedang Himekawa ada.
The mouth of the three headed dragon opened.
Mulut naga berkepala tiga terbuka.
Instantly, a sharp beam of flame was fired from that mouth.
Seketika, seberkas api tajam ditembakkan dari mulut itu.
“- !!”
Opening her thruster, Himekawa escaped from the flame. Chasing after Himekawa’s movement, the flame drew a line through the street and buildings. When the flame impacted something, explosions occurred from the inside of the street and building. The impact disturbed Himekawa’s movement. There the other neck attacked with gushing flame.
Membuka pendorongnya, Himekawa lolos dari nyala api. Mengejar gerakan Himekawa, nyala api menarik garis melalui jalan dan gedung. Ketika api mengenai sesuatu, ledakan terjadi dari dalam jalan dan gedung. Dampaknya mengganggu gerakan Himekawa. Di sana leher lainnya diserang dengan api yang menyembur.
Nyala api menghancurkan Himekawa.
The flame blown away Himekawa.
Meskipun dia menggunakan Life Saver, pada saat nyala api mengenai, itu menyebabkan ledakan di Life Saver. Gelombang kejut itu melemparkan Himekawa ke dinding sebuah bangunan.
Although she deployed Life Saver, the moment the flame impacted, it caused an explosion in the Life Saver. That shockwave threw Himekawa to a wall of a building.
‘Damn it! That magic weapon is just too dangerous!’
'Sial! Senjata ajaib itu terlalu berbahaya! '
Kizuna bergegas ke lokasi Himekawa.
Kizuna rushed to Himekawa’s location.
“Oi, Himekawa! Anda baik-baik saja!?"
“Oi, Himekawa! You okay!?
“U …… kuh.”
“I’m going!!”
"Saya pergi!!"
Aine faced the three headed dragon and jumped.
Aine menghadapi naga berkepala tiga dan melompat.
The dragon ate a flying kick that was like a missile on its flank. Shockwaves spread to the surroundings and the armor of the three headed dragon distorted.
Naga itu memakan tendangan terbang yang seperti misil di sayapnya. Gelombang kejut menyebar ke sekeliling dan armor naga berkepala tiga terdistorsi.
“Tidak berhasil !?”
“It doesn’t go through!?”
If it was another magic weapon, that kick would have definitely pierced through the body, yet――.
Jika itu adalah senjata sihir lain, tendangan itu pasti akan menembus tubuh, namun――.
It was as though there was no damage at all on the three headed dragon, the long neck turned and directed sharp fangs at Aine.
Seolah-olah tidak ada kerusakan sama sekali pada naga berkepala tiga, leher panjang itu berbalik dan mengarahkan taring tajam ke Aine.
Aine menendang armor dan mengambil jarak. Dia berputar di udara seperti pesenam, mendarat di samping Kizuna dan Himekawa.
Aine kicked the armor and took distance. She twisted in the air like a gymnast, landing beside Kizuna and Himekawa.
“My my, I never thought a movement like that will come from a magic armor……I think my interest is tickled a little.”
“Ya ampun, aku tidak pernah mengira gerakan seperti itu akan datang dari baju besi ajaib… .. Kupikir ketertarikanku sedikit tergelitik.”
Aldea acted as if she was watching a sport.
Aldea bertingkah seperti sedang menonton pertandingan olahraga.
‘――Shit, that woman, she has a screw loose in her head!’
'---- Sial, wanita itu, dia memiliki sekrup yang longgar di kepalanya!'
Kizuna mengutuk di dalam hatinya.
Kizuna cursed inside his heart.
“Kizuna, apa senjata ajaib itu? Serangan saya tidak berhasil sama sekali!
“Kizuna, what is that magic weapon? My attack doesn’t work at all!”
Aine asked while still fixing her gaze on the magic weapon.
Aine bertanya sambil tetap mengarahkan pandangannya pada senjata ajaib.
“Semua anggota mundur! Himekawa, bisakah kau berdiri !? Kami mundur !!
“All members retreat! Himekawa, can you stand!? We are pulling back!!”
Tapi, ketika Himekawa berdiri, dia menepis Kizuna dan sekali lagi dia menuju naga berkepala tiga.
But, when Himekawa stood up, she shook off Kizuna and once again she headed towards the three headed dragon.
“Wai-! Hayuru, apa yang kamu lakukan!
“Wai-! Hayuru, what are you doing!”
Aine too was confused at Himekawa’s unusual action.
Aine juga bingung dengan tindakan Himekawa yang tidak biasa.
Himekawa raised a war cry and slashed at the three headed dragon.
Himekawa mengangkat teriakan perang dan menebas naga berkepala tiga itu.
Leher naga berkepala tiga mengarah ke Himekawa.
The three headed dragon’s neck aimed at Himekawa.
She avoided the spouted off flame with a rough movement.
Dia menghindari semburan api dengan gerakan kasar.
In the opening when the magic weapon was concentrating on attacking Himekawa, the Blades dashing in the sky surrounded the three headed dragon and aimed at the center neck.
Di celah ketika senjata sihir sedang berkonsentrasi untuk menyerang Himekawa, Pedang yang melayang di langit mengelilingi naga berkepala tiga dan mengarah ke leher tengah.
And then the four Blades slashed all at once from four directions, pressing on the neck.
Dan kemudian keempat Pedang itu menebas sekaligus dari empat arah, menekan lehernya.
The movement of the three headed dragon stopped.
Pergerakan naga berkepala tiga berhenti.
‘――Got you!’
'--Kena kau!'
Kicking the ground, Himekawa’s body danced.
Menendang tanah, tubuh Himekawa menari.
Heading to the neck of the three headed dragon, she slashed down her Sword.
Menuju ke leher naga berkepala tiga, dia menebaskan pedangnya.
Together with a fierce metallic sound, her Sword was bounced back.
Bersama dengan suara logam yang ganas, Pedangnya terpental kembali.
Over and over, she raised her Sword and struck.
Berulang kali, dia mengangkat Pedang dan menyerang.
“Kamu-! You-! Kamu! YOUUUUU!
“Youu-! Youu-! You! YOUUUUU!”
In her desperation of swinging down her sword, Himekawa didn’t notice that a different neck was aiming at her.
Dalam keputusasaannya mengayunkan pedangnya, Himekawa tidak menyadari bahwa leher yang berbeda sedang mengarah padanya.
Flame was compressed brightly inside its mouth, it was going to spout it out.
Api dipadatkan dengan terang di dalam mulutnya, ia akan menyemburkannya.
“Himekawa! Run away-!”
Himekawa! Melarikan diri-!"
The instant Kizuna yelled, golden light impacted the head of the three headed dragon.
Seketika Kizuna berteriak, cahaya keemasan mengenai kepala naga berkepala tiga.
{Apa yang kamu lakukan Hayuru! Itu terlalu sembrono! Kizuna, bawa dia cepat pergi dan mundur! Jika dia bergerak seperti itu, maka aku bahkan tidak bisa menjamin ada tembakan pelindung di sini!}
{What are you doing Hayuru! That’s too reckless! Kizuna, take her away quickly and withdraw! If she moves around like that, then I cannot even guarantee any covering fire here!}
Inside the window, Yurishia’s anger was exploding.
Di dalam jendela, kemarahan Yurishia meledak.
The Differential Frame fired a large caliber beam once more. Explosions also occurred at the remaining two necks. From that impact, the heads of the magic weapon were greatly repelled.
Bingkai Diferensial menembakkan sinar kaliber besar sekali lagi. Ledakan juga terjadi di dua leher yang tersisa. Dari hantaman itu, kepala senjata ajaib itu ditolak keras.
However, the neck that received the attack first was opening its mouth again.
Namun, leher yang menerima serangan lebih dulu membuka mulutnya lagi.
Kizuna menyelinap di antara dia dan naga itu.
Kizuna slipped between her and the dragon.
Dia langsung mengerahkan Life Saver dan memblokir api naga berkepala tiga.
He instantly deployed Life Saver and blocked the flame of the three headed dragon.
Bersama dengan ledakan dahsyat, Life Saver pecah seperti kaca.
Together with a fierce explosion, the Life Saver broke like glass.
Kizuna dan Himekawa terlempar sejauh puluhan meter, mereka jatuh ke tanah.
Kizuna and Himekawa were blown away for tens of meters, they tumbled on the ground.
“Da, damn-“
"Da, sial-"
What attack power.
Kekuatan serangan apa.
The level was just too different with other magic weapon, whether in armor or weapon.
Levelnya terlalu berbeda dengan senjata sihir lainnya, baik dalam armor atau senjata.
Saat Kizuna berdiri, dia meraih lengan Himekawa.
When Kizuna stood up, he took Himekawa’s arm.
“Oi! Himekawa. Dapatkah kamu berdiri? Kami akan segera pergi!
“Oi! Himekawa. Can you stand? We are leaving right away!
Himekawa menepis lengan Kizuna dengan kesal.
Himekawa shook off Kizuna’s arm in irritation.
“Release me! That thing, only that magic weapon, I’ll kill it!”
"Lepaskan aku! Benda itu, hanya senjata ajaib itu, aku akan membunuhnya! "
A flame of madness was residing in her eyes.
Api kegilaan bersemayam di matanya.
The three headed dragon spread its wings largely. The wing’s surface gradually shined radiantly, it looked like it was charging in some kind of energy.
Naga berkepala tiga melebarkan sayapnya sebagian besar. Permukaan sayap itu secara bertahap bersinar, sepertinya sedang mengisi semacam energi.
It elongated its neck facing towards Kizuna and Himekawa, then it opened its mouth. Painful metallic sound was ringing in the surroundings. Inside the body of the three headed dragon, something mechanical was beginning to operate. That sound sounded like the roar of this magic weapon.
Itu memanjang lehernya menghadap ke arah Kizuna dan Himekawa, lalu membuka mulutnya. Suara logam yang menyakitkan terdengar di sekitarnya. Di dalam tubuh naga berkepala tiga, sesuatu yang mekanis mulai beroperasi. Suara itu terdengar seperti raungan senjata ajaib ini.
That flame would come again. Furthermore, this time the three heads were aiming at them at the same time.
Nyala api itu akan datang lagi. Selanjutnya, kali ini ketiga kepala itu membidik mereka pada saat yang bersamaan.
‘Damn it, no matter how low my Hybrid Count consumption rate is, there is still this thing called limit.’
'Sialan, tidak peduli seberapa rendah tingkat konsumsi Hitungan Hybrid saya, masih ada hal yang disebut batas.'
The mouths of the three headed dragon were shining fiercely.
Mulut naga berkepala tiga bersinar dengan ganas.
Dengan Life Saver di depan dan Blades berdiri di belakangnya, Blades berfungsi sebagai pengganti perisai. Namun, Life Saver dihancurkan dalam sekejap, dan setiap Blade menerima serangan itu berderit. Selain itu, Hitungan Hybrid terasa menyusut.
With Life Saver in the front and Blades stood up behind it, the Blades served as a shield replacement. However, the Life Saver was smashed in an instant, and each time the Blade received attack it was creaking. Moreover, the Hybrid Count was noticeably shrinking down.
“At this rate-……there will be, no way left-!”
“Kalau terus begini- …… tidak akan ada, tidak mungkin tersisa-!”
Bombardment of Differential Frame impacted the wings of the three headed dragon. The panel that was shining red visibly broke and scattered. In succession, golden flash also exploded at its flank.
Pengeboman Bingkai Diferensial berdampak pada sayap naga berkepala tiga. Panel yang bersinar merah tampak pecah dan berserakan. Secara berurutan, golden flash juga meledak di sisi tubuhnya.
The three headed dragon’s body tilted.
Tubuh naga berkepala tiga dimiringkan.
However, that was all. The broken wing was regenerated in the blink of an eye. The enemy was far from destroyed.
Namun, itu saja. Sayap yang patah itu dibuat ulang dalam sekejap mata. Musuh masih jauh dari kehancuran.
Kizuna menoleh ke Aine dan berteriak.
Kizuna turned to Aine and yelled.
“Aine! Kami sedang mengumpulkan Himekawa!
“Aine! We are collecting Himekawa!”
Bahkan sebelum kata-kata itu berakhir, Aine berlari ke posisi Himekawa. Dia menggenggam bahu Himekawa yang mencoba untuk maju lagi.
Before those words even ended, Aine dashed at Himekawa’s position. She grasped the shoulder of Himekawa that was trying to go forward again.
“Hayuru, we are returning.”
"Hayuru, kami kembali."
“Release me! I have to, that thing, that magic weapon, I have to defeat it!”
"Lepaskan aku! Aku harus, benda itu, senjata ajaib itu, aku harus mengalahkannya! "
Kizuna menggenggam bahu yang berlawanan.
Kizuna grasped the opposite shoulder.
“We are pulling back. That is an order!”
“Kami mundur. Itu adalah perintah! "
“…… - !!”
Himekawa menggertakkan giginya dengan suara.
Himekawa gritted her teeth audibly.
“…… Roger.”
“Yurishia! Kami menarik diri dari Guam mulai sekarang. Beri kami api pelindung! "
“Yurishia! We are withdrawing from Guam from now. Give us covering fire!
{Roger, serahkan padaku!}
{Roger, leave it to me!}
While Yurishia was opening a full bombardment, the three escaped from the vicinity of the three headed dragon.
Sementara Yurishia membuka bombardir penuh, ketiganya melarikan diri dari sekitar naga berkepala tiga.
“My? Wait, what are you doing? Even though the best part is starting from here―!”
"Saya? Tunggu apa lagi Meskipun bagian terbaiknya dimulai dari sini-! ”
Ignoring Aldea’s voice, they fully ignited their thrusters and flew to the sky right away.
Mengabaikan suara Aldea, mereka sepenuhnya menyalakan pendorong mereka dan langsung terbang ke langit.
Dan kemudian mereka menuju ke Ataraxia secepat mungkin.
And then they headed to Ataraxia as fast as they could.
“Looks like they are not pursuing.”
“Sepertinya mereka tidak mengejar.”
Yurishia who readied her particle cannon and stayed alert to their rear was murmuring.
Yurishia yang menyiapkan meriam partikelnya dan tetap waspada di belakang mereka sedang bergumam.
Kizuna juga melihat ke belakang dan menatap bayangan pulau yang memudar. Pastinya, tidak ada tanda-tanda Aldea atau senjata ajaib mengejar mereka.
Kizuna also looked back and stared at the shadow of the fading island. Certainly, there was no sign of Aldea or the magic weapon chasing them.
Kizuna breathed deeply in relief. He opened the communication window.
Kizuna menarik napas lega. Dia membuka jendela komunikasi.
“Ini Kizuna. Kami kembali ke Ataraxia sekarang.
“This is Kizuna. We are returning to Ataraxia now.”
Looking at the gently swaying sea that was bathed in moonlight, the previous mortal battle seemed like a lie.
Melihat laut yang bergoyang lembut yang bermandikan cahaya bulan, pertempuran fana sebelumnya tampak seperti kebohongan.
So that, was a land under the control of AU…….
Jadi, adalah tanah di bawah kendali AU …….
Guam city that had become ruins.
Kota Guam yang telah menjadi reruntuhan.
Seseorang yang memproklamirkan diri dari AU yang memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai Aldea.
A self proclaimed person of AU who introduced herself as Aldea.
AU Heart Hybrid Gear yang disebut baju besi ajaib.
AU Heart Hybrid Gear that was called magic armor.
Kekaisaran Vatlantis yang menguasai lebih dari setengah AU.
Vatlantis Empire that ruled over half of AU.
And then a magic weapon they saw for the first time.
Dan kemudian senjata ajaib yang mereka lihat untuk pertama kalinya.
Anyways, there were many things they didn’t understand.
Bagaimanapun, ada banyak hal yang tidak mereka mengerti.
However, talking about results, they might be able to consider this result.
Namun, berbicara tentang hasil, mereka mungkin bisa mempertimbangkan hasil ini.
They didn’t understand the opponent, but they were coming home bringing information.
Mereka tidak memahami lawannya, tetapi mereka pulang membawa informasi.
Next, they just needed to wait for the analysis of Kei and the others.
Selanjutnya, mereka hanya perlu menunggu analisis Kei dan yang lainnya.
Kizuna sedang menatap Himekawa yang terbang dengan kepala menunduk.
Kizuna was staring at Himekawa who was flying with her head looking down.
Did something happen with that magic weapon?
Apa terjadi sesuatu dengan senjata ajaib itu?
No matter how long he stared, he couldn’t see inside Himekawa’s heart.
Tidak peduli berapa lama dia menatap, dia tidak bisa melihat ke dalam hati Himekawa.
==Translator's Notes and References==
==Translator's Notes and References==

Latest revision as of 07:18, 11 August 2020

Chapter 2 – The Beautiful Woman of Country of Ruin[edit]

Part 1[edit]

“Well then, I’ll explain the outline of the operation.”

Hida Reiri looked over the Amaterasu members who were gathering in Nayuta Lab.

It was an emergency summon.

Kizuna, Aine, and Himekawa lent their ears to Reiri’s story with obedient faces.

In contrast, it was only Yurishia who looked around at the surroundings with a face that looked as if she would break out humming anytime.

Reiri was not even much concerned with Yurishia’s behavior, she turned to the console in the center of the room and called out.

“Kei, I’ll let you explain.”

In front of the console that looked like a cockpit, a petite girl was sitting.

She was the researcher in charge of this Nayuta Lab, the person in charge of Ataraxia’s research department, Shikina Kei.

Her hair was held back with several pins, her eyes settled behind the glasses didn’t show anything of what she was thinking about.

Kei didn’t reply back and only moved her fingers with amazing speed. Thereupon, in the middle of the research room, several floating windows appeared.

A window each appeared in front of Kizuna and the others, displaying the text that Kei inputted.

{Yesterday, at 2.10 AM of Megafloat Japan’s standard time, we caught a weak radio wave.}

On the floor surface, a map of the Pacific Ocean with Megafloat Japan as the center was displayed. Currently, the Megafloat was cruising between Papua New Guinea and Philippines. A red blinking line was stretching from Megafloat Japan on the map.

{When the radio wave was analyzed, we understood that it was undoubtedly something used by mankind for transmission. That dotted line is displaying the direction from where the radio wave was sent.}

The map was scrolled following the stretched dotted line.

Before long the scrolling of the screen was stopped at the end point of the line which was an island.


Yurishia raised a questioning voice.

“Correct. The transmission wave was delivered from around Guam. Yurishia, have you ever been to the American military base in Guam?”

“Only to the degree of stopping by there. It was before the 2nd Another Universe Conflict, so I didn’t have any impression of it other than a normal resort area…… but, naturally that place also has an Entrance right?”

The origin was unclear, but Entrances that occurred due to the collision of world space existed only above land. In addition, it only appeared on land with a certain degree of size, it wouldn’t appear in a place like a small island.

But, Guam’s land size was more than 500 square kilometers, it was a large island. There was a high chance that an Entrance with AU existed there.

{There is a record that an Entrance appeared there in the 2nd Alternate Universe Conflict and it turned into a battle. However, after that no one knows how it turned out there.}

Kei’s words were not generated as sound, but conveyed to them as text on the window. It was not like she had a disability that made her unable to speak. She was just extremely poor in communicating with people.

“We don’t know if there is anyone in Guam, or if it was the people of AU using human facility. However, in any case there was supposedly someone there sending us a transmission. The mission this time is to infiltrate an area under the control of AU, and to make clear of the source of the transmission. All of you are to land at Guam Island.”


Kizuna reflexively raised his voice.

“There is an Entrance there right? That’s too dangerous!”

“The situation won’t change for the better if we keep getting scared of the enemy’s shadow forever and only run around.”

Reiri said flatly.

“Then, we are going to march into the enemy’s controlled land……and start a full-blown war?”

Even until now they were using the phrase of war with AU, but in reality there was no battle or anything. Mankind was only one-sidedly exterminated, their countries stolen, and they escaped above the sea where the hand of the enemy couldn’t reach.

And then even now, they were cowering from that shadow, running from place to place above the sea.

Certainly, they defeated the enemy’s battleship with Zeros’ Corruption Armament, but saying it in reverse, they were merely sinking one battleship after all this time.

“Before the war happens, we first need to know about the enemy. Our knowledge about the AU, is nonexistent.”

The map projected under their feet began to move once more.

Kei manipulated the console and tapped the keyboard.

{The main objective of this mission is to collect information of the area that fell under the control of the enemy. Originally, we want to perform investigation of mainland Japan and the neighboring islands, but in the current situation the danger is great. From our experience until now, when we entered the range of two hundred until three hundred kilometers from the land, the possibility of the enemy detecting us is high. In other words, the more we are approaching a large land, the danger is also increasing. In that meaning, the land of Guam which doesn’t have any other Entrance in it’s vicinity is suitable as the first test.}

“First Megafloat Japan will approach Guam until 300 kilometers from it. Amaterasu will all take off from there. Separate into two groups, then investigate the center urban area Hagania and Tamon, and Andersen airbase at the north side. For the dividing of the group and the instruction on the actual scene……Kizuna, you take control.”

“Eh! Me?”

Kizuna was shocked from the sudden appointment.

“N, no, it’s impossible even if you suddenly told me to do it……”

The shoulder of the panicked Kizuna was lightly tapped.

“Fufufu, take care of us. Novice captain-san★”

Yurishia showed a wink from a close distance.

“No, really, there is no way me as a captain…”

“It’s not impossible or anything, perhaps this can be said as the right man in the right place.”

Aine unexpectedly talked as if in endorsement of Kizuna.

“Aine……no, I never thought that you will say that about me. Now I feel a little shy.”

“Because, Kizuna usually doesn’t have any combat ability, you are just being useless. That’s why, I think it’s fine for you to be the captain in a place far from the front line. So that you won’t be a hindrance to us.”

“So you are just getting rid of a nuisance!”

Having said that, what Aine said also made sense. Kizuna’s Eros almost didn’t have any combat ability, it had no redeeming feature other than its Life Saver.

However, even such Eros had a method to obtain a wonderful combat ability.

――[Climax Hybrid]

With that phenomenon which was even more superior than Heart Hybrid, it would bring result that was truly miraculous. It could power up the partner’s Heart Hybrid Gear, and added a special weapon called the [Corruption Armament]. And then at the same time, Eros would copy the ability of the partner Heart Hybrid Gear, making it possible for Eros to exhibit similar combat ability.

“However, just by getting near, the enemy will quickly find us isn’t it? Besides, if there is an amazing number of army stationed there, we are going to fall into a really bad situation……”

As if to flaunt off, Aine brushed off her silver hair that was shining from the lighting.

“Well, at that time I will show you how I exterminate the enemy with my Corruption Armament [Pulverizer].”

She was truly smug. Her face looked like it couldn’t be more triumphant than that.

Yurishia chuckled mockingly ‘fufun’ to that.

“Myy, aren’t you unable to use Pulverizer anymoree?”


Aine’s mouth was shut tightly.

“It disappeared when time passed correct? That prided Corruption Armament♪”

After that battle, Zeros was tested in Nayuta Lab. However, when Aine tried equipping Zeros, Zeros had returned to its default state and Pulverizer was also gone.

Kizuna’s Eros was also the same, it was reversed back to the usual useless gear.

“The, then, I just need to do it one more time, the Climax Hybrid.”

“My, this time I should be the one testing it though. Hey? How about around tonight? Let’s go on a date, and together to a hotel――”

“Please stop! That’s really shameless!”

Himekawa yelled with a bright red face.

“You all, stop playing around.”

With a single sentence from Reiri, the place returned to dead silence.

“Well then, breakup. The operation will begin tomorrow night. Until then, study the necessary information like the local map.”

Reiri said that and exited from the room.

Her head hurt from watching the three continuing to quarrel.

A window appeared in front of Kizuna who heaved a deep sigh.

{If you find yourself in need of a love hotel, say it anytime. I’ll prepare it.}


From the other side of the console, he could see Kei making a reserved thumbs up.

Part 2[edit]

The sunset of southern country was really beautiful, one wouldn’t get tired of seeing it no matter how many times.

Standing at the edge of Ataraxia, Kizuna was gazing at the horizon that was dyed by the sunset.

The large sun was sinking on the sea, the curtain of night was gradually lowered down above the head. That state which kept changing moment by moment was exactly the showtime of mother nature.

This spot was the testing ground that was adjacent to Nayuta Lab. The width was close to a 400 hundred meters track-and-field running track. Since the past, this was the facility used for Heart Hybrid Gear activation experiments and the like. Kizuna too had his first flight in this place when he was a child.

At this time he had already finished wearing Eros. At the same time, Aine, Himekawa, and Yurishia too were also wearing their respective Heart Hybrid Gears.

In front of Kizuna, Kei’s floating window appeared.

{The check of all gears is finished. There is no problem, you can go anytime.}

Kizuna raised his hand to Shikina Kei who was in a slightly separated place to show his acknowledging thought.

“Then, let’s depart soon. We will separate into two groups, me and Himekawa, Aine and Yurishia. We are going to the urban area in the center, Hagania and Tamon, Aine and Yurishia are to investigate Andersen air force base in the north.”

Yurishia nodded.

“Roger. I more or less know about that base.”

“After separating on-site, start the investigation. Two hours after that, we are going to meet at the airport site in the center of the island. The enemy might be intercepting, so we basically won’t use our communication. However, emergency situation doesn’t count. That’s all, any questions?”

Aine raised her hand.

“Why are Kizuna and Hayuru together?”

“Eh? No, it’s better for Yurishia who has familiarity to go to the base right? If Yurishia and Himekawa are grouping together, then that means me and Aine will group together.”

“Is there any problem I wonder? Though depending on your answer, your neck might break.”

“Don’t say anything scary! A group with me who doesn’t have offensive power and you who is a specialist of super close range, the balance is just bad.”

“If, if that’s the problem, then it’s fine if we just do Climax Hybrid isn’t it?”

“Certainly Pulverizer has an amazing power, but it’s big, just shooting it once will make a large commotion. It cannot be used in an infiltration investigation right? Even I will only get the ability of Zeros, so it will only become two people with the same ability.”

“……What a useless man.”

“Next, there is also a choice where I go to the base but……”

Aine compared the face of Yurishia and Himekawa.

“It can’t be helped then……”

Aine faced away with an irritated face.

She looked dissatisfied, but for the time being it seems she understood the situation that Kizuna could be relieved inside his heart.

“Yosh, all gears take off!”

Together with Kizuna’s command, the four Heart Hybrid Gears flew to the sky.

Light was ignited from the thrusters, four colors of light drew lines in the madder red sky. Before long those lights separated into two, becoming two streaks of blue-golden light and red-pink light.

After Amaterasu departed, Reiri and Kei were watching over the progress of the operation in Nayuta Lab.

Nonetheless, they couldn’t understand the situation detail from Ataraxia. In the end, they were just waiting for contact. Reiri and Kei separated from the other staff and secluded themselves in the center control room.

“Re-ri, want a drink? There is also local beer you know?”

“Aah, that thing created in Ataraxia. Where, let’s try drinking it.”

Because both of them were best friends since their time as students, the atmosphere between them was amiable. They were supposedly in the middle of duty, but the atmosphere was actually relaxed.

Reiri took out a beer bottle with Ataraxia label on it from the refrigerator and opened the cork with the corkscrew that Kei handed to her.

Kei opened a bottle of cola and held it out towards Reiri.

“For the success of the operation.”


The bottles raised clanking sound.

The two put their mouth directly on the bottle. The cold carbonic acid stimulated the tongue, watering the throat.

“Fuh, it’s unexpectedly good.”


After drinking the bottle dry in the blink of an eye, Reiri opened a second bottle.

“Re-ri. That radio wave, what do you think of it?”

“Nine out of ten, it’s just a coincidence. Something like an old communication facility malfunctioning……or something.”

“I think that’s a sensible judgment……but, by some chance, it might be human.”

“Do you know something?”

“That radio wave is sending data. Some kind of theory and…..graphic file like a map.”

Reiri raised her eyebrows.

“The detailed content?”

“That’s still unknown. But, perhaps it’s related to the Entrance.”

“I see……however, the sender might be an AU person.”

Kei nodded briefly.

“Re-ri……you don’t think, that it might be Professor Nayuta?”

Reiri’s hand that was carrying the bottle to her mouth stopped.


She put the bottle on the table and dropped her body heavily on the sofa.


“――I see.”

Silence flowed between the two.

“Kei, you want to meet that person?”

Kei’s lips looked slightly smiling.

“I don’t know. But, perhaps that’s so. That person is……a genius after all. She is something like a target of worship.”

“Even you are a genius you know?”

Kei shook her head with a wry smile.

“The dimension is too different. In front of Professor Nayuta, someone like me is a mere ordinary person.”

Reiri once again gulped her beer.

“……Re-ri yourself, Professor Nayuta……your mother, what do you think about her?”

Reiri put the bottle she finished drinking on the floor.

And then, she spoke while looking at something far away.

“――My ultimate enemy.”

Part 3[edit]

Yurishia and Aine were standing in front of the US military base at the northern part of Guam Island.

The sun had sunk into the sea already. There was not a single artificial light, only the moonlight was creating silhouettes of the building where the headquarters and office were in, and the hangar of the aircraft jets.

“When there is no human presence here, it feels like a different place.

Yurishia boldly entered inside the grounds from the entrance that was left ajar.

Aine too continued after her.

“Has nothing changed since the last time you came?”

“Hmmm, it was only two, three days for me, so honestly I don’t remember thoughh……but, I think nothing really changed. That’s what makes it eerie instead.”


“Because, there is no sign of battle see?”

Aine once again looked around at the entrance they came through and the fence, then the buildings inside the grounds.

Certainly there was nothing destroyed here. On the contrary there was not even a single bullet mark. People were only gone from here, leaving only large containers without anything inside. That was her impression.

“Did they escape……or else, they surrendered without resistance I wonder……”

Yurishia pondered with a difficult face.

Aine manifested several windows around her face and searched the surroundings with all sorts of sensors.

“There is nothing really standing out. Just completely abandoned buildings, I wonder if it’s fine to call them so?”

“What happened here, it’s great if we could just find some clue thoughh.”

Yurishia whispered with a carefree tone, but her eyes were vigilantly observing the surroundings.

Aine too responded while staring at the sensor.

“And, we also want information regarding the AU. We are the first ones infiltrating a place that had come under enemy control right?”

“Perhaps. At the very least, I have never heard of any story about information brought from this kind of place.”

After walking ahead, they found a large steel tower. Yurishia stopped walking in front of the building without lighting in front of that tower.

“There should be a communication facility here. First, let’s confirm this place.”

After they entered through the door left ajar, there was a pitch dark corridor continuing to the inside.

Yurishia drew out the gun on her waist. It was a [particle gun] that fired particles produced by the Heart Hybrid Gear as bullets.

“I’ll go first. Aine, please take care of my back.”


The dark corridor was dimly illuminated by the luminescence of the Heart Hybrid Gear.

The two of them were advancing forward while paying meticulous attention.

“Everything……is really spotless.”

“…….Rather, there is nothing here.”

Rather than calling the place clean, there was nothing.

Not to mention traps, even equipment and machine was not left behind sufficiently. The isolated bookshelves left didn’t have a single book in it. The drawer of the desks were empty. And then, not a single electronic device like PC or anything could be found.

Although this was a military base, the operation here was similar to a government office. There should be a mountain of books and paperwork here, without PC or monitor here there would be no work that could be done.

“Hey, Yurishia. Is the US army destitute? I wonder if they sold their furniture to the pawnshop.”

“There is no way that’s true……”

The dark corridor continued straight. A few meters ahead was only darkness. That darkness felt like it was continuing towards a different world.


Ahead of the corridor, a dim light was visible.


Yurishia erected her index finger in front of Aine’s eyes. Don’t talk――looking at such sign, Aine nodded silently.

Both of them killed the sound of their footsteps and advanced.

Little by little the light became bigger.

‘――A door.’

Light was leaking out from the door.

Yurishia’s heart beat became faster.

‘――Is there, someone?’

Yurishia prepared her particle gun.

She clung beside the door without raising a single sound, with a hand sign she called for Aine.

Aine and Yurishia nodded at each other, then Aine opened the door slowly. Yurishia separated herself slightly from the door, matching herself with the angle of the opening door, she confirmed the inside of the room.

“Clear, there is nothing.”

When Yurishia entered the room, she lowered her gun.

Aine who entered from behind asked Yurishia.

“This is?”

“……Who knows?”

In front of the eyes of the two, there was a communication device that still had electricity.

From the large console, a low noise could be heard slightly.

The light emitted by the communication device’s monitor was illuminating the wondering face of Aine.

“I wonder if it was only this thing that had been connected to electricity all this time? Or else……”

Yurishia put the headphone connected to the device on her ear.

“Someone, was coming here recently……I think?”

“There is still time until we meet up. Let’s try investigating a little bit more.”

Yurishia nodded to Aine’s words and put back the headphone on the console.

Jarring noise was continuing to flow out from the headphone.

Part 4[edit]

Kizuna and Himekawa were standing in Guam’s city that was illuminated by moonlight.

Once it was the main street intended for tourists.

However, right now not a trace of it could be seen.

“How cruel……”

Himekawa stared at that scenery with blank amazement.

What spread in front of the two was a complete ruin.

Not a single one of the buildings lining up the two sides of the street was safe. From the information before the 2nd Another Universe Conflict that they studied yesterday, there should be shops selling high class brand products lining this place. But right now, it had been turned into a mountain of rubble.

There were also buildings that were still standing, but whichever it was, all of them were tilting and many holes were opened in them. Those might be the traces of bombardment. Surely there was also a large fire that happened here. Any buildings had the burned black traces remaining.

Even buildings that had comparatively little damage had all the doors of the shops broken, any kind of glass was scattered about everywhere. When they peeked inside the store, there were shelves collapsed without any merchandise remaining.

The shells of burned cars were scattered about all over the place on the street.

So this was……a world trampled about by magic weapons.

“What a terrible state……damn it all.”

Kizuna’s back teeth were clenched so hard that they made a sound.

“Hida-kun. Let’s try searching. Perhaps there will be something, a clue to know about the AU.”


He was about to say that there might be survivors, but he stopped.

There shouldn’t be anyone surviving here.

The condition of this place was enough to make him think that.

Kizuna and Himekawa walked through the streets that had become ruins.

Broken glass and trash, wreckage was scattered on the ground, sound was created each time they stepped forward. The sounds echoed through this ghost city.

The pavement was broken and made it hard to walk. He guessed that it was the trace of the magic weapons’ advance. The street had caved in all over the place.

After progressing forward, there was a collapsed building blocking half the street. Circling the wreckage of the building, they stared ahead of the street.

There was no presence of living things.

“The residents and travelers in this place, where did they all go……”

Himekawa answered while paying attention to the surroundings.

“That’s so isn’t it……besides, not to mention the figures of AU people, there aren't even any traces of magic weapons here……but, looking from the state of the city, it seems to be a certainty that this place was occupied once……”

It was once occupied, but then it was immediately abandoned?

Just what in the world was going on?

After advancing for a while, there was a wall of concrete and steel frame standing tall as if growing from the ground like a giant tree. Looks like it was the result of a collapsing building.

They cut across through that obstruction with bad visibility by using the gaps between.

And then, their field of vision suddenly opened.

In the middle of the scenery where there were only rubble all over the eyes could see, there was a beautiful woman sitting elegantly on a Victorian-style chair.


In front of the beautiful woman, there was an elaborately decorated round table and afternoon tea set placed on it. Alone by herself, she was bathed in moonlight while enjoying tea.

Her age was probably around twenty years old.

With long green hair and slender body, she was a really pretty woman.

She was wearing clothes that fitted tightly on her body line, releasing attractive sex appeal.

The clothes that were decorated with deep blue and golden lines had an atmosphere like a military uniform from somewhere. However, it had a different quality where the valley of her breasts and her thighs were exposed defenselessly.

That beauty was idly staring at the sky, perhaps from not noticing Kizuna and Himekawa yet.

The purple pupils inside her narrowed eyes were shining. Just what in the world those joyful eyes were seeing? Her glossy lips were gently smiling, she looked like she was going to hum a song anytime.

She was waiting expectantly for someone to arrive. That was how her atmosphere looked like.

“Is that a survivor!?”

Himekawa called out to that woman.

Kizuna that was watching completely in fascination also returned to his senses suddenly.

Himekawa approached closer for two, three steps, then she opened her hands with a smile for reassuring the woman.

“You are safe already, so please be reassured. We have come from Megafloat Japan.”

The woman slowly faced toward Himekawa. The purple eyes were reflecting the red Heart Hybrid Gear.

“We came to investigate this place. Excuse me……are you someone who lives in this place? Or else are you a traveler?”

The glossy lips of the woman opened.

“My……my, my, my my my myy”

Wha, what?

Her state was strange for someone who was happy that help came.

The woman stood up from the chair.

She was tall, and her legs were long. She was like a foreign model that ran around barefooted, her figure was perfect. It was a miraculous molded beauty. The clothes that he thought was a skirt were terrifyingly short when she was standing up. The body suit on her nether region worn under that skirt was in plain sight.

However that woman didn’t show any shyness about her own clothing. She joined her hands and smiled in great happiness.

“You are not the one I’m waiting for……but, to be able to meet with Neros of all things. I’m really happy.”


Why, did she know Neros’ name?

Come to think of it, her clothes.

――It looked like, a pilot suit.

Himekawa spoke after realizing that.

“By any chance, are you someone from America’s Heart Hybrid Gear team? If that’s the case, then are you carrying out some kind of operation here?”



Green hair.

That suit.

Something was tugged inside Kizuna’s memory.

Inside his heart, something big raising tremor was approaching near.

The woman raised her voice happily.

“But this is a good omen. Like this, perhaps I can soon meet her.”

No way.

This woman was?

This woman was!?

From the amorous lips, a cheerful voice resounded.


From her body, green particles overflowed.

“This, this is-!?”

Himekawa raised a flustered voice.

The green light began to solidify. The particles of lights became armor covering that body.

Together with a conspicuously radiant light, the green radiance was dispelled.

Looking at that appearance, Kizuna unconsciously murmured.

“Heart Hybrid Gear……”

An austere armor was created as if in protection of the beauty’s slender body. Several shields were protecting her, giving the impression like a personal solid fortress, it was undoubtedly a Heart Hybrid Gear. However, its atmosphere was different somewhere compared to Kizuna and the others’ gears.

And then he recognized that silhouette.

“The one before……”

The mysterious Heart Hybrid Gear that deflected Pulverizer.

“Yo……you! Who the hell are you!?”

That woman calmly smiled still the same like before.

“I am Aldea. Kindly take care of me.”


She easily introduced herself.

No, but surely that was a fake name. Just which country’s instigation this――

“Which country do you belong to-? And that Heart Hybrid Gear!?”

Himekawa represented Kizuna’s doubt.

“I belong to the Vatlantis Empire.”

Va……Vatlan……tis, Empire?

Just where did such a country exist?

Most likely she was only making fools of them.

Aldea pressed her finger on her lips and tilted her head as though being troubled.

“And so, that……what you called gear, are you talking about magic armor I wonder? If that’s so, I think I had spoken it before, but this is [Zeel]. Kindly observe as you see fit.”

‘――Damn it, just how brazen can you be!’

Kizuna’s head was in chaos.

Just how much could he trust what she said?

N, no, if he thought about it calmly, then surely he couldn’t trust even a single thing about it.

But……certainly she called out the name of the Core to put on that gear.

Besides in the previous battle, this Heart Hybrid Gear……no, this magic armor repelled Aine’s Corruption Armament [Pulverizer], that was an unmistakable fact.

Kizuna fell quiet with a grim face. Cold sweat was flowing from his whole body.

Himekawa also tensed similarly like him. Her opened mouth was literally gaping open.

Aldea was wearing a gentle smile, as if to say ‘Are you okay?’

Just what was with this woman?

Even though she answered all their questions, they couldn’t understand her true identity at all.

Inside Kizuna, a feeling of anxiety was welling up.

‘――Damn it-!’

“……Then, that, Vatlantis Empire you said……just what’s with that? I never heard of it.”

“It’s a great empire, ruling over half of the world you know? How unfortunate for you to not know of it.”

“There is no way something like that exists! Just where the heck can that large empire exist!”

Aldea cheerfully smiled and pointed behind her with an elegant gesture.

The scenery behind her was like a scenery that floated on a water surface, it was shaking gently.

――An Entrance.

The point of contact that connected the world of this side with another universe. It was a puzzling wall with rectangle shape. The size was varied, the big one had height of several hundred meters. The length could even reach several kilometers. It had no thickness, it was transparent, so its existence was hard to notice. However when it was looked carefully, the scenery on the other side of the Entrance was swaying like looking through a distorted mirror or water. Right now, such thing was certainly existing behind Aldea.

“It’s on the other side you know. Isn’t that obvious. Geez, please don’t make fun of me.”

She sent the two a lovely, reproaching gaze.

This woman, was she saying that she was an AU person?

Kizuna didn’t know which was which anymore.

Was this a joke,

Was this the truth,

Was she sane,

Was she mistaken,


If it was Nee-chan, what would she do in this kind of time?’

“Are your questions over already?”

“Wha……n, no! Just wait. I cannot believe what you are saying, no rather than that, I cannot understand!”

“My my, that’s unfortunate. Then, I wonder if I can ask already? What is the name of your magic armor?”

“――Sh, shut up! I won’t say!”

‘Shit-! I don’t want to be asked that, even by a self-proclaimed AU person!’

“My, how unfriendlyy……well, it’s only something without signature anyway though.”

With a dubious gaze, Himekawa faced Aldea.

“Do you have proof about your claim as an AU person? Just what in the world are you doing here? What is your objective?”

“Yes, yes, about that. To start with my first objective is…”

Aldea’s eyes shone bewitchingly.

“to take out the core from inside your body.”

――She came!?

“Himekawa, be careful!”

Kizuna put up his guard.

Himekawa withdrew her Sword and pointed its tip at Aldea.


All of a sudden the parts surrounding Aldea detached from her.


This woman, she purged(released) her Heart Hybrid Gear!?

Normally when Heart Hybrid Gear was purged, it went back into light particles. But, Zeel’s parts that detached from Aldea didn’t vanish and stayed in the air, forming a line in front of Aldea. The detached parts had a shape like a long and slender shield of reverse pentagon. Round part was installed on top of it, it was like the circular shield of ancient Rome was combined with the reverse pentagon shield of middle age knights. There were six in total, all were lining up protecting Aldea.

“You intend to shield yourself? Something like that――”

Light ran through the Blades floating at Himekawa’s back. They raised a low rumbling and flew out in a glide.

“These Blades will pierce them!”

Like a shot arrow, the Blades flew heading to Aldea.

And then, they impacted the shields lined up before Aldea.



The Blades bounced back. It was not something simple like it was merely deflected by the shield.

The instant they hit the shields, the Blades distorted. They warped flexibly like rubber, in the next instant they flew away as if being pulled to a different direction. The control was completely lost and the Blades stabbed the ground and the mountain of rubble while rotating.


Himekawa’s expression tensed from being taken aback by surprise.

“My my, I wonder if the famously rumored Neros is unexpectedly not a big deal?”

Aldea smiled and reached her hand to one of the shields.

The shield shined radiantly and transformed into the shape of a spear.

Masou Gakuen HxH V02 099.jpg

Aldea held that spear in her hand and smiled happily.

Something shuddering ran through Kizuna’s back.

“Himekawa, run away-!!”

Igniting their thrusters, Kizuna and Himekawa fell back behind in one breath.

Pursuing after them, Aldea kicked the ground.

She was charging at them with her spear prepared.

Kizuna and Himekawa slipped through the steel frames that were like a forest. They glided at super low altitude and circled behind the tilting big building.

Kizuna deployed Life Saver while turning back. Himekawa readied her Sword and was alert toward the opposite side.

――Where would she come from?

“Himekawa. If that woman comes, I’ll block her attack with the Life Saver. At that opening――”

The wall of the building concealing them warped.


As if forming a vortex, a huge hole was opened in the building’s wall. The wall was by no means crushed, the concrete was by no means smashed. It was not a realistic spectacle, it was like an image that was digitally processed. The edge of the hole distorted, it was like the hole was forcibly widened and it was visibly rippling.

And then Aldea holding her spear was walking gracefully inside that large hole.

It was an impossible sight.

That phenomenon that Kizuna’s common sense couldn’t understand made him unable to move his body.

“Hi……Hida-kun. This is?”

Himekawa was also the same like him.

“Ufufu. It’s no good. After all nothing exists that can obstruct my path.”

Aldea spoke so happily, then she waved the spear in her hand horizontally. The spear touched the wall of the tunnel.

At that instant, the building was destroyed.

“Wha-! Whaatt!?”

It was as though the building was blown away directly horizontally, the building was collapsing in Kizuna and Himekawa’s direction.


Kizuna activated his Life Saver amidst the raining down rubble and escaped. However, Kizuna and Himekawa’s bodies were sent flying, they tumbled around on the ground.

“Kuh……Himekawa! Are you okay!?”

He faced the densely enshrouding dusts and yelled.

“Ye, yes. I’m alri――”

Aldea with spear in hand flew out from inside the cloud of dust.

Himekawa immediately deployed her Life Saver.


The moment the tip of the spear touched the Life Saver, the Life Saver’s light shield distorted.

From the gap of the Life Sphere’s distortion, the spear touched the palm of Himekawa.

The hand jumped.

As if it was pulled by an unseen power.

“Thi, this is!?”

Aldea pulled her arm and pushed out her spear once more.

This time the spear touched Himekawa’s stomach.

An impact that she had never experienced until now pierced Himekawa’s body.

It was as if the inside of her stomach broke through to her back, a strange sensation. And then, with that point as the center the whole body was pulled. As if the direction of gravity was changed, Himekawa was blown away horizontally.

“Guh, HAAaAAA-!”

Himekawa’s body was rotating strangely while plunging into a mountain of rubble.

‘――Wha, what was that, just now.

A spear attack?

The spear itself almost had no offensive power at all.

However, this is?’

“Himekawa, are you safe!?”

Kizuna’s figure was visible at the other side of the cloud of dust.

“Ye, yes! But, please be careful. Life Sphere doesn’t work against that spear!”

“What did you say!?”

When Kizuna stood up with tottering legs, he glared at Aldea who appeared from inside the dust smoke.

Aldea smiled cheerfully and thrust her spear on the ground. And then, she moved her spear to the side like that, drawing a line below her.

‘――What is she planning to do?’

The rubble under Aldea’s feet swelled up.


The ground shook.

‘――Earthquake? No……this is.’

He got a bad feeling.

The rubble under Aldea’s legs undulated. Its height was gradually increasing while advancing here.

“That looks bad……Himekawa!”

Himekawa was collapsed several tens of meters from him.


He rushed to the location of Himekawa that was still unable to stand up, then he dragged her body along and ran away.

“We are escaping Himekawa!”


Himekawa’s eyes were opened wide in shock.

When Kizuna looked back, a gigantic wall made tremors in the land while approaching them.

That was a tsunami made from rubble.

Concrete and steel frame, fragments of building and car wreckage, all those became one mass approaching at them.

That sight was like the whole city was vertically towering over them.

Deploying Life Saver would leave them completely swallowed.

The gigantic tsunami of rubble covered the tops of their heads, the night sky was being encroached by the darkness of the rubble.

‘――Damn it all, we cannot escape!’

Kizuna and Himekawa were enveloped in the darkness and the sound of destruction raised by the rubble.

That darkness was pierced by a single golden light.

That light gouged out the darkness, from there the face of the starry sky and moon came out.

The next moment, dazzling lights and explosions spread, then shockwaves struck their face.

“Wha, what the!?”

The golden light evaporated the rubble, blowing away the tsunami.

This was――a golden large caliber particle cannon.

Differential Frame!


He could see golden light hovering in the sky bathed in moonlight. Golden light was leaking out from the Differential Frame on her back.

“I thought it was strange that you two didn’t come no matter how long we waited! What is all this commotion!?”

And then one more light, a blue light rushed through the night sky and landed besides Kizuna.

Lightly brushing the shining silver hair with her hand, she gazed at Aldea with her red eyes.

“I want to ask in detail about this situation and who that person is, but……well, it’s all the same if we just capture that person and make her confess.”

Aine’s boastful talk felt reassuring for some reason right now.

“My my, further two more are coming. This saves me the hassle of searching……my?”

Aldea stopped her movement. For some reason, she was staring fixedly at Aine.

“White magic armor……you, you are the child firing that absurdly destructive large cannon aren’t you?”

Aldea’s eyes shined.

“As expected, it’s a magic armor I have never seen before. Silver hair……red eyes.”

‘――Aldea’s state is strange.’

She was oddly excited looking at Aine.

“Hey, what is your name?”

“I don’t have any name to introduce to someone like you, but I’ll teach you specially. It’s Chidorigafuchi.”

Aldea touched her finger on her cheek, making a thinking gesture.

“I wonder where is your birthplace?”

“…….It’s Tokyo in Japan. The place you all stole.”


Aldea hummed. And then――

{The goddess dance. Nothingness, and death, and emperor. And then to eternity.}

Aldea sang something like a song.


Kizuna was reflexively taken aback.

Himekawa and Aine were also the same like him.

Only Aldea was staring at Aine with eyes shining in anticipation.

What was that spell just now?

Or else, was that a poem or something?

By any chance, did Aine understand its meaning?

However Aine was scowling her face with all her heart.

――What’s the meaning of that?

Her expression was telling so.

Aine stepped forward and stomped.

“I don’t understand what you are running your mouth about, but calmly let us take you away. That’s right……we will prepare a party for your sake. A brawling party though.”

Aldea’s shoulders dropped in disappointment.

“My, what a lovely invitation. But, I’ll refrain myself for now.”

She smiled elegantly while heaving an exaggerated sigh.

“Aa― aa, how unfortunate. For some reason, I suddenly lost my motivation.”

Aldea gracefully raised her hand and snapped her slender and willowy fingers audibly.

Thereupon, as if affected by that sound, the Entrance at her back swayed noticeably.


Something, was coming?

Was that woman, ordering something to come out from the Entrance?

Something was coming out, a body.

Inside the landscape that was like a water surface, something was gradually becoming clear.

An object that seemed to be glowing was approaching from the other side of the Entrance.

As if emerging to the surface, that thing came out.

A gigantic sphere of light with diameter around ten meters.

A spiraling pattern was continuing to move on the surface like a whirl, it vaguely resembled Jupiter.

That sphere was floating in the air, it was slowly coming here.

“That child will become your opponent. The Core can be taken even after death after all, so rest assured and die, okay?”

She said that child……was that a living thing?

Even while he was wracking his brain about the thing’s true form, the mysterious sphere was rapidly approaching near.


Himekawa’s eyes were opened wide in shock.

“Himekawa, you understand what that thing is?”


Himekawa’s body was shaking, her teeth were clattering audibly.

The sphere stopped still.

They were confronting the sphere with a length of a hundred meters between the two sides.



A crack entered the sphere.

Intense light was gushing out from the crack.

“Just what in the world is inside――”

The sphere burst.


A shockwave that was like an explosion crushed the street’s pavement. And then, the cars around were blown away like paper. The walls of the buildings distorted, they were being pushed down by the pressure.

Kizuna stood in front of Himekawa and Aine and deployed a large Life Saver. The terrific shockwave was assaulting him as if trying to crush his hands.

‘Shi, shit-! What is this? A bomb!?’

Mysteriously, the fragments of the cracked sphere were floating still in the air as if time was stopped.

However, a few seconds later it was like time began to resume once more, the fragments suddenly flew.


The radiant clumps that was like crystal rained down on the surrounding surface.

Those fragments caused large explosions the instant they touched buildings and the ground. The main street was enveloped in crimson flame in a flash.

“Wh, what kind of power this is!”

Kizuna put strength inside his hands and supported the Life Saver that he deployed in the front.

“Himekawa, Aine, you two okay!?”

“Ye, yes. Kizuna yourself, you okay?”

He could hear Aine’s worried voice from behind.

“Yeah! You don’t need to worry about me……wait, Himekawa come on, give your reply too!”

However, there was no reply.

“Oi! You’re okay right!? Hime――”

At that time, the explosion of fragments stopped.

And then from inside the sphere, a figure of an object wrapped in a flame that looked like magma appeared.

“Wha……what’s, that?”

While dripping with flame that was like magma, a round mechanical neck elongated, and a folded up pair of shining wings opened.

“Dragre? ……No.”

Kizuna recalled a category-A magic weapon, Dragre. However, this thing was obviously different with that. No matter how he saw it, it had the appearance like a legendary dragon, however――,

It had three necks.

Under its feet, there was Aldea who was protected by her shields.

When the shields opened, she displayed a wide smile.

”How is it? I wonder if you all are pleased?”

{Kizuna! That thing looks dangerous. It’s better to withdraw from here!}

Yurishia’s warning came from the floating window.

“I totally agree. We are retreating for the moment. Withdraw.”

“As I thought……the one from that time……”

Himekawa murmured deliriously.


“What’s wrong, Hayuru?”

However, the voices, whether it was Kizuna’s or Aine’s didn’t enter her ears.

“……The three headed, magic weapon!”

Yelling such, Himekawa flew out.


Readying her Sword with both her hands, she rushed forward with all her speed.


Looking at her appearance, Aldea clapped her hands cheerfully.

“That’s the spirit. Now, kill each other cordially okayy~”

“Himekawa! Come back-!”

Blades flew out with incredible speed, attacking straightforwardly at the three headed dragon. And then, they pierced the head and the neck of the magic weapon.

She did it!?

However, the three headed dragon didn’t even twitch. The Blades ignited light particle trying to cut apart the magic weapon, but their blade couldn’t break through the armor.

Kizuna was watching over that situation with held breath.

‘――That’s impossible.’

No matter what kind of enemy it faced, the Blades would defeat it in an instant.


In the opening while the Blades were attacking, Himekawa was sliding in below the three headed dragon. She thrust the Sword that she gripped with both hands to the stomach of the magic weapon. Sword’s light particles scattered sparks against the armor of the magic weapon.

‘――Himekawa’s sword, doesn’t work?’

The armor of the three headed dragon repelled all of Himekawa’s swords.

That was a shocking truth for Kizuna.

Until now, those swords had carved apart magic weapons really easily. That was an obvious truth, he had never even thought that a magic weapon that Himekawa’s sword couldn’t cut existed.

The mouth of the three headed dragon opened.

Instantly, a sharp beam of flame was fired from that mouth.


Opening her thruster, Himekawa escaped from the flame. Chasing after Himekawa’s movement, the flame drew a line through the street and buildings. When the flame impacted something, explosions occurred from the inside of the street and building. The impact disturbed Himekawa’s movement. There the other neck attacked with gushing flame.


The flame blown away Himekawa.

Although she deployed Life Saver, the moment the flame impacted, it caused an explosion in the Life Saver. That shockwave threw Himekawa to a wall of a building.

‘Damn it! That magic weapon is just too dangerous!’

Kizuna rushed to Himekawa’s location.

“Oi, Himekawa! You okay!?”


“I’m going!!”

Aine faced the three headed dragon and jumped.


The dragon ate a flying kick that was like a missile on its flank. Shockwaves spread to the surroundings and the armor of the three headed dragon distorted.


“It doesn’t go through!?”

If it was another magic weapon, that kick would have definitely pierced through the body, yet――.

It was as though there was no damage at all on the three headed dragon, the long neck turned and directed sharp fangs at Aine.


Aine kicked the armor and took distance. She twisted in the air like a gymnast, landing beside Kizuna and Himekawa.

“My my, I never thought a movement like that will come from a magic armor……I think my interest is tickled a little.”

Aldea acted as if she was watching a sport.

‘――Shit, that woman, she has a screw loose in her head!’

Kizuna cursed inside his heart.

“Kizuna, what is that magic weapon? My attack doesn’t work at all!”

Aine asked while still fixing her gaze on the magic weapon.

“All members retreat! Himekawa, can you stand!? We are pulling back!!”

But, when Himekawa stood up, she shook off Kizuna and once again she headed towards the three headed dragon.

“Wai-! Hayuru, what are you doing!”

Aine too was confused at Himekawa’s unusual action.


Himekawa raised a war cry and slashed at the three headed dragon.

The three headed dragon’s neck aimed at Himekawa.

She avoided the spouted off flame with a rough movement.

In the opening when the magic weapon was concentrating on attacking Himekawa, the Blades dashing in the sky surrounded the three headed dragon and aimed at the center neck.

And then the four Blades slashed all at once from four directions, pressing on the neck.

The movement of the three headed dragon stopped.

‘――Got you!’

Kicking the ground, Himekawa’s body danced.

Heading to the neck of the three headed dragon, she slashed down her Sword.


Together with a fierce metallic sound, her Sword was bounced back.


Over and over, she raised her Sword and struck.

“Youu-! Youu-! You! YOUUUUU!”

In her desperation of swinging down her sword, Himekawa didn’t notice that a different neck was aiming at her.

Flame was compressed brightly inside its mouth, it was going to spout it out.

“Himekawa! Run away-!”

The instant Kizuna yelled, golden light impacted the head of the three headed dragon.


{What are you doing Hayuru! That’s too reckless! Kizuna, take her away quickly and withdraw! If she moves around like that, then I cannot even guarantee any covering fire here!}

Inside the window, Yurishia’s anger was exploding.

The Differential Frame fired a large caliber beam once more. Explosions also occurred at the remaining two necks. From that impact, the heads of the magic weapon were greatly repelled.

However, the neck that received the attack first was opening its mouth again.


Kizuna slipped between her and the dragon.

He instantly deployed Life Saver and blocked the flame of the three headed dragon.


Together with a fierce explosion, the Life Saver broke like glass.

Kizuna and Himekawa were blown away for tens of meters, they tumbled on the ground.

“Da, damn-“

What attack power.

The level was just too different with other magic weapon, whether in armor or weapon.

When Kizuna stood up, he took Himekawa’s arm.

“Oi! Himekawa. Can you stand? We are leaving right away!”

Himekawa shook off Kizuna’s arm in irritation.

“Release me! That thing, only that magic weapon, I’ll kill it!”


A flame of madness was residing in her eyes.

The three headed dragon spread its wings largely. The wing’s surface gradually shined radiantly, it looked like it was charging in some kind of energy.

It elongated its neck facing towards Kizuna and Himekawa, then it opened its mouth. Painful metallic sound was ringing in the surroundings. Inside the body of the three headed dragon, something mechanical was beginning to operate. That sound sounded like the roar of this magic weapon.

That flame would come again. Furthermore, this time the three heads were aiming at them at the same time.

‘Damn it, no matter how low my Hybrid Count consumption rate is, there is still this thing called limit.’

The mouths of the three headed dragon were shining fiercely.


With Life Saver in the front and Blades stood up behind it, the Blades served as a shield replacement. However, the Life Saver was smashed in an instant, and each time the Blade received attack it was creaking. Moreover, the Hybrid Count was noticeably shrinking down.

“At this rate-……there will be, no way left-!”

Bombardment of Differential Frame impacted the wings of the three headed dragon. The panel that was shining red visibly broke and scattered. In succession, golden flash also exploded at its flank.

The three headed dragon’s body tilted.

However, that was all. The broken wing was regenerated in the blink of an eye. The enemy was far from destroyed.

Kizuna turned to Aine and yelled.

“Aine! We are collecting Himekawa!”

Before those words even ended, Aine dashed at Himekawa’s position. She grasped the shoulder of Himekawa that was trying to go forward again.

“Hayuru, we are returning.”

“Release me! I have to, that thing, that magic weapon, I have to defeat it!”


Kizuna grasped the opposite shoulder.

“We are pulling back. That is an order!”


Himekawa gritted her teeth audibly.


“Yurishia! We are withdrawing from Guam from now. Give us covering fire!”

{Roger, leave it to me!}

While Yurishia was opening a full bombardment, the three escaped from the vicinity of the three headed dragon.

“My? Wait, what are you doing? Even though the best part is starting from here―!”

Ignoring Aldea’s voice, they fully ignited their thrusters and flew to the sky right away.

And then they headed to Ataraxia as fast as they could.

“Looks like they are not pursuing.”

Yurishia who readied her particle cannon and stayed alert to their rear was murmuring.

Kizuna also looked back and stared at the shadow of the fading island. Certainly, there was no sign of Aldea or the magic weapon chasing them.

Kizuna breathed deeply in relief. He opened the communication window.

“This is Kizuna. We are returning to Ataraxia now.”

Looking at the gently swaying sea that was bathed in moonlight, the previous mortal battle seemed like a lie.

So that, was a land under the control of AU…….

Guam city that had become ruins.

A self proclaimed person of AU who introduced herself as Aldea.

AU Heart Hybrid Gear that was called magic armor.

Vatlantis Empire that ruled over half of AU.

And then a magic weapon they saw for the first time.

Anyways, there were many things they didn’t understand.

However, talking about results, they might be able to consider this result.

They didn’t understand the opponent, but they were coming home bringing information.

Next, they just needed to wait for the analysis of Kei and the others.


Kizuna was staring at Himekawa who was flying with her head looking down.

Did something happen with that magic weapon?

No matter how long he stared, he couldn’t see inside Himekawa’s heart.

Translator's Notes and References[edit]

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