Poll on Final Distribution Options for S&W

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Poll on Final Distribution Options for S&W

Post by Krikit »

This goes out to everyone who knows that one day, Spice and Wolf will have a Volume completed. Today Barbsicle and I have been working on sending rough drafts of pdf's and the like back in forth to each other, trying to figure out what the best way to distribute this project would be at the end, how images were, how to make it look like the light novel, etc.

It seems people really enjoyed the Haruhi PDF distributions, so I think it's safe to assume that that is one option for distributing the entire Volume when it's finished.

The second option is, maintaining the status quo and simply leaving it on the wiki, with no alternative "compiled" downloads.

The third and final option is one which I am most biased about. That is and eBook. Barbsicle has been working very hard on a draft outline to show readers what it would look like, and I think you should definitely check this out.

*Removed links per cease and desist letter.

EDIT!!! Compare it to the pdf version we've been able to put out. Remeber both of them are still rough drafts, and will have more work.
*Removed links per cease and desist letter.

It is an swf file, so unless you have a stand alone swf player, you need to A) Right click the file B) Select open with: C) Choose an internet browser that has swf installed. (if you can watch videos on youtube, you have an swf player)

The Poll: Which would you prefer to see Spice and Wolf Distributed as?

1) PDF
2) eBook
3) The wiki text

Again, I'm going to be biased and say check out the eBook, even if you don't want to vote for it, before and after seeing it. At least look at it. It is the absolute closest to a light novel that exists so far, and it really brings the feel of the book home. Also, to "flip pages" you need to move your cursor to the corners of the page, and click to flip through the book. So far it's only 3 pages, but it's enough to show you what it would look like.

Please check it out! And remember to tell Barb thanks for spending his day learning how to make and edit one ^_^

TGM - Added Poll. You should be able to make them yourself. :|
Last edited by Krikit on Sun Jul 13, 2008 2:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Poll on Final Distribution Options for S&W

Post by BASS in SPACE »

First of all, thanks very much for the work krikit, barbsicle and judgement26. This'll stave off my Spice and Wolf craving till the second season of the anime (I hope there is one anyway...) comes out hehe. As for the 3 formats, the ebook is the sexiest :p. The only problem though, is that for the first 2 pages it was very hard to figure out where to click to flip the page. I was clicking for like 10 seconds before finding the spot for the page with the wheat pouch haha. Still, it's only a minor inconvenience. Thanks again.
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Re: Poll on Final Distribution Options for S&W

Post by TheGiftedMonkey »

I personally prefer the PDF format. The .swf version seems like quite a bit of hassle to go through, plus it doesn't have the ability to resize text.
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Re: Poll on Final Distribution Options for S&W

Post by Krikit »

BASS in SPACE wrote:First of all, thanks very much for the work krikit, barbsicle and judgement26. This'll stave off my Spice and Wolf craving till the second season of the anime (I hope there is one anyway...) comes out hehe. As for the 3 formats, the ebook is the sexiest :p. The only problem though, is that for the first 2 pages it was very hard to figure out where to click to flip the page. I was clicking for like 10 seconds before finding the spot for the page with the wheat pouch haha. Still, it's only a minor inconvenience. Thanks again.
We're doing what we can. (^_^) I think the eBook is the sexiest too, isn't it ^_^ As for the clicking the pages, remember this is still pretty rough and has a long way to go in technicals, etc. But yes, I had the same problem wondering where to click, so some form of marker would be a nice implement...thanks for the comment
TheGiftedMonkey wrote:I personally prefer the PDF format. The .swf version seems like quite a bit of hassle to go through, plus it doesn't have the ability to resize text.
I can understand this...the .swf version is a bit more of a hassle, and you can't change the text in the file you download..(like a real live book! ^_^) However, I think that it's pluses outweigh these, but this is simply my opinion. If Barb, (IF) Barb is willing to put out an eBook, I for one would download and use that without hesitation...from the layout, to the page turning, to the setup.....I don't know...again I'm biased, so yeah =).

But it's not like we couldn't have a pdf version and an eBook, it's just that we can't do both with the three of us. I don't have any software to edit pdf's, and as such, the ones I put out have all been skewered, rotated, or mashed, and I had to send the separate files to Barb to fix and merge. (very tedious and time consuming) As we have no typesetters, or people very fluent in PDF making, it's really almost as hard now as the .swf version Barbsicle is putting out. Now if someout out there offered up their services for a pdf version, we could do both to cater to everyone. ^_^, but as it stands, this poll will tell us which one will be the default release style.

Choose wisely!(.swf!) :mrgreen:
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Re: Poll on Final Distribution Options for S&W

Post by TheGiftedMonkey »

Haha You should just release it in .swf from the sounds of it. That's what you want to do and that's what you have the ability to do, so I don't see a reason not to. PDFs are nice, but I'm open to trying the eBook style. Especially if the PDFs come out all skewed and fubar. :P
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Re: Poll on Final Distribution Options for S&W

Post by Krikit »

lol, kk. better do what's more fun for us =)

plus it's an original S&W thing only =)

course, what do you think of this?

http://www.2shared.com/file/3586435/398 ... ume01.html

it's Barbsicles updated version to include colored images.

Right now the problem we're experiencing is how to get a black page in there. no text, no images. it seems to replace the blank page with the prologue again, and we're not sure why quite yet....^_^

But just how realistic does this look???
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Re: Poll on Final Distribution Options for S&W

Post by TheGiftedMonkey »

Looks great except for the fact that it is too small for me to read comfortably. :| I run a 1920x1200 resolution setting so not being able to resize the text kinda hurts the eyes.

Other than the size, the eBook idea is pretty awesome. 8)
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Re: Poll on Final Distribution Options for S&W

Post by Krikit »

Okay, so text resize is the main issue to work on, with the icon to show where to click to turn the page.

With those, what do you think??
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Re: Poll on Final Distribution Options for S&W

Post by onizuka-gto »

just a question, did you include the Baka-Tsuki disclaimer in all your released file format?

"Please note, we have added a consequence for failure.Any contact with the chamber floor will result in an unsatisfactory mark on your official test record, followed by death. Good luck."

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Re: Poll on Final Distribution Options for S&W

Post by TheGiftedMonkey »

Oni brought up a good point. Make sure in the final release versions they include the disclaimer/credits. Check the Haruhi PDFs and you should get a good idea of what to put in.

I honestly don't think a page turn icon is needed. Once a reader figures out they just have to click the corner that'd be it. All I would suggest is a way to resize the text. It would probably be easiest to do by giving buttons that dictate the flash screen's dimensions. Only problem is, would the images change dimensions along with the flash window? It's been a while since I've worked with flash. :?
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Re: Poll on Final Distribution Options for S&W

Post by Krikit »

hmmm....not sure about the dimension thing, we're still working out the kinks of having pages repeat when there are blank spaces. However, we figure out that an image can solve those problems, so if it's okay.....we stole the B-T image girl on the main wiki, you know, the one with the hair ribon, round arms, browinish hair, top left...with the "Baka-Tsuki" written over her...^_^

As for the disclaimer, yes. We do have those, currently they aren't in tho as we're saving space trying to figure out how to get them to work, so that there are faster downloads and smaller file sizes. But yes, we do have the copyright disclaimer, promise of removal upon holders request, the works. as well as the translators/editors, have it all =)

just it's not up yet as this isn't any where near being ready for release =)

(for one we actually have to finish a volume...haha)

But yeah, don't worry. disclaimer will be put in =)
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Re: Poll on Final Distribution Options for S&W

Post by TheGiftedMonkey »

Haha That's an image of Haruhi in all her Baka'ness.

Not many people use high resolutions like 1920x1200 so the size issue isn't that big of a problem. I wouldn't worry about it just yet and just focus on getting the thing working. :P
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Re: Poll on Final Distribution Options for S&W

Post by barbsicle »

for the record. i have learnt basic flash and action scripting in 1 (one) day.

so now i bring to you my updated work, including front and back covers, color illustrations, excerpts from the prologue and chapter 1 as well as a b&w 1-shot of our lovely Horo.

i shall update seaghyn's post with the file. this should be in accordance to the quality, performance, and non-error format we are aiming for. i apologize for the many delays. seaghyn got so excited that he had to post before i could solve all the bugs and stuff (yes forgive me and read the first line of my post to once again understand why). well, no more babbling. here it is:

http://www.2shared.com/file/3587453/41d ... 01_v2.html

i think seaghyn has given enough background on why we decided to go into this. i do admit that a pdf gives more accessibility to editors and the like. pdfs are also very flexible and the format more widely used. most of us know about flash but few have the standalone flash player unless you use flash yourself. it is usually incorporated into the browser. i've also received comments that the corners cannot be seen when using the browser due to the resolution being smaller. yes indeed that is true, therefore i am aiming at working on convenience and style issues like borders as well as introducing a background (i would prefer this over borders) for extra viewing pleasure.

as far as this is concerned, i have also noted one or two repercussions:
1) image sizes are defined to 1 resolution. any pages not fitting the resolution will either be cropped or won't even show.
2) the format. swf's are most easily viewed with browsers. however i have seen standalone .exe's that carry out such animation. i am also hoping to implement this. however, the difficult part will be getting people to believe the .exe is virus-free. standalone executables usually spell virus, so i am hoping not to run into that.

other than that, when i flip the pages, i think to myself: "what a wonderful work, i wonder who created it" before later realizing and slapping my forehead that it was none other than myself.

as seaghyn said, i do encourage all of you to look at it. but already doing it gives me a sense of acomplishment i've never felt before. it's like a breakthrough in distro, so to speak. haha. well enough of my talk. let's all consider carefully and make the final distro a quality and Baka-Tsuki branded one!

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Re: Poll on Final Distribution Options for S&W

Post by Krikit »

YES! /bow to your one day learning of flash...this really is too awesome. It really is...S&W Forever ^_^

I also see you got the front cover problem worked out, as it doesn't repeat this time, same with the back. I love it, really do. I downloaded swiff player to view it, and it works very well. The eBook is just like the real novel...For those of those that think they can understand a japanese light novel by downloading a pdf version of a work, that's nothing in comparison to this =)

Barbsicle, I have no idea how you did this, I really don't......all I did was cheer from the sidelines. I feel so useless...have to go edit something =). But seriously, this, to me, really does beat the pdf versions. It's absolutely awesome...and beyond that, I think you did a stellar job in organizing layout, format, etc. With this setup, it's easy to see this book go from front cover to back cover now, and I'm really excited.

TGM, what do you think of the larger font? I actually like the way it displays on my computer, but I'm running a smaller resolution. MUCH smaller.

Barb, it's easier to see the borders and where to click now, but maybe that's just because I know where to go.....^_^

It's awesome, going to go flip through the pages again and again and again and again and again ^_^
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Re: Poll on Final Distribution Options for S&W

Post by barbsicle »

@TGM: oh yeah i forgot to mention. i have really no clue if there is a way to scale text size. due to the repercussion being only 1 standard image dimension, if i were to do a larger resolution i would have to start over from page 1. however, i do feel that twice the size might not hurt (802x1200 per page). if all goes well maybe i'll do 1 for that too.

but for the while the releasing stops here. translating comes first and i believe my latest release is more than enough as a showcase on what the eBook is capable of and therefore (i feel) a very formidable opponent against the pdf. so yeah. i'm still very open to suggestions, which i will work on in between my translating, so all are welcome to comment.


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