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Re: Mismarca Koukoku Monogatari ミスマルカ興国物語 (high difficultly)

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 7:36 pm
by mystichead
haha if this thing actually occurs ill be crying happily.....i have to cut down on my manga/novels/games/anime almost completely since school is strting again and it being hard while doing a almost fulltime job...
this is among the few things if its present ill keep there is my "moral and polling support"

Re: Mismarca Koukoku Monogatari ミスマルカ興国物語 (high difficultly)

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 10:45 pm
by aYsiEn
At first i'm wondering why it called High Difficulty, after i saw the cover now i'm understand.

I'm Agree if you say it's High Difficulty to translate, The hero it self is Super Power Character who want unite all country without force.

It contain a lot of SF term because it have bit Post Apocalypse setting, It also have Magic Term like typical Fantasy Novel, and also have Social Knowledge Term in this case Politics, Negotiation, and Market.

Even it have europe like kingdom setting, i don't think that there is anyone who mentally prepared to translate this series.

Re: Mismarca Koukoku Monogatari ミスマルカ興国物語 (high difficultly)

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 12:05 am
by Chia
exactly, the series is all about politics and countries warfare stuff so difficult terms will make the light novel more of an headache to translate but i hope someone will pick up if they are metally prepared somehow.

Re: Mismarca Koukoku Monogatari ミスマルカ興国物語 (high difficultly)

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:40 pm
by gaouw
i agree...

this series seems like another type of code geass-esque series (in the sense that the main protagonist want to rule everything by brain)

as such, it will be hard to translate.

however, it makes translating it will be a certain honor to those that do.

besides, this series is such a good one that not spreading it to the world would be a sin..

just my two cent....

Re: Mismarca Koukoku Monogatari ミスマルカ興国物語 (high difficultly)

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 11:46 pm
by gaouw
i've reread the manga, and i read the spoiler and whatsit for the later vol of the LN.

it shocked me that the lighthearted-esque atmosphere turned into a significantly darker one in the later volume.

as such, i really really really liked to read this ln translated.

too bad i can't read it in raws...

Re: Mismarca Koukoku Monogatari ミスマルカ興国物語 (high difficultly)

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 11:20 pm
by roninenix
With the amount of votes for Yes, will this project be green lighted for translation?

Re: Mismarca Koukoku Monogatari ミスマルカ興国物語 (high difficultly)

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 1:38 am
by Code-Zero
roninenix wrote:With the amount of votes for Yes, will this project be green lighted for translation?
It depends on whether there are people willing to translate it.

I found a old translation I did in my USB.
Spoiler! :
Volume 1 Chapter 1
At the continent.


To the North lies the Republic of Zebrum which has the policy of equality between humans and demons.


To the South lies the Granmarcel with the policy of demons standing above humans.

“Prince Mahiro, where are you?”

At the location between these two powerful countries called the midfield, there was a small country which was smaller than a city. The name of that country which would later tremble the whole continent in fear is called Mismarca. Right now, it is simply a really small country where people lived peacefully.


This place is the castle of that country. And the name of the girl who has been going around looking for the Prince since a while ago is Pariel Karaizel. She is a rookie Imperial Guard who is 18 years old.

“Haa……haa….. He’s not here either……”

She is covered in sweats due to searching through the castle, and her throat is dried up even after releasing her voice. Like always, he disappeared off to somewhere.

She gradually started to get mad.

“Come out at once, you foolish Prince!”

Her voice simply echoed loud and clear through the huge corridor. When she turned around when she thought someone opened the door, they were just merely soldiers and workers.

“Haa…..haa…… I will just have to take this method then.”

Pariel takes a big breath once again.

“Prince, please make love to me!”

“Yes, my honey!! ……Oh, it’s just Pariel.”

This young boy with black hair who suddenly appeared from somewhere is none other than the next successor of the Kingdom of Mismarca, Mahiro Yukillsneak Edenfalt. 15 years old.

“Where did you pop out from!? If you heard me, please answer me from the beginning!”

“Geeze, making a voice of an adult, just who on earth do you think you are?”

“Ehm, you might be right about that.”

“Well, that’s not important right now. I am busy right now. I don’t have time to be toying around with a childs—“

“Stop right there, brat.”

Pariel pulled Prince’s cape.

“Your manner of speech sure does become bad sometimes……”

The Prince then touched her breast without a second thought.

“Just what……on earth……”

“Hmph. This. It’s only this much huh.”

Grope Grope.

“That’s why I call you a kid—“

“You fakkin Prince!”(←censored)


“Umm……, listen up, okay? Laying your hand on a royal family. In other countries, it would be a capital crime and you would be executed on the spot. Your crime would be serious, you know? Can you come to understand that……?”

To begin with, there aren’t any weird prince like this one in other countries, but Pariel is following and kept on bowing her head down to the Prince who has his neck bended in a weird shape.

“Yes, yes, I am very aware of that, so I’m sorry. I’m deeply sorry Prince……I just snapped……”

“Snapping is the method of criminals.”

“But, you know, I think that you, Prince, there is also something wrong with you who suddenly touched me like that……”

“Well. I am a Prince, right? Ahahaha, want to eat some frisk?”

“I’m fine, thank you very much!!”

His appearance. If it’s simply his appearance, he would look natural riding on a white horse, but not only among the soldiers, workers, and the maids of this castle, but his foolishness is known through out this land.

Mahiro turned around while putting away a rectangular shaped tablet.

“Now, what did you want from me again?”

“U-Umm, oh yes, the King is calling for you at the audience room.”

“What? Father did? I don’t need to go. He’s just going to preach me again.”

Pariel truly found it mysterious of what kind of raising method do you need to make a weird Prince like this.

“You won’t be able to do that…… He isn’t just a normal father, but a King.”

“But, you know? Father is terrifying when he gets mad.”

“No. That’s the same in every family. Whether or not you are royal family.”

“Ah, I don’t feel like it. Maybe I should run for it. Yanpi-conpi.”

“What language is that? Now, let’s get going. Or else I will be the one receiving his anger. Now, keep on moving.”

Pariel walked while pushing Mahiro’s back.

“Who cares whether you get yelled at by him? In the long time of our life, there will be days when you encounter such incidents. You can just have a refresh start from the next day, you know?”

“Do you want me to say the same thing to you!?”

“You cannot. I have a fragile heart, so I would die if I get yelled at.”

“The same goes for me, so keep on walking. Also fix the shape of your neck! Your crown is also bended!”

“That’s because you hit me……ouch! My neck! Aggh……!”

When they arrived at the audience room, basically everyone was present such as the major people supporting this country while the King sat at the deepest part of the room on his throne. Pariel separated from the Prince, and she lined up in the farthest end of the row, closest to the door. Even though she’s a newbie, it had been already a year since she served this castle. It’s not like it’s her first time standing in a situation like this, but the atmosphere in this room was different from usual.

(Did something happen……?)

The air in this room somehow felt heavy. Her skin is itching.

“You are late, Mahiro.”

The voice that belonged to the King who is sitting on his throne from rich gold carried dignity, and that alone echoed well and clear through the audience room. The King was a kind that is called “demons”.

“Well, a lot happed. So what business do you have with me, father?”

“There is one thing. The are probably those in this room who knows about it already, but listen well. Last night, the empire……Granmarcel resumed their invasion.”

That instant, panic arises within the retainers.

They advocate the principle of demons, and by using the overwhelming strength of demons and by using the quantity of man power and labour of humankind, they took control of half of the southern area of this continent within 20 years after the establishment of its country. They were a luxurious country with demon standing at the top.

Currently, in order to protect their lands that has expanded from the monsters, things like their army and supplies have separated, therefore it was thought their mass invasion won’t happen ever again……

(There will be war——)


With the King’s word, Pariel along with the others returned back to their senses. It became very quiet.

“I understand how uneasy all of you feel. However, if we agitate, then the people will also agitate. What can possibly happen by spreading fear. From here, in order to start the conference of what must be done as part of the anti-Empire alliance, I must head to the Republic of Zebrum. For that reason……”

The King stopped his sentence for a moment.

“During my absence, Mahiro, I will leave you in charge.”

Unsettled voices arose once again. However, Mahiro looked down as if he was afraid to look into his father’s eyes.

“……Father. This is……too much of a burden for me……”

“Do not fear. No one is thinking of having you fight in a war. Even if its invasion, the Empire hasn’t moved yet. Then in a month or half a month or so…… For the huge army such as the Empire to officially take their action, that much time would still be needed. Five days. At the latest, I will return in a week. Until then, I’m saying that I will leave you in charge.”



The Prince draws back at King’s voice which was more strict than usual.

“It’s still fine right now. But in this continent from now onwards, there will definitely be war that is far greater than anything in the past. During that time, we don’t know what will happen to me at any time and places. At that time, you would have to shoulder this country.”


“You can leave the war to the general. You can leave the political issues to the minster. However, the one who must stand at the top of this country always needs to be us, the Royal family. You understand that don’t you, Mahiro?”

Mahiro looked down with a painful expression.

“I understand but……”

“Even I know how you are thought off, both within and outside of this country. But that does not matter. The problem is how you feel inside. There’s no reason for you to be drawn back by such nonsense. If you change, then your rumours will also change into a reputation. Why do you not understand that?”

The King shook his head lightly once.

“No, from now on, we need you to change. The Royal family will merely be clown if we can’t have the people to believe in us. In other words, it is the duty of the King to have the people believe in them. So I am saying that I will give you this opportunity.”

Mahiro gets drawn back at the King’s gaze……and can only stay silent. Seeing his son in that state, the King closed his eyes once and sighed.

“It’s only for several days, so if you are not going to do anything, than that may be okay. But if you show remarkable leadership during those several days without putting shame in the title of the King, and if you can even gain a bit of trust from the people……then I am thinking of returning your power that has been sealed back to you.”

Mahiro who was looking down looked up as if he didn’t anticipate this.

“Is……that true, father?”

“Your power as a Demon was too great. For that reason we had it sealed when you were young. But if you are someone who has the vessel of being a king……then it won’t be a problem.”

Since the King is a Demon, his son Mahiro would obviously be a Demon as well. But the story just now was something new to Pariel. Since it was sealed…….it means that Mahiro……had an overwhelming demonic-power within him where……even the King and average magicians within the castle couldn’t control.

“……I understand.”

Mahiro said.

“In behalf of father, I will show you maintain control of this country.”

His back was straightened.

Pariel who had seen this side of Prince for the first time who she had been serving felt naturally good. And this would definitely apply the same to those within this place and castle who had known him very well.
I dont have the time to translate now, but just added the bit of translation if anyone is interested in it.

Re: Mismarca Koukoku Monogatari ミスマルカ興国物語 (high difficultly)

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 7:32 pm
by Cthaeh
Fyi, there is a post on CE Translation indicating that a new translator will be picking up the translation (J->E despite the website's name). There is not currently any translated content beyond a little image text, and the translator said they likely wouldn't be able to start for the next three weeks.

I don't personally know too much about the series, but I've seen various posts of people saying that it's a good and lamenting that it likely won't be translated due a high level of difficulty. So I'll likely check it out once there's some translations posted.

Re: Mismarca Koukoku Monogatari ミスマルカ興国物語 (high difficultly)

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 3:30 pm
by Kiydon
This IS a headache to translate, but really, it's quite enjoyable. If nothing else, the difficulty forces me to learn a lot more words, so it's useful I guess. I'll just be trying to struggle through it until the style and the words become more familiar to me.

Re: Mismarca Koukoku Monogatari ミスマルカ興国物語 (high difficultly)

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:04 pm
by Tenzai
It's been a while but im crossing thumbs that a translator descends from heaven and takes over for this project >.< anyways i have loved the mange since i first read it and just hope that i might get to read more about this very interesting and awesome novel. ill be sure to search for this when i am in japan :)

Re: Mismarca Koukoku Monogatari ミスマルカ興国物語 (high difficultly)

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 1:07 pm
by Darklor
Code-Zero wrote:

I found a old translation I did in my USB.

I dont have the time to translate now, but just added the bit of translation if anyone is interested in it.
Would it be ok if someone would create a teaser project with your translation?

Mismarca Koukoku Monogatari (teaser included)

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 10:14 pm
by Darklor
This is the feed back thread for Mismarca Koukoku Monogatari.
Please tell us what you think of it.
Code-Zero wrote:
I found a old translation I did in my USB.
Spoiler! :
Volume 1 Chapter 1
At the continent.


To the North lies the Republic of Zebrum which has the policy of equality between humans and demons.


To the South lies the Granmarcel with the policy of demons standing above humans.

“Prince Mahiro, where are you?”

At the location between these two powerful countries called the midfield, there was a small country which was smaller than a city. The name of that country which would later tremble the whole continent in fear is called Mismarca. Right now, it is simply a really small country where people lived peacefully.


This place is the castle of that country. And the name of the girl who has been going around looking for the Prince since a while ago is Pariel Karaizel. She is a rookie Imperial Guard who is 18 years old.

“Haa……haa….. He’s not here either……”

She is covered in sweats due to searching through the castle, and her throat is dried up even after releasing her voice. Like always, he disappeared off to somewhere.

She gradually started to get mad.

“Come out at once, you foolish Prince!”

Her voice simply echoed loud and clear through the huge corridor. When she turned around when she thought someone opened the door, they were just merely soldiers and workers.

“Haa…..haa…… I will just have to take this method then.”

Pariel takes a big breath once again.

“Prince, please make love to me!”

“Yes, my honey!! ……Oh, it’s just Pariel.”

This young boy with black hair who suddenly appeared from somewhere is none other than the next successor of the Kingdom of Mismarca, Mahiro Yukillsneak Edenfalt. 15 years old.

“Where did you pop out from!? If you heard me, please answer me from the beginning!”

“Geeze, making a voice of an adult, just who on earth do you think you are?”

“Ehm, you might be right about that.”

“Well, that’s not important right now. I am busy right now. I don’t have time to be toying around with a childs—“

“Stop right there, brat.”

Pariel pulled Prince’s cape.

“Your manner of speech sure does become bad sometimes……”

The Prince then touched her breast without a second thought.

“Just what……on earth……”

“Hmph. This. It’s only this much huh.”

Grope Grope.

“That’s why I call you a kid—“

“You fakkin Prince!”(←censored)


“Umm……, listen up, okay? Laying your hand on a royal family. In other countries, it would be a capital crime and you would be executed on the spot. Your crime would be serious, you know? Can you come to understand that……?”

To begin with, there aren’t any weird prince like this one in other countries, but Pariel is following and kept on bowing her head down to the Prince who has his neck bended in a weird shape.

“Yes, yes, I am very aware of that, so I’m sorry. I’m deeply sorry Prince……I just snapped……”

“Snapping is the method of criminals.”

“But, you know, I think that you, Prince, there is also something wrong with you who suddenly touched me like that……”

“Well. I am a Prince, right? Ahahaha, want to eat some frisk?”

“I’m fine, thank you very much!!”

His appearance. If it’s simply his appearance, he would look natural riding on a white horse, but not only among the soldiers, workers, and the maids of this castle, but his foolishness is known through out this land.

Mahiro turned around while putting away a rectangular shaped tablet.

“Now, what did you want from me again?”

“U-Umm, oh yes, the King is calling for you at the audience room.”

“What? Father did? I don’t need to go. He’s just going to preach me again.”

Pariel truly found it mysterious of what kind of raising method do you need to make a weird Prince like this.

“You won’t be able to do that…… He isn’t just a normal father, but a King.”

“But, you know? Father is terrifying when he gets mad.”

“No. That’s the same in every family. Whether or not you are royal family.”

“Ah, I don’t feel like it. Maybe I should run for it. Yanpi-conpi.”

“What language is that? Now, let’s get going. Or else I will be the one receiving his anger. Now, keep on moving.”

Pariel walked while pushing Mahiro’s back.

“Who cares whether you get yelled at by him? In the long time of our life, there will be days when you encounter such incidents. You can just have a refresh start from the next day, you know?”

“Do you want me to say the same thing to you!?”

“You cannot. I have a fragile heart, so I would die if I get yelled at.”

“The same goes for me, so keep on walking. Also fix the shape of your neck! Your crown is also bended!”

“That’s because you hit me……ouch! My neck! Aggh……!”

When they arrived at the audience room, basically everyone was present such as the major people supporting this country while the King sat at the deepest part of the room on his throne. Pariel separated from the Prince, and she lined up in the farthest end of the row, closest to the door. Even though she’s a newbie, it had been already a year since she served this castle. It’s not like it’s her first time standing in a situation like this, but the atmosphere in this room was different from usual.

(Did something happen……?)

The air in this room somehow felt heavy. Her skin is itching.

“You are late, Mahiro.”

The voice that belonged to the King who is sitting on his throne from rich gold carried dignity, and that alone echoed well and clear through the audience room. The King was a kind that is called “demons”.

“Well, a lot happed. So what business do you have with me, father?”

“There is one thing. The are probably those in this room who knows about it already, but listen well. Last night, the empire……Granmarcel resumed their invasion.”

That instant, panic arises within the retainers.

They advocate the principle of demons, and by using the overwhelming strength of demons and by using the quantity of man power and labour of humankind, they took control of half of the southern area of this continent within 20 years after the establishment of its country. They were a luxurious country with demon standing at the top.

Currently, in order to protect their lands that has expanded from the monsters, things like their army and supplies have separated, therefore it was thought their mass invasion won’t happen ever again……

(There will be war——)


With the King’s word, Pariel along with the others returned back to their senses. It became very quiet.

“I understand how uneasy all of you feel. However, if we agitate, then the people will also agitate. What can possibly happen by spreading fear. From here, in order to start the conference of what must be done as part of the anti-Empire alliance, I must head to the Republic of Zebrum. For that reason……”

The King stopped his sentence for a moment.

“During my absence, Mahiro, I will leave you in charge.”

Unsettled voices arose once again. However, Mahiro looked down as if he was afraid to look into his father’s eyes.

“……Father. This is……too much of a burden for me……”

“Do not fear. No one is thinking of having you fight in a war. Even if its invasion, the Empire hasn’t moved yet. Then in a month or half a month or so…… For the huge army such as the Empire to officially take their action, that much time would still be needed. Five days. At the latest, I will return in a week. Until then, I’m saying that I will leave you in charge.”



The Prince draws back at King’s voice which was more strict than usual.

“It’s still fine right now. But in this continent from now onwards, there will definitely be war that is far greater than anything in the past. During that time, we don’t know what will happen to me at any time and places. At that time, you would have to shoulder this country.”


“You can leave the war to the general. You can leave the political issues to the minster. However, the one who must stand at the top of this country always needs to be us, the Royal family. You understand that don’t you, Mahiro?”

Mahiro looked down with a painful expression.

“I understand but……”

“Even I know how you are thought off, both within and outside of this country. But that does not matter. The problem is how you feel inside. There’s no reason for you to be drawn back by such nonsense. If you change, then your rumours will also change into a reputation. Why do you not understand that?”

The King shook his head lightly once.

“No, from now on, we need you to change. The Royal family will merely be clown if we can’t have the people to believe in us. In other words, it is the duty of the King to have the people believe in them. So I am saying that I will give you this opportunity.”

Mahiro gets drawn back at the King’s gaze……and can only stay silent. Seeing his son in that state, the King closed his eyes once and sighed.

“It’s only for several days, so if you are not going to do anything, than that may be okay. But if you show remarkable leadership during those several days without putting shame in the title of the King, and if you can even gain a bit of trust from the people……then I am thinking of returning your power that has been sealed back to you.”

Mahiro who was looking down looked up as if he didn’t anticipate this.

“Is……that true, father?”

“Your power as a Demon was too great. For that reason we had it sealed when you were young. But if you are someone who has the vessel of being a king……then it won’t be a problem.”

Since the King is a Demon, his son Mahiro would obviously be a Demon as well. But the story just now was something new to Pariel. Since it was sealed…….it means that Mahiro……had an overwhelming demonic-power within him where……even the King and average magicians within the castle couldn’t control.

“……I understand.”

Mahiro said.

“In behalf of father, I will show you maintain control of this country.”

His back was straightened.

Pariel who had seen this side of Prince for the first time who she had been serving felt naturally good. And this would definitely apply the same to those within this place and castle who had known him very well.
I dont have the time to translate now, but just added the bit of translation if anyone is interested in it.

Re: Mismarca Koukoku Monogatari (teaser included)

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 4:39 am
by cramped
This LN is being translated at CE.

Re: Mismarca Koukoku Monogatari ミスマルカ興国物語 (high difficultly)

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:07 pm
by Lord Lucifer
I have the prologue of Volume 8 translated if someone wants to make a teaser project page. People weren't kidding when they said this is a high-difficulty novel though lol.

Re: Mismarca Koukoku Monogatari ミスマルカ興国物語 (high difficultly)

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 10:03 pm
by Code-Zero
Darklor wrote:
Code-Zero wrote:

I found a old translation I did in my USB.

I dont have the time to translate now, but just added the bit of translation if anyone is interested in it.
Would it be ok if someone would create a teaser project with your translation?
Sorry for the late reply. CE translation has already started translating this series so yeah Im not sure if anyone is interested in starting the actual translation on BT.
Lord Lucifer wrote:I have the prologue of Volume 8 translated if someone wants to make a teaser project page. People weren't kidding when they said this is a high-difficulty novel though lol.
To be honest, I dont think we need an actual project page on BT wiki yet. You might want to upload the teaser translation on the "teaser feedback" page Darklor created. Just post it on the link below.