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Re: Chrome Shelled Regios - Names and Terminology Guidelines

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 4:05 am
by Darklor

Re: Chrome Shelled Regios - Names and Terminology Guidelines

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 2:41 pm
by xstar
KK, starting on list clean up.

Re: Chrome Shelled Regios - Names and Terminology Guidelines

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:24 pm
by blewin
thanks Darklor.
xstar wrote:
blewin wrote:well, looking at how the new names aren't all too different to the old ones and so wouldn't cause any confusion whatsoever, I'd say go with the new names. They look neater anyway. BTW, what's the name for Layfon's Psyharden Dite besides the "Katana"?

I've "Feuda" the name here for Nina's roommate....

Who's Rin?
Layfon's Katana is an Iron Dite (アイアンダイト).

Nina's roommates' names should be Selina and Leu. What probably happened was someone saw レウだ (reu-da) written. The first two characters are written in katakana, denoting her name. The third character is the plain form of the word meaning 'is', which the Japanese throw in at the end of almost every sentence that doesn't already have a verb. That person misread it and went with it. I haven't come across anything different as far as the third roommate's name, including the family name, but I'll keep searching. Oh and btw, the name you mentioned would be written as フェウダ BTW. If you're looking through the japanese text for that name to confirm, that would be the closest thing.

Rin-chan is the same as Leerin. Rin-chan is just the name Meishen's group gave her when they first meet her.

Edit: Just noticed something when I went to add Alsheyra's alias to the list. Her name doesn't match the Japanese. The text is シノーラ・アレイスラ which reads:
Shino-ra Areisura. Synola Aleisla? Aleisler? What do you guys think?
Aleisla or Aleisler.... all pronounced the same. Whichever spelling you prefer I guess.

Re: Chrome Shelled Regios - Names and Terminology Guidelines

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:50 pm
by Darklor

Re: Chrome Shelled Regios - Names and Terminology Guidelines

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:47 am
by Haze
Orz. Thanks Heaps everyone. I can now translate my chap in peace.

I assume you still have no idea as to what those bloodline thingo's are?

I guess I'll just translate literally and see how the rest goes.

Re: Chrome Shelled Regios - Names and Terminology Guidelines

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 9:38 am
by KieR
Well I had checked that list and Sacredus TL and I asked him about it (because he from 1st Vol. is using different names). He said he is using names that appeared somewhere on screen in CSR anime... so it's Dalsiena-che-Matelna "Siena", Mayshen Torinden "Maycchi" and Glendan. I just want to ask can he use them further or we should change them?

Listtle sugestion from me:
Derek Psyharden > Deruk - old one sounds beter

Screen to prove ;)
#Mayshen Torinden, not Meishen Trinden

More screens latter ;)

Re: Chrome Shelled Regios - Names and Terminology Guidelines

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:13 pm
by Kadi
Umm... I'm just wondering, but the list is rather spoiler-ish, with Shena and Naruki listed as members of the 17th platoon. You might want to consider listing them among their "original" groups (or only there, in Shena's case)? For translators, it shouldn't make too much of a difference anyway since they should be familiar with the whole story and all the characters. Alternatively, add a spoiler-warning at the top, but I doubt curious people will care and still secretly blame you ^^. [This is especially about the wiki, where people might snoop around]

On which names to use (personal opionion only):

Shena > Siena imo. Way easier to pronounce, at least.
Trinden > Torinden, Torinden is weird.
Mayshen, Meishen, don't care. Mayshen sounds a little bit cooler, but that doesn't fit her personality and it's more work on top of that... Still, don't care.
Grendan >>> Glendan
Deruk/Derek... Don't know. Got used to Deruk or Derk a long time ago, so I don't want to judge this one.

Once again, personal opinion only. Use the feedback as you like.

Re: Chrome Shelled Regios - Names and Terminology Guidelines

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:25 pm
by xstar
KieR wrote:Well I had checked that list and Sacredus TL and I asked him about it (because he from 1st Vol. is using different names). He said he is using names that appeared somewhere on screen in CSR anime... so it's Dalsiena-che-Matelna "Siena", Mayshen Torinden "Maycchi" and Glendan. I just want to ask can he use them further or we should change them?

Listtle sugestion from me:
Derek Psyharden > Deruk - old one sounds beter

Screen to prove ;)
#Mayshen Torinden, not Meishen Trinden
More screens latter ;)
As far as the names go, I cross referenced the names with names of different languages that appeared to have roots in. Meishen (メイシェン) is definitely not a European name. It should have roots in Chinese in fact. As far as the transliterations go, I try to go with more language appropriate spellings rather than following the romaji conversion.

You also have to realize something about the anime. The anime's production team had the rights, but not necessarily the guidance of Amagi when producing the adaptation. Most anime don't in fact. So the text on the screen shots could potentially be wrong.

okay I'll go more in depth at why I wouldn't use those suggestions.
Dalsiena: The original name is pronounced Dal-Shay-Na(ダルシェナ). The Japanese have an ie homologue normally in use. If the author wanted to write is as Dalsiena he would have wrote it as (ダルシエナ) without the subscripted e. By making the character subscripted, it entails a replacement of vowels going from Shi to She- by conventional Japanese.
Torinden: Why would you even stick the o into a name that already exists? There are scientists in peer reviewed publications with that name.
Glendan: I just kept what's spelled on in the Japanese text considering it was meant to have no meaning and no origin (like Zuellni).
Deruk: I actually came across this issue in my Japanese class when I was taking it. When they were going over Katakana, a friend of mine wrote his name down as the transliterated form of Derek in Japanese (syllable for syllable), however when my professor went over each name she had adjusted the name to deruk transliterated.

Re: Chrome Shelled Regios - Names and Terminology Guidelines

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:08 am
by xstar
I came across a name I didn't recognize while translating. It reads along the lines of Hatoshia (ハトシア). Anyone know where this name originates and which chapter I can find it in? I'm kinda missing some context on it.

Re: Chrome Shelled Regios - Names and Terminology Guidelines

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 5:31 pm
by blewin
I've never come across that name before. Can it be a new character?

Re: Chrome Shelled Regios - Names and Terminology Guidelines

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 3:17 pm
by blewin
While editing the latest chapter, I came across the other two Dites that Layfon uses most often: Adamandite and Shimu Adamandite. What's the gem for them?

Re: Chrome Shelled Regios - Names and Terminology Guidelines

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 4:10 pm
by xstar
blewin wrote:While editing the latest chapter, I came across the other two Dites that Layfon uses most often: Adamandite and Shimu Adamandite. What's the gem for them?
The Adaman that they're referring to is the legendary metal, Adamant (also commonly referred to as adamantium, adamantine, adamantite, etc). Also, Shimu refers to the word Shim meaning a piece of wedged or tapered material used as a space filler. So if you looked at it from the tip to the hilt, it looks like a massive, really long triangle.

I suggest going with Adamantine Dite considering Adamantine denotes a quality rather than just material and is easier to say and work with. What do you guys think?

oh and BTW,
Adaman Dite (アダマンダイト)
Shim Adaman Dite (シム・アダマンダイト)

Re: Chrome Shelled Regios - Names and Terminology Guidelines

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 4:30 pm
by Darklor
I would say Adamantium Dite (like those other *ium Dites) - Arent the Shim and the normal Adamantium Dite the same? So that it is just referring to the look of the Dite? Does the other Dites have also Shim versions?

Re: Chrome Shelled Regios - Names and Terminology Guidelines

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:46 pm
by blewin
I see. I prefer Darklor's version. Sounds more professional and mysterious. :mrgreen:

The Shim Dite isn't the same by look alone. It was made to accommodate a fault in the first Adamandite.

Re: Chrome Shelled Regios - Names and Terminology Guidelines

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 11:15 pm
by blewin
Can I get a consensus on which spelling to use so I can edit my chapter and send it to the editor?