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Re: Hagure Yūsha no Estetica

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 12:10 pm
by Gaibyou
Here is the rest of the prologue. Although it took me more time than I anticipated. Anyway I hope it is enough to make a teaser page with this much.
Part 2
Spoiler! :
Unlike the eastern and western parts of castle Erdia’s forest where temples and cemeteries was built, the northern part was left untouched. That is because the deepest part of the northern forest is considered a sacred ground. Thus there is no manmade road there are only natural paths between the trees. But even so the flora was growing as it pleased. If one is not careful enough it is easy to trip in the fallen trees, overgrown vines and ivies all around the forest.
---thirty minutes. Even though I’ve been running in a forest like that for thirty minutes already the number of presences behind me are not decreasing at all. They are serious about this. They really want to catch me.
While Akatsuki was thinking about what to do there was a voice above his head.
“Master Akatsuki, prepare yourself!”

Two maids fell from the sky. They held a long spear. They tried to attack me from both sides. Nonetheless I can’t be caught. How could I defeat them without causing damage?
Suddenly Akatsuki had an idea. He tried it right away.
Akatsuki narrowed himself and dodged the spears then when the maids landed and tried to turn towards him
For some reason both of them sat to the ground with red face. They realized they have been stripped.
“Well, well, what happened? Are you alright? “ Said Akatsuki with a sarcastic tone. There was a white piece of cloth in his hand. It was the panties these maids wore. He borrowed it in the split second they passed him.
“What? Did you sprain your legs? Let me see under your skirts for a little.”
“N- Noooooo!!”
The two maids run in panic.
“What can I say? It works like a charm.”
A bitter smile appeared on Akatsuki’s face. In the Divine Realm his master who taught him the Renkan Keikikou technique was the fist saint Granseiz. He was the user of the strongest martial art. Also he was the strongest perverted old man. For that reason Akatsuki not only learned how to use the body control technique Renkan Keikikou, but he also learned how to use it in a little—no in a quite perverted way. The rumor that the [Rogue hero likes women] is widespread through Areizard. Of course the maids know that as well. Akatsuki waved his hand towards the back of the fleeing maids, but a rope tied around his hand. There was a rope on his other hand holding his bag too.
“You can no longer escape, Master Akatsuki!’
“Come back with us to the castle peacefully.”
Two different maids appeared from the brush next to him. But Akatsuki stood firmly on the ground and put a little power on his hands pulling the rope.
With only that the two maids flew in the air. He used Renkan Keikikou. The girls like pulled by a mysterious power flew right in front of him. Then while still having the bag on his back he skillfully caught the girls by their waist, one on each of his shoulders.
“Oh, that ear looks tasty.”
He bit the ear softly of the maid on his left shoulder. With that he changed the chi inside her body. Her body shakes then fell to the ground. Renkan Keikikou has many uses. If you raise the chi in your body you can heighten your senses or make your body superhuman. And it can be used on others too. Akatsuki did that to the left maid. Her face was in ecstasy, her face was red it was quite erotic to be frank. Clearly a pleasant feeling filled her whole body. The other maid watching this tried to distance herself from Akatsuki by pushing him away. But he didn’t even flinch, the maid was the one pushed back instead. Then something was slipping through her uniform’s sleeve. It was her bra.
The maid crossed her arm over her chest like she was trying to hide her breasts from him. Akatsuki talked to her.
“Tell this to Walkyuria. It means me a lot that she tried to stop me.”
Then the maid bit her lips and disappeared in a brush. Akatsuki shrugged his shoulder then turned to the other maid whose chi was changed and sit powerlessly on the ground.
“I’m sorry… you will be able to move in thirty minutes. Please give this back to the other maid.”
He threw the bra towards her then started to run again.
It was only yesterday that Akatsuki defeated Galius the demon lord. After that he immediately returned to the royal town Erdia where a triumph party was held inviting the leaders of the alliance kingdoms who fought together with Sherfiido against the demon army. Then the dawn of the next day is the present. Akatsuki silently left the castle of Sherfiido at daybreak. To return to his own world. Since he thought he shouldn’t be in this world anymore. He mumbled while running.
“That was all good but…”
Apparently his plans were seen through by his friends who fought together with him. Zeks and Ruudye while reluctant to let him leave, saw him off. The problem is princess Risty. Akatsuki don’t understand what she is thinking.
Risty the talented mage was Akatsuki’s important partner. After they got over the same sadness that is losing Leon and reconciled, they formed a party with Zeks and Ruudye. The four of them traveled and fought together in the last few years to defeat the demon lord.
The hero who defeated the demon lord marries the princess and they live happily ever after. Indeed it wouldn’t be strange if it ended like that. It is completely possible that after they traveled all over the world risking their lives something special forms between them. To be precise there was a special feeling between Akatsuki and Risty. But they didn’t get together. The reason is that Risty had a lover she couldn’t forget. And Akatsuki also couldn’t forget that man. He was his first true friend after he was summoned to Aleizard. He was a hero among heroes. That is why Akatsuki fought as a rogue hero to the end. And that is why it didn’t took long for Risty to feel something special towards Akatsuki since she understood his feelings like they were her own. Just like the two of them getting attracted to each other sharing the same pain. Still they didn’t become lovers until the very end. And Risty wasn’t there to see him off. Zeks and Ruudye followed him. There is no way that Risty of all people wouldn’t realize his plans. That is why he thought that they ended like that. Then when he started to walk towards the northern forest where the <gate to another world> was. He was stopped by Sherfiido’s beautiful maids and head maid Walkyuria. Since they said they have a message from Risty he had to hear it. That is why.
“The hero who defeated the demon lord disappears the next day? Don’t kid with me! You should cool your head a little while being tied up!”
Even if they say that I can’t understand it so quickly. The moment Akatsuki tilts his head to the side. With a sharp metallic sound forty-four armed maids attacked him in unison.
“Then it turned out like this.”
Said as he stopped. A group of maids stood before Akatsuki blocking his way. Looks like they decided that two or three of them wouldn’t stand a chance against him. So this time they are ten at once. It is quite a sight to see them forming a straight line. Akatsuki let out a sigh.
“I suppose you don’t want to back out. Well… I guessed so. It is not easy to let go. Memories that is.”
Still that can be said about him too. Thus Akatsuki started to walk. And this was his last warning.
“If you still try to get in my way I’ll be a little brute --- don’t think badly of me, okay!”
Part 3
Spoiler! :
“Unit Alpha was broken through! The other units can’t surround him in time!”
“Unit Omega can you hear me? Unit Omega! – It’s no use there is no response!”
The head maid Walkyuria closed her eyes and listened her subordinates scream like reports without moving an inch. Walkyuria and her unit is further in the forest as Akatsuki’s current position. Her objective is to capture him. If that is the case then intercepting has a higher chance of success then pursuit. Thus she used the first attackers to tie him down while she got a start on. She formed small units in perfect positions to surround and capture Akatsuki--- that was her plan. But he can’t be stopped. He is not even trying to evade the maids surrounding him. Instead he is fighting them head on and cutting his way forward. And he still has time to grope the breast, stroke the butts and touch the tights of the maids in the commotion while using Renkan Keikikou to enrapture them.
“Walkyuria if this goes on…”
We all fall—after hearing her subordinate stop her sentence Walkyuria silently opened her eyes at least.
“It can’t be helped. You should go too… I’ll stay here.”
Walkyuria’s orders were transmitted to the units via communication magic used by three of her most trusted subordinates out of the forty-three standing under Walkyuria’s direct command. They could use attack magic too but the northern forest is a sacred ground after all. They can’t destroy the forest. Therefore a lonely smile appeared on her face when Walkyuria saw that they still couldn’t give up.
“We already knew that there is nothing we can do to stop that man. Parting is only a matter of time now. Nonetheless Lady Risty gave us a last chance. That is why you must go. If you can’t stop him than at least get a last memory from Master Akatsuki.”
“Understood Walkyuria!”
“I hope Walkyuria can say farewell without regret.”
“Ee… thank you.”
Walkyuria silently watched as her subordinates started to run after saluting. Then closed her eyes again. For a second silence filled the northern forest. Then she heard her subordinates screaming. The screams started to close in little by little. Walkyuria flashed back. Five years ago what happened since she first met Akatsuki. Then a faint feeling started do well up from deep inside her hearth.
…I musn’t. Walkyuria’s cheek loosened a little as she was thinking. Then.
“Oh, you finally showed yourself, Walkyuria!”
A tall young man appeared from the bushes in front of her. It was Akatsuki. Uncombed hair reaching to his shoulders. Black clothes covering his robust body. They are all black like the night. His shining eyes were black as well.
There are two types of faces a woman likes. It is either nice looking or sharp looking. Akatsuki’s face was clearly the latter. His eyes are piercing and his face captured many women’s hearth. Audacious expression. Confidence and pride that is almost like conviction which gives birth to an appearance of allowance. He is strong. So much that it is obvious to anyone. Akatsuki had a unique presence that could stop someone’s breath. Walkyuria thought. He is a completely different person than five years ago when they first met. This must be what it means to turn from an ordinary boy to a hero. Walkyuria expressionlessly watched Akatsuki.
“Master Akatsuki please forgive me—you pervert! Do you want to make a legend of an evil spirit who attacks women in the northern forest?”
“If you say that then shouldn’t be the first the legend of maids who attacks travelers?”
“You say that but you looks unhurt to me--- was there anything inadequate in my subordinates?
“That is not possible. They are your subordinates. They all did their jobs until the very end.”
She bowed to him thankfully. Walkyuria had a nostalgic light in her eyes as she asked Akatsuki.
Please tell me!
“My subordinates… where those girls able to have Master Akatsuki to remember them?”
“Don’t let me say it. It is embarrassing.”
Akatsuki laughed then replied.
“I won’t forget. Not a single thing in this world.”
“Thank you. I’m sure the girls are happy to hear that.”
She called out his name and raised her spear then took a stance.
“Lastly---- would you please carve me into your heart?”

-- Then not long after the forest become silent again. It was Akatsuki who appeared from the bush. Probably there won’t be more maids coming after him. After he looked back one more time to carve Walkyuria’s memory to his hearth Akatsuki started to walk again. His goal is the sacred ground in the deepest part of the forest. There is the <gate to another world> leading to the world he used to live. There are a few gates in Aleizard that connect to different worlds. There are two in the religious Empire of Arekurasuta and in the Militarist Empire of Disdia. There are other gates too, seven altogether. But the gate he come through was the one in here Sherfiido. Thus to return to his own world Akatsuki has to use this gate.
“I didn’t think I would still remember.”
The path made by nature is labyrinthine. If someone unfamiliar with this place would enter by accident they would get lost for sure. But Akatsuki didn’t have any doubt. He relied on his memories from five years ago. Akatsuki had been here before. After a while Akatsuki noticed a great tree before him. That means his goal is close. The sacred ground lies beyond that tree. The <gate to another world> is about a kilometer from here. Then while walking his gaze went to the bottom of the giant tree.
A girl stood there. She was beautiful like a spirit of the forest. Those who saying that she is the treasure of Sherfiido are not lying at all. The one standing there was Risty El da Sherfiido.

The last time Akatsuki saw her was at the victory party hall yesterday. She wore an elaborately decorated shining dress worthy of a princess. But she can’t go to the forest in an outfit like that. Right now she is wearing white casual clothes. She made her waist long golden hair a ponytail. It is the same as she used when they travelled to defeat the demon lord. Her unchanging beauty is the same.
Risty noticed him. When they eyes met they recognized each other. Akatsuki continued to move forward while Risty stayed still. The distance between them decreases. They become closer and closer--- than Akatsuki passed her.
“--- He- Hey wait a minute!”
Probably she didn’t expect this. She called out to him in a hurried voice behind him. But he ignored her. Akatsuki continued to walk without saying a voice.
“Stupid. Wait! Stop joking and wait a little, hey…”
Finally he stopped and made a sight when she grabbed onto his arm. Without turning to her
“What are you doing for a princess to sneak out the castle? On top of it you even sent after me your maids.”
“Th- they said that they wanted to say farewell to you so I gave my permission. I… only came here to check up on them.”
After she said that she leaned her back against his wide back. While Akatsuki felt her weight Ritsy gave out a faint voice.
“Are you really leaving?”
“Aa, I should’t be in this world anymore. You should know that too.”
Risty couldn’t say anything since she understood what he was thinking. Even though he defeated the demon lord Garius, he is still a rogue hero. Of course there are people who praise Akatsuki as a real hero and wants him to marry Ritsy. But if she and Akatsuki who has opposition forces marry that would certainly lead to serious troubles later on which very well could cause Sherfiido to split. Even if they wouldn’t marry his influence as the hero who defeated the demon lord remains. Certainly there are peoples both domestic and foreign who don’t think well of him. It wouldn’t be strange if that would cause an another dispute. And this time it would be a war between humans. That is why Akatsuki decided. He will defeat the demon lord alone. Then he will bear all the praise, honor, regret, envy and disappear from this world. Aleizard will only than be at peace.
“Not to mention I have something to do in that world.”
There is no demon lord in the world he grew up, in Earth. But there is someone who must be stopped. And probably that is his job. Before coming to Aleizard he thought it was impossible. But it might be possible for him since he gained power. Also there is another reason for him to return to his world. That is why Akatsuki is here right now. Then…
“… forgive me!”
Suddenly he heard a wistful, faintly shaking voice coming from his back. He made a sigh unintentionally.
And I thought it would be the best to leave without saying a word.
Akatsuki scratched his head. Then he turned to Risty. He knew it is cheating. But when he looked closer tear flowed from Risty’s eyes. Thus he suddenly kissed her.
After seeing Risty widen her eyes in surprise Akatsuki closed his. Then tasted her soft lips to the fullest.
“---ha…wha- what are you doing?”
After she hastily moved her lips away from him Risty pulled Akatsuki’s face with full force.
“Because you cried in front of me… sorry.”
Akatsuki looked in her face while rubbing his face. Maybe from embarrassment or from anger but she reddened her face. But she isn’t crying anymore. Thus Akatsuki thought this is for the best.
Ousawa Akatsuki had an esthetic.
That is if there is a woman crying he can do as he wishes. This is what he thought. Always there must be a reason when a woman cries in front of a man. The man must never look away from those tears. Thus Ousawa Akatsuki felt he should be honest with his feelings at least in front of the women crying before him.
When a woman cries, if he wants to stop those tears Akatsuki would stop them immediately.
When a woman cries, if he holds those tears dear Akatsuki would hug her.
When a woman cries, if he thinks those tears just Akatsuki would leave her alone.
When a woman cries, if he feels those tears lying he would ask for the reason.
And he would do anything to accomplish that. It might be to forceful to call it esthetic. But sometimes in the world there are sad tears that must be stopped even by ignoring the woman’s feelings. Thus Akatsuki follows his beliefs. Hate me not your tears.
“—well this kiss was like a farewell present. Thank you.”
“Forcibly kissing a princess of a kingdom…you better remember this!”
“Unless you forget me I won’t forget you eiher.”
Risty unpleasantly raised her chin as Akatsuki said that to her with calm face.
“Don’t get the wrong idea! I’ll forget someone like you in no time!”
“Ah, really?”
Said Akatsuki as he lift his bag from the ground.
“—well it is time to say goodbye. I go this way and… you go that way.”
He pointed at the dimensional gate and Castle Erdia. They are in the opposite directions. Nevertheless those are the paths Akatsuki and Risty has to take.
“You don’t have to tell me that…”
Risty gave a snort.
“I feel relieved. Farewell, Akatsuki. I--- hated you.”
She said that much then turned her back to him and started to walk away. Akatsuki saw her off then when her as her figure getting smaller and smaller he suddenly called out to her. Those was his last words to her.
“Don’t forget what I said to you that day! If ever something happens call me! If you believe me I’ll definitely came for you.”
Risty stopped silently. That is why Akatsuki talked to her. No matter what happens in the future, even if they never met again. Even if they never meet again--- he had to tell her this unchanging truth.
“No matter how far we are—“
I swear to you.
“I’ll always be your ally. Never forget that, got it?!”
After Akatsuki parted with Risty he didn’t made a stop anymore.
The further I go the more I can feel the forest become unusually silent. The sound disappears from the world. And even though it is deep in the forest the scent of the trees, grass and flowers can’t be sense anymore. When the scent of the flora disappeared my vision and sense of touch started to sharpen. I had clear vision and I could feel the invisible air on my skin like my senses were stretched out. I’ve entered the sacred ground.
When he realized Akatsuki walked in a nature made tunnel of trees. The tree branches covering the top of the tunnel were high so it doesn’t feel cramped. Numerous leaves covered the sunlight completely. Yet it was so light as under the blue sky. Soft light flowed through the tunnel to the exit. It means the end of the tunnel is near. And not much further lies the goal of Akatsuki’s journey.
Well, at last. It was deeply moving sight. Right now there is gate in front of Akatsuki. On the stone pedestal there were a quartz pillars with decorated with geometric motives. These made up the giant gate. On the other side of the gate the forest still continued. But this was the <gate to another world> without a doubt. Because the space surrounded by the gate faintly fluctuated. It was a plane of discontinuity created by the dimensional instability. That proved that it connects to another world.
“I hope it will go alright.”
Akatsuki started to concentrate as he put the sack back on. This should work in theory. I’m going through.
Akatsuki slowly stepped in the gate. It was a firm step which moved him forward. Just before he stepped through the fluctuating space, Akatsuki turned back for the last time. That was his farewell. His last words to the world he spent so much time. He said it.
“Farewell, Areizard!”
Then Ousawa Akatsuki disappeared in the <gate to another world>. There was no sound. The sacred ground in the forest was silent like it was a lie that the hero departed. Still the only thing remained was the silent space fluctuation occurred when someone travels through the <gate to another world>.
Part 4
Spoiler! :
The wind strokes my cheek. Feeling comfortable Akatsuki slowly opened his eyes. His consciousness activated.
He gets up, slowly shakes his head trying to gather his sleepy thoughts. When Akatsuki woke up there was a blue light piercing the darkness. His eyelids were closed all the time causing his eyes to get used to the darkness so he woke up feeling the gentle light too bright. Then the wind blew again. Like something was guiding him Akatsuki turned his eyes there. There was a white lace curtain dancing in the wind blowing through the window. Outside the window he saw the night sky. The moon in the sky faintly lightens up the world filled with the silent night. Akatsuki watched the word lighten up by the moonlight. He sees this scenery since he was a kid. The asphalt and concrete filled town feels somewhat lifeless. Then he looked inside the room. It was dark but he knew this room. It was familiar scenery.
It looks like he came home. On top of his bed, Akatsuki was thinking about his returning from another world absent mindedly. There is a precise electric clock embedded inside the marble object from Miyano. It showed the same date and same time. It made Akatsuki’s think he had a long dream. But it wasn’t a dream. There is something lying down next to him. It was the large sack he carried on his back when he returned from Aleizard. Usually only those coming from another world can pass the <gate to another world>. But the Renkan Keikikou he learned allowed him to control the flow of chi. He covered his clothes and the sack with his chi. This made the gate to falsely recognize that his clothes and his bag are part of his body. Thus he succeeded to pass the <gate to another world> with those. But the problem is the inside. Akatsuki slowly opened the fastener on the side of the bag. Then something appeared from it like it was flowing out. They were breasts.
The breasts talked. No it was something else. There was something other than breasts. A tasty looking ass and soft tights rolled out of the bag sleeping silently. A gorgeous sleeping beauty was inside the bag. A breathtaking beautiful girl. Fine looking nose, soft moist lips, shapely ears and shining long twin tails. Each one of them looked like it was carefully made by the goddess of beauty herself. Beside her beautiful face her bodyline was also attracting. Ample bosom that could stop all thoughts. Abundant round buttocks. Nipped in waist that makes men wanting to touch it. Anyone would dream a spectacular body like hers. Her beautiful white skin was slightly pink despite the temperature. The peacefully sleeping girl changed her pose comfortably. That made her eyelids open slightly. She looked this way with her amber like eyes.
“Where am I?”
“In my world. You are safe here.”
After hearing his answer she closed her eyes again. Then started to sleeping peacefully. Thus Ouzawa Akatsuki made a sigh.
It seems everything went well. He made a bitter smile. Even though he has something he must to. He accepted a troublesome thing.
“I want to trust my daughter to you, eh? I won’t hold responsibility no matter what happens.”
This is the start of a new tale.
Ousawa Akatsuki. Sixteen years old. High school first year. Job: ex-rogue hero
He was summoned to another world called Aleizard and after many hardships he defeated the demon lord Galius. After the dying Galius trusted Akatsuki his daughter, he had no choice but to return to his world with her in secret. Thus after the ending the tale enters its second stage.
Returned to the real world, it is the start of a New Game.
You ask me with your hearth and I answer with deeds.
The thing the hero protects – what is that.

Re: Hagure Yūsha no Estetica

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:54 am
by Darklor
Hm, you could just create the teaser project page...

Re: Hagure Yūsha no Estetica

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 2:24 am
by chancs
Darklor wrote:Hm, you could just create the teaser project page...
Preparing for it but still need a bit more time :wink:

Re: Hagure Yūsha no Estetica

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 3:48 am
by Darklor
Ah, good better you than me ;)

Re: Hagure Yūsha no Estetica

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 4:27 am
by chancs
Darklor wrote:Ah, good better you than me ;)
Why?? You are much better than me :o

Re: Hagure Yūsha no Estetica

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 4:32 am
by Darklor
chancs wrote:
Because I am lacking time, also I am lacking background informations, too.

I even havent yet found the time to create the project pages for some older teasers...
chancs wrote:
You are much better than me :o
Huh? Why?

Re: Hagure Yūsha no Estetica

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:56 pm
by Dalam
Thanks for that teaser. I hope this gets more people involved in it. =D

Re: Hagure Yūsha no Estetica

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 3:45 am
by chancs
Teaser project created here :mrgreen:

Enjoy :mrgreen:

Re: Hagure Yūsha no Estetica

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 7:24 am
by styxseeker
Thanks you a lot, one more I really wanted to read. Thanks you again

Re: Hagure Yūsha no Estetica

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:09 am
by Gaibyou
Nice work! Thank you.

When I translated the prologue I only used placeholders for the names (translated them directly form Japanese). After I started to do the first chapter, I created a terminology file to work with, and changed my copy of the prologue accordingly. I posted the terminology under the discussion page.

Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:04 am
by Darklor
This is the feed back thread for Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica ... Aesthetica

Please tell us what you think of it.

Author: Tetsuto Uesu
Illustrator: Tamago no Kimi

Akatsuki Ousawa was summoned to another world, where there is a Maou(demon lord). However, unlike most games or stories, he was not needed. There is already another hero in the world. In fact, they became friends. Things changed when Maou came to attack the city one day, and the hero sacrificed himself to protect Akatsuki. People condemned him for the loss of their hero. The world was brought into an age of darkness. Akatsuki left the city without a word...

Some time passed, and as the passed away hero's fiancee worked hard to rebuild the city that her late father, the king who too pass away then, Akatsuki came back, with enough strength to protect the people. The time he went missing was not in vain, he went into the deity realm to master a power so that he is capable of fighting back. He then led the people against the Maou and is worthy of being called a hero as well. Despite all his accomplishments, there are still those that resent him for the death of the ex-hero, and thus calls him a "Punk Hero", which he gladly accepts.

On the final night before the final battle, he sneaked into the Maou's castle alone. The battle raged, and a victor was born. With his dying words, the Maou entrusts his beloved daughter to him, asking him to bring her back to his world, where she would be safe, while at the same time end the meaningless war between the two races. Akatsuki thus leaves, with the daughter, leaving everyone behind, even the princess, who has also fallen in love with Akatsuki.

And so, Akatsuki returns back to his own world, bringing the Maou's daughter along. BABEL captures the dimensional rift caused during the dimensional travelling, and approaches the two. Perhaps a twist of fate? The Maou's daughter's name is very similar to his sister's and so Akatsuki gave the name "Muu"(is it?) to her.

A mission was given to Muu by the Maou, that she is to evaluate Akatsuki, and should he be unsuitable as a watcher or guardian, she should not hesitate into killing him. But interacting with Akatsuki made her have mixed thoughts, while at the same time she slowly understands that Akatsuki has intentions of taking on the entire world, as the name she bears is more painful than one could imagine.

Akatsuki's sister is dead, a long time ago, never to return. Thanks to Akatsuki's father and brother, who are in opposite ends of the world, one leading COCOON, the other the rebellion group. Just what can they achieve from a war that led to their own family's death? Akatsuki intends to challenge and beat the two greatest forces in the world to put an end to it once and for all...
Publisher: HJ Bunko

Re: Hagure Yūsha no Estetica

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 5:13 am
by chancs
Gaibyou wrote:Nice work! Thank you.

When I translated the prologue I only used placeholders for the names (translated them directly form Japanese). After I started to do the first chapter, I created a terminology file to work with, and changed my copy of the prologue accordingly. I posted the terminology under the discussion page.
I have created a terminology page and moved it there.

Re: Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 11:23 pm
by harrysoung
On episode 10 of the anime, and am loving it. I would like translators to give this Light Novel a try. I feel like this series will eventually get more attention from the fans and hopefully translators because an anime adaptation came out last season, along with ones for Dakara Boku wa H ga Dekinai, Campione, and Accel World. I like how manly the protagonist is, and I want an elaboration of his relationship with Risty in Alezard. I have a thing for blondes.

Re: Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 2:43 pm
by Genesis
The summer anime adaptations were somewhat disappointing to me (Campione, Hagure, Dakara), because they just skipped out on so much. Hagure and Dakara more than Campione (primarily because of the settings and original plot that Campione had). The backgrounds in campione were actually that of Europe.
Spoiler! :
The scene when Godou was fighting Perseus; I went there during this summer in Italy, but I can't remember the name of the place.
The anime adaptations were real plug pullers on the other hand for for Hagure and Dakara. I can definitely go and read Campione for hours, but not Hagure and Dakara. I don't mind giving a chance to both of them again, but there are a lot of other LN's that seem very appealing. For Dakara, I've read the manga and have found it much more enthralling, however there are a lot of things that grab me more at the moment. The anime adaptation might have given me a completely wrong impression, for Hagure.

Re: Hagure Yūsha no Estetica

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:53 am
by Chia
finally, this LN has its own teaser project. Now wishing for a devoted full-time translator for this series......