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C3 ~Cube x Cursed x Curious~

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 5:52 am
by kage_musha
I just discovered how to create a poll for project suggestion today. [^^;] sorry for the late poll m(_ _)m


Plot summary:

One day, Yachi Haruaki received a mysterious object sent by his father from abroad; an Unbelievably heavy black box. Haruaki smelled trouble, but he left the box alone, trying to convince himself that it was none of his business. That night, he woke up to a noise coming from the living room. He peeked through the door and saw a completely naked girl--- eating rice crackers that was placed on a low table.

A great series that I found by accident. It has deep and interesting storyline, cute characters, and well, some gore. It was a nice mix of drama, supernatural, and romance packed with really fun ecchi comedy scenes.

An example of an ecchi comedy scene in volume 1:
Spoiler! :

After few moments.
A shadow was visible trying to eavesdrop upon the door trying to catch on what was happening on the room.

"Okay, I'm gonna put it in now."

"Ohhh! don't trace it with finger, you Idiot!"

"Oh hell, just hurry."

"hmmmmmm---- I feel it. Its in front of me. Oh! Its touching me there!"

"well it's kinda tight over here. well let me see..."

"Oh! ah, ah, ah, hmmmmm.... ohhh?! Its inside me now! did you put all of it...?"

"No. It's only the edge. I'm gonna try putting all of it in."


"Half of it is already in so just hold on a little longer."

"uhhhhh---- no, I can't stand it, It can't go any further."

"Is it painful? Should I stop?"

"Its------Its alright... Go ahead and put it all in..."

"Don't push yourself."

"I'm o...kay.. hurry now and drive it in. I don't care...even if it was little...rough...oh"

"I did warn you. Well, here I go!"

"Ahhh! ohh! its in, ahhhhh! its all in!"

"yeah, Its all in. You did great, Fear."

"oh Haruaki----"
note: This is not a sexual scene^^ it just provoke misunderstandings. :wink:

Project Page: ... edxCurious

PDFs (courtesy of denormative)

Re: C3 ~Cube x Cursed x Curious~

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 6:44 pm
by joay_b
Ah, yes ... poor boy gets cursed items disguised as little girls. Well that's from what I've read researched so far.

If you think you're up to it or find it interesting, why not take the shot of translating it?

Re: C3 ~Cube x Cursed x Curious~

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:08 pm
by Assassin
Damn, thanks to you inserting that (seemingly) interesting ecchi scene up there, I want an immediately translated Volume 1 right after I click Submit over here.

... Kidding. But yea I do want to see this translated. If you can work on it then please do, but take your time doing it.

Re: C3 ~Cube x Cursed x Curious~

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 1:04 am
by kage_musha
Wow, thanks^^ I'll try to translate it, but I think it'll take time. I'd be grateful if anyone could help me with it though... well, just a wishful thinking.^^

Btw, I've made a translation of its prologue. I'll continue doing the chapter one. Hopefully, I'll finish that chapter till the end of the week :wink:


I. A tool changes its quality into negative direction if it continues to receive negative thoughts.
II. A tool that receives negative thoughts often affect the owner and the people around it.
III. In exchange with the negative effect it brings upon the people around it, It may show mysterious charm and function.
IV. At the end of receiving all the negative thoughts and curses from humans, an item will obtain human qualities.


A black cube.
It was the only description for it if you'll have one look at the object. A side of its surface was about 1 meter long, and there was no Idea how the object was used.
Yachi Haruaki was staring at it with a look of disbelief apperent on his face.

"Excuse me sir, can I have the sign?"

"Oh, yes, sure."

Haruaki checked the receipt. It was written in English since it was sent from abroad but the name written for the sender was just as he expected.
(Another one of THOSE, you stupid old man?!), Haruaki groaned silently within himself.

"Thank you sir! Phew, I've had hard time carrying this. It was so heavy! Well, May I ask what thing this is, sir?"

"Er, you see, my father loves to collect antique objects and he's sending those objects he bought from abroad once in a while... hmmm I'm also wondering what this is!"

Haruaki tried to evade the question. It was no lie though. It was just that he wasn't sure how weird this particular object that his father sent this time.
Of courese, he didn't bother to explain that to the delivery man.

After the delivery man had driven away, Haruaki looked down again at the strange box laying in front of his gate.

"What is this really? Well, it was my old man who sent it so It's got to be something troublesome for sure."

The important question was how much of a trouble it was. Haruaki cautiously touched the cube, feeling the cold sensation of a steel. It had no lid so he supposed that it was a boxed-shaped
"something", rather than a box to put "soething" in. He observed the surface well and noticed that there were numerous lines and curves that hinted a joint seam.

"Is it some kind of puzzle box? maybe it had to go under a certain process to activate or something...? Hmmmm, Maybe I'm just thinking too much. I suppose these kind of things are the ones
which doesn't have specific usage, if you think about it well. I made I up mind! It's nothing important, I'm sure. My peaceful life will go on just as it was...!"

Haruaki told himself while he played with the seams.
He thought he heard a surprised wail.
He stopped his movement and closed his eyes. After he calmed down, he told himself;

"...That was an auditory hallucination."

While he was trying to convince himself, the cube let out a sound of a grazing steel and a part of its surface moved. Haruaki peeked at the space visible from the part of the cube
that looked like a popped-out CD tray. He saw metal parts with different shapes looking like cogs that was entangled inside. He tried to trace it with his finger but all did it was
to move but nothing happened. Except for the low moan that he thought he heard.

"Oh, another auditory hallucination! that's it, uh-huh. Well it's none of my business anyway! Since it has nothing to do with me, the best thing to do is to leave it alone!"

He avoided further inquiry for the moment.
But still, it wouldn't do any good if he left the cube at the front of his gate so he brought it to the room where other objects that his father sent was being stored.

"Oh.....god....! It's so damn heavy!"

He started to walk toward the main buliding of his house.
On his way, he thought heard a dissatisfied snort but of course, he decided it was another one of those auditory hallucinations.

Haruaki woke up inside his 6-tatami japanese room. He hurriedly checked the clock and it was already past 7:00 PM. It was already dark outside the window.
He only planned to take a nap after carrying the black cube to the storage room but ended up sleeping until now. Maybe it was because he wasn't able to sleep well last night.

(Oh hell, My stomach's already complaining in hunger but I still haven't made anything to eat...)

He did have a housemate living in seperate building but he was basically alone so it was unlikely that he'd find a cooked meal. Beside, the package that his father sent came right after
he came home from school so he didn't get any chance to prepare something to eat.
Haruaki got out of the bed and was thinking about the chores he was going to do when he heard faint sounds.
Sound of someone's footsteps; sound of someone scavenging inside the cabinet; and finally, an unknown crunching sound.

(Could it be... Konoha?)

Haruaki looked out at the window and checked the second floor of the other building. There were two windows and one of them had lights on.
That meant that his housemate was there.

His whole body tensed. This traditional Japanese house was old and wide. It was an excellent prey for burglars.
Haruaki opened the sliding door and was walking silently in the hallway.
The sound came from the Kitchen. He killed his breath and silently walked towards the kitchen, feeling like burglar himself.

The moonlight luminated a small figure crouching in front of the cabinet. It also reflected a long silver hair.
observing from the figure's shadow, Haruaki decided that it was a female. Her hand was stretching alternately to her mouth and to the plastic bag she was holding.
The unknown crunching sound was coming from there.
his calm observation ended when he realized the amazing view in front of him. Without a thought, he shouted at the female figure, pointing his finger at her.

"A naked rice-cracker thief?!"


The girl stared back at Haruaki. she had long silver hair and fair white skin, slender body and beautiful face. It was shrouded with grace and strong will, contradicting qualities playing
in her expression like a trick art. A a fragment of rice-cracker in her mouth fell as she too pointed her finger towards Haruaki and shouted;

"Wha..?! Hey! you're that impudent man from earlier!"

The girl looked down at her body and red shade crawled all over her face.

"Don't tell me your planning to play with my body again?! what a shameless man!"

She knelt down and started to throw every object that her around her; A tray, wooden plate, teapot, etc.
She did it with great control. I slipped from the object that I accidentally stepped on, trying to parry the flying projectiles.
objects started to pile above me.

"Ouch! h-hold on for a second! ow! If you come near me, i'll---"

The girl crossed her arms in front of her conservative breasts, her hands still holding the round shaped rice-crackers.
Haruaki lost his voice as he froze up seeing the unpredictable expression on her face. The girl tensed for a moment and shouted at him.

"....I, I'll put a curse on you!"

Haruaki understood from the words she said that SHE was the box that he received this afternoon.
Tension left his shoulders and he dropped them as he thought;

(I knew it. That stupid old man... He did it agin.)
(He sent another Cursed Tool again!)
I'll try harder. :lol:

Re: C3 ~Cube x Cursed x Curious~

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:33 am
by kage_musha
Chapter one: Night of Rubik's cube (part 1)

"....What is this? A Custard Pudding?"

The girl said as she poked the yellowish white object in front of her with sulky expression.

"Have a taste and you'll know."

"Hmmm... hm?! T-this...."

She guided the spoon into her mouth, then froze up.

"It's not sweet! This is a fake! What a nasty food... When you say a soft pedestal and a black sauce, it's just have to be a pudding!"

"Don't say nasty to the food. It's just a Tofu, a solidified soybean soup. You didn't like it?"

Haruaki sat just opposite of the girl after removing the apron he had on.
The girl's ill temper was obvious as she chewed the Yakko-Doufu. She was now wearing a borrowed shirt and hot pants.

"Hmph, It's not bad. It's inferior to the crunchy snack I was munching earlier though."

"Poor Tofu, being compared to a rice-cracker."

"So, that was called a rice-cracker. Now, that one had a unique food texture. It was sweet but spicy at the same time, and that feeling while crunching at it... h-huh?
why are you looking at me?"

Haruaki simply answered that it was nothing, and looked away form the face that said she was caught off-guard. He started eating too. Haruaki thought that this situation was
just like what the old sayings wanted to share; To eat while you can, since you can't fight a war with empty stomach.
The girl who sat opposite him unnecessarily checked that the food in front of her was a fish, looking at the broiled mackerel pike as if she had never seen it before.
After her thorough observation, she placed down the spoon and fork she was holding. Haruaki imagined what she was going to do and initiated a warning before the girl's
bare hands got the mackerel.

"Wait. You'll have to go over my dead body first before you could eat something with bare hands in front of me."

Haruaki reached for the mackerel plate to prevent her from hands from it, but for some reason the girl suddenly backed-off from the tatami space she was sitting at.

"Hey wait. I just misunderstood things earlier. I was little confused at first but I'm alright now. I even lent you those clothes didn't I?"

"I-I'm not sure.... I mean, you just played with THAT part of the body earlier in front of the gate..."

"But I didn't know I was touching THAT part of your body. Oh hell, I'm sorry anyway. Just forgive me already, 'kay?"

Haruaki asked her a cliched apology while he started on the mackerel pike with his chop sticks.

"Watch me how to dismantle this mackerel. Just do it first like this then grab its head then pull it away with those nasty fishbones. It's easy, isn't it?"

The girl watched with interest for a while but she quickly recovered her wary face. After few seconds, she snorted with ill temper as she sat back on front of the table.

"By the way, What's your name?"

"...I'm called Fear."

Fear quickly shut her mouth, as if she was surprised that she'd told him her name.

"Fear, is it?"

"Well, yes. It's none of your business though... you can just call me what you want."

"Unfortunately, you're part of my business now. You just became my top priority. In fact, the way you became my top priority was almost a foul play. So, What are you anyway?
What kind of box are you?"



Without a warning, she raised her eyebrows in outrage and she started making holes on the broiled mackerel. It was just after Haruaki raised a question mark at her answer.

"Shut up! It's none of your business, you fool!"

"Whoa! What kind of cursing was that?! I haven't heard them for a while. Anyway, are you a brat having an outburst like that?!"

"W-Why you?!"

"I haven't heard that for a while too... wha, hey! stop attacking that mackerel and close your mouth!"

"digging up on a lady's past like that! you should learn some respect, you shameless brat!"

Haruaki thought that he didn't want to hear that from HER. But being the sensible one, he decided to give up.

"Whew.... Well, I won't push you if you don't want to tell me about your past. I know its not exactly filled with happy memories."

It seemed that her temper cooled down some because of Haruaki's honest words. She lost words and turned her face down.

"I... hate that appearance. I wouldn't want to turn into that form unless its absolutely necessary. Someone told me that coming here would be easier with that form so
I had no choice but to give up..."

"Who told you? My old man?"

"He said his name was Honatsu... Are you his son?"

"Yeah. And my name's Haruaki. How's my old man doing?"

"I don't know. He said that he still had something to do over there."

"As much of a freeman as usual, I see. Geez, I'm tired of complaining about him though. As long as he keeps sending money for my living, I'll keep up with his game."

"I don't understand you two... I mean, you and your father. I thought an ordinary man wouldn't try to understand the likes of me."

"We've been receiving cursed tools like you since I was a kid. Usually, tools that we accept are those with slight curse in it but there are rare occasions where tool who
could assume human form like you comes here for help."

After a brief silence, Fear let out a sigh and placed down the fork she was holding. Serious gaze pierced Haruaki as she looked up, her silver hair swaying slightly.

" I'm going to say something serious."

"....Go ahead."

"I....I was placed in some dark dungeon, thrown away long ago by my last owner. Yachi Honatsu came one day and found me. He tried to talk to me and I told him my wish."

"A wish?"

Haruaki already had an idea what her wish was. But, cursed tools who came here with its own will were often the ones who needed to confirm the purpose of their existence
by putting them into words. Knowing that, he chose to let her say it out loud from her own mouth.

The girl who was not a human answered in a whisper, biting her lips softly.

"I want to free myself from my curse."

Re: C3 ~Cube x Cursed x Curious~

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 7:39 am
by Darklor
Is something missing between prologue and chapter 1?

Re: C3 ~Cube x Cursed x Curious~

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:19 am
by kage_musha
Not really^-^ the story just "fast-forwarded" a few scenes, assuming that Fear had calmed down after their initial encounter.

Anyway, here's the continuation:
Chapter one: Night of Rubik's cube (part 2)

"How much do you know...? About the curse, and about tools like me?"

"Well, here's what I know; First, a tool changes its quality into negative direction if it continues to receive negative thoughts.
Secondly, a tool that receives negative thoughts often affect the owner and the people around it.
And for the third, in exchange with the negative effect it brings upon the people around it, It may show mysterious charm and function..."

"Is that all?"

Haruaki narrowed his eyes and looked at Fear, who was speaking with her eyes looking down at the table.

"To add one more, I know that at the end of receiving all the negative thoughts and curses from humans, an item would be... something that's in front of me right now."

Yes. A tool which received too much grudge from humans will earn a human quality----

Haruaki didn't know the specific details but he knew that an item gains a personal thought which affects its essence as a tool. It was a result of being grudged by people
over and over again. In the end, they'll possess their own mind,soul and an ability to change forms with its own will.

"That's right. It started with a single grudge. I was made to harm people and because of it, I have received much hatred, grievances, and murderous intents. From those grudges,
I was branded with an abominable curse of [driving my owner into insanity.]"

Haruaki noticed that the girl was gripping her hands tightly. He thought it was better not to ask more about her. About concrete details of the tool that she was and
about what she meant by driving her owner into insanity.

"My curse doesn't end there. The grudge I received gave me [human qualities] and my own will. To me, who was nothing but a tool in the beginning. Let me correct, I was not given;
I was forced to have those capabilities. Have you ever thought about how bad was the affinity between a will and a curse? I envy those tools which only have slight curse. They won't
realize by themselves that they were burdened by a curse. How fortunate that its blessed with ignorance!"

For a moment, she took a deep breath.

"I came here believing in Honatsu's words that I can free my curse here in this place. That's the reason why I came, but I was not told about details of what I have to do. Tell me
honestly---- Will I, will I be able to lift the curse from myself without affecting the people around me? Remember that Honatsu sent me to you so that makes you my current owner. If you're
just lying about here being a place to free one's self from a curse, You would be the first to receive the harmful effects that comes with it."

Her eyes looked straight into mine. But those eyes reflected undeniable fright and doubt.
That was why Haruaki simply told her;

"Yes, you can."


"I said you can free yourself from your curse here. You see, I don't have strong spiritual sense or special ability like my father but It seems that I have a unique body constitution which
repel curses, which makes me unaffected by them. So, whatever your curse is, it doesn't work on me. Hahaha! Be afraid of me, you violent little girl!"

"What the...?! Wait, you said that I could lift my curse here, but how?"

"I'm not sure about the detailed mechanics but this place had been a very pure land for a long time, and the area where this house was built was the center of the pure energy that comes from the land.
That's why just being here would fill you with positive energy. They say that this place is protected by some kind of force field, though the rate of cleansing is kinda slow. Just leaving the tools here would eventually lift the curse."

Haruaki remembered the woman who set the force field around the house. Her outfit caught much eyes, and she said that the force field would last for the next hundred years. He supposed that
there won't be a chance to see her again, if the force field would really last that long.

"And, there's another way of lifting a curse. The mechanic is simple; If a curse comes from negative thoughts, you just have to receive positive thoughts by helping people around you. If you keep on
receiving them, the curse will be neutralized eventually."

"What do you mean?"

"I meant to say that you have to vaguely perform acts that will be thankful for people, I suppose. You just have to live here and work as a part-time or volunteer for public events... I think?"

"W-Wait, why was there a question mark in the end?"

Fear leaned forward, which sent the mackerel bits flying at Haruaki's face. He wondered if Fear did that on purpose.

"Well, its not like I actually experienced trying to lift a curse from myself. That was just what i heard."

She puffed out her cheeks like a child, making a sullen expression.

" I can't believe it... I mean, I don't think that simply sleeping or working here would lift the curse. Besides, I doubt that my curse could be lifted in leisurely phase..."

"You're right about going leisurely. Being able to assume human form would mean that much curse had been gathered in your body so it would take years to free your self. I don't know any
other way of lifting a curse so maybe you'll just have to be patient about it."

"Hmmmmmmmmmmm, I still can't believe it."

"Don't worry much about it. Even if you can't believe for----"

Ding dong. The door bell rung suddenly. Fear seemed to be frightened by it so Haruaki told her that it was just a bell that said there was a visitor. He stood up and pointed at the table.

"The food'll grow cold so eat it now. Especially the mackerel pike."

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

"Good evening, Haruaki-kun."

A familiar smile greeted Haruaki as he opened the entrance. The smiling girl was wearing a big round glasses like ones that you'd see in a manga. She had an apron around her well-endowed
body and it was impressionable. The pot that she was holding reinforced the familial impression that shrouded her.

"Hey, Konoha. What is it?"

"I've made too much Nikujaga for myself so I thought that I'd share you some. Its a bit late already so maybe you can have it for your breakfast tomorrow."

"That'll be a great help. I was just having my dinner right now... Oh yeah, its just great that you came now. I have to ask you some favor."

Konoha slanted her head in question. At that exact moment, Haruaki heard footsteps coming toward him.

"Hey, Haruaki. The food was kind of lacking in quantity. Aren't there any left? I would like to request for a rice-cracker if there's still some left."

"You eat too fast!"

Needless to say, the person who came behind Haruaki was Fear.

"Um, Haruaki-kun? Who is that child?"

"Oh yeah, the favor I was going to ask you was about---"

An openly belligerent voice came from Fear as she broke into the conversation.

"Hey, you there! We've just met and you started calling me a child. How dare you speak to me like that, you unfortunate-looking Woman!"


Konoha was still smiling but Haruaki sensed a dangerous aura coming out from her. Fear stood behind him with arms crossed, looking aggressively at Konoha.
Haruaki thought he saw a lightning shaft running between Konoha and Fear.

"You two there. Why are you raising a hostile aura in front of my house?"

"I think you're just imagining things. I'm not angry, really. After all, they're just words of a CHILD."

At that moment, Haruaki felt violent aura rising behind him. He sensed danger so he quickly changed the topic.

"Er....Oh yeah! Hey Konoha, have you made anything else besides this? I mean, have you eaten your dinner? Why don't you eat here for a change? It's been long time since last time you've eaten here.
It seems that I have to cook more food anyway."

"Well, if you say so... I think I will. Come to think of it, it had been a long time since last time we ate together, Haruaki-kun."

"My cooking skills haven't improved though."

"It had been great since past so don't worry. I think I'm getting hungry just thinking about the dishes you make."

Konoha smiled and entered the house. Suddenly, an insulting snort came out from no where.

"Go ahead, and eat. Hah, I think that being able to send all the nutrients you eat to your breasts is some kind of talent. I bet that your brain's very light."

Haruaki heard a clashing metal sound. Almost at the same time, he saw konoha kneeling on the floor, catching the pot that almost fell out from her hands.
He looked at the floor and saw the handle of the pot, which was cut cleanly into a half.

"....I think its very sad when a person eat but the nutrients doesn't go to one's breasts... Oh, I was just talking to myself."

"W-Why you?!"

"Ahahaha-- I'll go ahead now."

Konoha let out a feigned laugh and went into the living room. Fear was staring at her back and was murmuring with hatred;

"What kind of character does that woman have...! Maybe I should curse her!"

"She not usually like that. In fact, I have this feeling that you were the one who started the fight. Why are you being so hostile anyway?"

"It's none of your business! I just didn't like what she said when she saw me. That's enough reason for my hostility. Besides..."

A weird smile came from her angry expression.

"I just realized now that bullying that cow-tits woman will going to be fun. She'll see, I won't lose the next time...!"

Fear went back into the living room, letting out an evil snort as she walked to the living room.

Re: C3 ~Cube x Cursed x Curious~

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:33 pm
by Assassin
Something reminds me, is there a section for this novel on the B-T Wiki already?

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 7:45 pm
by ken_FF
I found a nice pic 8)


Re: C3 ~Cube x Cursed x Curious~

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 8:08 pm
by kage_musha

Nope, it's not yet there. I'm still preparing for its petition. Maybe after the chapter 1 is done. :D
Chapter one: Night of Rubik's cube (part 3)

Haruaki was worried about what could happen if he let those two together in the living room. But, he had to cook some food for Konoha and the hungry juvenile so he had
no choice but to let those two together in the living room.
Haruaki made a plate full of easy saute dish. Together with rice and miso soup for Konoha, He brought the food into the living room.
He was greeted by a view of two girls throwing dry laughs at each other. Only God knows what happened while he was in the kitchen. He didn't even want to know.

"I only sauted what was left in the fridge. Is that okay for you?"

"No problem. I've made quite lot of Nikujaga anyway."

With a "Ta-da" sound effect, Konoha lifted the lid of the pot she brought with her.
Inside the pot was a steaming soup of brownish broth and beef, letting out a fragrant smell of soy sauce. To put it simply, It looked delicious.
If you'll take a good look at it, you'll notice that excessive amount of beef was covering all the other ingredients like potatoes. The beef formed a great pile,
just like a mountain sitting on a pot. If you ask me, It's more of a Niku-Niku-Nikujaga instead of a simple Nikujaga.

"Um, so, doest that look good?"

"It looks delicious, just as always."

Meat-demon Konoha's face lit up with a smile.

"I see, this definitely looks delicious. You can easily see that it was made by a Gluttonous incarnate of appetite."

With that remark, the round lid that Konoha was holding fell on the table, cut into half. Without a word, She picked up the half circles and threw them behind her.
After that, Konoha nouthed an Itadakimasu and started eating with a cheerful (That was how Haruaki interpreted Konoha's expression) face.

"I've no clue why this how this meal have turned into a tense atmosphere, but I guess I have to make an easy introduction at least. Konoha, our visitor here is called Fear.
As you might guess, she was sent by my old man."

Konoha sent a look at Fear while she took loads of beef from the pot. Fear, on the other hand, completely ignored her.

"Fear, this is Konoha. Well, what can I say... er, she lives in the room inside the house's outer building, and we're also in the same schoollevel though our classes are differnt.
She'd been like a child-hood friend since I was a kid and----"

"And she's not human."

Fear said without a pretense. It was followed by few seconds of silence and,

".... That's right. She's like your sempai here in this place."

"I thought so. A lid would never break into half by itself. I know that tools who could assume human form could usually keep the nature of their original form even if they turn
into human form----I suppose you're some kind of blade aren't you?"

"Would you answer me if I asked what was your original form?"

Konoha asked with smile pasted on her face. Fear replied with a snort.
Uncomfortable silence went on as they ate their dinner. All of their plates were almost empty when Fear spoke to Haruaki.

"So, you wanted to say earlier that I could believe what you said because there's a precedent."

"Er....Yeah. that's right. Konoha did a lot of helpful things like working part-time since when she first came here."

"He's right. Thanks to my deeds, I'm almost free from all of my curses."

"Almost, you say. What would happen if you become completely free from curse?"

"Tools with only a slight curse would just turn back into a normal tool. But according to my old man, The negative energy that built up inside the tools who could assume human form
went over the original nature that it had so even if you were able to neutralize those negative thoughts, their human form will be kept. That means that you two will just be
free from the curse that you have."

"So, I won't turn back into my original form..... I see."

"To be honest, I don't know much about it. Just ask my old man once he came back."

Hear wasn't even listening to Haruaki. She just kept silent and nodded, murmuring "I see... I wouldn't...Isee..." as she did.
It was as if she was trying to hide the expression of relief on her face.
Fear finished up the remaining food on her plate and asked a question to Konoha.

"Haruaki said earlier that you've been together with him for more than ten years now. Does it really take that much time?"

"I think it also depends on the degree of your curse, but..."

Two empty plates covered the table. For a moment, two eyes----one silent and one with a hint of hostility----looked at each other.

"The amount of grudge that we accumulated within ourselves are so great that what ever you do, We can't easily forget, throw way, or repent for them... You get into my nerves
but at least, in that aspect, we could have something in common. This is something that could be shared between you and me, as a same ruined state of mind."

Fear started to say something, but just looked away and said;

"....Its the same for me you know, you get into my nerves too...."

"Well, you just have to take it easy. I think there's nothing I could help with though."

It was a composed statement of a senior. Konoha said said those words with much ease. Fear, of course, just snorted.

After that, Haruaki also finished his meal so he cleaned up the table with Konoha and went to the kitchen to wash them. When he came back, Fear was hugging her knees and was looking up
at the ceiling with blank stare. He brought an after-dinner tea so he handed one to Fear and started drinking it.

"Oh yeah, Konoha, could you bring some of your old cothes? I wouldn't say right now but I just thought that it would be better if Fear had something to wear. I know that the size won't fit though."

"....Sorry for having small breasts!"

"I didn't mention any part of your body that wouldn't fit!"

Haruaki almost dropped the yunomi that came from the opposite side of the table.

"I guess that can't be helped.... Alright, I'll bring some as soon as I can."

"I'm counting on it."

"Say, what are you going to do for tonight, like where'd she sleep?"

"Huh? well, I suppose she's gonna spend her night here. I'll just lend her one of the Japanese rooms."

"S-She'll be staying here?! Isn't that a bad Idea, since I think it is!"

"But you see, the outer building's already full... Kuroe isn't home and her room is locked."

The outer building was made like an apartment, with two rooms inside. Konoha was living there with another house-mate but she was always away about half a month so Konoha
didn't really feel that she had a house-mate living next door.

"By the way, make the guest room as luxurious as possible. That way, you could compensate for what you did to me."


Haruaki asked Fear and he received a reply with a threatening attitude.

"Don't say you already forgot what you did to my body earlier! Playing with my body like that... I've never had someone put his finger [there]! My face was burning with

Haruaki was about to say that Fear was just a box at that time, when he heard a sound of yunomi rolling off on the tatami. He saw that Konoha was trembling as she stood up.
False smile covered her expression for a while but it eventually broke into tears.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I can't believe it! Have you two already done THOSE kind of things?!"

Konoha ran away from the living room covering her face with her hands.
They just heard the violent sound of the entrance door being shut. Fear just nodded with content and said,

"I'm not sure what happened but I've won. I feel great."

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Dull-colored stone floor was all that there was. The room smelled of metal and of metal-like stink. The air was congested but it wasn't stagnant.
The air was clear. Clear like the air inside a tomb or a casket.
There wasn't anything that could tell time. There was only a dead space, without a trace of any living things.
The only thing that you could feel from there was the constancy and blockade.
The mass of steel that was left there didn't have anything to do other than to whisper the same words over and over again.
It wasn't even said aloud. It just made circles within its mind. Like an endless loop.
When its awake, while its asleep, when it opened its mind, and when it closed its mind.
It's freezing, it's cold, it's dark, it's freezing, it's cold, it's dark, it's freezing, it's cold, it's dark, it's freezing, it's cold, it's dark.
It went on and on-----

She opened her eyes. There was nothing inside the Japanese room. She raked up and embraced the futon that was given to her. There was only the sound of scraping futon.
There was some warmth left in the futon but it was a false warmth... It was just an accumulated heat from covering someone. So, it was the same as having no warmth at all.
Shards of her dream sent a chill down her spine. She knew that there was a difference between this room and the dungeon room where she was kept.
But, however there was a slight warmth and sound inside this room, She couldn't help thinking that this room was the same as the place where she was kept.
She silently opened the sliding door and walked along the porch. Moon light illuminated the her path as she arrived in front of another room. She entered.
A boy was sleeping. He was laying in an odd position and his futon came off below his waist. A slight snort came from a faintly smiling face.
The girl kneeled down before the rolled-up futon and slowly reached for it. She stroked it for a while, then she brought it up to her cheeks.
It was someone else's smell.
Someone else's warmth.
That, perhaps, was the first time that she felt those things.
PS btw, in the pic above, the girl wearing glasses is Konoha. I'm sure you know Fear already, and the girl in the middle would be Kuroe. :wink:

Re: C3 ~Cube x Cursed x Curious~

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 4:19 am
by ainsoph9
Well, if you are going to be translating this novel, might I suggest that you PM oni or someone else to get the ball moving? This way, you will have a devoted site for your novel and not just a forum. :wink:

Re: C3 ~Cube x Cursed x Curious~

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:27 pm
by Assassin
Yeah... since translation is already in progress, it's best that it'd be uploaded to the wiki.

... I smell something, or maybe it's just me. :roll:

Re: C3 ~Cube x Cursed x Curious~

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 4:43 pm
by HolyCow
This seems interesting, I would help translating it if I wasn't tied up with Mushi to Medama already =X

(... Which I've been slacking off too, but I swear I'll get volume 1 done by the end of my sem break! Sem break officially starts tomorrow~)

Once you get Chapter 1 done, I'll create a page for you on the wiki and have Oni update your wiki access to "translator". Till then, ganbatte! >:3

Re: C3 ~Cube x Cursed x Curious~

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 6:04 pm
by onizuka-gto
kage_musha has offered to translate the first chapter of this project. so if you want to help out, help kage_musha set up the pages and what not.


Re: C3 ~Cube x Cursed x Curious~

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 7:47 pm
by HolyCow
onizuka-gto wrote:kage_musha has offered to translate the first chapter of this project. so if you want to help out, help kage_musha set up the pages and what not.

HolyCow wrote:This seems interesting, I would help translating it if I wasn't tied up with Mushi to Medama already =X

(... Which I've been slacking off too, but I swear I'll get volume 1 done by the end of my sem break! Sem break officially starts tomorrow~)

Once you get Chapter 1 done, I'll create a page for you on the wiki and have Oni update your wiki access to "translator". Till then, ganbatte! >:3
I'll get the pages up once Chapter 1 is finished. You might want to update his status in the meantime :wink: