Kämpfer:Volume 1 Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

When I woke up there was a strange woman in the mirror.

Chapter 1 (!)

That morning I got the impression that everything was the same, or so I thought. I went to the faucet to wash my face before breakfast. While washing my face I saw a woman looking back at me.

At the bottom of the faucet. (!)

A sixteen or seventeen year old, with black hair and tight lips with unusual white skin. It is an appropriate estimation of the age of the girl in question.

Regardless of the fact that this woman is so pretty that she could be put on a boy’s magazine just by looking at her face.

But even only looking at the face was somewhat embarrassing.

At this turn of events, I was naturally puzzled. I was left surprised, after all, this woman was me. Since this early morning and during the week, I was just a lowly high school student. Now I have to go to school. Nevertheless, right now I am facing a close encounter with a girl over the mirror. This is something like a miracle.

As I don’t want bramble like hair (!) So I have the habit of sleeping on my curly hair. This morning, however, I had the most ridiculous looking hair.


My parents are the type of people that would point at me and laugh loudly to themselves without hesitation, and they are not the kind of people who would argue either. I sleep well lately, compared to when my parents had to transfer away, and I was left home alone. My hair had become something laughable between the times I usually check the mirror and now, my original hair is gone. Today in the washroom, I was trying to reaffirm that my hair was officially gone. (!)

(…What had happened…)

In the morning I can’t think very well. (!)

(Is the world reflected by the mirror real or…) (!)

I absentmindedly thought about it. For sure, this was something questionable, but it is still real. The woman here presently must absolutely not be here. Anyone next to my pillow would think this is a dream, “Suppose early in the morning, next to you there was a cute girl” situation.(!)Possibility. Some time ago, My friends were joking with each other and within their jokes they said, "One day a beautiful girl will come from the desk.” I really did not expect to have a real encounter though.

The soul of Japan is as one would expect. The soul of a country. (!)

But she is pretty, and to actually meet her with my own eyes comes as a surprise. I prefer girls who look pretty, but then again, she appeared without any warning. This could be considered trespassing. The girl wasn’t saying anything. Since it was an intruder she probably wouldn’t be able to speak Japanese. She seemed reserved or rather surprised. From some time ago my eyes remained quite wide.

It was no wonder that she was silent. To encounter a man in the morning would be surprising, though I can’t really sympathize. As I finally managed to calm down and reached to splash my face with water, the same actions were being repeated in the mirror.


What was up with this chick? I wash my face and she washed her face at the same time. What a coincidence, or is this harassment? (!)

Looking in the mirror, I was surprised the girl was also mouthing the word “Ha….” Then a sinking feeling began to spread to my heart.

Sometimes I have a keen intuition. This feeling, I had experienced it before. It was like standing on the brink of death. This was a similar feeling to failing four different subjects in school. The latter example of course is just pathetic. What do you know.(!)

I sit still hesitantly reaching for my cheek.

Now the girl is also reaching for the right cheek. My heart, which is now likely to give out on me, is racing, and this time I take my right hand and pinch my cheek.

The girl pinches her cheek as well. I feel like there is a black cloud over my head and my heart is torn. Maybe, just maybe, this reflection is me? Is this me!?

While trying to calm my mind, I held a poker face in place with a vise like grip, and took one deep breath.

I took a second deep breath. Then there was an intense stabbing sensation in my heart, and I began to stagger around like a drunk.

Accepting what had happened, I screamed, and stopped breathing. Then, with all my strength, I took my right thumb and my right index finger and pinched my right cheek which made me experience an excruciating amount of pain. (!)

“Owowowowowowow!” (!)

As I was rolling around on the ground screaming, so was the girl in the mirror.

This is not a mistake, as I looked at my chest in the mirror. There are probably some rich men who find charm in having these two large pair of mounds.


I probably at that point gave the largest scream of my life.

“…Why did I become a woman?”

The person in the mirror was also reflecting the same lamentations. (!)

I couldn’t calm down. Why did this have to happen? I know I am supposed to be Natsuru Senou, a seventeen year old sophomore in High school. (!)

I am of medium height, and slender. As for my grades, at one point my grades were really good, and then there was another time when my grades were really bad. This is a quick summation of my grades without going into too much detail. So overall, I am an average student. I have fairly decent reflexes. Well, even though I am saying this all about myself, I am just another average guy that you can find anywhere.

Page 15

(! missing pic?)

Also my eyes have a vision of better than 1.2. (!)

On the other hand, my female self is quite attractive. That’s quite sad, since I've never had a girlfriend yet either. Throughout elementary and junior high school the farthest any girl has ever gone with me is “friends”, and all girls would pass me by without notice.

I can’t say this with any pride, but, “I don’t have a girlfriend.” Well, typically, it should be normal to have a relationship with a girl my age, if only that would happen it would be great. (!)

I am pleased to say that because I said, “I want a girlfriend,” I can also say “As a man I have never been dumped.”


I scream one more time, even though the situation does not change. Calm down, calm down, I tell myself earnestly.

I stifled my cries for the second time before trying once again to calm myself down.

At this point, I had a sore throat. How long had I been this miserable? It felt like I'd been in this state forever. In actuality, it'd probably only been like this for ten minutes. All this slowly made me come to an understanding. I had become a woman.

I have no idea how this happened. I’ve never been to Morocco for hormone injections. Recently, when I looked up on the internet, it seems there are doctors who can quite easily make a man a woman through plastic surgery. So far I have never seen anyone benefit from such technology to this extent.

So what is this, a revival of candid camera?

Peering into the mirror, I noticed that the beautiful looking girl who was me had a gloomy face.

“…Wearing such a gloomy expression is a waste for someone who’s so pretty.“

Immediately I fell into a profound state. Moron. What are you saying to yourself? (!)

"What’s pretty is pretty"(!), and I had profoundly thought about that. The "type" of girl guys like is vague, and their minds are reflected by their hearts, or probably something along those lines. Actually, “it is” rather than “something along those lines” is probably more accurate. But, putting that aside...

Even just meeting someone in town, you can still fall in love with someone just by talking to them and being yourself. "What has my body become?" I thought as I looked down at myself. As I was looking down, I saw my overly large chest--and then something else caught my eyes.

“...a sailor uniform?”

This is something girls wear. However, wearing these uniforms causes delusions that are of no good to any decent man in the world. As soon as I wake up, I have a habit of changing my clothes, because then there won’t be the hassle of changing after eating breakfast. Also, if you sleep in late, you'll still be able to get to school on time. I don’t remember, however, having any clothes made specifically for women. If I were over the age of 30, then it’d be understandable if I happened to own some sailor uniforms, but...

“This is my school uniform…”

This uniform was the same as the ones at my high school.

Still it seems I’ve become some sort of strange woman, and I don’t understand how? Also, I don’t know how my clothes got changed either.

Who or what kind of ninja would come to house and change my clothes? If the person were to come again, I would return his uniform, because my school uniforms are not cheap.


I felt some sort of strange anticipation as if something bad was going to happen, and I started to feel light headed as well. As I looked around the room to make sure no one was there, I decided to make sure that I had become a girl. So as I put my hands to the hem of my skirt. I flipped it up.

“It’s a woman’s…”

What is this? The result was just as I feared… During the Itouyoukadou sale, I bought three pairs of 1000 yen briefs, but now I seem to be wearing women’s underwear. I’m wearing the kind of underwear that older men might have a fetish for. I realized while looking at my thighs that there were light blue stripes. Apparently my new underwear had light blue stripes. Why are they striped?

I began to think, hey, why not look at my breasts? And then I told myself to stop right there. No doubt right now I have a bra on. So the results of my finding led to my despair, and I began ever so slowly to return to my room. The clothes that I was wearing have become women’s clothes all by themselves.

In the end, I was still a woman.

Falling on my butt as I entered the room, there was a thump from my butt hitting the floor. A pretty girl was sitting down with her legs spread in the shape of the letter ha.

Considering from another point of view it, was a quite the interesting view; however, because me being myself, I can’t see from that point of view.

I was slowly watching the clock on the desk move. The digital numbers were telling me “If you don’t go to school soon, won’t you be late?”

I know that I replied to the clock. To go to school looking like this, to go to school as the girl Senou, when the world thought of Senou Natsuru as a man. Today’s attendance would make my homeroom teacher have a heart attack. This would be extremely pleasing to do, but after about three seconds, it would make me a murderer.

That’s not all. My classmates would be horrified. No, anybody’s heart would be shocked if in the small chance that they saw their classmate become a girl. I’ll probably be replaced, and sold somewhere far away where I would be shipped by plane. I’d probably be sold to a cabaret club or bubble country or something like that. Then again since I am a minor there is the issue of human rights, but I’m not quite sure whether human rights apply to people who changed genders. Holding my head, I thought this wasn’t something I wanted to think about. What can I do from here on, while feeling uncomfortable.


I saw on my right arm a bracelet attached to it. The blue light emitted was thin, but I had no such memory of having such a thing.

It is cool to the touch.

It’s a metal, But I had no idea what type of metal.

[What is this……]

"It is a proof"


Hearing a voice coming from somewhere, I jumped up.

Looking around the room he shook his head.

I live alone, but there is someone here?

[It is a trick, a trick]

The direction of the voice was that stuffed animal.

A man’s room with stuffed animals really has no taste.

Moreover this one is peculiar.

There are wounds in the Yakuza-Asako face, one eye is even blocked with an eye patch.

Its mouth is like a saber tiger, and grew strangely stiff fangs.

From the abdomen, realistic intestines protruded.

This is the “Entrails Animal” character merchandise.

The manufacturer of these poor animals are commercialized somewhere, all products are built with the concept of a mutilated-thrown out look.

The Manufacturer’s stock prices nosedived just after they were announced, there is still no sign of recovery.

Apparently they took a cue from the stockholders, ceased to issue their “entrails animals”.

I don’t need it but honestly I borrowed it, so it is important and I won’t throw it out.

The fifth series of entrails animal’s “Harakiri Tora”, had its mouth open for quite a while.

Paka... paka...

[I finally noticed]

A woman’s voice.

Somewhat Shizuka-chan-ish.

A new version in front of me.

Since there was an intense discomfort from wearing animal entrails.

"There is a Purest Constraint[Bracelet] on your arm"(!)


"By putting this on your arm, your power is guaranteed. Exert maximum force with Shaw in battle."

“Wait a minute wait wait!”

I waved my hands in a hurry.

Harakiri Tora, What is with you and all the cryptic dialogue?

“I do not know why I’m talking with a stuffed tiger; why I’m pledging; why I’m a woman in the first place.”

The big shock to her was, I knew I would have to accept a compromise with an articulate plush doll.

I Think I'm good, listening to the mouth of Dahlonega toys.

The Eye-patched Harakiri Tora wrote Creation.

“I don’t know why”

“I know”

“From the world’s creation?”

“I don’t find the bible very interesting, what’s the story?”

“e~to, it is”

Harakiri Tora, speaking with Shizuka-chan’s voice.

“you are now an Infantry unit [Kämpfer].”


This is what I say, Plush Doll.

“Kämpfer are elite combat units; mighty power is guaranteed by the pledge bracelet; break through the opponents it senses.”

“…Well, I don’t know.”

I was reading the game manual and I felt it slip out of my hand.

“The Kämpfer is a person who fights?”


“I became a Kämpfer?”


“And I fight with the enemy?”


"In a blind way?"

"Oh Yeah"

I grabbed the Harakiri Tora yelling and throwing her into the trash.

“Wow , how can you do something like this?”

“Yes we can, for example we could do something like this half-asleep.”

Too sudden, one hundred years suddenly passed; “save the world like this” I felt commanded.

Becoming a woman, speaking to stuffed animals, and letting it go? What a nightmare; twisting itself to be heard as a Kämpfer.

“I see, it can’t be helped at all”

There was a voice coming from the garbage.

“However, I was the one elected”

“Do you believe me?”

Deep; and I have a reply.

“Do you believe me? Now that I’m a girl?”

I said this showing the uniformed body of a woman.

“Here you go. I am convinced”

“…Not yet”

I set my arms in front of the trash bin.

“This woman’s body serves to convince me”

“It is the form of the Kämpfer, but i am unfamiliar with the form of a woman’s body.”

“I am a man”

“So I became a girl, over my choice to be a boy over a girl.”

“What choices are really ever choices?”

“Well I didn’t choose at all."

Inside the trash Harakiri Tora is talking to the ground.

I reached into the trash and pulled out the plush doll; anyways I cannot throw it away, I’ll just place it on the desk.

“Hello again, what a cramped trash can it is.”

But you really are a well matched size for it.

“In fact, this bracelet is a testament that you’ve become a Kämpfer, and when it flashes you’ll become a Kämpfer.”

Observing the bracelet again, I saw it had no seams; just how it got onto my wrist I don’t know.

“Oh, you can’t take it off”

Can Harakiri Tora read my mind?

“It cannot be taken off except under special circumstances, you will stay a Kämpfer.”

“How do I get out?”

“You can die.”


I’m reluctant to say it’s no use.

“Please think of it as an accessory, dark as well as heavy.”

Indeed, the burden to my wrist hasn’t gotten lighter.

“Why is mine blue?”

“Are you not pleased with it?”

“Red is good too, you might become three times faster.”

“Meaning it exists, but you won’t give it to me.”

“Be proud and laugh.”

“Returning to the point, why and who do Kämpfer fight?”

“Because it is there to fight, no that’s the truth.”

I guess I should toss Harakiri Tora into the trash again; she was tossed in hurry.

“Kämpfer only exist to fight; I do not specialize in combat, so I selected the best suited person and that was you.”

“What should I say about myself ‘I’m an average guy, anyone could see that, I try my best’?”

“Please listen; you’re the man I chose.”

“You chose me?”

“You were chosen by a Moderator”

Moderator, who is that?

“It is the responsibility of that person to pick up talent, and you were a perfect fit.”

“Who are you then?”

“I am the messenger of the Moderators, mouthpiece of mythical angels.”

“They allow Entrails to flaunt something angelic?”

What awful taste; this will anger many pious Christians.

After the story I can’t really argue, I was chosen by the Moderators to fight as a Kämpfer, in a girl’s body.

“It seems you understand.”

The plush doll’s tone had the quality of a teacher’s; I was staring at it with hate.

“And, I’ve been asking for awhile; what a difficult battle!”


“I came here as a plush doll imitation,”

I was fishing inside the desk; there must be a one hundred yen lighter somewhere. Tobacco sucks, but there is something useful, burning synthetic fibers.

“There is no fire, vinyl smells bad when it burns but I,”

“I didn’t say anything!”

I came out with a lighter and gas.

“What is it, NO please drop it; give me another chance!!”

“I have been begging for the voice of Shizuka-chan too!”

I would also like to be reassured by that fond voice.

“Actually I don’t know why you have to fight either!”

“Is that tale true?”

“The Moderator’s did not tell me what the catch was or how this serves their interest!”

“It can’t be helped, man; unless you want entrails exiting your stomach too.”

“From the plush doll?”

I put the lighter in my skirt pocket. That’s not good for the care of the skirt; you can hear gas escaping with a “su~” sound.

“However, do I still have to fight an opponent?”

“That is most likely.”

“Who am I?”


“This Motherfucker…”

I do not know if a man would have cursed like this.

“Even now I understand; from now on I am a Kämpfer.”

While I don’t understand the reason, this all seems to be possible.

My head was once again challenged; what is this? Suddenly Kämpfer are told to fight and so forth, fight something or another; hey who do I convince to become the new White hat?

“Hahhahha, sounds like an impossible reality.”

What’s normal? I want anything to be carefree and funny; starting the day with a talking plush doll, I don’t believe this.

“But this is all true, you can call me a Kämpfer; the whole truth without any pretense.”


“I cannot accept this.”

And well.

“What could one say to satisfy you; there is no doubt you are a Kämpfer.”

I looked into Harakiri Tora’s eyes. There doesn’t seem to be anything fishy about her; there’s nothing outrageous behind her eyes.

When the day started the term guy no longer applied to me; my presence has been selected and the evidence is that I have the body of a woman, and I have to fight with this form.

I have a bad feeling this pressure will lead to a fight. I do not know why I have to fight, I wonder what the White Hat would say.

“It is not that you will fight.”

And Harakiri Tora?

“The Kämpfer were chosen to fight not me.”

“Why I don’t want to fight?”

“I know.”

Only when it’s like this is the plush dolls self-confident, just like Shizuka-chan’s habits.

Anymore questions feel pointless, I’ll just stop talking. Also if I’m pursued because of what the plush doll said I can just burn it then.

Looking at the clock tells me I’m almost late.

“OH, that was the entire point!”

“Sloppy. Any questions, please?”

“Each comment burns… Anyways will I remain a woman?!”

I have to go to school already. Now I’ll have to run without eating breakfast or I won’t make it. And remain a girl in a sailor uniform; quite the penalty game.

"Do you still want to remain a woman?"

“I’m misunderstood”

“I can return to being a man!”

Immediately her eyes brightened. Sakura-original, I will be a normal boy again!

“According to how I put it.”

“If you do this you must fight.”

“If what?”

“It’s simple really. If you continue to win continuous fights, you will have no more enemies, hence no reason to turn into a woman. So you can always remain a man.”

“I see…….Well, I asked about my target earlier.”

“Any hope I had, is gone I guess.”

“Motherfucker! It’s important now. I have to go to school!”


Harakiri Tora had been in deep contemplation for a while.

“There is no way. I can tell you a way to return to your original form though.”

“That’s it, tell me; no please tell me!”

Grabbing the plush doll; to the me now, the Shizuka-voiced Harakiri Tora was enough to bow before.

“You are very impatient.”

“What is it? Teach me quickly. Soon!”

“Please close your eyes well.”


Eyes closed as she said, all I could hear is Harakiri Tora’s voice.

“So we will.”

Will? What is will?

In the next instant just when I was starting to question it, I felt a strong blow to my abdomen.

Pain came unbidden from my abdomen. The plush doll SOB wanted to beat me; next I’ll burn her. Then my conscious went pitch black.


I can sense my eyes.

On reflex I jumped up, falling from the bed as a bonus.

Bed? Looking around the room; I see the familiar landscape of my room.

He gingerly looked at himself, large breasts?

I rushed down from bed; peering into the powerless television, since the room has no mirror this makes a decent substitute.

There can be no doubt this is a mans face.

A great surge of jubilation came straight from the heart.

“Ah… I did it!”

Howling with joy; I am not a woman. I have been restored as a man! There is no such thing as Kämpfer!

I jumped to the front of the desk.

“You, quit lying to yourself inside, I just returned you to normal.”

Harakiri Tora said, however there was no reply.


Looking closer, shaking trying to waving about, no; there was no such motion; a fang was cutting through a neatly sewn mouth. From something who, in every respect, should just be a plush doll.

Ideas swirled around, the plush doll, Harakiri Tora, slept. The events from what happened a while ago, perhaps it was all a dream.

“I see… So it was a dream.”

Gradually joy surged.

“Great! A dream, it was all a dream!”

Never mind that this has become a monologue, happiness jumped up inside me. Inside each non-existent Kämpfer forced to become a woman and fight for no reason.

“Hurray, hurray! Now I’m an ordinary person, unrelated to combat, among other things!”

I ran around the room in joy, expressing the joy of a year’s holidays; suddenly after jumping for joy, love, and school, I saw my arm.

Not believing my eyes, I see a light-blue bracelet; what’s this…?

“Well, I wasn’t dreaming.”

Harakiri Tora shook her head with a sigh.

Cruelly school was looming over my head creating an overcast mood; while looking up outside, I see cloudy weather. This good feeling was the worst ever.

Harakiri Tora is “Anything that can be dreamt, can be real” all told to be brutally honest with you. While what I wanted to hear, accept the less beautiful reality. I answered pitifully in my mind, “I want a wholesome, silent, satisfactory life,” or a return to the “already happy life” I had. (!)

“Don’t do it! You were returned to your immasculine figure!”

Harakiri Tora, admonishing words aren’t meant to raise my blood pressure.

“Good, knocking in such a way is a good way to return. I wonder if there is a better way.”

“You actually return automatically, I just wanted to do it in a playful way.”

“I’ll kill you.”

The sides of my abdomen were still throbbing.

“Oh yeah, It is probably a good idea to buy clothes.”

“Hey I’m not interested in fashion.”

Anyways I can’t really understand the idea of spending money on overpriced clothes. I continued to browse fashion magazines, all with similar looking clothes; fashion has looks that change often.

“Men aren’t; its women’s clothes we will need after the transformation.”

Come again? Why do we need to buy women’s clothes?

To my questioning, Harakiri Tora nodded naturally.

“The transformation works on your men’s uniform for school, it does not change all the clothes of the earth into a feminine version.”

“It’s mutually exclusive for your uniform.”

“I probably fit that size best.”

Not really, that was not made for my huge chest, among other things.

But we have to get such things like women’s clothes. Once a man is in the shop, he’ll get treated like a pervert, and… that’s not even considering underwear.

“How do I turn back into a woman?”

“As I thought you would.”

“Do not just say so happily, I just asked…”

“I was returned a while ago, automatically, how do I return at the moment?”

“Since in addition, now it will be revealed.”

Shit! I remember, this stuffed animal is an agent of the devil.

Times up. I’m going to end up at school without any breakfast. Harakiri Tora was saying “just pick up some rice to eat on the way while walking, do not mind me please.” Naturally as if anyone cares.

I was late and it was last minute, I visited a convenience store on the way. Running in to buy onigiri, I thought of eating it on the run, but I decided to stop. For the first time I can rest.

To catch up I ran intently, angling around turns.



I almost bumped into somebody, and stumbled; The other person also fell

“s-sorry, huh?”

Apologizing on reflex for the mistake, I see their face. What, Wow! I know this person.

“I’m so sorry, I was looking in a different direction… huh, Natsuru-san?”

The other person I had almost ran into, was a girl.

"I’m so glad... ah; I can't say that, can I? But because it's someone I know, I feel kinda relieved."

Sakura Kaede laughed to hide her embarrassment.

She is slightly lower in stature, with long refreshingly shiny hair, and an elegant-curvy body. She is the idol of the school; simply put, a beautiful girl numbering in the top five, of which she was certainly at the top. I stuttered and thought to myself “good line” I’ve become a woman.

She is the heartthrob of many high school boys, and I also admire her; moreover many of my classmates from middle school are hardcore followers.

Sakura-san I will just say “Never mind” and wave my hand.

“Calm down, you didn’t cause me to fall.”

“Is that so? Natsuru-san’s kind as always.”

Endure! The benefits were the same as in middle school; she called me by my first name then too. My heart was stricken, beating faster while I maintained a calm façade.

“Want to go to school together?”

“Sure, since I’m already late.”

Sakura-san is with me, I grinned to myself.

Like this I can easily forget the crazy events from this morning. Going to school with Sakura-san makes my story almost lucky; many boys would pay to get this close to her. Unexpectedly alone, it’s like a lifetime of good luck, winning the lottery will be even less possible now.

Two people walking to school; almost feels like a date.

“Sounds fun Natsuru-san; did something good happen?”

“Yep, I’m with Sakura-san.”

I wish I hadn’t said that line, it sounds lame. Sakura-san surely won’t fall for that.

“Aha, I think I’m glad to have met Natsuru-san on the occasion I overslept for once too.”

That smile only helps to her benefit; but Sakura-san, that can make a man misunderstand.

Unfortunately I did not misunderstand; she has all-too-many boys who would like to go out with her, but there are no rumors about her going out with any of them. However many good boys voices, would swing for, “We cannot surpass the Tokaidatte’s fallen maple[Kaede]” it has become a school legend. However there is a gap between me and Sakura-san, I think; in other words it would be suicidal for me. Therefore I should enjoy the present situation.

“This is turning into a good morning , worthy of pleasing Sakura-san.”

“Is that so?”

I am listening anxiously.

"Just a second. Whatever, it's fine...or rather, I've given up." (!)

I recall a profoundly heavy feeling; I cannot forget the unforgettable, and I decide to push the matter into the farthest corner of my mind.

“That’s right. How is the plush doll I gave you?”

“I-it’s there, decorating the top of my desk.”

“Good, I love that series, I’ve already accumulated the complete collection; I’ve even been fostering any that have been discarded.”

Sakura-san was innocently delighted at this.

Yes, the Entrails Animal Series stuffed animal was given to me by Sakura-san; so he cannot trash of abandon it.

He had a different sense of taste, it was “cute” but it also fit other criterion such as “cute and grotesque,” in all sincerity I also thought it was cute. So, the glo-series one I have, I had loved it without hesitation. No, of course, my comic taste is also out of admiration for her.

According to rumors, Sakura-san’s room is even like stepping into a world of Entrails Animal Goods.

“Do you think Harakiri Tora is cute?”

What a difficult question to answer.

“Ye-yeah, distinctly.”

“I’m happy to hear you say so.”

“I bet it would have a voice like Shizuka-chan.”

That pained me; Sakura-san had a mystified look on her face.

The school road has no one else on it; we have plenty of time the only other people here are jobless and tardy students. Sakura-san and I are obviously of the latter group.

We were talking silly while we continued along. Or rather, the topic was about Entrails Animals with Sakura-san, while I was trying to desperately continue the deflected conversation. She must have remembered the frustration and cleverly doctored conversation skills, following every morning to bring more to light.

While Sakura-san was talking, my sight kept flickering to my right arm.

“…What is that bracelet?”

An example is the bracelet, while I touch it,

“No, well I often wear this bracelet.”

“What brand is it?”

“Come now, how should I say this, Kämpfer?”

“…A German brand?”

It is not a brand at all. To begin with it’s not even a fashion accessory.

Obviously, since I can remember, I cannot leave this bracelet and its pledge. There is no seam, so I cannot resist or take it off. Not that I care anymore but, when asked to explain like now, it is troublesome.

What do I say, considering the moment?

“Ooh, its shining.”

Quickly checking, as Sakura-san said the bracelet is, in fact, shining.

A thin blue light was shining, flickering at regular intervals. This is the first time for this reaction; a sign of transformation maybe or…?

“do… do you need to do something?”(!)

The worst thing that can happen is becoming a woman here, outside next to Sakura-san. Once she’s seen me transform, she may call out; even better still, I could become a test specimen in someplace-somewhere.

“Uuh hey, Sakura-san. I’m sorry but I have to go on ahead.”

“Ah, how unfair Natsuru-san. Didn’t you say we could go together?”

Her cheeks are adoringly inflated. The Infatuation meter has risen; I cannot afford this absentmindedness. While striving to be calm,

“For I remembered. Well, For what we have. And anyways I have to leave here soon.” (!)

“I will also run if you do.”

Sorry, sorry. Please let me go alone somehow.

The bracelet’s blinking is speeding up. This horrible childish feeling is rapidly becoming reality. An earnestly dangerous situation.

Abruptly I saw a protruding gun’s muzzle.

“…A gun?”

I was speechless.

I watched keenly. Humans are not funny, and jokes about how nothing unexpected happens, strangely seemingly settled down my mind. At gunpoint that was now the case.

“What’s this? A woman and my enemy chattering, do you have eyes now?”

The primary gun, that the talking woman has, is enormous, but looks like a dummy.

She was slightly lower than my height; her tone of voice was terrible. Her skin was white and stylish, but no matter how “Beautiful” you classified the appearance, just as beautiful were sharp eyes profusely saying, “Caution Vicious Dog” as a poster would, and I would not be surprised with the poster having her picture on it.

“This sleepy man is the enemy blocking the story of innovation. He is a man and failed to hear me, what you are fancifully last?”

She wore a bored expression, and then pulled the trigger.

“Just a, please wait!”

Since we were about to be killed, we hurriedly raised out hands.

“What’s this all of the sudden! A mugging?!”

“Idiot, what are you fucking saying? A mugger as beautiful as this exists?”

She also referred to herself as a rare beauty.

“Apparently not!”

“What’s you name then? Mine is Mishima Akane [Beautiful Island of Crimson Noise]”

“I am Senou[Torrent of skill] Natsuru… Isn’t that a gun!”

“What this?”

She was dangling the muzzle a bit.

“This guy is mai~ weapon. The trigger can blow bullets out of you; one can even open some breathing holes, if it hits your skull, literary don’t you think?”

Where is the literature, what!?

The girl was, as usual, staring with eyes like a dog on the verge of pouncing. Come one! Come all! Less hostile, murderous satisfaction.

“So what’s the hold up here!?”

“Shut up man! Stop talking!”[1]

It is not such a hard question and my life is on the line here!

“When suddenly everybody is about to be killed?!”

Wishing to ignore my appeal, her line of sight shifted. There, failing to understand the situation, is the figure of Sakura-san.

“Huh? You guy is that your girl?”[2]

I would be very glad if that was the case, but unfortunately it is not. There is no red; okay there are no others.

She stared at Sakura-san and watched her.

“What Sakura-san isn’t it? Aren't we Classmates?”

Now that you mention it, this girl is wearing our school uniform. But it has been customized with a shorter short sleeve hem. At any rate this is Sakura-san’s classmate, so that means, I am in the same high school as her?

“Hey, we go to the same fucking school”


Akane put returned the muzzle.

“Hey I can’t do without battling as I am expected to. Such as what I troubled to have said. To go against, come on! Instead of scratching my crotch at home, so I should do something a little constructive.”

What’s Constructive huh? It is being destructive me. Furthermore, prospects of reconstruction are zero.

“What good is that! Since you are my enemy, I will beat you to death.”

Enemy? “Enemy trouble,” perhaps?

Suddenly, my bracelet is flickering at the speed of lightning. My body started to move involuntarily.


“Oh, this motherfucker!”

Like I was being pulled into something like that. I’m running, not much however, the distance past one corner.

The vicious dog woman, I understand, is chasing me while holding a gun, but I wasn’t that much better.

Flashing emissions from the bracelet continued. A pale light envelops my entire body. A little glow was spreading; my whole body feels like it was washed away.

The light suddenly disappeared.


Looking down on my body. Sailor uniform with large breasts, and a short-skirt; the woman I had changed into this morning.

No light relieved him, but at the same time he wanted to hang his neck. Son of a Bitch, this morning was also reality? As a bonus I met with Sakura-san if it continued, but there was the hold up by the foul-mouthed woman. However it is complicated with the transformation into a woman. Is it blessing in disguise to be hidden away from Sakura-san, but what am I now?

“Haa… Ahahahahaa…!”

I heard wild laughter; unnoticed for some time, the woman with the gun in one hand was laughing.

“Great I say! As I had thought you were also a Kämpfer!”

I was frightened.

She was proudly pointing at him. If you look closely there was also a bracelet fitted on her right arm.

“It is as such because there wasn’t many motherfuckers [to fight] there.”

I see the gunpoint coming at me.

“Haa!? Why are you expected to fight me?”

“Why come on you don’t know? Kämpfer fight for the sake of existing. I will blow your head off to Jupiter!”

“I heard. Even so you…”

“Kämpfer are enemies to Kämpfer assuredly.”

This is the first time hearing this. Harakiri Tora had mentioned a fight against [Secret], did she mean this?

However, how am I expected to fight? This woman has a weapon in her hand pointed in my direction. My opponent won’t go easy on me just because I don’t have a weapon. Rather she opened fire, while abhorrently laughing.

“Do it soon! If you don’t run away I’m going to shoot you.”

“If I escape you won’t shoot!?”

“Well, shooting.”

She squeezed the trigger.

A bullet flew out from the muzzle on the brink of me, and my body moved.

Akane after looking right… She carried the gun outside towards me, naturally when that happened I jumped from where I was, literally without any regards to my intent.

Although a bullet just passed through where I had just been standing.

Akane, now provoked, narrowly glance around murmuring “this motherfucker” overlooked me, when she was suddenly embraced.

The vicious dog-woman drew the trigger in quick succession.

And how, her fingers cramped up suddenly from bring her index finger back and forth continuously, like drunkards on New Year’s Eve spitting out lead bullets.

Already off of the route to school and onto a noisy construction site; certainly her firearm had to be loaded again and again, but it should be limited, whereas Akane had been shooting indefinitely.

For this reason I have no margin of error.

I dodged all the bullets flying at me. I also was, and without regard to the difficulty, moving my whole body, automatically, to escape past fences and telephone poles.

Timidly take a quick look while unseen, Akane’s facial expression had become incessantly stern.

“Very well done, isn’t it.”[3]

Thank you for the praise. I’m just going to run away now.

“However, Hey! Know this, my Gewehr[gun] can, infact, blow a wall to the stars. How many bullets, however, can your ass receive like shots from National Health Insurance.

It’s no joke. Yes! Pierce this wall with your tool, try to do something to my beautiful ass. What, there is nothing like it over there. I expect this is unfair.[4]

“Nothing is expected is it not.”

Hear me hated one[5], putting my thought into words is a bad habit that’s not going to change.

However, whether or not there will be time to change that, this vicious dog woman is earnestly trying to kill me.

Its time.

Instead Sakura-san unexpectedly made an appearance.

“Natsuru… san?”

After hearing that I became stiff. I abruptly ran because, maybe, I can visit these circumstances.

“Ehh… Natsuru-san… haa…?”

Fierce dog woman quickly turned the gun towards her.

“As yet hated[6], obediently continue on to school like a good-Samaritan.

Those eyes have a look like an actual hound detecting its prey. Or, possibly like the look my father gives to the spectator rapid-fire sneezing in a movie theater.

Shit girl, no intruding!”

The trigger finger connected.[7]That’s dangerous Sakura-san!! I spoke out at once.


Simultaneously, the palm of my hand became hotter.

Surprisingly, considering the moment, a crimson flame came twisting from my fingers.

Surprisingly, considering the moment, a crimson flame came twisting from my fingers.

The explosion smashed into the brick wall, shattering it into pieces.


Words of astonishment came from Sakura-san.

The Handgun carrying girl however, did not receive any shock.


“Hee? Zauber…?”

“Don’t play innocent. And I thought it was funny you were empty handed. Hey! Invoking items from your hand requires considerable refinement.”

More importantly I had a sensation of being hit by a steel frame being place on my head.

This morning various I have met various things like a woman entwined in a plush doll that had talked, but the final blow had been the fireball exiting my hand. “Perhaps the whole of what Harakiri Tora was saying had been a lie, that I would be only a high school student,” clinging, but I had no grounds for hope, and it is tragically extinct. Kämpfer’s title had now become Katakana[ケンプファー ] .[8]Mother, father; life sure is an irrational thing, that can be assured.

“What! The fact is I am hanging at the point of death.”


“Well good! After all this time you can feel free, the killing will finally be done!”[9]

“Wait! To that extent, wait up!"

“I’m exhausted from your omissions!”

The gun is being prepared to come piercing through me. Filling the distance in order to certainly intending to kill. In good order the face and its fierce dog like emotions, was rapidly closing in.

When seeing that face, about to be dead like an ant lion being blown away. The person is assuredly serious. I have to be on guard, but from the fire ball from a while ago already, it seems, had not brought this to an end. A jet engine in my brain, flying around like a revolving lantern.[10]

Unpredictably, the fierce dog woman’s movement stopped.

The muzzle pointed in this direction as it was bore, I noticed what I was looking at.

Her gaze is being filled by the bracelet on my right arm.


Clicking her tongue while swinging her right hand. To the extent the handgun had went in order to kill and erase me.

“Dear it is not it.”

Akane said and spit out, turned herself around, the handgun quickly followed suit.

Afterwards the woman left leaving me and Sakura-san.


Sakura-san coming to speak. It is troubling as to how I should reply to her, gently smile and run away silently.

Just as that woman here had, I will follow her plan however.

Page 51


  1. Akane has a Kansai accent apparently and I dont really know how to translate Kansai without looking up a hundred different resources so be aware it may not be 100% accurate after im done translating i will probably look up more on this to make it as correct as possible
  2. Akane speaks in a very masculine derogatory slang filled speech here
  3. Akane says done as in doing your sexual partner, then proceeds to say isn't it in a masculine way, haha
  4. Natsuru's monologue is in a feminine form here
  5. A bit of speech in japanese directing towards an enemy, kindof hard to put in english so i put this
  6. Sakura
  7. connected as in not to disconnect
  8. he says that he recognizes Kämpfer as a concept now since he had thought of it as a spelling in Katakana
  9. again done as having sex
  10. The seriousness in the situation is related to thoughts swirling around in his(her) head like a revolving jet engine

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