Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica:Volume 3 Prologue

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Prologue - Zahark's Evil Intentions

Part 1

Suddenly rays of light flashed through the dark space.

Rainbow-colored light quickly spread out in all directions, this is a special phenomenon arising from the transfer of space.

Space-distortion links different locations.

Shrill high frequency noise spreads widely all around.

Dazzling light gradually faded, a person silhouette slowly appeared.

"Although used many times, still feel that the church's <Gate of Shift/transfer>,[1]is quite remarkable!"

She lightly fiddled with her beautiful smooth hair, her voice sent out feelings of praise for the space transfer.

Listy El Da Sherfied

In the world known as Alayzard, the magical country of Sherfied was famous far and wide as a superpower. The present woman is Sherfied's Queen, Listy.

Listy turned her head to look behind.

In front of her eyes stands a towering circular object. The surrounding is decorated with sacred stones that appear like ornate colored glass, while the center reflects the scenery ahead.

However, the circular object is not a enormous mirror. To a certain extent the mirror lens sends out dazzling light, as if to prove. The rays of light seemed so dazzling, Listy subconsciously narrowed her eyes. The glare fades, afterwards the object reflected three figures on her side, after Listy ascended to the Queen's throne, they were heavily relayed upon, the three most trusted people.

Sherfied's major general in command of the Kingdoms army Zechs· Doltrake.

Queen Listy assisted administer Chief Executive of the Kingdom Trum · Loutier.

As well as care for Queen Listy and her daily living Chief maid-- Grand chamberlain Valkyria.

In fact Listy not so long ago, those three accompanied her into the desert, where the Disidiya Empire is located to discuss am important matter.

However only a short time, almost a few seconds of time, immediately returned to Erdia, the capital of Sherfied kingdom, from Disidiya.

"What's wrong? How can you afford to a stand here?

After discovering Listy weird expression, Zechs couldn't resist opening his mouth.

"Mmm," Listy softly shook his head and said:

"Nothing, I just looking at <Shift Gate>, that's all."

Listy raised her head, carefully studied the towering object in-font of her --- <Gate of Shift>.

This is the legacy of a bygone era in a multi-continent Alayzard, extensive preaching of the holy Erdia Church left.

According to historical records, people scattered throughout various countries used the <Gate of Shift> that originally only lead to the Erdia Church's place of origin--Aleclasta empire Religion head office, only gave Erdia Church senior Division the qualifications to use <Gate of Shift> privileges, but after going through several wars, at the strong request of all governments, the Religion head office lessened the <Gate of Shift> use restrictions, in case of famine, plague or other natural disaster, also countries can go use the <Gate of Shift> functionality to get more efficient rescue operations. From the beginning, the Church has always been keep neutral--Aleclasta Empire at the request of countries has always taken a passive attitude, since Pope Volk Rem Aleclasta IV ascension, the <Gate of Shift> rights to use were opened to Governments, however the <Gate of Shift> is for emergency only, and may not be used for the purpose of trade or commerce, and so on.

In this context, the <Gate of Shift> naturally can be used for emergency discussions between the various countries royal families. In particular when Sherfied, Disidiya and Aleclasta utilized the <Shift gate> to held numerous consultations in order to defeat the Demon country of Geirpein, overthrow the Demon King Garius, all succeed because of the establishment of a military alliance.

Listy, who also held talks with Disidiya and Aleclasta's representatives,

To arrest the unaccounted for Demon King's daughter, Myuu.

Simultaneously--to permit a youth to return his original world.

After saying farewell to the church, Listy passing through shifts went straight back to Erdia castle.

The purpose was to develop countermeasures to respond accordingly to the situation at hand.

The topics related to state secrets, Listy chose the Queen's executive service room to hold the private discussion, therefore eliminating the risk of news being leaked.

Last to enter the executive service room was Valkyria, who at the same time locked the door, Listy suddenly sighed heavily.

"I was only out of the country for one day......"

Listy voice sounded quite helpless, her eyes rested on the Queens official business on the table against the wall.

On top of it was a mountain of files.

"It seems Loutier's judgment was correct."

Valkyria calmly started to talk.

"If in accordance with her Royal Highness wish to return by land, which requires a minimum five days of travel. The files on the desk would of certainly been more than that."

Thats right, Listy had planned to ride the carriage by way of the land route to return home, also the <Gate of Shift> had not been given consideration.

Returning home by a land route intention was to inspect Sherfied's reconstruction throughout the territory--Especially the border is not easy to know that all the reconstruction work is on schedule.

In addition, the Queen's visit can also maintain popular sentiment, can give vitality and hope to all the people. But this proposal was opposed by Loutier and Valkyria, and ultimately she had no choice but to give up. Admittedly maintaining popular sentiment is important, however they have a hundred things to do in Sherfied that have precedent. There are important policies that must be developed and implementation. If it really is for the people, government affairs should be dealt with priority consideration.

Loutier and Valkyria proposal is correct, Listy understood.

Thus Listy readily accepted the good advice and decided to use the <Gate of Shift> to return home.

But in her heart, however she couldn't help but think of something.

...... If Akatsuki were here ......

Akatsuki is a hero, with innate qualities of motivating others. If Akatsuki were in-charger of government affairs he would have visited every corner of the Sherfied, certainly would of been able to bring even greater courage and hope to everyone.

...... No, that's not true.

In fact most people wished that Akatsuki stayed in Alayzard, just like Listy herself.

Akatsuki return to his original world, and she ascended to the Queen's throne.

After a little reminiscing, Listy understand more than ever before Akatsuki's position in her heart and how important his strength, brilliant smile and strong personality, not only brought Listy inexplicable sense of security, further became Listy hearts most significant moral support.

However Listy shook her head, trying to get rid of her dependence on Akatsuki.

Since she is Sherfied's Queen, she must carry out the work of the Queen.

...... but such a large number of files, spending several hours might not be enough......

Listy sighed, assistant official Loutier gave a slight smile.

"I will also help, Listy two people working together can finish this in the blink of an eye."

"Two people huh? I basically think Loutier is able to do it all by herself."

"Don't underestimate me, I'll help."

Listy sticks out her chest, refutes Zechs's ridiculing.

...... But then again, back, Lu Lu really helps me a lot.

As a high elf Loutier, possess intelligence that surpasses mankind's level. Currently Sherfied has a thousand things needed to be done, Queen Listy ordinarily must handle government affairs on her own, naturally dealing with more than the usual mess, she's simply overwhelmed. Fortunately, having Loutier sharing some of the work, Listy got a chance to take a breather.

"Putting these files aside, what matters most right now is--"

Half said, Listy suddenly lowered her voice.

"Both of you should more or less guess correctly? - Right, I want to ask you to investigate something."

From: Disidiya: The new Hero from Disidiya received orders to leave for the alternate world, in order to apprehend the Demon King's daughter and bring her to trial.

Watching the new hero Phil Barnett unusual departure, Listy felt very skeptical. Phil and Disidiya's emperor Baram as well as Aleclasta's religion teacher Miranda talked among themselves, Listy became even more suspicious.

"Zechs, would you please investigate the origins of Phil Barnett, and during his time in Alayzard what has he been up to. The first time I saw Phil Barnett, I knew he was not an ordinary person, but I absolutely can not imagine him actually having that kind of power."

Listy recalled lost in her thoughts, when Disidiya and Phil Barnett arrived at the <Gate of Another World> and a confrontation unfolded. Listy couldn't help but said so.

"With ordinary training that degree of power fluctuation is impossible, they must be hiding something. Zechs, I would like you to find out the answer."

In addition to –

"Lulu, I would ask you to investigate how an alternate world person returning to their world, and the method afterwards if they can to return to this world. Judging from Baram-sama as well as Miranda's reactions, they all seem to think that Phil·Barnett would be able to return with the Demon King's daughter to Alayzard once again, but also saw it as a matter of course."

Having said that, Listy in her heart is still somewhat skeptical. Does this method really exist? At least until now, Listy didn't know anything about this method to speak of.

However, Akatsuki once said, If ever something happens call me! If you believe me I’ll definitely come back to Alayzard. In retrospect, Akatsuki parting shot would seem to suggest that a method for inhabitants of an alternate world to return to Alayzard really does exists.

"...... Launching an investigation is certainly not a problem, but -"

Loutier voice is very calm.

"-In the event that a person from an alternate world can once more return to Alayzard method really does exist---Then what are your intentions, Listy?"

She doesn't plan to re-summon Akatsuki? Or does she plan to analyzes the mechanism of alternate world migration, and go directly to Akatsuki's world? Loutier's eyes are flickering to show her indignant thoughts, seemly to criticize Listy's lack of thinking everything through.

--Akatsuki brought the Demon King's daughter to his own world.

Listy is unwilling to believe Disidiya leader, emperor Baram's hypothesis. Akatsuki was Listy's comrade, and this statement will undoubtedly hurt Akatsuki's image. Listy plainly refuses to believe that, and also emperor Baram has a lot of hostility.

Of course, Listy understands this is not how a Queen of a country should behave. Moreover Listy already made up her mind, that no matter what, she will always stand on the side of Akatsuki.

Therefore Listy shook her head, her face showed a wry smile.

"Even if I know this method, I have no intentions, but simply not knowing anything at all and not being aware, is it not the same thing. At present the situation is that other countries know a secret, and we actually knew anything at all. In this regard, Sherfied is apparently behind the curve. To compensate for this disparity, also to prevent people from using this method for all kinds of evil. I say that we should get to the bottom of it."


"This is definitely not a decision out of my personal feelings. Similarly -- cannot say that it isn't slightly taking my own sentiment."

That being the case-

"Why not allow me to go back to my homeland to inquire about it, my elders have lived for more then a thousand years. Maybe they have handed down the secret since ancient times."

"All right, then I'll begin with contacting our spies in the national army."

Zechs from side interjects.

"Sherfied and Disidiya are now in a military alliance, the restrictions placed between the two where drastically lifted. It is also relatively easier to access Disidiya, a lot more than the before. Currently we have personal their in ranks, through those spies perhaps you can feel out some inside information about Phil."

"You work hard, and although this is urgent, but nor is it necessary to resolve the matter immediately."

Listy smiles bitterly.

"Disidiya sand made my whole body feel uncomfortable. Before processing this pile of files, do I want to clean my exhausted body or take a nap? Today well rest -"

Without time to finish, suddenly came rapid knocking at the door, indicating an urgent matter.

"- Who is it?"

Standing outside the door towards the side, Valkyria answered.

Talks held here are extremely confidential content, Valkyria tone was somewhat harsh.

"I'm Ilya, there's an urgent matter to report to Valkyria-san."

Outside the door the chamberlain voice could be heard, Valkyria silently gazed at Listy, waiting for Listy's decision.

Therefore Listy nodded.

"The Conference is over, let her come in."

Thus Valkyria opened the execute office door, a young girl dressed in a maid's uniform was standing outside the door. After the girl bowed towards Listy, walked towards Valkyria and whispered into her ear. The calm composure of Valkyria suddenly turned to a grim expression, this apparent change in expression caught Listy's eyes.

"...Valkyria, what happened?"

Listy asks.

"There was a ... ... situation that seemed to occur while we out of the country."

Obviously euphemistic rhetoric. Ordinary Valkyria will just speak outright, today is somewhat unusual.

Listy knows Valkyria, and this only happens in unusually circumstances, in this case it means something ominous. And --- the degree or specialty must be particularly serious.


"I'm sorry to report it to --- you."

Valkyria with a heavy tone reported.

Part 2

The sun was setting and gradually dyeing the horizon a crimson.

Sky overhead began to slowly become a dark blue, declaring the coming of night.

Intersection of the sky and the horizon, condensed into a red and purple line.

On this night the upcoming dusk, in Nishiyama located west of the city of Erdia forest, a corner of the cemetery.

Listy was stupefied.

"Why ......"

The word accidentally slip from her mouth, because sight is too hard to believe.

She is looking at now, is the completely destroyed tomb.

In this cemetery are the people who died midst fighting Demons, in which this tomb is extremely special. He, was one who dared take on the Demon King's army head-on, and has made numerous achievements as a youth.

Was praised as the "True Hero" and this was the final resting place of Leon * Aceperio.

Yes, here is Aceperio * Leon - praised as the "True Hero" grave and now his final resting place was devastated, the gravestones engraved with his name has also been split into two from the middle one. Even the condolence flowers and cards missssing the deceased, have all been trampled to the ground.

Burial remains and souvenirs on the ground, it seemed that huge talons dug a big hole.

"Too much, too much, who did such a thing ......!"

Listy biting her lower lip, it doesn't make any sense.

Not every resident of Alayzard held a high degree of respect towards Akatsuki, Listy knew that well, which is also why Akatsuki was dubbed the "rogue hero".

However Listy absolutely cannot imagine someone actually regarding Leon as an enemy, even also desecrate Leon's final resting place.

Absolutely cannot spare his guy, Listy thought.


Listy standing behind her bodyguard ordered.

"-Find this criminal immediately! Destruction of hero grave, is tantamount to going against all of the people of Sherfied!"

Listy clenched her fists, secretly swore in her heart.

Desecration of the dead is absolutely unforgivable behavior.

Absolutely unforgivable.

Behind the infuriated Listy, stood two figures.

Valkyria met up with Sykes and Loutier, who rushed to the scene.

They understood Listy's inner feelings.

Because their anger is absolutely not less than Listy's.

It is an irrational anger, however the two retained somewhat calm.

Therefore, now they are whispering to each other, in a low murmur Listy cannot hear.

"--- You noticed yet, Zechs?"

"Mmm ......the tombstone was not split into two, but was cut off."

The split of gravestone had many little of cracks, the fragment were scattered all around. At first glance it seems like a huge hammer abruptly knocked it into two parts. But Leons's tombstone is made of a special sub-ore Damandaite, this iron ore hardness is greater than any mere hammer ever could be making it impossible for a hammer to smash. Furthermore, Damandaite has a natural magic defense, making it incapable of destroying Leon's tombstone.

The most straightforward evidence, is the mirror like smooth cross-section.

No mistake, this is a sword cutting marks, and also should be from an expert hand. Although Alayzard is large, to have his kind of expertize is limited to just a handful, uncovering the criminal should be just a matter of when, rather than if.

"...Valkyria, Thank you."

Valkyria was in charge of cleaning up the aftermath. Valkyria would catch up later, while Listy started towards the castle's direction, Sykes and Loutier also followed closely behind.


Suddenly, Zechs stopped and turned to look behind.

"......Zechs, What's wrong?"

"Nothing ......"

Facing Loutier question, Zechs noncommittally shook his head.

...... Could it be him.......

Zechs gave a wry smile, once again took a step and was about to say the name he had in mind, however it seems too early for that.

Just flashed in his mind for a moment that figure.

It was not possible to conclude that he was the criminal.

Part 3

This room is full of various kinds computers and receivers.

The control central of JPN Babel school. Small electric devices, air-conditioning, and such, are all hidden in this room. The enchantment boundary system, which turns physical damage into mental damage, are all directly managed by here. It can be said its the heart of school.

Its late at night, the control room should only have a few left on duty, but it is overcrowded.

Status reports and directive confirmations intertwined into a roar, the room was filled with an atmosphere of tension and urgency.

Suddenly, a man appeared in the room. His tall and burly body was covered with greasy overalls, sporting a scruffy beard with a somewhat disgruntled expression. Remarkably alike an iron factory boss man at first glance, that is unrelated to the high technology precision instrument throughout the control center. But as the man appeared, all the staff immediately stop their work at hand, and stares at the man, he revealed a reassuring look.

"Dr. Kubota ......"[2]

All the staff greeted the man in unison, dressed in greasy overalls---Kubota started to talk:[3]

"Report the current situation.”

In his own research laboratory tinkering with machines is his only personal hobby after all.

An administrator in Babel, he certainty is number one alternate world technology researcher.

The functional transform of AD, enchantment boundary system, construction of simulation trainers, etc. Babel schools many important critical systems are almost all his masterpieces.

The Babel schools indispensable character, Kubota status is unshakeable.

Responding to Kubota's inquiry, the staff immediately reports the present situation.

"About 30 minutes ago the enchantment system stopped functioning. The main program crashed for unknown reasons, and cannot be rebooted."

"In accordance with the operating procedures for this situation, trying to start an auxiliary system, but its still not responding. Appears that the material line was destroyed."

"In addition, the second, fourth and seventh lines are also unresponsive. External links are interrupted, school security systems also are experience serious holes."

In a nutshell, we have our hands bound and unable to do anything about it. Kubota narrowed his eyes.

"Status --- Other lines and systems?"

"No, nothing, all the normal operation ......"

After listening to the staff hurriedly replied, Kubota muttered "good!."

"Make use of the still intact normal system to manufacture a bypass line parallel to the cut lines, and then reconstruct the rest of the system. That should restore the system to its status prior to its destruction. Operational efficiencies should be drastically reduced, but at this critical juncture I am not worried about it."

Kubota appears in the control center for only a few minutes, however in that very short time he gave this desperate situation a ray of hope. Staff members on-site hurriedly back to their respective positions in accordance with Kubota's plan.

"--- Dr. Kubota!"

Then a staff member stopped Kubota.

"Ranking tournament headquarters sent a message asking how long will it take for enchantment boundary system recovery."

"....Eight hours. then I will reorganize the system in attempt to continue the ranking tournament. "

Kubota answers, suddenly the control center burst into commotion.

In an emergency situation in which every second counts, eight hours is an awfully long time.

But Kubota's calculation of eight-hours made the on-site staff shiver. They're trying make use of the remaining lines in order to restore the main program operation, but tying into the normal lines with this brutal method is tantamount to starting from scratch and building a new system.

Such a workload in as little as eight hours to complete?

However, Kubota says in a natural tone to all the employees.

"Only let the people on the battlefield feel the atmosphere is not so unfair yet --- Technical Support department should gamble fate too eh!"

Thus, the technical staff battle begins.

Under the harsh conditions of limited equipment and systems, everyone must be at their best, no room for any slack.

At that moment someone muttered – Why not pick tomorrow, why pick today!

"Complaining is useless, we now only have to make the best of it."

Reassuring the staff, simultaneously Kubota thought of many questions.

- I heard that a few hours before that the system had an abnormality, security systems found out a mystery man broke into the school, but the alert system regarded it as a false positive, and didn't forward the report. Now looking back, the intruder must crash the comprehensive system in order to escape. The destruction of the main system I can understand, but why even damaged the backup system and also to the drastically cut the lines? The intruder is apparently quite familiar with Babel's school system.

...... It's not that simple.

Kubota remembered a possibility, can't help but frowned.

Currently an intruder is still at large.

If Babel school really has a traitor ... ...!

- Two Worlds tangled and complicated with doubt.

JPN Babel school's most brutal night prologue slowly opens --

HYnA vol 03 017.jpg

If you do not understand, then let me tell you.

Where you belong--[4]

Translator's Notes and References

  1. 轉移之門 is different from 異界之門 (Gate of Another World).
  2. 久保田博士 - temp name / maybe change the Dr.
  3. 久保田灰人开口了 - honorifics?
  4. 何處才是你的歸屬—— IDK.
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