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21. Their respective thoughts[edit]

Alazon(diary): Ah...! Save him! Please save this child, somehow! God, this son that you have just given me, can I give you anything in exchange for him? For me, the only thing in this world are these children. For me, there's nothing but 'you' and these children. Give my life to this child! Give my all to this child!

Venera: *turns page* 'Give my all to this child', huh? Everyone goes through a sad DILEMMA in the face of the death of a loved one, right?

FX: *Yuuri approaches*

Yuuri: What are you reading?

Venera: The diary of Empress Alazon, you see? After the mummy burned I found it lying by her side on the floor.

Jason: A diary?

Freddy: What kind of diary?

Venera: It's about a miracle that brought her son back to life. But Alazon did not die right away. That year, her leg died. The following year it was her hand, and the year after that her body started to rot. And little by little, she died. She gave her own life to her son. Even though someone granted her wish, it's an awful story.

Yuuri: If you ask me, it's more of a horror story than a miracle. So, was it as we thought, the fault of the box?

Venera: I wonder about that. I mean, think about it. That woman hugged her dead child and everything she thought of became real as she was rushing through the tunnels. Couldn't the miracle had occurred due to Alazon's own power? *closes the diary* Here.

Yuuri: THANK YOU. So, by the way, Hazel, it's about these children....

Venera: Ah... these kind LADIES who were concerned about me?

Yuuri: Uh huh. Jayfre, you told me, you wanted me to save Venera, this person, right?

Jason/Freddy: Yes.

Jason: We want (you) to save (her)

Freddy: Yes, with majutsu...

Yuuri: What do you want me to do... with majutsu? Do you want me to join forces with her and abolish the slave system in this country?

Jason: Not that.

Freddy: That, she can do herself.

Yuuri: Then, what do you want me to do?

Jason: Heal

Freddy: That's right, heal. Venera's body.

Yuuri: Hazel! Are you sick?

Venera: No, there's nothing particularly wrong with me.

Yuuri: She says she's not sick...

Jason: Not that. We see, Venera's soul.

Freddy: Yes, the light of her soul, weakening.

Jason: Heal it, Yuuri. We can't do it ourselves.

Freddy: Venera, country's hope. Everyone says!

Yuuri: Hazel, they say that your soul is weakening?

Venera: Oh, you got me there... That's called aging, young ones.

Yuuri: What?

Venera: *chuckles* Everyone gets old, that's not something you can heal, you know? It's happening very slowly, but at last it seems that the time for me to look at the gates of Heaven has arrived.

Yuuri: Say, there is one thing that I can do though. If you want to, I might be able to take you back to Earth...

Venera: That's a very appealing invitation but I'm going to stay here. Doesn't it sound fun, to become this country's LINCOLN?[1]

Yuuri: Are you going to become this country's president?

Venera: No, I just want to free everyone from this outrageous class system, you know? Once I'm able to free these children from an unjust government, I'm planning to retire.

Yuuri: Something like that won't take long to happen, right?

Venera: Only God knows that.

Yuuri: Once it's all over, you have to come to Shin Makoku. It's a nice place, with beautiful landscapes.

Venera: *chuckles* I guess so then...*sighs* I've come this far by telling myself this is my life now, but it ended up being a long journey...

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  1. As in the president who abolished slavery in the United States.