
From Baka-Tsuki
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A certified TYPE-MOON zealot, almost to the point of obsession. Loves high-quality stories/plotlines, metaphysical concepts, and comedy of all types. Is a 'closet otaku' who has zero connections to anime/manga/etc in the physical world.

More commonly known as 'Nanaya,' but for some unknown reason did not register his name as 'Nanaya' here despite that. ---> Changing my username would be VERY welcome... <---

Speaks very fluent English, some Spanish, learning Japanese.

Bored out of his freaking mind for a large portion of the day; has inhuman reading speeds thus finishes a series and becomes even more bored, faster... Rarely puts anywhere near full effort into anything, but when he does do something the result is of good quality.

Tends to talk in 3rd person when describing self.