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===Chapter Six===
===Chapter Six===
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Chapter Six

This is a preview script. Please be aware that the degree of translation error may be higher than usual due to the translation speed & method employed.

The hills and mountains overlooked the waves of lake Ragdorian as they rippled dark blue.

The sun's illumination on the lake seemed to spread like a layer of shimmering glass.

Then the horse arrived at the lake.

Because Louise had trouble riding by herself, she and Saito took the same horse. She sat in front.

Louise's struggle to be as close to Saito as possible seemed to make the illusion that their was only one person riding.

Montmorency and Guiche rode on a seperate tall horse.

"This is the border of Lake Ragdorian! The water really is beautiful! The water spirit is here! Moved too! HO-HO-HO - YAHOO!"

Yelled Guiche whipping the horse and sending it plunging down the hill.

But the horse was afraid of the water and when it reached the shore it came to an abrupt stop.

As expected with inertia, Guiche was flung off the horse and fell with a thunderous crash into the lake upside down.

"Their are no steps! It's deep----It's deep!!!"

Guiche continued to struggle in the water and cried out for help.

It appeared that Guiche did not know how to swim.

"Communication is really what should be taken into account under the relatively. OK." Montmorency whispered.

"Indeed, considering, it is relatively good."

They were the only people on the small road.

Montmorency had a look of fear as she stretched her eyes out upon the lake.

"What are you looking at Montmorency?"

"Nothing, that's not what I was doing. Don't worry, I will return Louise back to her original self."

They were also the only people on the shore.

Guiche, after a long struggle, was shivering and soaked from head to toe as he finally reached the shore. His face spoke of complaint.

"Sure, just leave me in their, don't help."

However, Montmorency wasn't looking. Instead she had a look of suspicion as she gazed out on the lake.


He asked.


"What's strange?"

"The water level is up. Lake Ragdorian's shore should be far up there."


"See, the exposed part of that roof over there. It seems that villages have been flooded."

Following Montmorency's gaze, they could indeed see the roofs of submerged villages.

While looking they couldn't help but notice the dense number of homes submerged.

Montmorency walked up to the edge of the shore and lifted her hands to block out the sun while she bent down and looked into the limpid blue water.

After she had looked for ahwile she stood back up.

"It looks as if the water spirit is angry."

"How do you know that?"

"But I am a 'water' system user, Montmorency the 'Purfume'. Tuolishite by the Royal and Ancient houses in the Rafah Doric, this lake water to the conclusion of an ancient wizard of the Covenant.

Since then, we have made contracts with the 'water' throughout my families generations, and have served as official representations to the post."


"Now, because of various reasons, the other must assume nobility."

"Have you seen the water spirit?"

"I saw it for a short time. When we needed to create drainage for the territory, the family asked the water spirit to help. Then we prepared a lot of glass containers inside the water container promised to help the water spirit.

Thus we transported it to the territory. The water spirit is of strong self-esteem, they can be extremely aggresive. In fact it is because of their aggresiveness, my family drainage to create the failure of the scheme.

The father is, even with the water spirit that 'Bieluan walk, wetting the floor of the' such things ..."

"What does the water spirit look like?"

Suddenly the curiosity began to grow.

"I have never actually seen it."

Guiche shakes off the wet shirt he is wearing.

Louise has absolutly no interest in any of the discussion and held tightly to Saito.

"Ah, beautiful, yes, just like it."

They looked to see a farmer hiding behind a tree.

"Is it possible, are you lords of nobility?"

The farmer appeared to be 55 years old and appeared embarassed.

"What's the matter?"

Asked Montmorency.

"Your are going to make representation between yourself and the water? If that is the case, we have been saved! Please, quickly make your representation and solve this flood." It would appear that the farmer belonged to the group of people who had had their homes submerged by the flooding.

"We simply are here ... just to enjoy the lake."

She did not want to mention that they would be trying to get the water spirits tear.

Rather she wanted to dodge it all together.

"This is, ah .... Really, how can you expect us nobility while we are fighting a war to hang on the balance of one village's fate?

How could you even imagine that we could, considering how hard life is... "


Deeply sighed the farmer.

"Just to know, what happened to the lake?"

"The water level started to rise about two years ago. The water level increased slowly, first wharf was flooded, then the temple, field ....

You see, even our dwelling places were flooded. In charge of this piece of land, the feudal lords of the adults only operating territory, indulge in court entertainment. They don't pay listen to our requests. "


The old farmer weeped bitterly.

"We live year to year off the land. Absolutly nothing can go wrong, this is the water spirit's unseemly behavior. Honestly, when it stays at the lake's bottom, it's good.. . We really want to understand why it has suddenly become interested in our land. Because this land is Human land! But, only a noble can communicate with it. I want to know why it has lost its temper."

They all turned to look at Montmorency. The farmer walked off and out of sight.

Montmorency pulled out her bag and brought out of it a pocket sized frog. It was brightly colored and had a bright yellow body with many black spots.

She lay the frog in the palm of her hand and it stared up at her inquisitvely.


Louise, who was afraid of frogs jumped back.

"What are you so scared about, this frog's color is good and dazzling." <someone double check this

"Do not say such things! It's an evil spirit!"

Montmorency raised her finger and looked at the frog.

"Listen, Robin. You and I want to contact an old friend."

She reached in her pocket and took out a needle, in one brief moment she struck her finger with it allowing a gush of bright red blood to buble up. Turning her finger over she let a drop fall on the frog.

She quickly went to treating the wound afterwards. She spoke once again to the frog.

"Since she knows who I am, she should know who you are. Seek the great water spirit, tell her I wish to speak with her because of our alliance. Understood?"

The frog nodded and then jumped into the lake and dissapeared.

"Now Robin will go and seek out the water spirit. If she can be found, he will bring her to us."

Montmorency seemed to have some worry.

"If they come, it is a sad story that is good. Allegiance or a dog that people think the main story is good. Although a bit old, but the story of a bowl of noodles it is not bad."

"Sad story? Why are you talking about such things?"

"How are we to get the tear of the water spirit unless we can make it cry. Would be very difficult, wouldn't you think?"

"You really are ignorant, since you area commoner it figure you would not know what is normal. Tear is only a name, it's not really a tear from the Water Spirit."

I am not done with this yet, so please be patient and I will have the end of this chapter and maybe some others uploaded in the coming month. :)