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Radio Digest 12 - Our souls brought us together[edit]

CD release: October 24, 2007
Drama screenplay: Katou Yuka (加藤有香 ) and Sakamoto Kouichi (坂本耕一)

FX:*mini-drama intro music*

Murata: Ahhh! This is the graduation ceremony.

Wolfram: Can I look at it as well...?

Miko: Huhu.... Sure you can. Ah! And this one's from his first day at school.

Yuuri: Huh? What's everyone looking at?

Murata: It's the photo ALBUM of the Shibuya family. But most of the pictures here are of you and your brother.

Yuuri: W-Wait! Don't look at the pictures!

Wolfram: Why not? They're all really cute! These photograaaphs are really handy. With them I now know what you looked liked in the past!

Murata: Huh? In this picture by the pool.... tiny Shibuya is not wearing trunks. Ah! I used 'tiny' in an affectionate way. I absolutely did not mean that anything was soft and flabby...

Yuuri: WAHHHHHHHHHHHH! Stop it ! Don't look at them anymore!!!

Miko: Yuu-chan! Your face is all red ! Ah! That's right! It's nice to look at old pictures, but what if we take pictures of everyone here today?

Yuuri: Ah, that's a great idea! That way Wolfram can have a nice souvenir from Earth.

Murata: That's right. And since we're here, why don't we take it in the garden? Ngh! Momma-san? That's....

Miko: *smiles* This is a DIGITAL CAMERA....

Murata: No, I mean that thing you're holding in your other hand....

Miko: Oh? This dress? It's just that.... since we're going to be taking pictures, we could do it wearing western clothes, right? To be honest, Momma likes pink better but, EVEN THOUGH I WAS UNWILLING, I ended up picking one in Yuuri's favorite color, blue~!

Yuuri: "color, blue~!"... what's that? You want me to wear it? You want me to wear it and take a picture!? No way!

Miko: Oh, come on, just for a bit!

Wolfram: Yeah, come on, just for a bit!

Yuuri: Wait, then make Wolfram wear it! Don't you always sleep in those frilly-frilly negligees?

Wolfram: That's a completely different thing! Besides, it was bought for you, right?

Yuuri: That has... !

Murata: Now, now you two. If you can't come to an understanding why don't you both wear it?

Miko: Since there are three of you, why don't all three of you put it on?

Yuuri/Wolf/Murata: Ehh??

Miko: C'mon, what's with that displeased face? You don't like Momma Jennifer's BEST CHOICE?

Yuuri: Ah, no.... it's just....*whispers* Murata, do something!

Murata: No, actually, I'm not a worthy opponent of Momma-san.

Wolfram: The Maou and Daikenja are so afraid that they won't move a finger! As I imagined, Yuuri's mom is really strong!

Miko: Don't just stand there complaining. Everyone, it's TIME to change!

Show intro Murata/Wolfram: Kyou Kara Maou - Shin Makoku Broadcasting Corporation

Radio Show: Today's guest is Kakazu Yumi, Shibuya Miko's seiyuu. Someone wrote them an email saying that at the time, it was the season when everyone was looking for a job (April), so they asked the guys to do a mock interview to help them out. Sakurai-san has to do it after everyone else says 'pass'. Then we hear Sakurai doing a mock interview. It's okay at first, but then he starts talking about his childhood and about pegasuses being his favorite animal. After that, Saiga-san says her favorite animal is the koala.

They talk about Yuuri's mateki looking like a six-hole flute, and the prompt is "if you could have a musical instrument that uses magic, what kind of instrument would you want? And what kind of magic would it use?" Saiga-san says a guitar or keyboard, Sakurai's like, I don't want that! You keep your keyboard. Kakazu-san says she'd like a gong that can grant wishes. Sakurai-san then says that he'd like a piano (t/n: why so much keyboard hate then!?) , but he says he also likes castanets. Miyata-san says a dog whistle. Sakurai-san starts giggling uncontrollably and everyone's like, what's the point? you can't hear it! and Miyata-san says that's the whole point. Saiga-san says: Ah, I get it. So whenever something strange happens you can blame it on the dog-whistle. Sakurai says that their band would have a keyboard, a gong, castanets and a dog whistle.

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