Mushoku Tensei Spanish:Chapter 159

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Revision as of 16:50, 11 February 2016 by Sergiocamjur (talk | contribs) (half part 1)
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Esta traducción ha sido realizada a partir de la versión inglesa encontrada en esta misma página (enlace) realizada por Dark Kaito.

Traducido por Sergiocamjur (talk) 18:50, 10 February 2016 (UTC)

Status: Incomplete

0.4/1 parts completed


Volumen 17 Capítulo 158 - La Llegada de la Carta

1ª Parte

La Tierra Santa de la Espada, en el extremo noroeste del continente central, es un lugar donde a todas horas se puede escuchar el sonido de espadas de madera chocando entre ellas y gritos llenos de vigor.

A su vez, más de la mitad de la población que pasea por las calles del lugar van vestidos con atuendos propios para la práctica de artes marciales o ropa igual de cómoda para pelear; y esas mismas personas, casi en su totalidad, llevan una espada al cinto y una toalla.

A menudo, viene a este sitio gente con la intención de aprender a usar la espada en este lugar, y casi todos ellos, acaban imitando a la población regional en el uso de las prendas cómodas para combatir y ejercitarse.

Junto a la ciudad de este sitio, rodeado de nieve en todas las direcciones se encuentra un enorme dojo; y en la entrada del mismo se encuentra una mujer vestida con un atuendo propio de espadachina.

Esa misma mujer lleva una vestimenta completamente negro y flexible de la cabeza a los pies, salvo por el abrigo tradicional que reciben todos aquellos que alcanzan el título de Santos del Filo Celestial.

En su cintura, 2 espadas de distinto tamaño cuelgan del cinto que porta; y una de ellas se ve a simple vista que posee una calidad impactante y que debe ser una obra de un herrero con renombre. Sin duda, la persona con una espada de semejante calidad debe ser una de las mejores aprendices del estilo del Filo Celestial y cuyo potencial es enorme.

Viendo su porte y apariencia combinada con su voluptuosa melena carmesí, la impresión que causa en quienes la ven es la de un león; y a su paso, 9 de cada 10 personas se apartarían de su camino.

Esta mujer es una Reina del Filo, conocida como Eris Greyrat, Mad Sword[1].

Sin embargo, y contrario a su apariencia y ropajes majestuosos, su expresión era la de una persona llena de inquietud.

"Eh, Nina, ¿seguro que voy bien así?"

"Que sí, que sí, no tiene nada de malo. Te ves muy respetable y elegante."

Junto a la pelirroja leona se encontraba otra mujer con un pelo de un tono azul oscuro vestida con una vestimenta propia de espadachines de estas tierras.

Se trataba de Nina, y empezaba a estar cansada de calmar las preocupaciones de la leona.

"Todo el que te observe lo que verá será a una imponente y portentosa Reina del Filo."

"Pero... Ludeus siempre dijo que me sentaba mejor la ropa más femenina."

"Quieres escucharme..."

Nina suspiró al escucharla y respondió con un tono algo cansada de estos intercambios.

"¿Cómo voy a saber si le gustará tu ropa si no tengo la menor concepción sobre los gustos de los hombres en general?"

"Tienes razón..."

"¿Por qué me miras con esa mirada que parece decir Pobrecita... Hasta yo y Jino ya... Nada, olvídalo."

Nina agitó su cabeza deteniendo sus palabras, tras lo que señaló la ciudad..

"Para empezar, es imposible que vendan ropas más femeninas en un lugar como este, ¿o dónde te crees que estás? Si quieres ponerte ropa más femenina, cómprala en la ciudad."

"Eso es cierto."

Eris se quedó satisfecha con la propuesta de Nina y asintió; aunque lo cierto es que esta era la 5ª vez que ambas habían tenido esta conversación.

"Y a parte, no tiene sentido que te preocupes por la ropa que llevas puesta aquí. Por mucho que corras, ¡tardarás al menos 1 mes en llegar a Sharia!"


"Y más que de la ropa, deberías preocuparte de asearte bien antes de vuestro reencuentro. Date un baño, peínate bien, ya sabes... ese tipo de cosas, porque... esto... Esta claro que no le gustará verte llena de sudor."

"Ludeus jamás en la vida pareció disgustarse al tratar conmigo después de que sudase."

"Ya, bueno... Si te rechazara por algo así, supongo que no podríais acabar juntos..."

"De hecho, hasta parecía feliz cuando olisqueaba mi ropa interior sudada..."

"¡Es un Hentai!"[2]

Eris se mostró algo molesta al escuchar a nina.

"Ludeus no es un Hentai... tan solo es un poco Ecchi..."[3]

"Lo mire como lo mire, disfrutar oliendo tu sudor es... ¡Es un Hentai!"


Al escuchar las palabras de su amiga, Eris alzó su brazo y olisqueó su axila; aunque el único olor que pudo sentir fue el de ropa limpia y jabón.

Después de todo, se había dado un buen baño esa mañana antes de ponerse en marcha.

"Él... no es un Hentai."

"Bueno, es posible que me haya excedido en mi reacción."


Tras eso, las 2 chicas se quedaron en silencio mientras sus melenas se agitaban con el viento helado del norte.

"Ghyslaine está tardando..."

"Es posible que esté teniendo problemas decidiendo qué caballos llevar."

"Es posible."

Eris asintió al escuchar a Nina.

"Ahora que lo pienso, me han llegado algunos rumores sobre tu novio."

"¿Qué rumores?"

"Que los ojos de Ludeus Greyrat vuelan."[4]

"¡Siendo Ludeus, es bastante posible!"

"...... Y también, que le encantan las niñas pequeñas con poco pecho."[5]

Nina bajó ligeramente la mirada dirigida hacia Eris mientras decía estas palabras; y la propia Eris la imitó.

Lo que ambas encontraron fueron unos pechos claramente grandes, pero poderosos, propio de una espadachina bien entrenada.

"............... No pasa nada."

Aun habiendo dicho esto, la expresión de Eris estaba algo preocupada, y su rostro tomó un tono algo azulado.

"Después hay otros rumores que se han extendido por todas partes, como que conquistó alguna clase de Laberinto legendario, y que acabó con un Rey Demonio inmortal que por lo visto estaba al nivel de los 7 Campeones Mundiales."

"Justo lo que esperaba de Ludeus... debe ser cierto."

Eris recuperó el color en su rostro y hasta se ruborizó ligeramente, debido a la alegría que sintió de escuchar lo mucho que, al igual que ella, Ludeus se había esforzado durante estos años.

"Los rumores casi lo describen como un monstruo... Lo normal es que nadie se pensaría que son ciertos."


Eris sacó pecho y plasmó una enorme sonrisa con sus labios mientras resoplaba llena de orgullo por Ludeus.

"Aunque... también he escuchado otro rumor extraño."

"¿De qué tipo?"

"Uno que dice que Ludeus Greyrat es un mujeriego insufrible y que cada día pasea con una mujer distinta..."

La sonrisa de Eris se volvió algo más forzada.

"... y que como es poderoso, va haciendo lo que le viene en gana."


"Dime, Eris, es posible que..."

Nina continuó hablando pero esta vez con un hilillo de voz.

"... ¿se haya olvidado de ti?"

Al instante siguiente Nina hizo un movimiento de su mano a una velocidad casi imperceptible, y...


...justo inmediatamente se pudo escuchar el sonido del puño de Eris impactando contra la mano de Nina.


Tras detener el puño de Eris y notar como esta le clavaba una intensa mirada enfadada, Nina apartó la vista.

"Perdona, culpa mía... Olvidaba que solo son rumores."

Eris retiró el puño con el que todavía había estado haciendo presión en la mano de Nina y se cruzó de brazos, separando sus pies, frunciendo el ceño y dibujando el símbolo con sus labios antes de darse media vuelta.



"Ya ha vuelto Ghyslaine."

Eris could see four horses coming in the edge of her sight.

Leading them was a beast race woman.

Sword King, Ghyslaine Dedorudia.

In terms of age, she had already passed 40, though her body was still the same as always as she led two horses by the reins.

Further behind her was a young beauty leading the other two horses.

Dressed in travelers clothes, with hair flowing gently in the wind, she would capture the hearts of anyone who sees her with that seductiveness.

Water God Style King, Isolte Cruel.

On one of the horses she was leading, Water God Reida Ryia could be seen.

"I've made you wait."

While saying that, Ghyslaine led the horses packed with luggage up to Eris.

"Another fight?"

"It's Nina's fault."

Eris made a frown, and Nina shrugged her shoulders.

After seeing that, Ghyslaine whispered [I see] and laughed a bit.

"Really now, Gull-boy isn't even going to come see you off it seems." [6]

It was a despondent voice.

The strongest old woman here said that while looking towards the dojo with a displeased face.

"Great Shisho-sama. It's because the Sword God-sama is weak to alcohol."

"You're saying the alcohol from last night still remains? He should realize his age already and stop going overboard. Oh, that's right Nina. We might be able to win right now, so how about we try challenging him?"

The old lady said something to try and incite Nina, but she smiled bitterly.

"No, a swordsman should fight fair and square from the front."

"Such an honest and good child. Well, in the not so distant future, you should be able to win. Give it your best."

"Yes. I will work my hardest to make sure all of my teachings until now won't go to waste."

After bowing her head to Reida, Nina turned to face Isolte.

"Then, what are you guys going to do from here on out? You'll be traveling together with Eris until part of the way, right?"

"Yes. We'll be returning to Asura Kingdom. I was invited to the castle to act as a sword instructor."

"Ah, is that the case? It'll get lonely, won't it?"

After Nina said that, Isolte smiled gently.

"Nina, if you come to Asura Kingdom as well, stop by and pay us a visit. I'll guide you around the city."

"No way. If some country bumpkin like myself goes to Asura Kingdom, they'll end up laughing at me over some strange thing."

After saying that while her scratching her nose, Eris blew air from her nose with a [Hmph.]

"It would be fine to beat up anyone who laughs at us."

Nina laughed a bit after hearing what Eris said and remembered exactly who the three people here were.

A Sword King, a Water King, and a Sword Saint.

The only ones who would be able to laugh at them would be some strong being, out of their reach, or a fool.

"Eris, it's about time we head off."

"I know."

After replying in an energetic voice, Isolte made a bitter smile and jumped onto the horse.

Eris jumped onto her horse as well.

The horse started to struggle from how roughly it was treated, but it returned to being docile when Eris pounded its neck.

"Everyone stay well."

Before anyone had realized, tear drops started to appear in Nina's eyes.

These past few years.

She was remembering the times since Eris's arrival.

It was a bad meeting.

Starting with humiliation, she had been forced to understand bitterness countless times.

However, thanks to that, Nina learned to use the mortifying experiences as springs and learned from them.

Since Isolte came here, she was saved countless times by her gentle mannerisms and way of speaking.

If it weren't for these two, she would just be another one of those Sword Saints laying around all over the place.

Never able to rise up to the stage known as Sword King.

In other words, if it hadn't been for these two...

"Hello. Mailman here, could someone please sign here?"

Then, they heard a voice from out of nowhere.

After brilliantly destroying such a moving moment, Nina was a bit irritated and faced the voice.

There was a man wearing heavy winter clothes.

He made a face as if he didn't understand what was going on with the people gathered here and then took out a single letter from his bag.

"Jeez, who is it for?"

"Umm, Eris Boreas Greyrat-sama."

After hearing that, Eris raised her eyebrows and then opened her eyes after hearing the next words.

"From Rudeus Greyrat-sama."


Eris immediately jumped off the horse and stole the letter from the man.

Then the moment she was about to tear open, the letter was grabbed by the man.

"Just a minute, please sign. If I don't have that, I can't get the compensation."


"Ah, please wait just a second."

The man then took out something like a receipt and a board out of his bag and handed it to Eris.

Eris took the board and thought for a few seconds.

Trying to remember how to write letters.

Then, with bad handwriting, she wrote the name Eris Greyrat.

After looking at those letters for a bit, she nodded and said [Alright.]

"Yes, thank you very much. It's a pretty good job after all."

After the man confirmed that, he quickly headed off and returned to the north.

Eris couldn't care less about the man at all and just took the letter.

After breaking the seal, she found the letters Eris Boreas Greyrat shown.

It was certainly Rudeus's handwriting.

(Jeez, Rudeus must have been in a hurry, my name is no longer Boreas. Ah, he must not know.)

Then on the back, she noticed Rudeus Greyrat written very thoroughly.

He's as methodical and complete as always, while it still gives the feeling that it's missing something.

Eris smiled a bit while remembering how she always used to learn by reading and repeating this handwriting.

Then, she used a nail to open the end of the letter.

It wouldn't open.

After crunching away at it, trying to tear it open three or four times, she put her hand on the sword at her waist.

After throwing the letter into the air she pulled out her sword.


A flash.

The letter wasn't cut into pieces, but there was just a clean cut on the end as it fell down into Eris's hands.

Eris pulled open the cut end and took out the paper inside.

Then, with an excited expression, she started to read it.

Started to read it and continued to read it.

However, that expression gradually changed into something unpleasant.

"Hey, Eris, what is written?"


After Nina asked, there was no answer from Eris.

She just kept staring into space with a scary face.

"Hey, answer me~"

"Shut up! There's just a few too many words I don't know, so I can't read it!"

"Ah, is that so?"

"Nina, you read it!"

"Eh? I can't read words either."

"What! If you can't read words when you need to, then you'll be in trouble!"

"Even though you say that so arrogantly, you can't even read it yourself!"

During that argument, Isolte got off her horse.

"Well, calm down a bit. I'll read it."

"Ah, yeah. Please do."

Eris obediently gave Isolte the letter.

Isolte let her eyes scan over the page. Slowly reading it to herself.

However, her face gradually changed into something grim.

"What is with this person?!"

"Wh..what? What's written?"

"Eris. You've been giving your best until now for this person? Ah, how pitiful. Milis-sama, please save this poor child!"

After saying that, Isolte started praying to the sky and looked at Eris with eyes filled with pity.

"I won't say anything bad, but Eris, don't bother going to Sharia and come with us to Asura. There's no reason for you to be cheated by a bad man."

"It's fine, just tell me what is written there right now, or I'll beat you down!"

"I understand. Listen carefully now, this is what's written."

Eris put her hand on the sword at her waist, and Isolte started reading the letter with a voice filled with anger.

"Dear Eris-sama,

This is Rudeus Greyrat.

Time has flown by these past five years since we separated.

Do you still remember me?

I will probably never be able to forget that time.

The first night together with you. I swore in my heart to remain together with you for the rest of my life.

However, when I woke up the next morning, you were nowhere to be seen.

The feelings of loss and collapse at that moment brought about a deep darkness upon my heart.

The next three years were certainly painful, miserable, and empty.

Naturally, I don't hold a grudge about that any more.

Still, I would be greatly blessed if you could comprehend how deeply sad I felt at that time.

Now then, the reason I am sending this letter is because a certain person advised me in regards to your feelings.

I thought without a doubt that you wanted to completely cut off ties with me and set off on a trip by yourself.

However, this person informed me that it was all my misunderstanding and your feelings were always directed towards me.

Currently, I have two wives.

Both of them saved me from the dark and deep suffering I was experiencing.

Even in the case that there was a misunderstanding about how you felt about me, it is still a fact that I was deeply depressed and that they saved me.

However, in the case that you honestly feel the same way about me,

If you still wish to marry me and still wish to live together with me,

I have made arrangements to accept you.

Though you might feel unhappy about this, I have absolutely no intention of separating from my current family, so you would become my third wife.

In the case that you feel unhappy about this, I have already resolved to receive your fist.

In regards to this, please forgive me after two or three hits.

However, if possible, I do not wish to fight with you.

I feel even if you do not wish to become a member of my family, we could form a fine friendship.

That is all.

From Rudeus Greyrat."


After hearing the contents of that letter, Eris stiffened up.

After seeing Eris stiffen up, Isolte started spitting out words in disgust.

"He's a cruel man isn't he! He already has two wives and takes the attitude of [It's fine if you become the third]! I can't help but think he is looking down on women!"

"Is that right? I think he put a considerable amount of thought into writing it."

Nina objected to Isolte with her opinion after hearing the contents of the letter.

"Consideration?! It's the first letter in a long time and not even a single word of love is mentioned?! That's not all, talking about somehow or other accepting her as if he's looking down from above! I can't bring myself to like this Rudeus person!"

"It's written that he thought he was thrown away by Eris and experienced three years of suffering isn't it? I think Eris has some responsibility for neglecting him as well!"

"That is obviously just an excuse! He's clearly just after Eris's body and her skill with the sword."

"No, if he's only after that, isn't it a bit risky considering that it is Eris?"

Isolte swelled up in anger, and Nina groaned.

Eris stood in a pose with her arms crossed staring at the sky.

There was no longer a single thing reflected within those eyes.

The sky is blue, and the heart is pure white.

"Oh? There was one more piece of paper."

Then, Isolte found another piece of paper in the letter.

After taking it out she started reading it aloud.

"Ummm, let's see what's written here."


I am about to challenge the Dragon God Orsted to a battle.

I don't know if I will be able to kill him.

I may no longer be in this world by the time this letter reaches you.

In the case that I am able to return home alive, let us continue this conversation."

By the time Isolte had finished reading it her face had completely stiffened up.

Nina had also stiffened up.

That expression was filled with fear.

They felt nothing but fear towards the words [Challenge the Dragon God Orsted to a battle.]

However, a smile appeared on Eris's face.

Those eyes had already regained their light; they were filled with the flames of madness and resolve.

"I'll be late if we don't hurry."

After saying that Eris jumped onto the horse.

Only one thing remained within her mind at this point.

"Ghyslaine, we're going!"

Eris yelled while taking off on the horse.

The horse kicked away snow while running forward, and Ghyslaine followed after that.

The two took off in the direction of the man who sent the letter just now and, in no time at all, were too far to be seen.

Nina and Isolte just continued to see them off with nothing but a dumbfounded expression.

Notas del traductor y Referencias

  1. Tenemos un problema con esto, puesto que se escribe literalmente Mad Sword King, Similar a Mad Dog y Reina del Filo combinados. Como hemos decidido dejar los títulos en inglés, hemos optado por Mad Sword (omitiendo lo de Reina por separar el título de su apodo). Decidnos qué os parece la opción propuesta.
  2. En español, podría haberlo traducido como "Puto Salido", pero no habría transmitido el mismo sentimiento y creo que no sería una traducción suficientemente neutra.
  3. Difícil de adaptar sin perder parte del sentido, por eso hemos dejado las palabras en japonés. Nina ha llamado a Ludeus Hentai, que se podría traducir con cualquiera de estas palabras: depravado, guarro, cerdo, pervertido, enfermo... , y Eris lo defiende llamándole Ecchi, que viene de la letra H de Hentai, intentando indicar que es como una versión algo más suave del Hentai; de la misma forma que el Hentai se entiende literalmente como porno animado y el Ecchi es para referirse a series con fanservice/erotismo.
  4. La fusión de 2 de los rumores de la Universidad: Puede lanzarte sus manos, y le brillan los ojos.
  5. Esto se debe a otro de los rumores, en el que hablan de que le encantan los niños pequeños.
  6. Water God Reida refers to Sword God Gull Farion as Gull-boy.
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