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== Text ==
== Text ==
|”An… an injury!?”
|”She fell down some stairs right after the concert…”
|”A-And what about the additional concert?<br>N-No, I should ask about the injury first.”
|”She cut herself on the back of her right hand and sprained her left wrist. Though it looks like there’s nothing wrong with the bones in either hand.”
|”Both hands…?”
|As Hamada-san’s face turns pale right in front of me, I have no choice but to accept whatever comes my way,<br><br>all while being tormented by numerous painful thoughts.
|”...What about the additional concert? It’s in a month. Will she be alright?”
|”Her wounds will probably have healed by then,<br>though I can’t say she’ll be able to play in the<br>best condition…”
|”I-I see… You’re right. Imagine a pianist who can’t even practice…”
|The few lies I’m telling and the many secrets I’m keeping… weigh heavily on my heart.
|”Even then, why didn’t I get a call about this until now…?”
|”I’m sorry.”
|”I’m not blaming you. I’m talking about the Touma Office. We had an agreement that we’d keep close contact.”
|”That’s, um…”
|After all, who could possibly imagine the improbable truth of the matter—that it’s actually all my fault that all this happened?
|Would he even understand if I explained it to him?
|”Apparently, they felt guilty about causing you trouble, so they planned on keeping quiet until<br>they could take the bandage off.”
|”That would only cause more trouble! What are they thinking?”
|”...I apologize.”
|”I keep telling you that I don’t mean you!<br>Ah, no, I suppose I can understand why you’d<br>think I was directing it at you.”
|That’s why I can only lie to everyone around us right now.
|As for my persuasiveness, and the situation around us...
|...And my understanding of Kazusa's feelings, I remain unable to grasp them fully yet.
|"Anyway, go report this to Ensemble’s chief editor first. It seems they couldn’t get in touch with Touma Youko either."
|”Is that… so?”
|I didn't contact Youko-san either.
|Because I didn’t know what excuse to tell her…<br>when I couldn’t protect, nor even reject Kazusa.
|”Well then, it’s about time for my coverage.”
|”Are you going to check up on Touma Kazusa?”
|”...Yes, in the evening.”
|”Should I come along? I’ll probably need to brief you about the coverage going forward.”
|”No… It seems she doesn’t want to meet outsiders right now.”
|”I see… Then tell her to get better for me.”
|”I will… Now, if you’ll excuse me.”
|”She doesn’t want to meet outsiders right now, huh?”
|”You just implied you’re not an outsider, you know…”
|I manage to breathe a sigh of relief, but inside my heart, I still feel out of breath.
|No matter how many pointless apologies I made, no one could possibly have comprehended them, and the feeling of guilt within me never eased up.
|I’m sorry. I’m really sorry, Hamada-san.
|I didn’t know.
|I never knew she was this lacking in professionalism. I never knew she had become more of an amateur than ever before.
|...I never knew she was so frail that she’d become unable to play all because of a single guy.
|The scent of spicy food fills the room.
|...Of course, this is the third day in a row I’m eating curry, so I can’t bring myself to get excited about the stimulating fragrance.
|So while boiling the mild curry, I start cutting some vegetables I happen to have in the fridge.
|The light on my rice cooker indicates that it has finished cooking. All that's left is to put it onto<br>a plate, then the belated dinner will be finished.
|As I leave the movements of my hands to muscle memory, and my thoughts about the present decrease, my mind insists on recalling the memories of last night.
|The Touma residence, after five years.
|Kazusa, sitting all alone with her arms around her knees, down in the studio where we have so many memories together.
|Even though that place wasn’t supposed to be where she belonged, that place was all she had left at the time.
|Compared to the world that knows and wants her, I was in shock at how confined the world she knows and wants is in comparison.
|She told me her true feelings for the first time since our reunion.
|She said that she’s continued having feelings for me these past five years...
|I couldn’t bring myself to accept the painful and miserable truth about her feelings, even if they were very elating to me.
|I already have Setsuna, after all, which is why the only option for us is to break apart.
|We hurt each other so deeply that day that we couldn’t maintain our relationship as neighbors anymore, which was already hanging on a thin thread… No, it’s perhaps more accurate to say we were living together.
|That’s why Kazusa’s still in this apartment...
|”...Wake up already and eat something. Enough pretending to be asleep already.”
|...Kazusa’s still in this apartment despite everything that’s happened.
|She hasn’t given up on being my neighbor. I guess it’s better to say that I was the one who refused to let her go.
|”You didn’t even eat lunch, right? Your temperature is down too. I bet you can get up just fine.”
|After all, there’s no way I could let her go.
|She had a fever. Both of her hands are injured.
|...Not to mention the fact that I can’t get in touch with Youko-san. She would never go to the hospital by herself either.
|So no matter how little sense this all makes, I have no choice but to do something right now.
|”You can’t stay this way forever. This goes not only for your food, but with how you’re recuperating from your injury, too…”
|Even if that entails the fact that ever since I got home… I’ve been measuring her temperature with my hands, wiping off her sweat, and gazing intently at her face.
|Regardless, Kazusa has kept her eyes stubbornly closed, seemingly asleep.
|”Of course I can’t speak…”
|I knew from the beginning that she was awake all along.
|Because I could feel Kazusa’s gaze every time I turned away from her—painfully so.
|”I confessed my feelings to you, you know?<br>...And got completely rejected, you know?”
|”I haven’t rejected…”
|In complete contrast to the cries coming from the innermost depths of her heart back then,<br><br>the first thing Kazusa says in over a day is little more than a vigorless murmur.
|”Is having the person who rejected me look after me not anything but torture?”
|She’s desperately trying to prevent any anger or sadness from being infused in her voice...
|But those involuntary feelings are conveyed clearly through the shaking of her voice.
|”Don’t look at me… Don’t look at me with gentle eyes, Haruki. Stop pitying me…”
|”If you don’t want me to look after you, then get up. Stand up by yourself…”
|”Will you go away if I do that? Will you disappear from my sight for all eternity?”
|”...If that’s what you wish.”
|”...That’s not what I want. I’d never want that.”
|”Then eat. Let me change your bandage… Let me take care of you.”
|”...I don’t want that either. I absolutely don’t want that right now.”
|”Go home. Leave my apartment. I’m begging you, leave me alone.”
|”But what about food and your medical treatment…?<br>I also want to measure your body temperature…”
|”You’re annoying, you really are annoying… Give me<br>a break already…!”
|...However, when she tried to stop her emotions from appearing in her voice was only the beginning.
|Before long, countless painful feelings seeped into that faint voice, stabbing at me.
|The thing that was hiding them was Kazusa’s kindness. The thing that exposed them was my inability to read the atmosphere.
|I returned to my room, turned off the light and put myself under the bedsheets, but that didn’t mean<br>I could fall asleep.
|From what I felt from her forehead, her temperature was down.
|From what I can judge from treating her hands, her right hand hasn’t experienced any suppuration,<br><br>and the sprain on her left hand doesn’t seem to be too serious either.
|I’m still a bit nervous about her additional concert<br>a month from now, but as far as her being able to continue playing the piano is concerned,<br>there should be nothing to worry about.
|...At least, as far as her physical health is concerned.
|As I repeatedly turn and toss in bed, I feel an instinctive desire well up in me apart from the<br>desire to sleep.
|Come to think of it, I didn’t eat anything either. I wonder when all that curry is ever going to be fully eaten.
|But going over to the other apartment now at 3 AM to fetch the saucepan would be problematic, both on a personal and a practical level.
|I curl up into a ball and hold my empty stomach, then I put the sheet over my head and forcibly close my eyes.
|Both the curry and our discussion will have to wait until tomorrow.
|Her apartment wasn’t closed with a chain today.<br>She created a situation where only I can enter<br>since I have a key.
|That isn’t entirely safe from a security standpoint, but right now I’m more happy that she has opened up<br>the door to her heart a little.
|”Good night…”
|So good night, Kazusa.
|Tomorrow morning, I’ll see if curry makes a good breakfast or not, so for now, I will make myself comfortable and let my consciousness fade...
|...It seems I won’t get to do that quite yet.
|”This again…”
|It’s been an hour since I left Kazusa’s room as she was muttering in sadness.
|And now, before me as I once again appear in this room, lies a pitiful scene that makes me astonished that this is even the same place.
|”The curry princess…?”
|”You just had to leave this thing in my room!”
|Forget curry-stained clothes, even her hair is covered in thick curry.
|The pot, the plate, and their contents are all<br>on the floor. The room is filled with the smell<br>of three-day-old mild curry.
|”It’ll take a long time until the smell disappears…”
|”The room smelt like this even before I dropped it.”
|”Why would you… try to throw all this away?”
|”...As if… As if I’d do something so wasteful!”
|”The room started smelling… so I started to get more and more hungry…”
|”I… see.”
|From what I felt from her forehead, her temperature was down.
|So there would be nothing strange about her appetite returning to her. In fact, that would be a good thing.
|”That’s why I, uh… thought about bringing the saucepan to the table.”
|...Though, I would have been happier if she understood the state her hands are in.
|”Why would you make it so thick…? You keep saying that everything’s fine, but your actions are full of holes!”
|”Aah, fine, fine. Let me clean this up for now, so go ahead and take a bath. Wash your body and change your clothes…”
|Saying that, Kazusa shows me her originally white,<br>but now yellowed bandage with a spiteful glare.
|”That’s why I keep saying your words are full of holes…”
|”Hey, are you… are you really sure it’s okay?”
|”What are you saying now? It’s not a matter if it’s okay or not. There is no other choice, is there?”
|”I’m sure I’ll catch a glimpse. You won’t be able to conceal it all, you know?”
|”It’s not like I plan on concealing anything.”
|”That would actually be problematic for me…”
|”Are you that much against seeing me…?”
|”It’ll be problematic because I do want to…”
|”You already saw all of me five years ago. It’s too late now.”
|”Hurry up. Even the bathroom will stink of curry soon.”
|”T-Then… I’ll do it, okay?”
|”...I really will do it, okay?”
|”You’re being annoying.”
|I put three times as much shampoo as usual in my hands, and rub it against the spicy black hair in<br>front of me.
|Obviously, I can’t work on her hair like a hairstylist with my eyes either closed or averted. In other words, Kazusa’s white back is right before my...
|”You can do it a bit more roughly. It’s not like you’re usually being this considerate.”
|Inside the bathroom, where everything we say comes with an echo, the only sound that can be heard is<br>that of my finger rubbing against her hair.
|If someone who knew either of us saw this, they’d certainly faint at the sight.
|The only thing Kazusa is wearing are the bandages on both her hands.
|...And since both her hands are incapable right now,<br>I had to undress her with the exception of her underwear.
|Kazusa never laughed at me as I desperately tried to close and avert my eyes in the dressing room,<br><br>but she made sure to make things as difficult for me as possible.
|”In a sense, this could be my lucky break.”
|”It is?”
|”I hadn’t taken a bath in two days, so both my hair and my skin were starting to feel sticky.”
|”Your skin…?”
|Am I supposed to wash her there too?
|”I didn’t want you to see me in that gross state… This was just as well.”
|”Now you listen up.”
|Is that why she never faced me all day?
|Does that mean that she’ll show me everything as long as she looks good? And that she’ll even allow me to wash her?
|Is she more ashamed about having me know that her skin is dirty than she is about having her skin exposed in the first place?
|And does that mean that in your eyes, I’m...
|”It feels so good…”
|”I was talking about my head. What are you getting so flustered about?”
|”You coward… no, perhaps you simply hate me.”
|”Don’t… be ridiculous.”
|”Yeah… stick with that pressure. Scrub a little bit more.”
|My fingers are covered in a layer of Kazusa’s black hair. They twine around me as if binding me to her.
|I know that I’m just overthinking it. I know that<br>I’m making a large leap in logic.
|And I can’t deny the possibility that it’s a desire buried deep in my heart...
|”Hey, Haruki.”
|”...What is it?”
|”Forget what I said last night.”
|Last night...
|”This moment alone is enough… All you have to do is love me for this moment alone.”
|match to 3016/508}}
|”Embrace me. Desire me. Whisper sweet words to me…”
|match to 3016/562}}
|Far too much happened for me to forget, not to mention the intensity of what happened...
|”That was all nonsense. I was being delirious.”
|”I understand that, already…”
|Those words were powerful enough for me to remember them for a lifetime. Telling me to forget them in a mere two days would be unbearable.
|”You understand?”
|Hearing the vague response I made at the end of my anguish...
|”You don’t understand… You don’t understand at all.”
|...There is no way Kazusa would overlook it.
|”I would never lie during a delirium… and I could never make up nonsense during one…”
|Because she’s an idiot who etches every word,<br>and every action of mine into her mind.
|”Don’t let my bluff slip by. Don’t take it at face value… It makes me want to cry.”
|While murmuring her complaints, Kazusa’s voice had already grown tearful.
|The white shoulders in front of me start to shake, but I’m not allowed to put my hands on them.
|「ウザいだろ? あたし」
|”I’m annoying, aren’t I?”
|”That’s not true.”
|”I was rejected, I was discarded, yet I’m still this reliant on you. I’m so overbearing, aren’t I? Enough to make you wish I was dead, right?”
|”Being annoying and overbearing is my specialty,<br>isn’t it? You’re ten years too early to surpass me in that regard.”
|”Don’t pick a half-baked number like that. Ten years is nothing at all.”
|”...You’re a hundred years too early...”
|That’s right...
|These past five years apart might as well not have happened… We might actually be able to overcome ten years with ease.
|”Come on, eat this or something.”
|After washing Kazusa’s hair, I used up more courage and self-restraint than ever before as I washed her body.
|The smooth curves and sudden changes in elevation<br>I felt through the sponge challenged my restraint<br>a great deal,<br>but I managed to close both my eyes and my mind, and made it through without an incident.
|”I didn’t have enough time or ingredients, so I made some salted onigiri. I’m sure you’ll... want to complain, but hold back on that.”
|Once we got out of the bath, I had to clean up the disastrous state of the room, and deal with the root behind it all.
|To put it more specifically, cleaning up the floor, and preparing a late-night snack for Kazusa...
|”It’ll get a bit noisy in here, but hold back your complaints about that too. You don’t want to live<br>in a room filled with curry, do you?”
|”Haruki, aren’t… you hungry?”
|”Ah, leave two for me if you can. I’ll eat them once I’m done cleaning up.”
|I clean up the pieces of the shattered plate, wipe the curry using a kitchen towel, and then I use a cleaning agent to try to wipe the stains away.
|When I turn on the ventilation fan and open the window a bit, the whole room is filled with the cold winter air, but right now there is no choice but to bear that.
|”You know… If you’re hungry, just call for me.”
|”I thought that it’d be fine, since all I had to do was to heat it.”
|”Sure, if you hadn’t injured both your hands.”
|As both the plate and the curry are quickly picked up and wiped away, the floor returns to its usual pretty state.
|”You’re useless even under normal circumstances, so right now you’re on par with an infant. You should at least be aware of that.”
|”Don’t be so mean…”
|”Waking people up in the middle of the night is what I’d expect of a newborn infant.”
|”It’s not like I did it on purpose…”
|”Stop whining and eat already. Aren’t you hungry?”
|I wipe it one last time with kitchen paper and spray deodorant around the whole room, which marks the end of my temporary emergency measures.
|In truth, I want to pull out the vacuum cleaner too, but it’s the middle of the night, so I’ll have to do that tomorrow.
|”...What’s the matter? Are you going to tell me that you can’t eat without a side dish?”
|I glance toward Kazusa as I wipe the floor, and see that she hasn’t eaten a single one of the onigiri on her plate.
|”I want to change your bandage, so I’d appreciate it if you got this over with quickly…”
|And then, as if ignoring my complaint, Kazusa reacts in the usual way... by turning in the other direction.
|”I’m sorry for comparing you to an infant… is that good enough?”
|She’s sulking again. Seriously, what a pain.
|”You were hungry enough to spill a whole saucepan of curry, right? Hurry up and eat and then go to sleep.”
|”I didn’t spill it on purpose. And it’s not like<br>I don’t want to eat.”
|”Then what is it…?”
|”I… I can’t eat with these hands.”
|”Can’t you just eat with your left hand? The wrist is the only part that’s bandaged there.”
|For some reason, that really made her angry...
|”What… are you on about?”
|”What… did I say?”
|”Weren’t you the one who told me to not use my hands, Haruki? All I’m doing is abiding by that order.”
|”But something as light as an onigiri should be…”
|”Either way, I’m not doing it. I can’t be careless with my hands, of all things.”
|”Had you had that mindset last night, I wouldn’t need to be so...!?”
|It seems that made her even angrier.
|...As usual, the intensity of her glare is leagues above anyone else’s.
|”Now listen here… why do you have to be so selfish now of all times? Just earlier you were trying to eat curry all by yourself.”
|”Just earlier I was trying to eat curry by myself,<br>and that decision ended up being completely unsuccessful.”
|And her stubbornness is leagues above anyone else’s as well.
|But for the most part, when she picks up that attitude...
|”What is it? Are you telling me you won’t eat unless<br>I feed you?”
|In truth, it’s not like she’s… not angry, but there’s a more prominent feeling within her too...
|That’s why she’s looking at me with upturned eyes right now.
|”Didn’t you say so yourself? You said I’m on par with an infant with the way I am now.”
|”You told me to be aware of that. You told me to call you in case anything happened…”
|”No, but… I made sure that even you could eat this properly…”
|「もういい! 寝る!<br>そして飢え死ぬ!」
|”That’s enough! I’m going to sleep! And I’m going to starve to death!”
|”Kazusa, that’s enough messing arou…!”
|And then her expression shifts to a second, different one. ...Something’s pooling in her upturned eyes.
|”Say it.”
|”Tell me to get it together. Tell me that you can’t be bothered to watch over me anymore.”
|And immediately afterward, she lets out her third expression… and what was pooling in her eyes is now falling to the floor.
|It’s staining the floor that I just cleaned up.
|”Tell me you’re going to abandon me… Say it right to my face.”
|”Just like what you did last night.”
|When things come to this, I have no way of fighting back.
|”Mmh, mnn, mmh...”
|”Would you… like some tea?”
|”Mh, mnh… just a sip.”
|”Mh… sip...”
|In the right hand is a half-eaten onigiri. In the left hand is a half-empty cup of tea.
|...And those hands, of course, belong to me.
|”One more.”
|”I’m hungry too, you know.”
|”Then go ahead and eat. I never told you to give me everything.”
|”That’s true, but…”
|”One more!”
|”Fine already…”
|”Mhn… mmh…”
|With my hands occupied like this, I can’t eat my own portion...
|But nothing can be done about that. I have no choice but to become Kazusa’s hands, for now...
|”Is it good?”
|”It’s salty. Are you trying to kill me with high blood pressure?”
|”High blood pressure isn’t a direct cause of death. If you’re going to berate me correctly, then name the diseases that come from high blood pressure, such as cerebral hemorrhage, and heart attacks.”
|Her whining is so predictable...
|”Your sophistry is so predictable. You’re such a bore.”
|”...Sorry about that.”
|Everything about this is so predictable, that my heart can’t endure it.
|”On top of being a bore, you’re an idiot, a massive idiot. You’re still giving food to the dog you abandoned…”
|”If you do that, I’ll inadvertently start liking you more. What are you thinking, you…!”
|I wonder if the salty taste is caused by the salt alone…?
|”But you said you weren’t able to eat…”
|”It’s only natural for a dog to open its mouth.<br>The owner has to… discipline it, doesn’t he?”
|”Don’t be ridiculous…”
|You’ve never been my pet. And you’ve never been mine, not even once.
|...If I tell her of those feelings within me,<br>I’m sure they’ll be outdone by Kazusa’s much more powerful feelings.
|”Mmh… mm… mmh...”
|That’s why I can only distract her by passing the time in a peaceful way right now.
|Without any conclusions, without any resolve. Still loving her, and still unable to love her...
|”Mmn… mm…”
|”Want another one?”
|That’s why, right now, I grab the last onigiri just as Kazusa urges me to.
|...So that we can divide it and eat it together, just like the last one that disappeared into my mouth.
|the following lines presumably play on Setsuna TE path}}
|”It’s been a while.”
|referenced in 3210/774}}
|Actually, it hasn’t been that long for me to write that.
|But I get the feeling that it’s been a long time since I last talked to Setsuna like this.
|”I’m sorry. The situation right now is terrible.”
|”I didn’t make it in time for the concert.”
|”I managed to meet Kazusa last night, but obviously, she didn’t forgive me.”
|”I had a fight with Kazusa. Thanks to that, Kazusa hurt her hand.”
|”The injury itself isn’t anything big. She’ll make it in time for the additional concert, but she’ll be unable to do anything by herself for a while.”
|”That’s why I’m next to Kazusa right now. I’m taking care of her.”
|”She hurt herself because of me, and we’re still working with each other. This is both my duty<br>and my responsibility.”
|”...What am I saying?”
|...I’m astonished at what I’ve written and how it shows how I’m trying to run away.
|The details are far too lacking. And I’ve only bothered to write about how I don’t want to talk to Setsuna.
|Setsuna can obviously see through all my excuses.
|”I’m sorry for worrying you up until now. And I’m sorry for all the worry I’ll be causing you from now on.”
|She knows that Kazusa didn’t forgive me; she also knows that Kazusa hasn’t given up on me.
|”But right now, giving Kazusa peace of mind and talking to her is my top priority.”
|Setsuna knows that time didn’t solve anything. She knows that everything turned out exactly how she expected it to.
|”Because I promised you, Setsuna.”
|That pain isn’t the only thing I’m dealing with…<br>but that I’m also feeling comfortable with Kazusa.
|”I’ll send you a text tomorrow. Good night.”
|I won’t look forward to a reply. Because if what Setsuna said is true, she won’t send me anything.
|It’s not that she’s not angry. It’s not like she doesn’t feel betrayed.
|But there’s one thing I can’t keep on doing anymore: I can’t hide any further betrayals… I can’t hide the fact that my heart’s wavering.
|I can’t tell her about my feelings honestly, but<br>I don’t want to say nothing to her either.
|I want Setsuna to see through me. I want her to doubt me.
|Because I want to see Setsuna.
|”Good night…”
|Good night, Setsuna. And… good night, Kazusa.
|Even if I fall asleep now, I won’t get more than an hour’s worth of sleep. But I’ll sleep anyway.
|After all, I finally feel like I can fall asleep now. Because by being with Kazusa, my heart was put at ease.
== Script Chart ==
== Script Chart ==

Latest revision as of 23:06, 19 December 2021

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