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== Text ==
== Text ==
*2 lines need to be checked
*Section 1: 116/116 (100%)
*Section 2: 134/134 (100%)
*Section 3: 31/31 (100%)
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*Section 5: 35/35 (100%)
*Section 6: 80/80 (100%)
*Section 7: 670/670 (100%)
*Section 8: 226/226 (100%)
*Section 9: 322/322 (100%)
*Section 10: 118/118 (100%)
*Section 11: 78/78 (100%)
*Section 12: 405/405 (100%)
*Section 13: 12/12 (100%)
*Section 14: 65/65 (100%)
*Section 15: 109/109 (100%)
*Section 16: 168/168 (100%)
*Section 17: 76/76 (100%)
*Section 18: 77/77 (100%)
*Section 19: 311/311 (100%)
*Section 20: 84/84 (100%)
*Section 21: 60/60 (100%)
*Section 22: 84/84 (100%)
*Section 23: 98/98 (100%)
*Section 24: 43/43 (100%)
*Section 25: 90/90 (100%)
*Section 26: 153/153 (100%)
*Section 27: 72/72 (100%)
<div class="clannadbox">
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Line 236: Line 276:
<0058> The morning roster starts at five.
<0058> The morning roster starts at five.
// 出勤は朝の5時。
// 出勤は朝の5時。
<0059> Assemble with Pops, who'd already started baking.
<0059> Assemble with pops, who'd already started baking.
// すでにオッサンはパンを焼き始めていて、それに合流する。
// すでにオッサンはパンを焼き始めていて、それに合流する。
<0060> The store opens at seven. That's when we try to produce the first load.
<0060> The store opens at seven. That's when we try to produce the first load.
Line 250: Line 290:
<0065> During spring break, Sanae-san also joined us.
<0065> During spring break, Sanae-san also joined us.
// 春休みの間は、朝も早苗さんが一緒に働いてくれた。
// 春休みの間は、朝も早苗さんが一緒に働いてくれた。
<0066> She takes the bread Pops had made and arranges them on the trays.
<0066> She takes the bread pops had made and arranges them on the trays.
// 早苗さんは、オッサンの焼いたパンを運んできて、トレイに並べていく。
// 早苗さんは、オッサンの焼いたパンを運んできて、トレイに並べていく。
<0067> After that, she would chat with the customers.
<0067> After that, she would chat with the customers.
Line 320: Line 360:
<0098> \{Akio} "What?!"
<0098> \{Akio} "What?!"
// \{秋生}「なにっ」
// \{秋生}「なにっ」
<0099> Turning around, Pops came face to face with a teary Sanae-san.
<0099> Turning around, pops came face to face with a teary Sanae-san.
// オッサンが振り向いた先に、涙ぐむ早苗さんがいた。
// オッサンが振り向いた先に、涙ぐむ早苗さんがいた。
<0100> \{Sanae} "So my bread is..."
<0100> \{Sanae} "So my bread is..."
Line 330: Line 370:
<0103> \{Akio} "I love it----!"
<0103> \{Akio} "I love it----!"
// \{秋生}「俺は大好きだぞぉーーーっ!」
// \{秋生}「俺は大好きだぞぉーーーっ!」
<0104> In the same fashion, Pops followed her out of the store.
<0104> In the same fashion, pops followed her out of the store.
// オッサンも、いつものようにその後を追いかけていった。
// オッサンも、いつものようにその後を追いかけていった。
<0105> So I was left alone with Nagisa.
<0105> So I was left alone with Nagisa.
Line 1,068: Line 1,108:
<0457> Nagisa hung in there.
<0457> Nagisa hung in there.
// 渚は頑張り続けた。
// 渚は頑張り続けた。
<0458> Whether it's from me, Sanae-san, or Pops, such a Nagisa was warmly welcomed.
<0458> Whether it's from me, Sanae-san, or pops, such a Nagisa was warmly welcomed.
// そんな渚を、俺や早苗さんやオッサンは温かく迎えた。
// そんな渚を、俺や早苗さんやオッサンは温かく迎えた。
<0459> Only in this family would her smile be present.
<0459> Only in this family would her smile be present.
Line 1,126: Line 1,166:
<0486> As always, just as the customers became scarce in the afternoon, I had time to kill in the store.
<0486> As always, just as the customers became scarce in the afternoon, I had time to kill in the store.
// 客足も途絶え始めた午後、いつものように俺は店内で暇を持てあましていた。
// 客足も途絶え始めた午後、いつものように俺は店内で暇を持てあましていた。
<0487> When Pops finished baking the last bread, he merrily went off somewhere like a kid who had finished his homework.
<0487> When pops finished baking the last bread, he merrily went off somewhere like a kid who had finished his homework.
// オッサンは最後のパンを焼き終えると、宿題を終えた子供のように嬉々としてどこかに出かけてしまった。
// オッサンは最後のパンを焼き終えると、宿題を終えた子供のように嬉々としてどこかに出かけてしまった。
<0488> \{\m{B}} (Guess I'll get some fresh air...)
<0488> \{\m{B}} (Guess I'll get some fresh air...)
Line 1,167: Line 1,207:
<0506> As well as the somber lifestyle he lived with compared to mine.
<0506> As well as the somber lifestyle he lived with compared to mine.
// そして、その厳しさに見合う対価が得られることも。
// そして、その厳しさに見合う対価が得られることも。
<0507> If it's that kind of lifestyle, I can do that myself. Without Pops or Sanae-san supporting me.
<0507> If it's that kind of lifestyle, I can do that myself. Without pops or Sanae-san supporting me.
// あの額ならば、自分の力だけで食っていける。オッサンや早苗さんに頼らずに。
// あの額ならば、自分の力だけで食っていける。オッサンや早苗さんに頼らずに。
<0508> I fix my eyes on the worker to discern his face.
<0508> I fix my eyes on the worker to discern his face.
Line 1,431: Line 1,471:
<0637> How carefree and snug I had been living.
<0637> How carefree and snug I had been living.
// いかに自分が、ぬくぬくと暮らしてきたかを。
// いかに自分が、ぬくぬくと暮らしてきたかを。
<0638> To begin with, I was living under the watch of Pops and Sanae-san, without a single problem in my life.
<0638> To begin with, I was living under the watch of pops and Sanae-san, without a single problem in my life.
// そもそも今だって俺は、オッサンや早苗さんという庇護の元にいて、何一つ苦労することなく暮らしている。
// そもそも今だって俺は、オッサンや早苗さんという庇護の元にいて、何一つ苦労することなく暮らしている。
<0639> I knew that, but it had been plainly pierced now in front of me.
<0639> I knew that, but it had been plainly pierced now in front of me.
Line 1,550: Line 1,590:
<0696> \{\m{B}} "No, that's not it. That's not the problem."
<0696> \{\m{B}} "No, that's not it. That's not the problem."
// \{\m{B}}「いや、違う。そういう問題じゃないんだ」
// \{\m{B}}「いや、違う。そういう問題じゃないんだ」
<0697> \{\m{B}} "To be frank, working with Pops and Sanae-san was fun."
<0697> \{\m{B}} "To be frank, working with pops and Sanae-san was fun."
// \{\m{B}}「正直、オッサンや早苗さんと働くのは楽しい」
// \{\m{B}}「正直、オッサンや早苗さんと働くのは楽しい」
<0698> \{\m{B}} "The job's also fun, and you have meals and a place to stay added to that."
<0698> \{\m{B}} "The job's also fun, and you have meals and a place to stay added to that."
Line 1,556: Line 1,596:
<0699> \{\m{B}} "But, I can't go with that. It's too spoiled."
<0699> \{\m{B}} "But, I can't go with that. It's too spoiled."
// \{\m{B}}「でもそれじゃダメなんだ。甘すぎるんだよ」
// \{\m{B}}「でもそれじゃダメなんだ。甘すぎるんだよ」
<0700> \{\m{B}} "To be completely reliant on Pops and Sanae-san..."
<0700> \{\m{B}} "To be completely reliant on pops and Sanae-san..."
// \{\m{B}}「オッサンや早苗さんに頼ってばっかで…」
// \{\m{B}}「オッサンや早苗さんに頼ってばっかで…」
<0701> \{\m{B}} "I'd be a coward."
<0701> \{\m{B}} "I'd be a coward."
Line 1,672: Line 1,712:
<0754> \{\m{B}} "Now... I'll have to convince your parents."
<0754> \{\m{B}} "Now... I'll have to convince your parents."
// \{\m{B}}「後は…おまえの両親の説得か」
// \{\m{B}}「後は…おまえの両親の説得か」
<0755> I hadn't talked to Pops or Sanae-san about it yet.
<0755> I hadn't talked to pops or Sanae-san about it yet.
// いまだ、オッサンと早苗さんには話を切り出せずにいた。
// いまだ、オッサンと早苗さんには話を切り出せずにいた。
<0756> I had to tell those two about my residence and job myself.
<0756> I had to tell those two about my residence and job myself.
Line 1,780: Line 1,820:
<0808> I tightened up.
<0808> I tightened up.
// 気を引き締める。
// 気を引き締める。
<0809> For the time being, I looked for a good opportunity where Pops was in a good mood.
<0809> For the time being, I looked for a good opportunity where pops was in a good mood.
// とりあえず俺は、オッサンの機嫌がいい時を見計らうことにした。
// とりあえず俺は、オッサンの機嫌がいい時を見計らうことにした。
<0810> But Pops was a man who was blessed with conduct that can have feelings of joy and feelings of anger alongside each other.
<0810> But pops was a man who was blessed with conduct that can have feelings of joy and feelings of anger alongside each other.
// しかしオッサンは、ひとつの言動の中で、喜びの感情と怒りの感情を同居させることのできる類まれなる才能に恵まれた人である。
// しかしオッサンは、ひとつの言動の中で、喜びの感情と怒りの感情を同居させることのできる類まれなる才能に恵まれた人である。
<0811> If I were to describe it better, he'd be an "Ultra-hyper person".
<0811> If I were to describe it better, he'd be an "Ultra-hyper person".
Line 1,804: Line 1,844:
<0820> The origin of that appeared with perked up shoulders.
<0820> The origin of that appeared with perked up shoulders.
// その声の主が肩を怒らせて現れた。
// その声の主が肩を怒らせて現れた。
<0821> \{\m{B}} "W-what's wrong, Pops?"
<0821> \{\m{B}} "W-what's wrong, pops?"
// \{\m{B}}「ど、どうした、オッサン」
// \{\m{B}}「ど、どうした、オッサン」
<0822> \{Akio} "What's wrong, you ask? I feel like crap!"
<0822> \{Akio} "What's wrong, you ask? I feel like crap!"
Line 1,903: Line 1,943:
<0869> \{Akio} "Hmmm... it's cool."
<0869> \{Akio} "Hmmm... it's cool."
// \{秋生}「うーむ…カッコイイぜ」
// \{秋生}「うーむ…カッコイイぜ」
<0870> I haven't seen Pops in this good a mood. Now's my chance.
<0870> I haven't seen pops in this good a mood. Now's my chance.
// こんな機嫌のいいオッサンを見たことはない。今がチャンスだ。
// こんな機嫌のいいオッサンを見たことはない。今がチャンスだ。
<0871> \{\m{B}} "Hey, Pops,"
<0871> \{\m{B}} "Hey, pops,"
// \{\m{B}}「な、オッサン」
// \{\m{B}}「な、オッサン」
<0872> \{Akio} "Huhh?"
<0872> \{Akio} "Huhh?"
Line 1,973: Line 2,013:
<0904> \{Akio} "Hang out with me."
<0904> \{Akio} "Hang out with me."
// \{秋生}「付き合え」
// \{秋生}「付き合え」
<0905> \{\m{B}} "Hey, Pops, is it fine to leave the store like this?"
<0905> \{\m{B}} "Hey, pops, is it fine to leave the store like this?"
// \{\m{B}}「なぁ、オッサン。店のほうはいいのかよ」
// \{\m{B}}「なぁ、オッサン。店のほうはいいのかよ」
<0906> \{Akio} "There ain't no customers at a time like this."* // this line make me a little confused with the double nagative. ^^
<0906> \{Akio} "There ain't no customers at a time like this."* // this line make me a little confused with the double nagative. ^^
Line 1,989: Line 2,029:
<0912> I was the pitcher.
<0912> I was the pitcher.
// 俺がピッチャーだった。
// 俺がピッチャーだった。
<0913> \{\m{B}} "Here I go, Pops."
<0913> \{\m{B}} "Here I go, pops."
// \{\m{B}}「いくぞ、オッサン」
// \{\m{B}}「いくぞ、オッサン」
<0914> \{Akio} "Come at me as hard as you can! In this neighborhood, I'm called the Man Who Bakes Bread on a Saucer."
<0914> \{Akio} "Come at me as hard as you can! In this neighborhood, I'm called the Man Who Bakes Bread on a Saucer."
Line 2,049: Line 2,089:
<0942> \{\m{B}} "Of course, idiot."
<0942> \{\m{B}} "Of course, idiot."
// \{\m{B}}「当然だろ、馬鹿」
// \{\m{B}}「当然だろ、馬鹿」
<0943> I walk with Pops, putting the hand in my glove while he wields the bat on his shoulder.
<0943> I walk with pops, putting the hand in my glove while he wields the bat on his shoulder.
// グローブを手に填めたままの俺と、バットを肩に載せて歩くオッサン。
// グローブを手に填めたままの俺と、バットを肩に載せて歩くオッサン。
<0944> \{\m{B}} (He's old enough to come... we're such idiots...) // too literal, try "He's too old for this..."
<0944> \{\m{B}} (He's old enough to come... we're such idiots...) // too literal, try "He's too old for this..."
Line 2,113: Line 2,153:
<0974> The old lady told me with a smile.
<0974> The old lady told me with a smile.
// おばさんは笑って俺に言った。
// おばさんは笑って俺に言った。
<0975> In the end, everyone knew Pops' personality.
<0975> In the end, everyone knew pops' personality.
// 結局、みんな知っているのだ。オッサンの人柄を。
// 結局、みんな知っているのだ。オッサンの人柄を。
<0976> That's why no one criticized him at all. They just went on with a big laughter. // too literal, try "They all just laughed about it."
<0976> That's why no one criticized him at all. They just went on with a big laughter. // too literal, try "They all just laughed about it."
Line 2,145: Line 2,185:
<0990> \{\m{B}} "No, that's not what I meant..."
<0990> \{\m{B}} "No, that's not what I meant..."
// \{\m{B}}「いや、そういう意味じゃなくて…」
// \{\m{B}}「いや、そういう意味じゃなくて…」
<0991> \{\m{B}} "Something more like you, Pops."
<0991> \{\m{B}} "Something more like you, pops."
// \{\m{B}}「オッサンみたいにだよ」
// \{\m{B}}「オッサンみたいにだよ」
<0992> \{Akio} "Hm? Did I do something?"
<0992> \{Akio} "Hm? Did I do something?"
Line 2,191: Line 2,231:
<1013> For a while, the silence continued.
<1013> For a while, the silence continued.
// しばらく沈黙が続いた。
// しばらく沈黙が続いた。
<1014> What's Pops thinking about?
<1014> What's pops thinking about?
// オッサンは何を考えているのだろうか。
// オッサンは何を考えているのだろうか。
<1015> \{Akio} "I told you before the reason for us making the bakery, right?"
<1015> \{Akio} "I told you before the reason for us making the bakery, right?"
Line 2,235: Line 2,275:
<1035> \{Akio} "Whatever else you want to do, just do it."
<1035> \{Akio} "Whatever else you want to do, just do it."
// \{秋生}「後は、好きにしろ」
// \{秋生}「後は、好きにしろ」
<1036> Saying that, Pops went ahead as if to leave me alone.
<1036> Saying that, pops went ahead as if to leave me alone.
// 言って、オッサンは俺を置いていくようにして先を急いだ。
// 言って、オッサンは俺を置いていくようにして先を急いだ。
<1037> \{\m{B}} "........."
<1037> \{\m{B}} "........."
Line 2,356: Line 2,396:
<1094> \{Akio} "Bastard, get a license."
<1094> \{Akio} "Bastard, get a license."
// \{秋生}「てめぇ、免許を取れ」
// \{秋生}「てめぇ、免許を取れ」
<1095> Getting off from the light truck, Pops said that first. // try 'it was the first thing Pops said.'
<1095> Getting off from the light truck, pops said that first. // try 'it was the first thing pops said.'
// 軽トラックから降りて、オッサンが開口一番そう言った。
// 軽トラックから降りて、オッサンが開口一番そう言った。
<1096> \{\m{B}} "Don't say something impossible. I ain't got any money."
<1096> \{\m{B}} "Don't say something impossible. I ain't got any money."
Line 2,362: Line 2,402:
<1097> \{Akio} "Hmph, well, this is the last of the crap I'm helping you out with."
<1097> \{Akio} "Hmph, well, this is the last of the crap I'm helping you out with."
// \{秋生}「ふん、まぁ、これが最後だぞ。てめぇの世話を焼くのは」
// \{秋生}「ふん、まぁ、これが最後だぞ。てめぇの世話を焼くのは」
<1098> \{\m{B}} "I know, Pops. It'll be fine."
<1098> \{\m{B}} "I know, pops. It'll be fine."
// \{\m{B}}「わかってるよ、オッサン。大丈夫だ」
// \{\m{B}}「わかってるよ、オッサン。大丈夫だ」
<1099> \{Akio} "I'll return to work now. I'll return to carry it later this evening." // repetitive use of 'return', try 'go back to work'
<1099> \{Akio} "I'll return to work now. I'll return to carry it later this evening." // repetitive use of 'return', try 'go back to work'
Line 2,632: Line 2,672:
<1231> \{\m{B}} (I haven't even gone through the first day of work...)
<1231> \{\m{B}} (I haven't even gone through the first day of work...)
// \{\m{B}}(まだ仕事の初日も迎えてないってのに…)
// \{\m{B}}(まだ仕事の初日も迎えてないってのに…)
<1232> \{\m{B}} (We had just started living together, so Pops and Sanae-san wouldn't stand for this, would they...?)
<1232> \{\m{B}} (We had just started living together, so pops and Sanae-san wouldn't stand for this, would they...?)
// \{\m{B}}(同棲生活が始まった途端これじゃ、オッサンや早苗さんに申し訳が立たないだろ…)
// \{\m{B}}(同棲生活が始まった途端これじゃ、オッサンや早苗さんに申し訳が立たないだろ…)
<1233> Remembering the faces of those two allowing for Nagisa's independence... I naturally calmed down.
<1233> Remembering the faces of those two allowing for Nagisa's independence... I naturally calmed down.
Line 2,774: Line 2,814:
<1302> \{\m{B}} "So, let's work hard, okay?"
<1302> \{\m{B}} "So, let's work hard, okay?"
// \{\m{B}}「だから、ふたりで頑張ろうな」
// \{\m{B}}「だから、ふたりで頑張ろうな」
<1303> \{\m{B}} "I'm also going to end up working in a new place, without Pops or Sanae-san to rely on so easily."
<1303> \{\m{B}} "I'm also going to end up working in a new place, without pops or Sanae-san to rely on so easily."
// \{\m{B}}「俺も、明日からはオッサンも早苗さんもいない、甘えの利かない新しい職場で働くことになる」
// \{\m{B}}「俺も、明日からはオッサンも早苗さんもいない、甘えの利かない新しい職場で働くことになる」
<1304> \{\m{B}} "I'm expecting that it'll definitely be painful."
<1304> \{\m{B}} "I'm expecting that it'll definitely be painful."
Line 3,005: Line 3,045:
<1416> \{Yoshino} "Certainly... you look serious than before."
<1416> \{Yoshino} "Certainly... you look serious than before."
// \{芳野}「なんだろうな…顔つきが真剣になった」
// \{芳野}「なんだろうな…顔つきが真剣になった」
<1417> Perhaps... it's because now I'm away from Pops and Sanae-san.
<1417> Perhaps... it's because now I'm away from pops and Sanae-san.
// それは…オッサンや早苗さんの庇護を離れたからだろうか。
// それは…オッサンや早苗さんの庇護を離れたからだろうか。
<1418> And the fact that I'm trying to protect Nagisa alone.
<1418> And the fact that I'm trying to protect Nagisa alone.
Line 3,052: Line 3,092:
<1439> It's different from the cozy life I had up to now...
<1439> It's different from the cozy life I had up to now...
// 今までのぬるい生活とは違うんだ…。
// 今までのぬるい生活とは違うんだ…。
<1440> Back when I was working with Pops and Sanae-san.
<1440> Back when I was working with pops and Sanae-san.
// 早苗さんやオッサンと仕事をしていた頃とは。
// 早苗さんやオッサンと仕事をしていた頃とは。
<1441> I acknowledged this reality.
<1441> I acknowledged this reality.
Line 3,287: Line 3,327:
<1556> \{\m{B}} "It's fine, I know it myself."
<1556> \{\m{B}} "It's fine, I know it myself."
// \{\m{B}}「いいよ、自分でもわかってるんだ」
// \{\m{B}}「いいよ、自分でもわかってるんだ」
<1557> \{\m{B}} "Up until now, I've been relying on Pops and Sanae-san... no way I look that good."
<1557> \{\m{B}} "Up until now, I've been relying on pops and Sanae-san... no way I look that good."
// \{\m{B}}「今までは、オッサンや早苗さんに甘えてたからな…格好いいわけがない」
// \{\m{B}}「今までは、オッサンや早苗さんに甘えてたからな…格好いいわけがない」
<1558> \{\m{B}} "I've only become a real working adult as of today."
<1558> \{\m{B}} "I've only become a real working adult as of today."
Line 3,849: Line 3,889:
<1832> Yeah. Tomorrow'll be the first Sunday since we started living together.
<1832> Yeah. Tomorrow'll be the first Sunday since we started living together.
// そう。明日は、同棲生活を始めて最初の日曜日。
// そう。明日は、同棲生活を始めて最初の日曜日。
<1833> And, the day I promised Pops to take Nagisa to him once a week.
<1833> And, the day I promised pops to take Nagisa to him once a week.
// そして、オッサンと約束した、週に一度、渚の顔を見せに行く日。
// そして、オッサンと約束した、週に一度、渚の顔を見せに行く日。
<1834> Living together was a lot more problematic than I had imagined...
<1834> Living together was a lot more problematic than I had imagined...
Line 3,864: Line 3,904:
<1838> \{Nagisa} "We're back."
<1838> \{Nagisa} "We're back."
// \{渚}「ただいまです」
// \{渚}「ただいまです」
<1839> We so greeted Pops, who was standing in front of the store, as if he had free time.
<1839> We so greeted pops, who was standing in front of the store, as if he had free time.
// 店先に暇そうに突っ立っていたオッサンに挨拶した。
// 店先に暇そうに突っ立っていたオッサンに挨拶した。
<1840> \{Akio} "Hmm...?"
<1840> \{Akio} "Hmm...?"
Line 4,088: Line 4,128:
<1950> I gather my courage, and decide to fix the misunderstanding.
<1950> I gather my courage, and decide to fix the misunderstanding.
// 俺は勇気を出して、誤解を解くことにした。
// 俺は勇気を出して、誤解を解くことにした。
<1951> \{\m{B}} "You know, Pops..."
<1951> \{\m{B}} "You know, pops..."
// \{\m{B}}「あのな、オッサン…」
// \{\m{B}}「あのな、オッサン…」
<1952> \{Akio} "Hmm?"
<1952> \{Akio} "Hmm?"
Line 4,136: Line 4,176:
<1974> \{Akio} "Is unable to do that at all...?"
<1974> \{Akio} "Is unable to do that at all...?"
// \{秋生}「そっちは、そんなにダメなのか…?」
// \{秋生}「そっちは、そんなにダメなのか…?」
<1975> When we were left alone, Pops suddenly brought up the topic.
<1975> When we were left alone, pops suddenly brought up the topic.
// ふたりきりになると、オッサンはいきなりその話題を持ち出してきた。
// ふたりきりになると、オッサンはいきなりその話題を持ち出してきた。
<1976> \{\m{B}} "Uh, I dunno."
<1976> \{\m{B}} "Uh, I dunno."
Line 4,194: Line 4,234:
<2003> \{Akio} "Tch, so you can't do it?!"
<2003> \{Akio} "Tch, so you can't do it?!"
// \{秋生}「ちっ、てめぇは不能だったのかよっ」
// \{秋生}「ちっ、てめぇは不能だったのかよっ」
<2004> When we were left alone, Pops suddenly brought up the topic.
<2004> When we were left alone, pops suddenly brought up the topic.
// ふたりきりになると、オッサンはいきなりその話題を持ち出してきた。
// ふたりきりになると、オッサンはいきなりその話題を持ち出してきた。
<2005> \{\m{B}} "Uh, I'm normal."
<2005> \{\m{B}} "Uh, I'm normal."
Line 5,757: Line 5,797:
<2773> \{Akio} "Yo."
<2773> \{Akio} "Yo."
// \{秋生}「よぅ」
// \{秋生}「よぅ」
<2774> ... it was Pops.
<2774> ... it was pops.
// …オッサンだった。
// …オッサンだった。
<2775> \{Akio} "Oh, what? You made food?"
<2775> \{Akio} "Oh, what? You made food?"
Line 5,877: Line 5,917:
<2833> Forget it
<2833> Forget it
// 反対 // goto 2837
// 反対 // goto 2837
<2834> If Pops is around, I could blame anything on him.
<2834> If pops is around, I could blame anything on him.
// オッサンがいれば、なにをしたって罪をなすりつけられるだろう。
// オッサンがいれば、なにをしたって罪をなすりつけられるだろう。
<2835> \{\m{B}} "I guess it's fine."
<2835> \{\m{B}} "I guess it's fine."
Line 5,945: Line 5,985:
<2867> \{Akio} "Weak..."
<2867> \{Akio} "Weak..."
// \{秋生}「甘いねぇ…」
// \{秋生}「甘いねぇ…」
<2868> There was the figure of a middle-aged man holding a white pole, crouched where Pops had jumped to.
<2868> There was the figure of a middle-aged man holding a white pole, crouched where pops had jumped to.
// オッサンの飛び退いた場所、そこに白い棒を振り下ろした格好の中年男性がうずくまっていた。
// オッサンの飛び退いた場所、そこに白い棒を振り下ろした格好の中年男性がうずくまっていた。
<2869> \{Mysterious Man} "Hah!"
<2869> \{Mysterious Man} "Hah!"
Line 5,957: Line 5,997:
<2873> \{Akio} "Hmph, \wait{1000}hmph, \wait{1000}hmph!"
<2873> \{Akio} "Hmph, \wait{1000}hmph, \wait{1000}hmph!"
// \{秋生}「ふんっ\p、ふんっ\p、ふんっ」
// \{秋生}「ふんっ\p、ふんっ\p、ふんっ」
<2874> And Pops barely managed to dodge each of his attacks, one by one.
<2874> And pops barely managed to dodge each of his attacks, one by one.
// 次々と繰り出される攻撃をぎりぎりのところでかわしていくオッサン。
// 次々と繰り出される攻撃をぎりぎりのところでかわしていくオッサン。
<2875> And then...
<2875> And then...
Line 5,967: Line 6,007:
<2878> \{\m{B}} "Ow!"
<2878> \{\m{B}} "Ow!"
// \{\m{B}}「イテェ!」
// \{\m{B}}「イテェ!」
<2879> I got hit, becuase Pops suddenly disappeared in front of me.
<2879> I got hit, becuase pops suddenly disappeared in front of me.
// オッサンがいきなり目の前から消えたものだから、俺が殴られていた。
// オッサンがいきなり目の前から消えたものだから、俺が殴られていた。
<2880> \{Mysterious Man} "What... the guy you took along's stupid, huh?"
<2880> \{Mysterious Man} "What... the guy you took along's stupid, huh?"
Line 6,127: Line 6,167:
<2958> \{Akio} "Woah! There's a super-big bear crawling around!"
<2958> \{Akio} "Woah! There's a super-big bear crawling around!"
// \{秋生}「うおっ、超でけぇクモが這ってるっ!」
// \{秋生}「うおっ、超でけぇクモが這ってるっ!」
<2959> Oh boy, Pops has started the gag...
<2959> Oh boy, pops has started the gag...
// ああ、オッサンの芝居が始まった…。
// ああ、オッサンの芝居が始まった…。
<2960> \{Sanae} "Eh?!"
<2960> \{Sanae} "Eh?!"

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