Editing HEAVY OBJECT:EX Chapter 3

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==Chapter 3==
==Chapter 3==
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===Part 8===
===Part 8===
The insect extermination began.
It was officially to ensure the safety of the storage building, but was that really why? As they crushed the nearly defenseless bugs with their boots or with mops, they may really have been releasing their built up frustrations.
They did not feel sorry for the bugs or find the action unpleasant.
Their hearts had entirely numbed over.
“Goddammit! Goddammit goddammit goddammit!!”
As he crushed them underfoot, Quenser’s chest filled with a hopeless lethargy and emptiness.
With an opponent that fought back and would try to eat him if he let his guard down, he would have been able to slaughter them without issue. But these crickets were different. They just stood on the floor, stared up at him with emotionless eyes, and vibrated their wings to create the clear bell-like chirping. It felt like they were placing all the blame on the rampaging humans.
He started feeling silly going along with it, so he moved away from the commotion and leaned against a wall without any bugs on it.
He removed the towel from his mouth and nose.
“What the hell is this…?”
He slid down to a seated position.
Even with the sea of flames outside, the swarm showed no sign of being wiped out. And yet having the Baby Magnum work toward exterminating them would only blow the maintenance base to smithereens. Could they open the door and lure small groups of them in at a time to squish them like they were now? How many days would that take to finish? The Legitimacy Kingdom soldiers still outside would be eaten to the bone by then and Quenser’s group had no food or water. They could not live in this storage building forever.
So what could they do?
How were they supposed to survive this?
That was when Eric of the Faith Organization spoke to him. Quenser slowly looked up and then looked puzzled. Eric was not alone. He was gently guiding Pilot Elite Skuld by the hand like an escort at a dinner party.
“Saint Skuld wishes to discuss something with you,” said Eric. “She said she could trust you.”
“Skuld did? What do you want?”
He honestly did not think they had much of a connection. They had spoken a bit in the detention barracks, but they had been enemies during the battle the night before and she would not know he had been listening to her interrogation through the one-way mirror.
But she seemed to see things differently.
“You hold a special position among the Legitimacy Kingdom,” explained Eric. “Being a student instead of a soldier definitely helps. To be honest, I’d prefer to use you as a point of contact than those young women.”
“I see. So what is this about?”
Skuld casually held her hand.
One of the bell crickets was clinging to the gentle curve of her palm.
“It’s okay. This one won’t bite anymore.”
Skuld remained calm and gave the chirping insect an emotionless look.
“There’s something that bothers me about these bell crickets.”
“Something that bothers you?”
“I’ve seen them before.”
At first, Quenser did not know what she meant. Insects were not exactly rare. The issue here was the ridiculous number of them.
But Skuld had more to say.
“These are not naturally occurring bugs.”
“The Faith Organization has a project known as Draupnir. Do you know what that is?”
Quenser tilted his head, so Eric answered for him with a bitter smile.
“It’s a story from Norse mythology. It’s a gold bracelet owned by the god Odin and it increases in number after a set number of days. Just like the biscuits in that Island Nation nursery rhyme. So no matter how much money Odin spends, he will always have more. It’s a symbol of wealth.”
“Our Draupnir project was meant to secure a large amount of food,” explained Skuld. “The Objects stand out the most, but food is a necessary part of war, right? If we could develop a food source that would never run out, don’t you think we could wage war much more easily?”
“Hold on…”
At first, the bell crickets did not seem to have anything to do with a project to develop a food source, but if he removed all of his presuppositions…
“Hold on!! Are you saying these crickets are your food source!?”
“Apparently so,” said Eric. “I’ve only heard rumors, but bugs are near the bottom of the food chain and they can multiply endlessly in the right environment. Apparently some old guys in a lab were all excited about it being a more efficient source of protein than raising cattle or pigs.”
He made it sound like some theoretical issue, but then Skuld cut in.
“Oh? Aren’t the fries the most popular dish among the infantry berserkers? What do you think they squish up to shape into those?”
Eric faced the other way and spewed some noises that will be omitted here.
Skuld remained calm.
“Draupnir is a genetically modified food insect and I believe that is what these are. For one thing, there are no bell crickets in the Antsiranana District’s Experimental Battlefield Madagascar. They should only be found in the Island Nation and Asia.”
“Frolaytia did say she’s seen them in a pet shop that specialized in the Island Nation.”
It was possible there were nocturnal chirping bugs on this island and an amateur might not be able to tell them apart, but that changed when they were clearly bell crickets.
Unnatural insects had been brought to an unnatural place.
Had it all been intentional?
“So they’ve been genetically modified to breed like crazy and never run out no matter how many you eat?” groaned Quenser. “I did hear crickets chirping all over the place last night. Had they already started multiplying then?”
“Let me make one thing clear. The Faith Organization only sees Draupnir as a project to provide the soldiers with food. I swear to you that they were not developed for use as a biological weapon.”
“I understand that. These are far too difficult to control to use them like that. We just have to pray your higher ups don’t see what happened here as a success.” Quenser wiped the sweat from his brow. “But this has given me some hope.”
“Skuld, you said these bell crickets have had their genes messed with, right? That’s fine, but do you know how that was done?”
“Only in general. I think a few of their chromosomes were intentionally damaged with chemicals and then they were crossbred for generation after generation. In a way, they had their genes damaged.”
“In other words, the abnormal level of breeding and growth came from damage to their chromosomes?”
“What about it?”
“It’s simple. The simpler a creature’s structure, the more easily their genes change due to outside stimuli. It’s enough for the flu to be different every year. And between humans and bugs, the bugs are much more easily affected.”
Quenser paused for a beat.
“These Draupnir are easily-altered bugs to begin with and their genes will be even more unstable after the intentional damage done to them. That means we just need one last push. If we damage the chromosomes of these killer crickets, we might be able to wipe them all out as their cells break down.”
“But how?”
“There are a few ways to alter genes. As you said, the easiest and most effective method is getting some help from chemicals, but you can also use UV, IR, coal tar, or asbestos. I think the solvent used for printing would work too. Really, just anything that’s been labelled carcinogenic should work.”
“Printing solvent? So what about Object paint?”
“They wouldn’t let our Elite Princess anywhere near something dangerous like that. Plus there’s something else that’s even more common.”
“Like what?”
“Extremely high-power microwaves. If we send out radar waves at max levels, we can exterminate all of the crickets swarming the maintenance base.”
===Part 9===
===Part 9===
After they suggested their plan, Frolaytia created a map of the maintenance base zone using the tools and cans in the storage building. Normally that would not be something to show the Faith Organization POWs, but the base zone was made of vehicles and could thus be freely rearranged. If they did things right, this would not reveal any critical information.
“It’s nearby. The control tower and radar facility are only fifty meters west of here. Head there and we can send out high power radar waves just as Quenser suggested.”
They knew what they had to do.
Then something strange happened.
No one had been moving in the slightest, but as soon as Quenser raised his hand, Skuld did as well. And she was not the only one. Eric and Elfily did too.
“If Saint Skuld is heading out there, of course I am too.”
“The people suffering out there are Legitimacy Kingdom soldiers. We have to do something.”
Finally, more and more hands were raised by Faith Organization soldiers who Quenser did not know or recognize. He realized this was never going to end if he did not put a stop to it himself.
“Okay, okay!! We’ll be going, so the rest of you wait here. We wouldn’t get the work done any faster even if we all went!”
They once more covered their mouth and nose with towels and used duct tape to close up any part of their clothing the bugs could get in through. That did not take much for Skuld whose skintight special suit already covered her entire body.
“Then let’s go. Close the door behind us as soon as we’re out.”
Their march through hell began anew.
Everywhere they looked, they only saw bugs, bugs, bugs!! The sea of flames was still burning just as strong, so the bell crickets were flying around like sparks as they themselves burned. They nearly lost track of distance and direction when faced with the overwhelming sight, but they desperately put up with the pain and supported each other’s bodies as they relied on their compasses to take one step at a time.
A mere fifty meters felt like it took years off their lives.
Quenser was gasping for breath by the time he placed his hands on the control tower’s wall. Technically, it was the giant tire of the vehicle at its base. He felt along to circle around it in search of the stairs up into the control tower.
And then…
Suddenly, the reliable feeling of the tire vanished.
The visibility was almost down to zero, but when he strained his eyes, he saw the tire floating upwards, despite being taller than he was.
No, it was not floating.
“Waaah!? I-it’s falling! It’s falling over!!”
“Move away, Quenser!!”
An arm that likely belonged to Eric pulled him back just as the air was stirred up. A gust of wind caused by great pressure briefly blew away the black smoke and crickets. The screen blocking their view was split apart as if by a giant’s sword.
What had caused this was obvious.
It was the same as the detention barracks they had come from. A few of the tires had been eaten through and the weight distribution had collapsed, causing a chain reaction of bursting tires. Then the building had been unable to maintain its balance. And since this was a control tower rising toward the sky, its center of gravity was higher up, making it easier to lose balance.
It fell over all at once.
A deafening roar and tons of dust scattered out, blowing away the flying insects.
“Ahh.” Elfily cried out in despair. “The control tower! The radar! Now we can’t give it our commands. They machinery inside must have been smashed to pieces!!”
The swarm of crickets filled the empty space and the world became hopelessly closed off once more.
Even so, Quenser clenched his teeth and walked over to the collapsed control tower. He felt the sharp pain of the insects tackling him and they covered his body, but he could not give up now. He had no idea how many soldiers were collapsed across the base. He could not calculate how many lives were depending on his decision here. He could not just give up and head back.
A cricket flew into one of his eyes, narrowing his vision. A dull pain stabbed deep into his brain.
He managed to climb inside through a broken window. There were already tons of bugs inside. The bloody soldiers groaning in pain had likely been the ones working inside when the tower collapsed. There were countless bugs covering their bodies, but pulling them off one at a time would be meaningless now.
Quenser looked around the smashed-up room and approached what looked like a radar screen.
He reached for it, but Skuld, who had to know more about radars than him, shook her head.
“The display isn’t right. In fact, it’s completely dead. I don’t know if it was the impact of the fall or the crickets chewing through the wiring, but this radar is useless.”
That was the last thing he had wanted to hear.
As the world grew dark before his eyes, he grabbed a nearby microphone. He was almost drowning in a sea of bugs, but he managed to force out a voice.
“Control to Baby Magnum, control to Baby Magnum …Can you hear me, Princess? If you can, then help us!!”
“What will this accomplish?” groaned Eric who was similarly buried in bugs. “No one can help us even if we do get an SOS out. Firing an Object’s cannons will just turn us to mincemeat.”
But Quenser viewed things differently.
This was not just a desperate shot in the dark.
He gave his answer as Skuld looked puzzled next to him.
“It never had to be ''this'' radar that we used. As long as I had communications equipment powerful enough to break through this swarm, I could ask the Princess for help. Isn’t that right?”
He looked to Skuld as if he were confirming a perfectly normal fact.
“Objects are covered in weapons, so their radars have to be even more powerful than the base’s!!”
===Part 10===
===Part 10===
There was no light and there was no sound.
The Baby Magnum simply scattered powerful radar waves in every direction. Soon thereafter, the tens or even hundreds of thousands of bell crickets fell to the ground like their power switch had been flipped.
===Part 11===
===Part 11===
Quenser gasped for breath while tearing the duct tape from his body.
Exterminating all those bugs was not the end of this. First they had to rescue the injured. Then they had to report on the damage caused by collapsed buildings and chewed-through wiring. They also had to extinguish the sea of flames. And if they did not dispose of the bug corpses littering the base, they could easily become a hotbed of disease.
A few of the prisoners did not show up when they were counted.
They had probably used the commotion to escape and were currently running through the humid jungle. If the Faith Organization learned about the damage here, they could make another attack with the Trinity Style piloted by Urd or Verdandi.
“Now I’m nervous,” he said without thinking.
“Yes,” replied the person next to him.
It was not the Princess or Heivia.
Faith Organization Pilot Elite Skuld sat on the ground there.
“But this was always going to happen. Urd and Verdandi will never forgive me. Even if I tried to escape this island, they would attack at some point along the way.”
“What is it?”
“Nothing really.” Quenser shook his head. “I just realized you didn’t run off is all. It does seem some of the prisoners fled into the jungle.”
“We have no idea if those were the only Draupnir around here. Besides, they have a base to return to while I’m being hunted by my own people. Frankly, I’m amazed that the people like Eric decided to stay.”
“I see.”
Quenser took another breath.
It had been a horrible day since morning, but this seemed to signal the end of that.
“Then we’re in this together. Once again, it’s nice to meet you.”
Skuld stared at the proffered hand in shock, but then she hesitantly reached out her own hand and grabbed it.
===Part 12===
===Part 12===
Panting breaths filled the jungle.
They were carelessly rustling through the underbrush, but they did not notice they were leaving plenty of hints for any pursuers. They just wanted to get away from the Legitimacy Kingdom maintenance base as quickly as possible and then return to the Faith Organization base. That was the only thing on their minds.
They were optimistic.
They had only been captured because the Norn had retreated without fighting in the very, very end. They had been left behind. The military would feel indebted to them for that and they could provide useful information on the damage to the Legitimacy Kingdom. They were confident they would be warmly welcomed back instead of judged as fools who could not even make a suicide attack.
If a surprise attack was made on the maintenance base zone, the prisoners like Skuld and Eric might be killed too, but these soldiers cared about their own wellbeing first and foremost.
Yes, they were optimistic.
“…!? Hey, what are you doing? Don’t stop! You’re in the lead, aren’t you!? What’s the holdup!?”
“No, wait. Be quiet…”
They came to a stop and strained their ears.
Even their own breathing seemed in the way.
And soon, they knew they were not just hearing things.
They heard clear chirping.
It was the very last sound they had wanted to hear.
Unpleasant sweat poured from their bodies and they just about started hyperventilating, but they still slowly, slowly turned around as if an invisible hand held their heads.
And there they saw…
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