Editing HEAVY OBJECT:Volume11 Chapter 2

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==Chapter 2: Elusive Financial Source >> Ice Breaking Bombardment at Africa’s Cape of Good Hope==
==Chapter 2: Elusive Financial Source >> Ice Breaking Bombardment at Africa’s Cape of Good Hope==
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===Part 15===
===Part 15===
“Wah, wah! That’s gunfire! Wh-what do we do?”
The young man let out a shout as he looked out through the round lifeboat’s window. The three girls of the Martini series continued relaxing and reached for a radio.
“Yes, retreat, retreat. All you white frogs need to find a good point to escape! Don’t be stupid. They’ll send reinforcements if you kill them and they’ll continue the investigation even if you die. Having some unknown people disappear for some unknown reason is perfect!! The Object is still making a mess of things up there, so the birdbrained Legitimacy Kingdom will forget about you pretty quickly. Just! Do! It! You need to make sure they don’t find us here in the ocean!!”
===Part 16===
===Part 16===
And finally…
“Wow, Kevin actually survived.”
“From now on, he can be our shield. Let’s just follow him around.”
The white frogmen (probably) from the Information Alliance were gone. Kevin’s suicide charge had not actually killed them all. They seemed to have retreated into a crack in the thick ice.
“What was that about?”
“Who knows. This might just have been their landing point.”
Meanwhile, Kevin was angry.
He was gasping for breath and throwing his hands into the air on the pure white land.
“Hurry on over here! Hurry uuuuuup!! What was that, you pieces of shit!? Why would you send me on a suicide charge!? I thought we were friends!”
“What do you think about that?”
“He decided for himself how close we were and then got mad when it didn’t turn out that way. I can see why he isn’t married.”
At any rate, the direct danger had passed.
If they did not get back on track, the Baby Magnum would be defeated by the Spectre Q&A. They needed to collect what was scattered across the paths – or rather, the area – the two Objects had passed through during their fight.
Quenser crouched down and focused on something glittering on the vast icy surface.
“Found it.”
“What is that?”
Heivia was asking about a ten centimeter wide disk that looked like a crushed dome. It had deviated so far from its original form that he had trouble picturing it.
“This is one of the Baby Magnum’s armor panels. It was completely melted and then re-hardened after pouring down on the ice. It’s shaped like a drop of dew on a window, right?”
“Then did the Spectre Q&A take this in to analyze the Princess’s structure?”
Heivia glanced over at the Armadillo.
“That busty commander gave us some decoy armor and special gas, didn’t she? We might be able to confuse it if we scatter them around.”
“It’s too late for that now. It’s already finished its official optical sample analysis, so it’ll be able to tell those are decoys now. Fortunately, we don’t have to do that.”
“They don’t have to be decoys.” Quenser waved the disk around a little. “One or two isn’t enough. Heivia, Kevin. Let’s split up and search for the Princess’s armor. The more we have, the better.”
“Dammit. I feel like a kid searching for unexploded ordnance for some money.”
“Ugh. I risked my life for trash like this?”
With that, their battlefield scavenger hunt began.
Quenser, Heivia, and Kevin gathered the scattered armor fragments and placed them on top of the Armadillo.
“The Princess is going to be stripped bare before long. Can you tell us what we need to do now?”
“This should be enough. Princess!!”
“I’m about to give you the Armadillo’s control frequency. Um, it’s model number…S…12…A! Use its location for this! Listen, I’m only going over the plan once!!”
===Part 17===
===Part 17===
The Legitimacy Kingdom called it the Spectre Q&A.
The Information Alliance called it the Laser Cracker 001.
That Second Generation Object’s Pilot Elite had already perfectly drawn out the pathway to victory. The Object had a press-style icemaker that used its massive weight to harden the seawater into artificial drift ice. It also had a laser that created giant explosions and shockwaves using the special gas floating in the air. Those factors gradually dulled the Legitimacy Kingdom First Generation’s movements and reduced its freedom of movement. Once that passed a certain point, the enemy would be immobilized and he could fire the most effective explosive laser.
Piercing straight through the center would break it apart like a giant firework.
But then something odd happened.
The outdated Legitimacy Kingdom First Generation put up an unnecessary struggle.
Water vapor rose from below the Laser Cracker 001. It was a massive white curtain that made it look like a cumulonimbus cloud had formed on the ground. However, the Pilot Elite was unfazed. The Laser Cracker 001 used an amphibious air cushion, so the ice melting away was not a problem. Its many sensors could still detect the enemy’s position through the white curtain. Most importantly of all, randomly destroying the game board was pointless. To anyone who knew the rules of chess, an amateur moving without giving it any thought only seemed to be placing the noose around their own neck.
That was why the Elite’s path to checkmate was shortened by twenty moves.
Weak lasers read the movements of his eyes and the enemy was accurately targeted through the curtain. He chose the recorded wavelength for the enemy’s armor rather than the special gas and switched the main cannon’s color palette.
One attack.
It would only take one attack.
The Pilot Elite did not hesitate.
His thumb stroked across the button at the top of the lever and he pressed it.
A moment later, the screen before his eyes filled with the color white.
===Part 18===
===Part 18===
They had not had time to leisurely put some distance between them.
Quenser, Heivia, and Kevin were caught in the middle of a giant water vapor explosion and collapsed onto the pure white ice shelf.
“Dammit! Son of a bitch!! What was that!?”
“I-I won’t die here. I’ll be just fine! After all, I have gifted blood!! My brother’s an astronaut!!”
“That’s as useless as a blood type horoscope, you dumbass!!” Heivia shouted in absolute desperation. “There was a huge explosion right next to the Spectre Q&A! Did its main cannon screw up or something!?”
“No,” corrected Quenser. “It was the Princess’s armor fragments we gathered. We placed them on the ice and had the Armadillo’s radio signal act as a guide. The Princess blasted them and caused a water vapor explosion, so the melted and vaporized armor turned to spray with the water. So what do you think happens if someone fires into that curtain with an explosive laser designed to efficiently transmit its energy to the Princess’s armor and explode?”
“That’s what happened, Princes!! The Spectre Q&A was hit by the shockwave from that point blank blast. Finish this before it can recover from the knockback!!”
The Information Alliance’s Second Generation had a powerful main cannon and the unexpected damage created a short lag before it could recover.
The Princess was not about to overlook that.
The revolver-like turret at the base of her main cannon turned to select the low-stability plasma cannon out of the multiple options. As the Spectre Q&A wobbled and seemed to lack life, she did not hesitate to target the center of its spherical body.
A bright light and an explosive sound surged out.
The blast pierced the vital point, destroying the reactor, and the Second Generation seemed to swell out. So much energy burst into the outside world that it caused an unbelievably large explosion. It seemed to wear away the lifespan of their retinas and eardrums, but they felt a strange high in addition to the pain. The disconcerting pressure hanging over them was eliminated, their safety was assured, and they were overwhelmed by an instinctual elation, much like staring into a flickering flame.
This feat was known as dragon slaying.
The sight seemed to easily break the floodgates of human rationality.
Kevin raised a frightened yet strangely excited voice.
“W-we did it!! I didn’t die!! I’m not gonna let myself die single!! Ohhhh!! Let’s get back to the base zone where love and romance await me!! …H-huh? Why don’t you look happy?”
The two idiots ignored the middle-aged bachelor as they stared blankly into the distance.
“Hey, what do we do now?”
“About what?”
“We can’t figure out who’s behind the drug war using the ergots without either that Pilot Elite or the Object itself, right?”
===Part 19===
===Part 19===
Frolaytia was holding her head back in the aircraft carrier’s battle command station.
Destroying the Information Alliance Second Generation, clearing the unnatural ice blocking the Cape of Good Hope, and securing the safety of the sea were all desirable results, but now they had lost their chance to determine who was behind the drug war.
“It’s better than getting wiped out because we were too focused on that, but I still want to punch them later.”
Meanwhile, Frolaytia received a report from a young operator with the courage to speak to her when she was clearly in a bad mood.
“We just received an external communications request. A civilian one. It seems to be from the young Vanderbilt lady.”
“Not a problem. Put her through.”
She had it routed to her laptop and a familiar face appeared in the video chat window.
However, something was not right.
“Major Capistrano!? There’s a Second Generation Object there!”
“I can’t discuss details of military operations with you, lady. But I can tell you the Information Alliance threat is gone and your secret lover is just fine. But just this once, okay?”
“No!! Vanderbilt’s countermeasures office has finally tracked them down. The threat is not an Information Alliance Objec-…”
Severe static filled the transmission, but the answer arrived before she could question it.
“…a Legitimacy Kingdom Object! Azureyfear has you in her deadly sights!!”
At that same time, Quenser, Heivia, and Kevin were picked up by the other Legitimacy Kingdom soldiers taking part in the mission. They were stuffed inside a rubber boat made from an Armadillo as they and the Baby Magnum made their way back to the aircraft carrier fleet.
“Anyway, is your brother really an astronaut?”
“He’s probably lying again.”
“I-I am not. You might not believe me, but that one’s true!”
At that exact moment, a deafening noise filled the world.
The next thing they knew, more than two thirds of the hundred-ship fleet, including destroyers and early-warning ships, was broken apart. Their relief at finally returning vanished in a heartbeat and their minds went blank. There was nothing they could do as a giant wave sped their way. Unable to maintain its balance, the rubber boat flipped right over.
“Just grab on! You’ll get caught in the sinking ships! And what was that!?”
“Ah wah wah wah wah wah.”
“Kevin! Grab onto the boat if you don’t want to die!!”
They had no time to flip the boat right-side up, so the soldiers grabbed on and witnessed what happened next.
There was a giant iceberg that looked like two mountains stuck together.
“What!? What is that!?”
“You’ve gotta be kidding me! It’s that tits iceberg!!”
It crumbled, melted, and shattered from within.
Something far too large was slowly revealed.
It had a spherical body fifty meters tall. In addition to the air cushion directly below, it had upside-down Y-shaped insectoid legs with boosters covering the sides. It had a single main cannon on the very front and it lacked the countless secondary cannons that usually made one look like a sea urchin or chestnut burr. Instead, some strange devices that resembled peacock feathers were disconcertingly moving on the back.
Quenser spoke in utter shock.
“But who does it belong to? Was the Information Alliance hiding another-…!?”
Heivia trailed off, so Quenser looked over to his awful friend.
“Hey, what is it?”
“You’re kidding, right?”
Heivia cried out like he was having a nightmare.
“Why the hell does that Object have the Winchell family crest on it!?”
===Part 20===
===Part 20===
The three Martini sisters clapped their hands with joy inside the round lifeboat.
“Success, success. Losing the Laser Cracker 001 was a shame, but this was our top priority. I’m just glad the surprise wasn’t accidentally revealed while they were melting all that ice.”
“In this day and age, completely hiding from radar and satellites is impossible. Even the best stealth can only reduce the radar cross-section so much, so completely disappearing isn’t easy. …The best way to hide is to provide a reason for the large dot on the screen that everyone will accept. For example, icebergs may look small on the surface, but they continue for hundreds of meters below the water.”
Only the young man was staring out the window like he was seeing the end of the world.
“Y-y-you mean you intentionally sealed an entire Object inside the artificial ice? That way it could be carried in by the ocean current without anyone noticing!?”
“Good job! You figured it out on your own! Let me reward you.”
“Hey, stop that, Dry! But I take it that means the higher ups authorized this.”
“Because they knew they would get something even better in return,” said Alisa Martini Sweet as she laughed and joined the fight over the normal man. “They knew they would get something worth handing the Legitimacy Kingdom a Second Generation built in one of our factories. We get to watch as a true celebrity in an enemy nation disgraces herself by starting a civil war as the greatest sacrifice of the drug war. It’s the ultimate negative campaign.”
===Part 21===
===Part 21===
The Cape of Good Hope region was instantly transformed into the Bermuda Triangle or Sargasso.
A great number of ships sank into the ocean or tilted and just barely remained floating. There was no recovering though, so the crew used the time limit until the inevitable sinking to escape on the lifeboats.
Meanwhile, a girl in a blue dress ignored the lifeboats and stood tall on a broken fighter wing with her arms crossed.
As Heivia desperately clung to the upside-down boat so as not to be sucked in by the current of the sinking fleet, he stared blankly at his sister.
“I believe I forgot to ask before: how do you do, brother? What do you think of Second Generation Destruction Fes that I have received? Don’t you think it has the coolest shape, truly befitting the Winchell family crest?”
“What are you…saying?”
“Do I have to spell it out?”
Azureyfear pointed her thumb back over her shoulder to direct his attention toward the dreadful fifty meter form.
“That is my personal possession. It took some doing, though. Even for a noble, owning an Object is a bit of a hurdle for a private force that is not part of the military. I even had to cross borders to have it constructed in an Information Alliance factory.”
“That’s impossible.”
“I never said it was easy. We built the control system, but the Information Alliance found so many things to complain about and refused to hand over the Object itself. I was a little worried when they delayed it until today, but they have confirmed receipt of the money and it arrived in time for its launching ceremony.”
“Objects aren’t that simple! You need more than the five billion dollars it costs to construct! There are usage and maintenance costs! And since the Information Alliance is involved, there would need to make sure you can’t betray them with it and make sure their data isn’t leaked to the Legitimacy Kingdom!!”
“Oh, dear. But you’ve already seen the alchemy used to raise those funds. A rotten yet sweet sort of war that brings unlimited riches to whoever runs it.”
This time, Heivia Winchell felt his mind go entirely blank from that casual comment.
Instead, Quenser responded while clinging to the same boat.
“The drug war… So you were the one running it on the Legitimacy Kingdom side.”
“But…she’s a noble!” shouted Kevin as he grew pale. “Why!?”
Nobles were a symbol of law and order. The commoners trusted them enough to leave politics to them and they seemed so far removed from common life, but Azureyfear nodded with a wicked smile on her lips.
“How many manors outside the watchful eyes of the noble and royal councils do you think the Winchell family owns? Transforming a few of them into ergot plants was hardly difficult. Plus, the Information Alliance was willing to handle the production of Colorful Vanilla and use it to attack the Capitalist Corporations. I could have done that on my own, but they were kind enough to help.”
“Then the one who finished off the Special 15th Black Uniforms in the Rio Grande District was…?”
“They were useful pawns, but I couldn’t have them talking there. Although I only needed to keep it hidden until today, so I ended up using a fairly sloppy method of silencing them.”
A powerful wind roared through.
They were not the only ones who could not remain silent. The Princess in the Baby Magnum had begun rushing toward the unknown Object as if to say she refused to allow any more damage to be done.
But Azureyfear calmly pulled folding neckband-style headphones from the chest of her dress, unfolded them, placed them on her ears, and spoke three simple words.
“That is useless.”
Even at a distance, Quenser and the others could not tell what had happened.
An unknown explosive sound filled their minds.
Quenser’s thoughts were flashing in and out as he realized the Destruction Fes bearing the crest of the Winchell family had used some kind of weapon. He could not gather his thoughts. He could not tell front from back, left from right, or even up from down. If he had not wrapped a rope on the side of the upside-down boat around his wrist, he might have drowned.
His inner ear had been taken out.
But even if he had been in a normal state of mind, would he have been able to follow that with his eyes?
If the Baby Magnum’s movements were like the footwork of a mixed martial artist, the unknown Object’s were like lightning. It moved so sharply that the Princess could not keep up. She had been the one charging toward it, but it moved up to her and they glared at each other from less than ten meters away. For humans, it would have been close enough for their lips to touch. And even that close, the unknown Object moved around behind the Princess.
It was like grabbing a delicate girl from behind and gently kissing the nape of her neck.
The unknown Object tapped its main cannon against the back of the Baby Magnum’s spherical body.
It would be too late by the time she turned around.
A point-blank blast would vaporize the princess before she had a chance to eject.
“The inertial Gs a Pilot Elite is exposed to are said to occasionally exceed twelve Gs. A normal fighter has an acceptable limit of 9.5 Gs, so that range cannot be exceeded without creatively taking a step beyond standard anatomy.”
Azureyfear made it sound so simple as she brushed back her golden hair and let dark joy fill her voice.
“But my Destruction Fes is entirely remote-controlled by a great number of personnel, so that human limit of inertial Gs can be entirely ignored. No one can capture the Destruction Fes now that it has been freed from the yoke of gravity. It will simply evade, simply rush in, and simply strike a fatal blow. It is the ultimate ultra-mobile combat Object. A sluggish manned model cannot even hope to touch it. This is not something that can be overcome with effort. It is built into the design.”
===Part 22===
===Part 22===
“But it’s actually working pretty well.”
Orsia Martini Dry gave a whistle as she spoke.
The round lifeboat rocked calmly in the waves.
No, at this point, it may not have mattered who was speaking.
The triplets functioned as a single unified problem-solving device. The process mattered less than the single answer they reached while chatting.
“Even as she used us, that girl is missing the main point. The Destruction Fes is indeed a major threat when viewed altogether, but the Object itself is little different from a First Generation built with existing technology. The only difference is all the extra boosters added on while ignoring the safety side of things. The main point is that it has no one on board and is remote-controlled, so it can break the limit on inertial Gs. In other words, recording and gathering the data alone will do little damage to the Information Alliance.”
“What matters is the Orchestra System that lets ten thousand normal people pilot the Object, right? That global remote control system is made up of fifty to one hundred stealth submarines and countless satellites. Without analyzing that, the Object itself is useless. And our full AI control still isn’t enough to deal with the constantly changing battlefield.”
“And destroying that system wouldn’t be easy. Not only would it take time to find the submarines, but the system can continue its remote control even with about half of them destroyed. Just how far will the damage spread while you’re wasting time on that?”
“Does it matter? This is a civil war based on an old Legitimacy Kingdom grudge. That has nothing to do with us in the Information Alliance.”
“And we’ve acquired an excellent bad example. The nobles are symbols of justice who are meant to protect the commoners, yet this one got into the narcotics business. What better ‘infirmary poster’ could we get?”
“But we aren’t going to end this here, are we?”
“Of course not. Of course not. We even used our Laser Cracker 001 to help out this Legitimacy Kingdom civil war, so we need take much, muuuuch more in payment.”
“What mental structure does a Legitimacy Kingdom noble have and how exactly will it be distorted?”
“Gaining data samples from the enemy isn’t easy, but it worked out well this time.”
“Perfect Browsing… We need all the sample entries we can get to build that giant system that will guide you to any answer with a simple search.”
“We might just get a look at a mental structure much, muuuuch greater than a noble’s.”
===Part 23===
===Part 23===
Feeling dizzy after his inner ear was taken out, Quenser did his best to hold onto the upside-down boat.
He looked up at Azureyfear as she crossed her arms atop the broken main wing of a fighter, he suppressed the urge to vomit, and he asked a question while trying to catch his breath.
He did not know what was right and he did not know what good buying time would do.
Nevertheless, he ignored Kevin next to him and simply moved his mouth in a daze.
“Even so, why would you go this far? Why would you try to…no, why would you actually betray the Legitimacy Kingdom to acquire a Second Generation?”
“Betray? Betray!? Me? Oh, dear. I am simply trying to remove the pus as a proper member of the Legitimacy Kingdom. My brother should know exactly what I mean.”
Heivia yelled and pulled his handgun from its holster, completely ignoring the situation.
He did not hesitate to aim it at his own family member, but Azureyfar’s expression did not change.
She snapped her fingers and the earth seemed to transform below them.
The sea split directly below her and a giant black form appeared. This time, it was not an Object. It was a stealth submarine that resembled a large ship made of origami.
It was a one hundred meter strategic weapon.
There was nothing Heivia could do as the waves tossed him around.
The handgun slipped from his grasp and he could only manage to hold onto the boat for dear life.
Meanwhile, the girl in a blue dress laughed as she stepped elegantly onto the submarine.
She grabbed her long skirt in both hands, bent her knees a little, and lowered her head.
“Now, let us end this long, fruitless history of conflict, brother.”
She held what looked like a perfume bottle in her hand.
It contained Blazer Bouquet. Centuries before, a princess had been pursued by a nation after a revolution. At her small, small wedding, that same brand had been thrown into the chapel as a merciless Molotov cocktail. That hateful wine was made by mixing together several rose petals and allowing them to ferment and brew within flower nectar.
Azureyfear’s eyes glittered as she sprayed that scent of revenge on her neck and wrists.
“I believe I will start with the Whore of Vanderbilt who has manipulated you, brother. I will crush the false buds of reconciliation, dialogue, and peace and use that solemn result to whip the lax Winchell family into shape. And before the Vanderbilt family can recover from the shock, I will settle this once and for all. And with the Destruction Fes at the lead!!”
She spoke of a nightmare.
But would it really be a dream when she had that ultra-mobile Second Generation that was freed from the yoke of gravity and could escape the grasp of any other Object in the world?
That girl had reached for the stage setting that could grant her nightmarish dream.
The look on her face made her seem possessed by a vengeful spirit.
Namely, the vengeful spirit of the history that tied together the Winchell and Vanderbilt families.
“This is a war for peace, brother.”
“I will bring glory to the Winchell family as the hero who removed a seed of global destruction from this planet!! What greater desire is there!! If this is not the duty of any with Winchell blood in their veins, then what is!? Heh heh heh. Hee hee. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!”
There was nothing they could do.
Azureyfear, the Blue Rose of Winchell, was retrieved by the stealth submarine which dove back down before their eyes. This “duel” ignored all international law and war treaties and no one could stop her from sending in the cruelly powerful strategic weapon that had brought an end to the nuclear age.
Her target was in the Atlantic Ocean.
Her target was the pacifist young lady who was enjoying the world’s greatest fireworks festival from her luxury cruise ship.
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