Editing HEAVY OBJECT:Volume12 Chapter 2

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==Day 2==
==Day 2==
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===Part 7===
===Part 7===
1: The enemy knew almost exactly where they were. Otherwise they would not be able to remove the metal containers that acted as a shield, drop those containers from above, or knock over entire stacks of containers. They could not afford to hit their own allies with those broad attacks, so they had to be in a position giving a view of the entire battlefield.
2: The enemy had not ben viewing the entire container yard with a satellite or UAV from the beginning. If they had, they would have immediately noticed something was amiss no matter how silently Quenser took out the guards. Most likely, they had quickly climbed to the top of the containers to gain a decent vantage point only after noticing the trouble.
3: The enemy could not let go of their mobile device. They were constantly controlling the gantry crane remotely, so that went without saying.
With the above three points in mind, Catherine Blueangel ran from container stack to container stack. She did not stop and then climb vertically like a mountain climber or cliff climber. It was like an extension of running. She would build up speed, jump, grab the edge of the container’s roof, kick off of the slight protrusions on the wall, and roll onto the higher level with her speed intact. It was a lot like an urban extreme sport.
Of course, she found several dark figures on top of the containers.
Elevated places were perfect for sniping.
With harsh gunshots, she knocked them down to the ground below and clicked her tongue.
(Those were normal snipers. My target is elsewhere.)
At that point, the gantry crane rumbled overhead.
A heavy metal container dangled from it and it swung like an Island Nation temple bell to knock down the entire stack of containers on which Catherine stood.
The 12-year-old girl jumped down one level and ran toward the metal ladder horizontally connecting this stack to another. Meanwhile, a powerful impact caused the entire stack to crumble. Each block weighed more than ten tons, so if a corner slightly grazed her, it could tear off an arm or a leg.
She more leaped than ran across the ladder and escaped to the other stack.
A few seconds later, the first stack completely collapsed.
(They resorted to the crane, so I must be headed in the right direction!)
The gantry crane began to move again.
The four wires and mechanical claws connected to a nearby container. It looked like the enemy intended to slam it directly into her, but unlike the earlier surprise attack, she had seen this attack before. Catherine did not panic or rush as she took a running start and jumped on top of the dangling container.
Then she continued forward without slowing down.
(If they’re using a mobile device, the backlight has to always be shining on their face. Telling them apart from the other soldiers is easy!!)
She fired her military handgun a few times to take out a few snipers on other stacks.
She ran across the large container for a ten meter running start and then leaped across the dark container yard.
She flew in a gentle arc.
Time seemed to slow for everyone who saw it.
Then the 12-year-old braid girl accurately landed on the top of another container stack with feline grace.
The mobile user was right in front of her.
Surprisingly, it was a girl with long blonde hair who looked the same age as Catherine. She wore an elegant dress and wide-brimmed hat, but it was obvious at a glance that she was the same. Thanks to the rain, her bodylines and even the bright color of her skin showed through the dress. She was too lithely muscular and her frame was too solid for a high-class girl visiting a luxury resort.
Catherine aimed her military handgun with one hand, but the mobile user flipped her soaked skirt around and kicked the gun to the side while showing off her legs up to the base of the thighs. The mobile user carried an assault rifle, but with the mobile device taking up one hand, she must not have been able to make proper use of the rifle and its heavy recoil. She tried to hold it like a light, but it was no use. During that brief moment of hesitation, Catherine grabbed the rifle, twisted it out of the other girl’s grasp, and threw it down off of the container.
They were both unarmed now.
Their fists and legs crossed paths a few times and they took a simultaneous step back.
Aware of a stinging pain in the back of her hand, Catherine took another look at the strange mobile user whose skirt fluttered like a matador’s cape.
“You have the scent of an Elite. But there’s something different about you. And your fighting style isn’t that of the clean wars.”
“Sorry, but I’m a freak created by the Object-less Northern Restricted Zone. And I hate proper Elites. Honestly, we use the same techniques, so why do you get paid so much more!?”
===Part 8===
===Part 8===
“You damn monsters…” groaned Quenser down in the world below.
He was holding his handmade ultrasonic skull shaker like a bazooka, but he could not aim with any precision. Just like shining a flashlight on someone, he aimed in his target’s general direction to knock out everyone there, so even if he aimed at the girls moving around with such great speed, he might harm Catherine too.
And the same was likely true of the Capitalist Corporations soldiers even though their sniper rifles were specifically designed to pierce a single point.
No one could interfere. They could not protect their side of the two girls fighting hand-to-hand. Every one of their movements was too acrobatic to predict, so there was no way to safely eliminate just the enemy. Catherine knew she was outnumbered, so she was likely sticking close to the Capitalist Corporations mobile user to create just such a situation.
And the idiot had to hold his head in his hands.
“''Her'' skirt keeps fluttering up and ''her'' bikini is about to come undone!! If you’re going to take this oddly seriously, can’t you focus on that kind of threat too!?”
It was like watching two cats in heat fighting as they jumped from rooftop to rooftop.
But Quenser could not afford to just sit there and watch the catfight between 12-year-old girls.
They were outnumbered.
Quenser’s side knew that, but the Capitalist Corporations might not. They had only taken a look at the whole container yard after the trouble had begun, so it was possible they did not know that Quenser, Catherine, and Heivia were the only ones attacking. There was a good chance they would suspect those three were scouts and a large unit was waiting outside the container yard.
And Quenser’s side needed them to think that.
Now that a largescale firefight had broken out, Quenser’s side could not win if the Capitalist Corporations regained their cool.
(I guess bluffs work better during this kind of confusion.)
Before the waves of confusion could settle down, he wanted to overwrite that with an even more impactful attack. He wanted an attack large enough to surpass the limits of their hearts and drive them into a panicked flight. The best way to do that would be to take out the Capitalist Corporations’ landmark, the weapon key to their strategy, and the support for their psyches. What would that be? Setting aside how realistic it was, he knew the answer.
(The gantry crane. I guess I have to break that thing after all, dammit!!)
He had to destroy their largest weapon to drive them all back. He may have reached that specific answer due to his position as someone who went around destroying Objects to reject the clean wars.
At any rate, he made his way toward the bottom of the gantry crane that ran along the thick rails installed on the asphalt road.
As previously stated, the gantry crane was not like rooftop construction cranes or mobile cranes. Instead of fixing itself in place and rotating from there, a tower several dozen meters tall used metal wheels larger than a train’s to travel along a set of rails. Even if the rails ran front to back, the crane itself could only move side to side. Those two directions of movement meant the containers could only be moved along a cross-like path, so it was a lot like a crane game.
“It would be fastest to destroy the rail or wheels.”
He spoke the idea aloud because he was not confident he could actually do it.
If he could destroy one of the metal wheels or destroy a rail to derail the wheels, the giant gantry crane would be unable to support its own weight and collapse. But that first step was no easy task. Those thick metal wheels were designed to easily support a metal tower that weighed over a hundred tons, so attaching a bomb and detonating it would barely affect them.
The rails were the same. The gantry crane’s rails were embedded in the ground like at a railroad crossing, but stuffing a clay bomb in there and detonating it would not bend them. The explosive could break through a normal steel beam, but it took a lot of work to set up. The explosive had to be attached to the top of one end and the bottom of the other end to bend the beam in an S-shape and break it. That kind of work was hard to do when the rails were embedded in the asphalt.
(I’ve heard a train can be derailed if a crow places a small stone on the rail.)
He thought for a bit but rejected that idea too. The gantry crane’s weight was simply too great. Not only was the overall weight an issue, but the burden on each individual wheel was entirely different. Those heavy and slow-moving wheels would crush just about anything in their path. If he placed a bicycle or scooter along the rails, it would be smashed to pieces. Even if he used an explosive blast to knock a metal container on top of the rails, the crane would simply push it forward as it moved.
“What do I do?”
He could not destroy the wheels or the rails with his explosives.
He could not derail it with an obstacle.
“What do I do, dammit!?”
Quenser ran toward the giant wheels that were rumbling back and forth along the rails. Unlike a car, they could only follow that set path, so he did not have to worry about being hit unless he stepped on the rails. Even so, he felt a squeezing in his stomach as that great mass approached.
For the time being, he did not need the metal tube on his shoulder. He crouched down, placed it on the ground, and pulled some Hand Axe from his backpack. He kneaded the clay explosive again and again and desperately tried to figure out what to do with it.
After slowly breathing in and out, he stabbed an electric fuse into the bomb.
He had settled on a plan.
And at that very moment, he heard deafening gunfire from directly behind him. At the same time, orange sparks flew from the thick metal at the base of the gantry crane tower. Quenser quickly ducked down, but it did not help much.
Scorching pain surged through his shoulder and he fell to the ground.
“Sorry, I meant that as a warning, but a ricochet hit you.”
A disconcerting sweat much too thick to be mistaken for rainwater oozed out from below Quenser’s skin as he looked around from the ground.
He saw a large dark-skinned man holding what appeared to be a Capitalist Corporations assault rifle. However, he seemed somehow different from the container yard soldiers. He was not disguised as port security and he was already fully equipped for urban warfare.
“This was unfortunate for both of us. I’m betting you were trying to sabotage the crane, but no handheld explosives would be enough for that.”
“Who…are you?”
“I’m from the money-obsessed Capitalist Corporations, so I prefer to take the enemy hostage than kill them. Spies are especially nice. I’ll send you back to your unit and they’ll send me a little spending money.”
“Get up. You’re on top of the rail. I doubt being slowly bisected would be much fun.”
“…No, I’m fine right where I am.”
Quenser held a radio in his hand.
And a short distance away, some clay Hand Axe explosive was stuffed into the rail’s indentation in the asphalt.
The dark-skinned man was not too bothered by that. Even if it did detonate, it could not destroy the wheels or rail. The gantry crane would remain standing, so the boy’s resistance was futile.
But the student had not set his hopes that high.
He could not destroy the rails or wheels with his explosives.
Derailing the crane with an obstacle was not realistic.
His situation looked hopeless, but he could not let the magic of his own words fool him. If he rationally compared the two options and chose only the workable aspects of both, another possibility showed itself.
In other words, he could use the explosive to lift up the crane and derail it.
The explosion sounded muffled, but that was to be expected when it had occurred just as the metal wheel interlocked with the rail while the clay explosive was between them, like a giant smashing herbs below its feet. The blast had nowhere to go, so it lifted up the giant wheel ever so slightly.
And that led to something that should not have happened.
The top of the solid and unshakable gantry crane tower shook somewhat.
When the dark-skinned man gave it a second look, he saw some slight space between the wheel and the indented rail.
“Shoot me if you like, but don’t let that detour delay you too much! When that crane falls, no one can predict how the containers will collapse!!”
“Goddammit!! Mariydi!!”
When he saw the wheel rising up even further, the dark-skinned man seemed to make up his mind. He removed his rifle’s sight from Quenser and ran off somewhere as fast as he could.
The gantry crane could not regain its balance now.
It was going to collapse.
“Farewell, Babel. Welcome to the age of war.”
Quenser gently smiled on the ground and then the world was smashed to pieces around him.
===Part 9===
===Part 9===
In her blue bikini, the Princess continued inspecting her Object with tools in hand near the top of the Baby Magnum. She regained her balance after a slight tremor belatedly ran through the machine. The small butt contained in the synthetic fabric shook back and forth like she was surfing.
She was fifty meters up, but during the late-night downpour, she could not see the distant tower of dust.
However, her ample experience in war allowed her to intuitively analyze the tremor she felt. The waves running through the dark sea were not normal. They were clearly manmade and had the dangerous and weighty feel of destruction.
She had heard that Quenser and the others were the attackers and the Capitalist Corporations were the defenders, so it was obvious what something this large meant.
“Way to go, Quenser.”
===Part 10===
===Part 10===
The tower-like gantry crane collapsed to the side and the stacks of metal containers crumbled one after another like the remains of a sand castle. The snipers and spotters were swallowed up, the soldiers on the ground below fled in a panic, and pandemonium enveloped the entire area.
Dry gunshots hurried them along. The Legitimacy Kingdom intruders were probably firing at their backs with a rifle.
Their landmark and strategic foundation had been destroyed, that had filled them with fear, and now bullets were flying their way.
“Dammit,” cursed a blonde girl as she tore off her elegant dress’s skirt because it was in the way after absorbing so much water.
When she looked down from the top of a partially-fallen stack of containers, she saw only one enemy firing. He could be quickly suppressed if the soldiers calmly surrounded him, but Mariydi only knew that because she could see the giant labyrinth from above. The collapsing containers had created chaos and the enemy’s gunshots echoed off the metal walls again and again.
After three or four days of little sleep on a chaotic battlefield, it was fairly common for a soldier to confuse their allies for the enemy and fire on the people providing covering fire behind them. The collapse of the gantry crane had created similar chaos here.
The Pilot Elite with a black bikini and a blonde braid waved her right hand and spoke with a daring smile on her lips.
“Looks like my big brother’s friend is working hard. I win this time. And if you want to stubbornly blame your clothes, then strip naked and try again.”
“I wouldn’t act so confidently if I were you. Your swimsuit bottom’s knots are looking pretty tight.”
“And both sides too. After soaking up all that water, you’ll have to cut those with a knife to undo them. But who are you going to ask? This isn’t like the string to a boy’s swim trunks.”
“Gh…kh… B-but I still have the upper hand here. Looks like the Capitalist Corporations will have to abandon one of their bases. You should get out of here soon too.”
“A Capitalist Corporations mercenary should know to do what’s most sensible. A cruel fate awaits soldiers who are left behind on the battlefield. Especially for soldiers with an ‘abnormal background’ like us.”
“From the look of things, this wasn’t an official mission. Why did you break away from the military hierarchy for this reckless attack?”
“To find the source of the grenade launcher used by a rioter, but that isn’t the real reason. One of our comrades was shot and can’t move. This was a necessary step to get her back to the base zone as soon as possible.”
Mariydi sighed.
She reached into her pocket and flicked a scrap of paper over. The paper rotated like a frisbee and seemed to be some kind of contest entry card.
Catherine looked confused after catching it.
“What is this?”
“You don’t know? The cover sticker on there is for the mysterious mixed seafood and chicken flavor from the culture of ''dashi''. It’s only sold within the Island Nation, so it wasn’t easy getting my hands on it. And of course, only someone from the Capitalist Corporations could do so.”
“I see. So it proves that the Capitalist Corporations had taken over this container yard.”
“Even if one of our retreating soldiers fires a rocket at the control room and destroys the computers, you still have some kind of material evidence. Are you satisfied now?”
They had a deal.
Mariydi stepped back and Catherine did not try to pursue her any further.
The Capitalist Corporations mercenary said one last thing in the rain.
“You were wondering why we passed a launcher on to a rioter, weren’t you?”
“Is the system in place across Second Venice really safe? Or would destroying it be the only way to achieve safety? And with that, goodbye.”
As soon as the small figure jumped down from the container, the container shook below Catherine’s feet. She too escaped that higher level to avoid being caught in the collapse.
===Part 11===
===Part 11===
Quenser, Catherine, and Heivia managed to regroup. The evidence they had found allowed the Legitimacy Kingdom’s 37th Mobile Maintenance Battalion to act swiftly.
As soon as the report came in, armored vehicles and military helicopters left the maintenance base zone on Malta.
“I repeat! We have received word that locals supplied with weapons by the Capitalist Corporations have mixed in with the harmless evacuees. Therefore, we will be searching everyone’s possessions to prove your innocence. Please obey the instructions of the powered suit unit. And a warning to the culprits! Your copied anti-personnel grenades will have no effect on our armored weapons!! If you do not fire, you will remain a normal citizen, but once you fire for any reason, you will be recorded as a local saboteur! This is your final chance, so please follow our instructions!!”
When Quenser and Heivia returned to the south side where badly injured Myonri waited, they ran to the roof of the building, lit colorful smoke bombs, and waved them through the rainy sky. There was no heliport there, but a transport helicopter still descended.
They did not need to return to base.
A medic and an old military doctor disembarked onto the rooftop.
“Can the injured be carried up here? The back of the helicopter can be sterilized and isolated for field surgery. It will be enough to extract the bullet and provide a blood transfusion.”
“Thank god. And I mean it. I’m going to let that busty commander step all over me later on. This way!!”
“I was hit in the shoulder by a ricocheting bullet, so could you remove that after you’re finished with Myonri?”
Their busy time was over.
They could not let the 130,000 normal citizens inside the maintenance base zone. Even if it meant delaying the construction of temporary residences, they had to build some roofs around the base to keep out the rain. Everyone was put to work on that. All of the spare materials used (along with the more than one hundred giant vehicles) to construct the maintenance base were dragged out, the usable pieces were gathered from the rubble in the city, and it was all combined as best as they could manage.
In what felt like no time at all, the sun rose high in the sky and then sank back down.
As Heivia had predicted, the Legitimacy Kingdom had begun releasing its rations to the normal citizens. Either way, a large transport ship full of supplies would be arriving soon. Being freed from the unease about the immediate future meant a lot. If they had failed in that, those 130,000 people might have transformed into a rioting mob.
It was late at night when the rain from the dust of the asteroid explosion finally cleared up.
“Big brotherrrr…”
“Hm? What is it, Catherine?”
“I’ll be honest since it’s you, but my bikini’s knots have been a serious problem all day long. They’ve absorbed so much water I can’t get them undone…”
“Catherine, do you know what pi is used to mean in military slang? There are some problems that simply can’t be solved. If they can’t be untied, they can’t be untied. Go see Frolaytia or the old lady and they’ll cut the strings for you.”
“Big brotherrrrrr!! No, don’t abandon me…sob…”
“Stop that. Don’t cry, Catherine. Oh, honestly! Then head back to the barracks and grab a towel. Wrap it around your waist and I’ll use a scissors or a knife to cut the side strings!!”
“Really? Heh heh.”
“Wait. What happened to that tearful look from just ten seconds ago? And come to think of it, you could do this on your own if you borrowed a knife in the barracks. Right, Catherine?”
Quenser sighed, tested the motion of his shoulder now that the bullet had been removed, and called out to Heivia who was walking by.
“I heard Myonri’s going to be fine. Is that true?”
“Yeah. And speaking of which, you took a bullet too, didn’t you?” His awful friend sounded exasperated. “More importantly, the transport ship is going to arrive at the port soon. Looks like we can avoid having everyone starve for the time being. We might actually get something tastier than those soap-like rations we normally get.”
“So that’s why everyone’s been so excited…”
They were on the coast of Malta where Second Venice had come to resupply. Even inside the maintenance base, they could see the transport ship’s flashing signal light out on the dark sea.
“Once this is done, this whole mess will be over. I guess the next step is setting up curtain dividers in the shelters. If we don’t separate out the male and female living spaces, the morals will collapse in no time. Then we’ll have to deal with the kids, the elderly, the pregnant, and the injured. After giving everyone else such a warm welcome, we’ll be the only ones left out, won’t we? Don’t tell me we won’t get any of the fatty steaks.”
Then a large shadow passed by.
“Is that the Information Alliance’s Rush? I guess the Oh Ho Ho is on there.”
“I wonder how she’s doing. I doubt she likes protecting the transport ship in the Princess’s place.”
And as they discussed the situation, “it” happened.
A cruelly blinding light filled the dark sea.
In an instant, the large transport ship was blown away as easily as a sugar sculpture.
The two idiots’ minds went blank.
They very nearly gave up trying to figure out what was happening before their eyes.
But that would not stop it from happening.
“Wait, what just happened…?” Heivia forced the words out of his dry throat. “Did the damn Rush really just do that? Did she sink a peaceful ship full of humanitarian aid!?”
“Oh Ho Ho, are you serious…?”
They watched as the giant dark demon calmly crossed the deadly sea. No other Object in the area could move. No matter what ship or aircraft approached, that cutting-edge Second Generation could destroy them.
And the Legitimacy Kingdom had already released their own food supplies to the normal citizens on the assumption that they could resupply.
They had no food.
If their supply line had truly been severed, Second Venice and Malta were entirely isolated in the middle of the sea.
The only ones that were safe would be the Information Alliance military who had yet to take any action. They had formed a fleet out at sea and there had been no word of them releasing their food supplies. If they were fully supplied, they could stay there for a month or two.
Was this to take back Second Venice now that the Baby Magnum was out of the picture?
Or did they have some other reason?
There was only one thing they could say.
“You’re willing to go that far, Oh Ho Ho? Do you intend to starve 130,000 unrelated civilians to rob us of our power!? Goddammit!!”
===Part 12===
===Part 12===
“Oh ho ho.”
A voice spoke in the cockpit of the Information Alliance’s Second Generation Rush.
“Just pipe down and watch, you enemies of mankind.”
===External Document – Complaint from the Sky Blue Company's HR Department===
===External Document – Complaint from the Sky Blue Company's HR Department===
Mariydi! Everyone knows you’re the greatest earner in the Northern Restricted Zone for Sky Blue Inc.’s aerial division. Your name is always used as a positive factor during the shareholder meetings. But please use up some of your paid leave. When someone works as hard as you, it increases the risk of people whispering that we exploit our employees. The external inspectors won’t leave us alone about it, so can you please cooperate?
Oh, I know. What about Second Venice? The Mediterranean is perfect for the summer. While it does belong to the Information Alliance, they’ll accept the wealthy from any world power as long as they bring their money with them. You’re wealthy enough yourself, Mariydi. After all, the money you earn fighting wars nonstop is just piling up in your bank account. You need to spend some of that every so often. That’s how capitalism works.
Look, here’s a pamphlet. I’ve prepared your passport and plane ticket. You have a suite on the top floor of a five star hotel. Sounds nice, doesn’t it? And if you back out, ''you'' have to pay the cancelation fee. You think that’s a threat? Don’t be silly. This is a company order. It’s time to learn you need to obey those. Oh, stop that. This does not mean we’re exploiting you.
Besides, it’s not like this is on the other side of the world. It’s only a few hours flight away from the Northern Restricted Zone you love down to the marrow of your bones. If anything happens, you can react in time, so don’t worry. You’re not some safe country newlywed wife who’s worried about going on a trip after leaving her pet with a friend.
Good, that’s what I wanted to hear. You can do this, right?
Aerial Division Captain Mariydi Whitewitch, I hereby order you to take a vacation at a world-class resort!!
…I can’t believe I had to say that.
And at a wharf late at night, Mariydi focused on her earpiece while swapping out her rifle’s magazine. She casually chatted over an unofficial line prepared for intelligence work.
“Hey! Oh, lord it’s loud wherever you are. So how’s your first vacation in a long, looooooong time, Mariydi? What is even going on? Are you watching a parade in front of your hotel?”
“Yes, I’m having the time of my life. …They really know what I like in a fireworks show.”
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