Editing HEAVY OBJECT:Volume17 Chapter 3

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==Chapter 3: In Search of the New Year >> Mont Blanc Borderline Mopping Up Operation==
==Chapter 3: In Search of the New Year >> Mont Blanc Borderline Mopping Up Operation==
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===Part 11===
===Part 11===
The Baby Magnum had been destroyed.
It may not have been completely destroyed since the reactor had not exploded, but it could no longer move now that the Princess had decided to eject. Heading there and repairing the Object on the scene was not realistic.
“This is why I didn’t like the idea.” Heivia’s tears froze as he curled up on the spot and held his head in his hands. “Fuck off with all of this!! Why should I care about this genetic vulnerability and Body File stuff!? I tried. I did what I could, didn’t I!? No one could possibly complain if I turned back and curled up in that cave until all this is over!!”
The awful friend turned toward Quenser with wavering pupils.
And he raised his voice.
“Besides, what do I even gain if we win here? If the Body File goes public, the entire concept of nobles might go away!! The commoners who believed we were so healthy and strong aren’t going to take it!! They’ll drag us down from our position of privilege!! Is that really something I should risk my life to fight for!?”
“Then are you saying the 21st is in the right here? Are you really willing to say that, Heivia?”
“You’re a commoner, so you don’t understand the hardships of a noble life!!”
“Whether or not we commoners respect you is supposed to be based on your actions! All this talk about beautiful genetic sequences sounds like something the Information Alliance would be into!! I can tell you one thing for damn sure: no one’s following the kind of people who cover up the truth and get all snippy the instant their position is threatened!!”
“~ ~ ~!!”
“Who cares about history!? Why should we give a crap about tradition!? If you’re worried about that stuff, Heivia, then you’ll have to build it up yourself!! By becoming someone everyone can respect!!”
“Oh, shut up!! It isn’t that easy!!!!!”
“You can head back into the cave if you like,” bluntly cut in Elise. She was in her strict instructor mode. “Based on the training menu, you were only issued three days’ worth of food. We have no idea at all how long they will remain in Mont Blanc, so there is a good chance you will end up fighting starvation.”
“Elise, do you have an idea?”
“Not really. But the Crystal Scrying should be relieved after defeating its enemy Object. It will have relaxed now that the only real threat has been eliminated. Once they calm down, they will close in on us, so now is the time to act if we hope to shake them. This is our last chance.”
“Last chance, my ass.” Heivia shoved aside all other opinions with the voice of someone having a nightmare. “We never had a chance!! Our busty commander set us up, threw us into a battle we never agreed to, and now we’re paying the price! Actually, it’s worse than that. What good is winning even? We’ve already stepped on the landmine. We took the wrong path from the very beginning. There’s no route to the destination from here!! Continuing on will only get us stranded until we die!!”
“Let’s leave him behind,” said Elise Montana after no longer than a second.
Heivia looked shocked, but she tilted her head.
“Oh? You can throw a tantrum and desert if you like, but who said we would follow you? We need to use this chance to fight, and even if we just want to run away, we should try to escape the troops surrounding us before they close in too far. At the very least, holing up the cave will not get us anywhere. The most we could do there is eat up all our soap-like rations, lick the glacier walls, and grow skinnier and skinnier with nowhere to go. I would prefer not to die while wondering if I should start running my own urine through a filter.”
“And if we do end up defeating the Crystal Scrying, you will have no place there. In that case, you will be court martialed, found guilty, and thrown into a military prison.”
Quenser tried to stop her, but she did not listen.
Elise Montana was the perfect strict military instructor, but she got a perfect 0 as an infirmary counselor.
“Thank you for your work thus far, Heivia, but your life ends here. Whether we win or lose against the Crystal Scrying, you have run into a dead end. The path forked to the left and right, yet you chose to plow right on through into the bushes for no good reason. But this is your life, so I will not stop you. Quenser, the two of us can rejoice in life together.”
“Hold on, Eli- ouch!? Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!?”
Elise had only grabbed Quenser’s hand and lightly twisted it, but what did it look like to Heivia left behind in the cave entrance?
His last two companions had walked off together and vanished beyond the snow.
It started as a whisper, but it finally grew to a loud shout.
“Wait!! Okay! Okay, I get it! Please don’t leave me here!!”
The glasses woman stuck her tongue out where Heivia could not see.
Now, she had given him some motivation, but she had done nothing to improve their circumstances here. If they did not come up with their next move soon, they could only wait for the 21st Mobile Maintenance Battalion to arrive and kill them.
“So is that armor really made of reinforced glass?” asked Elise. “They really altered its properties by adjusting the pressure while it formed?”
“Given how they think, I can’t imagine they would have made it sturdier by mixing impurities in,” said Quenser.
“Right? I just hope it isn’t borosiliclit glass.”
“Elise, do you mean borosilicate glass?”
“Hm? That’s what I said: borosiliclit glass.”
Quenser celebrated in his heart at managing to secretly record it on his mobile device this time (even though a single light source meant death). That might seem entirely pointless, but idiots like him were the type who would grab a highlighter whenever they spotted a dirty word in the dictionary. There was no real reason. It merely satisfied his collector’s spirit.
Elise only tilted her head because she had not noticed what she said.
“What should we do? If we need a weapon, we could probably find a tank or armored vehicle if we dug into the snow.”
“Can you use a cannon, Elise?”
“If it is one meant for use by a single person. If it needs multiple people, I might just have to give that spoiled noble boy a spanking.”
Quenser thought for a short moment.
“The enemy’s armor is made of glass. Glass is an insulator, so how is it sending power from the central reactor to the main cannon railguns?”
He quickly reached a decision.
“Elise, search out a gun of 90mm or bigger. It can be a maneuver combat vehicle or a mortar for all I care!!”
“In that case, I see an adorable silhouette over there.”
Elise pointed at an odd vehicle half buried in snow.
It looked like a bulky snowmobile with armor panels and continuous tracks, but there was a large indentation on the back and it had no roof. Instead, a thick barrel aimed diagonally up toward the night sky behind it.
“This is an open-top mortar carrier. It carries a powerful 120mm mortar but it has stripped away all the unnecessary exterior and was slimmed down with ultra-thin armor, so it weighs less than 10 tons and can be carried anywhere by helicopter or ship. It can follow the common troops around like a puppy.”
“No one wants a puppy here. A normal machinegun could pierce that armor, so it might as well be an aluminum can. Whoever gets stuck using it clearly got the short end of the stick!!”
Also, it had an open top, so had they been driving it around the Mont Blanc night while exposed to the cold air? They could only pray the crew had not been frozen solid by vaporization heat.
Also, an Object could blast through a warship or a nuclear shelter in a single blast, so death was assured either way. But Quenser’s group only needed to get one shot in, so the thickness of the armor was irrelevant.
After brushing off the snow and exposing most of the gun, Elise inspected different parts of the giant mortar that extended back like a fishing rod.
“It appears to still have a round inside. How dangerous. …So, Quenser, what should I aim at?”
“Hold on a sec,” cut in Heivia. “What good is firing that thing? The bright muzzle flash and loud blast will gather everyone’s attention on us!”
“Chickens deserve to be plucked of their feathers and soaked in an ice bath. Now, what are my specific instructions?”
“I’m not taking Heivia’s side here, but screwing this up really is the end for us. I appreciate your help, but you’re free to run away as long as you teach me how to fire it first.”
“That is not something that can be learned overnight. Not at this adorable thing’s size.” Elise smiled bitterly. “Also, I have no other ideas either, so I will bet on whatever has even a slight possibility of working. I am doing this of my own free will, so do not worry.”
Hearing that was all Quenser needed to complete his preparations.
That left just one more person.
“Hey, Heivia.”
“A commoner like me has no way of knowing how fragile and precarious a position the nobles and royals are in. That foundation has been there from the moment you were born, so it might feel like your very soul has been shaken.”
Saying that may have qualified as disrespectful, but they had no idea how long that entire hierarchy would still be around.
“But you know what? I don’t think it was meaningless.”
“I mean, you saved those kids on the aurora observation ship. They saw you as the knight who brought Santa to them. It might sound like something from a picture book and it might sound unrealistic, but that was Heivia the Noble standing there in that moment. A commoner like me couldn’t have saved those kids’ souls too.”
“That’s a bunch of idealistic hogwash. It doesn’t change the reality if the situation.”
“Maybe not, but no matter what the Body File says, there are people out there who can be saved by clinging to those dreams. …So you can’t let that power be stolen from you here. Nobles are supposed to be dignified, right? Royals are supposed to be respected, right? But that has nothing to do with a sequence of AGCT!! We commoners are looking for the kind of people you see in picture books! The kind of people who always stay strong and who will stand up for anyone in need or in tears!! Are you kidding me right now? What happened to chivalry, what happened to ladies first, what happened to mercy and charity, what happened to noblesse oblige!? Don’t hand your justice over to the people killing their own out of fear of losing their power! Heivia!! Aren’t you one of the nobles who were born to protect the people from those very cruelties!?”
Heivia Winchell hung his head for a while.
He could not find anything to say.
But eventually, he found something.
It was quiet at first.
“Shut up.”
But he spoke.
He finally spoke his mind.
“Do you think I didn’t know how pathetic, ugly, and hopelessly small a person I am!? How could I not be terrified!? How could I not be shaken when something I’ve believed in all my life is being written off as a lie!?”
Quenser said nothing.
Elise started to act in her utilitarian nature, but he stopped her with a hand.
He had to stop her.
“And I know it isn’t right!! I know if I hide from the truth there’s no coming back from it. I want to hold my head high! I want to look ahead to the future as I live my life!! So I can’t accept what the 21st is doing! I never asked for their help. They bloodied their hands all on their own, so like hell I’m going to agree if they ask all of us nobles to share the responsibility there!! You can go straight to hell on your own, you assholes!! Yeah, yeah! That’s right!! Are you saying the Winchell family isn’t good enough the way it is and you commoners won’t accept us right now!?”
“I just have to do it myself!! I’ll be the good kind of noble! I’ll make the Winchell family something worth honoring! And that’s something I can never do by covering up the truth and going around killing innocent people like these pieces of garbage!!!!!!”
Quenser Barbotage was a commoner.
That had been set in stone from the moment he was born, so he could never become a noble or royal. That meant defending them would never benefit him in any way.
But he still smiled.
“That’s more like it.”
He thought of the children on the aurora observation ship.
Once Heivia had decided he would never do anything that would disappoint those children, he had proven he had a truly noble soul.
What did genetics matter? Why should anyone care if someone has a beautiful sequence of DNA? No one was out there writing haikus with AGCT sequences.
“Okay, I’m ready to do this!! The Legitimacy Kingdom might go down in flames, but I’ll protect the Winchell family no matter what! Because that’s what I’ve decided I’ll do!! And these assholes out here are standing in the way of that. How can we blow them up and protect the world!!!???”
“Sounds like you’ve had an awakening,” said Elise. “But emotions will not save us here, so I would really like some concrete targeting instructions.”
They had finally reached this point, so there was no need to hesitate.
Quenser immediately gave her the answer.
“Heading: 2080. Angle: 450.”
“Umm, that’s nowhere near the Crystal Scrying.”
“Shut up,” growled Heivia like a wounded animal. He was picking up a heavy shell and shoving it into the muzzle. “Listen, Quenser, I don’t know what’s going on in that head of yours, but promise me one thing. If we do as you say and fire this thing, can I avoid having to turn my back on those kids!? I need to remain a noble no matter what might happen!!”
Quenser Barbotage knew what they had to do, so he accepted everything his awful friend left with him and raised his voice.
“So fire! Immediately!!”
The entire vehicle was struck by the powerful recoil and the 120mm shell tore through the air.
The flash of light and boom were just like a nearby lightning strike.
The attack was powerful enough to warrant that comparison.
A mortar usually launched an explosive in a large arc like a long throw in baseball to drop it on a distant enemy’s head.
But with Mont Blanc’s steep slope, it could be fired diagonally upwards to directly hit a target.
Quenser had not aimed for the Crystal Scrying.
He had aimed for the Baby Magnum where it had been cornered and destroyed up toward the peak.
More specifically, he had aimed for the slope below it.
The crumbling rock dislodged it from what it was caught on and the 50m mass slid down the steep slope. It gathered white snow and glacier ice around it as it tumbled down toward the 21st Mobile Maintenance Battalion’s Second Generation!!
“Ah!!” shouted Heivia as a dull thud exploded out. “It actually goddamn hit!?”
“Get down from that thing, Elise! The enemy will have noticed this!!”
That open top provided no defensive power whatsoever and any soldiers forced to use it must have been reduced to tears, but the one advantage was how easy it was to escape. You could climb down in any direction.
The glasses woman dove down to the snow while asking a question.
“Was that a diesel ignition, or a stiletto heel?”
“The 200,000-ton masses colliding looks fancy, but Objects are spheres. As you can tell when pressing two balls together, the surface of contact will only be a single point, so all the force will be concentrated there. Just like a nail tip or a stiletto heel, that would have considerable penetrative power. If the incredible pressure created heat, it would be even more destructive than subterranean magma!”
Ideally, that would destroy the Crystal Scrying.
But a deep cacophony of scraping metal echoed across the Mont Blanc night. It was pulling through. Even after being hit by an entire other Object, the Crystal Scrying could still move!!
“What do we do?” shouted Heivia while having trouble breathing. “Where are we supposed to run now!? If it strikes back just once, we’re boned!!”
On the other hand, Quenser had a smile on his sweaty face.
His gamble had ended with hitting the enemy with the immobilized Baby Magnum.
“That won’t happen.”
The following sound of destruction was reminiscent of a large tree being split vertically.
It was a blast of electricity.
But not because there were storm clouds in the area. The sound came from the Crystal Scrying.
Specifically, from its glass armor.
“This isn’t a normal Object. That giant form is made from glass armor pasted together in onion-like layers, but that alone doesn’t let it send power from the central reactor to the main cannon railguns on the exterior.”
“Um, wouldn’t they just place metal leaf wiring in between the layers of glass like with a printed circuit board?” asked Elise. “Even normal Objects use that method.”
“Yes, and it works just fine with a normal Object.”
The sound was not stopping.
In fact, it was growing louder by the moment.
“Like I said, its armor is made from glass. The electrodes are contained between insulating glass. Do you know what structure that forms? It should come to you almost immediately if you’re enough of a hobbyist to have struggled with a soldering iron to create a self-propelled robot loaded with a deep learning AI.”
“Only you’re enough of a geek to do that, so just get to the point already!!”
“A capacitor. That’s an electronic component used to store electricity. They’re a major component of stun guns.”
It might as well have been an explosion.
This was deadly force formed from electricity.
“This wouldn’t happen if the wires remained connected to both ends, but if they end up breaking for any reason, that thing’s glass panels and metal leaf start to function as a gigantic capacitor. All the power pumped in from the reactor will build up there and have nowhere to escape.”
“But, Heivia, you’ve at least heard that lithium ion batteries can explode if used improperly, right? Electricity is a form of energy, so that’s not really surprising.”
With a flash of light much brighter than welding, the darkness of the Mont Blanc night was swept away.
The Baby Magnum and Crystal Scrying had collided, but the 21st’s colossus hopped up unnaturally. Then it lost balance. It failed to land properly, rolled onto its side, and was helpless from there.
It rolled.
The 50m giant rolled down the steep slope of Mont Blanc.
They did not even need to imagine what had happened to the Pilot Elite inside that Object that showed no sign of stopping.
Quenser pulled out some Hand Axe plastic explosive.
“Heivia, Elise. Prepare every weapon you have.”
The Baby Magnum and the Crystal Scrying had both been incapacitated, but that would not have eliminated the grudges on both sides. They did not care that both sides were from the Legitimacy Kingdom. The White Flag signal would not reach this deep into the mountains, which was why the 21st had driven the 37th up there. And Quenser’s group was not about to let the 21st get away if they said they were leaving now that they had used up all the weapons they had on hand.
From here on, they were fighting an unprotected form of war.
No more could they be baby birds begging their parent for food.
Something peeked out from Mont Blanc’s summit. It was the sun. Dawn had snuck up on them at some point.
And in the instant that everything was dyed in gold, a new year had begun.
They could get a fresh start.
But in that moment, Battlefield Student Quenser Barbotage had a filthy smile on his face while he made the following announcement:
“Time for the counterattack. Let’s slaughter every last one of them.”
The time had come to dye the white mountain red.
Using the blood of people who were supposed to be allies.
===Part 12===
===Part 12===
“Phew,” sighed Frolaytia Capistrano.
This conference room had been full of commotion earlier, but it was empty now. She had tried her best to fight from behind the scenes, but the battle outside had ended before she could accomplish anything worthwhile.
“Major Capistrano.”
The female officer who acted like a secretary quietly called her name.
The busty, silver-haired woman had her shapely butt seated on the long table instead of the chair and she did not remove the long, narrow kiseru from her mouth when she replied.
The female officer must have been accustomed to it because she did not seem to mind.
“The 21st has suffered devastating losses. They seem to be begging the higher ups to send a ceasefire command, but it is too late for that now.”
“Well, they were the ones who set things up to delay that very decision.”
“The bottleneck for us will likely be recovering the stranded Baby Magnum. It might be faster to transport the maintenance equipment up Mont Blanc to repair it on site.”
“This is all so very depressing.”
“We are almost done now, Major.”
Frolaytia viewed the smile on the female officer’s face.
And she removed the kiseru from her mouth before continuing.
“By the way, lieutenant, I have one question.”
“Yes?” asked the female officer with a polite tilt of her head.
Frolaytia Capistrano was not smiling.
“When were you planning to reveal your true colors and attack me, you 21st dog?”
The female officer drew her knife – no, her secret gun that used the knife’s grip to hide the suppressor-equipped barrel – at about the same moment Frolaytia threw her lit kiseru at the back of her hand.
“Why would you draw it right in front of me, you moron? And you were aiming for my heart? How were you supposed to pass that off as suicide?”
Without a moment’s delay, Frolaytia swept the other woman’s legs out from under her. The assassin had reflexively placed her other hand on the burn, so she failed to catch herself and slammed shoulder-first into the floor. She grimaced in pain and tried to get up, but Frolaytia pressed the bottom of her boot against the other shoulder to force her back to the floor.
She felt a dull sensation similar to operating a car’s shift lever.
That had dislocated both of the assassin’s shoulders.
“Gh, kh!?”
“Now you can’t even kill yourself. Resist any further and I will dislocate both legs as well. To be clear, a dislocated hip hurts a hell of a lot more than a shoulder. I will respect your choice, but I do not at all recommend it.”
The 21st had reacted too quickly.
The 37th’s server had been cut off mere minutes after sending the warning email to the social media company in order to reveal Bullrank Happy-Youth for who he really was. The response would never be that sharp if they were simply patrolling the internet as a whole. A large company would receive hundreds of those coaxing targeted emails every single day, so not even an AI search could have responded with such accuracy.
Thus, it must have come from within the 37th.
Someone very close to Frolaytia Capistrano must have sent out a warning. She had asked a member of the electronic simulation division to investigate who was secretly sending out a signal despite the datalink being down and the server being useless. That would be who was accessing a different server to leak information.
(But I didn’t expect it to be her.)
That said, not enough time had passed since the incident in the Arctic Ocean for a spy to have been sent in response to that. The 21st had not sent one of their dogs in response to anything; they had already had people everywhere.
The Princess, Quenser, and Heivia had all worked themselves to the bone for this, so Frolaytia had known she could not just wait safely for the result.
That was why she had laid this trap without knowing who would spring it, but…
(This is so very depressing.)
“We never did find any compromising information on Bullrank Happy-Youth. Except for what you might have, that is.”
This woman had covered everything up.
And the busty, silver-haired demon spoke cruelly to that person she had thought of as an ally fighting alongside her at this desk.
She spoke her words of farewell.
“I’m glad I managed to lure you out. To be honest, I would have been out of ideas if you hadn’t attacked me here. Did you think I would leave you with the intelligence division? How naïve of you. I don’t know where your spies are located, so this is a job for someone I know I can trust.”
“You mean you will be interrogating me yourself?”
“No, I know someone even better suited for the job.” Frolaytia gave a vicious smile while shaking free of all sentimentality. “Sergeant Elise Montana. You used to be a part of the 7th Special Training Unit yourself, didn’t you? One of their strict instructors can whip you into shape. Until you tell us everything.”
===Between the Lines 3===
===Between the Lines 3===
She was like a dried-out husk.
Lendy Farolito stood stock still.
The ringlet curls Pilot Elite waved a small hand in the silver-haired brown-skinned commander’s face, but she remained motionless. Nothing could get her to move right now.
“Th-the underground bank for rare earths – ha, ha ha – went out of business? It went broke???”
“Oh, dear. And wait a moment. Didn’t you use tax money for that Immortanoid business?”
She had been accepting jobs where she took money from people in unstable countries and regions and converted it into precious metals like Immortanoid. The idea had been to make money off of the commissions. But if she could not convert the money as promised, she was in violation of contract.
And whatever money was lost in the process would have to be paid from her own pocket when returning it to the original owner. Along with a contract violation fee.
The introductory section of the bank’s webpage had the following written in fine print at the very bottom:
*This service does not 100% guarantee profit. Be aware that there is always a risk of making back only a fraction of your principal☆
“M-my Caribbean vacation.”
With their budget gone, there was nothing she could do.
So what would become of their New Year’s leave that was meant to make up for spending Christmas on a concert designed to improve the military’s image?
“My Caribbean vacatiooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon!!!!!!”
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