Editing Horizon:Volume 1A Glossary

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*Academy: An educational facility. Used as the center of political and military power. Tend to have many branch schools.
*Academy: School facility. Core section of practical politics and military. A great number of branch schools exist.
*Academy Rules: The basic laws upheld between academies. Agreed to by the Testament Union.
*Apocalypse: The end of the world. 1648 when the Testament’s history descriptions end.
*Allowance of Contradiction: The basic ability of this world. In other words, it fulfills the simultaneous existence of physical laws.
*ATELL: The smallest unit of ether. Used for spells.
*Apocalypse: The end of this world. 1648, when the Testament's history description cut off.
*ATELL: Smallest unit of Ether. Used in the Spells.
*Blessings: The amount of ether needed for a human to exist for one hour. 3600 ATELL. Conversion unit for a spell’s ATELL consumption.
*Bless: The Ether needed for a human being to exist for one hour. 3600 ATELL. Conversion unit for ATELL expenditure in Spells.
*Catholic (Old Faith): The old mainstream version of Tsirhc.
*Catholics (Old Faith): Mainstream Tsirch that has existed since olden days.
*Chancellor’s Officers: An organization led by the chancellor which leads the academy and performs work such as defense.
*Chancellor's Officers: An organization that places the Chancellor at the head, carries out field operations as well as command of security in every Academy.
*Contradiction Allowance: The foundational ability of the world. Allows the simultaneous existence of all sorts of physical laws.
*Church: Organizations who believe in the God(s) or the Testament. Groups.
*Deadly Sin Armament (Logismoi Oplo): Large-Scale Destruction Armament made using the deadly sins of humanity as a motif.
*Divine Armament: Different from regular armaments, weapons holding an unique power.
*Divine States: Former name of the Far East.
*Divine States: Former name of the Far East.
*Divine Weapon: A weapon that, unlike a normal weapon, has a unique ability.
*Edel Brocken (Overlooking Magic Mountain): Magic brand. Location of headquarters unknown.
*EDEL Brocken (Overlooking Magic Mountain): Magic brand. Location of headquarters is unclear.
*Emperor: A divine individual who is said to control the ley lines using the Imperial Regalia in Kyou. Does not interfere with the world.
*Emperor: Divine Being, carries out Leylines control with Divine Tools in the imperial city. Unrelated with this world.
*England: Uses a floating island and does not control any Far Eastern land or Far Eastern daimyo.
*Ether: Component that makes up contradiction-allowing space.
*England: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/England England]. Is on a floating island. They do not control any important Daimyo or territory in the Far East.
*Ether Engine: An engine that uses ether’s space-altering ability. The effect changes based on the internal crest.
*Ether Fuel: Ether that has been purified into fuel. Used as External Blessings or for ether engines.
*Ether: Allowance of Contradiction-type element that makes up space.
*Ether Reactor: A reactor that extracts and purifies ether from the air. Has a lower output than a ley line reactor, but is relatively safe.
*External Blessings: Blessings accumulated outside of oneself. Ether fuel is an example.
*Ether Drive Tools: Drive Tool using the Ether's power, Space-Continuum Warp. The effect changes dependent upon the internal crest.
*Ether Fuel: Ether purified as fuel. Used as external-fuel Bless or by Ether Drive Tools.
*Ether Reactor: Reactor that extracts and purifies Ether from space. Compared to Leyline Reactors, the output is low, but it is comparatively safe.
*Executive Tool (Mouse): Sacred Creature-type devices that act as an intermediary for the Shinto Church and Musicians. In other churches, it is also called Executive Assistant.
*External-fuel Bless: Bless that is stored outside of oneself. Ether Fuel is classified as this.
*Far East: After the disruption of the Harmonic Territories, the Divine States was named this.
*Fan Gang: Qing brand. Durable but a bit rough.
*Far East: Name of the Divine States after the Harmonic Unification War.
*Fan Gang: Qing's Brand. Durable, but rather rough.
*Fino Alba (Star of Mechanical Devices): K.P.A. Italian brand. Their use of springs is their selling point.
*Fino Alba (Star of Mechanical Devices): K.P.A. Italia's Brand. Power springs are its sales.
*God of War: A giant humanoid machine that people combine with to move.
*God of War: Fused with a human, a gargantuan moving humanoid machine.
*Graduation: No limit for nations other than the Far East. Far Easterners must graduate at 18.
*Graduation: Countries other than the Far East do not have a time limit. The Far East is restricted to graduation at 18.
*Harmonic Territory: Locations where the fallen Harmonic World Divine States unified with the real world while breaking apart.
*Harmonic Territories: Places in the Divine States where the Harmonic Divine State had fallen upon and unify with while breaking apart.
*Harmonic Unification War: A war between the harmonic world residents and the real world (Divine States) residents after the destruction of the harmonic world. The harmonic world residents won and began a provisional rule over the Divine States.
*Harmonic Unification War: The war between Harmonic World residents who had survived and the Real World (Divine States) citizens, when the Harmonic World collapsed. The Harmonic World side won, and the Divine States came under provisional rule.
*Harmonic World: A former alternate space that copied the Divine States. Preserved through ley line control.
*Hexagone Française: Mouri clan + France.
*Harmonic World: Different dimension where the copies of the Divine States (Harmonic Divine States) had been placed. Sustained by the leylines control.
*History Recreation: Recreating the Testament descriptions to maintain the path the world takes.
*Holy Spells: Tsirhc spells. The Catholics are related to the Testament and holy individuals while the Protestants derive power only from the Testament.
*Hexagone Française: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C5%8Dri_clan Mouri clan] + [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_France France].
*History Recreation: People recreate the Testament's description, keeping the flow of the world.
*Holy Technique: Tsirch-type Spells. The Catholics channels power from the Testament and things saint-related; the Protestants channels power from only the Testament.
*Inheritance of Names: Those who are eligible inherit the names of people in history for the sake of History Recreation.
*Inherited Name: The name of a historical figure given to an appropriate individual for the history recreation.
*Internal Blessings: blessings stored within oneself.
*Internal-fuel Bless: Bless accumulated within oneself.
*IZUMO (Izumo Industries): The Far East’s largest corporation. The headquarters for Far Eastern shrines and the corporation that built the Musashi.
*Izumo Industries (IZUMO): The Far East's largest industrial corporation. Head of the Far East's shrines and the business that was in charge of Musashi's construction.
*Jud. (Judge, Judgement): Used by the guilty as a response or confirmation, with the meaning of "Understood".
*Jud./Judgement: Means “understood”. Used by criminals.
*K.P.A. Italia: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aki_Province Aki Province] + [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_city-states Italy Cities Union].
*K.P.A. Italia: Association of Aki States + Union of Italian City States.
*Ley Line: The thicker of the pathways through which ether flows.
*Leyline: Interior of the channels where the Ether, that makes up space, flows. They are thick.
*Ley Line Reactor: A reactor that extracts and refines either from ley lines. Can easily cause lay line mutations and destroy everything within several kilometers if they explode. Due to their instability, they are banned by the Tsirhc religion.
*Leyline Reactor: Reactor that extracts and purifies Ether from the leylines. Easily causes an anomaly in the Leylines, and if it explodes, it will annihilate and destabilize several kilometers of its surroundings, so it is forbidden by the Tsirchian Churches.
*Logismoi Oplo (Deadly Sins' Weapons): Weapons of mass destruction created on the motif of the seven deadly sins.
*Magic: Folk spells currently under persecution in Europe.
*Magic: Civilians' Spells. Highly oppressed in Europe.
*M.H.R.R.: Hashiba clan + Holy Roman Empire.
*M.H.R.R: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyotomi_clan Hashiba clan] + [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Roman_Empire Holy Roman Empire].
*Mikawa: Located between India and the Middle East. Because it had been named as the controller of the Far East, it acts as a residential area for the Far East, and the Testament Union has acknowledged its high autocracy, but because of the Testament's description, it allied with P.A.ODA. As P.A.ODA had half-ceded from the Testament Union, it became a neutral country in a half locked-country status to both the Testament Union and P.A.ODA.
*Mikawa: Located between India and the Middle East. Because it had been named as the controller of the Far East, it acts as a residential area for the Far East, and the Testament Union has acknowledged its high autocracy, but because of the Testament's description, it allied with P.A.ODA. As P.A.ODA had half-ceded from the Testament Union, it became a neutral country in a half locked-country status to both the Testament Union and P.A.ODA.
*Mlasi: A later non-Tsirhc religion that also worships the Testament.
*Mlasi: Worships the Testament differently from Tsirch, a late faith.
*Mouse: A spirit beast device to act as an intermediary between the Shinto religion and its musicians. Other religions use different names.
*Musashi: Aerial city ship. The sole independent territory allowed for the Far East.
*Musashi Ariadust Academy: The Far East’s representative academy which exists on Okutama of Musashi.
*Musashi: Aerial City Ship. The only independent territory allowed by the Far East.
*Musician: A religion’s worshiper.
*Musashi Ariadust Academy: The school representing Musashi; in Okutama.
*Musician: The believers of every church.
*Offering: Dedicating internal-fuel Bless or that which makes a God rejoice to a God. Religious offering.
*Offering: Providing a god with something they will enjoy or Internal Blessings.
*Orei Metallo/Water: Ore or water containing ether. Can be used as ether fuel.
*P.A. ODA: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oda_clan Oda clan] + [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottoman_Empire Osman (Ottoman)].
*P.A. ODA: Oda clan + Ottomans.
*Peace of Westphalia: The peace treaty that ended the Thirty Years’ War.
*Protestant (New Faith): A new style of Tsirhc created to escape the corruption of Catholicism and to adjust to the new age.
*Provisional Council: Group of adults who act as bureaucrats toward Musashi’s student council, chancellor’s officers, and student committees.
*Protestant (New Faith): Schism because of the decay of the old faith, the new-wave Tsirch matching the times.
*Provisional Council: In regards to Musashi, organization of adults whom are colleagues of the Student Council, Chancellor's Officers, and Committee.
*Qing: China.
*Qing: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qing_Dynasty China].
*Religion: Organizations or groups that worship a god or the Testament.
*San Mercado (Pure Metropolis): Tres Españan brand.
*San Mercado (Pure Metropolis): Tres España's Brand.
*Shinto: Far Eastern religion. Worships the Far Eastern gods and uses divine music spells.
*School Rules: Fundamental laws between the Academies, decided by the Testament Union.
*Shirasago Enterprises: IZUMO’s shrine brand.
*Sign Frame: Spell device needed to use each religion’s basic protection.
*Song of Passage: Prototype of a fairy tale created in the Far East during the Edo period.
*Shinto: Church of the Far East. Worships the Gods of the Far East, uses Divine Musician's Technique.
*Spell: Causing a miracle in a certain space by processing ether.
*Shirasago Corporation: Izumo Industries' Shrine-type brand.
*Student Council: The organization that handles an academy’s domestic and foreign affairs.
*Substitution: Offering something to please a god instead of using Blessings to activate a spell.
*Signframe: Spell device for the usage of the basic blessings of every church.
*Sviet Rus: Uesugi clan + Russia.
*Song of Passage: An experimental version of a nursery rhyme created in the Far East during the Edo period.
*Sviet Russia: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uesugi_clan Uesugi clan] + [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsardom_of_Russia Russia].
*Spell: Performing miracles in space-continuum by processing Ether.
*Student Council: Organization carrying out internal and external affairs in every Academy.
*Substitute Offering: In place of using Bless for Spell activation, offering that which makes a God to rejoice.
*Tes. (Testament): Used as a response or confirmation, with the meaning of "Understood".
*Tes/Testament: Means “understood”.
*Testament: A history book that provides the history of the earth’s previous age. There are seven pairs and excerpts.
*Testament Descriptions: History of the earth’s previous age that is automatically updated by the Testament. However, it stopped updating after the description for 1648.
*Testament: History book that records the history of the Former Earth Age. There are the Seven Compositions and the Excerpt.
*Testament Union: An organization meant to lead the history recreation.
*Testamenta Arma: Weapons that use the ability of the Testaments.
*Testamenta Arma: Armaments that stream the power which the Testament holds.
*Tres España: Oouchi and Ootomo clans + Spain. Currently includes Portugal.
*Testament Description: Because of the function of the Testament, the history of the Former Earth Age is automatically renewed for a hundred years into the future. However, the description of 1648 being the last, the renewal has stopped.
*Tsirhc: A religion which places the Son of God at the top. Worships the Testament.
*Testament Union: The Union of the Testament. Organization that leads History Recreation.
*Treaty of Westphalia: The peace treaties of the Thirty-Years War.
*Tres España: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%8Cuchi_clan Oouchi clan] + [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_Empire Spain]. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portuguese_Empire Portugal] was also merged.
*Tsirch: Church that places the son of God at its head. Worships the Testament.
*Wisdom Ore, Wisdom Water: Ore or water which contains Ether. Can be used as Ether Fuel.

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