Editing Leviathan:Volume 1 Chapter 4

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Line 121: Line 121:
Just as Hazumi shrank away, Yukari changed the subject.
Just as Hazumi shrank away, Yukari changed the subject.
"Until we confirm where the elite dragon that had surfaced in Old Tokyo disappeared to, Hazumi-san, I hope you can remain here on standby for now, just in case of a reappearance—"
"Until we confirm where the elite dragon who appeared in Old Tokyo has disappeared to, Hazumi-san, I hope you can remain on standby here for now, just in case of a reappearance—"
It need not be spelt out. When the time came, Yukari would request for her to head to the scene and fight alongside her "serpent."
It need not be spelt out. When the time came, Yukari would request for her to head to the scene and fight alongside her "serpent."
Line 291: Line 291:
The girl jeered while finding fault in Hal's opinion.
The girl jeered while finding fault in Hal's opinion.
"How now? If you are willing to kneel down and beg me, I might very well take you by the hand and instruct you personally on a whim of generosity, perhaps?"
"What now? If you are willing to kneel down and beg me, I might very well take you by the hand and instruct you personally on a whim of generosity, perhaps?"
"No thanks. Your instructions aren't very trustworthy, to be honest."
"No thanks. Your instructions aren't very trustworthy, to be honest."
Line 427: Line 427:
"That should be enough practice by now, shouldn't it? Haruga-kun, please read out your reflection statement for us."
"That should be enough practice by now, shouldn't it? Haruga-kun, please read out your reflection statement for us."
"Uh, 'I am truly sorry for worrying everyone. I will refrain from this type of neglect henceforth, always remembering to report back, make contact and discuss with you at all times, to act with self-awareness as a teammate'..."
"Uh, 'I am truly sorry for worrying everyone. I will refrain from this type of neglect henceforth, always remembering to report back, make contact and discuss with you at all times, to act with self-awareness as a member of the team'..."
"Totally unacceptable. Lacking in both sincerity and ardor."
"Totally no good. Lacking in both sincerity and ardor."
"This proves that you still don't understand your position. Oh, Haruomi, please don't relax your sitting posture without permission. You've been sitting formally in seiza for merely half an hour. How undisciplined."
"This proves that you still don't understand your position. Oh, Haruomi, please don't relax your sitting posture without permission. You've been sitting formally in seiza for merely half an hour. How undisciplined."
Line 510: Line 510:
Asya was shocked after listening to Hal's convenient explanation.
Asya was shocked after listening to Hal's convenient explanation.
"I can't believe something like that happened!?"
"I can't believe something like that happened!"
"I definitely wouldn't have survived if things weren't that fortunate."
"I definitely wouldn't have survived if things weren't that fortunate."
Line 516: Line 516:
Hal commented helplessly on purpose instead of belaboring the point.
Hal commented helplessly on purpose instead of belaboring the point.
"Indeed that's true..."
"Indeed, that's true..."
The childhood friend murmured, perhaps feeling convinced.
The childhood friend murmured, perhaps feeling convinced.
Line 522: Line 522:
"But I'm really happy to hear that Soth is injured. That means he might have run off to other lands to wait for his wounds to heal."
"But I'm really happy to hear that Soth is injured. That means he might have run off to other lands to wait for his wounds to heal."
Hal secretly recalled in fear: 'I swear I shall revisit again, to have you drawn and quartered!"
Hal secretly recalled in fear: 'I swear I shall return, to have you drawn and quartered!"
He remembered Soth's ominous declaration.
He remembered Soth's ominous declaration.
Line 532: Line 532:
Orihime nodded. The trio sat down on the sofa for now.
Orihime nodded. The trio sat down on the sofa for now.
The room was covered in dust and things were in an utter mess. Natural lighting was insufficient due to the tightly drawn curtains. Although it was nowhere near comfortable, at least the living room had a sofa to sit on.
The room was covered in dust and things were in an utter mess. Natural lighting was insufficient due to the tightly drawn curtains. Although it was nowhere near comfortable, the living room had a sofa to sit on at least.
Line 538: Line 538:
Hearing the name mentioned by Orihime for the first time, Hal could not help but tilt his head in puzzlement.
Hearing the name mentioned by Orihime for the first time, Hal could not help but tilt his head in puzzlement.
"She's my younger cousin and the only witch at New Town—or rather, the entire Kantou region. Minadzuki, who saved us last time, is her partner."
"She's my younger cousin and the only witch in New Town—or rather, the entire Kantou region. Minadzuki, who saved us last time, is her partner."
"To give rise to two witches from a single clan, your family line must be particularly blessed with this type of natural aptitude."
"To give rise to two witches from a single clan, your family line must be particularly blessed with this type of natural aptitude."
Line 588: Line 588:
"This photo was taken by my cellphone without going through any editing at all. My, you're really on guard, Haruga-kun... Anyway, she is a gentle girl and I don't want her to do too many dangerous things."
"This photo was taken by my cellphone without going through any editing at all. My, you're really on guard, Haruga-kun... Anyway, she is a gentle girl and I don't want her to do too many dangerous things."
Orihime made a melancholic look as though worrying.
Orihime showed a melancholic look as though worrying.
"After finding out I had the talent to be a witch, I was thinking I could finally reduce her burden—But the ritual ended up failing."
"After finding out I had the talent to be a witch, I was thinking I could finally reduce her burden—But the ritual ended up failing."
Line 668: Line 668:
"Uh, did you say gathering venue!?"
"Uh, did you say gathering venue!?"
"Yes. Haruga-kun, Asya-san and me. Shouldn't we make effective use of this place to hold the aforementioned gatherings? Also, we don't have to be concerned about others if we meet here. Oh right, I'll be bringing Hazumi, the one I mentioned earlier, to visit in the near future."
"Yes. Haruga-kun, Asya-san and me. Shouldn't we make effective use of this place for the aforementioned gatherings? Also, we don't have to be concerned about others if we meet here. Oh right, I'll be bringing Hazumi, the one I mentioned earlier, to visit in the near future."
Orihime explained her plans with an easygoing rhythm.
Orihime explained her plans with an easygoing rhythm.
It was a blueprint of the future that Hal would stay away from, given his plans to retreat from Tokyo, but—
It was the blueprint of a future that Hal would stay away from, given his plans to retreat from Tokyo, but—
"Right... I believe that it's better for Haruomi to be assisting us more proactively. Isn't this a great idea?"
"Right... I believe that it's better for Haruomi to be assisting us more proactively. Isn't this a great idea?"
Line 690: Line 690:
===Part 4===
===Part 4===
"Orihime-san seems to know quite well how to handle you, Haruomi."
"Orihime-san seems to know how to handle you quite well, Haruomi."
Asya spoke up after accompanying Hal to his study that also served as a bedroom.
Asya spoke up after accompanying Hal to his study that also served as a bedroom.
Line 770: Line 770:
But just as she was about to step out into the corridor, she looked back at him again.
But just as she was about to step out into the corridor, she looked back at him again.
"Oh by the way, j-just to be clear, I'm not trying to act feminine in front of you, Haruomi, just because I'm feeling competitive against Orihime-san. My hand is simply forced as a matter of female pride..."
"Oh, by the way, j-just to be clear, I'm not trying to act feminine in front of you, Haruomi, just because I'm feeling competitive against Orihime-san. My hand is simply forced as a matter of female pride..."
"Really? Sure, got it. I almost misunderstood."
"Really? Sure, got it. I almost misunderstood."
Line 806: Line 806:
There should not be anything dangerous inside the house. However, the matter of Raak Al Soth remained unresolved, so there was no guarantee that the dragon would not devote his full effort towards locating Hal to launch an attack...
There should not be anything dangerous inside the house. However, the matter of Raak Al Soth remained unresolved, so there was no guarantee that the dragon would not devote his full effort towards locating Hal to launch an attack...
Worrying about the worst scenario, Hal ran towards the sound—Hal's living room.
Worrying about the worst-case scenario, Hal ran towards the sound—Hal's living room.
"What happened!?"
"What happened!?"
Line 832: Line 832:
"Could it be that you saw a girl in a red kimono?"
"Could it be that you saw a girl in a red kimono?"
"—Indeed you're correct! Is that a ghost!?"
"—Indeed, you're correct! Is that a ghost!?"
To think she was able to say the word "ghost" so nonchalantly, Orihime certainly belonged to the same generation as Hal.
To think she was able to say the word "ghost" so nonchalantly, Orihime certainly belonged to the same generation as Hal.
Line 860: Line 860:
With a foreboding feeling in his heart, Hal turned his gaze to the childhood friend. Orihime followed suit.
With a foreboding feeling in his heart, Hal turned his gaze to the childhood friend. Orihime followed suit.
"The elite dragon that had appeared in Old Tokyo last night is now located. The Mansion at Shin-Kiba. He apparently attacked the Mansion an hour ago and occupied it. I heard that Orihime-san's cousin, who happened to be at the scene, was captured along with her 'serpent.'"
"The elite dragon that had appeared in Old Tokyo last night has been located. The Mansion at Shin-Kiba. He apparently attacked the Mansion an hour ago and occupied it. I heard that Orihime-san's cousin, who happened to be at the scene, was captured along with her 'serpent.'"
Normally, Asya would probably be in a state of panic and utter confusion.
Normally, Asya would probably be in a state of panic and utter confusion.
Line 970: Line 970:
"I think she should be unharmed. If anything happened to the witch and covenantee, the 'serpent' would disappear as well," answered Asya with intellect beyond what she usually presented, confronted with the panicking Orihime.
"I think she should be unharmed. If anything happened to the witch and covenantee, the 'serpent' would disappear as well," answered Asya with intellect beyond what she usually presented, confronted with the panicking Orihime.
Leviathans were artificial lifeforms without material bodies to begin with. What allowed them to stay in the present world was the covenant between "serpent" and witch. If a witch were to die, nullifying the covenant, the physical body tying the leviathan to the world would naturally collapse—In other words, death would result.
Leviathans were artificial lifeforms without material bodies to begin with. What allowed them to stay in the present world was the covenant between "serpent" and witch. If the witch were to die, nullifying the covenant, the physical body tying the leviathan to the world would naturally collapse—In other words, death would result.
Orihime breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, Kenjou added extra information:
Orihime breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, Kenjou added extra information:
"Right now, my boss is sending requests to witches and sponsors in various place, asking them to assist in resolving the situation. But since the enemy is elite, everyone seems quite reluctant to step forward."
"Right now, my boss is sending requests to witches and sponsors in various place, asking them to assist in resolving the situation. But since the enemy is an elite, everyone seems quite reluctant to step forward."
"The risk of sending out precious 'serpents' is too great, is that it?"
"The risk of sending out precious 'serpents' is too great, is that it?"
Line 994: Line 994:
Asya's voice was filled with calm determination.
Asya's voice was filled with calm determination.
"Having an elite dragon as her final enemy might be quite fitting. We still haven't paid Soth back for what he did in Old Tokyo, so let's show him what Rushalka is like when going all out."
"Having an elite dragon as the last enemy might be quite fitting for her. We still haven't paid Soth back for what he did in Old Tokyo, so let's show him what Rushalka is like when going all out."
Asya was the battle hardened veteran with her stalwart and beautiful partner.
Asya was the battle hardened veteran with her stalwart and beautiful partner.
Line 1,080: Line 1,080:
"Could this be related to what that girl said yesterday?"
"Could this be related to what that girl said yesterday?"
"Indeed. Thinking over it after the fact, I noticed she had said many things that are quite concerning. It's fine if the answer is no given the current circumstances, but if there's anything I could do to assist—"
"Indeed. Thinking about it later, I noticed she had said many things that are quite concerning. It's fine if the answer is no given the current circumstances, but if there's anything I could do to assist—"
Orihime wanted to contribute. For the sake of rescuing her cousin as well as to avoid shoving all danger upon Asya alone to bear.
Orihime wanted to contribute. For the sake of rescuing her cousin as well as to avoid shoving all danger upon Asya alone to bear.
Line 1,235: Line 1,235:
"Although I have no idea whether you intend to enter the fray or not, that girl seems to have resolved herself to fight. Isn't it only human nature to want to extend a helping hand?"
"Although I have no idea whether you intend to enter the fray or not, that girl seems to have resolved herself to fight. Isn't it only human nature to want to extend a helping hand?"
Clearly not a human, yet Hinokagutsuchi was talking about "human nature."
Clearly not a human, Hinokagutsuchi was talking about "human nature."
A subtle smile surfaced on her lips as though trying to test Hal's mettle.
A subtle smile surfaced on her lips as though trying to test Hal's mettle.
Line 1,275: Line 1,275:
"? What do you mean by that, Juujouji?"
"? What do you mean by that, Juujouji?"
"The details can wait until we start. In any case, I trust you, Haruga-kun. If you get any indecent thoughts, I will absolutely become disillusioned with you, so be careful!"
"The details can wait until after we start. In any case, I trust you, Haruga-kun. If you get any indecent thoughts, I will absolutely become disillusioned with you, so be careful!"
Acting uncharacteristically, Orihime had become very tyrannical.
Acting uncharacteristically, Orihime had become very tyrannical.
This was probably for hiding her embarrassment. Intimidated by her vigor, Hal responded with "O-Okay" in agreement.
This was probably to hide her embarrassment. Intimidated by her vigor, Hal responded with "O-Okay" in agreement.
Watching this scene with a teasing gaze, Hinokagutsuchi then whispered quietly, "Then let us depart. Towards the location where all destinies began—"
Watching this scene with a teasing gaze, Hinokagutsuchi then whispered quietly, "Then let us depart. Towards the location where all destinies began—"

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