Editing The Unexplored Summon Blood Sign:Volume1 Chapter2

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===Part 15===
===Part 15===
As soon as the two of them clashed, the giant land bridge directly above the plaza crumbled. The summoners had their protective circles, so mere rubble was not going to kill them. The dust was simply meant to block Kyousuke’s view and prevent him from using his Blood-Sign.
Meanwhile, Golden Luxury took action.
Her voice ruled the battlefield.
Like a Buddhist priest’s bell, the mere sound seemed to drive out evil.
It was a pure voice.
It was frightening.
Meinokawa Higan had become the Original Red (b), which cost one low sound. It was a three meter tall mass of red sticky liquid. The girl’s thoughts had nearly ground to a halt when she saw the reality that accompanied that adorable voice.
“Un, deux, trois.”
Azalea Magentarain’s actions were simple.
She merely used her Blood-Sign to launch all three of her initial white spheres of light known as White Thorns.
But she was very accurate. Almost too accurate.
“Un, deux, trois. Un, deux, trois. …Un, deux, trois.”
Looking just at their paths, they drew a large rectangle that spanned the Artificial Sacred Ground. The White Thorns she had launched returned accurately to herself. They came to a stop with a slight spin and her Blood-Sign would sharply strike them once more.
As a result…
<She’s…not using up her White Thorns!? She’s endlessly hitting the White Thorns that come back to, um, remain on the attack indefinitely without having to worry about her remaining stock!?>
As a vessel, Higan had become one with the Material that had both an inhumanly large body and a bizarrely artistic appearance, but her heart was filled with very human fear.
A dance of crimson light exploded in that tiny world along with a broken song that destroyed the psyche of all who heard it and that sounded like someone banging their hands on a piano’s keys. The dance and song continued endlessly without any kind of break.
White Thorns that came to a stop would naturally vanish.
But if they were hit by the Blood-Sign again within the three seconds before they vanished, they could be reused. Some summoners tried running around the large Artificial Sacred Ground to reach the White Thorn’s stopping point before it arrived.
<But th-that doesn’t always work. Th-they only go for the ones they think they can actually reach. But, um, th-this person is doing it with 100% accuracy!?>
Even as the number of White Thorns grew, her accuracy did not change.
All the while, her additional stock was being replenished every ten seconds.
The White Thorns did not just strike the walls and floor.
They also hit the Petals that carved out the names of Material with the low, middle, and high sounds as consonants and lowest sounds as vowels. Whenever the Petals collided with each other or fell into a Spot, they produced a crazed rhythm with their respective sounds, further escalating the broken song.
<With this…like this…w-we can never catch up by, um, hitting individual Petals into the Spots with individual White Thorns like normal! She’s way too fast!!>
Higan’s focus turned to her summoner partner.
It may have been a form of escapism to reject the dizzying fear before her eyes.
Needless to say, Shiroyama Kyousuke had not been sitting idly by as all this happened.
He was constantly making the quickest and shortest movements to hit the White Thorns and knock various Petals into the Spots. Sometimes he knocked two or three Petals in at once. As a vessel, Meinokawa Higan could only watch the summoner’s skill and she was truly impressed.
She became a giant umbrella with fangs covering the outer edge while the old butler became a goddess statue filled with murderous gimmicks. There was a great serpent made of several chains, an automaton created by sewing together human skin, an old tome covered in countless eyeballs, a gear with a giant smile plastered on the side, and a dinosaur not found in any encyclopedia. Both sides’ Materials were changing in the blink of an eye.
But they could not catch up.
Kyousuke was controlling a single White Thorn at a time, so he was not standing in the same realm of speed as Azalea who constantly controlled several White Thorns as if juggling them.
“Oh, dear. What seems to be the matter? Where has the supposedly imperturbable Alice (with) Rabbit gone?”
When it came down to it, the summoning ceremony was a battle between Materials.
Their strength was determined by the sound range and by the cost, aka the number of Petals hit into the Spots.
Both of those factors came down to how well the White Thorns were manipulated by the Blood-Sign.
If one was accurate yet took time to hit the Petals, they might be overwhelmed by pure numbers.
If one hit a lot of Petals but had poor aim, they might be outdone by accurate and efficient movements.
But how was one to face an opponent who had both strengths and cast aside both weaknesses?
Was there even a way of doing that?
There was a winged alligator, a giant face made of stone, a jellyfish giving off a putrid stench, and finally just a vague mass that was changing forms too quickly to see. It unleashed a barrage on Meinokawa Higan’s temporary form, a giant suit of armor, and she was torn into again and again. The Silhouette contained inside – the soft outline of her body – was just about to be exposed.
She could not even fight a defensive battle as she reflexively held up her arms to protect her face. Kyousuke used the most effective sound range to suppress the damage as much as possible, but the difference in cost had grown to more than ten. Normally, a hit or two would be enough to destroy her.
Nevertheless, Higan had yet to lose, and that was due to Kyousuke’s skill. When he saw Higan was just about to be defeated, he would bring her to her next Material form, providing her a new body. That way, he prevented the damage from severing Higan’s mind at the core.
It was forceful, but even with a liter package of blood, a blood transfusion could not be made without first harming the individual to shed their blood. Kyousuke was waiting until she had bled right up to the limit, providing a transfusion, waiting for her to bleed right up to the limit again, providing another transfusion, and repeating the process. He was only making sure she never lost a fatal amount of blood.
“Alice (with) Rabbit Shiroyama Kyousuke. …Since you threw the glove at me, I did some research on you.”
The girl smiled thinly while accurately controlling well over ten White Thorns with just the one Blood-Sign.
“Once you hear someone ask for ‘help’, you will end up saving everything and everyone, as if a switch has been thrown. You do not keep a single vessel and instead make a contract with someone you come across who possesses the necessary qualities before releasing them to the sunny side of the world. …The flaw in your insistence on saving everyone you lay eyes on is not that your results do not live up to that ideal. In fact, the problem is that you are too perfect, isn’t it?”
“Yes, that’s right, isn’t it? Saving everything is really no different from someone who cannot clean up their room or throw anything away. So when you try to save the world, you end up saving more than necessary and end up with piles of chaos around you. Even if each individual element is desirable, as a whole, it does nothing but harm, doesn’t it?”
“You seem to know about me, but I barely know anything about you.”
They clashed at close range.
The two summoners pressed their protective circles together while glaring sharply at each other.
“You’re Government Award 930 and the daughter of Quad Motors’s president. What possible complaint could you have with the public side or the hidden side of that? I can’t imagine why you would throw all of that away to join Guard of Honor!!”
“Oh, dear. Are you serious? Do you really think the ‘normal’ way of looking at things has any bearing on our world?”
Azalea giggled, but accurately called countless White Thorns back to her.
“My position on the public stage? The number of dollar bills I own? What value does any of that have when we are immediately forgotten by earth’s entire population? If I want something, I can grab it from the store. If I don’t like someone, I can kill them in public. I can ‘normally’ accomplish those things. …''And in the same way, no one will care even if I do take things from them,''” said Azalea. “More importantly, is there any real meaning in summoner Awards? You’ve reached 902 in Freedom, so you should understand that.”
“Reaching Award 1000 reverses your affiliation between this world and the other world, so you will begin writing a new legend ''on the other side''? Hah! Not likely! Some morons who might as well be amateurs will carelessly say they’re so close once they reach the 900s, but you know that isn’t going to happen, don’t you? The Awards grow much harder to earn when there are so few left. That unimaginable difficulty makes me wonder if it was intentionally made to be impossible in order to create an upper limit for summoners. But if I change sides in hopes of earning Awards, I’d be treated as a traitor in this cramped field. You’re left blocked on all sides, yet they still tell you to simply earn the rest of the Awards.”
“I knew Government Award 1000. Although they were killed by ''a certain woman'' before making the reversal from this world and the other world.”
“Those are only the cheaters who know how to erase all the secrets and rumors about them as they walk freely between the three major powers. In the end, the human rulers and the Three have rigged the system so only those they approve of becoming a god can reach 1000, don’t you think?”
“That person’s brutal strength was nothing as soft as that,” muttered Kyousuke under his breath.
Azalea continued with a muddy look in her eyes.
“Why does the rose symbol used for summoning use the twenty-six letters of the English alphabet instead of the standard twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet? Why is the symbolism consistent between the Rose, Petals, and White Thorns, yet the Spot is not? The logic and rules must have been constructed for someone’s convenience. There must have been someone who benefited from it. It’s wrong to think you can reach 1000 and cross that line just by following their rules.”
Even as she spat out these words, Azalea showed no sign of regret.
It was as if she truly had cast aside her position as Golden Luxury, Government’s ace.
“And on top of all that, there is no objective way to confirm where the Thousand Eaters actually end up. Is ''the other side'' really an otherworldly heaven? Are they even going to ''the other side''? We have no idea, so it’s only natural to be hesitant to jump right in, don’t you think?”
Shiroyama Kyousuke had a bad feeling about this.
There was something decidedly bad about what Azalea was going to say.
“That is why we have searched for a more definite and simpler method of confirming that for all to see.”
She let out a soft giggle.
“So we have searched for a way of remaining eternally with the gods without relying on anything as uncertain as going to the ''other side''.”
Azalea Magentarain clearly stated her conclusion.
“''Yes. We were searching for the method used in the miracle that you alone once successfully created.''”
A dull sound rang out.
It was the sound of Kyousuke gripping his primary weapon as a summoner so tightly it nearly broke.
“Hee hee. Ah ha ha ha ha ha!! Do I detect a disturbance in your strokes? We do not have your level of genius, but we have gathered the techniques we need to reach that former genius. So we no longer need a genius. Knowing that it is indeed possible by human hands is more than enough, don’t you think?”
Even as her temporary body was incessantly torn into, Meinokawa Higan forgot her pain.
A greater question was rising within her.
<She is…no, um, you two are t-talking about ''a world I’m not familiar with''. Wh-what are you two talking about?>
“You understand nothing.”
Supposedly imperturbable Kyousuke spoke so fiercely it sounded like he was spitting out blood.
His eyes were not focused on the present world. He was shaken ''in that world Higan was unfamiliar with.
“There is no paradise or joy beyond ‘there’. That only leads to bottomless despair!!”
“Ha ha. That’s fine☆ We too wish to stand on the kind stage that lets us speak such superhuman phrases!!”
The movements of Azalea’s White Thorns grew even more skillful.
Her Material changed form again and again as it attacked Meinokawa Higan.
They could not win like this.
Kyousuke directly faced that dizzying reality and also quickly searched for a way to win.
(Uniquely Selfless…the former Golden Luxury specializes in ricocheting a set number of White Thorns back toward herself to remove the quantity limit without using them up.)
“You need to summon one hundred Regulation-class to summon a Divine-class and you need to summon fifty Divine-class to summon an Unexplored-class. Honestly, doesn’t that system seem so very annoying? Your average summoner is defeated before I can reach the Unexplored-class.”
(She uses the floor, walls, streetlights, vending machines, and anything else inside the Artificial Sacred Ground. She also often uses the boundaries of the Artificial Sacred Ground itself.)
“That is why I have high hopes for you.”
(Not all of the Materials she uses are all that large. Although I don’t know if that’s due to her personal tastes or because she doesn’t want to destroy the terrain if she can avoid it.)
“With your level of endurance, you might just last long enough for me to reach the peak of the Unexplored-class, the ‘White’ Queen who Wields the Sword of Unsullied Truth (iu – nu – fb – a – wuh – ei –kx – eu – pl – vjz)!!”
Kyousuke ignored her nonsense and sucked in a quick breath while using his Blood-Sign.
The fighting spirit in his eyes grew sharper.
“In that case, can you use ‘this’?”
===Part 16===
===Part 16===
One level above, the shrine maiden girl named Meinokawa Renge groaned on the edge of the destroyed land bridge running above the plaza.
With a click, the handcuffs unlocked behind her back.
Unlike the locks on front doors or safes, handcuff locks were generally quite simplified. If one was used to it, they could open it with a hairpin.
“Did they really think they didn’t have to worry about me if they put these on me?” spat out Renge as she rubbed her freed wrists. “Do they watch too many movies?”
The work had taken a few minutes, but even that felt like too much.
Her one and only sister was literally having her life worn away nearby.
That was the family member Renge had tried to save even if it meant throwing away her own life.
(Dammit… They’ve been fighting a completely defensive battle for a while now.)
Renge clenched her teeth as she watched from above.
The boy paired with Higan was far from weak. In fact, he was easily a few levels more skilled a summoner than Renge. He was using the Petals up at tremendous speed. New Roses were appearing and breaking apart into Petals quite frequently. Out of the 216 Petals of a Rose, there were seven each of the consonants. If all of a consonant or all of a vowel was used up, a new Rose would appear. Renge knew that rule, but she rarely saw it in action outside of a long match created by using several chains in a row.
But even then, he could not catch up to his opponent. The girl with reddish blonde ringlet curls used an unlimited strategy with unbelievable speed. Her Material grew stronger without end, so even if Higan was far from weak, she looked weak as she was torn to shreds. Her monstrous body was frequently broken apart to the extent that Higan’s soft Silhouette could be glimpsed inside.
And on top of that…
(This is bad. Their opponent is going to reach the Divine-class soon. If that happens, the sound range won’t matter. Higan and the ground around her will be smashed to pieces!!)
Renge had heard what that girl said.
That curly-haired girl was apparently fixated on the Unexplored-class “White” Queen who Wields the Sword of Unsullied Truth. With that in mind, Renge noticed something interesting when she looked across the entire Artificial Sacred Ground.
(There are two ways of summoning an Unexplored-class. The first is to summon one hundred Regulation-classes and then fifty Divine-classes to prepare the environment needed to carve out the name of the Unexplored-class.)
That was difficult to pull off. The Artificial Sacred Ground created by an Incense Grenade only lasted about ten minutes. While hitting multiple Petals at once and constantly building up a new Material every two or three seconds, it would take over seven minutes. While it was doable in a mock battle, it was not easily achieved in a real battle where the summoner had to see through the enemy’s actions and put their life on the line.
(The other is to carve out the name in order without a single letter out of place.)
That one was not easy either. The acquired Petals could not be rearranged to make the name. From beginning to end, not a single letter could be wasted and not a single letter could be replaced. Naturally, if the enemy noticed the attempt to summon an Unexplored-class and attempted to interfere, it was all over.
(She’s so fixated on the “White” Queen who Wields the Sword of Unsullied Truth that she’s preparing multiple methods of summoning her. She’s working at the one hundred Regulation-classes and fifty Divine-classes, but she’s also secretly preparing other patterns around the Artificial Sacred Ground so she can hit all the Petals into the Spot in order with just a slight hit from a White Thorn.)
She was setting up those rows of dominoes here and there. And no matter whose fingertip poked at them, the tiles would fall just the same.
The dominoes were not complete yet. She was simply placing the parts here and there as a side project. But if a few of those incomplete pieces were linked together, she would have the conditions needed for the summoning. Then a single White Thorn would link it all together.
(Once a century, a lucky chance comes along. It scares me that she’s skilled enough to create that kind of chance herself, but she isn’t the only one who can use it.)
Renge thought this provided a chance at victory.
The Guard of Honor summoner baring her fangs toward Higan would soon surpass the Regulation-class and reach the Divine-class. But if the much more powerful White Queen was summoned first, the difference in skill would no longer matter.
(Anyone can summon her now. With the materials she’s set up as insurance, even I would be able to reach that peak of the Unexplored-class.)
She could tear victory from their enemy’s grasp.
But what did she need to do that?
“Begin remote resonance, begin organ synchronization, receiving life signals from organs, synchronization complete.”
This was not originally Meinokawa Renge’s ability.
She justified it to herself because this was an emergency, but she still apologized to her sister in her heart.
“Foreign reaction detected in body linked by pseudo-resonance, viewing contract, deleting and overwriting one portion…”
A quiet creaking sound came from Renge’s chest.
It was a series of ever-so-slight sounds like thin, thin wires being gradually pulled on from both ends.
“You might think you’re quite the summoner after claiming my sister for yourself.”
After the sound of rustling leaves, she held a Blood-Sign made of countless gathered charms.
A summoner could not use the summoning ceremony without a vessel.
“Don’t underestimate sisterly boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonds!!”
===Part 17===
===Part 17===

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