Editing Toaru Majutsu no Index:Item2 Chapter2

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==Chapter 2: The Storm Approaches==
==Chapter 2: The Storm Approaches==
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(District 22. The entire district is a massive multilevel underground facility, right?)
(District 22. The entire district is a massive multilevel underground facility, right?)
The bus descended a giant spiraling slope until a silent space spread out before it. Needless to say, there was no wind or rain here. There was a forest of skyscrapers down and a dark cloudy sky was displayed on the screen overhead. The only thing that felt off was the lack of three-bladed wind turbines. Down here, it was hard to believe there was a large and powerful typhoon coming.
The bus descended a giant spiraling slope until a silent space spread out before it. Needless to say, the was no wind or rain here. There was a forest of skyscrapers down and a dark cloudy sky was displayed on the screen overhead. The only thing that felt off was the lack of three-bladed wind turbines. Down here, it was hard to believe there was a large and powerful typhoon coming.
This one vast underground space was not the entirety of District 22.
This one vast underground space was not the entirety of District 22.
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The two bunny girls kicked open the double doors and began spraying full-auto bullets everywhere.
The two bunny girls kicked open the double doors and began spraying full-auto bullets everywhere.
The space was so large it could have contained an entire 50m pool.
The space was so large it could have contained an entire 50m pool.
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===Part 10===
===Part 10===
With the storm raging, travel by car took longer than usual. The solid crosswinds occasionally caused the tires to slip and the view ahead was obscured by all the rain. It didn’t help that the hybrid Plinius didn’t have much weight and horsepower to begin with.
“It’s this bad and the typhoon hasn’t even made landfall yet? In the end, how bad is this storm going to be?”
“Do they super not have storms like this in Europe?”
“Hmm. In the end, the closest thing is the sirocco wind that’s warmer than the cold mistral wind and carries in a ton of rain, but that’s just powerful winds from a single direction. This feels different. Also, Europe’s too big a place to talk about it all at once.”
Frenda and Kinuhata discussed the weather while changing from the bunny suits to their ordinary outfits in the small car.
Their destination was the Stadium Dome in District 7.
“Game 5 has now entered extra innings. It’s fortunate the dome means we don’t have to worry about the weather or time of day, isn’t it? Now, will it be Matsunami or Seijun? Either school could still win this one.”
Takitsubo stared blankly at nothing while listening to the commentary coming from the car navigation screen.
“Sounds like the baseball tournament is still going.”
“Which means Honey Queen is planning to drag that tournament into their dark side business,” spat Mugino.
Of course, Anti-Skill wouldn’t be able to do much even if Item sent them an anonymous warning. This deal wasn’t over guns or drugs. It was over Shokuhou Misaki. There were no laws or regulations preventing any two people from working together, so Anti-Skill would have no justification for acting.
It was approaching 7 by the time Item arrived.
They had an hour until the deal began, which didn’t give them the luxury of taking their time looking over the area and working out an attack plan. They would be lucky if they could even find the person they wanted in the large stadium. Once they did, they would have to adlib a way to stop Honey Queen from contacting Shokuhou Misaki.
Even if that meant killing one or both sides of the deal.
“You don’t need to wait around for us, so go get to a safe distance.”
“Sure. I’ll park somewhere sufficiently far from here and you can call me on my phone if you need anything.”
“Also, super take this!”
“The data on the flash drive included a prioritized list of people they wanted to silence. An AI tamer like you is super good at internet stuff, right? Can you create an anonymous burner account and super leak this list? The casino is gone, but those people still need to watch their backs.”
Mugino sighed in exasperation and opened the Plinius’s door.
She was hit by a solid wind and the blowing rain.
The official gates would require a ticket to get in, so they couldn’t use that. Instead, they descended an employee-only slope to enter the space directly below the baseball field.
They only had to run a short distance to get there, but the blowing rain had been ruthless. Frenda looked disgusted as she wrung out her short skirt like a rag.
“In the end, the bunny suit might’ve repelled the rain better than this.”
“I am never fighting in a super perverted costume like that again.”
Kinuhata removed her soaked arm sleeves and wrung them out. Fortunately, her shoulderless top repelled the water well. She didn’t even want to think about that turning see-through.
They didn’t see any guards or employees around.
But Mugino didn’t consider that lucky. Something could be up.
Takitsubo looked down at herself.
“I’m soaked.”
“Wow, Takitsubo-san. Your clothes are super see-through. And what’s with that crazy underwear!?”
“Red? In the end, why choose that with that plain track suit?”
“Anyway, did you find a more specific location than just the Stadium Dome? This place holds 50 thousand people.”
They hadn’t, so they had to split up and search.
While it was called a baseball stadium, there was more to it than just the field and the surrounding stands. There were locker rooms and showers for the teams, indoor rooms for pitching and batting practice, and then the control room for the lighting, screens, and music. There also had to be the air conditioning and giant compressors to keep the dome inflated with the power of air. A lot of guards had apparently been assigned to the deal, but just finding the deal’s exact location would be a challenge.
(We have one hour. Can the four of us really look everywhere in that time? There are 3600 seconds in 60 minutes, but there are more than 50 thousand people here. In the worst case, they could shake hands to complete their deal and then escape before we even find them.)
All of that was on Mugino’s mind as she checked around the emergency power that would kick in during a blackout.
Her phone received a call.
“Mugino.” It was Takitsubo
“Did you find them?”
“Something isn’t right on the field.”
Unsure what that meant, Mugino clicked her tongue and started in that direction. As a dark side worker, she didn’t want to get near the field because of the live TV broadcast, but was the enemy recklessly hiding among the spectators to complete their deal?
“What the-?”
Mugino also noticed something wrong as she walked down the passageway to the stands.
“I don’t hear anything. No cheers and no music from the brass band.”
She frowned as she passed through the spectator gate.
As soon as she emerged, she thought she felt a drop in the air temperature. A chill crawled across her skin.
She found a silent scene.
Someone held a baseball on the mound in the center of it all.
But she didn’t wear the uniform of either team. She had long blonde hair and a flat chest. The small girl wore the sleeveless gym clothes of Tokiwadai and she had one leg up in a poor attempt at mimicking a pitching stance.
“Now, all eyes are on the first pitch. The pitcher shows great confidence as she winds up.”
She clearly didn’t belong there.
Yet no one paid her any heed. There wasn’t even a stir in the stands.
''The 50 thousand spectators, the two teams, the TV staff, and…who else was there? Regardless, everyone in the stadium stood stock still and simply accepted the oddity before them.
Shokuhou Misaki.
The Level 5 said to have the strongest psychological power.
“And there’s the pitch☆ …Oh, it fell too soon and didn’t reach the catcher. Not that it matters. I can just erase that embarrassment from everyone’s memory ability.”
It was like a magic trick. The blonde girl suddenly had a TV remote in her hand and she twirled it like a gunman in a Western.
The small girl reached out her other hand and accepted the mic a blank-eyed female reporter was holding out as if to interview the MVP. And she winked.
“Walking around in the storm in that frilly outfit couldn’t have been fun. Umbrellas are meaningless when it’s this windy and a raincoat would only leave you sweaty. Hee hee. Which is why I used my brain ability and chose these gym clothes since I don’t care if they get wet☆”
The monster pressed the tip of the remote against her lips and winked as she turned to face Mugino.
With one on the outside and one at the center, the two Level 5s’ gazes collided.
“By the way, who exactly are you people? I have photos of the Honey Queen pair and you definitely aren’t them.”
The space around Mugino seemed under a great strain. On the remote’s signal, over ten thousand gazes pierced Mugino Shizuri all at once.
She didn’t even have time to think “oh, no”.
She instead organized her thoughts, focusing on anything that would give her an advantage, no matter how small.
(You ''people''. Does that mean she’s aware of at least one of the others? Takitsubo told me something was wrong first, so she must be somewhere around here. But that means that girl might still not know about Kinuhata and Frenda!!)
“If you’re just some bugs crawling around to get in the way of our deal, no one will mind if I squash you, will they?”
With the mystery remote aimed her way, Mugino made the first move.
She fired multiple Meltdowner blasts dead ahead and jumped over the railing in the stands to rush toward the mound.
The sound from all of the speakers combined to form a single voice.
“Screeeeech!! I’ve taken control of the broadcast equipment, so don’t worry about giving away your identity! In the end, nothing that happens here is getting out!!”
(You could’ve quietly informed me using my phone! Why would you flip over one of the cards we still had hidden!?)
All Shokuhou Misaki did was giggle.
Something felt wrong to Mugino, like an invisible hand was stirring up the inside of her head.
She had launched her beams of light.
She had fired several in quick succession, but the psychological Level 5 remained un-vaporized.
(Can she use her power to remove the mental limits on using her muscles? Or…)
“''Did you mess with my mind to throw off my aim''!?”
“What do you think?☆”
The scene around Mugino changed again.
A baseball girl rushed in from the side, so Mugino knocked her down with a flat hand and then took a step to the right to dodge the metal bat swung down at her by another player. The pitchers were lined up a short distance away and they all began pitching fastballs at Mugino, so she formed a round Meltdowner shield to slice through and blow them away.
“Oh? Hee hee. Are you the type to avoid killing the poor, unfortunate ordinary people?”
Little Shokuhou spread her arms in the bright stadium lighting.
“But can you afford to do that? Take a look around you. ''How many more pawns do you think I have''? If I sent all 50 thousand spectators at you at once, their sheer numbers would crush you beyond recognition☆”
“But I don’t even need to do that.”
She stopped twirling her remote and aimed it straight ahead.
Right at Mugino Shizuri.
“You’re standing in front of me on this open baseball diamond. How exactly do you hope to escape my Mental Out?”
===Part 11===
===Part 11===
Even from here, it was obvious Mugino Shizuri was just standing there, unmoving.
“In the end, this isn’t good!” hissed Frenda Seivelun, ducking low.
She was hiding in a VIP booth covered by thick tempered glass. This isolated space was on the third level above the media-only located behind the backstop. The small booth contained leather sofas occupied by baseball managers and pro team sponsors. Frenda was a bomber, but in addition to the stationary types, she also used rockets and missiles. That meant she had a chance to attack if she was hidden at an elevated location, but that advantage wasn’t very reassuring at the moment.
This was still better than her being brainwashed into the enemy’s pawn.
But having the Level 5 Meltdowner effectively switch sides was still about as bad as it got. A single beam attack could easily destroy the VIP booth’s tempered glass and Frenda right along with it.
“Frenda.” Takitsubo’s voice came from her phone. “''Do you know what the enemy is doing''?”
“''More or less''.”
In an attempt to forcibly relieve her tension, Frenda pulled out her virtual drink bottle and enjoyed the flavor of a sweet Starzucks iced café mocha without any of the calories.
It didn’t do much good.
“Pwah. But in the end, we’re screwed if Mugino falls into her grasp. And that open field is about the worst location for this. If I poke my head out from cover to attack Shokuhou, I’ll just get shot by Mugino. And not even Kinuhata’s Offense Armor can stop Meltdowner!”
No objection was raised on the group chat.
Which meant none of them wanted to battle Mugino Shizuri. And that did nothing to eliminate the threat presented by Meltdowner.
They were being attacked by two Level 5s, one physical and the other psychological.
Little Shokuhou Misaki shouted excitedly into the MVP interview mic in her left hand.
“Now, then! It’s time for the rest of you to come on out!! If you don’t do so, I’ll order this girl here to start blasting everywhere she thinks you might be hiding☆ So if you don’t want to die in a mess of melted metal, I’d say the smart thing to do is come on out!!”
“I know. If we do as she says, we’ll be trapped. In the end, we’ll have nowhere to run once we’re lined up out on the open field. All we’ll be able to do is wait while she kills us one by one.”
Little Shokuhou Misaki looked all around from atop the mound until her eyes stopped on a single point among the 50 thousand spectators in the stands.
Was she focused on Takitsubo Rikou?
“Hm. You don’t show any emotion ability on your face, but those big boobs bother you, don’t they? Do you keep your hair short and only ever wear a track suit because – hee hee – the male gaze scares you?”
“''What is your name''?”
“What, you don’t recognize me?”
This meant the Takitsubo card had been flipped over too.
Once their hiding place was revealed, they were sitting ducks for Mental Out. And the enemy was already starting to dig into Takitsubo’s mind.
(In the end, I can’t imagine many nightmare scenario worse than having her hijack both Meltdowner and AIM Stalker! Even hiding behind cover would be meaningless!!)
What options were left?
What could they do now?
(In the worst case, I might be able to knock out everyone in the dome with carbon monoxide or with a nonlethal dose of poison gas. In the end, a psychological esper can’t stop a physical gas and even the people she’s controlling will suffocate. That would work, right!?)
“Don’t worry, Frenda.”
Takitsubo sounded calm.
Like she was looking at something on another dimension altogether.
“I don’t think you need such drastic measures.”
A fearsome beam shot from Mugino Shizuri’s palm.
But it was not aimed at the VIP booth overlooking the field or the stands holding 50 thousand spectators.
Mugino Shizuri turned around and immediately directed her palm toward Shokuhou Misaki.
It was a close one.
In fact, if Mugino’s aim wasn’t being affected, she would have shot right through the center of the girl’s body.
The burning pain in her cheek caused Shokuhou to drop the mic and grimace.
“How!? What do you think you’re doing!? I used all my command ability to order you to fire on Item’s likely hiding spots!!”
“That’s what I did.”
Mugino was definitely under that psychological power’s control.
And yet…
“''Frenda’s devious, so she’d probably hide behind the weakest-looking person. So her most likely hiding spot is behind you.''”
“Th-then your top priority is protecting me. And your second priority is revealing Item’s location!!”
“''Fine. The fastest way to do that is to beat you into a pulp and toss you out there as bait. Frenda, Kinuhata, and Takitsubo are all very cautious. I don’t want them disappearing and making this a long-term effort, so I need to bait the hook with the best bait available.''”
“~ ~ ~!?”
Her mind was being controlled.
But whether she was told to attack Item or protect Shokuhou, she attacked Shokuhou. And if any one of those attacks hit, Shokuhou was dead. Leaving Mugino out of it altogether would be better than any of this.
“Shouldn’t you super give up and leave before you get burned?” Kinuhata Saiai emerged from the corridor for players. “You claim to have brainwashed everyone in this stadium – including the 50 thousand spectators – and taken control of them, but I doubt even a psychological Level 5 can do that. Which means it’s a trick. For example, ''maybe the game’s already over and those 50 thousand people aren’t here anymore.''”
That would mean Shokuhou was only controlling the two teams and the TV crews, which was only a few dozen.
The rest were all faked.
“Oh? And how can you be so sure?”
“The air felt chilly when I reached the field. If there were 50 thousand people in super one place, it should have been unpleasantly warm from their body heat. The stadium’s A/C super can’t keep up with that.”
The game had entered extra innings, which could have ended at any time. It was entirely possible a team had scored a point and ended the game after Item left their car. Or Shokuhou could have influenced the players or umpire to manipulate the outcome.
Then she had started playing all alone on the empty field.
“And it wasn’t your power making Mugino’s Meltdowner miss. If you could use your Mental Out on her, you wouldn’t have just thrown off her aim a bit – you would’ve fully brainwashed her into your pawn. So how exactly did you mess with her aim?”
People’s senses could be fooled.
Just like the virtual drinks Frenda had tried out for a diet.
As another example, it wasn’t uncommon for people to buy yakisoba or popcorn at a festival or ballgame only to find they didn’t get as much as they expected. The same for a sashimi pack or salmon bento using the package design to disguise how little was inside. A single plastic container no one gave much thought to before throwing away was packed full of techniques to make the product look more impressive than it really was.
Only believing your own eyes was too weak a defense to get by on the dark side.
“Simple, right? By super moving 50 thousand fake people at once, it creates the illusion of the entire background changing. For example, you could stretch the crowd silhouettes vertically to throw off someone’s sense of up and down. Or you could expand or contract the silhouettes to throw off their sense of depth. Mugino was shooting down on the mound from the tiered stands, so that would have been enough to throw off her aim. And you can super do that without any kind of psychological power.”
Something reflected off the VIP booth on the third level behind the backstop.
That wasn’t a mistake – it was an intentional signal. Frenda had cut an opening in the tempered glass and now had a rocket launcher resting on her shoulder.
“For Takitsubo-san, it was even super simpler. You used the kind of cold reading that fortune tellers use to determine someone’s financial situation and complexes based on their appearance and clothing. That’s just a skill. What matters is, whether Takitsubo-san said yes or no, you created a sense for everyone else that she was rattled by you getting it right. You weren’t trying to scare her – you were trying to scare Frenda-san and me into acting without thinking and giving away our positions. Takitsubo-san didn’t give you a response because she realized what you were up to. When you super don’t know the answer, it’s better to change the subject than give a yes or no answer, right?”
“She still should have smiled, though☆”
“And it’s not like a Level 5 to rely on silly tricks like that. I know that all too well after seeing our Mugino. A real one would use brute force instead. Also, you prepared 50 thousand fake people to fill the stands. Which means it wouldn’t be that hard to prepare one more. There’s only one reason you would use those tricks to neutralize Mugino before trying to control her with your power: you were worried your power wasn’t strong enough in a one-on-one confrontation. …Are you even the real Shokuhou Misaki? I super bet you’re someone else entirely pretending to be her.”
Shokuhou Misaki took a deep breath.
And with a tearing sound, she reached up her hands and ripped away her own face.
Her true identity was thinner even than a mask.
“Ha ha ha ha HA HA ha ha ha HA ha HA HA HA ha ha ha ha HA HA ha ha ha ha HA HA HA ha ha ha HA!”
“I had a feeling some cheap tech like the Silhouette Screen wouldn’t be enough. But, but. This first battle with the dark side has taught me a lot☆ If I want to face a Level 5 for real, what I need is connections. I need to start by brainwashing all those naughty adults and get my hands on even better next-gen weapons.”
Was it moving paint?
No, were the many spectators and her face created using some kind of extremely thin sheet?
“But whatever the case, I proved I can ''deceive and manipulate a real level 5''. Which means I might have had a chance if I had isolated you from each other first.”
Someone else altogether emerged below the false face. This person had fluffy chestnut hair.
They had no idea who she was.
“''By the way, super who are you''?”
“''Mitsuari Ayu''☆”
(I’m really starting to hate people who use special makeup. Is this a super dark side jinx or something?)
Kinuhata Saiai sighed as she remembered ''something else that had happened quite recently''.
“Oh, right. I would just leave Mugino like that, if I were you.”
“Um? I’ve been doing my best not to look that way, but she’s still shooting those thick murder beams my way!”
“Those attacks only pierce a single point, so as long as her aim is off, you can just let her keep shooting. If you do remove her brainwashing, she’ll realize you were controlling her ''and get super pissed about it.'' Once that happens, Academy City is screwed.”
“~ ~ ~. On the count of three, start chasing your own tail!!”
Mugino Shizuri began spinning on the spot. Like she was running in a meter-wide circle.
It made sense. If Mugino wouldn’t do what that psychological esper wanted her to do, it was safer to have her do something harmless. The girl had given this some thought.
“Pant, pant. How does your handler – are they called a Voice on the Phone? – control her?”
“What super happened to the 50 thousand spectators?”
“Do you really think I would dump them out into the typhoon to walk all the way to the nearest station when the trains might not even be running anymore? I brainwashed some of the staff to take them to the dome’s underground delivery entrance where busses can take them away. I don’t need to control all 50 thousand when I can brainwash the staff into telling the entire group what to do☆”
“Just like it’s super faster to control the headmaster than to control each and every student?”
It wouldn’t be possible to send them all right away with a limited number of busses. Did that mean this girl had left most of the spectators below the Stadium Dome when she knew something like would be happening on the surface?
Good thing they hadn’t let Mugino go nuts with Meltdowner.
“What assurance did you super have none of them would be hurt? The brainwashed staff are just robotically guiding them, right? What if a panicked spectator tripped and got hurt, or what if a bus set out without ensuring everyone was in a safe position and hit someone? That harm is on another level entirely from a deadly battle between villains.”
“I’m confident it’s safe, but I have no objective proof. I’ve brainwashed people so often I don’t need proof anymore. Besides, so what if someone gets hurt?”
“If they do, I’ll super beat you up until you can’t stand anymore and leave you in a park bathroom. ''And I mean it.''”
That response came to mind unbidden. At times like this, it somewhat bothered Kinuhata that she wasn’t sure if her own thoughts came from ''the piece of the #1'' implanted in her or from herself.
“Don’t worry. I too am the kind of villain who knows where to draw the line☆”
The Mitsuari girl giggled and tapped her gym shorts pocket.
The phone in that pocket stuck out just enough to reveal its 2mm camera lens.
Did she use that to aim her power, rather than the TV remote?
“I do still have the power to control minds. Even if it isn’t as powerful as Mental Out.”
“That super doesn’t matter.”
“''And as long as I damage that loathsome ultra elite’s reputation, then I win in the end.''”
A muddy darkness lurked deep inside the eyes she widened like dinner plates.
Was that her objective here?
Kinuhata didn’t know what kind of bad blood there was between Shokuhou Misaki and Mitsuari Ayu, but that didn’t matter here.
“I’m just super glad we could stop you before you joined Honey Queen,” she said with a sigh.
The girl called Mitsuari looked surprised by this, so Kinuhata gave her a questioning look.
“What? Are you super still planning to resist and join Honey Queen? That sounds like suicide to me.”
“Of course not☆” Mitsuari Ayu gave a muddy smile. “I don’t know where you got the information, but if you knew about my deal to join Honey Queen, then I know exactly what this is all about. It’s too bad really. If they had asked, I would have given them some real help.”
“It sounds like I was nothing more than bait to begin with. I imagine they had you chasing after a phony deal to buy enough time advance whatever their real plan is.”
Kinuhata felt a chill down her spine.
They had learned about Honey Queen’s deal with Shokuhou Misaki(?) by risking their lives sneaking into the illegal casino run by Honey Queen’s support organization, but if this was something truly important, where failure wasn’t an option, it wouldn’t have been sitting on a support organization computer. While it wasn’t a defense against real psychological espers like the one in front of Kinuhata now, the safest place for that kind of information was in your own head.
“In that case…”
They hadn’t won. They were still in the palm of the enemy’s hand.
How far did they have to go to get a step ahead of those villains!?
“I wonder where those villains are right now?” whispered Mitsuari Ayu while sweetly giggling. She spoke about villainy like it was a good friend of hers. “Because unlike the heroes who will wait for their enemy with head held high, villains prefer to stay hidden and cover their tracks.”
===Part 12===
===Part 12===
They had to remember.
Ainame Carolien and Tachiuo Mary.
They had to calmly review what those two had done.
“Sample acquired…”
In the VIP booth, Frenda rubbed her cheek with the hand not holding the rocket launcher.
That was where she had been cut with the razor blade disguised as a phone’s bunny ears.
“We were taken out of the fight by the truck explosion back then, so why did Honey Queen let us go instead of killing us while they had the chance?”
Takitsubo Rikou spoke to herself in the stands filled with fake spectators.
She slowly tilted her head.
“Because they didn’t need to? Did they already have what they wanted from the moment they injured Mugino? Does that make sense?”
Also, Honey Queen had started off as secret data thieves.
Item had completely forgotten about that fact.
“''What about that burglar who died with his neck caught in our balcony’s metal shutter?'' Could he have super been a Honey Queen member?” Kinuhata Saiai muttered under her breath.
But what had that middle-aged man hoped to steal after scaling the skyscraper’s wall?
Since his companions hadn’t hesitated to blow up the apartment after his failure, it couldn’t be any of the furnishings or cash inside the apartment. They had to assume that battle had been meant to make up for his failure.
“Could he have been after Mugino’s hair on the floor? Was Honey Queen plotting to steal Meltdowner’s DNA map? And that super didn’t work, so they attacked to injure Mugino and steal some of her cells – even if it was less than a millimeter of her skin!?”
Ainame Caroline had said from the beginning that she had been the head researcher behind the development of Meltdowner.
She had also called Mugino Shizuri a failure and called Tachiuo Mary a success.
In other words…
“Honey Queen’s super real goal is to use Mugino’s rare DNA map to turn the half-completed Tachiuo Mary into the ultimate Level 5!?”
“If so, I sympathize. ''As the psychological esper who failed to become Shokuhou Misaki,'' I know just how tragic that can be. This city is a cruel place where only one esper with a certain type of power is allowed to reach the top.”
The real threat was even worse than Honey Queen acquiring Shokuhou Misaki.
They wanted to upgrade one of their own to surpass Mugino Shizuri.
But instead of creating a brand-new 8th Level 5, they would create a superior version of the same type of esper to ''forcibly replace'' Mugino Shizuri with Tachiuo Mary, whether Mugino liked it or not.
If they let this continue, Item truly would have no way of winning.
It would only be a matter of time before they were killed.
===Between the Lines 3===
===Between the Lines 3===
The din of the storm was loud and unstable in the convenience store that night.
“Um, where’s the bento I just bought? You recommended I get it warmed in the microwave…”
Tachiuo Mary stared at the floor and mumbled behind her mask.
The part-timer girl loudly chewed her gum and gave Tachiuo Mary an irritated look.
“Eh? Don’t ask me. There’s nothing in the microwave.”
“But I know you put it in there.”
“I did not!”
“But, um, I paid for it. So can’t you at least give me a refund…? Here’s my receipt.”
“Doing refunds is pain in the ass, so nope! Leave me the hell alone. I get paid the same wage either way, so why should I bother with any of this crap? What, you think I should slave away for a loser like you? You’re hilarious. Oh, but that’s not a compliment, so wipe that grin off your ugly face. …God, this pisses me off. My rock-paper-scissors luck is so bad I lost during this stupid typhoon of all days and got stuck working the night shift in place of that plain mom.”
The part-timer’s complaints were absurd, but a line was forming behind Tachiuo Mary. Everyone had to be on edge with the typhoon so close to making landfall, but when they began clearing their throats and clicking their tongues, Tachiuo Mary felt like she was the one who had done something wrong.
Then again, maybe the problem was her inability to stand up to the ill-tempered part-timer.
The part-timer decided everyone was on her side, which only encouraged her.
“And what’s this refund nonsense? You want me to open the register and put change in your hand? Bwa ha! What, do you use physical money in this day and age!? It’s not the 20th century anymore, so get with the times. That’s almost as funny as your face! Bwah ha ha!! What, did you just arrive from the 20th century after building a time machine!?”
Now was not the time to let this get her down.
Tachiuo Mary heard a dull thud from behind her. Ainame Caroline had been hanging around the downloadable games section, but she had just thrown a kick directly into the crotch of one of the bastards who had loudly clicked his tongue at the back of the line.
And it didn’t end there.
The 10-year-old girl grinned with the skinny chocolate snack stick wiggling in the corner of her mouth.
“You crack me up☆ It’s so funny I’d love to hear it all again. If you really think that’s appropriate behavior, you won’t have a problem if I stream it for all the world to see, will you? Oh, and can you give me a good, clear shot of your nametag? Let’s see, Harusawa Märchen? Yeah, I’m sure the world won’t see any reason to make fun of a stupid name like that☆ But, hey, at least you can find satisfaction in bringing the entire human race together as they ruthlessly mock you☆ Hwa ha ha. Okay, all you bored people stuck in your room during the typhoon: I’ve found your main character for the day♪”
“Eh? Uh, hey, stop that! You aren’t really streaming this, are you!?”
“Not only that, this would make it out no matter what I do. Ah ha ha☆ See that ATM? I know it’s got the store’s logo printed nice and big on it, but on the inside, it’s a reused Kazusawa Bank model. That means its security camera records sound too. To prevent people from withdrawing money with a scammer on the phone. Hee ha ha. Lame. Did you not know since the audio’s almost never used?”
“Go to hell!!”
“Oh? So being a bad employee wasn’t enough and now you want to create some even more shocking footage of you grabbing a 10-year-old by the collar? Ha ha ha. So an employee’s life is about to ruined by the very security camera the store paid good money for? That’s what I call funny! No, don’t even try rushing to the back to destroy the footage. It’s an online system, so all the data’s being sent to both the security company and the franchise HQ. Oh, shit. I bet this will go crazy viral, so I need to set up a victim support fund with a throwaway account. I’ll get rich off of this☆”
The terrible part-timer froze in place.
By this point, the other customers in line had already snuck out without buying anything. Which couldn’t be fun with the storm raging out there.
“And you kept badmouthing the 20th century, but you wouldn’t have the world you live in now without it, so how about you show some respect? Lame. And boring too. What is it with idiots and drawing arbitrary lines and rejecting everything outside those lines? You’re a waste of breath and possibility, so how about you apologize to the 20th century? Hey, are you even listening? What happened to that attitude of yours, anyway?”
“Ma’am.” A handsome young man emerged from the back of the store with a gleaming smile. “Are you familiar with the concept of customer harassment?”
“A customer making extreme demands or behaving in an intimidating manner is a recognized form of harassment. I will not let you harm our employee any further.”
The gum-chewing girl looked to the older part-timer like he was her prince charming.
“Hmm. So when does your shift end?”
“Excuse me?”
“No, it won’t even take that long. The typhoon’s about to make landfall, so even this 24-hour convenience store will be closing soon. I’m willing to wait until the HQ sends their notification.”
A silhouette was visible outside the store.
But this was no ghost.
A noticeably unsocial person stood in the pouring rain just 2cm away from the glass. And he wasn’t alone. There were plenty more. The intellectual delinquents covered all the windows on the road-facing side of the store. They were following orders, but their anger was visibly growing by the second while they were forced to wait out in the storm.
The stupidly misguided prince charming began to sweat with his smile frozen on his face.
The gum-chewing girl had already made herself scarce.
They soon heard a shrill scream.
Had that idiot thought there wouldn’t be anyone at the back entrance?
“As you can see, mister, you can run if you want, but it’s game over if you leave the store☆ Hee ha ha. A cool grownup knows how to complete the job he’s given. And phones aren’t allowed on the clock, right? So I’ll be taking that. Oops, how clumsy of me. I dropped it and stomped on it♪”
There had been a correct answer. If he had grabbed and lowered his foolish coworker’s head and apologized along with her, this could have ended peacefully. But who was it that that ultra moron had decided to threaten instead?
“God. It’s the bad examples like you who ruin it for the 99.99% of convenience store workers who actually do their job day in and day out. If only you 0.01% of idiots didn’t think you could half-ass it just because it’s a part-time job and you can quit if anything goes wrong. But in a single bad decision, all the trust built up by the others goes right out the window.”
Left all alone, the worker glanced over at the stationery section. Was he thinking of writing a large SOS on some paper and showing that to the security camera? Or did he think someone would come rescue him if he pressed the alarm button hidden below the register?
Despite what Ainame Caroline had said to tease the awful gum-chewing part-timer, a dark side pro would always neutralize the security system before taking action.
“So what was that about not letting me harm your employee, little boy?”
This true idiot had chosen this path for himself.
Ainame Caorline grinned as she spoke.
“''I’m willing to wait until you’re done working. Then we can talk this out outside, okay?''”
“Ugh, I’m soaked. How did that goddamn typhoon get me so wet when it’s only 10m to the curbside parking?”
Ainame Caroline shut the 4-wheel-drive truck’s door and tossed a towel over her partner’s head before worrying about herself. Then she used her small hands to dry the other girl’s hair. She was only wearing a bikini top and a miniskirt with suspenders. She hadn’t chosen it for that purpose, but it was a convenient outfit for getting wet.
“So Tachiuo-chan.”
“That was super boring!! How many times do I have to tell you you’re my greatest success, so you need to hold your head high with pride!!”
“But…I’m not worth all that. I even kind of agreed with what she was saying…”
“What happened to the confidence you show in front of your bath posters?”
“You saw that!? Why would you bring that up here!? Just kill me now!!!”
“Lame. You’re such a pushover I bet someone on the side of the road could trick you into trading everything you own for some supposed magic beans. And it isn’t even a case of you being too trusting. You know it’s wrong, but you still let it happen. When someone makes fun of you, they might as well be making fun of me. And I won’t let that stand. Got that?”
That was also why Tachiuo Mary was following Ainame Caroline.
Back in the peaceful world, everyone had looked down on her as the gloomy girl in class.
Her school environment hadn’t been as horrific as the bullying seen in manga or anime, but the most popular people in class still decided for everyone what was cool and what was creepy or childish. It should have been a matter of each person’s personal taste, but if you stepped outside the bounds determined by the most popular, you were branded “weird”. And no one else wanted to meet the same fate, so the rest of the class would start downloading and dumping money into a game they didn’t actually care about. And once the most popular got tired of that game on a whim, all of that effort had to be thrown right out the window. Then the process repeated. It was a modern version of the invisible rails that had existed since the days of black-and-white TV, where, if you wanted something to talk about with your peers, you had to have seen whatever popular show had aired the night before.
Tachiuo Mary hadn’t been able to keep up with it all.
She had fallen off the rails.
She hadn’t been able to ignore how foolish it was to endlessly dump time and money into a character she didn’t even like and how depressing it was to be unable to afford to buy and enjoy the things she really wanted.
And once the slave ceased to till the fields of someone else’s kingdom, she had lost her place in the class. An unsociable Level 0 had no influence on her own. And when that high school girl ''was slowly melting away into nothingness within a peaceful world void of bullets or blades,'' she had been rescued by a 10-year-old researcher who seemed to have stepped straight out of a manga.
Ainame Caroline had said she wouldn’t let anyone make fun of her.
That meant she believed Tachiuo Mary deserved respect. It meant she had the right to build her own kingdom, no matter how small it might be.
And Ainame Caroline had improved Tachiuo Mary’s power.
In Academy City, esper development was everything. After the previously shunned Tachiuo Mary had rapidly grown to Level 4, the most popular person in class could no longer drive her out of the classroom and had been driven into a corner of the classroom herself. Shallow social skills hadn’t been enough at that point. Tachiuo Mary hadn’t seen it herself since she hadn’t been to school lately, but she had heard that girl had been unable to bear her new circumstances and ultimately transferred to another school.
Tachiuo Mary had found a place she wanted to be. Maybe it was a world of villains, but she felt comfortable there.
Ainame Caroline might think everyone on her team was equal, but it wasn’t remotely true. Honey Queen belonged only to her. Tachiuo Mary was satisfied listening admiringly to the stories of the girl’s exploits. She loved hearing about things she couldn’t do herself.
“We are Honey Queen. So if anyone spits on anyone on the team, we will strike back. And we’ll immaturely use every bit of power we have as a dark side group.”
At that point, the pouting 10-year-old brown gyaru lowered her voice.
“Mugino’s Item mocked Minokasago-chan. So this doesn’t end with just stealing the sample we need. We will use everything at our disposal to crush those four.”
Item would probably have no idea who she was talking about.
Minokasago Ryousuke was ''the burglar who had died with his neck caught in their balcony’s metal shutter.
He was on the dark side, but he was also a pacifist who disliked fighting. He had joked that he only wanted out of his dead-end office job, but he had obviously been downsized. They had let him join because they had needed ''an adult guardian'' if they wanted to arrange a bank account, a car, and so on. He had been an excellent cook and had gone out of his way to handle all the housework. He had even washed their underwear without asking, which had resulted in a blushing Tachiuo Mary chasing him around in tears.
Before Honey Queen had taken action, Minokasago Ryousuke had bowed down and asked for just one chance to do things his way. Not for himself, but to preserve the lives of the enemy. He had smiled and insisted they could avoid fighting Item and peaceably achieve their goal if he successfully burgled the sample.
And this was the result.
The team had taken in the abandoned adult to give him another shot at life. And now look at him.
Mugino Shizuri had mocked that timid pacifist and disposed of his body as no more than a nuisance.
She hadn’t left him even an ounce of dignity.
What was wrong with wanting revenge for that?
Level 5s were rare, with only seven in Academy City. They were well-known figures. But that didn’t give them the right to trample on the lives of the unknown.
So Honey Queen’s temper had been pushed beyond the boiling point from the very start.
Mugino hadn’t just unwittingly stepped on someone’s dignity. She had stepped on a landmine loaded with the explosive known as a taboo.
“This is the all-out war you wanted, failure. Don’t even try to complain about it at this point.”
Ainame Caroline sensed a worried aura coming from the gloomy girl.
She was aware she had a habit of obsessing over her own destructive thoughts to push herself toward victory.
Tachiuo Mary was usually so timid, but she always let these worries come to the forefront even if it would make waves. Perhaps that was why she couldn’t live in a peaceful world and truly shined here on the dark side.
Ainame Caroline sighed and consciously switched gears.
“Well, maybe I’m the cute culprit we should blame for this one since we wouldn’t have gone to the convenience store in the first place if I hadn’t thrown a fit because I was so hungry with no restaurant or shop in the love hotel,” cheerfully conceded Ainame Caroline while reaching into the convenience store bag and pulling out a chocolate sandwich and waffle, which she wasn’t quite sure if she should classify as a snack or a meal. She also stuck a straw in a bottle of sweet caramel iced coffee that appeared to be a collab with some kind café or another. “Anyway, we have Mugino Shizuri’s skin tissue. What happened to Minokasago-chan is a shame, but you’re still alive and kicking. Ohh, we’re so close! I can almost taste it!! Once I use Meltdowner’s DNA map to update the flaws in the fragments of research data I managed to steal, I can use the completed data list to perfect your body!!”
“Hee hee. Lady Carol, what will you do once you have perfected me?”
Ainame Caroline briefly fell silent there.
But after a moment, the 10-year-old brown gyaru opened her mouth again.
Her voice sounded somehow dry.
“I had a sister.”
“You did?”
“I don’t think she was very smart. The adults who only know how to judge people based on their test scores tended to look down on her. But I think she knew a lot more ways to live a cool life than I do. She had a lot of friends too.”
Perhaps the 10-year-old had picked up the gyaru fashion by copying her older sister.
Even if Ainame Caroline didn’t feel worthy of it.
“She was the kind of high schooler who wanted to have as much fun as possible, but then she spent so much time in the kitchen making charaben. Did she think I would like them? They were really just triggered an explosion of embarrassment beams the instant you opened the lid. But still, day after day, she would get up early in the morning and make one for me. She spent so much time on it instead of the things she really wanted to do, but she always made sure to smile for my sake. That’s just the kind of person she was. She could look at her younger sister – who was so much smarter than her – and happily smile. Pretty cool, right? It’s easy to say you appreciate the people closest to you, but actually doing it is something not even Edison or Nobunaga could do. And she did it so easily.”
How much had that everyday action saved this little monster? It was no exaggeration to say her sister had given her everything she lacked as a child prodigy.
Ainame Caroline used her empty hand to toy with her smartphone.
The camera app was filled with charaben photos.
She had felt bad destroying them, so she had gotten in the habit of taking a photo before eating them.
She would not let anyone make fun of her teammates.
Ultimately, that was a value she had picked up from seeing her sister protect her so many times because, even if she was a monster, she was still family.
“Your sister sounds very nice.”
“She’s dead, though.”
Ainame Caroline said it so readily – so quickly – that there was no real emotion in the words.
“One day, she went out to the neighborhood supermarket and a wind turbine’s blade flew over and killed her. Like a pixel art shoot ‘em up where an enemy bullet comes in from off screen and kills you without any warning whatsoever. They claimed it was an issue of aging public infrastructure, but I didn’t buy that for a second. I did everything I could to hide the dark side from my sister so I could protect her from it. But not even my Thoughtography predicted that one. There was no avoiding it.”
Her sister hadn’t done anything wrong.
It hadn’t been a malicious crime, nor had she been a criminal.
But there were still horrific deaths that no one could avoid.
“These were my sister’s.”
She snapped her suspenders.
She was a researcher in Academy City, which worked tirelessly to eliminate the occult, but she still couldn’t throw out that piece of sentiment.
“It does limit what outfits I can wear, though. Ah ha ha☆ But I want to keep her with me a while longer.”
“Lady Carol…”
“I turned 10 this year. You realize that means I was only 5 when I began working on developing Mugino Shizuri’s power, don’t you? And I had of course already graduated college then.”
Ainame Caroline gave a dry smile.
“Hwa ha ha. Obviously, that’s not actually possible. ''So I used advanced technology to cheat my way into my degree''. That 3-or-4-year-old genius girl was blessed with a talent for deceiving everyone around her☆”
It couldn’t have been that easy.
She would have had to perfectly predict what questions would be on the exams, extract the necessary information from the textbooks, either hide the answers in tiny text on her pencil or eraser or print it on her palm with a special ink mixture, and then convert those things into tech capable of fooling Academy City’s high-tech exam supervision security. That would take more than 5 times as much knowledge as passing the exam the ordinary way, so, to be blunt, it would probably have been easier to just study normally.
Nevertheless, Ainame Caroline chose that method and pulled it off flawlessly.
She enjoyed choosing the riskier and less direct option.
She didn’t resort to cheating at the last second because she found she wasn’t smart enough. No, cheating was second nature to her. For her, it was as much a part of the process as needing to go to the testing site to take the exam.
She was a genius through and through, but in a bad way. She didn’t even need to make a conscious decision to fool people.
It made sense that, when she developed her own power based on the data gained from Mugino Shizuri, she ended up with Thoughtography, which manipulated electrons but was effectively an entirely different power. Because that was how her Personal Reality worked. Simply put, ''her power let her use a tool to learn the future and cheat in life.
“Of course, these techniques are considered a good thing when it’s an adult, like a politician giving a soapbox speech or a scientist reinforcing their knowledge. And while I’m the kind of monster who can make these excuses for days, my sister would waste her time studying kids anime and getting up early in the morning to make charaben for me…even though I never asked her to. There isn’t a doubt in my mind that Ainame Theresia was a better person than me. If her kindness had been allowed to grow with her to adulthood, I just know she could have changed the world. It’s not fair that she died.”
Ainame Caroline sounded so very lonely, like a child left behind in a strange city.
Perhaps she really was wandering in the darkness after losing her purpose in life.
The researcher, who had conquered the gap between prodigy and dropout through cheating, said more.
As twisted as it was.
She was completely earnest.
“''What is a human life''?”
“''Does heaven really exist''?”
“''That’s what I want to know.''”
She wanted to repay her beloved sister for everything.
That had always been Ainame Caroline’s motivation.
That was why she had gathered her partners and developed Tachiuo Mary.
Mugino Shizuri was too destructive to do the job. Once an esper reached Level 5, it was hard to change the course of their power development. That was why she called Mugino a failure and called her current project a success.
“I have heard a legend of ''a Kihara'' who specializes in researching life, but the stories about them are all so exaggerated it’s hard to sort the fact from the fiction. I didn’t want to waste my time chasing a phony legend, so I decided it would be faster to build what I needed myself.”
Once she had completed Tachiuo Mary, she knew she would have the answer she sought.
She also needed to avenge Minokasago Ryousuke who had gone along with her selfish plan.
“Ha ha ha. We have Mugino Shizuri’s skin tissue. It cracks me up, really. Those cells are all I need to have a complete DNA map. We’re so close, so let’s go find our answers. I can’t bring my sister back from the dead, but I can at least know her soul went to heaven. And I’m not talking about finding some psychological peace of mind in the thought of it – ''I will scientifically prove it to be true.''”
Something was making dull clattering sounds.
The sounds came from the back of the 4-wheel-drive truck. A box of reinforced plastic with an oblong, coffin-like shape lay there and some groaning sounds were coming from it. It was actually a battery-powered wine cooler with the between-bottles cushioning and latches removed. It looked large from the outside, but it was a tight fit ''when two people were crammed inside''. The two lovers in their convenience store uniforms may have been gone past shouting at each other and started physically biting.
“Um, Lady Carol. What are we going to do with them?”
Tachiuo Mary didn’t have time to stop it.
The 10-year-old brown gyaru snatched a .45-caliber handgun from the intellectual delinquent in the driver’s seat, held the grip that was much too large for her small hand, and artlessly fired two shots into the plastic box.
After the two loud bangs, the clattering sounds stopped.
As did the moans.
“It doesn’t matter if those two complete morons knew who we are or not. They chose their fate themselves. Ha ha ha. How boring… On the dark side, you’re allowed to kill someone if they insult you for no reason☆”
Ainame Caroline grinned.
Tachiuo Mary froze in place with a timid look on her face.
That small girl earnestly wanted to know everything she could about the concept of life.
But did that mean she didn’t know anything at all about it at the moment?

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