Editing Unlimited Fafnir:Volume 13 Chapter 2

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===Part 2===
===Part 2===
"—Are you ready? I fear that wireless communications will be cut off once you enter the mist. If we do not hear back from your team after six hours, we will attempt to dispel the mist by attacking with the <i>Naglfar</i>'s weaponry. This could very well provoke Ragnarok, but our decisions will prioritize the rescue of your team. As such, you must put survival above all else."
"Yes, understood."
After listening to Shinomiya-sensei's voice from the communicator, I—Mononobe Yuu—gulped and replied.
Lisa, who was flying while holding my arm, as well as Kili and Ariella flying next to us, each responded on their respective communicators.
The ''Naglfar'' was moored five kilometers away from the dome of mist. Flying from there, we reached the boundary of the wall of mist.
Perhaps due to the mist, the air was very cold. This mist was apparently Ragnarok, but there were so signs of attacks mounting from within.
"Mononobe, be careful! Lisa-chan, Ariella-chan, I'm counting on you to take care of Mitsuki-chan. Kili-chan, I'm counting on you to take care of Mononobe."
Iris' voice was heard from the communicator.
"I will protect Yuu even without you telling me... But Iris-chan, why are you naming me in particular?"
Kili frowned and asked her communicator.
"Eh? Why...? It came out without thinking, I guess?"
"Sigh, fine. I accept, so don't worry. Very well, let's move out."
Kili sighed and replied to Iris then placed her hand on her left chest while staring at the wall of mist.
With the emission of golden particles, a faint glow surrounded her body.
The transfer of authority was completed like last time with Code Lost. By holding hands, using the connection from sameness of kind, Lisa, Kili and Ariella obtained the power taken from Hraesvelgr.
As a result, this was the glow of Ether Wind, the ability to materialize the spirit.
By consciously invoking the authority residing in the heart, we were able to use this power without needing dark matter as a medium.
The particle density was less than during that time in my fight against Major Loki, but this was probably due to dividing the authority to share out.
To be honest, myself included, none of us were confident about invoking this authority. When I used Ether Wind to turn myself into Hraesvelgr, I basically went along with survival instinct in a fatal situation, so I doubted that replicating the ability would be easy.
But unexpectedly, Kili found that it easier to use Hraesvelgr's authority than I had imagined.
Perhaps it was because the intended enemy of this authority—"True Obliteration" Ragnarok—was right before our eyes.
"Yes, ready any time."
Like Kili, Lisa easily enveloped herself in golden particles.
"......I feel reluctant using this power knowing it belonged to Hraesvelgr, but this is also the light that Mononobe-kun used to save me—So it's fine. I will use it too."
Ariella placed her right hand, clad in the gauntlet that was her fictional armament, on her chest and closed her eyes. Next, golden particles also appeared from her body and enveloped her slender body.
"Great, let's go."
I too focused my mind on the Ether Wind residing in my heart and released it.
Perhaps the nature of a counterdragon helped me. The golden particles naturally surged forth.
Using an authority caused one to become closer to being a dragon, for example, red scales appeared on Iris' skin when she used Basilisk's power, or how Shion was able to move her mithril hair due to inheriting the Kraken's power. And when using Ether Wind, the phenomenon of "dragonification" affected the spirit.
The spirit overflowed from the container, the physical body, then materialized by enveloping the body.
This was like the spirit coating around Hraesvelgr. Right now, the golden glow around us was our spirit, and this materialized spirit was moving the body it surrounded.
Prepared, we slowly entered the mist. Static appeared in our communicators and there was no response to our calls. As expected, electromagnetic waves were blocked and kept outside. I took off the communicator on my ear and placed it in a pocket.
Starting from when Ether Wind enveloped me, the cold sensation went away. Due to the mist's excessive thickness, visibility became extremely terrible very quickly.
To avoid getting separated, we flew closer together. While being transported, I focused my mind to observe if there was anything in the mist. Although there was a subtle feeling, it seemed to vary nearer and farther. This uncertain feeling made me break out with goosebumps all over.
The light of Ether Wind did not weaken in the mist, allowing us to see each other in this world of white.
"By the way—the way the body moves the instant I think it—this feeling is so weird."
Flying on the right, Kili moved her hand while murmuring with curiosity.
I knew the feeling she was talking about. Moving the body directly using the spirit as an external skeleton instead of relying on muscles, there was practically no lag between thought and action.
"I feel as though my strength has increased too."
Holding my hand while flying, Lisa moved her arm with amazement.
"There are repercussions if you act too reckless."
Because the physical body's specs had not increased, reckless action could cause muscle and bone damage, so I warned.
"Guys, the mist is getting thinner."
Ariella pointed ahead.
Just as she had said, the mist was decreasing in density—The field of view widened.
"This is truly... amazing."
Lisa sighed with bated breath.
Inside this space covered with light mist was a decrepit town. In the air above, creatures I had never seen before were flying back and forth.
Many of the buildings were built with curving outlines. Rather than modern, the architecture felt more like near futuristic. Were they in good condition, this would have made for spectacular scenery.
"I feel like I am lost, in another world..."
Looking around her surroundings, Ariella whispered.
"The strange creatures are probably the astral lifeforms Tia mentioned."
Looking at monsters flying in the distance, Kili commented in a stiff voice.
I thought back to what Tia had told us about Ragnarok.
'Ragnarok is a "world" that expands and maintains its existence by devouring other souls and spirits. Creatures that cannot survive independently as spirits end up dissociated into mist. However, high-level astral lifeforms are capable of maintaining their form inside Ragnarok. As a result, inside the mist, you will likely find creatures such as fairies or phantasmal beasts that went extinct long ago.'
Fairies, phantasmal beasts, demons, angels, elder gods—Supernatuarl existences from legends and fairy tales.
According to Tia, Ragnarok was the one that had annihilated all of these superior beings. Inside the mist, the "devoured" astral lifeforms would live on as part of Ragnarok.
In that case, the monsters far away—winged giant beasts and flying dragons—were astral lifeforms of this sort.
"Uwah, aren't they heading for us?"
Pointing at the monsters, Ariella cried out anxiously.
Indeed, the monsters circling in the air had changed trajectory to approach us.
"Although I would like to confirm if Ether Wind is effective against them... Fighting so many at the same time would definitely be a hassle."
Frowning, Lisa whispered. Kili looked at the wrecked town below and said:
"Let's hide in the ruins first and wait for the monsters to pass. It'd be bad if we carelessly started fighting and damaged Ragnarok's core, right?"
Ragnarok's core—This was also one of the major pieces of intelligence Tia had given us.
Before we set off, I had asked Tia how Hraesvelgr's predecessor, "Gold" Phoenix had used its authority to destroy Ragnarok.
'Phoenix flew into the mist, swallowing everything it caught, eating every astral lifeform inside. Losing its "inhabitants," the world could no longer sustain its form and the territory of mist gradually shrank. After Ragnarok's "supreme god"—the astral lifeform tasked with the responsibility of the core—was eaten, the world of mist collapsed... That was what is written in the Akashic Record. Therefore, destroying the core is enough to defeat Ragnarok. The most powerful astral lifeform should be the core.'
Tia had called the core the "supreme god." In other words, there were beings here that were so-called "gods." Once again, I was struck by what an unbelievable place I had entered.
However, according to Tia, destroying the core straight away would be too soon. We must bring back Mitsuki before defeating Ragnarok.
Unable to use Ether Wind, Mitsuki had no way of dealing with astral lifeforms and should end up stalled inside Ragnarok.
If they destroyed Ragnarok now, there would be nothing to hinder Mitsuki and she would arrive at the unknown territory first.
"Well, although I doubt the core is in this group of monsters, I agree with avoiding combat."
I looked at the approaching monsters and nodded.
The "supreme god" surely referred to something on a higher level, a god-like being. Although the approaching giant beasts and flying dragons looked very strong, they still felt somewhat different from gods.
"Well then, let us divert their attention then land immediately—Ash, screen out!"
Raising her fictional armament spear, Lisa declared sharply.
Immediately, projectiles of flame fired from her spear tip in all directions exploded in the air.
With thick smoke blocking the surroundings, the approaching monsters were engulfed in smoke.
During this time, I felt a tight grip on my hand. Then I descended together with Lisa. I looked up and saw Kili and Ariella following us.
Just then, I realized it would be bad in many ways to look up at girls so I frantically lowered my head. Of course, the smoke itself was quite dense, so I did not see anything I should not have—
"Over there should be fine."
Lisa found a building with a partially destroyed roof then entered it through the breach.
The instant we touched the ground, the floating sensation disappeared. Lisa and I had landed in a room inside the building. Soon after, Kili and Ariella arrived too. We looked around the dim room.
To be honest, it did not feel like a room at all.
There were the remains of dead corals and barnacles on the walls. Nothing remained of necessities one would imagine would be necessary for residents' daily lives.
"Looks like... It has been at the bottom of the sea for a very logn time. Ragnarok evidently blocks seawater in addition to electromagnetic waves."
Touching the uneven floor that was covered with shells, Lisa commented with rather deep curiosity.
"Rather than mist, it's more like a barrier isolated from the world. We've really come to a different world."
Carefully peering out of a window that no longer had glass, Ariella exhaled deeply.
"However, this city is not a part of Ragnarok, but existed at the bottom of the sea to begin with, right? If what 'she' said was true—"
Kili spoke with a hand over a corner of her mouth. Next, "the fifth member" entered the conversation.
'That is correct! This is the continent of Atlantis, sunken to the bottom of the sea!'
A shrill voice sounded from my chest.
Indeed, those entering Ragnorok was not just the four of us, me, Lisa, Ariella and Kili.
I took out a palm-sized portable terminal from my chest pocket. Instead of the ones distributed by Midgard, this was a Atlantean miniature computer created using data downloaded from the Akashic Record. Despite its small size, its processing power was comparable to NIFL's supercomputer.
Running "her" required a computer with this level of specs.
"Atla, so this city really is where the Atlanteans lived?"
I asked the fairy appearing on the screen of the portable terminal—Atla, the machine intellect.
'Yes, this is the capital of Atlantis. Many humans lived here in peace. Until Kiskanu destroyed civilization...'
With intense rage, Atla replied.
After looking at the wrecked city for real, I began to understand a little why she called Tia, who had inherited the Akashic Record, the "rubbish tree."
Many humans had lived in this city, then virtually all of them perished. Because it happened so long ago, it did not feel real. Even so, I could imagine the kind of grudge Atla bore as the guardian of the city.
However, Kiskanu had met destruction and its successor, Yggdrasil, was under Tia's control. As such, Atla no longer had any target to vent her anger against except for Tia.
"But in hindsight, humans did not go extinct. And you came back to life too. So in away, I don't think you actually lost."
Patting Atla's head on the screen, I spoke to her.
'Hey... Don't touch me without permission! Even though I am a copy, I don't belong to you!'
Did she feel it because it was a touchscreen? Atla glared at me with her face red.
Just as she had said, this Atla was a clone of the machine intellect running the ''Naglfar''. Because wireless communications was impossible inside Ragnarok, accompanying us was just a clone with all data copied to a terminal.
The original Atla remained in NIFL's supercomputer, operating the ''Naglfar''.
"Okay, I get it. This is the historical site of the Atlantis civilization, so you made a special exception and agreed to come along with us. I'll be honest, the mist has made us lose our way, so it's really helpful to have someone who can provide a map."
When I thanked her, Atla on the screen puffed out her chest proudly.
'That's right, you can show more gratitude. I have already identified the current location. Let me display the map.'
The screen changed to show a map. On it, a red marker indicated our current location. The boundary with the outside world—the location of the wall of mist&mash;and the unknown territory's possible location were also displayed. Kili and the girls drew in closer and stared at the terminal from behind me.
"Heh... Let me see, with this, we won't get lost even if we use small alleys and paths."
While Kili murmured, Lisa pointed to an arrow indicating the direction of the unknown territory and said:
"We entered the mist at the point where Mitsuki-san's GPS signal ended. In that case, if we travel to the unknown territory from here, it should be highly likely for us to locate her trail."
Hearing this idea, Ariella chimed in as well.
"Then our next action is set. We will head for the unknown territory while staying vigilant against the monsters."
Although our discussion proceeded smoothly, I was stuck devoting all my effort to ignore the sensations on my back.
Everyone was looking at the terminal from behind me, which meant that certain soft and bouncy objects were pressing on my back.
However, now was not the time for pointing this out. In order to catch up to Mitsuki, we had no time for unnecessary things.
"We will move along the ground in places where there are more monsters. In safer areas, we will catch up by flying close to the ground. Unable to use Ether Wind, Mitsuki-san ought to be moving while avoiding combat as much as possible. We should manage to reach her if we hurry."
After saying that, Lisa moved away from me. Evidently, she had not noticed her chest pressing against me. Ariella was equally clueless. I could not help but mentally sigh.
"Fufu, how was it? Did it feel good?"
However, Kili spoke to me when getting off my back. She did it on purpose, apparently.
Although I hoped she would consider the situation when doing such things, I could clearly see the confidence in the way she spoke. Hence...
"—I don't know what you're talking about. Let's hurry and move out."
After saying that with a stern expression, I led everyone downstairs while holding the portable terminal in my hand.
Since monsters were probably still in the air, it would be best if we went into the street from the ground floor and advanced along the surface for a while. After all, there was no telling what kinds of astral lifeforms would show up.
No matter how many precautions taken, one could never be too careful.
===Part 3===
===Part 3===

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