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== Chapitre 5 : Pour répondre (Pragmatisme)==
== Chapitre 4 : Le jour du verdict (Émotionnalisme)==
Ensuite :
Et donc,
La marionnette vide et l'oiseau blanc qui ne pouvait pas voler
coururent main dans la main pour échapper à tout ce qui cherchait à les séparer,
et regardèrent le ciel.
Le ciel leur a permis de croire qu'ils pouvaient aller n'importe où.
la marionnette s'enfuit vers le ciel que l'oisillon désirait tant,
Ce ciel que les ailes de l'oisillon ne pouvaient atteindre.
Mais s'ils le pouvaient, que gagneraient-ils ?
se demanda la marionnette.
C'était le jour de leur première rencontre.
vers ce monde étroit et sombre.
Quand le poussin avait prononcé le nom de la marionnette.
Un titre évité pour deux significations
et un nom juré en trois.
Je suis le ciel. Le ciel vide. Ton ciel.
La marionnette a juré sur son nom de donner vie à ce ciel.
De briser et de détruire toutes les cages.
Pour défier à jamais ce qui les retient.
Alors, où veux-tu aller ?
Un ciel pour que la marionnette soit à l'abri du mal, pour sourire du cœur.
Demanda la marionnette à l'oiseau, qui implora...
Un endroit où personne ne les piétinerait, où personne ne les blesserait,
== Partie 1 ==
aucune force ne les contraint, aucun besoin de changer.
C'était le jour J... plus qu'une heure avant le début du match. Tout ce que Sora pouvait percevoir clairement dans l'obscurité, c'était le siège dur et la sensation de Shiro sur ses genoux. Derrière lui...
Un nouveau monde où ils pourraient voler.
"Extension du bras spirituel... connecté ! Je le lance, je le fais... !"
-Il entendit Til crier alors qu'elle abattait son marteau. Il a frappé à leurs pieds avec un boom.
Ce jour-là,
Tout le monde priait silencieusement : S'il te plaît, démarre bien. Puis une lumière spirituelle traversa les joints et illumina le petit espace, le cockpit qui les entourait tous les trois. Ensuite, le champ de vision de l'unité s'est affiché sur toute la surface du cockpit.
L'oisillon savait très bien que ça ne serait probablement jamais le cas.
Ils étaient situés au milieu des ruines d'une ville souterraine abandonnée depuis longtemps. C'était une décharge, des déchets métalliques remplissant les restes d'usines où tout s'était arrêté sauf l'éternelle Sainte Flamme. C'était l'endroit où la ferraille inutile venait se reposer - en d'autres termes, leur lieu promis. Là, se tenait leur machine humanoïde géante, un lourd canon Gatling dans les deux mains. Depuis la posture du démon, il a tourné sa main gauche en arrière et a tiré dans la direction de huit heures.
L'oisillon implora la marionnette, qui jura de se battre :
"Yuhh ! Ça marche, Til ! Shiro, comment ça se présente ? !"
Aucun ciel ne vaut la peine de te voir souffrir.
"...Tous les systèmes, vert... Laisse-moi faire le tir..."
Alors la marionnette, elle aussi, s'enfuit dans cette même cage.
Sora et Shiro partageaient un seul siège dans le cockpit exigu, vérifiant la prise des joysticks de chaque côté. Sora tenait la droite et Shiro la gauche, des catalyseurs qu'ils tenaient avec des gants en orichalque tout en voulant faire bouger leur corps. Ils hochèrent la tête avec satisfaction lorsque l'unité prit exactement la "pose cool" qu'ils avaient imaginée. Ils le déplaçaient comme leur propre corps - non, comme un seul corps, deux en un. Tous deux souriants, ils le contrôlaient avec plus d'agilité que leur propre corps. Pendant ce temps, derrière eux...
Jusqu'à ce que nous trouvions un moyen de créer ce ciel,
"Ils ne sont pas verts, ils ne le sont pas... Malgré tout, l'écran est tout rouge, c'est touuuut."
c'est ce que pensait la marionnette dans ce monde étouffant.
Til gémit dans le deuxième siège, serrant son marteau. L'écran était devenu rouge, les alertant d'erreurs même dans le processus de démarrage, même dans les diagnostics initiaux.
Pensée et seulement pensée...
"Vous êtes vraiment sûrs de vous ?! Monsieur et Mademoiselle, vous avez l'intention d'affronter le chef - avec moi, vraiment ? Dans un rush de quatre jours comme celui-ci ? Je ne peux pas garantir que ça se passe bien, je ne le peux pas ! Je ne pourrais pas même si nous avions eu quarante ans, je ne le pourrais pas ! Je-je ne veux pas mouuuuurir..."
Doutant et vacillant, ne trouvant rien à chercher,
Oui... Le combat à travers les bras spirituels. Tous les dégâts convergeaient vers leurs noyaux, ce qui signifiait qu'ils perdaient la partie si les manettes de Sora et de Shiro et le marteau de Til se brisaient. C'était un jeu de combat très sûr dans lequel il était impossible de briser l'armature de l'autre. Cependant...
la marionnette pensait toujours à cette promesse :
Les dommages non liés à la collision de leurs bras spirituels, tels que, oh, les explosions accidentelles et autres formes de dommages auto-induits étaient hors garantie. Ainsi, ils étaient tous heureux qu'il ait bien démarré, leur épargnant une "impasse" avant le début du jeu, mais le point de Til était qu'ils auraient peu de place pour se plaindre s'ils mouraient dans une mer de flammes à tout moment maintenant.
"-Est-ce que ça va vraiment bien se passer sans Jibril ?"
Ce jour-là,
La voix s'est fait entendre de loin, au-delà de la vision de Sora, Shiro et de l'unité de Til. C'était un signal de l'unité qui était à l'affût au sommet d'une usine abandonnée. Ils pouvaient tout juste distinguer sa silhouette au zoom maximum, mais son style était clairement différent de celui des autres : un golem de fer qui semblait bien adapté pour être le patron de la fin d'une ruine. Sa forme simple mais raffinée était décorée de fleurs, et plusieurs lignes de lumière spirituelle brillaient sur lui. C'était l'unité de Chlammy et Fiel.
dans un nouveau pays, regardant les cieux,
"Ouais... Jibril ne peut pas participer à ce jeu. On le savait."
voyant le bébé oiseau déployer ses ailes et sourire,
Sora a répondu avec un sourire que tout se passait comme prévu. Après tout, les différences entre les talents étaient absolues, y compris les talents pénibles. Comme dans le cas des talents à la con qui vaporisaient l'orichalque lors de la synchronisation en raison d'une énergie spirituelle excessive. Le pauvre Jibril, incapable de remplir les conditions de base du jeu, a dû bouder dans la cachette de Til.
la marionnette vide - le ciel - Sora -
"Ce qui m'inquiète le plus, c'est que... vous êtes sûrs de pouvoir le faire avec Chlammy comme pilote... ?"
Traduit avec www.DeepL.com/Translator (version gratuite)
Sora a apporté un autre "talent" avec un sourire en coin.
== Partie 1 ==
Lors du test de l'unité, Fiel avait dit qu'elle essaierait de piloter. Puis elle avait poussé tous les membres de son unité en avant d'un seul coup, était tombée et s'était coincée la tête dans le sol. Elle était incroyablement douée quand il s'agissait d'être maladroite.
...Une scène remplie de l'écho de l'éruption de la Forge Sacrée... le site d'élimination des déchets.
... Comment avez-vous réussi à faire ça avec une unité qui était censée bouger selon votre volonté comme votre propre corps ? Sora commençait à soupçonner que c'était moins un don qu'une malédiction qui interdisait à la race d'utiliser des outils, mais...
Une gigantesque machine humanoïde argentée avance à pas lourds dans les ruines souterraines ensevelies sous les déchets métalliques. Des larmes coulent dans les yeux ardents de Veig qui marmonne avec désolation le premier souci de sa vie.
" ...Nous savions aussi comment ça se passerait. Je suis au moins plus apte que Fi."
"... Ai-je vraiment fait quelque chose de si mal... ?"
"Pourquoi, j'apporterai mon soutien ici. Il y a une place appropriée pour chacun d'entre nous. ♪"
Il se souvint des deux âmes qu'il avait fracassées après une lutte inattendue - l'âme de cette petite herbe étrangement coriace aux seins excellents, et l'âme de cette vipère incompréhensiblement toxique qui avait fait craquer son épée pour la première fois. Se balançant sombrement, vacillant en avant, il pensait :
La voix a indiqué le canon bizarre et follement grand monté sur le dos de l'unité, qui était apparemment fait de bois. Donc Chlammy pilotait et Fiel tirait. Mais encore une fois...
...Que diable ai-je fait... ?
"... Je vérifie juste une dernière fois. Vous êtes d'accord pour qu'on aille chercher la victoire pour de bon, non ?"
Veig se souvenait avoir été remercié, mais jamais blâmé. Pourtant, tout ce qu'il ressentait maintenant était un mystérieux sentiment de culpabilité gravé dans son âme trop profondément pour le nier. Maintenant, il se tenait là, devant la masse métallique tombée, la machine gisant sur le sol avec ses membres totalisés.
"Pourquoi, nous sommes plus inquiets pour vous deux. Pouvez-vous vraiment tenir votre part du marché... ?"
"...Ho... J'ai bien dit que je serais en retard, mais pour faire une sieste, tu as du cran, hein ?"
-『  』 n'étaient que des humains, aussi, après tout. Chlammy a fait un rappel un peu compliqué, tandis que Fi a poussé vivement.
Veig a regardé attentivement le cadre cassé. Par le biais du système de communication, il a accusé ses pilotes de faire les morts.
"Ne vous inquiétez pas. Quand on joue, on a l'intention de s'amuser.♪"
Dans ce jeu, les attaques ne causent aucun dommage direct à la machine adverse. Par conséquent, tout dommage doit provenir d'une défaillance du rite ou d'une erreur de tir - ou être auto-infligé. Et honnêtement, c'était les deux. L'intuition de Veig lui a dit. Il a soulevé le corps brisé et a hurlé.
"...Faites-nous confiance...nous jouerons...jusqu'à ce que, nous soyons satisfaits...♪"
"Hey, je te parle !! Ton adversaire, c'est moi. Ne te retourne pas et ne meurs pas. Tu n'as aucun sens ?!"
Mais Sora et Shiro ont répondu avec irrévérence, aussi insouciants que possible. Sora a également murmuré :
En effet... Sora et Shiro n'ont jamais eu la moindre chance contre Veig dans une bataille d'armes spirituelles. Il était donc inévitable qu'ils perdent. Mais quand même...
"Je doute que personne d'autre que 『  』ne puisse affronter Veig."
"Tu n'as pas l'intention de te taire sans dire un mot sur ton âme, n'est-ce pas ? !"
Jusqu'à ce que nos tours soient dévoilés, ce qu'il gardait pour lui. Sora et Shiro mirent de côté leurs doutes et fermèrent les yeux dans l'attente du départ.
Oui, ils avaient tenu tête à Veig avec une tempête de balles impensable. Mais ils n'ont rien emporté de leur âme, le barrage était trop fragile. Tout ce qu'il a fait c'est rejeter l'attaque de Veig et dire non à son âme...
... Les gants d'orichalque enserrant leurs manettes, Sora, Shiro et Til synchronisèrent leurs âmes, leurs trois noyaux se connectèrent... et ils se déplacèrent comme une seule unité. En sentant leurs sentiments s'aligner, comme s'ils se tenaient la main avec leurs cœurs, Sora a ressenti...
Il n'a rien dit. Il n'a rien admis. Leur âme avait seulement rejeté la sienne et était restée inébranlable. Veig a serré les dents. S'ils pouvaient faire autant, alors pourquoi ?
-...que ce n'était pas mal... C'était un peu comme lorsque Shiro s'endormait sur ses genoux. Leurs battements de cœur, leur respiration, même leurs émotions se chevauchaient doucement... c'était, en d'autres termes, comme d'habitude. Sora et Shiro n'avaient même pas besoin de se connecter par le biais de catalyseurs pour que leurs tensions et pulsations confortables se synchronisent. Il n'y avait que Til, qui était censé se synchroniser de la même manière.
Il souleva le cadre en ruine comme s'il le tenait par le col et se mit en colère :
"...Il reste 600 secondes...avant le début du jeu...c'est ça."
'''“Quand allez-vous répondre à ma question ?!”'''
Comme en réponse au murmure inquiet de Til, un dispositif a surgi devant eux.
Et il a enfin obtenu une réponse.
Il s'est divisé en de nombreuses pièces qui se sont attachées au plafond : d'innombrables caméras et des antennes de transmission. Ils avaient eux-mêmes stipulé que le lieu et leurs unités resteraient tous secrets jusqu'à dix minutes avant le début. L'équipement que Til avait lancé avait été fourni par Veig dans le but de diffuser le jeu dans tout Hardenfell. Ils sentaient les regards des Nains sur tous les écrans de ce pays, le deuxième plus grand du monde.
"...Tout de suite, je le ferai. Je vais vous donner votre réponse, je vais le faire."
Sora, Shiro, et Til. Et Chlammy et Fiel. Deux unités, cinq personnes- ils ont attendu dans le silence troublé seulement par la combustion de la Forge Sainte, ils ont attendu le début de la partie, l'arrivée de leur adversaire. Et à la fin...
... Une voix a murmuré à travers la porte.
"Whuh ?!"
Cela n'a pas été transmis par le système de communication, mais par les haut-parleurs externes. Cette chose est apparue dans les airs au-dessus de la salle, la lumière bleue des particules de son demi-mouvement à travers l'ancre suivant dans son sillage. Son corps argenté et fluide a atterri en soulevant une tempête de ferraille et de gravats comme un boulet de canon. C'était l'unité qu'ils avaient vue il y a six jours, avec une seule différence, mais quand même...
L'épave a soudainement répliqué en explosant, libérant un torrent d'âme fou. Elle lui répondit par une puissante imagerie qui lui vola momentanément sa conscience.
"Nous sommes en direct !! Vous avez la chanson du générique ? ! Prêt à décomposer les moments forts après que j'ai gagné ?!"
Sa main gauche a sorti l'épée ridiculement grande de son dos et l'a brandie devant les innombrables caméras. Il était prêt à déclarer la victoire à tout Hardenfell.
'''Il était au fond d'un petit trou, sombre et exigu. Veig connaissait la fille qui pleurait en regardant le ciel, seule. Il la connaissait bien... la fille incapable de voler, qui plus que quiconque admirait les oiseaux qui volaient si haut.'''
Aucun Nain n'aurait besoin de demander pourquoi. Car en effet...
'''Une fille paradoxale, elle savait qu'elle ne pouvait pas voler et pourtant elle levait les yeux au ciel... Elle pleurait même si elle avait abandonné... Le monde l'interrogeait avec des questions sans réponse - pourquoi elle avait fui, pourquoi elle n'avait pas essayé - puis lui demandait pourquoi elle pleurait... et la méprisait pour cela. Il l'a laissée dans ce trou... sans rien vouloir...'''
'''"C'est moi, le PUTAIN'D' chef d'Hardenfell !!!"'''
'''La fille solitaire... balançant son marteau à travers les larmes...... Il-'''
-il s'agissait, en fait, du plus grand de tous les Nains, doué d'un talent inégalé à cette époque... et de son chef-d'œuvre.
Veig a essayé de tendre la main... mais blam, l'explosion a secoué la grotte et l'a tiré de sa rêverie. Dès qu'il a jeté un coup d'oeil autour de lui, peut-être plus tôt, il a deviné ce qui se passait. Il grimaça et hurla d'impatience.
Sora et les autres n'avaient aucun moyen de savoir quel genre d'acclamations et de musique se produisaient à l'autre bout, mais...
"Quelle blague... Vous n'avez jamais eu personne là-dedans depuis le début ? C'était télécommandé... ?!"
"......Mmm ? Alors, c'est ici que ça se passe, c'est ça... ? Eh bien, je suppose que n'importe quel endroit fera l'affaire, hein... ?"
Maintenant que tu le dis, il n'y avait aucune règle qui disait que tu devais piloter la machine... si ? S'ils le contrôlaient depuis un cockpit à l'extérieur du cadre, ils pouvaient le balancer sans problème.
-sur place, ces mots résonnaient dans le vide, tandis que les personnes présentes ne disaient rien. L'air légèrement contrarié, il passe au système de communication - dirigeant la tête de son unité au loin - et change de vitesse.
Mais même si c'était télécommandé, ils devaient être connectés à leurs bras spirituels. Ce qui signifiait que faire exploser leur propre cadre si négligemment aurait des répercussions. Et en effet, le sol a tremblé avec une réaction en chaîne d'explosions l'une après l'autre dans toute la décharge.
"Tu crois vraiment que tu peux me battre avec ce genre de bêtises ? Tu te fous de ma gueule ?"
Les esprits générés ont dessiné des lignes de lumière comme si elles circulaient dans des circuits gravés sur la scène. Le circuit de lumière convergeait pour le montrer :
Alors que le blâme profondément déçu de Veig se faisait entendre, tout le monde devait admettre :
La véritable unité !
-Ouais...on dirait bien que c'est le cas...
Désireux de voir où se trouvait le vrai cockpit, Veig a suivi la lumière de l'esprit jusqu'à sa destination. Il s'est avéré qu'il se trouvait au centre de la scène tremblante, si loin que sa fonction zoom était tout juste suffisante pour le distinguer. Au sommet d'une plante particulièrement haute, ses yeux ont trouvé leur cible et se sont ouverts en grand. Il s'agissait d'une fille qu'il connaissait bien, debout sur le siège d'un cockpit ouvert.
Face à la machine de Veig, même Fiel était obligée de glousser devant l'infériorité de la sienne. Et puis il y avait celle contrôlée par Sora, Shiro et Til.
"Vous demandez pourquoi j'ai fui ce monde sanglant, n'est-ce pas... ? ...C'est une question stupide, en effet."
"...Et même toi, tu ne peux pas faire mieux que d'emprunter de la merde ? Si tu te moques de moi, je vais devoir t'écraser."
Mais c'est une fille qu'il ne connaissait pas qui lui a murmuré. Ses yeux, embrasés d'un feu inextinguible, regardaient sa machine au loin. La fille, avec un morceau de ferraille en forme de marteau dans sa main, a parlé comme si elle déposait une déclaration de guerre. De son cœur, elle a dit son âme... pas des faits objectifs, mais ses sentiments :
En effet...c'était "emprunté".
"C'est parce que je méprise ce monde, vraiment."
La machine de Lóni Drauvnir, d'il y a six mille ans, qui avait été exposée à la salle du chef. Une relique du passé. Déjà une antiquité. De plus, ils avaient retiré l'équipement offensif des épaules. Il n'était pas étonnant que Veig les regarde avec dépit et désillusion. Personne ne pouvait réfuter que leur unité était inférieure à celle de Veig. Non, ils ne pouvaient pas le réfuter... ils ne pouvaient pas faire ça. Cependant !
'''"Qui êtes-vous pour parler ?! Vous croyez que c'est nous qui déconnons ?!"'''
Ils pouvaient le réfuter !!
Sora parlait pour Shiro et Til dans le cockpit avec lui - ainsi que Chlammy et Fiel sur le lieu de l'événement - et probablement même Jibril, qui regardait :
'''"Vous ne vous souciez même pas de savoir s'il est vivant maintenant ?! Pourquoi tu nous racontes des conneries depuis un robot à gros cul ? T'as perdu la tête ?!"'''
La seule différence avec l'unité qu'ils avaient vue l'autre jour était qu'ils se balançaient d'une manière agaçante et saine. Les visages de tous se tordaient de dégoût devant ces gros seins qui semblaient avoir été simplement boulonnés. Cependant-
"Hff... Inspiré par ces beaux seins bruts, j'ai trouvé un moyen d'atteindre des sommets encore plus élevés, et vous ne pouvez toujours pas l'apprécier... ? C'est quoi votre problème ? Vous êtes de ceux-là ? Un pauvre type qui ne reconnaît pas l'art quand il le voit ?"
"Vous pensez que les seins qui gigotent sont de l'art ?! Hé, cessez de les pousser vers le haut ! Arrête de les pousser vers l'avant ! Arrêtez de vous tortiller !!"
Sans se décourager, Veig a exhibé ses puissants seins. Incapable de le supporter, Sora s'est serré la tête.
"...Regarde. C'est comme les genres de jeux. Quand vous vous spécialisez comme ça, vous limitez le public... Et quand vous êtes tellement spécialisé que ce que vous regardez est plus étroit qu'une tête d'épingle, vous devez vraiment élargir votre point de vue et penser comme l'homme de la rue... '''Au moins façonnez le mécha entier comme une femme, voulez-vous ?!'''"
Quant à ce qui le faisait chier : Ce serait une chose si nous parlions d'un robot féminin comme dans Virtual-*n<ref>[https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_On Virtual On]</ref>, mais celui-ci n'était qu'un gros morceau de métal rebondissant avec d'énormes seins attachés à un cadre élégant.
...C'était quoi ce rebondissement ? Même le métal liquide ne devrait pas rebondir comme ça !!
"Qu'est-ce que tu veux de moi, gamin ? Je dois me battre avec cette chose ! Tu n'as pas le droit de le reconstruire. C'est contre les règles ! Les spécifications peuvent tolérer des modifications cosmétiques mineures comme celle-ci, alors je me suis arraché le cœur en faisant ce que je pouvais, vous savez ?!"
"Arrache-toi les tripes ! Pourquoi t'as collé ça sur un truc avec lequel tu allais te battre en premier lieu ?!"
Leur échange a continué à travers la ligne de communication, insupportable à écouter. Mais sur une note totalement différente...
"... C'est soixante secondes... avant le début du jeu... c'est..."
-... Til marmonne, de plus en plus mal à l'aise, et, en même temps...
...le son de la vapeur de la Forge Sainte remplit la salle, annonçant midi.
"...D'accord, alors - aucun changement dans les règles ou les jetons-"
Peu importe à qui il répondait, Veig a levé la main de son mécha et a continué.
"C'est fini si je casse tous vos noyaux, ou si vous cassez les miens... Au fait, il n'y a que des joueurs ? Si vous voulez autoriser de nouveaux challengers, vous devez le dire maintenant."
Veig a demandé d'un air autoritaire, sachant que Jibril n'était pas là.
Mais Sora, Shiro, et Til ont également levé la main de leur mécha et ont répondu.
"Eh bien, vous savez, nous n'avons pas beaucoup d'amis. Ceux qui sont ici sont tout le monde. Nous le garderons fermé aux nouveaux challengers."
"...Pas de magie, à part les armes spirituelles et les rites de scellement... Je ne peux pas l'utiliser de toute façon... Pas de problème."
"Pourquoi, nous sommes de si bons amis, je vais laisser passer ça même si c'est un sacré problème.♪"
L'accord de Fiel était dégoulinant de mécontentement tandis que Veig affichait un petit sourire en coin.
La torsion de ses lèvres s'entendait dans sa voix alors qu'il exposait le point principal avec un poids retentissant.
"Très bien, prêt pour la bagarre ? Voyez si vous pouvez me faire accepter votre âme."
Et c'est ainsi que les trois méchas et les six personnes dans les cockpits ont levé leurs mains et ont crié en chœur :
"Ha ! Niècey, tu es dans le coup, aussi... ? Tu n'as plus nulle part où aller, hein ?"
Veig, qui avait entendu la voix rocailleuse de Til, continua avec un rire jovial.
"Juste pour que tu saches : Je tiens mes promesses. N'attends pas de pitié de ma part."
Grâce aux catalyseurs, la sensation de Til, qui tenait son marteau d'une main tremblante, a fait son chemin jusqu'à Sora et Shiro.
...C'était le sentiment naturel de quelqu'un qui regarde vers le ciel malgré son incapacité à voler. Le tremblement de ses mains était celui de se jeter dans le vide, un mélange de peur et de malaise. Cependant, quand elle a réalisé qu'ils partageaient ses sentiments, le tremblement s'est légèrement atténué. Oui... ils ont ressenti la peur qui les a poussés à se concentrer au maximum. Til a également ressenti le malaise... et pour cette raison, elle s'est sentie remplie d'espoir.
"...Ho, bande d'idiots. Laissez-moi ajouter une autre règle. Vous devez me dire où vous avez touché pour activer la motivation de ma putain de nièce, d'accord ? Vous pourrez le faire après avoir perdu et être revenu à vous."
Le ricanement sauvage de Veig fut répondu par le feu et le soufre qui signalaient midi - la corne de la Forge Sacrée, annonçant le début de la partie. Simultanément, les amas de métal, amalgames de vérité et de mensonge, se heurtèrent et produisirent une explosion plus forte que la Forge elle-même.
== Partie 2 ==
== Partie 2 ==
À peine la flamme sacrée a-t-elle éclaté pour marquer le début de la partie que le golem de Chlammy et Fiel a fait demi-tour et a disparu dans les ruines. L'unité contrôlée par Sora et Shiro a également fui sans la moindre hésitation. Les caractéristiques de Veig étaient inconnues, mais clairement supérieures aux leurs. Et en plus de ça, le pilote était Veig. Un combat rapproché était hors de question. Par conséquent, Sora et Shiro ont opté pour la tactique du tir de projectiles à moyenne et longue portée, mais...
Til’s voice, resolute, was yet like her limbs…jittery. She couldn’t help but tremble, because of what she saw down there from the open cockpit—Veig standing there in the venue that still quaked from the blasts—and because of the sparkling hammer in her right hand. Regardless—
"Mmm... Bon, je vais vérifier... si vous me prenez vraiment pour un imbécile. Vous pouvez esquiver ça, n'est-ce pas ?"
“Don’t worry. We’ll blast off with you. We promised, didn’t we?”
La voix est sortie de l'unité qui les observait tranquillement à 400 mètres de distance.
“…Brother…always…keeps, his promises… Trust us, okay?”
Et puis, quelque chose a volé devant leurs yeux, alors qu'avant même que leurs cerveaux ne puissent le traiter, Sora et Shiro, et même Til... ont perçu une seule chose. C'était aussi incohérent que si plusieurs secondes avaient été perdues dans leur mémoire. C'était trop soudain. L'unité de Veig était censée être à quatre cents mètres de là - et maintenant elle était devant leurs yeux, levant son épée géante débordante de lumière. Tout ce qu'ils percevaient était le froid, la chair de poule qui se levait sur leur peau en sachant que leur unité était sur le point d'être fendue de la tête aux pieds...
—Sora’s and Shiro’s voices intoned from the seat in front of her, joyful but firm. And Til felt them holding her left hand tight. She broke into a smile to realize her trembling had somehow stopped…and she continued with her eyes fixed straight ahead on Veig’s machine, all the way through to the man inside.
“…I hate this country. I hate Hardenfell, I do.”
...la compréhension de Sora a juste réussi à rattraper son retard : Veig avait lancé son épée et s'en était servi comme d'une ancre pour se téléporter devant eux... alors que Veig saisissait sa poignée dans la main gauche de son unité. Mais le comprendre n'était pas suffisant pour l'éviter. Sora ne pouvait même pas bouger. Il est resté assis là, à regarder la lame s'abattre avec tout l'esprit de Veig, toute son âme... Un éclair suffisant pour détruire leur Mech et faucher leurs âmes avec... Cela aurait dû signifier la mort instantanée. Mais en accord avec les règles et les conventions, les dommages ont convergé vers le coeur de Sora, Shiro et Til... Oui...
She reaffirmed her feelings—her belief. This arrogant world told her not to run. This
oppressive world told her not to be ashamed. Til looked up at its tireless way of life and sneered at it.
Le coup a attaqué leurs noyaux synchronisés, et ils ont crié...
“I love the sky, I do… In this country…the sky is closed off, it is.”
The cave’s ceiling reminded her; lost and confused, she’d ended up in this dump before she knew it, and the world asked her, Why did you run? Now, Til knew the feeling of a hand in hers. Now, she knew another world—that of those two. Now, she could say it:
'''La prochaine chose que Sora vit, ce fut une colline, où une brise agréable soufflait.'''
Ah…there never was a place for me here.
'''"... Maître. Pourquoi... pourquoi avez-vous choisi de fuir... ?"'''
—Screw this place—!!
'''Jibril se tenait devant lui, les pics montagneux de sa poitrine se balançant.'''
'''"Ma chair est vôtre... et pourtant vous ne l'avez pas une seule fois enfoncée dans vos mains."'''
“I also hate the chieftain of this country. I hate you, I do…!”
'''-Quoi... ? Hum, ce n'est pas tant fuir que se retenir désespérément.'''
The hammer sparkled ever brighter as Til’s words spilled out uncontrollably, with the pain that burned her up. What came back was a lonely, sorrowful chuckle. Til ground her teeth.
'''"Pourquoi cela, Maître ? Ma chair n'est-elle pas digne de votre usage ?"'''
…She’d known—no, she’d had a hunch—that he’d say that. What he was saying. As if it was everything—
'''-Euh... pourquoi ? P-parce que ma soeur Shiro est ici, et...'''
'''“I hate that…how everything’s just as you expected… I hate iiit!!”'''
'''Ses yeux erraient à la recherche d'une excuse pour ne pas embrasser les seins massifs de la Jibril en larmes... mais ce qu'ils trouvèrent, c'est la Loli Shiro aux gros seins qui souriait à côté de lui, lui donnant le feu vert avec son pouce tourné.'''
Her voice impulsively swelled with the pain that only grew:
'''"Est-ce parce que tu manques de confiance en tant qu'homme que tu fuis ma richesse ?"'''
'''“I hate how you act like you’re so great, I do! I hate even more that you actually are, I do!!”'''
'''-Quoi... Uh ? Est-ce que j'ai... fui... ?'''
The dam had burst, and her feelings could no longer be contained.
'''"Maître... les nichons ne sont pas menaçants. S'il vous plaît, rassemblez votre courage et surmontez votre peur..."'''
“I hate how you advertise yourself as a genius, I do! I hate how I can’t argue because you actually are a genius, I do!! I hate how you look down on me, I do! I hate so much that it’s only natural because you’re above me, I do!! I hate how you’re so hairy!! You shaved too much, you say?! So what? Are you trying to rub it in? I wish you’d go to hell, I do!! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you—U-Uncle, you’re a pervert!! I hate you very, very, veeery much, I do!!”
'''Oh... OK, je crois que j'ai peut-être fui, je veux dire...'''
«Whoa!! Come on, stop already or I’m really gonna cry! Goddamn!»
'''Sora a tendu le bras pour répondre à sa demande de pétrissage de sa poitrine généreuse. Après tout, refuser une telle demande dans ces circonstances serait une honte pour un garçon. Si sa sœur aux gros seins, Shiro, disait que c'était d'accord, alors il ne devrait avoir aucune raison de se retenir ! Et donc, ah... si le bonheur avait une forme, ce ne pourrait être que la forme de cette sensation !'''
The momentum had flushed out everything Til wanted to say. Inattentive to the tearful begging over the comm system, Til caught her breath. As the shaking of the stage and the sparkling of her hammer and her pain all grew in speed, she wiped her tears. With a sharp, firm voice, she mulled over her words carefully and gave her answer:
'''"...Nii... Les seins... sont faux... Réveille...toi !"'''
“I hate you. That’s why I run. If that’s not enough for you to understand—”
'''Alors que Sora massait son bonheur anormalement doux, il a entendu une voix lointaine. Oui... d'un endroit très éloigné, une voix qui n'était pas celle de la fausse soeur à ses côtés !'''
Then in the spirit of the game:
“—I’ll sock it to you like this—and then I think you will understand, I do.”
C'est vrai, un faux est un faux... Il ne pourra jamais être comparé à la vraie Shiro- !!
Yes—seeing behind her eyelids the place the feeling of those two had taken her as they held her left hand, that black sky with a white bird, Til laid down the gauntlet sonorously.
Avec une ferme résolution, Sora s'est échappé de l'illusion et a retourné sa conscience dans le cockpit où la vrai Shiro l'attendait...
“I fled to win—to honor my promise, I did.”
"Qu... ? ! Heyyy, Shiro ! Pour un frère, presser les énormes seins de sa soeur de 11 ans, n'est-ce pas la cause d'un verdict de culpabilité unanime ?"
…A tactical withdrawal was made when one had a chance of victory… She had been just lost, but now it would be redefined—no. Each time another explosion went off, the spirits converged into her hammer, and it was that pain.
[[Image:NGNL V10 11.jpg|thumb]]
And now it had been redefined—!!
...et se lamenta sur son crime, réalisant que le bonheur illusoire qu'il avait éprouvé était la sensation de Shiro augmenté en mammouth sur ses genoux. Sora s'est éloigné en paniquant, mais... Non, tu ne peux pas !! Shiro a rapidement serré sa main. Pétrissant sa grosse poitrine avec la main de Sora comme si elle voulait ajouter à sa phrase, elle lui a dit.
That pain had turned her conviction into that of the past. Til savagely swung her hammer as she—
"...Les faux seins sont supérieurs ! Les faux seins...sont des rembourrages... !! Ce qui signifie... que tu peux les toucher et les écraser... tu peux faire n'importe quoi... et c'est bon ! Y a-t-il quelque chose de mal... à toucher... un ballon de baudruche dans la poitrine ? !"
—bellowed forth her soul with the stirring of a power beyond all normal conception throughout the venue.
'''“I fled for the sake of this day, when I’d surpass you, I diiid!!”'''
......Huh ? Maintenant que tu le dis...
Au moment où Sora commençait à être convaincue...
"M-messieurs.. M'dame ! ! L-le contrôle... Nous sommes désynchronisés, nous le sommes ! !"
Til, également amélioré au niveau thoracique, hurla par-dessus les gémissements de Shiro, ce dont Sora fut reconnaissante.
"Reprends tes esprits, Shiro ! Un frère qui enfonce un ballon dans la poitrine de sa petite sœur et le serre en disant "C'est bon, c'est juste un ballon, gweh-heh-heh" est sérieusement atteint dans sa tête ! Et de toute façon, les gens ne vont pas voir ça d'un bon œil, tu sais ?!"
Sora agrippa le joystick profondément fissuré et hurla alors qu'une vision remplissait sa vision nouvellement récupérée - la vision laissée par Veig, désormais lointaine. Shiro et Til, eux aussi, ont blanchi et dégluti.
La lame de Veig avait commencé à s'enfoncer dans la poitrine de l'unité de Sora et Shiro, avant qu'ils ne la secouent. Son coup avait activé "l'essence de gros seins" de l'épée - son réécriture conceptuelle - et brisé le tas de ferraille qui les entourait. Mais ce n'est pas sa force brute qui les a fait trembler. C'était Veig lui-même, qui avait produit ce spectacle. Les statues qui roulaient aux pieds de Veig, même les statues de petites filles qui semblaient avoir été mises de côté, montraient toutes des seins proéminents. C'était un pervers.
"Tch, tu refuses mes seins idéaux. Pointilleux, pointilleux... Tu te prends pour qui, le puceau ?"
"Je sais qui vous êtes si vous vous acharnez à dire que même les statues doivent toutes avoir de gros seins. Vous êtes un pervers !"
Sora a hurlé au nom de tous, horrifié par Veig. Puis-
-...tous les trois frissonnèrent : C'est comme prévu, mais quel jeu redoutable.
...Les dégâts ont convergé vers les noyaux - oui, les noyaux qui synchronisaient leurs âmes avec l'orichalque. Ainsi, ils ont littéralement écrasé leurs âmes l'une contre l'autre, et si la sienne l'emportait sur la leur, elle empiétait sur la sienne comme elle venait de le faire.
Et si leurs cœurs se brisaient, tout comme leurs manettes se fissuraient maintenant, leurs noyaux s'effriteraient... Ah... En effet, c'était une collision d'âmes... ! Le cadre était sûr ; il ne se briserait pas. Mais un faux pas, et les gros seins régneraient en maîtres, statues et tout ! !!
... Ils devaient réfléchir un peu pour savoir s'ils préféraient franchir cette ligne ou mourir... !!
"...Hff... Qui l'aurait cru... ?"
L'unité de Sora et Shiro se préparait avec une terreur non dissimulée. Mais Veig, qui leur faisait face, semblait plus intéressé par ce dernier moment impensable, qu'il racontait avec un plaisir sincère. Oui-
"Tout d'abord, que ma foutue nièce soit aussi pleine d'esprit que moi... Qui l'eût cru ?"
Oui- L'unité de Shiro et Sora était un chef d'œuvre d'un talent passé et du seul rival de Veig, Lóni Drauvnir. Même sans "l'essence de gros seins", personne n'aurait pu le déplacer à part Veig. De plus :
"Et tu as démultiplié cette grande chose et cette puissance de feu ! Qui l'aurait cru ?"
En effet, tout comme Veig l'avait fait un peu plus tôt, ils avaient eux aussi utilisé un demi-tour pour s'esquiver derrière lui. Et immédiatement après, la Gatling dans les bras de leur unité avait déclenché un torrent de tirs de suppression qui avait traversé les ruines, transpercé le mécha de Veig et l'avait arrêté dans son élan. Un barrage aussi puissant aurait dû être impossible sans des esprits d'une ampleur similaire à celle de Veig.
"Mais ce que je n'aurais jamais pensé..."
Veig a nommé ce qui était encore plus impensable, sa voix étant teintée à la fois de jubilation et de férocité.
"- c'est que tu m'esquiverais sans pouvoir réagir, et que tu couperais ma poursuite. Comment t'as fait ça, bordel ?"
En effet. Ni Sora, ni Shiro, ni même Til n'étaient capables de réagir aux manœuvres de Veig. En plus de cela, ils n'ont pas réussi à esquiver complètement sa frappe et se sont perdus dans une illusion pendant plusieurs secondes. Donc, en regardant toute cette série d'événements...
-Quel était leur truc pour réussir à faire ça sans pouvoir réagir ou même être conscient, demanda la voix ?
"Ha-ha, quelque chose d'impossible dans un jeu ? Il doit y avoir quelqu'un qui triche, évidemment. ♪"
"...Si vous pouvez trouver...l'astuce...alors essayez...de la trouver...♪"En effet, tout comme Veig l'avait fait un peu plus tôt, ils avaient eux aussi utilisé un demi-tour pour s'esquiver derrière lui. Et immédiatement après, la Gatling dans les bras de leur unité avait déclenché un torrent de tirs de suppression qui avait traversé les ruines, transpercé le mécha de Veig et l'avait arrêté dans son élan. Un barrage aussi puissant aurait dû être impossible sans des esprits d'une ampleur similaire à celle de Veig.
"Mais ce que je n'aurais jamais pensé..."
Veig a nommé ce qui était encore plus impensable, sa voix étant teintée à la fois de jubilation et de férocité.
"- c'est que tu m'esquiverais sans pouvoir réagir, et que tu couperais ma poursuite. Comment t'as fait ça, bordel ?"
En effet. Ni Sora, ni Shiro, ni même Til n'étaient capables de réagir aux manœuvres de Veig. En plus de cela, ils n'ont pas réussi à esquiver complètement sa frappe et se sont perdus dans une illusion pendant plusieurs secondes. Donc, en regardant toute cette série d'événements...
-Quel était leur truc pour réussir à faire ça sans pouvoir réagir ou même être conscient, demanda la voix ?
"Ha-ha, quelque chose d'impossible dans un jeu ? Il doit y avoir quelqu'un qui triche, évidemment. ♪"
"...Si vous pouvez trouver...l'astuce...alors essayez...de la trouver...♪"
"Euh, hum ! Je ne devrais pas vous faire remarquer que vous êtes tous les deux en sueur ?!"
Til a inutilement ruiné le numéro de dur à cuire de Sora et Shiro.
"Ha !! Le jeu est lancé... Tu ferais mieux de ne pas sortir le chat du sac trop facilement et me laisser tomber."
Veig prit une position de combat suite à cette déclaration audacieuse, et l'atmosphère devint de nouveau tendue.
En effet... parmi les choses que Veig "n'avait jamais pensé"-
-...c'était qu'ils ne seraient pas du tout capables d'esquiver...
La nouvelle tension était claire : comme il l'avait dit, ce n'était qu'un essai. Bien sûr qu'ils devraient être capables d'esquiver ça. Maintenant, les choses allaient devenir réelles. Veig s'est à nouveau jeté sur eux.
"Mais d'abord..."
-ou du moins c'est ce qu'il a fait croire, sans la moindre hésitation-
"Tu pensais que je n'allais pas comprendre, espèce de gros tas ? Tu crois que je suis stupide ?! Tu le crois ?!"
-Il a balancé le poing gauche de son mécha avec tout le poids de l'unité, rugissant à l'improviste. Comment a-t-il pu comprendre ?
Le projectile provenait de plus de sept mille mètres de distance, à une vitesse magique proche de celle de la lumière, du puissant canon hissé à l'arrière de l'unité de Chlammy et Fiel, qui s'étaient cachés immédiatement après le début du jeu. Ils avaient utilisé ce bazooka surdimensionné pour l'abattre au moment où il avait baissé sa garde. Il n'aurait jamais pu être capable de sentir leur balle magique. Mais d'une manière ou d'une autre, il a dû avoir un pressentiment. Voyant sa trajectoire aussi claire que le jour, il l'a abattu avec son poing.
Une poigne de fer interceptant les munitions. Une collision - un flash. Une onde de choc rugissante. Après avoir détruit toutes les ruines qui l'entouraient, Veig se tenait calmement sur place...
"...Oh, je vois... Tout ce temps... J'étais un mangeur de déchets qui ne valait pas la peine de vivre..."
-et laissa ces mots mélancoliques se répandre sur la ligne de communication... Mais ce n'était que momentané.
"-Hey, bon sang, tête de nœud ! Mais qu'est-ce que tu fais ? Tu m'as presque rendu dépressif pendant une seconde. C'est quoi ce bordel ?!"
Il se ressaisit juste à temps pour esquiver le deuxième tir. Une autre voix répondit au cri clair de peur et de détresse de Veig.
"Qu'est-ce que je fais ? Je ne fais que te frapper avec mon âme, en exprimant mes penchants comme prévu.♥"
La transmission de Fiel, alors que son unité disparaissait une fois de plus, donna un nouveau frisson à Sora, Shiro et Til.
Oui... ce... ce jeu redoutable... C'était vraiment un choc des âmes. Et donc... !
Ce que Fiel exprimait, alors qu'elle entraînait momentanément Veig au fond du trou...
"Je ne peux tout simplement pas vous supporter, bande de taupes.♥Vous me prenez à la légère !"
-était un rejet profond, pur et simple, une répulsion instinctive... Qu'est-ce que Veig a vu et pensé en particulier ? Ils ne le savaient pas.
"Tes goûts ne sont-ils pas un peu démesurés, sorcière ?! Si je perds, on dirait que je vais faire une dépression nerveuse !"
"Pourquoi, ce serait merveilleux. J'avais l'intention de te commaaaander de le faire après ma victoire de toute façoooon.♥"
Mais Veig tremblait et hurlait contre cette âme si intense qu'elle l'avait plongé dans le dégoût de soi jusqu'à ce que...
...soudain, il jeta un coup d'œil autour de lui et leva les yeux.
"...Huh. Je suppose que j'aurais dû m'y attendre."
Sora, Shiro et le mécha de Til avaient disparu, tandis que Fiel, elle, savait toujours où se trouvait Veig.
"...J'ai dit que vous pouviez venir me voir avec autant de machines que vous le souhaitiez, et je n'ai jamais dit que vous ne pouviez pas vous mêler du lieu, non plus, n'est-ce pas ? Donc si vous dites que le lieu est un secret jusqu'à juste avant, alors oui..."
Sora, Shiro et Til ont tous eu des frissons en entendant Veig mettre le doigt sur leur plan si facilement.
Oui, ils avaient pu esquiver sa première attaque parce qu'ils avaient planté des ancres de téléportation à l'avance. Pour l'instant, ils ont rechargé avec des munitions qu'ils avaient également semées.
"Je suppose que la scène elle-même est votre machine - votre terrain de chasse, hein ? Ha..."
Mais ils étaient bien conscients qu'il avait l'intuition de lire aussi loin. Donc ils ont eu des frissons pas seulement parce qu'il avait révélé un de leurs trucs...
"...Vous êtes bien au-dessus de votre tête en me traitant de proie..."
...C'était parce qu'ils avaient eu la nette illusion de voir son ricanement à dents de sabre pendant qu'il parlait.
== Partie 3 ==
== Partie 3 ==
En effet, il n'y a aucune règle qui dit que vous ne pouvez pas préparer le champ de bataille. Rien n'interdisait non plus aux joueurs, comme Chlammy et Fiel, de regarder dans leur cockpit la retransmission des mouvements de leurs ennemis, qui était si utile à Hardenfell. C'est ainsi que Chlammy et Fiel ont observé le combat de Sora, Shiro et Til contre Veig. Le golem était dissimulé dans l'ombre des ruines, sa propulsion désactivée pour éviter la détection des esprits. Mais ses habitants fronçaient les sourcils.
It was a power that all feared instinctively. The memories sleeping deep in their blood awakened. An outrageous power of a whole different rank, a whole different status, a whole different order of magnitude—quite literally a different level. The future brought on in the next few moments by this power beyond reason didn’t take someone like Veig to foresee. It was a strike from the heavens that sneered at every one of heaven’s gifts crawling atop the earth, judging them likewise of null value. No one could mistake that power. It was
Ils ne pourraient jamais avoir une chance en termes de spécifications de la machine ou de capacité de combat. Ainsi, lorsqu'ils ont gravé les rites sur leur machine, ils ne se sont pas du tout souciés des spécifications. Ils ont tout mis dans une arme hors norme, un fusil de précision spécialisé dans la puissance brute des projectiles. Un canon magique : un canon dans lequel Fiel a mis tous ses esprits pour qu'il puisse tirer avec la plus grande force possible. Combiné à sa haine indéfectible, Fiel savait que son âme puissante était suffisante pour vaincre Veig. Ces deux atouts se sont avérés efficaces pour empiéter sur Veig. Oui, comme prévu dans leur accord avec Sora et Shiro, ils avaient de nombreuses chances de gagner. Tout se passait comme prévu. Et c'est pour cette raison que Chlammy et Fiel ont maudit l'écran en silence :
a Heavenly Smite……
Espèces de petites merdes insensées...
“Hey, whoaaa! I thought the Flügel wasn’t—hey, isn’t that against the rules?!”
C'était des conneries. C'était une absurdité qu'ils pouvaient prévoir mais pas comprendre. Par exemple...
From his machine—his cockpit—Veig screeched, blanching. Someone who wasn’t in the game—with magic that wasn’t even a seal rite!! His one eye searched in a panic for the Flügel, but in the next moment—
"Ha !! C'est un tir puissant que tu as là, mais ton âme est légère comme une plume !!"
—he realized that the center of the crawling power…was Til’s hammer. And his one eye was opened by the roar over the comm system and the unheard-of shock that followed… Yes:
-Veig était là, en train de se métamorphoser, utilisant l'épée qu'il avait plantée dans le plafond comme un éclair en guise d'ancre. Puis il transformait son épée géante en d'innombrables lames incurvées qui traçaient d'innombrables arcs dans l'air. Les lames se déplaçaient dans tous les sens et volaient dans tous les coins et recoins des ruines. Des conneries.
'''«Ultra-large-scale spirit-arm expansion—connect all!! Ariiiise!!!»'''
Ou, par exemple-
Til’s face wrenched in agony as she brought down the hammer. There was a flash as it bore through the cockpit…and through the plant below. With that, there came a moment of silence to the blast-stricken venue. And then…
"Tu peux gratter mon armature, mais tu n'me toucheras pas ! Je n'entends pas ton âme !"
-Sora et Shiro esquivaient les innombrables lames qui volaient trop vite pour être suivies à l'œil nu. Veig utilisait les lames comme ancres pour se démultiplier, et bien que Sora et Shiro n'auraient pas dû être capables d'identifier quelle ancre ou comment réagir...
…a vertical oscillation unlike anything that had gone before tossed them. A heavy shock came from behind Veig. He dodged instinctively on the spot, but from the mass of metal that had only grazed him flowed a tempestuous soul.
"Eh bien oui, si tu vas crier que tu n'acceptes que des seins uniformément énormes, on ne peut pas s'empêcher de plaisanter !"
"...Nii... ! Avant, tu blaguais... tu te déplaçais... !"
'''A girl who wanted to imagine things that could not be imagined. A girl who wanted to fly though by no effort could she fly. Saying she could do nothing, she chased the bird in the sky for which there was nothing to do…'''
-... ils l'ont en quelque sorte identifié et ont en quelque sorte réagi. Hurlant un cri de guerre féroce, ils ont fait pleuvoir des balles sur leur adversaire comme s'ils avaient su qu'il apparaîtrait derrière eux.
'''They said she was just running. They mocked that it was impossible. Her soul…'''
Comment de telles conneries ont-elles réussi à le toucher ? Même la balle magique à vitesse quasi-légère du sniper de Chlammy et Fiel, bien qu'elle l'ait touché lorsqu'il avait baissé sa garde, avait été esquivée la deuxième fois-
«I…knew it! …I knew it!! Better than anyone, I did…!!»
"Tu le savais ? ! Ton goût pour les seins correspond à la taille de ta confiance en toi, chaton pleurnichard !"
The transmission helped Veig crawl back to reality. But another—no, ten more—no, a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand—innumerable storms of metal whipped through the stage and assaulted his unit like squalls.
"C'est vrai ? Alors tu es un connard trop sûre de lui !! Apprends un peu d'humilité, petit homme !"
Just scraps, they hadn’t much in the way of force or even speed. But every time the fierce soul contained in them scratched by his frame, it left residue. As Til’s voice, wheezing in agony, continued to come through, it pounded at Veig’s will, hard, so hard—
"Ngrah ! Hey, je ne suis pas petit ! J'ai un paquet !! C'est toi qui es petit !"
«So…you wanted me to live like you…? Fa-kew!!»
"Je voulais dire petit comme dans petit esprit ! Tu dis que mon truc est petit ? ! C'est... c'est même pas vrai !"
To live like them. Like a Dwarf. Without giving up. Without going astray or tiring. To try to overcome natural gifts. To live without shame or retreat. Indeed… Putting themselves on pedestals, though they couldn’t overcome Veig!! Looking as if they understood, talking as if they knew!! They’d called her rubbish, and then!! They’d all said it. They’d basically said this…
Ils ont facilement repéré les positions et les moments où Veig ne pourrait pas s'esquiver. Veig a fini par arriver derrière le bâtiment dans le dos de Sora et Shiro et l'a coupé en deux.
—Everyone else is doing it, so you should, too.
"Ha ! Seul un petit homme ne peut pas répondre par "C'est grand" !!!
—You can dream you’ll be rewarded. Just do it—
"...Nii... ! ...Même, si... il a raison... ne l'écoute pas !"
—just shut up and do your work!!—
"Hé, Shiro, arrête les tirs amicaux ! Il ne sait pas de quoi ton frère est capable, mais on ne veut pas qu'il le sache !"
«I don’t like a world that tells me what to do… I hate it, I do!!»
Comment ont-ils esquivé ça ? Ils n'ont pas pu le voir. Ils n'ont pas pu réagir. Même Sora et Shiro n'étaient que des humains !!! Chlammy a finalement laissé échapper un souffle. Le plus incompréhensible est ce que Sora a dit quand le poing de Veig a traversé le bâtiment en ruine, un instant trop tard pour l'esquiver, et que l'unité de Sora s'est déplacée juste au moment de la connexion.
I’ll never give in…
"-Pshhhh, pas de sueur !!! Sors d'ici, espèce de fasciste des gros seins !"
I’ll overcome the chieftain and destroy those dictates—!!
"Moi, moi aussi ! Je n'ai pas encore fini, je ne l'ai pas... Je vais bien, je le suis !!"
I’ll use measuring instruments and Elven theory. I’ll use anything to find a different way!
-Comment peuvent-ils endurer ça ? Comment peuvent-ils rester si fermes dans leur rejet des gros seins ? ! Mon cœur se serait réduit en poussière au tout premier coup ! !
I’ll show him… So she thought…
Leur résistance résolue contre l'âme de Veig était la plus grande connerie contre laquelle Chlammy hurlait intérieurement.
«But…no matter what I did…I just…couldn’t find anything!!»
C'est inconcevable. C'est bizarre. Et ce ne sont que de simples Immanités ? De simples humains ?! Ils ne peuvent pas être humains. Des humains normaux—
Just piling up failures. Bathed in error, lost, confused, making one mistake after another. At last surrendering to a false resignation, as paradoxical as ever. Unable to say anything in return… At some point…she came to think she’d forgotten those feelings, and just wandered, pathetically.
"...Nii... Pourquoi, tu renies, mes seins... ?"
«…But—hee-hee… Now I know what to say—I do…»
"Redis-moi ça ? C'était quoi ça, Shiro ?"
Weeping, sobbing, yet the two souls grinned. At last Veig realized the true nature of the maelstrom of metal pounding his unit. And for the first time in his life, he said, It couldn’t be—he doubted his own intuition.
-Oui... Les humains normaux devraient se comporter comme ça. La voix triste de Shiro, qui avait cédé sous les chuchotements de Veig, résonnait dans l'esprit de Chlammy.
“……Hey… Ho. I must be hallucinating, ain’t I?”
-Oh...j'ai failli oublier. Chlammy sourit alors que Fi redémarrait son unité au même moment. C'est vrai... Sora et Shiro ne sont que des humains. De simples humains, qui s'égarent et échouent. Chlammy fut donc soulagée d'entendre Shiro confronter son frère à l'ultime question.
He saw the whirlwind of metal converging. Not the ground shaking, but the stage moving. Not the metal flying, but just gathering. The parts, the catalysts were joining and coupling and assembling. The majestic waste disposal site was rising as one. The stage itself was wakening—and standing up. That was his impression. It was confirmed by Til’s announcement to everyone watching in Hardenfell, I’ll tell you, and the thing that towered before his eyes—a thing inconceivably gargantuan.
"...Mon frère, tu es un lolicon... Tu les aimes, lisses et plats... Mais quand je grandirai et que mes seins pousseront... est-ce que tu ne m'aimeras plus ? Est-ce que tu vas... m'abandonner... ?!"
«You forge ahead without shame…as you will—but I, too…will do as I will, I will!!»
La question de : Que ferez-vous quand elle ne sera plus une Loli ? Oui, la question fatidique du lolicon. L'ultime question. Cependant...
She’d led a life of shame—failing, contradicting herself, getting lost without end. Today, this moment, was what it had all been for, and for that she was proud. She trumpeted to all the world that had rejected her, just as they were taught:
"Combien de fois dois-je le dire ?! Je ne suis pas un lolicon ! En plus ! Tu peux faire pousser de gros seins, ou devenir vieille et ridée, ou même te transformer en homme !!! Rien ne pourrait faire que ton grand frère ne t'aime pas ! ...'''Hé, tu pleures ?!'''"
'''«Shut up!! Your stupid world can eat shit, it can!! Pft!»'''
...contrairement à Sora, Chlammy comprenait ce qui se passait dans le cœur de Shiro comme si c'était le sien.
Having asserted her freedom to rebel, the girl crumpled. The siblings embraced her and kept her from falling. Veig gaped at last.
Oui, Shiro avait été touché par l'âme de Veig et était juste temporairement conditionné par elle. Ses mots n'étaient pas les siens... et pourtant ils n'étaient pas non plus totalement insincères... Sora était alarmé car il le sentait. De plus-
It wasn’t from finally observing the giant object towering over him. It was the girl held by the siblings in the now-empty cockpit at the top…the girl weeping tears of heartfelt joy that she was not alone—a girl beyond his knowledge, who looked down at a bird from heights beyond its knowledge…with a dazzling smile…beyond all knowledge.
"Euh, excusez-m-moi, le chef ! Le chef arrive, il arriiiiive !"
«…Uncle, did you…ever imagine…this…?»
-Chlammy a mis Veig dans le viseur pour qu'ils puissent suivre l'attaque de Sora et Shiro. C'est vrai... le faux était faux. Quoi que vous fassiez, c'était la même chose que les rembourrages.
She asked him whether this was a sight that effort and sensibility could get to—and that moment, a torrent of violence descended upon Veig’s unit…
Quels que soient leurs efforts, les faibles ne pourront jamais devenir les forts... et c'est pour ça : S'il était impossible d'effacer ce sentiment d'infériorité, si l'essence d'une personne était la même, qu'elle ait ou non de gros seins !!!
Au moment où elle appuya sur la gâchette, Chlammy, ayant momentanément compris Shiro, dépassa l'entendement de Sora.
À 820 mètres, l'unité qui s'était occultée même de la détection des esprits a tiré un coup qui a traversé des immeubles. À la vitesse de la lumière, l'inconnue, l'inévitable balle magique s'est précipitée vers l'avant. Mais encore une fois...
"-Ha !! Tu crois que ça va marcher deux fois ?! Putain de pervers !!"
-un seul autre que Chlammy a compris -ou plutôt, probablement juste eu l'intuition. Veig, ayant connu la trajectoire avant que le coup ne soit tiré, a bondi avant que la gâchette ne s'enfonce... et s'est échappé. Échappé à l'invincible. Mais Fiel répondit sans surprise à sa transmission paradoxale :
"Pourquoi, ouiii. Après touuuut, c'était une foiiiis.♥"
N'ayant pas connu l'inconnaissable, Veig ricana en retour, tout en...
"Aaargh ! Qui t'a donné la permission d'entrer dans notre lebensraum ?! Va-t'en, démon noir !"
"...Eegh ?! Ra-rapide, j'ai besoin d'un journal... ou d'une pantoufle... ou d'un insecticide... !"
"Je le savais, je l'ai dit ! Le chef est plus dégoûtant qu'un cafard, il est dégoûtant !!"
-Son évasion a permis à l'âme de Fiel d'atteindre Sora, Shiro et Til, empiétant sur la leur en un instant. Ils ont hurlé tandis que leur mitraillette rugissait.
...Leurs pensées temporairement imprégnées de l'âme de Fiel, les trois hommes ont fait pleuvoir les balles sur Veig. Il a crié avec la même terreur que l'explosion de Fiel, mais de façon plus critique...
"Saloooooope ! Espèce de maudite perverse ! A quel point tu me détestes ? !"
-Il a crié à cause de la douleur d'avoir été traité de pire qu'une de ces bêtes noires par sa nièce. Sans se décourager, Chlammy l'ignora et se retourna pour aller se cacher dans l'obscurité une fois de plus.
Quelle sorte de ruse Sora et Shiro utilisaient-ils pour rivaliser avec Veig ? Quoi que ce soit, Chlammy et Fiel ne pouvaient pas l'imiter. Donc ça n'avait pas d'importance. Si Sora et Shiro agissaient conformément à leur accord, Chlammy et Fiel n'avaient qu'à se montrer à la hauteur. En d'autres termes : l'exploiter et gagner !
"Nous prendrons le meilleur et laisserons le reste ! Tu seras le sacrifice pour mes grands rêves, Sora... !!"
== Partie 4 ==
== Partie 4 ==
Au fond d'un trou sombre à une petite distance de la salle, il y avait une fille qui regardait calmement via la diffusion la disparition de Chlammy dans l'obscurité des ruines, sa voix teintée de sanglots tragiques.
Neither Veig nor any of the Dwarves watching through all of Hardenfell had ever imagined it, most likely. However, aside from Dwarves…the three who were watching at Til’s hideout did not seem all that surprised. Their eyes still on the monitor, they spoke admiringly…
"...Hum... Donc, en gros... Laissez-moi passer en revue tout ça, d'accord ?"
“…Wow… A city can walk, can it…? Oh, is that also a spirit arm?”
C'était Steph, dans la cachette de Til, où Jibril surveillait le moniteur, serrant ses genoux. Emir-Eins avait amené Steph ici juste après le début du jeu, et Jibril lui avait expliqué les événements précédents. Emir-Eins a fixé ses yeux sur le moniteur, mais Steph a continué.
“To be more precise, it is a spirit-arm expansion connected to her hammer, on which she engraved my one-percent Heavenly Smite.”
"Sora et Shiro ont créé une drogue qui pousserait un autre pays à se vendre pour elle - un poison, en d'autres termes."
“Observation: Height 9,700 meters. Length 74,200 meters. Cannon count 982. Definition: High-maneuver fortress class. Evidence of brilliance of Master. Excessive. Zero maturity. This unit loves that part of him, too… Blush.”
"Espèce d'artefact archéologique ! Tu ne peux même pas suivre un ordre aussi simple de ton maître que de rester chez toi, n'est-ce pas ?"
Steph knew those siblings… She’d imagined they’d do something unimaginable. No, she’d known it. So she watched the screen with a sense of resignation, as a shadow desperately ran from the storm falling from the mountain of steel…
"On leur a donc proposé un jeu auquel ils n'avaient absolument pas besoin de jouer... et ils ont accepté. Ai-je raison ?"
== Partie 5 ==
"Lamentations : Menacé par une femme au nom inconnu. Critique. La priorité absolue de cette unité est de sécuriser le maître. Donc, évitement de la menace. Priorité sur le commandement. Flügel devrait être d'accord... Ce n'est pas ma faute."
At the venue, rain fell from the heap of scrap—torrential rain deep underground where there was no sky. Each drop sliced the wind, pierced the ground, and created a deeper depth below the bottom.
"-Excusez-moi, vous m'écoutez ?! Et j'ai un nom !"
“What a little man you are, Veig!! You talk big, but you’re the one who’s smaaaall!!”
Steph a haussé le ton à l'égard des deux personnes qui ne semblaient absolument pas intéressées par sa récapitulation. Marmonnant TL;DR à elle-même, elle est allée directement aux points principaux, criant comme elle a été sur les raisons pour lesquelles ils jouaient ce jeu inutile :
It was a hailstorm of scrap that accompanied the raucous laughter.
'''“Because they say they’ll only let friends run a tab?! And he said that he wouldn’t be friends with someone who didn’t like large breasts?! And this game is about whether women should have large breasts—?! That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard!”'''
“You called this stage our hunting grounds?! What puny thoughts—what a tiny imagination!! As would be expected from someone so small-minded as to only appreciate big boobs—ah, it’s a veritable microcosm of your life!!”
…If the people of Elkia got word of this, it would be past time for a coup d’état and they would be well on the road to a revolution. The people be damned—Steph had half a mind to start one herself! But Jibril and Emir-Eins just looked at her pityingly.
“…You said…we could use any machines…and do anything with the venue, didn’t you?♪”
“You are as reliable as ever, little Dora, in failing to see past the surfaces of things…”
Towering with a sneer on top was a giant mecha of junk—of the unwanted. Of unvalued failures and rejected scrap.
“Enigma: Woman of unknown name competent in politics and economics, extremely incompetent in similar games. Unsolvable. Fallback: Lack of comprehension of master identified. Not eligible for love. Resignation recommended.”
This was the gathering place for the things that might have not been mistakes. This was their home turf, they indicated with a sneer.
“I—I will do no such thing—and I said I have a name! It’s S—”
“Who’s gonna take the time to hunt their prey after they’ve already lured them in?”
Steph tried to change the subject, but Jibril interrupted her with a claim that made her gasp.
Sora uproariously exposed the truth that was now assaulting Veig.
“My masters have been called upon to settle with the tab of their old world.”
“If you’re gonna lure in your prey, obviously you’re gonna go straight to a trap, aren’t you, you scrub?!”
It was a cage, a trap. The junk itself, the venue itself, the soul of a girl who had patched failure to error itself—
Sora and Shiro’s past; their old world, before they came to Disboard. Steph couldn’t say she’d never thought about it. After all, how would she feel if she were suddenly thrown into another world…?
'''“Ladies and gentlemen—the venue itself is our machine!! How do you like that?!”'''
…She’d want to go home. At the very least, she’d feel regret and homesickness. But those two showed no such signs—they never spoke of it all. So Steph always wanted to ask about it. Those two-in-one siblings, who had even toyed with a god… And surely, this past they never spoke of, that of these two who could accomplish anything if they tried…
'''“…We of Blank call it…the Spirit of Mother Til…♪”'''
“Of all things, he asked them a most foolish question: Why did they flee? They simply took that as a challenge.”
It literally looked down on Veig, nine hundred seventy times his size. Sora and Shiro cackled, back at the reins for their big counterattack.
“—A…a most foolish question?”
—Come, O ye who declare yourselves infallible, those of the righteous world. Now our patchwork heap shall speak with iron and lightning and fire to test our Mother’s spirit. We shall now question the refuse that you have shorn away and discarded in your quest to forge. We ask: On what grounds did you reject us—?!
Steph was grateful to Jibril for cutting off her impertinent conjectures, but she did ask what was supposed to be so obvious. Jibril answered as if that very question were absurd.
“Personally, I’m not as into the NEXTs as the Arms Forts built by average schmucks to confront them.”
“In the first place, under what conditions can one say that one has ‘reconciled one’s past’?”
In fiction, raw size is destined to be overthrown.
“Truth: Our debts. Our sin. To reconcile. Does not change past events… Cannot.”
Which is how we know that reality is different!! Indeed—!!
“The past in which we killed each other, all the things which may have been wrong…all led to this day.”
'''“Raw mass is the secret to defeating genius, biiitch!! We haven’t designed this bullet hell with any place to hide! You trap ’em and smash ’em with sheer numbers! There’s no better tactic!! All you gotta do is win, baby, win!!”'''
“Acknowledgment: Accept past. Proceed. Lesson of Master to Ex Machina.”
In reality—overkill is all the better!!
Yes…Steph listened to those placid words, desperately holding back tears as she felt something well up in her chest.
Seated in the cockpit, Sora and Shiro controlled the massive body and filled the screen with projectiles.
These two were members of Flügel and Ex Machina…who, in fact, had each lost something irreplaceable at the other’s hands. A past too enormous for Steph, born after the Covenants, to presume to understand… Still feuding, still at odds, even so, here they accepted the past, acknowledged it—and allowed for it… They shared that same hope.
«The fock?! How’d you get such a crazy machine?!»
“And then to ask why my masters fled their past? It is as foolish as a question can be.”
Veig screeched as he just barely managed to demi-shift from one empty location to another.
“Conclusion: Masters accept their loss. Redundant explanation. Calculation probability—zero.”
«What kinda Dwarf has the power to run a barmy monster like that?!»
So. Hopefully. The two servants continued together.
Between that and the Heavenly Strike, Veig was sure now there were some spirits involved far outside the regulations. He raged at their perceived violation of the rules.
“Just as I can now accept my past as all for the sake of meeting my masters…”
……Ha. His opponents laughed in unison. They knew it: Dwarves were the perfect negative examples. After all, they were just half-right. Just as he guessed that the stage itself was their machine, but that wasn’t even close to enough. On Sora’s lap sat Shiro—and on her lap sat a girl whose face was scrunched in pain, but who still sneered with fearless irony—
“Vow: Masters fled in order to meet this unit. Past assigned meaning. Unit will assign.”
“Chieftain… You ask that now? I couldn’t even start up our first machine without boosting, I couldn’t.”
Their words were like prayers. At last a tear ran down Steph’s cheek. Then Jibril once more gestured to the monitor.
It seemed he had still overlooked the trick in Shiro’s arms. Yes, it was the murmuring of Til, the real trick, most impossible of all—
“From this perspective, the significance of this game is great indeed.”
“To begin with…I can’t even use magic without boosting, I can’t.”
«Enough of your bloody claptrap! You’re runnin’ from tits ’cos you ain’t got confidence, ain’t it?! Ain’t it that right?!»
«Shut up!! You scrubs who think any game that’s not a triple-A sucks can kiss my ass!!»
—that made Veig cry out in long-delayed recognition. Sora chuckled. Yes, a Dwarf so great as Veig probably couldn’t have imagined such a trick. Til, by nature, couldn’t even use magic, much less operate a supermassive spirit arm. For Til—
“……This…argument is over whether they like large bosoms…?”
The sentimentality-destroying repartee made short work of her tearful emotions. However:
Dwarves used catalysts because of the spiritual overload caused by their mithril—to synchronize externally. But Til didn’t have that mithril!! She wasn’t subject to such overload, or even load for that matter!! That was why she used boosting… Yes…the hidden truth that astonished Jibril when Til used her shift. Til couldn’t use magic without boosting. Conversely, that meant she could if she used boosting…
“Sigh: Explanation. Central point of contention of masters in this game is not value of large breasts.”
…It meant she could use boosting. For example: She could chain boost to boost on the chain reaction of explosions of the huge number of demi-shift anchors they’d planted, funnel the spirits into her hammer on which she’d engraved a Rite of Heavenly Smiting, and synchronize it into her body! With the vast amount of spirits thus summoned under her control, she could operate this leviathan assemblage of parts, this scrap on the stage on which she’d engraved seal rites…!!
“Oh, little Dora? Has my master ever said that he rejects large bosoms?”
… Yes, if a normal Dwarf tried this, they’d blow right up. It would be impossible and meaningless. Just as Til said, it would be as perverse an idea as building an underwater breathing apparatus for a fish. But for such an abnormal dwarf, it was both possible and essential. For Til—
Hearing the two, Steph looked back at the screen—That’s right!
The reactions of those invaded by the souls of Veig and Fiel were easy to recognize. However—what was the reaction from Sora’s and Shiro’s souls? Wait, in the first place…!
«Wha—? Wait, whoa— Niecey, don’t tell me yours still hasn’t growwwn?!»
“You’re right…!! In the first place—it’s not the case that Sora despises large breasts!”
“Heh…heh-heh, Ch-Chieftain…I’d like to see you burn in hell! I would…”
Yes, Sora was a lolicon. This was more indubitable than the existence of Tet. But Steph herself had almost forgotten that unforgettable day on which she had first met Sora—!!
Listening to their exchange, Sora, to be honest, was fairly sure by now this was not the case. But he still insisted: they had to be talking about beards!! So anyway—!
'''“He, uh, um…groped mine!”'''
“Heh, this is the difference in natural gifts… Bow before the absolute wall you cannot overcome, Veig!!”
Steph interpreted the racing of her heart and the heat in her cheeks as anger as she screamed out. Yes…Steph knew what kind of man he was: a virgin who would take what he could get, who would boldly announce that he was recording the goings-on in the bath for his own, shall we say, self-gratification! In that case, what, in the end, was his contention? Steph asked with a look. But—
«Fock!! How can a Dwarf’s body endure that shite? You wanna kill my fockin’ niece?!»
“……Goodness? That is news to me, Dora.”
The transmission to Sora roared full of naked rage. Understandable. One percent of Jibril’s power—the power to run a supermassive machine like that—was as reckless as pouring rocket fuel into an automobile. Therefore…
“Confirmation: Inferred to be boast regarding size of own chest. Also—”
“…Didn’t you say no mercy? A man’s word isn’t worth much these days, huh?”
—right then, two voices continued emotionlessly and instantly rendered Steph’s reddened face white.
“You intend to advertise that you have been used by my master, do you?♥”
…Sora saw that Veig was thinking of taking a bullet and losing the game for Til’s sake, and Sora stopped him, making a face. If Til died, it would probably spell death for Sora and Shiro, who were holding her, too. Til was barely conscious, but still she held firm to her hammer and smiled.
“Command: Disclose context of humblebrag immediately. Rejection not recommended. It will hurt.”
—Veig meant to lose intentionally.
—When he hasn’t even used me…?
This man didn’t seem to understand what a humiliation that would be—!!
Steph felt as if their words and gazes were physically stabbing her and almost passed out.
“To hell with your patronizing sympathy!! This is a trap—there’s no place for you to hide and no room for you to choose!!”
“Reserved: Matter at hand has priority. Master rarely speaks of own past.”
Sora’s howl what seemed like a signal to that which sat somewhere in the supermassive machine behind the giant cannon that opened its mouth with a roar: another machine. Sora and the operator inside the additional cockpit announced savagely:
“And thus, this game has greater significance in terms of my master’s present.”
“There’s only one future: Til’s complete victory!!”
Behind their words, Steph felt just as if she could hear what their eyes were telling her.
«Whyyy, it’s time for the showwwdowwwn.♥»
…Has it really not occurred to you, Stephanie Dola? Look at that Sora—that virginal young man surrounded by so many women. But in only one case has he spontaneously, voluntarily, of his own will…
That moment, the light of the Holy Forge flashed from the barrel, and suddenly a metal glob blocked the opening. Connected to the muzzle, the object sparkled—and this time, Veig froze, mech and all. It was another legacy of the past that he could not mistake.
…groped someone’s boobs.
“Can you dodge a bomb? If you know a way, as a gamer, I’d very much like to know!”
Yours, bitch!!!!
A bomb indeed, leaving no place to hide. A bomb called…yes, that’s right:
“I had taken it to mean that he preferred little girls and wondered only about his position on breasts, but…”
…The E-bomb…
“Recalculation: Irregular data added. Master preferences. Mature body observed as compatible in one instance. Reanalyzing.”
== Partie 6 ==
Jibril started scribbling in her book, while Emir-Eins’s head made scratching noises. I see… Steph swallowed. If Sora really would go for any female, then why hadn’t he touched any of them? No, why was it that, even as of now—he’d only touched Steph? It was, indeed, a question of his present situation, his preferences!!
In the cockpit behind the blazing E-bomb was Fiel, smiling.
“In any case, this is a test of my master’s ideals. His soul will speak to them. The answer is at hand.”
“Why, you’ll note that we’ve followed the rules to a T. And in a most sustainable way, if I might add.♥”
“Critical: Remaining Ex Machina cluster attempted to identify master preferences, failed. Revelation imminent.”
No magic other than seal rites. You lost if your core broke. And the players here were everyone…
If he liked small boobs, they would remake themselves at once with small boobs.
“Anyone can very well recycle the unit we lost in, caaan’t theyyy?♥”
If it was confirmed that he liked little girls, they would remain little girls for eternity, they vowed resolutely.
True, Til could connect and use Fiel’s unit. Also:
Yes—for a future that would prove the past all to have been to bring them together—! Today, they would prepare for that day of reckoning, they declared with conviction.
“Incluuuding the seal of protection of that boorish fire, and incluuuding the seal rites on the unit.♪”
Steph had her own thoughts on the matter:
Fiel had in mind the seventh player, and their fifth trump card.
—I doubt that revelation will come…
They hadn’t bothered with any seal rites for the specs, but they had bothered with seal rites.
Actually, as Steph summed it all up in her brain, her suspicion turned to conviction. Sora, indeed, would go for anything. Or, put more simply—he didn’t even really care.
They had implemented an eighty-four-fold rite using the seal of protection of an Old Deus. And they’d used the Holy Forge, the power of Ocain, to enable shifting.
But in that case—if it was impossible to make peace with the past, if it was unacceptable even to justify it—if, just as these two had declared, the past would be proven to exist for the sake of their meeting—then what about the present? What sort of answer would those two offer for their victory…?
Til had subsumed Fiel’s unit and commandeered it under the protection of Ocain. And there was no rule that Til couldn’t use that thing shifted from her hideout!! Chlammy asked suspiciously of the merry Fiel, who occupied the same cockpit:
Steph swallowed quietly and followed the others’ lead in staring at the screen seriously.
“…Fi, I’ve been wondering: Whose idea was it to use the seal of Ocain’s protection?”
—Why, in fact, had only her breasts been squeezed? Not even realizing that that was where her attention lay, alas…she watched in perfect earnest……
She’d heard of the “rites of spirit-breaking” or whatever that they’d used in the War, such as Áka Si Anse—spells that used seal rites to call upon the protection of Kainas, creator of the Elves. But it was said they were no longer usable after the Ten Covenants. In that case, this thing Fiel produced must have been newly compiled, after the War.
== Partie 5 ==
…Who would have implemented a seal rite to call upon Ocain, of all gods? For that matter, even having grown up in Elven Gard, Chlammy had never heard of a spell that could un-quasi-shift such a large mass.
However, on the other side of the screen—in the cockpit, responsible for controlling the mech as it raced across the stage—Til, more than anyone, was wheezing with questions. The backs of the two competing neck and neck with Veig seemed distant. How?
“Mmm, I don’t know, myself. It’s been the Nirvalens’ ace in the hole for generations.”
…She wondered at ways of using a spirit arm she’d never even imagined…
Fiel tilted her head. Yes, and they’d said this…
«Heh, I’m finally startin’ to see it…! The secret of how you do the impossible!!»
“They said trump cards are trump cards because you don’t reveal them until the showdown.”
His strident laughter filled the cockpit… Ah… How could a grubby little mole like Til, with neither the spiritual amplitude of Veig nor the rite-compiling chops of Fiel, accomplish this? These bullets fast enough to catch Veig, this curtain fire solid enough to stop him—
Howeverrr… She gave Chlammy her greatest smile as she continued.
«I know how you get that impossible firepower. It’s by intentionally overloading catalysts and discarding them, ain’t it?!»
“Why, my ultimate trump card is you, Chlammy.♪”
Yes—under the storm of Sora and Shiro’s Gatling gun, Veig had seen through this.
Fiel had gone to such lengths as to reveal her family’s secret. She smiled at her best friend: They had lost—and that therefore was the victory planned. Chlammy beamed and reflexively looked away, embarrassed.
“What, you’re talking about that?! D00d, that should go without saying. Of course we’d do that!!”
“If you say we can’t win…why, then we can’t win.”
“…Using magic to accelerate bullets… Laughing…at Newton’s, third law of motion…”
Yes…from the moment Chlammy had concluded that they couldn’t win…
Smiling, they declared it the basic principle of otherworldly artillery.
…Fiel had resigned from this game…
…Til had lamented the fact that she didn’t have the spirits to pull off a single spell without spirit-arm boosting, nor could she control a booster sufficiently to prevent explosion.
So, they had requested of Sora and Shiro a friendly token of appreciation for their friendly cooperation. It was a condition of the deal, in other words: No matter who won—
Sora and Shiro had laughed.
—Veig must be commanded to bear shame for the rest of his life…
—Why bother controlling it?
“Whyyy, it doesn’t matter what you do as long as you win!! Our objective is to convict that thing, the offender! In which caaase, it doesn’t maaatter who uses whose power to win. As long as the crook gets his just deserts, we have wooon!!”
—It’s gonna blow up? Excellent. Blow it the hell up.
Fiel’s bright demeanor made Chlammy chuckle.
And so their projectiles fired from their cartridges by means of intentional failure and runaway. They careened toward Veig at twenty-four times the speed of sound, difficult even for him to follow. However…
“…Well, we do have to regret a little we didn’t make good on our chance to win directly.”
«Oh, sorry ’bout that. Okay—the really impossible part.»
“But we must count ourselves blessed to have been able to pummel you a bit.♪ After allll—”
…just as Veig’s ironic voice boomed through, their bullets, which had been striking him with relentless accuracy, whiffed for the first time. And Veig’s slash flashed with movement even Til couldn’t follow:
“Yes. We are really perfect outsiders to this matter. We’re not even friends, you know?”
«Can ya own up to your trick for responding without reacting?»
As they snidely echoed Veig’s remarks, Chlammy had a thought.
Sora and Shiro’s mech demi-shifted to evade and open up the distance with ease. Veig darted through their immediate return fire. The wild cycle of evasion and engagement continued.
—They could win an unwinnable match through someone else’s power. Then how might they answer an unanswerable question?
Feeling Sora’s and Shiro’s backs grow ever farther away, Til pondered, her expression growing increasingly gloomy.
“We’ll make others answer for us… In other words, as usual, we win through sophistry.”
—How did they dodge these attacks?
—Having had their past questioned: Have you paid your tab?
—How did they land these shots?
—They answered with their future: I will when I can…
They couldn’t see what was going on. They couldn’t even react. Even Sora and Shiro were just humans. But Til could answer her own question. She knew all the answers.
—They weren’t dodging. They just weren’t where Veig would attack.
“…And so the puppet continued building the sky… The sky only they still could not see…”
—They weren’t landing shots. Veig just happened to be where their bullets would fly.
In the cramped cockpit, Chlammy smiled subtly as she gazed upon the sky before her. They’d opened it for her, for Fi, for Jibril, the Werebeasts, the Old Deus, and Ex Machina… And now…
It was more or less sophistry, playing with words—but that was the nature of their trick. They couldn’t act or react fast enough. So Til had fulfilled their order.
“They’re opening up Til’s sky… Going on until they find their own…”
«—Damn you… You’re movin’ before you move, aren’t ya?»
== Partie 7 ==
Yes—a paradoxical feeling had led that arrogant voice to point it right out.
At last, brilliant, blinding light.
Til had built them joysticks that let them input commands in advance. So how had they evaded Veig’s first strike?
Til had gathered things from outside—welded them, forged them, patched them together in one wrong way after another. Now her fire melted them all together, and cast them as ingenuity, which she used to reach the sky.
Veig had announced he’d attack. As of the moment before that, they’d already performed the input to shift out of the way, turn to where Veig would be, and fire… That was all. But even now, they remained toe-to-toe with the strong, continuing to anticipate the future again and again. They saw a different future from that which Veig saw only as a hunch, a superior future. No, they didn’t just see it—they remade it every time.
“…Uncle…have I…kept…my promise…?”
Was that just a trick? Were they just weak humans…? She couldn’t see what they saw. She couldn’t even imagine it. Most of all—
The spirits raged, and her body ached as if it was about to break.
«In that case, all I have to do is move with the assumption you’ll read me, yeah?!»
“Have I…reached a sky…that no one has seen before?!”
“Spoken like an OP scrub, all right!! Damn it—shit’s gonna get real now. You ready, Shiro?!”
The heat threatened to burn out her spirit corridor junction nerves. But alas, Til smiled regardless…
“…Mm…! Cancel that move…! Brother, use…your adrenaline dodge!”
“…Do you…want…to know…what it’s…like…?!”
—their input queues drew on Shiro’s calculation and Sora’s finesse, prediction and leading, tactics and strategy. With all of these working together, they were just barely able to stay ahead of the game. But now that the cat was out of the bag, if they ever lost the initiative…it would be too late for them to do anything. But Til most of all found herself unable to understand the emotions of Sora and Shiro that came through the catalysts as she gazed at their backs…
By now, only one thing entered her muddied consciousness: the distant sky Til was sure she’d never imagined, and that no one else ever had—the feeling of floating in a deep, black sky, Veig too far behind to see, uncertain of whether he could hear the voice she wrung out, or even whether it was coming out at all—
In the midst of the utmost tension and panic, they seemed to be having the time of their lives. Their hearts burned with a joy that was above all that, played on top of all that.
Still, she’d fulfill the promise of that distant day. She’d vowed that she would surpass him—and promised something to the bird of that day. She spelled out the wish she’d held in her heart, that her words, her smile would reach their destination.
…Suddenly, Til felt their backs getting away from her. And there, in what was supposed to be a small cockpit—
'''“You piece of shit, you’ll never understand, you won’t!! Serves you right, it does!! Pft!”'''
—she saw it…the high, blue sky. That very sky…she’d seen as a child. That…very sky…she’d stopped seeing, at some point… At that sky…where the two in the same cockpit, with the same cores, controlling the same machine were not…Til finally looked down…with a smile of resignation…and grasped it.
«Niecey!! You got to get back at me, huh?! Ain’t ya imitatin’ me?!»
Just as Sora said, she wasn’t even the lowest… Those two really had flown… That white-winged bird in that black sky. If to be able to do such things, to be able to reach such heights was what it meant to be weak, then it was true that natural gifts could never be overcome…including the natural gift of being weak.
Veig’s transmission came through at trace volume. Til did hear it, though, and she closed her eyes and grinned.
She grasped that the top and the bottom alike…lay far, far away from her…
…Please. I’m about to fall under the delusion that I have become a bird, I do. But I know…that it’s just an illusion, I do. By tomorrow, perhaps even by one second in the future, I’ll be made to know
«Well—that leaves just one more impossible, don’t it…?»
Very well then…!! Making mistakes is my only specialty—!!
The resounding transmission continued, and the feeling of the crack running through her core, too, felt far away…as did the mech which, hit by the iron fist that had finally caught up
—Assuming I can… Assuming that nothing’s impossible! I’ll fail again, and build up my mountain of mistakes, I will!!
with Sora and Shiro’s piloting, fell to the ground.
She’d lose her way, she’d get confused, she’d blunder—and every time, she’d cry and wail and gnash her teeth in vexation! Til would take the long way around like a perfect fool, getting lost repeatedly, pathetically drenched in tears and shame. She might never even know if it had meaning. But there was a sight that could only be seen by taking that foolish path.
“Aaagh… Neverrr… I’ll never accept your boobular fascismmm!!”
It could never be seen by those born with natural talent…by the birds that didn’t build airplanes.
“…B-Brother…I—I…really…can’t have…boobs?!”
It could never be seen by the birds that had never felt that obsession: I want to fly anyway. There was such an entertaining sight to see, to be found in a place no one imagined.
As did the voices of Sora and Shiro, resisting Veig’s glandular ideology. Everything, even the cockpit screen showing Veig’s machine looking down at them, even the question he asked…seemed far away…
…I’m ready to make as many mistakes as it takes. I can say that now, I can…
«…If you can do that much…why’d ya run…?»
And so, while Til went limp in Shiro’s arms—
…His question was clear-cut, free of rebuke or blame or even despair. But Til certainly couldn’t answer that, nor could anyone else—
“…Well, bet this is news to you smart folks. Here’s the common knowledge of the weak. Listen with gratitude, yeah?!”
—Sora howled at the shell of the E-bomb, which glowed like a star to announce it was ready for blast-off.
«Damn you… We were havin’ a moment there. Ain’cha ever heard of tact, ya bloody…»
“…Generally speaking, things in the world don’t go the way you imagine…”
Again with a hunch—Veig anticipated the blast that hurtled forth at almost light speed. Grumbling at that soul which made him depressed just to remember it, that soul which therefore had to be dodged, he slid one small, unruffled step to the side.
Just as they had sailed for India and mistakenly arrived in the New World; as they had tried to prove everything with mathematics and mistakenly refuted their mathematics; as they had built rockets to reach the moon and mistakenly dropped them on Earth…
«Anyway, you ain’t even got anything to do with this… I get what you’re trying to say— Wha…?!»
…As far as humans were concerned, perfection was a waste of time. They’d mess it up anyway. To seek mere perfection wasn’t going to do it. Therefore—!!
Or he tried, but it came anyway, leaving behind sound, light, everything. Undeniable—infinite in speed—it transcended space and arrived with a shock wave that flattened the surroundings. It was a direct hit, right in his mech’s chest, knocking him hundreds of meters—
“Your thinking is too damn small!! If you want to fly, you’re not gonna have a chance unless you have the guts to go past the damn moon and crash into Mars by mistake!!”
«…Oh.♥ I see, a demi-shift shot… Right, an Elf can demi-shift without an anchor… Yeah, a grub like me could never come up with ideas like— Hey, whaaa…?!»
—and yet it didn’t seem to be enough to break his core, his spirit.
“Even if you get up and down backward, you might be able to go through the planet to the sky at the other side, right?♪”
«Damn bitches, gimme a break, will ya?! I’ll beat ya to a pulp, ya shiiits!»
You might end up with a result better than perfect, right?
Veig recovered from his depression in a moment and dodged the second shot. He blew his top high enough to bust through the ceiling, and then glanced at Sora and Shiro’s machine, which had managed to get up in the brief interval.
«…You fockin’ with me? Shit—»
«……Oh… That’s how it is…? You bitches are a decoy…»
A man born with natural talent… A bird that flew by sensibility alone…transmitted back with a sense of awe at the unknown he’d never had before—or not in a long time at least.
His voice—
Indeed…they couldn’t use the E-bomb. So he didn’t know what it was they were on the verge of launching. He didn’t know what it was to accomplish. He didn’t even know a thing about the heights where his niece floated now.
«Guess I gotta go crush them before I listen to your soul, huh?»
But even so! There was one thing he was sure about. He howled with a longing he’d never felt.
—sounded as if he had seen through everything. He scoffed.
«So you’re saying you don’t know what the hell will happen. You’re bloody daft, aren’t ya?!»
«All right. You can play with these babies. I’ll be back in a minute.»
If it might be the case that Til couldn’t take it—!! That instant, Veig’s unit appeared to get blown away and then vanished from sight. One soul raced forth through the air, with maneuvers uncapturable by Sora’s eyes, or by the venue’s cameras. It left no trace; the unit broken down, it raced past its limits, riding the force of a fist.
Leaving behind countless curved blades to attack Sora, Shiro, and Til as well as blue light, Veig leaped away.
—I’ll overcome even that—
== Partie 6 ==
Detecting the single strike to end it, Sora smirked and answered inwardly.
And far, far, away, the golem decorated with countless flowers by now was not bothering to hide. The Holy Forge that pierced the skyless heavens at her back, the pilot, Chlammy, tutted once and pondered.
—Yeah. That’s right! That’s how we live, as fools incapable of anything but straying and failing and erring. Bet it’s a breath of fresh air for smarty-pants jerks like you who live with all trial and no error, huh?
The demi-shift shot… That had been their third trump card—and a very risky one, the kind that had to finish the opponent off if one were to survive afterward. Of course. The moment the opponent knew they had a shot that was more or less undodgeable, they themselves would become the top-priority target… And then—
What’s gonna happen? How the hell would I know?!
—this is what would happen. Just as the blades flew, the sleek silver frame appeared from thin air, an enemy superior to them in both specs and technique.
“That’s why you gotta test that shit! That’s what we idiots call science!”
«…Ho there, fockin’ titwads. I got a promise to be back in a minute, so, sorry—die right here, right now.»
Sora sneered and activated the contents of the E-bomb in the muzzle, and a moment later Veig unleashed one soulful strike that pierced the shell.
Chlammy chuckled to her backseat companion.
== Partie 8 ==
“…Fi? If we go head-to-head with that thing…how much chance do we stand?”
It was a full-on collision of Veig’s and Til’s souls, entangling, stirring, radiating white. No one could tell whose soul it was anymore. Everything raced through the catalysts and through the minds of all present…
“Why, it’s not even a conteeest. We’re trapped, true to the deal…”
They’d rather it not be the case, but it was a cold, hard fact. Fi answered despondently, and Chlammy nodded back. Yes—trapped. Checkmate. They’d known: That silver frame, that monster—was some bullshit that spelled doom if they let it close. That was why Sora and Shiro had agreed to provide a diversion until they lost…
…The man had been born with outstanding sensibilities. Everyone knew him to be a genius. He too knew this, not as a matter of presumption or conceit, but as a proud matter of fact. He swung his hammer without guile, yet with ferocity. To create a work that was better—no, the best. An unprecedented masterpiece. A divine revelation!! He would enter that
That was the condition of cooperation. That was the deal. And Sora and Shiro, believe it or not, had actually followed through. Now Chlammy and Fiel’s chance had crumbled. They had lost. And that was what would lead to Sora and Shiro’s victory…!!
realm only one before in the history of Dwarf, his ancestor, had laid eyes on. His eyes reflected the back of that genius who had laid his fingers on creation—the alteration of concepts. He would reach that extreme none had approached in six thousand years. The man who kept piling up successes was the second coming of that sublimity. Everyone was certain he would be the next chieftain. Amidst all this, the man was hurling invective at a strange kid who was following him around:
“Hey… Get lost already, would ya, fockin’ brat?! You’re gettin’ in the way of my work!!”
“Fi… It’s all right… I won’t lie to myself anymore…”
“I’m not getting in the way, I’m not. I’m seducing my future husband, I am.”
—Chlammy uttered something so contrary to reason. Yes—the two who had said they could go for the win had made it so much fun…
The one contradicting him as if it was nothing was, at the time, a little girl. The one who called herself his future wife.
All right then. With that, they had no regrets!!
“If you think I’m getting in your way, that just proves you have feelings for me, doesn’t it, Uncle? Doesn’t it?!”
“I won’t make you lie anymore, either. From now on—I won’t fear you, Fi…”
“Niecey, you’re gonna stand there winkin’ and blowin’ kisses at me like some bloody fool? I’ve feelings, harsh feelings!”
Yes—after all, Fi had told her that any Chlammy was the real Chlammy whom she loved.
She was the precocious daughter of one of his older stepsisters, and she’d taken an inexplicable shine to him.
“Any Fi…is the Fi I love!! So—answer with your heart!!”
“I ain’t got no interest in some kid who ain’t even got any hair grown in yet—can’t bear to look at ya. Piss off,” he commanded.
Fi opened her eyes wide and smiled from ear to ear. It wasn’t too late—
The child shuddered at the man’s sharp one-eyed glare.
'''“—If we go at it with all we’ve got—we’re not done yet, are weeee?!”'''
That was that. Everyone kept their distance from him. His eye had the gift of ending the conversation. Even children always grasped the point that he lived in a different world…until then…
'''“Why, of—course—nottt! It’s the showdown—let’s see what we have!”
“H-how do you know that I’m smooth?! Have you seen it?!”
They called a little early—as their fourth trump card raced through their bodies.
…Yes…Fi released the power from the two rites she’d been expending on sealing off her emotions so as not to scare Chlammy—
But this child shuddered because she suspected he had looked at her naked. Incidentally, this was the fifth time this exchange had occurred. In other words—
“You peeped on me?! You licked me all over with your eyes, how can I get married now, you should take responsibility, and then I’ll be the wife of the chieftain, what a way to marry up, it is! Come, come, come, Mr. Sir? If you’ll marry me, I can show you my body aaany—”
—and right then, from the machine before Veig’s eyes, Fi’s feelings expanded in the manner of a detonation. That instant, Veig lost his composure and reflexively jumped backward into a defensive stance.
“I can see from your face you ain’t got no beard, all right?! Don’t blush. Why are ya strippin’?!”
…Meanwhile, link tattoos glowed all over Chlammy’s and Fiel’s bodies. They sped up time within their bodies so that Veig’s movement felt to them terribly slow as their golem positioned its sniper cannon at its hip.
“Ah!! No, I don’t want to be the wife of some pervert who lusts after children, I don’t!!”
The feeling unleashed like a vortex was not malice, not bloodlust, and certainly not malignance. It went over a line that should not be crossed—a third line, which should never be crossed. It was a pure offering, gushing forth from every corner of Fiel’s heart.
“Listen to me, will ya?! Wait, didn’t you just say you were seducing me? What do you want?!”
[[Image:NGNL V10 13.jpg|thumb]]
No matter how he tried to get rid of her, she kept coming. The man clutched his head.
Knowing now that it would not easily break, Chlammy gripped her soul firmly and thought. Ah, she had known all along… He had only been lying about the true nature of her soul… In other words…
—The hell’s with this fockin’ brat? His niece had a strange way with words. But more than anything, it was his own sense of discomfort that confused him. Never having experienced failure or discouragement, the feeling was altogether unfamiliar to him. It would be a while before he realized it was his first experience of anger.
…what is it that makes boobs real?
“…Listen, Niecey. I’m a fockin’ genius. And that makes me a bloody fine man. You followin’ me?”
…If it was true that any fat or air she could stuff in them would just be pads—fake boobs—then what was contained in real boob? Authentic big boobs? What was it that her small boobs lacked, for which even conceptual stuffing could not compensate? It was simple. Even Sora had never said you couldn’t get big boobs. Rather, he had declared without compunction that if you only took his medicine every day, you too could have big boobs. You could. You could have big boobs. Big, fake boobs. If you weren’t to take pride in that—
“Ah! S-so you mean, when I marry you, I’ll be a fine woman?!”
“—This humble chest of mine…is filled with my soul…!”
“Argh, that ain’t it at all. This is the problem. You ain’t good for me, is what I’m sayin’.”
Indeed…her boobs were a vessel for her very self: Her dreams. Her ambitions. Her journey, as she struggled in the pursuit of the ultimate boobs. Her will, and her pride—!! Chlammy bellowed it without reserve, and Fi nodded with a bright and shining smile. Yes—by now…even Chlammy could see. When the conceptual rewriter—when the “big boob essence” had given everyone big boobs…
Back then, he had concluded thus:
…what had made Sora rage so fiercely…
“You’ll never be a fine woman.”
…was simply—
“How dare you alter my Chlammy without permission and then call her fake…”
—What would they do? It was simple—defined by their mutual vortex of feeling.
“…Uh-huhhh… What is a fine woman…?”
They weren’t going to kill him. Why would they kill him? They needed him alive.
“… Why, if you’ve no awareness of the crime you’ve committed…we shall have to teach you…”
What he needed was not death. It was understanding.
“…Then you’ll learn just what you’ve meddled with—and repeeent.”
—Get on your knees and apologize. You hear me? Do it, bitch.—
So the overwhelming form exhorted Veig. He still couldn’t grasp its meaning.
But when the golem turned red as the light bent from the vast number of spirits—an amount greater than Fiel’s own—Veig merely had a hunch he should lower his stance—
«…Ho there, looks like I ain’t gonna be able to make it in a minute… Sorry, I’ll be late.»
—and he gave Sora and Shiro a heads-up. His intuition told him he’d better respond with all his spirits as well, so he poised himself at full attention.
Ah… One race unrivaled in seal rites, another in spirit arms: the Dwarf, Veig Drauvnir, indeed a peerless talent, the greatest of his age—but let it not be forgotten who was unrivaled in compilation of sophisticated rites. The Elf, Fiel Nirvalen, likewise. Though she might not stand at the top, she was one of the few who could stand as his foe.
Two machines facing each other in a vortex of spirits and pleasure. Staking their fates, their cards, their blood—staking that which lay deep in their souls—they stood poised for battle. In fulfillment of distant vows from long ago, destruction raged like a storm, under the protection of the Covenants.
== Partie 7 ==
Meanwhile, apart from that barrel-blazing dystopia, Sora’s consciousness floated, singing the praises of love and peace, in utopia.
“First of all, she’s an adult with hair. You’re out of the question. And she’s a woman who fits me. Let’s see… So first, she has big boobs. And then, if her spirit-arm craft ain’t at least on my level, I ain’t messin’ with that, either. Otherwise, hmm, she’s damn beautiful and damn chaste and damn sexy as far as I’m concerned. That’s what it means to be a fine woman.”
'''Ah…they all called him: Shiro, Til, Jibril, Emir-Eins, and Steph of course, and even Izuna and Horou. They bashfully begged him to massage their plump breasts. Yes…in this indisputable utopia, the ample-bosomed beauties all asked him in the same sweet whisper:'''
“…Uncle, that’s just a fantasy woman, it is.”
'''Oh, what more do you want?'''
'''More? What more could I ask? he answered without a moment’s hesitation.'''
“I-I—I mean, there are no Dwarves with big boobs, there aren’t! And everything after the ‘Otherwise, hmm’ is exactly what my aunts told me virgins fantasize about, it is! Uncle, are you a virgin? By the way, what is a virgin?!”
'''Enveloped in titular bliss, he knew he had everything… For a great chest is a great thing. It should go without saying. It felt good to squeeze. It was erotically appealing—such basic, self-evident truths did not merit discussion. Who would not clutch his head to ask, Why is chocolate delicious? and be answered, Because it’s sweet? Do you then assert that dark chocolate is not delicious? If all you want is sweetness, then go eat some sugar. If one were to ask where lay the appeal of large bosoms and insist on one simple answer, Sora’s would be this: It lay in their symbolism. Indeed, big boobs are symbolic… To be frank: Don’t they give you the sense that you could squeeze them and get away with it? To gird this theory, let us imagine what sorts of onomatopoeia we might use to describe the act of squeezing large breasts.'''
“Shut up! What’s wrong with an outta-this-world man wanting an outta-this-world woman? Those fockin’ sisters of mine!!”
'''—Bwoing. Jiggle. Floof. Listen to your intuition: No harm no foul, right?'''
And then:
'''Now let us imagine the sorts of onomatopoeia we might use for small breasts.'''
“Heh, you’re hopeless, you are. I’ll just have to become a fine woman for you, I will.”
'''—Boop. Plink. Bwip. Have you any doubt that this is a crime?'''
'''Therefore: What more could he ask for?! Embraced by a legion of voluptuous beauties, Sora was sure: I mean—I’ll say this once and say it again…I love…'''
“In another thirteen, I’ll be an adult, I will. I’ll be downright bushy, I will!! I’ll be beautiful, and oh so chaste, whatever that means, I will! Then you just have to get me sexy, and that’s that, it is!!”
…the child whose pale blue eyes sparkled as she spoke started to feel extremely dissatisfied.
“I’ll do my best to make spirit arms like you, I will. If you just give up on the big boobs, I’ll be such a fine woman, right in front of you! And I’ll help you stop being a virgin, I will!!”
“'''Eeyaagh?!''' Uh, huh-wha…?! Wh-what was that? I’ve no idea, I’ve nottt!”
She smiled as if to ask: So what is a virgin? He thrust back feelings he didn’t understand himself—
Sora was roughly brought back to reality by the shock that abruptly shook the whole stage. To be more precise, it was Til—to be yet more plain, Til’s almost stark-naked abdomen—her highly elastic tummy slapping against his back that brought Sora back at the speed of sound—
“It ain’t happening. Such a good-for-nothin’ ain’t ever gonna get how to make spirit arms.”
'''“—Whoaaaaaa?! Hey—shhhiiiiiiiiit!!!”'''
…And that—
—as the curved blades came at similar speeds. He just barely managed to dodge that one that had grazed him. And—shit—he clucked as its path curved above his head.
was the man’s first misreading…
Veig’s parting gifts turned in the air like boomerangs to attack him. It was as if they had some homing ability. They were easier to deal with than Veig himself, but—
“……A good-for-nothing…? …What? You mean me…?”
“…Ah…if I had, big boobs…and it was an accident—then you could get away with it…with me…”
…What? What’s with those teary eyes like you can’t believe what you just heard?! The man felt ever more uncomfortable.
Shiro mumbled, her eyes bereft of light. Her joystick looked like it was about to break into pieces. You could see what that little scratch had done to her. She asked as if in a trance:
“Wh-why nottt? I-I’ll d-do my best, I will.”
“…I’ll pretend not to like it, okay? Brother…are you that against…big-boobed Shiro…?”
“Your best ain’t gonna do it…!! Why can’t you see?!”
Sora could see ever clearer that if they took a direct hit, her core—her heart would break. He held her on his lap and did his best to speak gently.
Ah—the child truly didn’t understand.
“Shiro. I’ll tell you once and tell you again… Your brother loves you no matter how you look.”
Dwarf was a race that created exactly what it imagined. But she didn’t see that she didn’t see what he saw. She’d never even imagined she might not have talent. The man stood bewildered as to why that was so uncomfortable for him.
Shiro was still caught in the illusion. Her cheeks flushed. Yet Sora continued:
“…I…I just don’t—understand, I don’t… A-after all…”
'''“But if we submit to Veig’s way of thinking, I’ll end up rejecting any Shiro that isn’t big boobed!!”'''
She rebutted between sobs.
“—Uh. Wha…? …Uh, ee…eegh?!”
“…Uncle, you don’t understand why I don’t understand, you don’t!”
That knocked her to her senses. White-faced, struggling against despair, she took hold of her joystick once more.
And at last the man had his answer.
That’s right… A big-boobed Shiro? Truth be told, he had no problem with that. She was fundamentally a perfect, flawless beauty. The materials were just too good; it was obvious. But that son of a bitch. He messed with Shiro based on his own shit taste. And on top of that, he called everyone without big boobs fake. And he rejected all that had come before, the past and the present—
'''“U-Uncle—you can’t overcome the limits of your own imagination, you can’t!!”'''
—Veig had rejected his actual sister.
“R-really…I’ve already surpassed your imagination, by being unimaginable to you, I have. I’ll make a spirit arm that surpasses you easily… S-see, I’ve won the argument, I have!”
He’d rejected Shiro in her entirety—!!!
…Indeed…the man himself did not understand the child. He couldn’t imagine what she was thinking, what she was feeling, what…she was crying about… The man she admired over all others had told her she was good for nothing. But she argued against that absolute pronouncement and declared that she’d yet overcome it, weeping and despairing while her eyes burned with blue fire. It was that paradox that baffled the man who never strayed or erred:
Who the hell was going to break? Not me! Not until I make you understand who’s got the shit taste, asshole!! The Gatling gun and the siblings flared at another blade curving at them.
…He feared that unimaginable child…
“…I—I…can’t take…any more, I can’t…!”
…The man had been born with outstanding sensibilities. They grasped even that divine realm only his ancestor had seen. And thereby he became the first in history to reach the extreme that in over six thousand years no one had been able to approach.
But amidst the roar of their muzzle as they took the blade down, even more than Sora and Shiro—
And then? What next?
“…The unit, my hammer, and I are at their limits, they are…”
The man could only imagine following in the footsteps of his ancestor, but still he had a hunch. Given all this, what was it that his ancestor had seen before he reached this realm?
—the unit, the hammer, and Til whined together that they were about to break.
He couldn’t have been a normal Dwarf. He must have been different, something unreadable, incomprehensible, unimaginable… Rather like that well-endowed lady his ancestor was said to have loved…or—
…To begin with, it was a miracle that their mech even worked. It wouldn’t have been surprising for it to break down at any time, or even to explode right at the start.
“I—I promise I’ll make a spirit arm that surpasses you, I do.”
“…I knew it, you two flew, you did… You were birds, you were…”
—like the paradoxical child declaring this irresolute resolution—
But Til sounded even closer to breaking, having already broken into tears.
“…Arright then. Go make a spirit arm that surpasses mine and bring it back here.”
“If you only had a better machine, you could have…won…even…against the chieftain—”
—to overcome six thousand years of Dwarven stagnation…and the limits of sensibility—
And she went on: There never was a place for junk like me…
“I’ll be here waiting for the damn fine woman who can beat me. It’s a promise.”
—to become a damn fine woman.
The man and the child joined pinkies in a solemn oath. He didn’t understand what was meant by her eyes, which looked up at him holding back tears. But he decided that, until he understood, until he was surpassed—he’d be the finest man imaginable…to be a good match for such a fine woman.
The boom of their Gatling gun as it took down another blade, along with the explosion of their left arm, drowning her out.
But the child fled…
“Ha-haa! Six left!! …Uh, sorry, Til, I wasn’t listening. What did you say?!”
She was still a paradox, while he still did not understand her at all, running even as he chased. The days and months passed idly—until one day…
“…She said…it’s her fault, you…became, a big-boobs fascist…”
…the man fell right into the trap of two strange Immanities. The otherworlders were winning while running from their past. The contradiction made the man sure: These two would know why the child ran.
“The hell?! How could that be? Her tummy just totally made me into a loli—ow!”
…And his hunch was proven right. However—
Sora goofed around, and Shiro elbowed him. Their grins implied…
“…A damn ham-fisted resolution… I was the one running, huh?”
…that they hadn’t heard her. Til’s eyes lolled about.
—as their consciousnesses melded and the man touched the soul of the child from back then, he laughed at himself. He’d been called out on his limits—and he himself had run from overcoming them.
“Hey, Til, you overworked?! Humans can’t fly, you know?! We’re cheating, that’s all it is. We’re cheating!!”
And from trying to imagine why the child had cried that day. Her eyes, heavy with unease, had sought—
Indeed, in the first place, they were mere humans, mere weaklings—mere cheaters. You could dress it up with words like ingenuity, but:
—someone to be her place of belonging, to take her fumbling hand as she looked up to that sky where she knew she couldn’t fly…in that darkness as deep as her will. That was all… The man shouldn’t have waited to be surpassed. He should have sought with the child a way to surpass his limits.
'''“Even if an airplane flies, it’s not a human, but an airplane that’s flying, you know?!”'''
“… Really? Is that really how it is? You were running? Are you sure?”
'''“…And…we’re not even, the ones…who built—the airplanes, you know…?!”'''
In their melding consciousnesses, the sarcastic laughter of a young man interrupted their thoughts.
“You think falling into the junk heap with Til and becoming like Shiro and me is not running? You think that’s being right? Yeah, maybe it is. But maybe it isn’t.”
What made Til gasp? Was it the sound suggesting that the Gatling gun in their right arm which had felled the blade was about to break? Or was it a recognition of the irony in the savage sneers of Sora and Shiro?
Was the man running from his tab? From the paradoxical child who hoped for what he couldn’t imagine? From his paradoxical self who tried to understand a child he couldn’t? Chasing after the child who fled against his sensibilities that told him it was impossible, going so far as to put us on the hook…
Indeed, these were the black arts of the weak, those who had to resort to such measures to win. The numerous tricks Sora and Shiro had shuffled out to compete with Veig—their strategies, their tactics; mathematical prediction, informed inducement, far-ranging academic disciplines and theoretical frameworks—all of it.
So, what’s the difference between running and running from running…?
“All we’re doing is patching together stuff we’ve borrowed from others!!”
== Partie 9 ==
The proud weak, the lovable fools—humans had endlessly maintained a way of life antithetical to the forging of Dwarves. The human way was a process of failure and error which continued pathetically on and on…while even so going on struggling, flailing in the dark.
And so…the impact that shook to the surface left the cave. The force that connected the parts of the massive body ceased, and pieces of metal fell like hail. Through the whirlwind of dust walked a man who carried an unconscious girl. A rusty man. His mithril had lost its luster due to spiritual overload, his hair and his beard now rusted over… But strangely it seemed to be the true form of a man with the surname Drauvnir. It seemed proof of the way of life of a fool, using and abusing himself to overcome himself, not knowing what would happen, unafraid of overload—the only one to overcome the limits of his race…
Until something just happened to fit together. Until something was born from a mistake—a miraculous byproduct of wandering lost. It was by patching things together that they drove that forward. But still, they cried out—!!
I won’t let her die. The man had sacrificed his frame and overcome his limits to save his niece. But then suddenly—seeing her unconscious in his arms yet unwilling to release her hammer, looking genuinely happy, her chest rising and falling dramatically in sleep, smiling—
“Still, that’s not enough to win—so…!”
“……Ha…ha…! Haaa—ha-ha-haaa…!!”
“…Gotta, collect, more…!”
—the man at last collapsed, like his broken soul sword, spread-eagled over the ground laughing.
The limited legacy of Dwarf. The stubborn theory of Elf. And—
“…Ahh… My fockin’ niece beat me good… The future is hers… I’ve lost…”
Til’s eyes opened wide.
Yes: Veig recognized his defeat. He looked up to the heavens—and at last, he and all the Dwarves watching the broadcast—
What was reflected in those pale blue eyes, most likely, was the ultimate despair engendered by five curved blades. Their silver traces carved the air, coming at them faster than sound, their trajectories fatal. The Gatling gun and the right arm that held it were smashed up. Their frame was on its last legs, unlikely to be able to make it through another demi-shift. But that was why, Sora and Shiro savagely sneered. They were echoed by a roaring explosion. The next moment—
—saw…the sky…
“We’re flying on the wings we borrowed from your way of life.”
An unknown sky, inconceivable underground…yet they saw it. That of which Til had spoken—just as that which had closed off the sky before had broken, for the first time in six thousand years, it was pried open—that which lay beyond the high blue sky…
“…You feel that, Veig Drauvnir? You see how small you are, how shitty your taste?” asked one of the shadows peering down at him. The shadowy figure glanced at the group that Jibril had saved the moment Veig’s core had broken.
…Til gaped again at the frame that soared high into the sky, and at Sora’s laugh—but a feeling different from that of a moment ago coursed through the catalysts.
[[Image:NGNL V10 12.jpg|thumb]]
—It’ll go out of control and blow up? Excellent—blow it the hell up.
“You gotta fight with people on your level. Sorry, man. You’re just not up to playing me yet.”
The explosion of their legs propelled them so now they were way up looking down at those five blades. Her feeling was directed toward those two, who aligned their sights with those blades, and toward herself, who looked to the high, blue sky within that cockpit…
Ah, what a small man he had been. Veig looked up at Sora, seeing in him a very different kind of man.
She looked up with confusion, worry, and even resignation.
“…Small boobs, big boobs, even humongous boobs; fake boobs and real boobs… They are all boobs…”
High and blue… It was the sky…
A big man… Such a big man. Sora eyed him calmly.
The mountain of failure and error she’d piled up from the things she’d found haphazardly, not even knowing what value they had…
“If you claim to love boobs, how can you speak of right or wrong? Speak of love.”
It all came together as if someone had made a mistake. She’d seen that sky as a child, and then it had gone from her—and now here she was. The heights she’d never even imagined…the place she’d longed for. Now—the three of them together had leaped there—at last Til realized.
The big, big man’s voice was so clear you could hear him all the way to nirvana.
“Come on… How long are you going to hold back?”
“To reject boobs other than those of the uniform ponderous size you favor as fake, and to impose this view on others…”
Sora pulled up the corners of his mouth and howled at Til over the roar of his fire piercing the blades below.
No censure, no blame, no scorn or spite could be heard in his voice…only the sound of a man who had obtained enlightenment and imparted to the world the truth.
“To speak to such a soul is less than my soul is worth.”
“Isn’t this the ultimate moment you thought you’d only see in your dreams?! Here you are in the sky!! Beyond the limits you thought imaginable—so how does it feel?!”
…Dost thou find it wonderful? Then may it be wonderful. No one can violate thy freedom to so find it. Then why, in speaking thy feelings, shalt thou denigrate others’? Indeed…
……Gasp… Til chuckled ambiguously as the machine fell
“Ideal tits? They’re perfect if you work on them? Ahh, how small, how small!!”
And then, the clunky mech, reduced to an immobile heap of metal by the devastation of its limbs, collapsed onto the ground.
It was he, Veig, who had lacked confidence. Whereas this immeasurable man, as vast as the sky, had stood from the beginning far beyond Veig, on a higher plane.
«……Hff… Oh, good God! Ah well, I suppose we’ve had our fun!»
…He was one truly great virgin. Yes…
Chlammy’s surly tone came through the comm system of the once-humanoid machine that was now a pile of scrap.
“If ya want ideal boobs, you’re not gonna have a chance unless you have the guts to go for the woman who goes way the hell past your ideals, are ya?!”
«Go do as you like, as per the deal!! Waaah! Fiii, I can’t staaand iiit!»
Ah…it was just as his fockin’ niece had said. The child that day had already surpassed him…and now she’d become a fine woman who surpassed his imagination. Sora smiled at this, too.
…Ha-ha… Looks like Chlammy and Fiel really hung in there, too… Sora and Shiro smirked together in the cockpit.
“…Yeah. It was my limit to pursue mere perfection.”
“Yeah… I’d say we’ve had our fun, too. Didn’t think we’d make it this far.♪”
Veig felt he’d seen for the first time what that child kept yearning for. She hadn’t been looking at the birds. From the very start, she’d been looking at the sky in which they flew…
“…Mm… Now…from here, on…it’s, your turn to play…Til.♪”
“…Ah, finally I can see what my fockin’ niece saw.”
“…………Uh. Um? I… What?”
That sky one wished for and longed for and pined for and yet could never imagine: that which he’d always pursued…the ideal big tits that surpassed the perfect… Ah, yes…
They turned to Til as if handing off a controller. She looked back blankly.
“We can’t beat this. Doesn’t matter what kind of machine we have… We just can’t.”
Veig gazed innocently at Til as she slept, her rising and falling chest—her humongous boobs. Tits of such excess as to look a little unbalanced, allowing statuesque beauty to crumble. He smiled at this ideal he’d finally found, an ideal beyond limits. He was happy……
“…We can’t…answer the question… We can’t…settle our past…”
== Partie 10 ==
For a moment, they looked down as they spoke. But only for a moment. Then they gazed into Til’s eyes with smiles of heartfelt fun… Yes, they looked into those pale blue eyes, which were hotter than red-hot yet had been quivering with naked fragility. The fire that had smoldered, I won’t accept it, and, I won’t give in…rebelling passively. The eyes at last lit with a will that could no longer be shaken…I want to win—
Indeed… Only two in history had seen that divine realm. A third who had opened the door without being able to see it was responsible for this by-product of a successful failure. In the E-bomb shell had been placed two false ethers to conceptually resonate.
“But, Til—I think, now, you can answer. Right?”
“Hey—th-these are heavy; I can’t even stand! ‘Big’ doesn’t even describe these!”
“…Til…why did you run…?”
“You see, Dora, this is the conceptual rewrite of ‘big boob(?) essence’—”
“Analysis: Bust value of woman of unknown name. Provisionally categorized under handle ‘megatits.’ Very niche support.’”
Yes…the third person at whom Veig’s question was directed, the main heroine—his niece, Til. She could do it, they said. But Til peered back into Sora’s eyes as if trying to determine the truth behind his words.
“What are you talking about?! These are going to turn back, aren’t they? I can’t live like this!”
“Hey. Even if you build an airplane to fly, that doesn’t make you a bird.”
“Why, I’m fine if we don’t turn back, insofar as I’ve happened to match Chlammy. ”
—Sora, the dark sky, spoke back.
“You must be joking! Why do I have even less now?! I won’t tolerate having no boobs! Hey, Fi, saying your small boobs match me, are you indirectly dissing me?! Give me back my boobs!”
“But birds don’t build airplanes… Why do you think that is?”
“Query: This unit’s bust provisionally categorized under ‘ample bosom’… Questioning conceptual rewrite of ‘big boob essence.’”
—The sky of a color higher than blue, from beyond the greatest heights, smirked back.
“You see, it is not ‘big boob essence’ but ‘big boob(?) essence’—”
“FYI, there are things you can only see when you’re lower than anyone.”
And there the ladies cavorted, their boobs changing randomly. Exactly as in the experiment four days earlier, except that this time it worked without an explosion. The conceptual rewriter used Lóni Drauvnir’s “big boob essence” along with one other false essence. Yes, just the same thing had happened as four days ago—instead of an explosion, it was its by-product. In other words:
“…Let’s blast off…so high…together, higher than the birds.♪”
“To summarize, it seems to be as in the experiment of four days ago, when, according to the sublime teachings of my masters, I engraved on unprocessed essence a seal identical to that for the big boob essence and activated this unidentified essence,” Jibril rehashed for the two who hadn’t been there. “I posit that a two-way reaction with the big boob essence
They invited her where she’d begged to go.
has generated a composite conceptual rewrite.”
—Til looked down and grinned.
Indeed…the principle was unknown. No one even understood how conceptual falsification worked. Thus, even Jibril was unable to explicate or elucidate this incomprehensibility. But she described it in words in such a rough manner as was possible. So:
“Heh, heh-heh-heh. Heh, I say. Excellent, then, leave it to meee!!”
“In short—the conceptual rewrite is in the form of a question: ‘Are these big boobs?’”
—If it was a place reachable only by the most inferior—
“These clearly cannot be described as big boobs!”
“There’s no spirit-arm artisan worse than me in the worrrld, there’s not!!”
“Yes, you see, it is ‘big boob(?) essence,’ such as to make everyone ask, ‘These are big boobs?’”
—then no one but she could get there!! She shouted forth her zeal and her thirst, and the absolute truth—namely!
'''“For I—am as smooth as a dolphin, I aaam!!!”'''
== Partie 11 ==
“For the record, this is the first and last time I’m gonna play Cupid for anyone, all right?!”
“Hey, okay, I sort of get it, but just let me say this: You are talking about beards, right?!”
Sora cried out just to make sure, but he was no longer in the scope of Til’s concern… Seeming as unstoppable as a fired arrow, Til violently kicked open a hatch of the cockpit and flew out.
Sora paid no attention to the commotion. He took the hand of his sister, apparently the only one unaffected: Big boobs? Where?
With blinding speed, she started fixing her cracked hammer…
“For God’s sake, I’m still updating my years alive and without a girlfriend!! And now I’m supposed to help some d00d land a heroine?! And not just any heroine, but the one and only—the real thing—the brown legal Loli monster girl!”
“…I hope you find…happiness.♪ That’s one heroine…out of the running…”
The siblings walked away. Veig heard them loud and clear. He grinned softly at the sleeping face of his niece, who still smiled happily in his arms.
“…Ho… Bitches, I’ve heard your answer… I feel your soul…”
There was something the otherworldly siblings had never spoken of to the end. They hadn’t put that answer into words, or even returned it in their souls. Indeed…
“I was wrong to question you. Thanks for showin’ me…the sky…”
He got the sense that if they could beat this game world, they could say they’d fled to win… So:
“Lemme help ya build the sky of your future. Let’s be bosom buddies.”
They’d overthrow this game world, its rules, everything. They’d beat the world. Just you wait.
We’re coming for you next, friggin’ Earth…
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